Activities for which a license is not required. Licensing of activities. Activities requiring serious financial investments

Before starting any business, first of all, you should study the legal framework. Knowledge of laws and regulations will allow you to submit all reports on time and avoid many problems with regulatory authorities.

One of the important aspects of doing any business is licensing. This issue is regulated by Federal Law 129-FZ of 08.08.2001 "On licensing certain types of activities." It sets out the basic licensing rules.

Licensing is essentially a confirmation of the right of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to engage in a particular type of activity. Licensing is subject to those activities that can harm the health or life of citizens, their legitimate interests, or the cultural heritage and security of the country.

Obtaining a license is not very difficult. It is necessary to collect a complete package of documents in a timely manner and submit an application to the appropriate authority. Before obtaining a license, you must clearly identify for yourself what types of activities will be carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

What is a license for?

In addition to the types of activities for which a license is required, there are also those for which only a permit is sufficient. There are also a number of activities that are not subject to licensing at all.

However, if an activity has any of these characteristics, a license will most likely be needed. These include:

  • the possibility of causing harm to people, their rights and health;
  • the possibility of causing harm to the environment;
  • the possibility of causing harm to the state, defense;
  • activities related to the country's cultural heritage.

Only after obtaining a license can one begin to engage in such activities.

All types subject to licensing can be conditionally divided into several groups. Since there are currently more than five hundred such activities, their classification can help organize this information.

So, licensed activities include:

  • activities related to the processing, release and distribution of any means of information protection. The same activities include the production and maintenance of encryption devices, as well as the distribution of these devices or the provision of data protection;
  • everything that can be attributed to the field of aviation - design, production, production, service. This area also includes actions with military equipment;
  • production, sale or service of any type of weapon;
  • work with explosive or chemically hazardous substances that can be used as a result of production;
  • activities related to extinguishing fires. In this case, the only exception will be voluntary assistance in extinguishing fires by other organizations;
  • maintenance and installation of fire safety equipment in public, commercial or residential premises;
  • work with medicines, especially with narcotic and psychotropic substances. This group also includes activities related to the production and maintenance of medical equipment;
  • activities related to genetic engineering;
  • activities related to the carriage of passengers or cargo by air, water or rail;
  • transportation of passengers by car with a capacity of more than eight seats;
  • activities related to the disposal or storage of waste hazardous to life or health;
  • activities for the maintenance and organization of gambling, as well as sweepstakes;
  • security activities, as well as the activities of private detectives;
  • activities related to work with ferrous or non-ferrous metal, its processing, storage, transportation, sale;
  • activities related to the employment of citizens outside the Russian Federation;
  • communication services, work with audio or video products;
  • educational activities;
  • activities related to the study of space;
  • work with maps of national importance; activities related to hydrometeorology;
  • carrying out expert examinations in production;
  • work with explosive materials.

In short, those activities are subject to licensing, the results of which may be dangerous to others or cause any harm. More detailed licensed activities are disclosed in Art. 12 of the Federal Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities".

Before starting work, it is imperative to clarify whether the selected type of activity is subject to mandatory licensing.

How to get a license

Depending on the type of activity, the procedure for obtaining a license may differ. So, for some species, you just need to write a statement, for others, you need to collect quite impressive packages of documents. For example, to obtain a license to operate a pharmaceutical company, you must go through two stages. First of all, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is obtained. Only with this help you can get a license.

The easiest way to obtain a license is to contact lawyers. They will do everything right and in the shortest possible time.

Today, you can find out information about the list of necessary documents for obtaining a license in many legal companies. They can also help with the collection, verification of documents and submitting them to the appropriate authorities. This is undoubtedly a paid service. In this case, you should decide what is more profitable - to spend time collecting information and a package of documents or to pay for the services of lawyers.

If you independently obtain a license, you should contact the licensing authority. Together with the application, you must submit a certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs), as well as a certificate of registration with the tax authority and a receipt for payment of the license fee. The rest of the list of documents is determined by the type of activity for which the license is obtained.

In Russia, certain types of entrepreneurial activity require obtaining an appropriate permit or license. In total, the list of licensed activities includes more than fifty items. A complete list has been approved by federal legislation (Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ). It includes many services that start-up entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses often choose as the main ones.

What types of activities need a license

It is quite common in our country to obtain a license for:

  • provision of services for the transportation of more than eight people by road (not counting the own needs of the legal entity / individual entrepreneur);
  • manufacture and sale of copyrighted printing products;
  • services for security and detective work;
  • services for the employment of Russians abroad;
  • provision of communication services;
  • radio and television broadcasting;
  • manipulations related to scrap (non-ferrous and ferrous metals);
  • elimination of fires in places where people live, at enterprises and other facilities;
  • work with fire safety devices in premises;
  • manufacture of medicines;
  • educational services;
  • copying works of authorship (audio, video), computer programs, information bases, phonograms (the own activities of persons who have related or copyright rights are not considered);
  • geodesy / cartography services (federal work);
  • services in the field of public health protection;
  • pharmaceutical activity;
  • management of residential multi-apartment buildings;
  • mine surveying work.

In addition, there are many types of entrepreneurship on the list that are less widespread, but also require a license. These include work related to the use of ion radiation sources; with the impact on the processes and phenomena of the hydrometeorological and geophysical spheres. A license is also required to carry out works aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of the country, to carry out an examination for industrial safety. As well as work related to the circulation of industrial explosives, any activity (development, manufacture, sale, testing, storage, repair) with weapons, military equipment and special means (technical) for secretly obtaining data.

In addition, you need a license for:

  • Development, manufacture of systems for technical protection of confidential information, provision of services for the implementation of protection.
  • Manipulations with ammunition and pyrotechnics (fourth and fifth grades).
  • Work with chemical weapons (storage, disposal).
  • Operation of hazardous facilities (explosion, fire and chemical) production, from the first to the third class of hazard.
  • Turnover of narcotic, psychotropic drugs, growing plants containing narcotic elements.
  • Manufacturing / maintenance of equipment used in healthcare.
  • Transport services in water and sea space (transportation of passengers, dangerous goods by specialized vehicles).
  • Carrying out work on the transportation of people and goods by air.
  • Provision of services for the transportation of passengers and goods by rail.
  • Carrying out works on loading and unloading dangerous goods in seaports and on the railway.
  • Towed by sea.
  • Waste handling from the first to the fourth hazard classes.
  • Carrying out and organizing gambling.

There is also another list. Only the specified requirements are spelled out not in the licensing law, but in other regulatory legal acts:

  • in the nuclear power industry;
  • production and sale of strong alcohol;
  • lending;
  • protection of state secrets;
  • bidding;
  • work in the securities market;
  • clearing activities;
  • provision of insurance services;
  • space industry.

The list shows that in most cases, licensing requires activities involving large amounts of funds. Small and medium-sized businessmen rarely choose any of the industries listed in the last list for their work. The only exception is, perhaps, the sale of strong alcohol.

Which OKVED correspond to licensed types of activity

There are differences between the types of activity requiring a license and the OKVED classifier codes, which must be indicated with / for a legal entity. In some cases, the types of activity are 100% the same as the OKVED classifier codes. For example, the activity for the manufacture of medicines has an OKVED code of 21.20, and services for the transportation of passengers by rail at 49.10.

In contrast, activities related to the pharmaceutical industry, which also require a license, are subject to a range of classifier codes. For example, the code 46.46 is prescribed for the wholesale of drugs, 47.73 for the retail sale of drugs in pharmacies, 21.20 for the manufacture of drugs. That is why, when registering an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, difficulties arise with the selection of the OKVED classifier code for the licensed line of business. In case of difficulties, you can contact a specialized organization that provides consulting services. Experts will help you to correctly select OKVED codes for registration, so that subsequently an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity can provide a full range of services.

Where to get a license

If the type of activity requires a license, then it is unacceptable to start work before obtaining a special permit. This is a violation of federal law, which is punishable by fines, seizure of property, materials, equipment and other types of punishment, up to and including criminal. Only individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are entitled to conduct licensed activities. persons who have special permission paper.

The issuance of the document necessary for the work is carried out by state structures (depending on the profile of the licensed activity. For example, the provision of services in the education sector is regulated by Rosobrnadzor, issues of transporting people - by Rostransnadzor. You can obtain a permit for security activities from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. obtaining a license from Roszdravnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor Permits for retail sale of alcohol are issued by Rosalkogolregulirovanie In regions, you should contact the territorial divisions of the authorized bodies.

Certain activities can only be carried out with a license. The types of activities subject to licensing are listed in the Law on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities in 2018 in the latest edition. This list is closed. See what types of activities are covered by this Federal Law, and how to find their list by OKVED codes.

Licensing legislation in 2018

In federal law No. 99-FZ of 04/05/2011, officials have identified a list of activities subject to licensing. The types of activities listed in the law can be carried out only after obtaining a special state permit - a license.

Article 12 of Law No. 99-FZ dated 04/05/2011 lists 49 licensed types of activities. However, this is not the only law listing licensed activities.


The production and circulation of alcoholic beverages are not named in Article 12 No. 99-ФЗ dated 04/05/2011, these types of activities are licensed on the basis of Law No. 171-ФЗ dated 22.11.1995.

Activities subject to licensing in 2018

The types of activities subject to licensing in 2018 are spelled out in clause 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ. This list includes:

  1. development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems;
  2. development, production, sale and purchase for the purpose of sale of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information;
  3. activities to identify electronic devices designed to secretly obtain information;
  4. development and production of means of protecting confidential information;
  5. activity on technical protection of confidential information;
  6. production and sale of printed products protected from counterfeiting;
  7. development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment;
  8. development, production, testing, installation, installation, maintenance, repair, disposal and sale of weapons and military equipment;
  9. development, production, testing, storage, repair and disposal of civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms, trade in civilian and service weapons and main parts of firearms;
  10. development, production, testing, storage, sale and disposal of ammunition;
  11. storage and destruction of chemical weapons;
  12. operation of fire and explosion hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities;
  13. activities to extinguish fires in settlements, at production facilities and infrastructure;
  14. installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures;
  15. production of medicines;
  16. production and maintenance of medical equipment;
  17. circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, cultivation of narcotic plants;
  18. activity in the field of using causative agents of infectious diseases of humans and animals;
  19. activity on transportation by inland water transport, sea transport of passengers;
  20. activity on transportation of dangerous goods by inland water transport, sea transport;
  21. activities for the carriage of passengers by air;
  22. activities for the carriage of goods by air;
  23. activities for the carriage of passengers by road, equipped for the carriage of more than eight people;
  24. activities for the carriage of passengers by rail;
  25. activities related to the transportation of dangerous goods by rail;
  26. loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods in railway transport;
  27. loading and unloading activities in relation to dangerous goods in inland water transport, in seaports;
  28. activities for the implementation of towing by sea transport;
  29. activities for the collection, transportation, processing, utilization, disposal, disposal of wastes of I - IV hazard classes;
  30. activities for the organization and conduct of gambling in bookmakers and sweepstakes;
  31. private security activities;
  32. private detective (detective) activity;
  33. procurement, storage, processing and sale of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap;
  34. provision of services for the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  35. provision of communication services;
  36. television broadcasting and radio broadcasting;
  37. production of copies of audiovisual works, programs for electronic computers, databases and phonograms on any kind of media;
  38. activities in the field of using sources of ionizing radiation (generating) (except for the case if these sources are used in medical activities);
  39. educational activities;
  40. geodetic and cartographic activities;
  41. production of mine surveying works;
  42. work on active influence on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena;
  43. activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas;
  44. medical activity;
  45. pharmaceutical activity;
  46. activities for the preservation of cultural heritage sites;
  47. activities for the examination of industrial safety;
  48. activities related to the handling of industrial explosives;
  49. entrepreneurial activity in the management of apartment buildings.

Licensed activities in 2018: list by OKVED codes

There is no special reference book in which you can check whether a given OKVED code refers to a licensed type of activity. Therefore, to check whether a license is needed or not, it is necessary in essence of the type of activity.

Some of the names of the types of activity almost literally coincide both in the OKVED classifier and in the licensing law. For example, "production of medicines" (OKVED code 21.20). In the law on licenses, this type of activity is spelled out in clause 15.

Other types of activity listed in the law on licenses may simultaneously correspond to several OKVED codes. Therefore, you will have to choose the essence of the activity.

Note: if you have specified OKVED in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which requires a license, this does not oblige you to obtain it immediately. You should issue it only if you are really engaged in this type of activity.

But keep in mind that the inspecting authorities may still have questions, so if in the near future you have no plans to develop a new direction that requires a special permit, it is better not to enter such OKVED in the register.

How licensing of certain types of activities is carried out in 2018

We found out which Federal Law regulates this area. Now let's figure out how the licensing process works.

Why get a license

The licensing procedure appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation so that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs do not harm consumers of certain goods, works and services.

License Requirements

Some activities are potentially dangerous or require special knowledge, skills or qualifications from the performers. Such activities can be performed by organizations and entrepreneurs who are able to fulfill certain conditions - licensing requirements.

Officials can check:

  • Availability of specially equipped premises and equipment for conducting certain activities,
  • Availability of personnel with the necessary knowledge and qualifications to carry out the licensed activity,
  • Implementation of a quality control system for manufactured products.

Obtaining a license

Submit your application for a license to the licensing authority. For a list of them, see the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 957.

Each licensing body develops a regulation on licensing the type of activity assigned to it. The regulation lists the documents that the applicant must provide in order to confirm the fulfillment of the license requirements.

Within 45 working days after receiving documents from the applicant, officials issue a license or make a reasoned decision to refuse.

Renewal of a license

The licensee is obliged to renew the license in the following cases:

To renew the license, submit a paper or electronic application to the licensing authority. Within 30 working days, officials make a decision to issue a new document.


Certain activities are subject to licensing. Look in the licensing law which activities in 2018 are subject to licensing. Consider the time frame for processing applications by officials to avoid downtime due to lack of a license.

Review of the latest changes in taxes, contributions and salaries

You have to restructure your work due to numerous amendments to the Tax Code. They affected all major taxes, including income tax, VAT and personal income tax.

Each individual entrepreneur and LLC at the initial stages of their formation asked a question about the need to obtain licenses.

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Let's find out what types of activities that are subject to licensing are included in the list established by the legislation of Russia in 2020.

Each person who opens a legal entity or individual enterprise must familiarize themselves with the list of activities that are subject to licensing.

By revising such a list, you will know for sure whether you need to obtain permission to do business, or you can safely conduct business by simply registering a company.

Consider what exactly you need to get a license for in 2020.

What do you need to know?

First, let's look at the basic concepts that companies and individual entrepreneurs face when obtaining permits for a certain type of activity.

Basic concepts

A license is a permit or the right to carry out a number of actions that can be certified by appropriate documents.

In Russia, the procedure for issuing licenses for certain types of activities is spelled out in, which was approved by the government on 08.08.2001.

The list of types of work (more precisely, business), for which you need to obtain a special permit, is contained in.

There are separate normative legal acts that govern the rights and responsibilities of the parties. For example:

What types of activities are subject to licensing in Russia

About a hundred types of activities are subject to licensing in accordance with the Law on Licensing. The law does not apply to another 19 types of activities.

Their licensing is carried out according to special rules. This applies to:

  • banking;
  • notary business;
  • foreign economic activity, etc.

Let's consider in more detail what types of activities should be licensed. After all, such information is simply necessary if you do not want to be reputed to be a violator of the law with state bodies.

List of directions

We classify the types of activities that are subject to licensing:

  1. All work related to the development, release and implementation of protective equipment, data encryption. This also includes the manufacture of encryption devices, their maintenance.
  2. Activities in the aviation industry - creation, design, repair work, disposal.
  3. Activities related to weapons.
  4. A license is required for the development and use of explosive or chemical devices that have been installed in production.
  5. To extinguish fires in the forest, housing, you also need to have a permit. This does not include voluntary assistance.
  6. Installation and maintenance of devices that will ensure fire safety. This includes fire protection of flammable materials.
  7. Manufacturing of medicines, all types of activities related to psychotropic and narcotic substances, medical equipment maintenance.
  8. Genetic engineering, the use of viruses that affect humans and animals.
  9. Transportation of passengers and cargo, performance of unloading and loading operations with dangerous goods, provision of towing services.
  10. Provision of transportation services for more than 8 people.
  11. Recycling services, storage of waste classified as hazardous.
  12. Activities related to gambling, sweepstakes.
  13. Security services, detective.
  14. Works with ferrous and non-ferrous metals (processing, storage, sale).
  15. Provision of services for finding a job outside of Russia.
  16. Provision of communication services.
  17. Activities related to software, video production.
  18. Educational activity.
  19. Space exploration.
  20. Hydrometeorological work.
  21. Search for minerals, measuring work of the territory.
  22. Medical services.
  23. Activities aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage.
  24. Conducting safety examinations of the production process.
  25. Work with explosive substances.

The rest of the activities, the implementation of which requires a license, are related to the above.

Without fail

We list the types of activities subject to licensing, which are established by the legislation of Russia (according to).

Legal entities and individuals with the status of individual entrepreneurs must obtain a license if they are engaged in the following activities:

  1. They are active in the communications industry.
  2. They carry out foreign economic operations of economic activity.
  3. They produce and sell alcoholic beverages.
  4. They operate as a credit firm.
  5. They have a business to ensure the protection of state secrets.
  6. They work with securities.
  7. They work as an investment fund.
  8. Provide services in customs affairs.
  9. They work in the field of education.
  10. They conduct exchange activities.
  11. Selling weapons and ammunition.
  12. Use natural resources.
  13. They carry out activities on deposit operations.
  14. Provide insurance services.
  15. Provide notary services.
  16. They work in the nuclear power industry.
  17. They act as a non-state pension fund.

In Art. 17 states that companies must apply for a license that:

  1. Design, repair and test aircraft models.
  2. Distribute, maintain, provide encryption services.
  3. Protect, develop, produce information security tools.
  4. They make genuine printing materials.
  5. They develop, repair, and dispose of military technical objects.
  6. They operate chemically hazardous facilities.
  7. They work with explosives.
  8. Putting out fires.
  9. Provide fire safety.
  10. Organize and conduct gambling.
  11. Cultural heritage objects are being restored.
  12. They transport passengers and goods by rail.
  13. They conduct geodetic activities.
  14. They work in the hydrometeorological industry.
  15. They conduct pharmaceutical activities.
  16. Carry out transportation by water, air, land types of vehicles.
  17. Produce and maintain medical equipment.
  18. Cartographic activities.
  19. Collect and store hazardous substances.
  20. Produce and sell play equipment, etc.

Video: licensing business activities for the management of apartment buildings

Licensed medical activities

Pharmaceuticals are licensed under. It includes the sale of wholesale and retail drugs, production.

The permit is issued by the federal oversight body in the health and social development industry, as stated in Art.

When obtaining a license for enterprises that manufacture drugs, it is worth relying on.

A permit for the creation of medical equipment is issued in accordance with.

And when servicing such equipment, another document is relevant - that was approved on the same day.

Issues of licensing of prosthetic and orthopedic materials ordered by individuals are considered in.

But it should be borne in mind that permission should be obtained only for the manufacture of such products. When providing another type of prosthetic and orthopedic activity, it will not be required.

The right to cultivate plants for the manufacture of narcotic and psychotropic substances is stated in Art.

The licensing authority is the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. When trafficking in narcotic drugs, a license is obtained in accordance with the Federal Law that was adopted.

Individuals associated with infectious agents must rely on norms.

In the field of industrial safety

Rostechnadzor issues a permit for the following activities in the industrial safety industry:

  1. Use of explosive production facilities.
  2. Use of hazardous chemical production facilities.
  3. Conducting safety examinations.
  4. Implementation of mine surveying work.
  5. Manufacturing of explosives that have a production purpose.
  6. Storage of such substances.
  7. The use of such funds.
  8. Their redistribution.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, in 2019, an entrepreneur should license his work in order to open a business and engage in a certain type of activity. The presence of a license is for the consumer a kind of guarantor that the legal entity or individual entrepreneur has confirmed to the state the fulfillment of the mandatory requirements for the provision of services, the performance of work or the sale of any product.

Laws Licensing Activities in Russia

Licensing issues are contained in the main Federal Law No. 99-ФЗ dated 04.05.2011. It is general, but there are also acts that regulate specific activities, for example, the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages (171-ФЗ dated 11.22.95), the use of atomic energy (170-ФЗ dated 11.21.95), credit organizations (ФЗ 395– 1 dated 02.12.90), trading (325-ФЗ dated 21.11.11), clearing companies (7-ФЗ dated 07.02.11), insurance companies (ФЗ 4015-1 dated 27.11.92) and others.

Licensed activities in 2019

The regulations on the licensing of specific types of activities establish comprehensive lists of work performed.

The list of all types of activities licensed in 2019 is contained in the Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 05/04/2011 (with amendments and additions of 04/15/19).

Among the activities that require a license:

  • any work in the field of information encryption;
  • development, production, sale and purchase for the purpose of sale of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information;
  • identification of electronic devices designed to secretly obtain information;
  • development and production of means of protecting confidential information;
  • activity on technical protection of confidential information;
  • production and sale of printed products protected from counterfeiting;
  • development, production, testing and repair of aviation equipment;
  • military equipment;
  • civilian and service weapons;
  • ammunition and pyrotechnic products;
  • chemical weapon;
  • explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities;
  • extinguishing fires;
  • fire safety equipment;
  • production of medicines;
  • Medical equipment;
  • circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, cultivation of narcotic plants;
  • the use of pathogens of infectious diseases of humans and animals and genetically modified organisms;
  • transportation by water and sea transport of passengers;
  • air transportation of passengers and goods;
  • transportation of passengers by buses;
  • transportation of passengers and dangerous goods by rail;
  • loading and unloading activities on water, sea and rail transport;
  • towing by sea transport;
  • collection, transportation, processing, utilization, disposal, disposal of wastes of I-IV hazard classes;
  • gambling in bookmakers and sweepstakes;
  • private security activities;
  • private detective (detective) activity;
  • procurement, storage, processing and sale of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap;
  • employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • communication services;
  • television broadcasting and radio broadcasting;
  • production of copies of audiovisual works, programs for electronic computers, databases and phonograms on any kind of media;
  • use of sources of ionizing radiation;
  • educational activities;
  • geodetic and cartographic activities;
  • production of mine surveying works;
  • work on active influence on hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena;
  • hydrometeorology and related areas;
  • medical activity;
  • pharmaceutical activity;
  • preservation of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
  • industrial safety expertise;
  • activities related to the handling of industrial explosives;
  • management of apartment buildings;
  • work on quarantine phytosanitary disinfection;
  • production of biomedical cell products;
  • keeping and using animals in zoos, zoos, circuses, zoos, dolphinariums, aquariums;
  • space activity.

The last point - space activities - is new. It was added to the list recently, in April 2019. It is worth noting that most of the listed areas require significant financial investments and are mainly engaged in by large companies.

The license obtained by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is valid indefinitely throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. From July 1, 2012, it can be provided in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

Licensed activities according to OKVED codes

The previous list is long, in connection with which an all-Russian classifier has been developed that allows you to avoid violations of the law when registering a business. Each type of activity licensed in 2019 has its own OKVED code, by which you can easily find it and apply for the required document.

In the classifier, all activities are grouped into sections. Each section consists of classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups.

It is important to take into account that several similar OKVED codes may correspond to one type of activity at once, from which you need to choose the correct one.

How to get a license

Three days later, after signing a license, she is given to the applicant

To obtain a license, you should apply to one of the licensing federal representative bodies. Their list contains the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11/21/11 N 957 (as amended on 11/10/18).

You must pay the state fee. Its amount for each type is different and reaches 65 thousand rubles per year.

The required licensing authority should be provided with:

  • a statement in which you need to indicate the details of the receipt of payment of the state duty;
  • notarized copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of documents confirming compliance with licensing requirements (this list is different for each type of activity);
  • list of documents that are attached to the application.

You can hand over all the papers in any convenient way:

  • come in person;
  • send by registered mail with notification;
  • use e-mail.

45 working days are allocated for consideration of the application. After the specified time has elapsed, a response will be sent to the applicant with a decision to issue a license. In case of refusal to receive it, the right to appeal it through the court is provided.

Since January 2019, an amendment to the law has come into force concerning firms and individual entrepreneurs that operate only on the basis of an official license. They will be able to receive an extract confirming the presence of this document.

The transition to electronic document management also affected licensed activities. The laws adopted in 2019 are gradually introducing work algorithms to simplify interaction between legal entities and their counterparties on obtaining permits.