Rosneft auditors' salaries. Rosneft disclosed the size of the salary of its president

Rosneft is the largest Russian oil and gas company with huge revenues. The organization has over 170,000 employees. The state-owned company was founded around 1991. Almost all employees of organizations whose activities are related to the oil refining industry receive decent sums. It should be remembered that everything depends on the qualifications of the employee himself and his quality of work. How much does Rosneft pay - this question is of interest not only to ordinary people, but also to people who dream of working in one of the largest companies. Russian Federation.

How much are employees paid at Rosneft in 2019

According to data from several sources, the average salary of employees is approximately 50,000 Russian rubles. Leading engineers receive about 60,000 rubles a month. Design team leaders can receive about 80,000 rubles per month. The average salary of a gas station operator-cashier starts at 23,000 rubles. It all depends on the number of shifts and the qualifications of the employee. If a person has a strong desire, then he will be able to achieve an increase that will accompany a significant increase in level wages employee.

Labor rationing specialists have the right to expect wages of about 58,000 thousand. In Moscow, the leading specialist in charge of the logistics department will receive RUB 83,000.

The mechanics of the technological department receive from 38,000 rubles. Cashiers in St. Petersburg can count on wages ranging from 23,000 to 30,000. Chief specialists receive about seventy thousand rubles a month. Project support specialists receive approximately sixty thousand rubles a month.

The above data is taken after carefully reviewing the job summary in a specific field. Depending on the region, the salaries of employees can vary significantly. Thus, you may notice that top specialists have higher salaries, so beginners should try to study in order to get much more. Cashiers and operators without experience can count on a salary of about 20,000 rubles, which is also a pretty good salary for the Russian Federation, given the profession.

Official data

According to the results of 2014, it was announced that 13 leadership positions about 3 billion Russian rubles were allocated. The results of the work were also taken into account. The organization operates a 40 to 60 system. The first indicator is a guaranteed salary, the second part is paid solely on the basis of the manager's performance and sales level.

According to the well-known Forbes magazine, Igor Sechin became the most effective manager. His work was estimated at fifty million US dollars.

Ordinary employees can count on wages ranging from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Middle managers receive about 150,000 rubles. It should be noted that everything depends on the region in which the person works. also in mandatory the qualifications of the employee are taken into account, which can affect the level of remuneration.

Data from unofficial sources

It is no secret that many Russian companies have illegal income. Rosneft is no exception. So in Samara, Alexander Nilsky was detained while receiving a kickback in the amount of 18 million rubles. Police officers carried out the arrest of the suspect when he was accepting an advance payment of about five million Russian rubles. The fight against corruption is now very active, so employees have less such unofficial income, which cannot but rejoice.

There are also publications that published data in 2016, where the average salary of top managers of this company was 28 million rubles per month. This information shocked many citizens. But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the average amount of the organization's revenue. Also, please note that this is the remuneration of the company's management team. The total profit of the organization is on average 350 billion Russian rubles. In general, in accordance with world practice, the management of the oil refining company receives only 10% of the net profit. In addition, it is taken into account that the company's debt from the budget continues to grow. The company owes about $ 11 billion only to the United States of America, so you shouldn't pay much attention to the level of salaries of employees.

Salary at Rosneft is a question that interests many people. It is believed that all employees employed in this organization earn millions. But this is a big mistake. The total salary is made up of a certain number of factors:

  • qualification;
  • education;
  • number of shifts per month;
  • quality of work;
  • discipline.

At the same time, novice specialists should pay attention to the fact that each person has the opportunity to get a promotion with good work and excellent fulfillment of their job descriptions.

28 million rubles a month. This is the average salary of a Rosneft top manager. Earlier, the state corporation published data on the earnings of the board. Similar information came from other large Russian companies.

How much do the heads of Russian corporations with state participation receive? What are the salaries of their Western colleagues and colleagues from private structures? And how does the salary of top managers differ from the salaries of ordinary employees?

The leader in terms of remuneration to members of the Management Board is Rosneft. If you calculate it monthly, you get an average of 28 million rubles a month. At the same time, last year the remuneration of the heads of the state corporation increased by a third. Mainly due to premiums. The company emphasizes that the salary did not increase directly.

The earnings of Gazprom's top managers also increased, however, by only 6%. In general, the leaders of the gas monopoly receive less than in Rosneft. On average 13 and a quarter million a month. The main owner of these companies is the state, and it monitors the costs. And if a shareholder agrees to raise salaries to the top, then, in his opinion, they deserve it. But perhaps in the midst of the crisis it is worth being more modest, says the head of the Political Expert Group, Konstantin Kalachev.

Konstantin Kalachev
Head of the "Political Expert Group"

“The more oil becomes cheaper, the more difficult the life of the management, the more compensation for the costs and expenses of nerve cells should be. Well, but seriously, there is a serious problem related to the fact that image losses do not bother anyone. That is, apparently, the attitude of society towards this topic is not critically important for the management of Rosneft. It's a shame. "

The salaries of the heads of Russian state-owned companies are often compared to those of Western companies. And also with the salaries of colleagues from private domestic corporations. Lukoil reported that remuneration to board members in 2015 decreased by 7%. On average, the managers of this company receive about 8 million rubles a month.

But in NOVATEK, on ​​the contrary, the salaries of managers last year increased by almost 23%. The average monthly salaries of the board are comparable to those of Rosneft - about 20 million rubles. In Western oil and gas companies, the earnings of managers before the fall of the national currency were quite comparable. By the way, many foreigners work in our corporations. They need to pay a lot and preferably not in rubles. Dmitry Alexandrov, Head of the Analytical Department of Univer Capital, comments.

Dmitry Alexandrov
Head of the Analytical Department, Univer Capital

“They compare Rosneft with the same ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Lukoil, etc. Salaries are often tied to a fixed rate. When it comes to top management, most often there are individual conditions for remuneration that are comfortable for the company, that are more comfortable for a specific person. "

In Western companies, executive salaries are often incentivized with options. Accordingly, with the growth of the company's capitalization, the salaries of the board members also grow. The most straightforward way is to calculate salaries based on profits. For Sberbank, for example, last year it fell by a quarter. Top managers' salaries also fell - by 18.5%. Rosneft and Gazprom have yet to publish their financial statements for 2015. But earlier Bloomberg gave a consensus forecast: the profit of the oil state corporation in rubles could grow by 36%. True, in dollars it can almost halve.

And Gazprom will obviously do well. First, gas prices, although they are tied to oil prices, have a time lag, and blue fuel is getting cheaper more slowly. Well, and secondly, the devaluation of the ruble. notice, that western companies- BP, Shell, Statoil - in the past and this year, salaries were frozen, staff reductions were carried out. In Russian oil and gas state corporations, salaries were raised both for top managers and ordinary employees. The director talks about how much the non-management team gets. staffing company ANKOR Energy Olga Southall.

Olga Southall
Director of Human Resources Company ANKOR Energy

“The salary of ordinary specialists, for example, production operators, drillers in general, is about 70-80 thousand rubles a month. If we are talking about specialists at the level of the head of the direction, heads of departments, departments, then here the salary can vary from 150 to 250 thousand rubles per month. "

To this must be added the northern coefficients and bonuses - to the Day of the Oilman or Gasman. Several years ago, foreign headhunters talked about how much they earn on average in Western oil and gas companies. The best workers in this area live in Australia and Norway. About 13-14 thousand dollars a month. The executives of large mining companies receive about 100 times more. Both have very good earnings. Normal capitalism, its human smile. The average salary at Rosneft (we divide the company's salary expenses by the total number of employees) is 60 thousand rubles a month. Top managers are paid 466 times more on average.

Mikhail Safonov

Well, how can a person run a corporation, all labor activity which before - to carry a portfolio for the Boss? And when, about the Main Friend of the First Person, who turns around by the billions, the school teacher innocently reports that the ward had difficulties with arithmetic - and unavoidable ones - that the level of intelligence is even difficult to test here.

Hi. Add to friends)

Review of average salaries in the top 10 most expensive companies in Russia

Realnoe Vremya found out how the average salaries in the 10 most expensive Russian companies have changed over the past five years. It turned out that in some of them they grew more slowly than in the economy as a whole - however, not in all of them. In absolute terms, Sberbank and Tatneft had relatively modest indicators, while the salary at Rosneft is almost 19 times higher than the national average.

Tatneft: plus 100% per year

From 2012 to 2017 inclusive, the average salary in Russia increased by about one and a half times - from 26.6 to 39.14 thousand rubles. Average salaries in large corporations have been and remain much higher, often by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, they grew at a comparable rate, and in some cases even slower.

Among the 10 most expensive Russian companies, the most modest growth was in Surgutneftegaz, and the largest - in Tatneft. In PJSC "Surgutneftegas" the average salary for 5 years increased by only 26.95%, in PJSC "Tatneft" - by 5.2 times.

The largest public company in Russia is Sberbank, as of December 29, 2017, its market value reached 4.86 trillion rubles (excluding preferred shares). At the same time, the average salary in Sberbank is not growing as fast as in the whole country: in 2012-2017 it increased by 41.7%.

Salaries grew even more slowly in Novatek - by 33.1%, in Norilsk Nickel the growth was 48.5%. At the same time, in other top companies, average salaries grew at an outstripping rate. So, in Rosneft from 2012 to 2017 they increased by 57.9%, in Lukoil - by 60.8%, in Gazprom Neft - by 51.2%. PJSC Gazprom and steelmakers from PJSC NLMK also did not lag behind - growth by 58.7% and 81.6%, respectively.

Unattainable Rosneft

The level of wages differs greatly by industry - as a rule, it is skewed in favor of oil and gas producers. According to Rosstat data, the average salary in this industry last year was almost twice as much as in the economy as a whole: it amounted to 74.5 thousand rubles.

This is quite clearly seen in the example of individual companies. In 2017, Rosneft employees were paid a total of RUB 36.7 billion. On average, each of them accounted for 730.9 thousand rubles a month. This is 18.7 times more than the average salary in the economy.

In Lukoil, the annual wage fund exceeded 12.4 billion rubles. Thus, in terms of each of the 2.15 thousand employees of the company there were 480.8 thousand rubles a month.

Against the background of Rosneft and Lukoil, average salaries at PJSC Gazprom do not look so impressive - at the end of 2017 they amounted to 152.1 thousand rubles. Which, however, is almost 4 times higher than the average for Russia.

Sberbank was more restrained in wages: the average salary was 82.2 thousand rubles. And the most modest salaries among the top 10 companies in 2017 were at Tatneft - an average of 61.8 thousand rubles.

Interestingly, talk about replacing human labor with machine labor is still talk. If anything, with the advancement of technology, the number of employees in large companies does not seem to be diminishing. Moreover, the total headcount of the 10 most expensive companies has grown by 16.5 thousand people in five years and reached 458.96 thousand.

For example, since 2012 Sberbank has increased the number of employees by 7%, Gazprom - by 15.4%, Rosneft - by 87.3%. There were almost no changes in TATNEFT, in Norilsk Nickel and Surgutneftegaz the personnel decreased by 6.5 and 0.7%, respectively.

Artem Malyutin

Rosneft- the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest publicly traded oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of OJSC NK Rosneft are prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, production of oil, gas, gas condensate, implementation of development projects. offshore fields, processing of extracted raw materials, sale of oil, gas and products of their processing on the territory of Russia and abroad.

The company recruits employees in the following regions:

Central Russia, Moscow, North-West, St. Petersburg, Far East, Siberia, Ural, Volga region, South, Black Sea-Caucasian district, Abroad and many other regions.

The corporation "Rosneft" on an ongoing basis requires

  • Leading Engineer of the Department of Environmental and Industrial Safety
  • Leading Engineer in the Department of Environmental and Industrial Safety
  • Leading design engineer
  • Leading Security Specialist road traffic and work with contractors (BDD and RPO)
  • Deputy Head of Automated Process Control System and Instrumentation, GTU-TPP
  • Deputy Head of Automated Process Control System and Instrumentation, GTU-TPP
  • Deputy Head of Automated Process Control System and Instrumentation, GTU-TPP
  • Deputy Head of Automated Process Control System and Instrumentation, GTU-TPP
  • Deputy Head of Automated Process Control System and Instrumentation, GTU-TPP
  • Leading engineer of PTK ASUE
  • Leading engineer of PTK ASUE
  • Leading engineer of PTK ASUE
  • Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment technological installations
  • Leading design engineer
  • Lead Engineer (Environmental Protection)
  • Process plant operator (4.5) category
  • Chief Specialist of the Metrological Support Sector
  • Chemical engineer
  • Chief Specialist of the Oil Treatment and Sales Department
  • Chief Specialist of the Sector for Planning the Arrangement of Energy and Instrumentation Facilities
  • Head of the Sales Sector, Oil Treatment and Sales Department
  • Chief Specialist of the Oilfield Chemistry Sector
  • Chief Specialist of Gas Treatment and Compression Department
  • Engineer estimator
  • Leading Specialist of Business Applications Support Department Chemical Engineer
  • Pipelayer operator
  • Locksmith - repairman of the pipeline operation team
  • Mobile power plant operator, 5th grade
  • Leading specialist in civil defense and emergency situations
  • Leading specialist of the hydraulic fracturing technology sector UPPRiGTM (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
  • Head of Gas Treatment and Compression Shop (in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
  • Foreman of the brigade for the operation of pipelines of the oil and gas production workshop
  • Chief Specialist of the Planning Sector for the Arrangement of Site and Line Facilities
  • Oil and gas production shop mechanic
  • Chief specialist of the department forward planning
  • Chief Specialist for Field Development
  • Lead Curator-Engineer of Site Facilities Department
  • Oil and gas production operator (5th grade)
  • Leading engineer of the budget department
  • And other specialties

Working conditions: Accommodation is provided at the expense of the company.
Employment under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, full social. package, additional health insurance at the expense of the company. Travel to the place of work, in the absence of funds, can be paid by the employer with a subsequent return from your future salary. You pay only 50% of the fare. Half of the travel expenses are paid by Rosneft.

Requirements for applicants: Specialized secondary education, documents confirming qualifications. Workers from all regions of Russia are accepted.

The salary at Rosneft in the North: at work on a rotational basis from 170 000 per shift depending on the schedule.

Contacts: All current vacancies of Rosneft companies are posted only on the official website at the link Rosneft is not responsible for announcements posted on other sites.