Calendar plan of the GPA on 2 semester. Calendar planning of the GPA. "Goodbye winter"

Municipal General Education

"Secondary school № 9"

Work plan

Groups of extended day

for 2018 - 2019 academic year

Goals and tasks of educational work

Purpose: Creating a holistic system that provides optimal conditions for students of junior classes with their age and individual abilities, level of development, the state of somatic and neuropsychic health.

The implementation of the target will be implemented through the decision of the following tasks:

  • organization of classes on the self-preparation of younger students;
  • organization of events aimed at maintaining the health of students;
  • organization of leisure;
  • creating optimal conditions for organizing the development of the creative abilities of the child when it is impossible to organize control by parents of students;
  • development of the interests of the abilities and talent of schoolchildren, education of interest in their knowledge, curiosity, initiatives and independence

The main directions of educational activities

  1. 1. "I am human" (corresponds to moral, spiritual, family and intellectual education and involves the education and education of the personality of students, the development of their individual, intellectual qualities, the impulse of the skills of the culture of behavior, culture of speech, culture of communication, legal culture, organization of work with family, studying family traditions, education Pupils of respect for family values, relations, the organization of joint activities of teachers and parents, carrying out acts of mercy, the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people of another nationality)
  2. "My motherland" (corresponds to patriotic, civil and labor education and involves the organization of activities to study national traditions, ethnic cultures, activities of children's public organizations, education of love for the native land, patriotic and civilian feelings, education of hard work, labor culture).
  3. "For a healthy lifestyle" (Complies with the physical and environmental education of students and involves the organization of nature-based activities, the formation of a value attitude towards nature, people and their own health, the preservation and strengthening of moral, mental and physical health,).
  4. "The world of beautiful" (Complies with aesthetic education and assumes the organization for the development of aesthetic taste, creative abilities and deposits on the basis of an introduction to the outstanding artistic values \u200b\u200bof domestic and world culture, the formation of the abilities of perception and understanding of the beautiful, enrichment of the spiritual world of children with the means of art and direct participation in creative activity).

Principles of educational activities

  1. Principle of development
  2. Principle of individuality
  3. The principle of creativity and success
  4. Principle of Support and Trust
  5. Principle responsibility

Mode Moments

I.. Reception of children.

II.. Dinner.

  • Conduct a conversation about behavior in the dining room.

III. Extracurricular activities (circles)

  • Regulates visits to students of circles

IV.. Stroll.

  • Track for dressing of children and clothing.
  • Monitor the well-being of children.
  • Conduct group and individual conversations.
  • Trace the order of the return of children to school.

V.. Indoor classes.

  • Follow the participation of children in conducting events and direct their activity.

VI. Completion of the work of the GPA.

  • Remove games, jobs.
  • Conduct a conversation on traffic rules.
  1. All classes are collective.
  2. Classes decide not only health tasks, but also a certain circle of educational tasks.
  3. Each lesson requires the active participation of all the pupils without exception, and for this it is necessary to determine for each of its role.
  4. The plan of classes is brought to all students. It should be understood by all.
  5. Throughout the day, no lesson in favorite activity should be repeated. A variety and novelty should be inherent in all classes.
  6. When choosing a motor content of classes, you need to take into account the physical data of children.
  7. It is necessary to saturately satisfy the activities of the conducted classes. Economically and with benefit to spend time assigned to them.
  8. The tutor cannot be lost control of the occupation, you need to see and capture changes in the behavior and sentiment of children.
  9. When conducting classes, it is necessary to encourage the initiative and activity of schoolchildren.
  10. With the end of the lesson to sum up its results.

Employment in GPD







Collect students in GPA

Collect students in GPA

Collect students in GPA

Collect students in GPA

Collect students in GPA

Holidays (interest games)

Extracurricular activity






Extracurricular activity ("Movable Games" circle)

Extracurricular activities (conversations, quizzes, competitions, competition, reading books, board games, etc. (according to plan)

Conduct on traffic rules, home care

Planning work in the GPA



Indoor classes

Chatting on traffic rules


Contest drawings on the asphalt "How beautiful Peace"

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Safe way home.

Heading the game "Gus-Swans".

"My free time."

(conversation - dialogue)

What is a traffic light?

The game of attention "What has changed?"

Street and its parts.

Walk - Search.

(search hidden subject)

What is zebra?

Game Walk. Learning new games: "Above legs from the Earth."

Reading and discussing Tales K.I. Chukovsky

Game for cohesion "Dragon"

The game "What is superfluous?"

Studying a pedestrian memo.

Moving games in the air "Jumping on the bodies".

The development of observation "scattered artist".

"Traffic light - our best friend

P / and "Wolf in Ravy"

Board games

Heading n / and "hawks and ducks."

An hour of riddles "How on our garden rose riddles".

Visiting geometric shapes.

P / and "Butterflies"

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. "Fire - Friend, Fire - Enemy"

Why can you move the road to a red or yellow traffic light signal?

Relay "Running on Kochkam"

Applique "Corses"

Types of transport.

Playing the development of coordination of movements: "Hunters"

Reading and discussing animal stories

Observation of insects.

The development of visual memory: "Who will remember anymore."

Games with the ball "Tagged shooter".


Development of imagination: "Dorisui subject."

(auction of sports words on the letter "C")

KVN "Fairy tales lead dance."

You are a passenger.

Watching birds.

Reading and discussing stories about birds

Walking tour: "Autumnal Nature".

Rules of good tone. Topic: "About caring attitude towards people."

(conversation - reflection)

How to walk from the sidewalk on the roadway?

"Gold Paints of Autumn" Composition Competition


Collection of natural material. Acquaintance with the methods of sung leaves.

Memory Development game "Words"

Protection of the security of your route home.

P / and "At the Bear in Bor"

Board games - puzzles.

How is the pedestrian movement regulated?

Walk - Search.

Club Hour "I am Russian"

Game for cohesion "Poutheney"

Crafts from natural material

How to be if a pedestrian has to go on the road because of trees, bushes, etc.?

Movable Games Fresh Air

Writing incredible stories: "What would happen if ..."

Watching birds.

Reading books with subsequent discussion

Where and for which metal fences are installed?

P / and "Wolf and Hares"


Riddles "Lesovichka"

Movable Games Fresh Air

About good and evil "behind the right and left shoulder"

Where do you need to expect a bus?

Game for cohesion "Chipmunks"

Drawing illustration on the topic: "My family."

Relay "Running Sorryozhekov"

Development of attention "Find Differences" game

Where should the pedestrian, who did not have time to complete the transition of the roadway?

Walk - Search.

Reading books Nicholas Nosov.

Why do you need to know the rules of the road movement?

Movable Games Fresh Air

Conversation "Respect for the Elder" discussion of the story "Secret Check"

Observation "Signs of Autumn"

Lajk from plasticine on a free topic.

How to get around vehicles?

Gaming Walking "Pasties"

Club Hour "Healthy Sleep"

Car turning signal.

Game for cohesion "Varosik"

Development of mental operations. The game "What is the similarity, what is the difference?"

You are a passenger.

Movable Games Fresh Air

Quiz "Fabulous animals"

Road signs

P / and "Cat and Mice"

Obzh "One House"

What is traffic police.

Relay "Tell the Checkbox"

Working with paper.

"Fish in aquarium."

On the country road

Zozzh "Caution, noise!" Therapeutic effects of sounds: listening to music

Purpose of licenseial identification signs and inscriptions on vehicles


Environmental Operation "Clean Yard"

Conversation about birds "Do you know?" Quiz.

Work of the driver

Movable Games Fresh Air

Ahead holidays: game and road.

Movable Games Fresh Air

Conversation "How I spent a vacation"

Safe way home.

Game "Guess the subject" (for specified signs)

Movable Games Fresh Air

"Friendship begins with a smile."

Games minute about friendship.

Behavior at accident

Observation "What is under our feet?"

Drawing on the topic "Non-existent animal"

Salvation service 01.

Movable Games Fresh Air

Musical therapy.

You are a cyclist.

P / and "Hares and Wolf"

Didactic game: "Fishermen".

Purpose. Formation of computing skills.

Transition of the street on a rainy day.

Walk - Search.

Board games

What is the intersection?

Square game "Square"

Development of memory, speech, attention. The game "Resets in Circle".

How to cross the road (street) with one-sided movement?

Imprette "Animals Forests"

How to cross the street with a bilateral movement?

Movable Games Fresh Air

Club Hour "Care and Teases"

What is the sidewalk?

Mathematical game "Travel Points"

What traffic rules are broken?

(on the illustration)

Movable Games Fresh Air

Reading and discussing Story L.N. Tolstoy

Stopping path of transport

Games in the fresh air: "Hyperships", "Sunshine Lisa"

Game "Board Wordless".

Facts of an accident involving children.

Game for cohesion "Sital"

Games with Designer "Lego"

Fresh air games: "Fish, beast, bird"

Health lesson. Eyes are the main helpers person.

Game Walk - Search Package with Quests

Game "encrypters"

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."


Movable Games Fresh Air

Game "Choice of friends in the Word Country" (Association)

Analysis of the situation: "What is the danger?"

Relay "Cheerful Starts"

Lotto game "Do you know the trees?"

The work of the traffic police officer.

Game for cohesive "Civil Defense"

Conversation "Profession of Parents"

Do I need traffic rules?

N / and "hawks and ducks", "fall into the goal"

The game "Color the picture"

What is the danger of a hurry on the street?

Watching birds.

Games with Designer "Lego"

You are a passenger.

Games in the fresh air: "Do not go to the mountain", "Living targets"

Game "encrypters"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Game Walk - Search Package with Quests

Tell your favorite fairy tale.

How are dangerous situations on the road born?

Movable Games Fresh Air

The conversation "The word treats"

Facts of an accident involving children.

Game for cohesion "Poutheney"

Quiz "World around us"

Stopping path of transport

Passage of the route by signs

Improke "Snow Maiden", "Santa Claus"

What machines are allowed to go to the red light?

Movable Games Fresh Air

Games with Designer "Lego"

Terms of use of transport

Excursion "Seasonal changes in nature"

Quiz "Winter Riddles"

Attention: Holly!

Snowman modeling.

Club Hour "Symbols of Russia"

Competition readers of poems about winter.

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Surveillance behind the snow.

Learning rounds, songs

Why can not go along the roadway?

Game for cohesion "Good animal"

Work in workshop

Santa Claus.

Types of transport.

N / and "snipers"

Walk- Search.

Street and its parts.

Movable Games Fresh Air

New Year's trip to the countries of the world

Transition of the street to ice.

The relay "Fast and Takes"

How I Spent My winter holidays.

Your route home.

Moving games "Two frost"

Traditions, customs and holidays of the Russian people (Christmas Christ, Baptism, fortune telling in Russia.)

Why dangerously run the road?


Games with snow "rolling com"

Desktop and verbal games

What is dangerous to enter the road because of the standing car?

Walk - Search.

Obzh "One House"

Transition of the street in frosty weather.

Competition for the best snowman.

Drawing "The Beauty of Russian Nature - Winter"

Why can not go along the roadway?

P / and "Labyrinth"

Play fairy tales.

Types of transport.

Games in the fresh air: "Stick in the snow"

Caring for houseplants.

Why a pedestrian transition without a traffic light is more dangerous than the transition with the traffic light?

Passage of the route by signs

Club Hour "Cat and Dog- Our four-legged friends"

What is dangerous transition when one car overtakes another?

Game "Protect Snowman"

Applique (clogging) - "Winter"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Gaming Walking "Pasties"

Board games.

Why dangerous to play next to the road?

Labor landing "Clean the track"

Cartoons, jokes-riddles.

Transition of the street in frosty weather.

Snow games snipers

Gaming lesson "Visiting geometric shapes"

What should I remember a person who leaves the bus?

Observation "Seasonal changes in nature"

The game "Color the picture"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Health lesson "Why's teeth hurt"

Why can not be cling to transport?

The modeling of snow figures.

The game "Color the picture"

Ahead of the holidays - where you can ride on sledding.

Outdoor games: "empty place"

Labor landing "Clean parties"

Why do you need sidewalks, how do you need to move?

Game for cohesive "Civil Defense"

Desktop, verbal games

Transition of the street in frosty weather.

Play games - with sleds.

Health lesson

"Eyes - the main assistants"

Light signals.


Moving games in the fresh air.

Origami "Doggy"

Transition of the street in Holly

Walk - Search.

Games for attention and development of memory "What has changed?"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Fresh air games: "empty place", "Two frost"

Club Hour "Great Inventions"

Car turning signal.

Watching birds.

Obzh "Fire: Friend or Enemy"

Brake path car.

The relay "Fast and Takes"

You are a passenger.

Caring for houseplants.

Transition of the street in Holly

P / and "Day and Night"

Competition "And well, boys!"

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

Game for cohesion "Good animal"

Russian Folk Customs and Holidays - Maslenitsa


Moving games in the fresh air.

Quiz "On the riddle - there is a deposit"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Excursion "We are looking for Spring Signs"

Reading and discussing stories V. Saeva.

Children's chair in the car.


The oral magazine "It is interesting"

Where do you need to expect a bus?

Games in the fresh air: "Bear's bear", "Salki"

Talk about women's professions

The game "True - incorrect"

Moving games "Gori-Gori clear"

What does a "Pedestrian Transition" sign look like?

Game for cohesion "Varosik"

Obzh behavior in spring water.

Yellow, red, green.


Walk - Search.

Poems about Mama: A. Barto, R. Dodavydova, M. Sadovsky, O. Vysotskaya, etc.

You need to be able to walk.

Relay "Running Sorryozhekov"

Applique "Cranes"

Pavement and pedestrian walkway.

N / and "homeless hare"

Board games, puzzles

Sign "Attention: Children"

P / and "At the bear in Bor", "traffic light"

Health lesson.

Posture - slender spin.

Member of the Road.

Square game "Square"

The game "Color the picture"

What is dangerous hurry?

Moving games in the fresh air.

Development of mental operations. The game "Similarity - Difference"

Road transportation in spring.

P / and "Butterflies", "Above the Earth"

Children's reading: Russian folk tales

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Excursion "Nature in March".

Game "Travel Points"

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

Games with the ball "Edible - Inedible", "flies - does not fly"

Children's songs "Multi - Reft"

Facts of an accident involving children.

Passage of the route by signs

Caring for houseplants.

Is the bike vehicle?

P / and "Bubble", "Cat and Mice"

Competition drawings "Spring in my city"

How old are children allowed to go on a bike to the street?

Children's holidays in the fresh air.

(auction of sports words on the letter "K")

Game "encrypters"

Road transportation in spring.

Walk - Search.

Club Hour "Rights of the Child - Your Rights"

Where can I ride a bike?

Games with ball, skinking.

Cleaning class.

Ahead of the holidays: traffic rules for cyclists.

Moving games in the fresh air.

Obzh "so that the computer is friend"

Why should I be attentive?

Moving games in the fresh air.

Day laughter - Dosug.

Why dangerously run the road?

Operation "Clean Yard"

Salted Test Mine Test

You are a passenger.


Games with the ball "Name five, fruits, berries, etc."

Speech development. Game "Guess the subject" (as described), "Certain the subject"

Car turning signal.

Watching trees.

Riddles on the days of the year.

Video "Where is dangerous to play?"

Passage of the route by signs

Holiday Easter-Russian Orthodox holidays.

The work of the traffic police officer.

Game for cohesion "Chipmunks"

Development of memory, attention. The game "What has changed?"

The game "True - incorrect"

P / and "Wolf and Hares"

The contest of the drawings "My Russia"

Where do you need to expect a bus?

Walk - Search

Children's reading: Works S.Ya Marshak

Rules for passengers.

Moving games in the fresh air.

Rebuses and crosswords

What is dangerous to enter the road because of the standing car?

Observation "Priorizes"

Club Hour "First Cosmonauts"

How many meters the car will go when braking, if the driver wants to stop?

Relay "Tell the Checkbox"

Game "encrypters"

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

Russian folk moving games.

Children reading: works by K. Chukovsky

License plates of vehicle.

P / and "Hawks and ducks"

Health lesson "Sports and Health"

Analysis of the situation "What is the danger?"

Walk - Search

Board games, Designer

Street and its parts.

Game for cohesion "Dragon"

Applique "Spring Flowers"

How are dangerous situations on the road born?

Watching birds.

Speech development. Games "Name in one word", "Say on the contrary"

Behavior with an accident.

Moving games in the fresh air.

Tale dramatization - Koshkin House.

Telephone rescue service 01.

Games with soap bubbles.

The game "Color the picture"

Types of transport.

Operation "Clean Yard"

Caring for houseplants.

What is intersection?

Game for cohesion "Poutheney"

Children's reading: Soster

My friend is a traffic light.

Passage of the route by signs

Club Hour "If Good You ..."

Facts of an accident involving children.

Walk - Search.

Applique from the fabric "Landscape"

Why do you need to move the road on pedestrian transitions?


Moving games "Third Extra"

Children reading: works A.L. Barto

Why dangerously run the road?

Game for cohesive "Civil Defense"

"What? Where? When?"

(about animals)

Why dangerous to play next to the road?

P / and "Gus-Swans"

Operation "Care" (postcard veterans)

Why can not go along the roadway?

Moving games "Chains"

Club Hour "Victory Day"

Video Pedestrian Transition

R.N. P / and "Rouh", "Gori Gori clearly"

Speech development. The game "Analogies"

How old are children allowed to go on a bike to the street?

Obzh "Attention: ticks!"

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

Observation of insects.

Caring for houseplants.

Why can not be cling to transport?

Games with a ball.

Conversation "Smile and laugh are pleasant to all"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Environmental Operation "Put Flowers"

From the cycle- I want to know everything (plants - predators)

What does the hurry lead to?

Moving games in the fresh air.

Tasks with a smile.

Facts of an accident involving children.

Competition games "Who will tighten more", "who will quit further"

Children's reading: Works of E. West

The game "True - incorrect"

Walk - Search.

Crafts from the cast material.

Traffic Video

Sports fun

Crafts from natural material.

Rules for cyclists.

Contest drawings on the asphalt "Multicolored summer"

Obzh "Caution, pliers! KGL "," Rules of behavior at the reservoir "

Where you can play.

Movable Games Fresh Air

Children reading: Poems and riddles about summer

Conduct rules on the country road

Sports fun

Cleaning class.

Common traffic rules

Attachment 1

Interviews on traffic rules

purpose : Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

Safety conversations are held before leaving children from school. To discuss one question, necessarily reminding to children about the need to comply with the rules of the road, about discipline and caution. Questions can be diversified, bring the facts of specific road accidents involving children.

Game: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

  • Which of you go forward, only where is the transition?
  • Who flies forward so soon that he does not see traffic lights?
  • Which of you, going home, keeps the path on the pavement?
  • Does anyone know that the red light is it means there is no?
  • Which of you is ready to go, how green light lit?

The game "True - incorrect"

  • Walking is allowed on the roadway.
  • It is necessary to move the street on a pedestrian crossing.
  • You can only move the street on the yellow color of the traffic light.
  • You can ride where cars go.
  • Sit into the car and leave it you need from the sidewalk.

Analysis of the situation: What traffic rules are violated? (by pictures)

Transition of the street on a rainy day.

Today on the street rain. Slipping road. Car windows are covered with water. Visibility worsens. In such conditions, the driver is difficult to go. The distance needed to stop the car, in the wet road increases. Therefore, returning from school, do not cross the street. Look carefully around yourself, skip the approaching transport and, just making sure of complete security, start moving.

Remember: even the most experienced driver will not be able to instantly stop the car.

Transition of the street in fog.

Today on the street fog. Visibility is very bad. Therefore, before moving the road, make sure that the car does not go through it. And if the baby is near, take it by the hand and move across the road. In fog, it is necessary to be especially careful.

Transition of the street in frosty weather.

Today it's cold on the street. Car windows are covered by frost. And the driver is very difficult to watch the road. The street transition in front of closely coming transport is always very dangerous, and now all the more. And so that it does not happen to trouble - do not rush, wait until all the transport goes. Only after that you can move the street. Do not forget that the pedestrian movement can be difficult because of ice on the roadway.

Transition of the street to ice.

The road was covered with an ice crust, became slippery. Under these conditions, it is very dangerous to appear before close-going transport: it is difficult to stop the car on a slippery road. Therefore, on the way home, be especially careful. Do not hurry, as you can suddenly fall and be under the wheels.

Transition of the street in spring.

We must not forget that in the spring days the movement on the streets becomes more intensive: they leave those drivers who usually do not go. These are owners of individual vehicles. Motorcycles, scooters. In addition, in dry sunny weather, drivers lead their transport faster than usual. Therefore, before moving the road, look carefully on the sides and if you see the approaching transport, skip it. On the bike only in the courtyards and on special sites.

Why do you need to move the road on pedestrian transitions?

  • The driver knows that in these places the pedestrian movement is allowed, it reduces the speed, more attentive. A pedestrian who goes the road is not where it should be, he can suffer and interferes with the movement of transport.

Why can you move the road to a red or yellow traffic light signal?

  • When red is turned on for pedestrians, green is lit for drivers. Seeing the green signal, the driver rides quickly, not expecting the appearance of pedestrians.

Why dangerously run the road?

  • When a person runs, it is difficult for him to observe, see the roadway approaching the car.

What is dangerous to enter the road because of the standing car?

  • When the car stands, it closes the road overview, the pedestrian can not see another car, which goes behind standing. It must be remembered: if the car stands, the danger may be hidden behind it.

Why can not go along the roadway?

  • Even on the edge of the carriageway, walk dangerously, can hurt the car. It is necessary to walk only by the sidewalk.

Why a pedestrian transition without a traffic light is more dangerous than the transition with the traffic light?

The transition without a traffic light is more dangerous, because you need to be able to determine whether the car is far, quickly she rides or slowly. At the same time, due to a slowly walking machine, can the counter-counter?

What is dangerous transition when one car overtakes another?

  • At that moment, when one car overtakes the other, the speed of the overtaking machine is much larger. Pedestrian may not notice the overtaking machine. The driver of the overtaking machine can also not notice a pedestrian.

How many meters the car will go when braking, if the driver wants to stop?

  • Depending on the speed, 36-46 meters can move. The ice is much more. In addition, while the driver presses on the brakes, the machine will drive several meters without braking.

Why dangerous to play next to the road?

  • During the game you can forget about the danger, run out on the road and get under the wheels of the car.

What should I remember a person who leaves the bus?

  • That a worthwhile bus interferes prevents the approaching transport. We must wait until the bus will leave the stop.

How to walk from the sidewalk on the roadway?

  • Always need to stop to look around, tune in to the transition.

What is the danger of a hurry on the street?

  • When a person hurries, he is not as attentive, in such a state it is easy to not notice a moving car.

How to be if a pedestrian has to go on the road because of trees, bushes, etc.?

Suspend and inspect that part of the road that was hidden for the subject.

Why can not be cling to transport?

  • Because you can break and get under the wheels of the car, to which it was clinging, or a car that rides from behind.

How is the pedestrian movement regulated?

  • Traffic lights, road marking lines, pointers, road signs, regulators.

Where and for which metal fences are installed?

  • They are installed in the intensive movement of pedestrians and transport, limit the possibility of transitioning the carriageway in a laid place.

How old are children allowed to go on a bike to the street?

  • From 14 years old.

Where do you need to expect a bus?

  • It is necessary to wait for the bus at the stop on the sidewalk or on a specially marked site.

This place is a stop,

People here bus are waiting.

And when the bus comes,

He will stop here.

Well, there is a sign hanging,

This sign says everyone:

"Want to go - come!

Not? Then you walk! "

What machines are allowed to go to the red light?

  • Ambulance, militia, fire, Gorgana.

Why do you need sidewalks, how do you need to move?

  • The sidewalks serve to move pedestrians. Pedestrians should move towards each other, adhering to each direction of the right side. Play, pushed on sidewalks it is impossible.

Where should the pedestrian, who did not have time to complete the transition of the roadway?

  • On the "Islet of Safety" or at the place of intersection of the axial line with a pedestrian transition line.

Car turning signal.

If the car is side

Flashed flashing starts

This means that the car

This side will roll!

You are a passenger.

And for passengers too

There are a lot of rules of any.

Everyone should observe them

And do not ride like it fell!

Need to pass forward

Do not delay the people

Near the door do not stand,

Leaving do not interfere.

And for the handrails hold on,

stand straight, not curly

Senior place to give up

Senior need to respect!

Appendix 2.

Games for cohesground

Purpose: Physical and emotional workout, the activation of participants, the development of coordination of joint actions, coordination of the group, withdrawal of psychological tensions, awkwardness in interpersonal relations.


Participants get into the circle and stretch their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the signal of the lead, each player finds himself a "handshake partner." Then all participants pull the left hand and also find a "partner of handshake" (it is very important that it is not the same person, and not the person who stands nearby). And now the task of participants is to wonder, i.e. it is again lined up in a circle, without disconnecting hands. The task can be complicated by the fact that it is to prohibit all the verbal communication.


The lead in the ear calls each participant in any animal. Everyone gets into the circle takes behind the arms bent in the elbows. The lead calls the animal and the corresponding person must jumped into the middle, and the group should not put it. The culmination of the game is achieved when the lead calls the animal, which is called most members of the group.


All players get up square (so that all the space is occupied inside the square) as close as possible, you can even quarrel in advance the square in which they must fit. Then the lead gives the team, and the square performs them, trying not to increase the area they occupy, for example:

  • Square went left - the square goes left.
  • Square sits down - the square with screams and screams is trying to sit down.
  • Square jumps - a square with no less intense noise jumps.

"Civil defense"

All participants walk around the room, the presenter shouts the phrase reporting on the danger. For example: "Attention!". The cave lions (hooligans, Roman legions, influenza viruses, small green men, a grip of conscience, yawning, etc.) After the danger signal, the participants of the game should gather in a close group, holding each other, and then pronounce phrase: "Dadim Dispust ... (cave lions, etc.). The counselor, playing the role of this danger, is trying to pull out of a group of any child. The task of the guys to keep very tight. Then the group again spreads around the room and the game continues.


All stand in the column, putting hands on the shoulders to each other. Eyes are closed at everyone, except for the first that leads a group through different obstacles. If the obstacle is serious, it is better to warn a group about them. Option: Eyes are open only at the latter and he says the first and whole group where to go.

"Good animal"

The leading quiet mysterious voice says: "Stand up, please, in a circle and take hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! And now we get together! On the breath we take a step forward, to exhale - a step back. And now on the breath we make 2 steps forward, for exhalation - 2 steps ago. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhaler - 2 steps ago. So not only breathes the animal, it is also clear and smoothly beating his big good heart. A knock is a step forward, knocking - a step back, etc. We all take the breath and knock of the heart of this animal to yourself. "

"The Dragon"

The course of the holding: For the game you need quite a lot of free space (for a group of 10 people - at least 5 x 5 m), there should not be sharp corners and other objects that can cause injury. The game is repeated 3-4 times, while the procedure for the construction of participants changes in such a way that everyone visits in different positions: at the beginning of the column, in the middle, in the tail. If there are many participants, you can make two columns. As an option, the "head" hunts to its "tail" or on the "tail" of another dragon.

Instruction: The group gets into the column, each participant keeps the belt standing ahead. Startolon is "head", and the end is the "tail" of the dragon. "Head" is trying to grasp "Tail", and he naturally tries to dodge. Moves the entire column, but the participants do not blur.

Discussion: Participants exchange impressions arising in the course of the game, as well as those whose position was more comfortable: at the beginning, in the middle, in the tail of the columns.


For this game you need to organize at least three commands. Teams are built into the columns located on the same line, having previously swallowed. After the teams are built, the leader collects shoes guys, dumps her in a bunch and mixes. Guidelines are offered instructions: "This is a small fun relay. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this heap, go to their shoes and run to their team, passing the relay to the next one. Winners who know how to quickly shift.

Appendix 3.

Outdoor games.

Running on bumps

Before each command from the start line to the finish line at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, the circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm (in a straight or winding line). According to the signal of the RU-Maker, the first numbers, jumping out of the circle in a circle, are tried to the final feature, after which it is returned to the shortest way back and transmit relay sticks to the following players. Handing the latch with the next but-measure, each player becomes the end of the column. Wins the team, earlier who finished the game.

Running Sorokyojek

Players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are uniformly located on both sides of the rope, for which they are held according to the right or left hand. According to the team, the team is running to the finish (distance in 30-40 m), holding the rope all the time. The team wins the first to finish the first, provided that none of her participants threw ropes.

This game can be carried out differently. Each command is built into the column one by one. All lift up the right hand and keep on the cord, stretched along the column. At the signal, both teams are sent to the finish line (10-15 m) and returned. The team returns before.

At the bear in Bor

The bear is chosen from the children (for the first time it is better to choose an adult who will show how to play), all the other kids. On one side of the site celebrate a house for children, on the opposite side of the bear house. The bear sits in the house and pretends that he sleeps.

Children go out of their houses and slowly approach the bear with the words:

At the bear in Bor
Mushrooms, Berries take,
And the bear does not sleep
And it looks at us.

While children read the text they depict how they collect mushrooms and berries and fold them in the basket.
As soon as they uttered the words "look at us" the bear wakes up and runs to catch up with the children. Children run away into their house where the bear can already catch them.

Cat and mouse.

"Cat" sleeps in the center of the room, squatting, "mice" go around.

On a layer sleeping cat,

Mice water dance.

Hush, mouse, do not make sure!

Cat Vaska will not be

Here will be waging Vaska - the cat,

Disasters your dance!

"Cat" wakes up and catches "mice" that run away into the house.


On the asphalt or on the sand there are circles (you can draw flowers) - these are houses for butterflies.
Butterflies are sitting in their houses (sleep), and the adult says:

Morning has come, the sun rose.
Butterflies woke up - stretched (children are squeezed).
And flew (children depict butterflies, mashed with wings with handles, fly around the flower).

Suddenly the bird appears, which flew to eat butterflies, and butterflies are hiding in their houses and there their bird can not catch.

Hares and wolf

Playing depicts Zaitsev, someone from children - wolf. On one side of the site for Zaitsev, the houses or one common house are celebrated. The wolf hides on the opposite side - in the ravine.
Adult pronounces:

Bunks jump Scaff, Skok, Skok
On green on the meadow
Hide herbs listened,
Is not a wolf.

In accordance with the text, the hares jump out of the houses, scatter on the site, then jump on two legs, they are attached and tighten the grass. As soon as an adult pronounces the word "wolf", the wolf pops up from the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away in their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. Caught animals Wolf takes to themselves in the ravine. The game resumes. Depending on the prior arrangement, after the wolf caught 2-3 a hare, another child is selected for the role of a wolf. The game is repeated.

Calendar Planning of the GPA for 1-3 classes on the II semester

View the contents of the document
"Calendar Planning GPD"


according to plan


in fact

Theme for a week

Indoor classes




"Wizard Winter"

The game-quiz "What is the new year?" Great musicians. Game "Find on facial expressions and gestures"

Comprehensive conversation on life safety after winter holidays

Walk in the fresh air. Monitoring changes in nature. Park in winter.

Acquaintance with oral folk creativity. Virtual excursion "Winter birds"

Conversation about collectivism

Walk in the fresh air. Winter fun, Build a snow fortress.

Quiz "Russian poets about winter." Board games at the request of children

Caution! Icy and icicles!

Walk in the fresh air. Snowball game. Merry relay "Who is the first"

"Winter wonders and joy"

Conversation "Help drowning in winter." Rules of behavior near the water.

Coloring pictures with favorite cartoon characters.

Conversation about personal hygiene.

Attention! On the roads ice!

Walk in the fresh air.

Heading new games "Bun", "funny guys".

"What kind of music do we love?" Riddles and proverbs about winter. Sleeping crosswords on traffic rules.

Walk in the fresh air. Games.

Conversation "Change in Nature"

Occupation "Our Friends - Books".

Favorite tale came to visit us.

Exercise "Mosaic".

Conversation "Berera Electricity should every person owe"

Walk in the fresh air.

Message about famous poets and composers of the native land.

Education of a positive attitude to training activities.

Drawings on a free topic.

Water and living organisms.

What water is polluted.

How to take care of drinking water?

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children

Heading songs

Self reading your favorite books.

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Kids - Children."

"Good word, that clear day"

Friendship Day.

Contest drawings about friendship.

Conversation "Rules of behavior on the street in winter"

Walk in the fresh air.

Game lesson "Guess the melody."

The formation of cognitive processes, the development of ecological culture, communicative function.

Drawings on a free topic.

Conversation about the rules of behavior with fire.

Walk in the fresh air.

"How do you understand the concept of kindness and friendliness?"

Conversation "How did you spend the Winter Vacation?"

Reading fairy tales, stories, poems.

Conversation about the rules of behavior in public places.

Competition of proverbs on the topic: "Everything should be fine in man ..."

Drawings on the topic "Winter-Winter".

Conversation about personal hygiene.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children

Tour travel through continents. The ideal of beauty from different nations.

Exercise "Labyrinth".

Conversation about the prevention of influenza

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Third Emless."


"Winter months"

Gaming lesson "What do we know about Valentine's Day?"

Origami "Volumetric Hearts".

Warning of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Proponial assistance in poisoning.

Walk outdoors in school territory.

Games "The sea is worried about once."

Reading legends, tales in which is told about love, friendship.

Contest drawings "My family"

Prevention of poisoning by chemicals.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym with a skipping board, ball.

"Formation of rules of culture of behavior at the table."

History of winter months.

Drawings "Winter months"

Conversation "Rules of behavior when detected by a torn wire"

Excursion in the school cook "Winter Beauty".

Conversation "Change in Nature".

"How do we dress in winter?"

Figures "We play."

Conversation about personal hygiene.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "At the bear in Bor", "Snail".

Traveling on the pages of fairy tales of different nations of the world.

Viewing the fairy tale "12 months".

Applique "Winter Landscape"

Conversation "Traffic light - our friend"

Walk in the fresh air.

Workering new games "Smile", "Voroneque".

"Take care of birds"

Winter birds.

Contest drawings "Life of birds in winter".

Out of paper "Pigeon of the World".

View the presentation "Travel to the country of road signs"

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "The sea is worried about once."

Travel through the pages of the Red Book.

Viewing the film about nature.

Contest drawings "Help birds".

Preventing the emergence of fire from electric current and rules for extinguishing such fires.

Walk in the fresh air.

The conversation "Take care of nature - she is your friend."

Competition of readers on the topic: "Birds".

Coloring pictures about nature.

Conversation "Myths and Facts about HIV"

Walk in the fresh air.

Conversation "Change in Nature".

"Protect nature means to protect the Motherland."

View the cartoon "Smeshariki".

Conversation "Causes of accidents on roads and railways."

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "At the bear in Bor", "Snail".

Interesting facts about the Pacific Animal.

View the documentary "Ocean"

Pictures on the topic: "Birds".

Words of courtesy.

Culture of behavior at the table.

Walk - watching birds.

"Signs of winter"

Winter riddles.

View the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

Making a Valentine's postcard for mom.

Walk in the fresh air.

Holiday dedicated to Valentine's Day.

Rules of behavior in a public place.

Prevention of avitaminosis.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Karasi and Pike", "Fishing-Rub"

Conversation "The Day of Troops from Afghanistan".

View a documentary film.

The conversation "Take care of nature - she is your friend."

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym "Fishing Rod".

Reading fairy tales about winter.

Quiz "The most, most".

Lajk from plasticine on a free topic.

Conversation "Who are these friends? How to find them and be friends. "

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Day-night", "Snail".

Conversation "Creek Nature on Help".

Conversation "Who I want to become."

Figure on the topic "Winter Forest"

"The dog is a friend of man"

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Hunters and Ducks", "Gus-Swans".

"Papin holiday"

Formation of culture of behavior.

Figure "Your favorite hero of a cartoon or fairy tales"

Safe way home, carry out the rules of the road.

Moving games in the gym "Donashi Pouch".

Making fakes for boys.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "From the hoop, in the hoop"

Holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Expressive reading of poems "All the boys are dedicated."

Developing exercise "Be attentive."

Conversation "Rules of behavior with explosive objects."

Walk in the fresh air.

Movable "snake", "day-night".

Educational event "Friend, friendship, be friends."

Production of fakes for a friend.

The conversation "Traffic light is our friend. We go to school. "

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Hunter and Hares."

Playing a journey to the country of heroes.

Reading poems.

"Take care of warmth."

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Shepherd".


"Goodbye winter"

"Farewell winter".

Figures "Wire Wires".

Compliance with sanitation and hygiene rules.

Walk in the fresh air. .

The game "Merry journey to the country of road signs"

View the cartoon "Prostokvashino".

Sleeping crosswords on traffic rules.

How to perform homework

Walk in the fresh air.

Gii-Swan games, Karasi and Pike.

Heading new songs about spring.

View cartoons.

Exercise "Labyrinth".

Bad habits. The harm and danger of smoking.

Moving games in the gym "catch-throw".

Journey to the country of kindness.

The game-quiz "Healthy Life".

Drawings dedicated to mom.

Rules for the transition of the road at the intersection.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Figures".

Russian folk customs - dedicated to Maslenitsa.

Making souvenirs Mama and grandmothers.


Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Cat and Mice".

"Mother's holiday"

Learning the poems devoted to mom.

Exercise "Find the difference."

Conversation about the prevention of pediculosis.

Walk in the fresh air.

Conversation "Compliance with the rules of life safety".

Holiday Mom.

Making fakes for mom.

Be careful energy should every person.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym with rinks, ball.

View movies about mom.

Conversation "What, Your Mom?"

Water and living organisms.

What water is polluted.

How to take care of drinking water.

Educational games in the fresh air.

The game "Cat and Mice".

Conversation "Page of the People's Calendar."

Competition of readers.

Reading the legends of our region.

Conversation about the prevention of colds - influenza, ARVI.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Figures".

"Theatrical art!.


Making a collage "Spring has come"

Conversation "What is etiquette?"

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "The sea is worried about once."

"Spring is knocking on the window"

Sleeping crosswords, rebs on the topic: "Arts of Arts".

Drawing up the story "What am I doing in my free time?"

Prevention of colds.

The game "Third Emless."

Familiarization with signs of spring.

Hour of riddles and proverbs.

Conversation about politeness.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym

The game-quiz "We will be healthy."

Board games.

Why should boys respect girls?

Educational games in the fresh air.

Workshop on the manufacture of spring cards.

Reading and analyzing stories about domestic pets.

The conversation "Ability politely listen."

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Figures".

Conversation: "Dictionary of polite words."

Garden on the window. Growing seedlings.

(implementation of the project "Spring Charts")

Conversation according to the rules of the road

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Third Emless."

"Week of your favorite book"

Occupation "Our Friends - CNI".

Acquaintance with books in the library.

Fabulous relay.

The conversation "Do not quarrel and not offend each other."

Walk outdoors in the school court.

The game "Voroneque".

Proverbs about study.

Rules of behavior in GPA.

Applique "Summer Day"

Schoolboy's behavior outside the class: in the corridor, in the dining room.

Situation of mutual assistance.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games at the request of children

Exhibition of drawings about the spring "Spring motifs".

Interview "What does a reliable person mean?"

Conversation "On Change".

Walk in the fresh air.

"Take care of nature - she is your friend"

"The fairy tale is a good hint in it, the kind well done lesson."

Reading your favorite fairy tales.

Creating a poster "Protection of animals"

Conversation "Where did the book come from?"

Educational games in the fresh air.

The educational event "What is good and what is bad."

Figure on the topic: "My friend"

Comprehensive life safety conversation in front of spring vacation

Walk-observation of birds.

Moving games on the playground at the request of children.

Spring Vacation (03/24 - 01.04)


"The features of the month of April"

Session "Preparing for the Day of Yumor".

Registration of cheerful wall newspaper.

Comprehensive conversation on life safety after spring vacation

Walk in the fresh air.

Outdoor games.

Auction of folk wisdom (riddles, proverbs, sayings about health).

Conversation "bad habits. The harmfulness and danger of smoking. "

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games at the request of children

Search work "Small philologists explore the terminology of spring holidays."

Questioning "Who is your idol?"

Conversation "In the dining room".

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Doneyi Pouch"

Gaming occupation "Spring rounds".

Exercise "Colored colors".

Day Mode: "Every matter your time."

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Try to catch", "Knockni Komara".

Cognitive game "Medicinal plants".

Figure on the topic: "Nature - mother, Bereginy".

Conversation "How to avoid injury. First help with injury. "

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Fishing-throw".

"Man and Sosmos"

The conversation game "What is kindness?"

Pictures on the topic: "Spring Flowers"

The conversation "where you can and can not walk."

Walk in the fresh air.

The conversation-observation "on the street will be safe, if the rules do not forget."

Production of rockets from paper.

Conversation "Rules of behavior during a meeting with strangers."

Walk in the fresh air.


Competitive program "Cosmonautics Day".

Pictures on the topic: "Cosmos"

Conversation "Street transition on a rainy day."

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Fishing Fishing"

Travel game "In the city of Masters, in the country of professions"

Board games.

The conversation "Transition of the Street in Spring".

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Try to catch", "Fence, Kochka, Copna".

What do patterns in Easter eggs mean?

Applique "Kulich and Pysanka"

Conversation according to the rules of behavior during the moving games.

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Warlopni Komara".

"We are responsible for those who have tamed"

Literary readings "What is wisdom?"

Drawings on a free topic.

Terms of use of electrical appliances.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym "Hunters and Ducks".

We are responsible for those who have tamed.

Drawing up a story "Who I want to become?"

Transition of the street in fog

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children on the playground.

The game "Visiting fabulous heroes."

View cartoons.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Fishing Fishing"

Conversation: "My favorite animal."

Pictures on the topic: "My favorite pets".

Basic rules of fire safety during the rest in nature.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Try to catch."

Intelligent game "Star Hour".

Drawings on a free topic.

Prevention of poisoning poisonous mushrooms and plants. Promotional help.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children on the playground.

"Spring Red"

Creative contest "In the world of games".

Coloring pictures.

A good attitude towards the elders.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Try Catch"

Auction of folk wisdom (songs, proverbs, riddles).

Exercise "Find the difference."

Walk in the fresh air.

Games of children in the gym.

Coloring journey "Attractions of my edge."

Coloring pictures of nature.

Perform the safety regulations during walks, games.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Podlopnny Komara"

The TV show "Came of Beauty Spring".

Contest drawings on asphalt.

Conversation according to the rules of behavior during the moving games.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Hunters and Ducks".

Hearing of musical works G.S. Bach.

Board games.

Safety of the cyclist movement.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children on the playground.

"Donetsk is my home native"

Game program - travel "In the country of cartoons."

View cartoons.

A good attitude towards the elders.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Try Catch"

Literary reading V.A.Sushellinsky.

Board games.

Rules of behavior during a meeting with unfamiliar people.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games of children in the gym.

Donetsk is my home native.

Worker of military songs.

Perform the safety regulations during walks, games.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Podlopnny Komara"

Cognitive hour of communication "faithful friend."

Learning poems to Victory Day

Conversation according to the rules of behavior during the moving games.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Hunters and Ducks".

"Delico-festival is a wise state."

Reading for children's works.

Charity - good or bad?

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "Hunter and Hares."

"Salute Victory"

Hour of communication "Let there be war never!"

Production of festive cards.

Do not pollute nature!

Walk in the fresh air.

Studying military songs.

Production of bouquet veterans.

Prepare trees by summer.

Walk in the fresh air.

Conversation "Change in Nature".

Traveling to the history of military years.

Production of carnations from paper.

Rules for using railway transport.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games "At the bear in Bor", "Snail".

Conversation game: "What is kindness?"

Developing exercise "Who is right?"

The edge in which I live.

Walk in the fresh air.

Game "Hunters and Ducks".

Artistic and aesthetic game "Rainbow".

The wall newspaper "Family is the chronicle of our region."

Water behavior and near water bodies.

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children.

"Towards the fly"

The day of the spring birthdays "Merry Spark".

Figure "The region in which I live."

Our green friends.

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Children-kids".

Class hour "Bread - everything head."

Board games.

Where you can and where you can not walk.

Walk in the fresh air.

Conversation "Compliance with safety regulations."

Educational lesson "Help your comrade".

Figure on the topic: "How I will spend the summer holidays."

Avoiding child injury.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym with a skipping board, ball.

Quiz "Watch me."

Plasticine fakes.

Hygiene and workplace order.

Favorite actor, actress.

Favorite TV shows.

Coloring pictures with heroes from favorite fairy tales.

Conversation about the prevention of pediculosis.

Walk in the fresh air.

The game "Third Extra"

"So we became for the year of adults"

Reading friendship stories.

Minute games dedicated to friendship.

Coloring pictures.

Terms of use of electrical appliances.

Walk in the fresh air.

Workering new games "Bun", "funny guys".

The contest of the drawings "My first teacher."

Hour of communication "in the family circle."

Matches - not a toy!

Walk through school territory.

Games "The sea is worried about"

Preparation for the holiday of the last call.

Production of gifts for birthdaynikov.

Conversation according to the rules of behavior during the moving games.

Walk in the fresh air.

Moving games in the gym.

Game practical lesson "College, the Datvora, the game begins."

Class decoration for the holiday.

How to cross the street if there is no traffic light.

Walk and educational games in the fresh air.

That summer came.

Drawings on the topic "Hello, Summer!"

Comprehensive life safety conversation in front of summer holidays

Walk in the fresh air.

Games at the request of children.

Agreed: Approved:

deputy. Director for OIR head teacher

________ __________ _________ ________

"__" __________ 2018 "__" __________ 2018

Calendar - thematic planning

In the extended day group of grades 1-3

On i - ІІ quarters2017 -2018 academic year

GPD caregivers: ___________________


at a school meeting

subject methodical association

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Protocol number ___ from "___" ____ 2018

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