Development of national standards for guests in tourism. Features of standardization of services in tourism. The concept of standardization and standard in the tourism sector

Standardization- is an activity to establish norms, rules and characteristics (requirements) in order to ensure: safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property of the consumer; technical and informational compatibility, as well as product interchangeability; the quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology; uniformity of measurements; saving all types of resources; safety of economic facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies; defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country.

Objectives of standardization, set forth in the Law of the Russian Federation "On standardization", reflect its dual nature at the present time. On the one hand, its main goal is to establish mandatory requirements for safety, technical and information compatibility, as well as product interchangeability and safety of economic facilities, and on the other, to develop recommendations for consumer performance of products based on the need to improve their quality and save resources.

Regulatory documents on standardization include state standards of Russia; rules, norms, and recommendations for standardization; all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information; industry and enterprise standards; standards of scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

Tourist service standards are part of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation, which determines the goals and objectives of standardization in the field of tourism and hotel management, basic principles and organization of work, categories of regulatory documents, types of standards and basic provisions for international cooperation. The goals of standardization in the field of tourist services are to ensure the declared level of quality and safety of consumption of a tourist product or a separate tourist service, to protect the interests of consumers of tourist services from unfair competition in the market.

In international and domestic practice, under standard means a normative document on standardization, developed on the basis of consent, characterized by the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties (manufacturers and consumers), approved by a recognized body and binding on application. State standards in the field of tourist services are approved, as a rule, by the State Standard of Russia.

Standard as a regulatory document in a broader sense a document containing rules, general principles, characteristics related to certain types of activities, including tourism, and available to a wide range of consumers. The standard is one of the effective instruments for regulating the market of tourism services, allowing to influence both unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers and consumers of tourism services. The standard, by its nature, is intended to establish the minimum necessary requirements that make any product or service fit for its purpose in terms of formalized criteria for reliability, safety, quality, etc.

Object of standardization - service, the production process of providing a service or its result, subject to standardization. Under service the result of direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor's own activities to meet the consumer's needs is understood.

By functional purpose, services are divided into materialand socio-cultural... Socio-cultural services include services to meet the spiritual, intellectual needs and support the normal life of the consumer (maintaining and restoring health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, improving professional skills), as well as medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc. On the other hand, transport companies, catering companies and others, whose services relate to the sphere of material services, also take part in the creation of an integrated tourist service (tour).

There are the following categories of standards:

§ State standards of the Russian Federation, which are the regulatory framework for licensing and certification - GOST R;

§ industry standards - OST;

§ standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations) - STP;

§ standards of public associations - STO.

The normative documents on standardization also include all-Russian classifiers, the procedure for the development and application of which is established by the State Standard of Russia. When developing standards, the standards adopted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and regional standards, the rules of the UN European Legislative Commission and other international organizations, as well as national standards of other countries are taken into account. The basis for standardization existing in the field of tourism and hotel industry is currently the following state standards:

1) GOST 28681 O-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic Provisions ";

2) GOST R 50690-2000 Tourist services. General requirements";

3) GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing of tourist services ";

4) GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists ";

5) GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Hotel classification ";

6) GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the population. Terms and Definitions";

7) GOST R 50691-94 "Model of service quality assurance (authentic test ISO 9002-87)";

8) GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements";

9) GOST R 50460-92 “Conformity mark for mandatory certification. Form, dimensions and technical requirements ".

The technical committee TK-199 under the State Standard of Russia is responsible for the management and coordination of the organization of standardization in the field of tourism. The following regulatory documents are directly related to the field of tourism, containing classification signs:

1) All-Russian classifier of branches of the national economy - OKONKh;

2) All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services - OKDP (OK 004-93);

3) All-Russian classifier of services to the population - OKUN (OK 002-93);

4) All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, office positions and wage grades (OK 016-94).

Documents OKONKH and OKDP are used to identify the industry affiliation of an organization or an entrepreneur to the tourism sector. For example, the code 90220 OKONKH means belonging to the hotel industry, the code 91600 - to the recreation and tourism organizations, the code 91620 - to the tourism enterprises, and the code 91517 - to the sanatorium and resort establishments. These codes are given in the statistical documents of tourist firms and hotels.

When certifying tourist services and hotel services, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population - OKUN (OK 002-93) is used, which contains a list of excursion and tourist services (section code 060000), as well as services of hotels, health resorts, catering establishments, transport and a number of others (as amended in 1999). The codes of the OKUN classifier are used in the certification of tourist services and hotel services and are indicated in the certificates of compliance with safety and quality of services.

Certification is a rather complicated and time-consuming process for a travel company and directly depends on the qualifications of the company's personnel. The certification process begins with filling out a standard application form for certification of tourism and hotel services by accredited certification bodies in accordance with the established procedure. This application, the form of which is placed below, is signed by the director of the company and certifies that the travel company has identified its services in accordance with the nomenclature of the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OKUN).

In addition, in the practice of tourist and hotel activities, such regulatory documents are used as rules... First of all, these include: Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490; Rules for the provision of catering services approved by the RF Government Decree of August 15, 1997 No. 1036. In addition, the following are used in international tourist practice. classification: International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC); Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities (SIKTA).

The quality of the tourist product - a set of properties of tour services and service processes to meet the conditioned or anticipated needs of tourists.

Quality etc. characterized by the quality of services and the culture of service.

Mandatory requirements for the quality of the tourist product:

Life and health safety

Guaranteed provision of services, according to the voucher

Safety of tourists' property

Environmental protection

The quality criterion is expressed through a system of indicators reflecting various types of tourist service activities.

The following factors affect the quality of travel services:

Natural and climatic

Cultural and historical values


Specific needs of tourists

Work culture and employee behavior

Enterprise image

The quality of service is largely determined by:


The level of capital investments in infrastructure development

Competence of personnel tour of the enterprise

Control system flexibility

Important indicators of the quality of a tourist product are the guarantee of safety and the provision of prepaid services.

Tour service quality standards are determined by the standardization and certification system (GOST).

A standard is a regulatory and technical document that establishes the basic requirements for the quality of products (services).

An important role in quality management belongs to technical specifications (TU).

Technical conditions are a normative and technical document that establishes additional requirements to state standards, and in their absence, independent requirements for the quality indicators of products, as well as a technical description, recipe, and standard sample equivalent to this document. The requirements provided for in the technical specifications cannot be lower than in the state standards.

The product quality management system is based on comprehensive standardization.

The standards define the procedure and methods for planning the improvement of product quality at all stages of the life cycle, establish requirements for the means and methods of control and assessment of product quality. Product quality management is carried out on the basis of: state, international, industry and enterprise standards.

State standardization acts as a means of protecting the interests of society and specific consumers and applies to all levels of government.

ISO 9000 series guarantees the consumer the right to more actively influence product quality; provide a legislative framework that provides for the active role of the consumer in the process of manufacturing quality products.

ISO 9000 is used to define the differences and relationships between the basic concepts in the field of quality and as a guideline for the selection and application of ISO standards for quality systems, which are used internally in the firm when solving quality management problems (ISO 9004).

In our country, the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (GSS) has been formed, which includes five basic standards.

1. GOST R 1.0-92 State system of standardization of the Russian Federation. Basic provisions.

2. GOST R 1.2-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for the development of state standards.

3. GOST R 1.3-92 State system of the Russian Federation. The procedure for coordination, approval and registration of technical specifications.

4. GOST R 1.4-92 State system of the Russian Federation. Enterprise standards. General Provisions.

5. GOST R 1.5-92 State system of the Russian Federation. The general requirement for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards.

There are three state quality standards in Russia:

1. GOST 40.9001-88 “Quality system. A model for quality assurance in design and / or development, production, installation and service ”.

2. GOST 40.9002.-88 “Quality system. Model for quality assurance in production and installation ”.

3. GOST 40.9003-88 “Quality system. Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection and Testing ”.

The main quality standards in tourism are regulated by the requirements:

1. GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists excursionists ".

2. GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the population. Terms and definitions ".

3. GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing tourist services ".

4. GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements "applies to legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, individual entrepreneurs providing travel services.

The most important instruments of state regulation of the activities of tourism organizations and the protection of the rights of consumers of tourism services are licensing, standardization and certification in tourism.

Tourist service standards are part of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation, which determines the goals and objectives of standardization in the field of tourism and hotel management, basic principles and organization of work, categories of regulatory documents, types of standards and basic provisions for international cooperation.

The goals of standardization in the field of tourist services are to ensure the declared level of quality and safety of consumption of a tourist product or a separate tourist service, to protect the interests of consumers of tourist services from unfair competition in the market.

In international and domestic practice, under standard means a normative document on standardization, developed on the basis of consent, characterized by the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties (manufacturers and consumers), approved by a recognized body and binding on application. State standards in the field of tourist services are approved, as a rule, by the State Standard of Russia.

Standard, as a normative document, in a broader sense, a document containing rules, general principles, characteristics related to certain types of activities, including tourism, and available to a wide range of consumers.

The standard, as a normative document, is one of the effective instruments for regulating the market of tourist services, allowing to influence both unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers and consumers of tourist services.

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The standard, by its nature, is intended to establish the minimum necessary requirements that make any product or service fit for its purpose in terms of formalized criteria for reliability, safety, quality, etc.

Object of standardization- service, the production process of providing a service or its result, subject to standardization.

A service is understood as the result of direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.

By functional purpose services, provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural. Socio-cultural services include services to meet the spiritual, intellectual needs and support the normal life of the consumer (maintaining and restoring health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, improving professional skills), as well as medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc. On the other hand, transport companies, catering companies and others, whose services relate to the sphere of material services, also take part in the creation of an integrated tourist service (tour).

There are interrelated categories of standards:

State standards of the Russian Federation, which are the regulatory framework for licensing and certification - GOST R;

Industry Standards - OST;

Standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations) - STP;

Standards of public associations - STO.

The normative documents on standardization also include all-Russian classifiers, the procedure for the development and application of which is established by the State Standard of Russia.

When developing standards, the standards adopted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and regional standards, the rules of the UN European Legislative Commission and other international organizations, as well as national standards of other countries are taken into account.

The basis for standardization existing in the field of tourism and hotel industry is currently the following state standards:

GOST 286810-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic Provisions ";

GOST R 50690-94 “Tourist and excursion service. Tourist services. General requirements";

GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion service. Designing of tourist services ";

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GOST R 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion service. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists ";

GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion service. Hotel classification ";

GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the population. Terms and Definitions";

GOST R 50691-94 "Model of service quality assurance (authentic test ISO 9002-87) ";

GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements"(Appendix 34).

The technical committee TK-199 under the State Standard of Russia is responsible for the management and coordination of the organization of standardization in the field of tourism.

The following regulatory documents are directly related to the field of tourism, containing classification signs:

All-Russian classifier of branches of the national economy-OKO IH;

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services-OKDP (OK 004-93);

All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population- ABOUT KUHN (OK 002-93) (Appendix 30);

All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OK 016-94).

Documents OKONKH and OKDP are used to identify the industry affiliation of an organization or an entrepreneur to the tourism sector. For example, the code 90220 OKONKH means belonging to the hotel industry, the code 91600 - to the recreation and tourism organizations, the code 91620 - to the tourism enterprises, and the code 91517 - to the sanatorium and resort establishments. These codes are given in the statistical documents of tourist firms and hotels.

When certifying tourist services and hotel services, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population-OKUI (OK 002-93) is used, which provides a list of excursion and tourist services (section code 060000), as well as services of hotels, sanatorium-resort establishments, catering establishments, transport and a number of others.

The codes of the OKUN classifier are used in the certification of tourist services and hotel services and are indicated in the certificates of compliance with safety and quality of services.

In addition, in the practice of tourist and hotel activities, such regulatory documents as rules are used. First of all, these include:

Rules for certification in the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Gosstandart of Russia dated February 16, 1994 No. 3;

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Rules for the certification of tourist services and hotel services, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated October 14, 1994 No. 18;

Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490.

When determining the objects of standardization in the field of tourism, it is assumed that, to a large extent, the quality and reliability of a tourist product is determined by the technologies used by tourist enterprises. In this regard, standardization should apply to the following elements of technology:

Terms and definitions in tourism, necessary for mutual understanding and unambiguous perception of concepts that describe a tourist product, the conditions for its implementation, contractual relations, quality and safety both during international and national travel;

Classification of types of tourist organizations and types of their activities;

Ways and methods of formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product;

Methods for assessing and minimizing risks to the health and life of tourists when they travel, the actions of travel agencies in case of emergencies;

Tourism technologies that establish standard requirements for the forms of documents and the composition of information in them, as well as for other elements of technology.

Licensing of international tourist (hotel) activities is one of the types of legal pre-trial mechanism of its state regulation. A license is a permit issued by a state body to legal entities or individuals to carry out international tourist (hotel) activities for a certain time, subject to a number of conditions... Licenses are issued in accordance with federal laws "On the basics of tourist activities in the Russian Federation" and "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", adopted by the State Duma on September 16, 1998, No. 158-FZ, and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1995 No. 1222 "On licensing international tourist activities"(Appendix 27). The same resolution approved Licensing Regulations, which provides for the following license terms: bringing to each tourist information about the peculiarities of entry and stay in the country; whether the licensee has its own or rented office space with the necessary equipment

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niy; the presence of at least one employee with a special tourism education or work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years; provision of tourist services only after the conclusion of an agreement (contract) with the client for the sale and purchase of services; providing the client with complete and comprehensive information about the licensee's mode of operation, its legal status, the availability of the license itself and security certificates for the services provided.

The procedure for issuing a license is also determined The Law of the Russian Federation “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities. At the same time, international tourist activity is understood as receiving tourists from abroad and sending domestic tourists abroad. The license for international tourist activity is issued for a period of three years and is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The established size of the license fee is 10 times the minimum wage and 3 times the minimum wage for considering an application for licensing.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On licensing certain types of activities" dated December 24, 1994 No. 1418 bodies authorized to conduct licensing activities have been identified. In the field of tourism, such a body is the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Tourism, which licenses tourist activities and delegates, on a contractual basis, the functions of issuing licenses to domestic travel agencies to regional executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In particular, in Moscow, licensing of international tourism activities, and since 1997, hotel activities have been carried out by Mosturlissensia, which is a structural subdivision of the Moscow Licensing Chamber.

Tourist enterprises that have received a state license for international tourist activities are entered in the State Register. The authority that issued the license may terminate its validity due to the travel agency's failure to comply with the terms of the licensed activity.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", licensing of all tourist activities should be introduced, which means not only international tourist activities, but also activities related to domestic tourism. At the same time, the law defines the tourism industry as a set of accommodation facilities, transport, catering establishments, entertainment facilities and means of entertainment, sports, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as providing excursion services and services of guide-translators.

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The existing licensing system, the presence of a license from a travel agency are not currently, for a number of reasons, a guarantee that the tourist will be provided with the services he has paid for. The licensing procedure should provide for various conditions for issuing licenses to travel agents, tour operators, hotels, excursion organizations, etc., as well as obtaining complex licenses for all these types of activities.

The conditions for suspension or revocation of a license should also provide for a pre-trial procedure for resolving emerging conflicts and consumer complaints based on the results of mandatory and voluntary certification of services.

Based Federal Law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation", representing hotel activities as an integral part of the tourism industry, the Moscow government adopted Resolution of June 3, 1997 No. 416, which approved the Temporary Regulation on the Licensing of Hotel Activities in Moscow and expanded the list of types of hotel activities licensed in Moscow. This decree also provides for the organization of complex licensing of subjects of hotel activities for all the types of activities they declare. At the same time, hotel activities include activities carried out by collective accommodation facilities: hotels, motels, hotel and office centers and other similar enterprises with a capacity of at least 10 rooms. There is a fee for issuing a license in the amount of three times the minimum wage.

A license is an official document that permits the implementation of the type of activity specified in it for a specified period (up to 3 years), and also determines the conditions for its implementation.

Licensing of hotel activities requires certificates for services that are subject to mandatory certification. Carrying out this activity without a license is illegal (Appendix 29).

At present, a draft Federal Law “On licensing certain types of activities” has been developed and submitted to the State Duma.

Certification of tourist and hotel services is one of the most important mechanisms for managing the quality of service, which makes it possible to objectively assess the level of services, to confirm their safety for the consumer. In a market economy within the framework of the tourism industry, the consumer (tourist) is a key figure in the implementation of the requirements of the standards for the quality of tourist services provided to him, depending on which the price of the tourist product sold to the tourist is located. The tourism industry by the introduction of standards for tourist services, the application of certification of services determines

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methods and criteria for assessing the quality of their activities and allows consumers to create confidence that the amenities or services are provided to the tourist and excursionist within the framework of clearly defined rules and regulations.

The legal basis for the certification of tourist services and hotel services, the rights, duties and responsibilities of participants in certification are determined The Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services" dated June 10, 1993, as well as a number of other regulatory documents.

Certification of tourist services and hotel services is understood as confirmation by the certification body of the conformity of the services sold to the consumer with the requirements of legislative and regulatory documents for servicing travelers adopted in the host country.

Certification can be mandatory or voluntary. Under compulsory certification tourist services and hotel services is understood as the confirmation by the certification body of the compliance of the services sold with the requirements for the safety of life, health of tourists and excursionists, the safety of their property, and environmental protection. At the same time, the safety of a tourist service means the absence of an unacceptable risk, damage to the life, health, property of the consumer of the service during a tourist trip and in places of stay on the route, as well as damage to the environment, including in the process of providing or consuming a tourist service ... Certification of tourist services and hotel services is confirmed by a certificate of conformity-document issued by a certification body in accordance with the Rules for certification of tourist services and hotel services, approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated October 14, 1994 No. 18.

Gosstandart of Russia establishes the range of products and services subject to mandatory certification in the Russian Federation. The names of tourist and excursion services, accommodation services are given in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population OK 002-93 (OKUN).

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the list of goods subject to mandatory certification, and the list of works and services subject to mandatory certification" dated August 13, 1997 No. 1013(Appendix 31) the following groups of services are subject to mandatory certification:

"Hotel services" - code 041201;

"Tourist rest and travel along tourist routes" -code 061200;

Weekend hiking trips - code 061300;

"Services for the provision of accommodation" - code 061600;

"Excursion services" - code 062000.

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Group of services "Tourist rest and travel along tourist routes". VGOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing tourist services "this service is named" Tourist travel ".

Service group code for OKUN-061200. This group of services includes 19 types of tours:

Regular transport tours-codes 061201-061206;

Specialized tourist and sports tours with active modes of movement on routes-codes 061207-061213;

Specialized leisure tours by interests - codes 061214-061219.

The group of services "Tourist rest and travel along tourist routes" is a service that includes complex trips, vacation packages and complex tours according to the classification of the World Tourism Organization.

Regular transport tours include travel and travel on railroad trains (code 061201), cruise tours on river boats (code 061202) and sea-going ships (code 061203). It is assumed that during the trip, tourists are accommodated, as a rule, in the above vehicles. According to the International Classification of Accommodation Facilities for Tourists, accommodation of tourists in public vehicles belongs to the category of collective accommodation facilities and the category of specialized accommodation establishments. According to the International Standard Classification of Means of Transport, railway trains, intercity and city buses, private cars (with a capacity of up to 8 people), car rental belong to the category of land transport. Security measures for land transport are determined by the relevant transport departments and are reflected in international regulations.

The safety of cruise tours on river and sea vessels, which according to the International Standard Classification of Means of Transport are classified as "water transport" and the category "Passenger lines and ferries, cruises, etc.", is determined by the relevant international regulatory legal acts of maritime and river transport authorities.

This fully applies to tourist recreation and travel on tourist transport routes with flights by airplanes, which, according to the International Standard Classification of Means of Transport, are classified as "air transport". This category includes flights that are subject to a schedule (regular), flights that are not subject to a schedule (charter), as well as other air transportation.

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It should be borne in mind that passenger transport services (rail, river, sea and air) are also listed in OKUN, but are not classified as tourist and excursion services.

Specialized tourist and sports tours with active modes of movement are classified as tours with a high risk group. In this group, there are restrictions on the age and degree of preparedness of the tourist. Special qualification requirements are imposed on the leaders of the group, the guide-guide, increased requirements - to the logistical support of the trip, the condition of rowing, sailing, motor and other small boats. Entering the route, movement on it, special communications, etc. are determined by a number of requirements of the search and rescue services and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, as well as the corresponding requirements of the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia.

Specialized tours for leisure by interests are a kind of regular tours and do not contain special safety requirements, with the exception of ski tours (code 061215), which are conducted, as a rule, in international ski centers and which may have special safety requirements related to serviceability equipment and weather conditions on the track.

The sold service for entry into the information database must be codified depending on:

Countries visited in accordance with the International Classification of Countries and Regions, recommended for tourism statistics 1 (outbound tourism);

Administrative division adopted in the Russian Federation (internal round).

Group of services "Excursion services". OKUN-062000 code. In the List of Certified Services and Regulatory Documents for Certification, given in the Rules for Certification of Tourism Services, this service is called "Excursions" (code 061300). In GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing tourist services "this service is also called" Excursion ".

The group of services "Excursion services" consists of 17 separate services, grouped into two subgroups: "Sale of services. Excursion bureaus "(codes 062100-062105) and" Excursions "(code 062200-06211), which, in turn, contain 11 excursion services (sightseeing, out-of-town, on weekend routes using vehicles, walking, etc.).

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Thus, all excursion services are subject to certification - both services provided by excursion bureaus and the excursions themselves.

When providing a group of services "Excursions", an organization (excursion bureaus, excursion bureaus) or a citizen-entrepreneur can act both as the manufacturer of the service-organizer of excursions (both group and individual), and as its executor-guide, guide-guide , guide-translator.

In some cases, excursion bureaus act as sellers of excursion services. In any case, in order to obtain a safety certificate, a state license is required for the right to carry out international tourist activities if excursions are conducted for foreign citizens.

The excursion, as part of a comprehensive tourist service, can be paid in advance and included in the tour. In this case, a separate certificate is not required. In the case when the excursion is provided to the consumer directly (without buying the tour) with payment on the spot, a certificate is required.

Excursions are classified according to the following criteria: the content of the excursions; list of participants; location; way to travel; form of conducting; the cyclical nature of the conduct.

According to the content, excursions are divided into overview (code 062201) and thematic (code 062202). Sightseeing tours, as a rule, cover several topics and are multifaceted. Thematic excursions are subdivided into the following groups: historical, military-historical, natural history, environmental, art history, literary, architectural and urban planning.

The composition of the excursion participants is characterized by age categories (schoolchildren, youth, adults, people of the "third age", etc.), the degree of organization ("planned" tourists, random composition, etc.), place of residence of tourists (international tourists, domestic tourists, local population), social groups, etc.

According to the venue, which determines the type of excursion, they are divided into city (code 062205), suburban (code 062206), museum (code 062203).

According to the mode of movement, excursions are divided into pedestrian (code 062204), transport and combined. The vehicles used are motor ships (code 062208), air transport (code 062209), ground transport: buses (code 062210), metro, trolleybuses, suburban trains (code 062211), etc.

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The duration of the excursions does not exceed 24 hours, the excursionists do not spend a single overnight stay in the visited place and are categorized as "international visitor" and "internal visitor".

Excursions make up a significant part of cruise tours.

Group of services "Tourist trips of the day off". OKUN code - 061300. This group consists of 9 separate services and is considered as a weekend trip. Depending on the number of weekends and holidays, the journey can last from two to five days. At the same time, one or two excursions can be provided for each day of travel.

However, GOST R 50861-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing of tourist services "this service is called" Tourist trip ".

The classifier of services OKUN subdivides weekend hiking, mountain, cycling, water, skiing, with the use of riding, pack and draft animals, sledges, motorized trips, speleotourism (codes from 061301 to 061309). In fact, the group of services "Tourist trips of the day off" is a kind (a subgroup of services with codes 061207-061215) of the service "Tourist rest and travel along tourist routes", limited by the specific time of the tour on weekends and holidays and lasting up to five days. The specified service is subject to certification if it goes on sale as a tour. The developer of the service must have a state license to carry out international tourism activities.

When carrying out this service as a public tourist, sports, amateur event, obtaining a certificate of conformity is not required. At the same time, weekend hiking trips are organized and conducted according to the norms and rules, including safety rules established by the tourist and sports unions of the Russian Federation and other public tourist and sports organizations.

Group of services "Services for the provision of accommodation". The OKUN code is 061600. The name of this group of services for OKUN is "Services for the provision of accommodation". In the Rules for Certification of Tourist Services of Hotels, this group of services is called "Accommodation of Tourists". GOST R 50861-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing of tourist services ”the specified services are not named. A more correct name for this group of services is "Accommodation Services".

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The group of services "Accommodation for tourists" includes the following types of services, consisting of five major subgroups:

Accommodation of tourists in hotels, tourist centers, boarding houses, motels, campings, tent cities, tourist shelters (code 061601);

Accommodation of tourists in rented communal and departmental hotels (code 061609);

Accommodation of tourists in rented accommodation facilities adapted for receiving tourists (code 061603);

Accommodation of tourists in the private sector, city apartments (code 061604) and houses of rural residents (code 061605).

Thus, the Tourist Accommodation service classifies tourist accommodation facilities, and the classification incorporated in it reflects the practice of providing accommodation by former trade union tourism organizations that had their own accommodation facilities and rented from various communal and departmental organizations in the private sector.

In international practice, the International Standard Classification of Accommodation for Tourists has been adopted. "

Group of services "Hotel services". OKUN code - 041201. "Hotel services" are part of "Services of hotels and other places of residence" (code 041200), which are housing and communal services.

The services of communal hotels are essentially no different from those of other hotels. These hotels fully include the definitions given in the section "Accommodation for tourists".

The certificate of conformity indicates the certification body, the validity period of the certificate, the name of the service provider and its code.

The certification system provides for the use of four certification schemes: assessment of the performer's skill (for excursions, weekend hikes); assessment of the process of providing a service (travel routes); certification of tourist accommodation enterprises (hotels); certification of quality systems (only for tourism enterprises, excluding citizens-entrepreneurs).

Advertising of tourist services and hotel services that are subject to mandatory certification, but do not have a certificate of conformity, in accordance with Article 7 (paragraph 4) of the Law "On Certification of Products and Services" is prohibited.

Under voluntary certification tourist services and hotel services is understood as confirmation at the initiative of the manufacturer, contractor or seller by a certification body of a quality level


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the provision of the services provided to the requirements of the standards (regulatory documents) of the service. The participants in the certification are the Gosstandart of Russia, the State Committee of Russia for Physical Culture and Tourism, the Central Certification Body for Tourism Services (DSP), as well as regional certification bodies created locally, which together determine the certification system for tourism services.

The functions of certification bodies can be performed by organizations professionally trained for these purposes, having state experts in their composition and accredited according to the rules of the State Standard of Russia, that is, those who have passed state registration.

The international practice of licensing tourism activities is far from unambiguous. So, according to RATA, in the UK companies that receive foreigners are not licensed, and companies that send English tourists abroad are required to have licenses from the controlling organizations JATA, ATOL, AVTA. To obtain licenses from these organizations, travel agencies (companies) must meet many requirements, the main of which is a "money bond" - a deposit that is paid by a company wishing to obtain a license. The security deposit is transferred to the AVTA account in the form of a deposit at regular bank interest. The average collateral amount is from 40 to 80 thousand dollars and depends on the level and turnover of the company. The deposit serves as financial protection of a British tourist abroad and is used immediately in the event of a conflict situation.

Licensing of tourism activities in Italy is within the competence of local executive authorities, although the licensing procedure and the main types of licenses are the same for the whole country. There are the following types of licenses: type A (full license) - engaging in tour operator activities, including trips abroad; type A (limited) - engaging in internal tour operator activities; type B - engaging in travel agency activities. In a number of regions of Italy, laws have been adopted that provide for the payment of a pledge upon obtaining a license (a deposit, the size of which for a license of type A is from 40 to 200 thousand dollars, and for obtaining a license of type B - from 10 to 40 thousand dollars).

In France, the consent of the Ministry of the Interior is required to obtain a license.

As the practice of the bodies of the State Standard of Russia shows, more than 50% of travel companies violate the requirements of state standards and the rules for certification of tourist services and hotel services. In this case, the main reason for violations in most cases is an elementary ignorance of the rules, norms and regulations in force in the country. The certificates of a number of travel agencies are canceled, and the cancellation of the validity

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certificate of conformity entails the termination or suspension of the license to carry out international tourism activities. Selective inspections showed almost widespread non-compliance by travel agencies with such conditions for issuing a license, such as informing licensing authorities about changes in the legal and actual addresses of the location of the company, a change in its organizational and legal form and a number of other changes.

Some experts also question the current practice of obtaining safety certificates by travel agencies, which is quite bureaucratic and does not meet the interests of protecting the life and health of tourists when they visit foreign countries. Also, practice shows that one safety certificate "ensures" the safety of the departure of tourists - from prosperous Europe and America to dysfunctional Africa.


1. What is the subject of standardization in tourism?

2. Give a definition to the concept of "service". How are services divided by functional purpose?

3. What are the tourist service standards? What are the categories of standards.

4. Name other regulations governing tourism activities. Give examples of these documents.

5. What is meant by the licensing of international tourism activities?

6. On the basis of which regulatory document is licensing in tourism carried out?

7. What are the conditions of validity and the validity period of the license.

8. What is the size of the license fee for travel agencies?

9. What organizations carry out licensing of the activities of travel agencies in Moscow?

10. How is hotel business licensed? What are the main regulatory documents used in licensing.

11. What is the purpose of certification of tourism and hotel services?

12. What regulatory documents determine the legal basis for certification?

13. What are the differences between mandatory and voluntary certification of tourist services and hotel services?

14. What is the safety of travel services?

15. What confirms the passage of certification?

16. What regulatory documents determine the list of services subject to mandatory certification?

17. Name the groups of services subject to mandatory certification.

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On the eve of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, the relevance of the topic of the course work is obvious, the system of standardization in the field of tourism has moved off the ground and at present more than one GOST is being developed, which will be aimed at improving the quality of services provided by tourism organizations. Although GOSTs are not mandatory, no organization that provides a range of tourist services will be able to work without them. This will help to raise the general idea of ​​the tourism industry in Russia and the use of advanced recommendations and standards in Sochi in the framework of the Olympics will make it possible to use the accumulated experience on the Black Sea coast and in Russia as a whole.

The aim of the course work is to consider the basic state standards for tourism organizations and the peculiarities of their application in the modern practice of providing tourism services.

Achievement of this goal will be possible due to the solution of the following tasks, therefore it is necessary:

Consider the features of standardization of standards in tourism;

Expand the concept of standardization and standard in the tourism sector;

Analyze the current state of Russian legislation in the field of tourism

Consider the main existing standards in tourism;

Conduct a review of the requirements in the standards for ensuring the safety of tourism services.

The presented tasks determined the subject and object of work.

The object of work is the tourism sector as a whole.

The subject is the system of standards in the tourism business as a regulatory factor.

Achievement of the goal and solution of the set tasks became possible thanks to the works of such authors as Chudnovsky A.D., Lifits I.M. and others, as well as thanks to GOST standards and other documents that formed the legal basis of work. The Internet was also used as a source of information.

The practical significance of the course work lies in the fact that thanks to the consecration of the features of the system of standardization of tourism activities, it became possible to understand the existing problems and current trends in the topic under consideration.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, a list of used literature.

Features of standardization of services in tourism

The concept of standardization and standard in the tourism sector

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization", standardization is the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure:

Safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property;

The quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology;

Unity of measurements;

Saving all types of resources;

Security of economic facilities;

Defense of the country.

In addition, standardization is a normative management method and a way to rationalize engineering, production, foreign economic and many other processes.

The main standardization tool is a standard, which is an officially recognized document reflecting the optimal result of research or practical experience and containing a set of norms or requirements for individual objects or repetitive actions. The standards become a tool of practical activity due to the following properties:

The standards serve as an exact standard of the object or phenomenon that will be reproduced on their basis;

The standards contain the optimal solution for a product or process;

Standards remain unchanged for a defined, cost-effective time frame.

Currently, a new standardization model is being created, which is based on the following principles:

Adequacy of the goals of the new standardization system to the ongoing economic reform in Russia and their harmonization with the goals of the national standardization systems of countries with developed market economies; These goals include increasing the competitiveness of Russian manufacturers' products on the world market, eliminating technical barriers in production and export, saving all types of resources and improving the economic performance of production;

The reliance of the national standardization system of Russia on legislative acts, as is customary in economically developed countries, and the compliance of such acts with international norms and rules, as well as the national legislation of the respective countries in the field of technology; adherence to this principle implies the direct application of international and foreign standards, including for certification purposes.

The active and rational application of quality standards and certificates in their activities is economically very expedient for Russian enterprises.

This allows you to ensure the required quality of products, organize a streamlined and continuous technological process, and, ultimately, leads to overcoming technical barriers in foreign markets, expanding the base of production cooperation with foreign partners, setting a higher level of prices for products, and generally raising the level the competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the world market.

The standard allows you to determine the place of tourist services among the variety of services provided to the population, and classifies them as social and cultural services.

The main tasks of standardization in the field of tourism are:

Establishment of a range of indicators of the quality of services and services for tourists;

Establishment of progressive requirements for the quality of services and services for tourists and methods of their control;

Establishment of progressive requirements for technology and standard technological processes for the provision of tourist services;

Establishment of requirements to ensure the safety of services, public health protection, environmental protection, accuracy and timeliness of performance, ergonomics and aesthetics of services and service conditions;

Establishment of requirements for certification of tourism services;

Ensuring coordination of the activities of tourist enterprises with enterprises of other industries involved in the processes of tourist and excursion services;

Establishment of terms and definitions of basic concepts in the field of standardization and quality management in the field of tourist and excursion services for the population.

The objects of standardization in tourist and excursion services for the population are:

Tourist services;

Processes of tourist and excursion services. Services in the field of tourist and excursion services are divided into the following types of homogeneous services:

Realization of tourist and excursion services;

Tourist travel;


Transport services;

Domestic services;

Accommodation services;

Catering services;

Cultural services;

Physical culture and health-improving services.

In the field of tourist and excursion services, the following categories of standards are used:

Interstate standards (GOST);

National standards of Russia (GOST R);

Enterprise Standards (STP).

State standards (GOST and GOST R) establish mandatory general requirements for tourist services that ensure safety, protection of health and life of the population, environmental protection, complexity, accuracy and timeliness of implementation, as well as recommendatory requirements (purpose, comfort, ergonomic, aesthetic, etc. .) to the types of services, including the terms of service.

Enterprise standards establish requirements for specific tourist services, including service conditions, for the organization of production management, for technical equipment, technological processes and methods used only at this enterprise.

It is allowed to develop technological instructions, regulations, maps, technical descriptions for technological processes for the execution of specific services along with the standards of enterprises.

The indicators set by state standards should ensure high quality services and take into account the best domestic and foreign experience.

The main types of standards in the service sector are:

Fundamental standards;

Service standards;

Standards for processes (technological, supporting, organization, management);

Standards for control methods.

Obviously, services require a greater variety of types of standards in comparison with those provided by the State Standardization System. In the service sector, standards are needed that establish requirements for enterprises - service providers for assessing them by category, for personnel - for assessing the performer's skill.

Fundamental standards for services should include terminology for each group of homogeneous services, a nomenclature of quality indicators for each group of homogeneous services. The absence of such requirements in the standards for services, including tourism, leads to problems with certification.

Service standards should establish requirements for groups of similar services or for a particular type of service.

Process standards establish the basic requirements for technology (methods, techniques, techniques, modes, norms) for the performance of various services at all stages of their life cycle.

There are practically no standards for methods of assessing (checking, controlling) the quality of services. Therefore, it is necessary first to develop a fundamental standard, and then a set of standards for groups of homogeneous products.

In the field of tourism business, there are also departmental regulations governing the requirements in the field of safety of consumption of travel services, which is also an integral characteristic of the quality of tourism products. These are the sanitary and hygienic requirements established by the Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN), approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP), approved by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction.

The most important instruments of state regulation of the activities of tourism organizations and the protection of the rights of consumers of tourism services are licensing, standardization and certification in tourism.

Regulatory documents on standardization include state standards of Russia; rules, norms, and recommendations for standardization; all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information; industry and enterprise standards; standards of scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

Tourist service standards are part of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation, which determines the goals and objectives of standardization in the field of tourism and hotel management, basic principles and organization of work, categories of regulatory documents, types of standards and basic provisions for international cooperation.

The goals of standardization in the field of tourist services are to ensure the declared level of quality and safety of consumption of a tour product or a separate tourist service, to protect the interests of consumers of tourist services from unfair competition in the market.

In international and domestic practice, a standard is understood as a normative document on standardization, developed on the basis of consent, characterized by the absence of objections on significant issues from the majority of interested parties (manufacturers and consumers), approved by a recognized body and mandatory for use. State standards in the field of tourist services are approved, as a rule, by the State Standard of Russia.

Standard as a regulatory document in a broader sense, a document containing rules, general principles, characteristics related to certain types of activities, including tourism, and available to a wide range of consumers.

The standard is one of the effective instruments for regulating the market of tourism services, allowing to influence both unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers and consumers of tourism services.

The standard, by its nature, is intended to establish the minimum necessary requirements that make any product or service fit for its purpose in terms of formalized criteria for reliability, safety, quality, etc.

Object of standardization- a service, the production process of providing a service or its result, subject to standardization.

A service is understood as the result of direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.

By their functional purpose, services rendered to the population are subdivided into material and socio-cultural... Socio-cultural services include services to meet the spiritual, intellectual needs and support the normal life of the consumer (maintaining and restoring health, spiritual and physical development of the individual, improving professional skills), as well as medical services, cultural services, tourism, education, etc. On the other hand, transport companies, catering companies and others, whose services relate to the sphere of material services, also take part in the creation of an integrated tourist service (tour).

There are interrelated categories of standards:

State standards of the Russian Federation, which are the regulatory framework for licensing and certification - GOST R;
- industry standards - OST;
- standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations) - STP;
- standards of public associations - STO.

The normative documents on standardization also include all-Russian classifiers, the procedure for the development and application of which is established by the State Standard of Russia.

When developing standards, the standards adopted by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and regional standards, the rules of the UN European Legislative Commission and other international organizations, as well as national standards of other countries are taken into account.

The basis for standardization existing in the field of tourism and hotel industry is currently the following state standards:

GOST 28681. О-90 “Standardization in the field of tourist and excursion services. Basic Provisions ";
- GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements" ;
- GOST R 50681-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Designing of tourist services ";
- GOST 50644-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists ";
- GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Hotel classification ";
- GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the population. Terms and Definitions";
- GOST R 50691-94 "Model of service quality assurance (authentic test ISO 9002-87)";
- GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements" ;
- GOST R 50460-92 “Conformity mark for mandatory certification. Form, dimensions and technical requirements ".

The technical committee TK-199 under the State Standard of Russia is responsible for the management and coordination of the organization of standardization in the field of tourism.

The following regulatory documents are directly related to the field of tourism, containing classification signs:

All-Russian classifier of branches of the national economy - OKONKH;
- All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services - OKDP (OK 004-93);
- All-Russian classifier of services to the population - OKUN (OK 002-93);
- All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and wage grades (OK 016-94).

Documents OKONKH and OKDP are used to identify the industry affiliation of an organization or an entrepreneur to the tourism sector. For example, the code 90220 OKONKH means belonging to the hotel industry, the code 91600 - to the recreation and tourism organizations, the code 91620 - to the tourism enterprises, and the code 91517 - to the sanatorium and resort establishments. These codes are given in the statistical documents of tourist firms and hotels.

When certifying tourist services and hotel services, the All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population - OKUN (OK 002-93) is used, which contains a list of excursion and tourist services (section code 060000), as well as services of hotels, health resorts, catering establishments, transport and a number of others (as amended in 1999) contained in Appendix 22.

The codes of the OKUN classifier are used in the certification of tourist services and hotel services and are indicated in the certificates of compliance with safety and quality of services.

In addition, in the practice of tourist and hotel activities, such regulatory documents as rules are used. First of all, these include:

Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490.
- Rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036.

In addition, the following classifications have found application in international tourist practice:

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC);
- Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities (SIKTA).

Licensing of international tourist (hotel) activity is one of the types of legal pre-trial mechanism of its state regulation. A license is a permit issued by a state body to legal entities or individuals to carry out international tourist (hotel) activities for a certain time, subject to a number of conditions.

Licenses are issued in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" and "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities" dated August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ.

The list of activities for which a license is required includes tour operator and travel agency activities, as well as activities for the sale of rights to club recreation.

The regulations on the licensing of tour operator and travel agency activities were approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 dated February 11, 2002. The regulation on the sale of rights to club recreation is under development. This Resolution stipulates that licensing of tour operator and travel agency activities is carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Principles and Procedure for the Delimitation of Powers between State Authorities and Subjects of the Russian Federation" dated January 24, 1999, No. 119-FZ, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia may transfer its rights to issue licenses to the subjects of the Federation. The licensing regulations set the licenses valid for 5 years.

Among the licensing requirements and conditions for the implementation of tour operator activities, the following are named: the presence of at least 7 employees in the staff of a tour operator - a legal entity; at the same time, at least 30% of employees must have a higher, specialized secondary or additional education in the field of tourism or work experience in tourism for at least 5 years; the head of the company must have both a professional education in tourism and work experience of at least 5 years. It should be noted that there are currently no regulatory documents on what is considered professional education in tourism and how to determine work experience, as well as state standards for travel agency and tour operator activities.

The regulations, however, provide for the advanced training of employees at least once every 3 years.

Licensing requirements and conditions for the implementation of travel agency activities are practically the same as for tour operators, with some exceptions: there are no requirements for the number of employees; only 20% of employees need professional education and work experience in tourism for at least 3 years.

Thus, instead of one license for the implementation of international tourist activities, issued to travel agencies earlier, depending on the direction of their activities in the tourist business, all three may be required.

It is known that tourism belongs to the service sector. At the same time, the service provided by the travel agency to the consumer of tourist services - the tourist, is the result of the activity for which the license was issued. Consider the types of tourism activities for which a license is required in accordance with the new legislation.

The content of tour operator and travel agency activities is determined by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation". At the same time, under the tour operator activity in the Law is meant “activity on the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product”, and under travel agency activity - “activity on the promotion and sale of a tourist product”.

Thus, the activity of a tour operator ultimately comes down to two points: organizing travel (recreation) at the request of a client-tourist and the implementation of individual tourist services or their complex. This is clearly and unambiguously stated in Article 2 of the EEC Directive "On Travel, Holidays and Travel Including All" (dated June 13, 1990 No. 90/314 / EEC): "The organizer is a person who regularly organizes" services that include all »And sells them or offers them for sale directly himself or through a seller. Seller - a person who sells or offers for sale services, including everything offered by the organizer. "

The All-Russian Classifier of Services to the Population (OKUP) OK-002-93 (as amended in 1999) refers to tourism activities as "Tourist services and accommodation facilities for temporary accommodation of tourists" (section 060000), while highlighting "services of a tour operator in organizing domestic tourism "(Subsection 061100)," outbound tourism "(061200) and" inbound tourism "(061300), as well as" travel agent services "(061400) and" separate services of a tour operator and travel agent "(061500), again for organizing travel (recreation ). At the same time, the huge variety of types of tourism organized by the tour operator in OKUN is reduced to five tours: health-improving, educational, professional-business, sports and religious, and everything else is called “other tours”.

Travel agent services in OKUN are not deciphered, they are simply indicated.

However, in addition to OKUN, Russia has a regulatory document such as the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP-OK-004-93), developed with the participation of the Russian Ministry of Economy. This classifier is more or less harmonized with the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) and the Central Product Classification (CPC), as well as the Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities (SIKTA). The classification of tourist and excursion services provided by tour operators and travel agents by grouping 631 OKDP "Activities in the field of tourism and excursions" is shown in Fig. 5.2. Whence it follows that tourism activity here also comes down to travel organization activities (much more diverse) and activities for the implementation of tourism services, in which the implementation of outbound tourism vouchers is nominated in a separate section.

In 2000, Gosstandart of the Russian Federation adopted and put into effect GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General Requirements ”, which raised more questions than answered the question of what a tourist service is. According to the standard, the tourist service is "the result of the activities of an organization or an individual entrepreneur to meet the needs of a tourist in organizing and implementing a tour or its individual components." This does not take into account the fact that "the service is the result of direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer." So, the tour operator's own activity consists in organizing a trip, booking its components, promoting services to the market and being responsible for the proper fulfillment of travel conditions and its safety for the life, health and property of tourists. Direct interaction between the tour operator and tourists consists in concluding an agreement for tourist services and the sale of the tour. The travel agent's own activities include interaction with the tour operator (intermediary activities for the wholesale purchase of service packages organized by the tour operator and determination of the measure of responsibility for the travel made by the tourist), direct, as well as interaction with the tourist, consisting in concluding an agreement for tourist services and selling the tour.

Thus, the license for tour operator activities, firstly, allows a travel company to organize individual and group tourist trips for all types, categories and types of tourism both within the country and abroad, and, secondly, to sell tourist services to both wholesale and retail buyer.

A travel agency license leaves only one thing for a travel agency - the sale of travel services to a retail buyer, and nothing else.

Thus, the fundamental points of tourist activity, given in the grouping 631 of the OKDP, were not reflected in the Regulations on the licensing of travel agency and tour operator activities.

A special problem lies in the revision of issues related to the certification of tourism services. Obviously, a travel agent does not need certification (both mandatory and voluntary) for travel services. He sells these services, and the certification of services is carried out by the tour operator.

Mandatory certification of travel services organized by a tour operator is highly questionable for several reasons. Firstly, so far in GOST R, for compliance with the requirements of which tourist services must be checked, numerous errors in terms and definitions of tourist services provided by travel agents and tour operators have not been eliminated. Secondly, the terminology of the classifiers OK-002-93 (OKUN) and OK-004-93 (OKDP) is different, the standard "Requirements for tour operator and travel agency activities" has not yet been developed. According to the current legislation, the list of services subject to mandatory certification is established by the government of the Russian Federation. In the current Decree of August 13, 1997 No. 1013, "Tourist and excursion services" are subject to mandatory certification, which include services named in the old OKUN (as amended from 1993). Russian Gosstandart canceled the "Rules for the certification of tourist services and hotel services" from September 1, 2000, and new ones have not yet been developed.

Currently, by the decree of the Gosstandart of Russia dated October 8, 2001 No. 86 from the "Nomenclature of products and services (works), in respect of which the legislative acts of the Russian Federation provide for their mandatory certification", all types of tourist services and accommodation services are excluded.

The main GOST, for compliance with the requirements of which the certification bodies checked the safety of tourist services, is GOST R 50644-94 "Requirements for ensuring the safety of tourists and excursionists", which has not been canceled so far. Among the many requirements, the main one is the following: in the provision of tourist services, an acceptable level of risk to the life and health of tourists must be ensured both under normal conditions and in emergency situations (natural disasters, etc.). The “acceptable level of risk” is declared, but in what units it is expressed, what is acceptable and what is not is unknown. You can give other examples of numerous inconsistencies and inconsistencies in the current regulatory documents, but one thing is clear - such certification does not make travel services safer for consumers, but only increases their cost, and therefore should be canceled. The safety of tourist services as the absence of an unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of damage to the life, health and property of the tourist, the environment should be provided for in the contracts of the tour operator with the counterparties (host party) and can be declared by the tour operator itself, especially since the procedure for adopting a declaration of conformity and its registration has already been established by the corresponding decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 1999 No. 766), it only needs to be extended to tourist services. The proposed licensing of the activities to sell the rights to club recreation deserves special consideration. The concept of a club vacation (timeshare) appeared in Russia in the last decade. The law on "Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" does not mention club recreation. Until now, not a single recreation club has been created in Russia, although there are already more than 6,000 of them all over the world, and the international club recreation industry is developing at a faster pace than traditional tourism. The organization of tourism in the field of club recreation has a number of significant features, and the aggressiveness and dishonesty of firms selling rights to club vacations have led to a negative image of club vacations on the Russian market of tourist services. The situation is complicated by the fact that in Russia there is practically no legal and regulatory framework for club recreation.

There are known attempts to develop a draft law "On the fundamentals of market regulation in the field of club recreation", which is currently being actively discussed by interested structures. However, it is not known when the law will be passed.

At the same time, the right to rest is regulated by an appropriate written agreement, which must contain certain essential conditions, including full information about the club (seller), payment terms, "cooling time" - the time of cancellation of the contract by the buyer without explaining the reasons for the refusal (10 calendar days) and a number of others provisions. The minimum contract period is 3 years, and any prepayment by the buyer is prohibited until the end of the period during which he can exercise the right to cancel the contract. The aim of the Directive is to harmonize national laws, regulations and administrative measures in relation to clubbing in the EU Member States. The directive proposed to enact laws and regulations on club recreation no later than three years after its publication. The time of adoption and some differences in the legislation of European countries from the EU Directive on timeshare are given in table. 9.1.

Table 9.1.

Some differences between the legislation of European countries and the EU directive on timeshare

Country Date of adoption of the law Some differences between the country's legislation and the EU directive
Austria April 1, 1997 The "cooling period" is 14 days. Advance payments to a third party under a trust scheme. Refunds to the purchaser in full during the "cooling off period".
Belgium July 1, 1999 The "cooling period" is 15 days with an extension of up to 1 year if the contract does not meet the requirements set out in the EU directive.
Denmark April 15, 1997 Advance payments to persons other than vendors and creditors are allowed.
Finland March 1, 1998 Advance payments to persons other than vendors and creditors are allowed. The invitation to a sales presentation must clearly define the purpose, object of sale and price.
France July 8, 1998 The written consent of the buyer is required, sent to the seller by registered mail. In this case, the "cooling period" is counted from the moment the letter was sent. Absolute prohibition on all advance payments.
Germany January 1, 1997 Allowed advance payment to third party to secret account.
Ireland April 30, 1997 Advance payment is allowed, but not to the seller or his agent. Anyone can go to court to stop the sale in appropriate cases.
Italy February 14, 1998 The "cooling period" is 10 days. First party deposits can be controlled by a seller, promoter, or marketer.
Luxembourg January 26, 1999 "Cooling period" - 10 days, can be extended up to three months plus 10 days). No advance payments.
Holland Jul 10, 1997 Absolute prohibition on advance payments.
Norway Jul 13, 1997 A law similar to that of Denmark and Sweden. Mandatory refund of payments in case of refusal.
Portugal May 22, 1999 "Cooling period" - 10 working days. Absolute prohibition on advance payments.
Spain January 5, 1999 "Cooling period" - 10 days, can be extended up to 3 months (+10 days). Advance payments to the seller are not permitted.
Sweden July 1, 1997 Upfront payments are allowed to all parties except the seller.
United Kingdom April 29, 1997 14-day "cool-down period". Absolute prohibition on advance payments.

A source. OTE Official Bulletin. - 1999 - Sept.

Thus, 15 European countries between 1997 and 1999 brought their national timeshare legislation in line with the recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council, including generally stricter consumer protection requirements than those recommended by the Directive. Among them - an increase in the "cooling period" to 14-15 days (Austria, Belgium) with a subsequent extension from 3 months to one year, if the contract does not comply with the requirements of the Directive (Spain, Belgium); absolute prohibition or significant limitation of advance payments, etc.

In Russia, there is a situation in which the relationship "seller-buyer" is practically not regulated by any legislative or regulatory acts, which led to the appearance on the timeshare market of unscrupulous companies, including those ousted from the western market by new, more advanced legislation and creating on the market tourist services in Russia negative image of the entire sphere of club recreation. Russian club recreation is focused on the departure of citizens abroad, in fact it is outbound tourism, which leads to the import of tourist services and increases the deficit in the balance of payments under the item "Tourist services (trips)".