What is social guarantees. Additional social guarantees. You might be interested to know

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Despite some improvements, the situation on the labor market with regard to the observance of all workers' rights is still not entirely favorable. Less than half of organizations provide full social package- and only a few provide additional compensation and corporate promotions. Often, what is obligatory by virtue of the law (social guarantees for employees) is sick leave and vacation payments, travel expenses, the provision of overalls, etc. - is presented as a bonus and an advantage.

The situation is partly due to a shortage of jobs and an influx of cheap work force from nearby foreign countries - people who work illegally, and even more so illegally are on the territory of the country, will not report violations and defend their rights. But even highly skilled workers, specialists government agencies and large, successful commercial enterprises also file complaints. Violations in their case are not so gross - most often the failure to provide the next vacation or a slight delay in salary. While representatives of the mass positions of most trade, catering, etc. ask for help in the case when they were illegally dismissed without pay for several months, refused to provide maternity leave, did not make an entry in the work book, etc.

Most often, in the consultation process, lawyers are faced with the following questions:

  • what guarantees and compensations are provided to employees when concluding an employment agreement;
  • what types of social guarantees are included in the mandatory package for employment;
  • whether compensation for treatment costs should be paid to an employee who is injured at work or who has acquired an occupational disease;
  • how to demand social guarantees and benefits provided by law.

This list of the most pressing questions is far from complete. it all depends on the specific case and situation. Legal advice will answer all your questions in this area, and give the necessary recommendations for action.

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Get legal advice on social guarantees and workers' compensation

Concept and types of social guarantees

In addition to the standard set for workers in any area - vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, etc. - there are a number of other guarantees and compensations, which are mandatory and depend on the specifics labor activity... But, striving for savings, the employer is often silent about the possibility of providing them, when an employee makes demands, he tries to mislead him, to convince him that in this case the employee is not entitled to anything. Often, at the same time, a reference is made to some internal regulations and orders, orders for the enterprise - no matter how convincing it may seem, you need to know that local regulations cannot worsen the standards prescribed in labor legislation.

According to the law, social guarantees for employees is a complex of all kinds of means, methods and conditions aimed at exercising their legal rights granted to them by labor and civil legislation.

Social guarantees to employees it is not only material benefits in the form of benefits, compensations, etc., but also ways of realizing intangible rights. These include:

  • the right for the employee to retain his workplace (during the period of his temporary disability or vacation, including maternity leave);
  • the right to provide safe working conditions;
  • the right to provide other work in the event of an occupational injury, for example;
  • the right to official housing while working under a contract in military service, or on a rotational basis in the Far North;
  • etc.

The social guarantees of employees, provided by the state in the form of material payments, have the following purposes:

  • receipt by the employee of means of subsistence in the amount of his average monthly salary in cases where he is not able to fulfill his obligations under the employment contract (under the conditions that non-fulfillment is caused by situations provided for by law);
  • the employee his reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of performing his job functions(e.g. travel compensation, etc.).

Reimbursement of treatment costs to an employee can be expressed not only in payment for medications or sick leave, but also in the form of reimbursement of the cost of travel to the place of rest in a sanatorium, payment of part of the cost of a voucher or its full cost, etc.

Social guarantees in case of job loss form a separate part in labor legislation. They are established at the level of federal legislation and enshrined in the employment law. According to this normative act, social guarantees in case of job loss are as follows:

  • benefit paid in connection with temporary unemployment;
  • accrual of a scholarship for retraining or retraining (if there is a referral from the employment service);
  • payment of compensation reimbursing the costs incurred in connection with moving to another place of work at the suggestion of special services;
  • payment of compensation in case of termination of an employment agreement under article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or 180 (in the amount of up to three average monthly salaries);
  • payment of benefits for temporary disability due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • the possibility of early retirement.

Social guarantees in case of job loss, as a rule, are paid from the federal budget.

Before agreeing to bonded working conditions, ask a specialist what guarantees the employer is obliged to provide you. By acting wisely and correctly, you can improve your work position and achieve full benefits, tax cuts and regulatory compliance - without having to conflict with management. If your organization grossly violates the rights of workers, urgently get support for a lawyer to resolve the dispute - the loss of time in this case may complicate the resolution of the issue.

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Legal advice will allow you to figure out what guarantees and compensations are provided to employees, find out what types of social guarantees are available for each specific case, and determine the procedure for actions in case of violation by the employer of employees' rights to social guarantees and benefits.

Legal advice may be needed, for example, in such cases:

  • you were denied payment for sick leave, vacation (including maternity or student leave);
  • you were denied additional leave and time off, reduced working hours, transferred to lighter work;
  • you were denied payment for medical examination and advanced training, forced to buy or pay on your own for anything you need in your work;
  • you are not compensated for labor harm, travel for business purposes, depreciation of your car or the use of personal equipment;
  • you cannot take advantage of your benefit category (mother of many children, disabled, single mother, etc.).

Depending on the specifics of your occupation, you may be entitled to special social guarantees and benefits, which your employer did not provide you with information about. Most of them cannot be obtained "retroactively" - so take care of obtaining information and protecting your rights in a timely manner. Specify what kind of support and social guarantees you can count on by contacting a lawyer for detailed advice.

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What is written in the law is mandatory!

Often indicating the availability of a social package in an ad or at an interview, they mean sick pay or deductions to the Pension, Social and Health Insurance Fund. But it should be noted that all this is spelled out in the law and, accordingly, is mandatory for the employer. And to promise this as a bonus is at least pointless - the employee should receive all this anyway.

Here is a list of the main social guarantees prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • sick leave payment;
  • payment for the next vacation 28 days;
  • obligatory social insurance(contributions to the Pension Fund, medical insurance and social insurance, this can also include the payment of income tax);
  • payment of travel allowances (Articles 167, 168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • reimbursement of transportation costs to employees when working on a traveling nature (Article 168.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Art. 170, 172 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contain a number of guarantees provided by the employer to the employee in the performance of his state or public duties, for example, donation, participation in court proceedings as a juror or witness.

In addition, the Code contains many other social guarantees for an employee. Everything that is spelled out in the legislation is not additional social security for the employee - these are mandatory social guarantees.


But everything that is provided in excess of what is provided by law refers to additional social security or, as you can call it otherwise, to the motivational and compensation package of social guarantees.

We have everything that is required by labor law, the employee receives unconditionally, - says the deputy director for personnel Margarita Stepanenko about social security in the publishing house “Twice two”. - In addition, at the expense of the enterprise, we give gifts to the children of employees and employees for the New Year, employees and employees by February 23 and March 8, respectively, as well as birthday gifts. Financial assistance is given for the wedding day, the birth of a child or for the funeral of a close relative, and other financial assistance at the discretion of the director. Issued, if available, tickets to cinema, theater and concerts. It is also important that employees receive an additional payment for the length of service in our company. This is how we get rid of staff turnover and retain our specialists at the enterprise.
Such measures to support employees in excess of the wages they receive and social guarantees laid down by law are called motivational support or motivational social package.
In addition to motivating the employee, the employer can offer him additional compensation for expenses. For example, it is quite common practice to pay for mobile negotiations or transportation costs, as well as depreciation for people of certain professions. Among them are taxi drivers and drivers on personal transport, sales agents.

We compensate partially or completely the depreciation of the car and the cost of gasoline and mobile communications, - explains Margarita Stepanenko. - But not all workers receive such compensation, but only some categories whose work is associated with these costs.

Foreign experience

The value of such support is not appreciated by all heads of Russian enterprises. Someone thinks that the employee receives the salary due to him for his work and that he is not entitled to anything else. Other employers assign motivational support to employees "because everyone does it." That is, they follow the labor market, but they do not show much zeal.

Meanwhile, much attention is paid to this issue in foreign countries. It is believed that additional social guarantees should be at least a third of the employee's salary. Otherwise, he simply will not notice them.

It is also fraught with relying simply on a high salary, since in six months the staff will get used to it, and they will miss this level of income. And the employer will not be able to raise salaries in any significant way several times a year.

Therefore, in developed countries programs for additional support and motivation of employees are carefully developed and tracked for effectiveness.

A big plus for employment is the presence of additional life, health and dental insurance. Equally important, for example, is the provision of such trifles as a parking space.

Often in other countries, and now in Russia, the applicant, having learned that the company does not provide additional social guarantees, refuses to work.

A good leader understands that for full dedication, the employee should not be bothered by other concerns. If an employee knows that he will have to stand in line at the hospital or will have to look for a gift for loved ones, he will not be able to work in full force... That is why managers are trying to compensate for labor costs not only with money, but also additional services and bonuses.

An important point is taking care of the children of employees. In foreign companies, working parents from among the staff are paid Kindergarten or, quite often, children's groups are opened right on the territory of the company. Thus, parents and young workers preparing to start a family do not have a headache, who will look after the children while they make a career.

In the Publishing House "Twice two", - says Margarita Georgievna, - by September 1, employees receive a coupon for a certain amount under the corporate action "Children to School". And in the summer we will compensate part of the amount for a trip to a camp for a child.

If in Russia it is customary to provide a universal social package to all employees, then in many other countries employees receive additional bonuses depending on the position and contribution to the development of the company. For example, a more convenient parking spot might be given to top managers or high-value employees.

In addition, an additional social package is often provided in the form of a list, in which the employee selects exactly those bonuses and services that he needs.

For example, in a situation where management decides to reward employees with a free ticket to gym, hypertensive patients or people with back pain will not benefit. And if there is a choice between going to the theater or cinema, a simulator and a massage, then any employee will be able to choose what is right for him. This is quite convenient for employees, which means that the employer will benefit from healthy, well-rested employees who are ready to work productively.


The presence of an additional social package says a lot about the manager's attitude to employees. But even more important is the presence in this package medical services... This is important not only for the employee - he takes care of his health and can not worry in case of illness, especially if he is a nonresident and is assigned to a remote clinic.

Having additional health insurance or medical services is also important for an employer. It is no secret that companies are losing huge amounts of money due to employee illness. This is especially true in winter during epidemics - it is necessary to work, and 20-30 percent of employees either lie at home and in the hospital, or patients come to work. And this affects the productivity of both their own and their colleagues.
“We pay great attention to the health of our employees,” says Margarita Stepanenko from the publishing house “Twice two”. - If an employee has contracted a viral infection, especially in the season when epidemics of influenza and other diseases are raging, he is strongly advised not to come to work. In this case, even without providing a sick leave, our employee receives 2-3 days of paid time off. This is more profitable than paying sick leave to half of the team, which he can infect by coming to work in this state. In addition, every month we allocate a certain amount for service in medical center"Diagnost" and each employee can take there a free coupon. Also, in case of acute pain, we give coupons for dental care.

What else?

The choice of various services, bonuses and guarantees in the additional social package is quite wide. At this point, each leader decides what to choose. This is most convenient for directors of small firms - in this case, the boss knows what his employees need.

In large companies, the head should appoint a responsible specialist or even create a commission to identify the needs of personnel. It is important to work out carefully here personnel service together with the heads of departments and give the head a full report on the desires and problems of employees.

For example, it is very important to establish nutrition for workers.

A hungry worker is not a worker. But in our country, offices and production sites often lack not only an equipped dining room, but even just a separate room with a table and chairs. At the same time, it is prohibited to dine at the workplace. And how can an employee be here? It is not always possible to go home or have lunch in the cafeteria.

In our company, on both floors of the office, there are dining rooms with a refrigerator and a microwave oven, a kettle, a dispenser with water and a set of dishes, - says Margarita Stepanenko. - Employees have a choice - someone brings lunch with them, someone goes to the store, canteen or home.

In other companies, the solution is found in ordering food delivery to the office - part of the costs or the entire order is paid by the company.


Anna Koshkareva, Deputy Director for Economics and Finance, Publishing House "Twice two":

The administration of our company takes care of the health of employees. A lot is being done for this. So, at our company you can undergo a free diagnostic examination and treatment in a medical center and in a dental office. I myself used these services from our company. It was convenient to take a coupon at work and immediately go to the appointment - no need to stand in line at the clinic. And the management is always aware of where the employee was late and what happened to him.

Part 1 of Art. 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, guarantees are defined as means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social labor relations... Thus, as the purpose of applying the guarantees established by law, the exercise of the rights of employees is indicated. Consequently, guarantees perform a security function in relation to identified workers rights.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation divides guarantees and compensations into general (for hiring, transfers, remuneration, termination of an employment contract, etc.) and special Kolobova S.V. Labor law of Russia: Tutorial for universities. - M: Justicinform, 2005 S. 264 ..

The source of funding for guarantees and compensations can be both the funds of the employer and the funds of bodies and organizations in whose interests the employee performs state or public duties (jurors, donors, etc.).

Legal regulation of the conditions for the provision of guarantees and compensations is not the prerogative of labor legislation and is carried out with the help of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

In accordance with Art. 165 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to general guarantees, for example, when hiring, transferring to another job, on remuneration, employees are provided with certain guarantees in the following cases: 1) sending on business trips; 2) moving to work in another locality; 3) fulfillment of state or public duties; 4) combining work with training; 5) forced termination of work through no fault of the employee; 6) provision of annual paid leave; 7) termination of an employment contract on separate grounds; 8) delays due to the fault of the employer in issuing to the employee his work book upon dismissal.

Naturally, this list guarantees is not exhaustive, since the establishment of additional guarantees in agreements, collective agreements, other local acts of the organization, employment contract improves the position of the employee in comparison with the current legislation. In this connection, their establishment does not contradict the legislation.

The basic rights of the employee include: 1) provision of work according to the function stipulated in the employment contract; 2) the right to working conditions in accordance with applicable standards; 3) receiving remuneration for the work performed. Accordingly, the guarantees are designed to ensure the exercise of the listed rights. For example, an employee may be absent from work for reasons established by law. In this case, he is guaranteed the preservation of his job and average earnings.

The rights of employees can be of a property or non-property nature.

The existing guarantees for the exercise of these rights may also be of a proprietary or non-proprietary nature. In particular, in the absence of an employee at work due to violation of payment terms wages he is guaranteed the preservation of the workplace, the previous working conditions, the non-proliferation of personal data. The listed guarantees can be recognized as non-property, since they do not have a value determined for the employee. Comments to Labor Code Russian Federation... / Resp. ed. Yu.P. Orlovsky. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009 .-- 1500 p. Lebedev V. Interaction of systems of labor law and labor legislation // Russian justice... - 2003. - No. 11. P. 24 ..

During the absence of an employee at work due to non-payment of wages, he is guaranteed the preservation of the average wage. This guarantee is of a property nature, since it is associated with the provision of movable property to the employee in the form Money in a certain size.

Distinctive feature non-property guarantees are their direct connection with the employee's place of work, they are designed to ensure that the employee retains the previous working conditions in cases established by law, including workplace... In this connection, the main non-property guarantee is to provide the employee with a previous place of work after absence for valid reasons recognized as such by law, for example, in case of violation of the terms of payment of wages.

Property guarantees are directly related to the employee's right to receive monetary remuneration for his work, that is, wages. In this connection, they are always associated with the size of the average wage received by the employee. Therefore, the provision of property guarantees is directly related to the size of the employee's average earnings.

In connection with the above, the following legally significant circumstances can be distinguished that characterize the legal concept of guarantees in the labor sphere. First, the establishment in legislation, agreements, collective bargaining agreements, and other local legal acts organization, employment contract. Secondly, the direct provision of legislation provided for labor rights... Third, ensuring the exercise of both non-property and property rights of workers in the labor sphere. At the same time, non-property guarantees are designed to ensure the preservation of the previous conditions of work, in particular the place of work. Property guarantees are always associated with the employee received wages Lebedev V. Interaction of systems of labor law and labor legislation // Russian justice. - 2003. - No. 11. P. 24 ..

The provision of non-property guarantees is associated with ensuring the rights arising for employees in labor relations. As a general rule, such guarantees terminate with the end of the employment relationship. However, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with the storage and transfer of his personal data in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation and after his dismissal. Therefore, this guarantee is valid even after the termination of the employment relationship. However, the failure of the employer to comply with this guarantee entails the possibility of the employee receiving, after the termination of his employment relationship, the losses incurred under the rules of civil law. At the same time, the person with whom the employment relationship has been terminated may demand not only compensation for losses incurred in connection with the refusal to comply with non-property guarantees by the employer, but also compensation for moral harm Mironov V.I. Labor law of Russia. - M., 2006.S. 354 ..

Property guarantees also operate in parallel with labor relations. However, separate guarantees are also provided after dismissal from work. These include severance pay paid to dismissed persons. However, the existence of this guarantee does not affect the fate of the employment relationship, which is terminated.

In connection with the above, it can be concluded that guarantees are associated with ensuring the rights arising in labor relations. The provision of these guarantees after the termination of the employment relationship does not affect their fate, but such provision also serves to ensure the labor rights of employees, which may continue after the termination of the employment relationship, for example, the right to compensation for losses caused by the employer and to compensation for moral damage in connection with non-compliance with the established legislation of the rules of conduct.

Social policy is part of the general strategy of the state related to the social sphere. This is a purposeful activity to develop and implement decisions directly related to a person, his position in society, providing him with social guarantees, taking into account the characteristics of various groups of the country's population.

The purpose social policy is the development of classes, social strata (strata), national or other ethnic communities, linguistic groups, confessional groups, as well as the development (socialization) of a person, that form a society.

Social policy is aimed at protecting all elements of the structure of society, as well as individuals from destructive processes that take place in society at certain stages of its development.

Social policy should contain strategic guidelines aimed at achieving large-scale goals.

Formation of social policy occurs on the basis of information obtained as a result of collecting statistical data and conducting sociological research. Comprehension and analysis of the information received allows you to develop a social strategy for the implementation of socially significant goals and the solution of social problems of society.

State policy in the field of income

Differences in the level of per capita or one employed are called differentiation of income. She was and remains characteristic feature market economy is observed in countries that have long followed the path of market development, and in countries that have embarked on this path quite recently. The growth of indicators of income differentiation is especially characteristic for the transitional economy of Russia.

The social policy of the state is aimed at mitigating inequality in the distribution of income, the main task of which is targeted (i.e., intended for specific groups of the population) social support from the state. The solution to this problem presupposes the maintenance of optimal ratios between the incomes of the active (employed) part of the population and disabled citizens through the mechanism of taxes and social transfers for human life or achievement of a certain standard of living.

It is defined as the provision of the population with material, spiritual benefits necessary for life and the degree of satisfaction of people's needs for these benefits. The set of benefits necessary for life includes working conditions, education, health care, housing, etc. The standard of living is considered both at the macro level (for the population of the country as a whole) and at the differentiated micro level (for certain groups of the population).

The main directions of social policy of the state in line with reducing income differentiation are: redistribution, regulation and indexation of income; support for the poorest segments of the population; and etc.

Redistribution of income carried out through the state budget by differentiated taxation of various income groups. It involves the withdrawal in the form of taxes of a part of income from the middle and high-income strata of the population, as well as payments of benefits to those most in need, unemployment benefits.

Regulation of income lies in the fact that the state directly intervenes in the primary distribution of monetary income, setting either a guaranteed minimum wage (in Russia - the minimum wage), or an upper limit for the increase in nominal wages.

Of particular importance is the problem of protecting monetary incomes from inflation. For this purpose applies indexing, that is, an increase in nominal income depending on the rise in prices. It is applied both on a national scale and at the level of individual events.

Finally, an important area in social policy is support for the poorest through the system of cash and in-kind benefits.

- these are socio-economic standards that guarantee the population a level of consumption recognized by society, that is, providing a minimum standard of living standards in accordance with the capabilities of the economy.

The social security system must meet the following requirements:
  • necessary and sufficient volume;
  • provision of financial and material resources;
  • targeting;
  • taking into account territorial features;
  • mechanism for communicating to the recipient.

Social guarantees can be national, regional, sectoral, and the sources of their funding - federal budget, the budgetary system of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and off-budget funds. Social guarantees are provided to the citizens of the country in accordance with the Constitution.

With regard to the able-bodied population, social guarantees should ensure conditions for labor and business activity, protection of the rights and freedoms of an employee, employer.

For the bulk of the population wage labor is the main source of livelihood, therefore the system of social protection of the able-bodied population should provide guarantees in the field of employment and wages. For this, the state establishes a minimum wage. Most countries set a minimum hourly wage.

In Russia, the minimum monthly wage is set at 1100 rubles (i.e. about $ 40 per month, or about $ 0.2 per hour). Such a low level of the minimum wage indicates that the state currently practically does not regulate the level of wages in Russia.

Social guarantees for the disabled population should create conditions for its consumption, taking into account the characteristics of each group.

Income from the social security system divided into three groups:

  • cash payments (pensions, benefits);
  • benefits manifested in the right to reduce taxes, receive transfers in kind;
  • social services consumed free of charge or at prices that have no economic value.

Social guarantees are fulfilled by various function:

  • alimentary-compensatory, which ensures the maintenance of consumption at a certain level;
  • protective, which ensures the preservation of working and living conditions;
  • stimulating, which stimulates the recipient to increase labor and business activity.

Benefits and benefits classified as follows:

  • benefits and subsidies for housing and utilities;
  • discounts on travel on intracity public and intercity transport;
  • benefits for the purchase of medicines;
  • free provision of vehicles, subsidies for gasoline and maintenance;
  • payments of benefits for poverty;
  • payments to pensioners, veterans and the elderly;
  • payments to disabled people;
  • tax benefits;
  • compensation and payments to refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • payments of benefits for children and mothers;
  • preferential and free provision of vouchers for spa treatment;
  • housing subsidies.

Social policy objectives They cover the stimulation and subordination of production to the interests of consumption, strengthening labor motivation and business enterprise, ensuring a certain standard of living and social protection of the population, preserving the cultural and natural heritage, national identity and identity.

It should also be noted that market relations presuppose that people must earn money, and those who, for some reason, cannot do this, must become the subject of state protection. The socialist system guaranteed approximately the same salary for everyone, and benefits ensured social differentiation. Usually, benefits were received by persons who had merit to the state.

In the market socio - orientational model of the economy, the role of social function the state. The government and the state are responsible for providing social protection to citizens and ensuring equal access to basic needs. Poverty rates can be viewed as a significant indicator of the performance of social protection policies.

Social Security is a combination of a retirement savings program, an insurance program, and a National Income Redistribution program.

Social protection is a complex of legislatively enshrined social norms that the state guarantees to certain segments of the population, as well as, under certain economic conditions, to all members of society (during a rise in inflation, decline in production, economic crisis, unemployment, etc.)

The forms and methods of social protection of the population should ensure that the vital needs of every citizen are met at a level not lower than the subsistence level.

The purpose of the test is to get acquainted in more detail with social guarantees, their types and the procedure for their implementation.

The main tasks of the test:

  • 1. Study the types of social guarantees.
  • 2. Consider the principles of social protection.
  • 3. Determine the objects of social protection.
  • 4. To study the organizational and legal forms of social protection of the population.
  • 5. Complete a practical task.



Socio - economic guarantees are a method of ensuring on the part of the state the satisfaction of various needs of citizens at the level of socially recognized norms and standards. Machulskaya E.E. Right social security[Text]: textbook for bachelors / E.E. Machulskaya. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Yurayt Publishing House; ID Yurayt, 2014 .-- P. 154.

Rice. 1.

Consumption standards - the size of consumption in kind of food products, non-food products of current consumption and some services for a certain period of time (per day, month, year).

Provision standards - a certain number of durable goods, which is in the personal consumption of the population, as well as the provision of a certain territory with a network of educational institutions, health care, consumer, transport services, etc. consumption and supply standards.

Rational consumption standards - the level of consumption of goods and services of current and long-term use, which guarantees optimal satisfaction of needs.

Minimum consumption standards - a socially accepted level of consumption of food, non-food goods and services, determined according to the norms of social physiological needs. Statistical standards - standards determined on the basis of indicators of actual consumption of security for the entire population of individual social groups.

State standards in the field of housing and communal services include: Guseva T.S. Social Security Law in Russia [Text]: Textbook. -M .: YURKOMPANI, 2009 .-- S. 127.

  • - the maximum rate of payment for services for the maintenance of housing, housing and communal services, depending on the income received;
  • - indicators of the quality of the provision of public services.

The state social standards in the field of transport services and communications include:

  • - norms for providing public transport;
  • - indicators of the quality of transport services;
  • - norms for providing the population with communication services;

State social norms in the field of health care include:

  • - list and volume of guaranteed medical care citizens;
  • - indicators of the quality of medical care;
  • - standards for preferential provision of certain categories of the population with medicines and other special means;
  • - standards for the provision of food in state and municipal health care institutions, etc.

State special standards in the field of education include:

  • - the list and scope of services provided by state and municipal institutions of preschool, general secondary, vocational and higher education;
  • - standards for the maximum occupancy of classes, groups;
  • - standards for the ratio of pupils, students and teaching staff;
  • - standards material support educational institutions and etc.

The volume and level of provision with social and economic guarantees is an indicator of the civilization of the country. The main directions of the implementation of social guarantees: Kholostova E.I. Social work[Text]: Textbook for bachelors / E.I. Kholostova. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2012. - P.321.

  • 1. The state must guarantee everyone employed in the production process:
    • a) a normal level of well-being through the minimum level of wages and its indexation;
    • b) moderate taxes;
    • c) non-interference in entrepreneurial activity.
  • 2. The state must guarantee the satisfaction of the priority needs of citizens and society, which it cannot entrust to each citizen independently:
    • a) the acquisition of general education;
    • b) education of children and adolescents;
    • c) training;
    • d) organization of health protection and development physical culture and etc.
  • 3. The state should contribute to an increase in the incomes of certain segments of the population who cannot provide a living standard for themselves and their families at the level of minimum social standards, regardless of their participation in the production process in the following forms:
    • a) pensions;
    • b) different kinds help;
    • c) scholarships;
    • d) cash payments and their indexation;
    • e) tax benefits.

The state legislatively guarantees the satisfaction of priority needs from the budget in the minimum sufficient amount in the form of free services.

Local governments in the development and implementation of local socio-economic programs may provide additional social guarantees at the expense of local budgets.

The development and implementation of the State and local budgets is carried out on the basis of the priority of financing social guarantees and the social sphere.

State targeted support for local self-government is carried out in order to equalize the possibilities of individual territorial societies in relation to the provision of social guarantees at the legally recognized level.

The total amount of goods and services that the population consumes for the corresponding period is the consumption fund.

An unjustified increase in funds that are directed to social protection of the population in the total volume of the consumption fund requires additional withdrawal of funds from the wage fund, which ultimately only expands the scale of redistribution, reduces the stimulating role of wages and does not increase the volume of total consumption.

The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social support of citizens is formed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 7 of the Constitution “The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development. (Article 7., Clause 1.). And also in the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens is being provided, a system is being developed social services, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established (Article 7.p.2.). Constitution of the Russian Federation. [ Electronic resource]: - Access from the information and legal portal "Garant". - Access mode: http://base.garant.ru

The Constitution of the Russian Federation also establishes that the coordination of issues related to the protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. Social protection, including social security, is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Thus, all of the above guarantees are implemented through the system of social protection of the population. The basis of state social guarantees is the minimum social standards, that is, the minimum levels of social guarantees established by the laws of the Russian Federation or decisions of the representative bodies of state power for a certain period of time, expressed through social norms and standards reflecting the most important human needs for material benefits, public and free services, guaranteeing an appropriate level of their consumption and designed to determine the mandatory minimum budgetary expenditures for these purposes.

Social protection is a system of distributive relations, in the process of which, at the expense of a part of the national income, public funds are formed and used for material support and services for citizens; it is the concern of the state about a person who has completely or partially lost the ability to work; the state's activities to implement the goals and priorities of social policy, to implement a set of legislatively enshrined economic, legal and social guarantees that ensure every member of society respects social rights, including a “decent” standard of living.

Social protection of the population is a practical activity for the implementation of the main directions of social policy.

When developing and implementing social policy, the question of social priorities arises, that is, social tasks that are recognized by society at this stage of its development as the most urgent and urgent, requiring a priority solution. At the same time, it is necessary not only to support, but also to develop social relations, skillfully combining the interests of various categories of the population, as well as public associations and groups.

In a broad general sociological sense, the term “ social protection»First appeared in the United States in the 30s. and gradually became widespread in Western sociology to designate a system of measures that protect any citizen from economic and social disadvantage due to unemployment, loss or sharp reduction in income due to illness, childbirth, work injury or occupational disease, disability, old age, loss of breadwinner, etc. etc., and also became the main attribute of the social policy of any civilized state. Guseva T.S. Social Security Law in Russia [Text]: Textbook. -M .: YURKOMPANI, 2009 .-- S. 118.

Social protection of the population is considered by Russian social law as a system of legal guarantees and protective measures that protect members of society from economic, social and physical degradation. It acts as a process of ensuring by state and municipal bodies of existing guarantees and rights that protect the individual, his economic, socio-political, social needs and interests.

In practical terms, social protection is represented by a complex of legal economic, social guarantees enshrined in legislation and by-laws at the state level using a two-stage system of legal acts - federal and regional legislation.

At the same time, social protection also acts as a process of ensuring by state or other bodies the guarantees and rights existing in society that protect the individual, his economic, socio-political, social needs and interests in all spheres of society. In its action, it applies to all members of society, but the functional manifestation in relation to different groups is not the same.

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