What is included in social services SP. Social services under the new rules. What is called social services

Who are the suppliers social services

The concept of "provider of social services" is a new concept in federal legislation, introduced by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the basics of social services for citizens in Russian Federation". Previously, the law used the term "social services". Also, the Law gives a new definition to the concepts of "social service" and "social service".

Social Service Provider - entity regardless of its organizational and legal form and (or) individual entrepreneur providing social services.

Social services for citizens- activities to provide social services to citizens.

Social service- action or actions in the field of social services for the provision of constant, periodic, one-time assistance, including urgent assistance, to a citizen in order to improve his living conditions and (or) expand his ability to independently provide for his basic life needs.

From January 1, 2015 officially on federal level as social service providers and social service providers other than traditional actors

  • social service organizations, federal and regional subordination

new subjects fall under the federal legislation on social services

  • non-governmental (commercial and non-commercial) social service organizations, incl. socially oriented non-profit social service organizations,
  • as well as individual entrepreneurs providing social services.

State and non-state providers of social services are subject to uniform requirements, they are equal in rights and duties. This implies a change in the practice of financing the provision of social services, a transition from traditional estimated financing, when budget funds were assigned to a specific institution of social services, to market mechanisms that imply the possibility of competition between providers.

Mechanisms of budgetary financing of social services

Currently, the legislation provides for the following possibilities of financing the provision of social services by state and non-state providers:

  • Estimated financing of state treasury organizations providing social services.
  • Granting subsidies to budgetary and autonomous state organizations providing social services within the framework of the state assignment.
  • Granting subsidies to state and non-state organizations for the implementation of project activities.
  • Provision of targeted consumer subsidies, i.e. Provision of certificates for payment of social services to the provider.
  • Conclusion of state contracts within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system with state and non-state organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing social services to provide state and municipal services.
  • New form!! Provision of compensation for the costs of providing social services to state and non-state providers included in the register of providers of social services of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A new approach to the regulation of the social services sector opens up new opportunities and access to budget funding for non-state providers, at the same time introduces mechanisms to control the quality of service provision, sets the standards that must be met.

For government suppliers, changes in legislation mean the final entry into the market. New conditions of competition entail stricter requirements for the quality of management, the efficiency of resource management, the quality of services, and the qualifications of personnel. As competition intensifies for traditional public providers of social services, recipient satisfaction should become a priority.

Rules and Standards for Suppliers Receiving Budgetary Funding

All providers of social services receiving budgetary funding are required to comply with the Procedure for the provision of social services, which are approved by the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The procedure is approved for each type of social services and includes:

  • social service standard;
  • rules for the provision of social services free of charge or for a fee or partial payment;
  • requirements for the activities of a social service provider in the field of social services;
  • a list of documents required for the provision of a social service, indicating the documents and information that must be submitted by the recipient of the social service, and documents that must be submitted within the framework of interdepartmental information interaction or submitted by the recipient of the social service on its own initiative;
  • other provisions depending on the form of social services, types of social services.

What is a Social Service Provider Registry and do I have to be on it?

The main purpose of creating the Register is to form a single official source complete and reliable information about the providers of social services, carrying out activities for the provision of social services in the region. The register is formed in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation and must contain the following information:

  • the name of the social service provider;
  • date of state registration;
  • organizational and legal form (for legal entities);
  • address, contact phone number, e-mail address;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the head of the social service provider;
  • information about available licenses (if necessary);
  • information about the forms of social services;
  • list of provided social services by forms of social services and types of social services;
  • tariffs for provided social services by forms of social services and types of social services;
  • information on the total number of places intended for the provision of social services, on the availability of vacancies, including on the forms of social services;
  • information on the conditions for the provision of social services;
  • information on the results of the inspections carried out;
  • information about the experience of the social service provider over the past five years.

Listing on the supplier register is a right, not an obligation. Social service organizations are included in the register of social service providers on a voluntary basis. Organizations have the right to receive budgetary funding and provide social services without being included in the register. However, some of the rights, benefits and funding opportunities can only be used by organizations included in the register of social service providers. So, without being included in the register, the organization will not be able to receive tax benefits, compensation for social services provided to citizens within the framework of individual programs.

Who can enter the register of social service providers and how

The formation and maintenance of the register of social service providers is carried out by the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of social services.

Each region must approve its own Procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of social service providers and provide an opportunity to post the register on the Internet in free access. The procedure establishes a list of information that the supplier must provide for inclusion in the register and the procedure for making a decision on inclusion.

As a rule, the Procedures for the formation of the register contain only formal grounds for refusing to be included in the register, such as an incomplete package of documents, unreadable documents or documents signed by an inappropriate person.

Virtually any organization or individual entrepreneur carrying out types of social services activities that are provided for by Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation", as well as the regional list of social services.

List of activities, the implementation of which is the basis for inclusion in the register of social service providers

  • social services aimed at supporting the life of recipients of social services in everyday life;
  • social and medical, aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of recipients of social services by organizing care, providing assistance in carrying out health-improving activities, systematic monitoring of recipients of social services to identify deviations in their state of health;
  • socio-psychological, providing assistance in correcting the psychological state of recipients of social services for adaptation in a social environment, including the provision of psychological assistance anonymously using a helpline;
  • socio-pedagogical, aimed at preventing deviations in the behavior and development of the personality of recipients of social services, the formation of their positive interests (including in the field of leisure), the organization of their leisure time, assistance to the family in raising children;
  • social and labor, aimed at assisting in employment and in solving other problems related to labor adaptation;
  • social and legal, aimed at assisting in obtaining legal services, including free of charge, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;
  • services in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including children with disabilities;
  • urgent social services.

Requirements for Social Service Providers Listed on the Register

From the moment the social service provider is included in the registry, it is responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the information contained in this registry.

The social service provider may include a list of recommended providers for a particular citizen, which is part of an individual program for the provision of social services. The individual program also includes the form of social services, types, volume, frequency, conditions, terms for the provision of social services. For a citizen, the program is advisory in nature, and for a social service provider it is mandatory.

The provider of social services is obliged to provide the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with information for the formation of the register of recipients of social services, as well as to fulfill other obligations stipulated by the legislation on social services.

Requirements for information transparency of social service providers

Every social service provider is required to have an official website as well as an information stand at the points of service. The Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services in the Russian Federation" obliges to post information on the official website and on information stands, the list of which is approved by the Law.

Also, providers are obliged, at the request of recipients of social services or their legal representatives, to provide free in an accessible form information about their rights and obligations, about the types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services. services or the possibility to receive them free of charge.

The information on the website and the stand must be kept up to date. Information and documents must be posted or updated on the official website within 10 working days from the date of their creation or modification.

Rights of social service providers

Social service providers have the right to:

  • to request and receive information from state and local authorities.
  • refuse to provide social services to the recipient of social services in case of violation of the terms of the agreement on the provision of social services. For example, if the recipient of social services does not comply with the terms of the contract and timely payment for the provided paid social services. The Law on the Basics of Social Services allows social service providers to refuse a citizen to provide social services in a stationary form due to the presence of medical contraindications, if the presence of a disease included in the corresponding list of contraindications is officially recorded in the conclusion of an authorized medical organization.
  • be included in the register of providers of social services of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • receive, within two working days, information on their inclusion in the list of recommended providers of social services, which are indicated in the individual program for the provision of social services.
  • provide citizens with additional social services at their request for a fee.

Social service providers are required to:

  • comply with the requirements of the legislation governing the field of social services;
  • provide social services to recipients of social services in accordance with individual programs and terms of contracts concluded with recipients of social services;
  • provide free of charge in an accessible form to recipients of social services or their legal representatives information about their rights and obligations, about the types of social services, terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for these services and their cost for the recipient of social services, or about the possibility to receive them for free;
  • comply with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of personal data, as well as observe professional secrecy, ensure the confidentiality of personal information that has become known during the provision of social services;
  • provide the authorized body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with information for the formation of a register of recipients of social services. The register of recipients of social services is formed in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of data provided by providers of social services.

Social service providers providing inpatient and semi-stationary social services are required to:

  • provide urgent social services, including emergency care without drawing up an individual program and without concluding an agreement on the provision of social services;
  • assist in the provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social assistance, not related to social services;
  • assist in the passage of medical and social expertise;
  • provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to use communication services, incl. the Internet and postal services, when receiving services in social service organizations;
  • provide spouses living in a social service organization with an isolated living space for joint living;
  • to provide recipients of social services with the opportunity to freely visit them by legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergymen, as well as relatives and other persons in the daytime and in the evening;
  • ensure the safety of personal belongings and valuables of recipients of social services.

When providing social services, social service providers are prohibited from:

  • restrict the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of recipients of social services.
  • to use physical or psychological violence against the recipients of social services, to allow them to be insulted, rough treatment of them.
  • place children with disabilities who do not suffer from mental disabilities in residential social services for children with disabilities with mental disabilities, and vice versa.

Tax incentives as an advantage of being included in the register of social service providers

From January 1, 2015, organizations providing social services to citizens have the right to temporarily apply a zero rate on corporate income tax.

These organizations are entitled to apply the 0% tax rate if during the tax period they meet the following conditions:

  • the organization is included in the register of providers of social services of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • the income of the organization for the tax period from activities for the provision of social services to citizens is at least 90% of its income taken into account when determining the tax base in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or the organization for the tax period has no income taken into account when determining the tax base in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the organization has at least 15 employees continuously during the tax period;
  • the organization does not carry out transactions with bills of exchange and FISS in the tax period.

The list of social services by type of social services for the application of the 0% tax rate by organizations providing social services to citizens is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Organizations that have expressed a desire to apply the 0% tax rate, no later than one month before the start of the tax period, starting from which the 0% tax rate is applied, must submit a written application to the tax authority at their location, as well as information confirming the implementation the above conditions.

The zero tax rate from January 1, 2015 can be applied by organizations that provide social services to citizens within two months from the date of the official publication of the list of social services by type of social services for the application of the 0% tax rate, when submitted to tax authorities written application and required information no later than December 31, 2015.

(Federal Law of December 29, 2014 N 464-FZ "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation")

How to get compensation for the provision of social services to a provider not participating in the fulfillment of a state assignment (order)

Compensation is paid to the provider of social services for social services that are provided to a citizen within the framework of an individual program, on the basis of an agreement, subject to documentary confirmation by the provider of the costs incurred. The procedure for payment of compensation is determined by a regulatory legal act that must be adopted in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The amount of compensation is determined in accordance with the approved tariffs for social services, calculated on the basis of per capita financing standards for social services.

How are per capita financing standards calculated?

Funding caps are set per recipient. Norms are approved for social services that are included in the regional list of social services. They can be installed differentially for urban and countryside depending on the forms of social services.

The calculation of per capita standards is made in accordance with Methodical recommendations on the calculation of per capita financing standards for social services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.12.2014 N 1285 "On the calculation of per capita financing standards for social services."

Under what conditions will the new provisions of the Social Service Fundamentals Act work?

In order for the new requirements of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services in the Russian Federation" to be applied in a particular region, the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of social services must adopt the following regulatory legal acts:

  • The procedure for the formation and maintenance of the register of providers of social services and the register of recipients of social services.
  • The list of social services provided by social service providers approved by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • The procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers.
  • The procedure for determining the amount and payment of compensation to providers of social services not participating in the fulfillment of a state task (order).
  • The procedure for approving tariffs for social services based on per capita financing standards for social services.
  • The amount of payment for the provision of social services and the procedure for its collection.
  • The nomenclature of social service organizations in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
  • The procedure for interdepartmental interaction of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the provision of social services and social support.
  • The procedure for organizing the implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of social services.

The list of social services provided by social service providers in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation cannot be reduced in comparison with the list established before January 1, 2015. Also, the conditions for the provision of relevant social services cannot be worsened and the service fee for persons entitled to receive services before January 1, 2015 cannot be increased.

Also, regional government bodies have the authority to:

  • organization of vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education of employees of social service providers;
  • organization of support for socially oriented non-profit organizations, philanthropists and volunteers carrying out activities in the field of social services in accordance with federal and regional laws;
  • implementation of measures for the development of non-governmental social service organizations;
  • creating conditions for organizing independent evaluation the quality of service delivery by social service organizations.

Olga Kocheva,

expert of the GRANI Center

A citizen of the country, observing the laws and obligations imposed on him by the state, in turn expects that the Government will take over some of his needs. This applies, in particular, to the spheres of education, health care, employment, law enforcement and others. What are social services and which of them are available to different categories of the population, we will analyze in our article.

What is called social services

Various types of assistance to citizens aimed at improving their living conditions and expanding the possibilities for self-provision of their vital needs are called social services (SS).

In order to understand what an NSO is, that is, a set of social services, first you need to understand such a concept as a monthly cash payment. This is a certain amount that every month is provided by the state to a certain category of citizens (disabled people, veterans affected by radiation, family members of the deceased Heroes of Glory, and others).

Today, in Moscow and the region alone, almost 2 million citizens receive EDV. The amount of payment is assigned depending on the category of the beneficiary and only on the basis of the submitted documents confirming the right to receive assistance. Those who receive monthly payments from the state can qualify for social services.

Those who are provided with a package of social services and what is included in it have the right to receive different kinds help:

  • household,
  • medical,
  • psychological,
  • pedagogical,
  • labor,
  • legal.

For persons with disabilities (disabled people), training services for the use of equipment for rehabilitation and care, as well as other activities in the service sector, are separately provided.

A social contract can be concluded between the poor citizens of the Russian Federation and the social security authorities. The provision of services on the basis of a social contract has the form of a one-time cash payment, monthly allowance or social assistance and is assigned for a specific period (from three months to a year). Together with the contract, the recipient is given a social adaptation program, the activities of which he must implement.

Who Provides and Who Receives Social Services

Social service providers can be:

  • state organizations,
  • non-state - commercial or non-commercial - enterprises,
  • private entrepreneurs, if they provide social services to citizens.

In order to streamline the data on MS suppliers, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to create a single list, which will contain all data on social service organizations.

Citizens who are forced to live in difficult living conditions, in the absence of a livelihood, or having one of the following circumstances:

  • trauma, illness, old age, disability, which caused the loss of the ability to self-service (in whole or in part);
  • the presence of a disabled person (s) among family members who need constant care;
  • the presence of a child who has difficulties in adapting to society;
  • violence in family;
  • the presence among family members of individuals with addiction or mental disorders;
  • lack of work or place of residence, -

can qualify for the EDV and NSO. Moreover, those who have the right to a set of social services can refuse real help and demand it in monetary terms.

Persons in difficult life situations can be provided with one of the types of assistance:

  • home help;
  • hospital service;
  • temporary housing;
  • consultations;
  • rehabilitation.

In order for a citizen to be provided with social services, he must personally apply to authorized bodies RF with a statement. Once a positive decision is made, the applicant can count on social services from the MS providers. Thus, the activity of providing social services to citizens is their social service.

Features of payment for social services

First of all, pensioners and people with disabilities require assistance in the field of domestic, medical and legal services. People who, due to their health conditions, are not able to buy food for themselves, visit a hospital, pay utility bills, require increased attention from the state and SS providers.

In this regard, special tariffs have been developed for social services provided to elderly citizens and the disabled. For example:

  • simple wet cleaning of floors in an apartment or a walk in the fresh air will cost 193 rubles per hour;
  • smaller chores - ironing, washing, washing dishes, taking out the trash - will cost 64 rubles. in 20 minutes;
  • assistance in visiting public places or clinics, payment utilities, getting vouchers to resorts, assistance in preparing various documents also have a price - from about 100 to 200 rubles. in hour.

Depending on the size of the pension, free and paid social services can be provided to senior citizens. SS at home or in semi-stationary conditions are free for single citizens or elderly couples who have a pension below the subsistence minimum (SM) - for pensioners, this amount for 2019 is 8269 rubles.

Discounts on payment for services can be provided if the pension is 100–250% of the minimum subsistence level. Above 250% of the PM, a pensioner (disabled person) pays full payment for social services

Free provision of social services in the form of home or inpatient care is also allowed for minors and those who have suffered from emergencies (ES) or international military conflicts. In addition, according to Art. 31 of Federal Law No. 442-F3 of December 28, 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation may provide for other categories of citizens to receive gratuitous SU.

The procedure for organizing social services to recipients

Concerning legislative framework in the field of social services for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law (FZ) "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation" applies here. The regulation defines all types of SU, gives the principles and forms of social services, describes in detail the process of organizing them for citizens. The term technology for the provision of social services means a set of techniques and methods that are used by social services. services to make life easier for disabled citizens.

The SS for senior citizens includes not only home services, but also semi- or inpatient services, as well as urgent and advisory assistance. Preliminary activities are carried out to identify and register citizens in need of assistance. Further procedure and conditions for the provision of social services are:

  • providing help around the house, catering, leisure, medical and hygiene procedures;
  • assistance in the activities necessary for the citizen, whether it is the burial of deceased relatives or the need for registration of pension benefits.

The social worker should assist in the repair of the recipient's home, providing him with firewood and water, and processing the personal plot. In the event that a patient is mentally ill, dependent on alcohol or has severe forms of illness, he needs treatment in specialized institutions.

The procedure for the provision of social services in a stationary form to senior citizens and the disabled is to provide them with:

  • place of residence,
  • clothes, shoes, bedding,
  • nutrition,
  • hygiene procedures,
  • escort on walks,
  • medical care,
  • consulting and other similar services.

Such assistance is provided by nursing homes, boarding schools for the elderly, and modern gerontological centers.

Description of different types of social services

The RF Resolution establishes a list of services that must be provided by suppliers to recipients. Each region of Russia draws up its own territorial list of state-guaranteed social services based on the basic one defined by the Federal Law. The types of assistance are indicated according to the state standard R 52884-2007. Among the applicants are pensioners, disabled people, families in need, orphans, people in difficult life situations.

A complete description of the services that the state guarantees to certain categories of citizens (paid or free) contains a federal list of state-guaranteed social services.

Services to these populations in the hospital or at home have their own characteristics: if the institution provides the client with full control and immediate assistance, then at home these services are regular but intermittent.

The federal list contains, point by point, mandatory SS for those who are in the hospital permanently or only day / night or live at home, as well as additional and urgent types of assistance.

What personal services are provided to NSO recipients

Life support services for the elderly or disabled include routine household chores: grocery shopping and food preparation, water delivery, home cleaning and renovation, utility bills, reading and leisure materials, and outings.

Simply put, a social worker performs all those functions that a person cannot perform in himself due to age or illness and the absence of loved ones. Activities such as:

  • buying essential goods,
  • heating the house (in the absence of centralized heating),
  • handing over things to dry cleaning or atelier,
  • assistance in reading and sending correspondence,
  • organization of funeral services -

also usually included in the list of services social worker at home.

List of social and medical services

Another type of social services is medical. Their goal is to support and preserve the health of the recipient of the SU. These are such types of assistance as:

Social and medical services in social service institutions, although they differ depending on the institution, usually include a standard set of procedures, including:

  • medical assistance;
  • diagnostics;
  • provision of necessary medicines;
  • rehabilitation actions for disabled people;
  • services for dental and hearing aid;
  • carrying out honey. procedures prescribed by a doctor (injections, compresses, dressings, treatment of bedsores, etc.);
  • doctors' consultations;
  • physical Culture.

If the patient has a medical certificate on his health status, on the need to receive social assistance, as well as on the absence of contraindications for home care, together with a document confirming the amount of the pension below the minimum, then medical and social services will be free for him.

Psychological support

In terms of psychological assistance, NSO recipients are provided with:

  • consulting,
  • correction,
  • trainings,
  • diagnostics,
  • group lessons,
  • conversations,
  • the moral support,
  • motivation.

The social worker should try to do everything to ensure that the patient cope with internal feelings, worries, felt necessary and optimistic. All services in this area are necessarily anonymous and confidential.

Provision of social and educational services

The formation of positive interests, the organization of interesting leisure time, the prevention of the development of behavioral deviations in children with disabilities or elderly citizens are extremely important activities. Social and pedagogical services include:

  • thematic consultations,
  • diagnostics and examinations,
  • correction and rehabilitation measures.

For example, you can go with the patient to the theater, cinema, exhibition or excursion. Taking into account the mental and physical capabilities of clients, social workers often organize various circles and conduct educational events on different topics.

What is included in the concept of social and labor services

Even people in old age or with health problems need to feel needed by society. Social and labor rehabilitation helps them in this. The purpose of this type of SU is to identify the inclinations and interests of an individual, on the basis of which to choose suitable profession and, if necessary, help with preparatory courses.

The tasks of a social worker include:

  • organize vocational guidance tests,
  • help in choosing a profession,
  • focus on the most important professional qualities client,
  • conduct interviews and consultations,
  • to promote the acquisition of a profession and further employment.

The form of provision of labor control systems is usually semi-stationary.

Protection of the rights of recipients of social services

An important place among other SUs is occupied by customer service in the field of law. Social services protect the interests of SS recipients in case of violation of their legal rights, provide legal assistance and the services of a lawyer if necessary.

Below is a list of social services for the elderly and disabled in the field of law:

  • assistance in obtaining a pension or insurance policy;
  • assistance in obtaining preferential payments;
  • legal advice;
  • preparation of documents, powers of attorney;
  • filing complaints.

Knowing that a social worker will always provide legal advice and help, retirees or other categories of recipients of social services begin to feel more confident and decisive, ready to insist on their rights and seek justice.

Receiving a set of social services

A set of social services is assigned to a citizen on the basis of an application, which can be submitted both in writing and in electronic form. Within ten days from the date of submission of documents, individual program receipt of the CS, which should indicate the form of service, types of assistance, their volume and frequency, as well as the conditions, terms of providing the CS and their suppliers.

Preparation of documents for the provision of social services

The first thing an applicant needs to receive assistance is to complete an application form for the provision of social services, which can be downloaded from the Internet. The following information will be needed here:

  • passport details and phone number of the applicant;
  • the form and type of services that the applicant needs;
  • desired service providers;
  • circumstances that compel a citizen to resort to SU;
  • living conditions of the applicant;
  • family composition;
  • monthly income data.

At the end of the application, it is necessary to put a mark on consent to the processing of personal data, then a signature, a transcript of the full name and the date of filling out the questionnaire.

With a specific supplier, a citizen enters into an agreement for the provision of additional paid social services. It is written here:

  • provisions determined by the individual plan,
  • the rights and obligations of the recipient and the supplier,
  • the cost of paid SU and the procedure for their payment.

To account for additional services, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, where for each type of services their planned and actual number, the number of recipients of services and the total amount of payment are indicated.

A special card of a citizen who has the right to receive a set of social services (Form 030-L / y) is issued if free medicines are prescribed to the person receiving the NSO. This certificate contains all the data on the drugs prescribed and received by him for one year, starting from the moment of obtaining permission for additional drug provision. It is completed by the prescriber and the pharmacy providing the medication. After the expiration date, the card is returned to the clinic and attached to the patient's medical record.

Where to go to obtain NSO

The right to a set of social services in 2019 is eligible for all EHV recipients from the date of the appointment of the monthly payment. With a completed application for the provision of social services, as well as the original passport, a citizen can apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at his place of residence, where he is charged a monthly payment. In response, the applicant is given a notification that the documents have been accepted for consideration.

Registration of refusal from a set of social services

Any recipient of an NSO has the right to refuse social services and social services. It is important to remember that in case of refusal, the cost of the NSO is charged as a supplement to the pension. Since 2019, the total cost of a package of social services is 1,075 rubles, this amount includes:

  • the cost of medicines - 828 rubles;
  • vouchers for spa treatment - 128 rubles;
  • fare for suburban or intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 119 rubles.

If you partially refuse the package, which is also allowed, then the cost of the service excluded from the NSO will be added to the pension.

You can issue a refusal in the same branch of the PFR, where the application for granting the NSO was previously submitted. A sample application for refusal to receive a set of social services contains the above list of social services, of which one must be ticked off the one from which the recipient decided to refuse.

How the quality of social services is assessed

To improve the level of social services for citizens in need of supervision and assistance, it is necessary to control the completeness, timeliness and effectiveness of the services provided by the provider. The most reliable will be the assessment of the recipients of NSOs themselves, for example, how much their everyday or legal problems have been resolved, their moral, psychological and physical condition has improved.

In order to monitor the quality of social services, the state has developed a standard for the provision of special social services (GOST R 52496-2005). It lists the main criteria for success and effectiveness for each type of provided MS. If we talk about a social service in general, it will have high quality, if:

The factors influencing the quality of social services provided by the provider are also subject to control. It:

  • documentary confirmation of the possibility of providing social services by the institution;
  • professionalism and qualifications of employees of the institution providing social services to the population;
  • sufficient equipment of the institution with equipment, instruments, apparatus;
  • the procedure for providing MS to clients;
  • availability of its own activity monitoring system.

Assessment of the activities of the institution-supplier of the CS, its preparedness, equipment, qualifications of employees is the most important component of quality control of the NSO.


The legal framework for the provision of social services - from domestic help to free medical care - is thought out in every detail. The state provides various forms, methods, types, models for the provision of social services: paid and free, at home or in a hospital, household, medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, labor, and so on. Anyone who receives monthly cash payments due to insufficient material support or for health reasons.

Ilya Nikitin (No ratings yet)

The main types of social services:

    social and household, aimed at supporting the vital activity of citizens in everyday life;

    socio-medical, aimed at maintaining and improving the health of citizens;

    socio-psychological, providing for the correction of the psychological state of citizens for their adaptation in the environment (society);

    socio-pedagogical, aimed at the prevention of behavioral deviations and anomalies in the personal development of clients social services, the formation of their positive interests, including in the field of leisure, the organization of their leisure time, assistance in the family upbringing of children;

    socio-economic, aimed at maintaining and improving living standards;

    social and legal, aimed at maintaining or changing the legal status, providing legal assistance, protecting the legal rights and interests of citizens.

Social services should provide assistance and comprehensive support to citizens in difficult life situations. Social services, depending on their purpose, are divided into the following main types: - social services aimed at supporting the vital activity of citizens in everyday life; - social and medical, aimed at maintaining and improving the health of citizens; - socio-psychological, providing for the correction of the psychological state of citizens for their adaptation in the environment (society); - socio-pedagogical, aimed at the prevention of behavioral deviations and anomalies in the personal development of clients of social services, the formation of their positive interests, including in the field of leisure, the organization of their leisure time, assistance in the family upbringing of children; - socio-economic, aimed at maintaining and improving living standards; - social and legal, aimed at maintaining or changing the legal status, providing legal assistance, protecting the legal rights and interests of citizens. Social services are provided to clients of social services (hereinafter referred to as clients): - in stationary institutions (stationary departments of institutions); - in semi-stationary institutions (departments of day and night stay of institutions); - in non-stationary institutions (non-stationary departments of institutions); - at home; - in complex institutions (departments of a complex nature of institutions) - in other institutions, including citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of social services for the population without forming a legal entity. When deciding on the provision of specific social services to clients, the interests of the client, the state of his health, the specifics of the difficult life situation in which the client is, the content of the individual rehabilitation program (if such a program is available), the short-term or long-term need for these services, the material capabilities of the client, etc. other objective factors. Social services are provided to clients in accordance with federal laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, specified in the preface, in the following forms. 4.1 Social domestic services 4.1.1 Assistance to the population of all categories and groups in obtaining benefits and benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in social welfare. 4.1.2 Providing clients of social service institutions with living space, premises for organizing rehabilitation and treatment activities, medical, labor and educational activities, cultural and consumer services. 4.1.3 Provision of furniture to clients of social service institutions in accordance with the approved standards. 4.1.4 Preparing and serving food to clients of institutions, including diet meals. 4.1.5 Provision of soft inventory (clothes, shoes, underwear and bedding) in accordance with the approved standards. 4.1.6 Provision of social and domestic services of an individually serving and hygienic nature to clients of inpatient institutions who, for health reasons, are unable to carry out ordinary everyday procedures, including such actions as getting out of bed, going to bed, getting dressed and undressing, washing, eating, drinking, using the toilet or boat, moving around or outside the home, grooming teeth or jaw, wearing glasses or hearing aids, cutting nails, men shaving beards and mustaches. 4.1.7 Providing assistance in writing and reading letters. 4.1.8 Provision of transport when it is necessary to transport clients of stationary social service institutions to institutions for treatment, education, participation in cultural events, if the use of public transport is contraindicated for health reasons or conditions of stay. 4.1.9 Organization of funeral services (in the absence of relatives of the deceased clients or their unwillingness to engage in burial). 4.1.10 Purchase and home delivery of food, hot meals. 4.1.11 Assistance in food preparation. 4.1.12 Purchase and home delivery of essential industrial goods 4.1.13 Assistance in caring for children, other disabled or seriously and long-term ill family members. 4.1.14 Delivery of water, heating stoves, assistance in providing fuel for residents in residential premises without central heating and (or) water supply. 4.1.15 Handing over things for washing, dry cleaning, repairing and their return delivery. 4.1.16 Assistance in the organization of repair and cleaning of residential premises. 4.1.17 Assistance in paying for housing and utilities. 4.1.18 Assistance in organizing the provision of services by trade enterprises, public utilities, communications and other enterprises providing services to the population, within the area of ​​residence. 4.1.19 Accompanying outside the home, including to the doctor. 4.1.20 Creation of conditions for the performance of religious rites. 4.1.21 Ensuring the safety of things and valuables belonging to clients of stationary social service institutions. 4.1.22 Assistance in referral to inpatient facilities. 4.2 Social and medical services 4.2.1 Providing assistance to the population of all categories and groups in obtaining social and medical services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2.2 Provision or assistance in providing clients with medical care institutions within the scope of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance of citizens of the Russian Federation, targeted and territorial programs of compulsory medical insurance in state and municipal medical institutions. 4.2.3 Provision of care taking into account the state of health, including the provision of sanitary and hygienic services (rubbing, washing, hygienic baths, cutting nails, combing) 4.2.4 Assistance in carrying out medical and social expertise. 4.2.5 Assistance in the conduct or conduct of rehabilitation measures of a socio-medical nature, including in accordance with individual rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities. 4.2.6 Provision of primary health care social services to clients of inpatient institutions. 4.2.7 Assistance in organizing the passage by clients of inpatient institutions of social services to medical examination. 4.2.8 Hospitalization of clients of inpatient social service institutions in medical and preventive institutions, assistance in referring, upon the conclusion of doctors, to sanatorium treatment (including on preferential terms). 4.2.9 Assistance in obtaining free dentures (except for dentures made of precious metals and other expensive materials), prosthetic and orthopedic and hearing aid. 4.2.10. Providing technical means of care and rehabilitation. 4.2.11. Organization of qualified medical advice. 4.2.12. Assistance in medical and social adaptation and rehabilitation. 4.2.13. Carrying out primary medical examination and primary sanitization in a hospital social service institution. 4.2.14. Organization of medical and social examination. 4.2.15. Providing first aid. 4.2.16 Carrying out health-related procedures (taking medications, instilling drops, etc.). 4.2.17 Providing assistance with exercise. 4. 2.18 Organization of medical and recreational activities. 4.2.19 Organization of medical and labor activities. 4.2.20 Counseling on social and medical issues (family planning, food and home hygiene, getting rid of excess weight, bad habits, psychosexual development, etc.). 4.2.21 Conducting sanitary and educational work to address issues of age adaptation. 4.2.22 Organization of emergency medical and psychological assistance. 4.2.23 Formation and organization of work of "health groups" according to medical indications and age characteristics of citizens. 4.2.24 Social and medical patronage. 4.2.25 Individual work with minors related to the prevention of the emergence of bad habits and getting rid of them, preparation for the creation of a family and the birth of a child. 4.2.26 Assistance in the provision of medicines and medical products upon the conclusion of doctors. 4.2.27 Assistance in hospitalization, escorting those in need to medical institutions. 4.2.28 Teaching relatives of patients with practical skills in general caring for them. 4.2.29 Provision of emergency first aid, calling a doctor at home, accompanying the served citizens to the institutions of health authorities and visiting them in these institutions in case of hospitalization. 4.2.30 Carrying out medical procedures in accordance with the prescription of the attending physician (subcutaneous and intramuscular administration of drugs, applying compresses, dressing, treatment of pressure ulcers, wound surfaces, performing cleansing enemas, taking materials for laboratory research, assisting in the use of catheters and other medical products) with a license for medical activities of this type. 4.2.31 Teaching family members the basics of medical-psychological and socio-medical knowledge for carrying out rehabilitation activities at home. 4.2.32 Monitoring the state of health (measurement of body temperature, blood pressure). 4.2.33 Assistance in the provision of health improvement services to children in need and their referral to sanatorium-resort treatment. 4.2.34 Assisting families with children with mental and physical disabilities, including children with disabilities, brought up at home, in their treatment, training in self-service skills, communication, and self-control. 4.2.35 Hearing aids services. 4.3 Socio-psychological services 4.3.1 Socio-psychological and psychological counseling. 4.3.2 Psychological diagnostics and personality examination. 4.3.3 Psychological correction. 4.3.4 Psychotherapeutic assistance. 4.3.5 Socio-psychological patronage. 4.3.6 Psychological trainings. 4.3.7 Conducting classes in mutual support groups, communication clubs. 4.3.8 Emergency psychological (including by phone) and medical and psychological assistance. 4.3.9 Provision of psychological assistance, including conversations, communication, listening, encouraging, motivation to be active, psychological support for the vitality of clients served at home. 4.4 Social and educational services 4.4.1 Social and educational counseling. 4.4.2 Socio-pedagogical diagnostics and personality examination. 4.4.3 Pedagogical correction. 4.4.4 Animation services (excursions, visits to theaters, exhibitions, amateur concerts, holidays, anniversaries and other cultural events). Organization and implementation of club and circle work to form and develop the interests of clients. 4.4.5 Assistance in obtaining education for people with disabilities, taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities; creating conditions for preschool education of children and receiving education according to special programs; creation of conditions for obtaining school education according to special programs; creation of conditions for disabled persons to receive secondary specialized and vocational education. 4.4.6 Services related to social and labor rehabilitation: creation of conditions for the use of residual labor opportunities, participation in medical and labor activities; carrying out activities to train available professional skills, restore personal and social status. 4.4.7 Social and pedagogical patronage. 4.4.8 Teaching disabled people to use technical means of rehabilitation. 4.4.9 Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people, their professional counseling. 4.4.10 Assistance in obtaining education and (or) profession for disabled people in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities. 4.4.11 Assistance in organizing home education for disabled children. 4.4.12 Training in the basics of home economics for graduates of social service institutions living independently (cooking, minor repairs of clothes, apartment maintenance, etc.). 4.4.13 Organization of vocational guidance, vocational training, employment of adolescents. 4.4.14 Assistance in organizing the work of disabled teenagers and their family members at home, providing raw materials and selling finished products. 4.4.15 Teaching disabled children the skills of self-service, behavior in everyday life and public places, self-control, communication skills and other forms of life. 4.4.16 Teaching parents of children with disabilities, including children with disabilities, the basics of their rehabilitation at home. 4.4.17 Organization of education for children and adolescents in stationary social service institutions, according to the school curriculum. 4.4.18 Organization of teaching sign language for children with disabilities with hearing impairments, their parents and other interested persons. 4.4.19 Sign Language Translation Services. 4.5 Socio-economic services 4.5.1 Assistance to the population of all categories and groups in obtaining due benefits, allowances, compensations, alimony and other payments, improving housing conditions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5.2 Provision of material assistance. 4.5.3 Reimbursement to clients of inpatient institutions for expenses related to travel to places of study, treatment, consultations. 4.5.4 Providing clients upon discharge from inpatient institutions with clothing, footwear and cash benefits according to approved standards. 4.5.5 Assistance in the provision of prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products, hearing aids, glasses. 4.5.6 Assistance in solving employment issues: employment, referral to retraining courses, finding temporary (seasonal) work, work with reduced working hours, work at home. 4.5.7 Consulting on the issues of self-sufficiency of citizens and their families, the development of family entrepreneurship, home-based crafts, and other issues of improving clients' financial situation. 4.6 Social and legal services 4.6.1 Consulting on issues related to the right of citizens to social services in state, municipal and non-state systems of social services and protection of their interests. 4.6.2 Providing assistance in the preparation and filing of complaints about actions or inaction of social services or employees of these services that violate or infringe on the legal rights of citizens. 4.6.3 Assistance in paperwork. 4.6.4 Providing assistance in matters related to retirement benefits. 4.6.5 Provision of legal assistance and assistance in obtaining benefits and benefits established by law, social benefits. 4.6.6 Providing representation in court to protect rights and interests. 4.6.7 Assistance in obtaining free assistance from a lawyer in the manner prescribed by law. 4.6.8 Assistance in preserving residential premises previously occupied under a lease or lease agreement in houses of state, municipal and public housing stocks within six months from the date of admission to a stationary social service institution, as well as in the extraordinary provision of residential premises in case of refusal of stationary services. social service institutions after the specified period, if the previously occupied premises cannot be returned. 4.6.9 Assistance in the prosecution of perpetrators of physical and mental violence committed in the family against children, women, the elderly and the disabled. 4.6.10 Assistance to the guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors in need of social rehabilitation for adoption, custody, foster care, a foster family, social service institutions. 4.6.11 Registration of submissions against parents who evade raising children in the commission on minors' affairs and protection of their rights to deprive parents of parental rights. 4.6.12 Assistance in obtaining a medical insurance policy. 4.6.13 Consulting on social and legal issues (civil, housing, family, labor, pension, criminal legislation, the rights of children, women, fathers, disabled people, etc.). 4.6.14 Provision of legal assistance to citizens in the preparation of documents for adoption and other forms of family education for orphans and children left without parental care. 4.6.15 Provision of legal assistance in processing documents for employment, obtaining a passport and other documents of legal significance. 4.6.16 Receiving pensions, benefits and other social benefits by power of attorney. 4.6.17 Providing assistance in processing documents for referring children and adolescents (if necessary) to social service institutions for temporary residence. 4.6.18 Provision of legal assistance in the protection and observance of the rights of children and adolescents to upbringing and care for them, including in cases that threaten their life and health. 5 Requirements for the procedure and conditions for the provision of social services 5.1 The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services are established in accordance with the provisions of the federal laws "On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation", "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people", Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation " On the Federal List of State-Guaranteed Social Services Provided to Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons by State and municipal institutions social service ". 5.2 Social services are provided on the basis of a request from a citizen, his guardian, trustee, other legal representative, government body, local government body or public association to the relevant bodies or institutions of social protection of the population (including institutions of other forms of ownership), which take a decision on the provision of the requested services based on this application. 5.3 When receiving social services, citizens should have the right to: - choose an institution and a form of service in accordance with the procedure established by the federal body for social protection of the population and the bodies of social protection of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; - information about their rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services; - respectful and humane attitude on the part of employees of social service institutions; - confidentiality of personal information that has become known to an employee of a social service institution when providing social services; - protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including in court; - refusal from social services. Personal information that has become known to employees of the institution during the provision of social services is a professional secret. Employees of the institution guilty of disclosing professional secrets are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.4 Social services are provided subject to the voluntary consent of citizens to receive them, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is allowed to anonymously contact customers to receive certain types of services. 5.5 The right to extraordinary service in institutions is enjoyed by citizens of the categories specified in Articles 14, 15, 18 of the Federal Law "On Veterans". The priority right to receive social services in institutions is enjoyed by citizens of the categories specified in Articles 17, 19 and 20 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", as well as single disabled citizens, parents and unmarried wives (husbands) of military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, killed or died in the performance of military service duties or official duties, citizens exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents, rehabilitated citizens and citizens recognized as victims of political repression. 5.6 Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including refugees, enjoy the same rights in the field of social services as citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.7 Consent to social services for persons under the age of 14 and persons recognized as legally incompetent is given by their legal representatives after receiving the necessary information in the field of social services. In the temporary absence of legal representatives, the decision on consent is made by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. 5.8 Citizens sent to institutions, as well as their legal representatives, must be preliminary familiarized with the conditions of residence or stay in these institutions and the types of social services provided by them. The placement of citizens in a stationary institution must be made on the basis of their personal written application and confirmed by their signature, and persons under the age of 14 and persons recognized as legally incompetent, on the basis of a written application from their legal representatives. The placement in specialized inpatient institutions of neglected, homeless and socially dangerous children and adolescents in need of social rehabilitation is carried out on the basis of: - personal appeal of a minor; - statements by the parents of a minor or his legal representatives, taking into account the opinion of a minor who has reached the age of 10, except for cases when taking into account the opinion of a minor contradicts his interests; - the direction of the management body for social protection of the population or a petition of the official of the body or institution of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency agreed with this body; - decisions of the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or judge in the event of the detention, arrest or conviction of the parents or legal representatives of the minor; - the act of the operational duty officer of the district, city department (department) of internal affairs, department (department) of other municipal and administrative-territorial entities on the need to place a minor in such an institution. Keywords: social services for the population, social service, social service client, social service institution, difficult life situation, social services, social and economic services, social and medical services, social and psychological services, social and educational services, social and legal services, social services.


Social work is an ambiguous, complex, emotionally loaded activity that imposes special requirements on the personality of a specialist, relying on the fact that work with difficult life situations is the main content of a specialist's activity.

The difficulties inherent in social work as a whole are aggravated by some social characteristics, in particular, the indefinite boundaries and levels of professional competence, the lack of a sufficient number of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of social activity.

In order to achieve mastery in professional activity, a social work specialist needs to have starting capabilities, abilities, knowledge, skills, competencies, competence and high motivation. It is very important that a professional has not only skill, but also high efficiency and stability of performance results. Highly efficient activities are characterized by high quality and productivity indicators and pursues socially significant goals.

The results of studies of the productivity of professional activity of social work specialists prove that at least two types of requirements must be presented to a practical worker (A.V. Petrovsky, 1986):

Professional literacy. This criterion is due to the fact that the profession of a specialist in social work is multidisciplinary, it is closely related to such areas of science and practice as psychology, pedagogy, jurisprudence, sociology and medicine. This profession presupposes not only knowledge, but also practical skills in the implementation of technologies in these areas.

Social competence (the ability to organize people, lead and obey, resolve conflicts and make effective decisions).

To become a professional, it is necessary to master a system of relevant skills and abilities that will help a specialist to become a creative person capable of helping a client in attempts to take the path of constructive changes in his life. In a contact social problem, as a rule, personal, life problems are resolved, which have a deep meaningful meaning.

Professional possession of skills, abilities, will help a specialist in an optimal way to cope with both first-order tasks (helping clients in solving essential problems) and procedural problems. Subject to a solid mastery of basic skills and abilities, a successful solution to most problems is guaranteed,

found in the practice of social work on an individual - personal level.

There can be a great variety of problem-solving strategies, provided a creative approach to the implementation of an algorithm for solving a problem situation.

In addition to the problems themselves, their carriers are often difficult, the so-called "difficult" clients, communication with whom requires special stress. In addition, it is quite important to take into account that working with a client presupposes the skills of a panoramic vision of life, the presence of positive time perspectives. Therefore, it is important to organize work with such a concept as “biographical competence”. It is an integral part of the competence of specialists and is understood as knowledge of the laws of formation of individual and social subjectivity, understanding of the reasons and factors that determine the logic life path, knowledge of the mechanisms of biographical development of personality (G.E.Soloviev).

The issues of the client's biographical development, especially his biography, are defining in the professional activity of a specialist in social work. Therefore, special attention in the work should be paid to the analysis of biographies of people, the formation of acquaintance skills, the analysis and assessment of biographical development, methods of rehabilitation of the individual subjectivity of the individual. In accordance with the work performed, the professional activity of a social work specialist includes:

Knowledge about the social world and about oneself, one's place in this world (V.N.Kunitsyna, 1995),

As a certain level of adaptation that allows you to effectively fulfill a given social role (E. V. Flerova, 1998);

As the level of formation of the personality of the internal correlation of the processes of awareness of social reality and value orientations to social phenomena (E.V. Belitskaya, 1995).

The study of the personality of a professional at any stage of work is associated with the need to develop a “model of a specialist”, by which researchers (N. Dulina, R. Petruneva, V. Tokarev) understand a kind of ideal that most fully meets professional requirements. A specialist justifies social expectations only when his personal, general and professional culture is developing at a faster pace than other members of society.

The set of final goals - a list of tasks that a specialist should be able to solve upon completion of training - was called a “model” (profile) of a specialist (NF Talyzina, IA Volodarskaya).

In contrast to this traditional “model of a specialist”, which includes professional, cognitive and communicative properties and characteristics, the personality-oriented model of a creative professional in this study is characterized by the integrity

professional and personal components of professional competence.

Career - successful advancement in a particular area (public, service, scientific, professional) activity.

Career - career advancement, occupation of a special status in their professional field.

In some cases, a career is a desirable path upward, consciously chosen by an employee to receive certain moral bonuses in the form of self-affirmation and enjoyment of his favorite job. This is the main motive for moving towards a certain status (social, official, qualification).

Career is the process of gaining vital values, benefits, and appreciation in society and in the workplace.

Career growth is facilitated by: 1) job levels, hierarchy levels; 2) the steps of the qualification ladder and related categories that differentiate skills and knowledge; 3) status ranks reflecting the employee's contribution to the development of the organization (length of service, rational proposals, etc.); 4) the level of power as the degree of influence in the organization (participation in making important decisions, closeness to the leadership); 5) levels of material income (salary level and variety of social benefits). Career is the professional growth of a person, an increase in his influence, authority, status in the environment, manifested in his advancement up the steps of the job, qualification, material and social ladder.

Career growth is a constantly unfolding process of actions planned and aimed at achieving life goals and the implementation of personal employment. Development means growth, an individual's mastery of skills and their application. Career growth is the result of a combination of individual career planning and the organization's provision of support and opportunities, and is a process of employee-employer collaboration mediated by recruitment agencies.

There is a subjective and objective review plan career growth... Most researchers note that a combination of subjective and objective factors is the most appropriate when considering career growth.

The subjective aspect assumes everything that concerns a person's individual career path - choice of profession, promotion, satisfaction, etc. It is understood that in the course of career growth, an individual climbs a number of steps, each of which has a unique set of characteristics, topics and tasks.

An objective career plan is a structural feature of the employing organization: an ordered sequence of positions that employees can occupy.

When analyzing career growth, it is necessary to take into account the organizational context in which it is implemented. At the same time, both the contribution of career growth to the effectiveness of the organization's work and the features of career development within the framework of various career systems are considered.

Professional growth is the achievement of a level of success in work activities, constant improvement of his qualification level by an employee, promotion through the career ladder !!!

Career types:

Career horizontal- a type of career that involves either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or

performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, performing the role of the head of a temporary working group, program, etc.).

A horizontal business career can include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous stage (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration). The term "horizontal career" does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy. This is climbing the steps of professional skill. Ability to do what others cannot. This knowledge and skills that are inside a person, which cannot be taken away.

A vertical career is a type of career with which the very concept of a business career is most often associated, since in this case, promotion is most visible. A vertical career is understood as an ascent to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).

This is such a career in the proper sense of the word, that is, advancement from the lower to the higher levels of the "service ladder", that is, the organizational hierarchy.

An employee can go through the stages of this career both in one and in different organizations. Career is that you gradually grow in position, move up and at some point take a leading position, in this case, the progress is most obvious, and that is why with "vertical takeoff".

A stepped career is a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of careers. The advancement of an employee can be carried out by alternating vertical growth with horizontal growth, which has a significant effect. This type of career is quite common and can take both intra-organizational and inter-organizational forms.

A hidden career is the type of career that is least obvious to others. It is available to a limited number of employees, as a rule, with extensive business connections outside the organization.

A centripetal career is understood as a movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, certain important instructions from management. Such an employee can hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in the position held.

Career (work) stages:

The preliminary stage includes school, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that meets his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds such a type of activity, the process of self-assertion of him as a person begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.

During this period, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, forms his qualifications, self-assertion occurs and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.

The promotion stage lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of qualification growth, promotion. There is an accumulation of practical experience, skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achievement of a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for safety, the efforts of the employee are focused on increasing the amount of wages and taking care of health.

The conservation phase is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There is a peak in the improvement of qualifications and its increase as a result of vigorous activity and special training, the employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity, there can be an ascent to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have achieved their position by honest work. Although many needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of other organizations, shares, bonds).

The completion phase lasts 60 to 65 years. Here, a person begins to seriously think about retirement, prepares to end his labor activity. During this period, there is an active search worthy replacement and training a candidate for an emerging position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis and a person receives less and less job satisfaction and experiences a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for oneself and others like them reaches its highest point in the entire period of a career. During this period, the specialist is interested in maintaining the level of remuneration, but seeks to increase other sources of income that would replace his salary in this organization upon retirement and would be a good addition to the pension benefit.

At the last - retirement stage, the career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees is stabilizing. But financial position and health conditions during these years can make constant concern for other sources of income and health.

However, the career stage (as a point on the time axis) is not always associated with the stage of professional development. A person who is at the stage of advancement within the framework of another profession may not yet be a high professional. Therefore, it is important to separate the career stage (the time period of personality development) and the professional development phase (periods of mastering the activity).

In accordance with the phases of development of a professional, they are distinguished: optant (phase of the option). A person is concerned about the issues of choice or a forced change of profession and makes this choice. There can be no exact technological boundaries here, as in relation to other phrases, because age characteristics are set not only by physiological, but also by cultural conditions: adept (adept phase). This is a person who has already embarked on the path of commitment to the profession and is mastering it. Depending on the profession, this can be a long-term or a very short-term process (for example, a simple instruction); adaptant (phase of adaptation, getting used to work by a young specialist). No matter how well the process of training one or another professional in educational institution it never fits "like a key to a lock" in a production job; internal (internal phase). An experienced worker who loves his job and can quite independently, more and more reliably and successfully cope with basic professional functions, which is recognized by fellow workers, by profession; master (ongoing mastery phase). An employee can solve both simple and the most difficult professional tasks, which, perhaps, not all colleagues can handle; authority (the phase of authority, like the phase of mastery, is also added to the next one). Depending on the forms adopted in this profession, the professional competence of a specialist is confirmed by the results of his certification.

Certification is a procedure for systematic assessment of the compliance of a specific employee's activities with the standard of work at a given workplace in a given position, using personnel assessment methods, it is a comprehensive check of the level of business, personal, and sometimes moral qualities of an employee in the relevant position.

There are many pros and cons of official certification

workers. The argument against is the opinion that the leader and

managers are already constantly evaluating their employees that attestation is a formal legal procedure necessary only to confirm or increase the level of remuneration according to the Unified Tariff Grid. The argument in favor of attestation today is that it not only serves as the legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards, layoffs and wage fixes, but also serves a number of important purposes: it helps to determine, first, which workers require more training. and secondly, the results of training programs. She helps establish and strengthen business relationships between employees and managers through the discussion of the results of the assessment and, in addition, she encourages managers to provide the necessary assistance. The particular importance of appraisal is that it encourages staff to work more efficiently. The presence of an appropriate program and the transparency of the results of its implementation develop initiative, a sense of responsibility and stimulate the desire to work better and more efficiently.

Attestation is one of the most effective tools for personnel management, it allows you to diagnose personnel; determine the value of employees not only for the unit, but for the entire organization; reasonably make management decisions, especially those related to the strategic objectives of the organization.

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General characteristics of concepts " state function"," government service "




state social assistance service

Difficult life situation - Circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc. the like), which he cannot overcome on his own.

Consequently, any situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own, gives him the right to receive appropriate measures of social support guaranteed by the state. Thus, the list of categories of citizens receiving appropriate social support measures is very extensive and mobile in composition.

Purpose of the work: to consider the state functions of providing public services people in difficult life situations, the Ministry social policy Sverdlovsk region.

Objectives of the work: to define the state functions for the provision of state services to people in difficult life situations, by the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region.

General characteristics of the concepts "state function", "state service".

Public service - the activity of an executive authority providing a public service, expressed in the commission of actions and (or) making decisions that entail the emergence, change or termination of legal relations or the emergence of documented information (document) in connection with the appeal of a citizen or organization in order to exercise their rights, legitimate interests or the fulfillment of those assigned to them by regulatory legal acts responsibilities.

The state service and the state function reflect the processes of interaction between the state and society, their fundamental difference is in the initiator of the interaction:

1) if the initiator of the interaction is a government body (for example, the implementation of a control check, the calculation of any general tariffs, etc.), then the interaction is qualified as a state function;

2) if the initiator of the interaction is a citizen, an organization (for example, obtaining a passport, licensing its activities, calculating an individual tariff, obtaining a duplicate of a lost document, requesting information for the media), then such interaction is a public service.

The register of public services is a list of public services formed by the executive authorities in accordance with their functions. The register of public services, after passing the examination in the expert group under the Commission for the Implementation of Administrative Reform, is approved by the head of the executive authority. A preliminary examination of the register of public services is necessary to prevent the imposition of excessive public services on the society. The register of public services includes services that are associated with interaction with citizens (organizations).

A consumer of a public service is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen, a stateless person (hereinafter referred to as a citizen) or an organization that has applied to an executive authority providing a public service in order to exercise rights or legitimate interests or to fulfill obligations imposed by regulatory legal acts.

Public service standard - binding rules that establish requirements for the provision of public services, including the characteristics of the process, form, content and result of the provision of this public service in the interests of the consumer of the public service.

Legal regulation providing public services to people in difficult life situations

The fundamentals of legislative regulation of the provision of measures of social services to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations are established by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population." This Federal Law defines social services as the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. In accordance with Art. 7 of this Federal Law, the state guarantees citizens the right to social services in state system social services for the main types, determined by Federal Law N 442-FZ in the manner and on the conditions that are established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main types of social services for citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, in accordance with the aforementioned Federal Law, are:

Material help;

Social services at home;

Social services in stationary institutions;

Provision of temporary shelter;

Organization of daytime stays in social service institutions;

Consulting assistance;

Rehabilitation services.

Social services are provided to the population free of charge and for a fee. Free social services in the state system of social services in volumes determined by state standards of social services are provided to the following groups of the population:

1) to citizens who are not capable of self-service due to old age, illness, disability, who do not have relatives who cannot provide them with help and care, if the average per capita income of these citizens is below the subsistence level established for the subject of the Russian Federation in which they live;

2) citizens who are in a difficult life situation due to unemployment, natural disasters, catastrophes, suffered as a result of armed and interethnic conflicts;

3) minor children in difficult life situations.

The main regulatory legal acts adopted in the development of Federal Law No. 442-FZ in the field of providing social support to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations in the Sverdlovsk Region include:

Law of the Sverdlovsk region of October 29, 2007 N 126-OZ "On the provision in the Sverdlovsk region of state social assistance to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone, rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression, and other categories of citizens and the provision of social guarantees low-income families, low-income citizens living alone ”;

Law of the Sverdlovsk region of 07.03.2006 N 10-OZ "On social services for the population in the Sverdlovsk region";

Resolutions of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region of April 19, 2011 N 426-PP "On approval of the basic (sectoral) list of public services (works) provided (performed) government agencies in the field of social services for the population ";

Resolution of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region of June 30, 2005 No. 520-PP "On measures of social support for certain categories of citizens living in the Sverdlovsk Region";

Resolution of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region of October 15, 2009 N 1287-PP "On the implementation of social services for the population in the Sverdlovsk region in accordance with national standards Russian Federation".

Social services for citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations must comply with state standards, which establish the basic requirements for the volume and quality of social services, the procedure and conditions for their provision. The establishment of state standards of social services is carried out in the manner established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Provision of social services to citizens in difficult life situations

Social services for citizens in difficult life situations are carried out through the provision of the following basic social services provided for state standard social services for the population of the Sverdlovsk region:

Social and domestic services;

Social and medical services;

Socio-psychological services;

Social and educational services;

Social and legal services;

Material help.

On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, these services are provided to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, in the conditions of inpatient services for elderly citizens and disabled people, disabled children; home-based services for the disabled and elderly citizens; provision of temporary shelter for minors, maladjusted citizens; advisory assistance to low-income citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations; daytime stays of disabled people and elderly citizens.

Social services to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations are provided in social service institutions:

1) comprehensive centers of social services for the population (KTSSON " Golden autumn"N. Tagil, KTSSON of Kushva, KTSSON" Veteran "of Kamensk-Uralsky)

2) territorial centers of social assistance to families and children (State budgetary institution of social services to the population of the Sverdlovsk region "Irbit Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children", GBU SON SO "TsSPS and D of the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma", Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children in Nizhny Tagil )

3) social service centers;

4) social rehabilitation centers for minors (State budgetary institution of social services for the population of the Sverdlovsk region "Social and rehabilitation center for minors in the Leninsky district of the city of Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Tagil Social rehabilitation center for minors No. 1" rainbow ");

5) centers for helping children left without parental care (State regional institution social services "Social and rehabilitation center for minors No. 2" Smile "of the city of Nizhny Tagil")

6) social shelters for children and adolescents (State budgetary institution of social services for the population of the Sverdlovsk region "Social shelter for children and adolescents of the Serov region")

7) centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8) centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

9) centers (departments) of social assistance at home;

10) night home (State budgetary institution of social services for the population of the Sverdlovsk region "House of night stay");

11) special homes for lonely elderly people;

12) inpatient institutions of social services (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psycho-neurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities);

13) gerontological centers (Regional State Stationary Institution of Social Services "Gerontological Center";

14) other institutions providing social services.

Providing material assistance to citizens in difficult life situations

A separate measure of social support for citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations is material assistance.

In accordance with Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, material assistance is provided to citizens in difficult life situations in the form Money, food, sanitation and hygiene products, childcare products, clothing, shoes and other essentials, fuel, and special Vehicle, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and other persons in need of outside care.

By the Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region of 06.09.2006 N 767-PP "On the provision of material assistance to citizens in need of social support" material assistance is assigned and paid to the following categories of citizens in difficult life situations and living in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region:

1) citizens who have suffered as a result of a fire that has resulted in the destruction or damage of living quarters;

2) parents, spouse, children of military personnel who were killed (dead, missing) during the period of military service by conscription (with the exception of cases of death of military personnel due to the commission of a crime);

3) disabled citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty, the place of which is indicated in the release documents for the Sverdlovsk region;

4) disabled poor living alone citizens receiving state social assistance in accordance with the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region dated October 29, 2007 N 126-OZ "On the provision of state social assistance to low-income families in the Sverdlovsk Region, low-income citizens living alone, rehabilitated persons and persons recognized victims of political repression, and other categories of citizens and the provision of social guarantees to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone ";

5) disabled citizens from among the persons of a low-income family receiving state social assistance in accordance with the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region of October 29, 2007 N 126-OZ "On the provision of state social assistance to low-income families in the Sverdlovsk Region, low-income citizens living alone, rehabilitated individuals and individuals recognized as victims of political repression and other categories of citizens and the provision of social guarantees to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone ";

6) disabled citizens who have lost their passport;

7) citizens who carried out the burial of the deceased, which was not subject to mandatory social insurance in case of temporary incapacity for work and in connection with motherhood on the day of death and was not a pensioner, as well as in the case of the birth of a still child after 154 days of pregnancy.

Social services in residential institutions

Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region of 20.10.2005 N 897-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of free stationary social services, as well as on the terms of full or partial payment in the Sverdlovsk region ".

Inpatient social services in state inpatient social service institutions of the Sverdlovsk region (hereinafter - inpatient institutions) are provided to elderly citizens and disabled people, including disabled children who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and need constant outside care (hereinafter - elderly citizens and disabled people).

2. Elderly persons (women from 55 years old, men from 60 years old) and disabled persons of groups 1 and 2 who need personal and medical services, rehabilitation services, constant outside help due to partial or complete loss of the possibility of independent satisfaction of basic life needs due to the limitation of the ability to self-service and movement.

3. For stationary social services in special stationary institutions, the categories of citizens provided for in paragraph 2 of this Regulation are admitted, from among:

those released from places of deprivation of liberty, over which administrative supervision has been established;

previously convicted or repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violation of public order and engaged in vagrancy and begging.

Elderly citizens and disabled people living in inpatient institutions and constantly violating the Internal Regulations approved by the head of the inpatient institution, at their request or by a court decision taken on the basis of the administration of these institutions, are transferred to special inpatient institutions.


After analyzing the information, we can conclude that the function of the state is designed to ensure social security of the individual, normal living conditions for all members of society, regardless of their direct participation in the production of goods and social status.

In the Sverdlovsk Region, the Ministry of Social Policy provides state services to people in difficult life situations to improve the quality of life, the level of social protection, vital activity and social responsibility of citizens, for their self-sufficiency in their life.


1. Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services";

2. Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population";

3. Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region of 06.09.2006 N 767-PP "On the provision of material assistance to citizens in need of social support";

4. Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region of 20.10.2005 N 897-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of free stationary social services, as well as on the basis of full or partial payment in the Sverdlovsk region";

5. Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region of October 15, 2009 N 1287-PP "On the implementation of social services for the population in the Sverdlovsk region in accordance with the national standards of the Russian Federation";

6.Law ​​of the Sverdlovsk region of 03.12.2014 No. 108-OZ "On social services for citizens in the Sverdlovsk region";

7. National standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 52143-2003 "Social services for the population. Basic types of social services".

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