Social package as a tool for staff motivation. The motivational function of the social package: how to interest the employee of the XXI century

How to qualitatively evaluate a person. Handbook for HR manager T.M. Tibilov

Motivational package

Motivational package

Find out the size of the minimum, maximum and optimal salary that the company is ready to provide. Figure out what the structure is wages, are there any bonuses and what are the conditions for receiving them, are there any penalties, are there any additional payments for food, accommodation, car, insurance, sports, etc. Complete information about the structure of the compensation package will have a much stronger effect on the choice of a candidate than a standard advertisement salary figures and notification of compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Some companies do not attach much importance to corporate events, since they do not directly relate to the compensation package. But from the candidate's point of view, their presence can be a significant factor when choosing a job.

Corporate culture. Many organizations lack a clear understanding of the corporate culture. Usually, a question about her is followed by an indistinct answer, they say, congratulations to employees on their birthday, together we celebrate New Year and sometimes we do something else. Some even claim that there is no corporate culture in their organization.

In fact, if a company employs more than one person, then there are certain norms and rules, standards of behavior and etiquette, established customs and traditions. All this taken together makes up the corporate culture.

It is important to assess whether the applicant meets the requirements of the corporate culture in order to understand how quickly he will be able to adapt to the new team (and if he can at all). So, one of the main formulations of refusal: "Wrong type."

You can find out who will fit in this case from a conversation with the direct customer. But even before that, you should observe how employees communicate with each other, what is on the tables, etc. There are no trifles in such matters.

During the conversation, you can learn about the style of management of the company in general and a specific department in particular, about the goals of the organization, its distinctive features. We must not forget that the answers may contain information about what kind of organization seeks to be or how it wants to position itself, while the reality may differ slightly from the description. If, for example, the leadership of a Russian company claims to be Western-style management, this does not prevent it from being an authoritarian machine mired in bureaucracy. If an employee comes to such a company from an organization where Western standards were really observed, he, most likely, will not be able or will not want to work there.

Professional and career growth. Providing opportunities for professional and career growth allows many companies to attract development-oriented employees, not just high salaries. If the amount of compensation is, so to speak, a hygienic factor (see glossary), then the opportunities for development and career advancement stimulate and involve in the process.

Does the company encourage its employees to strive for learning and professional growth? Can I give examples successful career made in this company? How long do people stay in one job? Is the company interested in developing its own staff?

Here the employer is tempted to distort and significantly embellish the information. If the specifics of relations in a team or the peculiarities of corporate culture can be identified within one or two weeks of work, then the absence of declared prospects for career and professional growth will become known after a longer time. As a result, the likelihood of a frustrated employee leaving the company increases. In addition, he can harbor resentment against the employer, which often leads to reduced motivation and sabotage.

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2.4.3. Social package and staff loyalty Social package, in contrast to administrative penalties, on the contrary, refers to "gingerbread". In principle, it is not even the contents of the package that is important (paid vacation, maternity leave, etc.), but the very fact that it, the social package, exists.

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One of the most important problems, the solution of which is still relevant for many enterprises, is the increase in the future of the shortage of qualified, competitive labor resources and the need to develop the personnel potential of the organization. A modern employer in the face of fierce competition for the opportunity to hire and use highly qualified personnel is forced to create comfortable working conditions to attract them. And in order to succeed in this competitive struggle, it is necessary to be clearly oriented not only in the existing salary offers on the labor market, but also to have an idea of ​​the motivational schemes of competing companies, the range of services, compensations and benefits they provide.

Employee motivation, both tangible and intangible, in last years increased attention is paid to reflect today's dynamic business environment. One of the most common types of employee motivation is the so-called "social package", which is a set of benefits and services that the company provides to its employees. Its cost can range from one third to one half of the salary. Each company has its own methods of forming a social package: some companies limit themselves only to paying for sick leave and vacations, others can include payment for transport to the place of work and back, vouchers to sanatoriums, classes in sports and recreation centers, others provide a car for use, loans with preferential interest rates, comfortable apartments for living, etc.

Providing employees with a social package is a relatively new phenomenon in the Russian labor market, which appeared after the introduction of a corporate culture according to Western standards. The benefits package is a competing feature of the firm. According to opinion polls, 72% of respondents consider the presence of a social package at an enterprise as an advantage when choosing a place of work, and only 21% do not pay attention to it.

According to experts, the social package can be conditionally divided into three parts: mandatory, compensatory, and, finally, the most interesting - motivational.

Let's consider them in more detail. The obligatory part of the social package is based on the obligations of the employer imposed on him by the state. It includes: sick pay; provision of annual paid leave in the amount of 28 calendar days; deductions for compulsory social insurance; payment of expenses related to business trips of employees (Articles 167-168 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); payment for transport to employees whose permanent work is of a traveling nature; other compensations and guarantees in accordance with Art. 168.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. qualified motivational social package

The compensatory social package usually includes the payment of such expenses as phone bills, compensation for fuel and lubricants and depreciation when using a personal car, housing for an employee, return of part or 100% of training costs, etc.

The motivational part of the social package includes all the benefits that the employer adds to wages at will: cheap or free meals, voluntary medical and pension insurance, payment for sports complexes, provision of an official car, vacation vouchers, etc.

For example, at OAO LUKOIL, the incentive social package includes the following benefits:

  • - organization of conditions for recreation and health improvement of employees and their family members, organization of sports and recreational activities;
  • - health protection and medical care of employees, including VHI;
  • - assistance to employees in buying their own home;
  • - social assistance to women and families with children;
  • - social support for young personnel;
  • - non-state pension provision for employees, since 2004 operating on the principles of shared participation of the employee and the employer in the formation of non-state pensions;
  • - Free New Year gifts for employees' children;
  • - one-time assistance to female workers at the birth of a child;
  • - remuneration upon retirement, etc.

For comparison, consider a standard "social package" provided by one of the American companies (NetApp), which includes:

  • - advanced training through participation in NetAppUniversity programs, a worldwide educational resource for employees;
  • - support for employees who adopt or plan to adopt children (that is, reimbursement of funds spent in the amount of up to USD 10 thousand during the year and USD 20 thousand during life);
  • - the VolunteerTimeOff (VTO) program allows company employees to take up to 5 full days a year with pay to volunteer in municipal non-profit organizations or schools on standard working hours or to provide volunteer support in the event of a disaster.

However, it should be noted that the social package is not provided by all employers, since it is not provided for in the legislation as its direct responsibility. At the same time, if a company provides its employees with a social package, this indicates its stable economic condition, financial reliability, as well as care for its personnel.

Thus, the development of a social package acts as one of the most important strategic tasks in human resource management of a company. The value and purpose of providing a social package can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, namely on the part of the employer, the benefit from the social package is that the presence of the social package forms the loyalty of the staff through the satisfaction of their needs. Thus, providing employees with a social package is the likelihood for the employer of attracting, retaining, gaining employee loyalty and indirectly stimulating the effectiveness of his work. And from the side employees, if there is a social package in the company, the staff has a sense of social security. He also receives compensation for personal expenses spent on work moments.

More and more employees, when hiring, pay attention to the social or compensation package that will be provided to them in the company. V Labor Code RF, the employee's social package is not mentioned, so companies independently form social packages depending on how qualified they want to attract to work. In this article we will look at Russian and European social packages and try to look at the problem from the side of improving employee motivation.
The social package of each company is formed on the basis of financial capabilities and the degree of management's understanding of its role in motivating the labor activity of personnel. There are organizations where the content of the social package changes depending on the length of service, position held, etc. In most cases, this inequality causes a wave of dissatisfaction among the entire staff. However, most entrepreneurs offer the usual packages of free benefits for everyone, such as: health insurance, tea, coffee, office cookies, mobile phone and lunch compensation, day off without deduction from wages, etc. At the same time, western companies, offer the following compensation packages for their employees:
Luxury health insurance on a voluntary basis;
Power compensation;
Mobile Compensation;
Payment for the sports hall;
The ability to independently choose the start and end time of the working day;
Various bonus payments related to the birth of children, weddings, etc.;
The ability to take time off without deduction from wages through overtime;
The ability to work remotely.

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In addition to the above, the location of the office is important for all employees, and therefore, it is recommended to open offices in the city center. The quality of the work environment also greatly influences employee motivation.
The company must pay great attention to ensuring that each employee values ​​their work as a place that provides a high degree of social protection... For this, in addition to various payments, the organization must regularly announce the results of the financial year, paying attention to the stable position in the market and stable growth.
According to the results of a statistical study, more than 70% of Russian citizens believe that the social package is an important addition to employment, about 20% do not pay attention to it and only 8-10% do not know anything about the social package or have not decided whether they need it. The category of people most interested in the social package includes specialists with higher education, women, Russians, whose income does not exceed 25,000 rubles. per month, and people between the ages of 25 and 35.
But, unfortunately, not in many companies today you can see a social package consisting of all of the above. Although what can we talk about if many Russian companies do not even provide mandatory benefits. Payment for sick leave, vacation, as well as a medical policy for nonresident citizens is not a bonus provided by the company, it is mandatory conditions legal employment in Russia. Whereas the rest of the incentives depend on the degree of care of the management of its employees, as well as on how highly it values ​​them.

During the crisis, many companies continue to cut budgets and save on everything, some even refuse social packages, which, of course, can negatively affect employee motivation. FinAssist partner Alexander Volobuev told how you can create an effective motivation package for staff, even with a minimum budget.

Social package and social guarantees are not the same

I would like to immediately clarify what a social package is, since some HR managers confuse two different concepts: a social package and social guarantees. Grounds for providing social guarantees- these are the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the introduction of a social package or a set of benefits for personnel in a company is a voluntary decision of each employer, and this is the fundamental difference between these concepts.

At the same time, the content of the social package can be very diverse, which depends on the tasks that the company's management wants to solve with the help of this instrument motivation, working to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business.

Budget options for social packages

Now, in our difficult times, most companies are trying to form budgetary social packages, which is possible even with a minimal budget. Here are some examples of low-cost but effective employee retention benefits: health award(for those who did not take sick leave for a year); free work schedule, half-holiday, ability to perform certain types work at home; gifts for the holidays for the children of employees; sale of used corporate cars and computers to employees at discounted prices; additional paid vacation day, etc.

It is enough for an HR manager to leave his office and go around nearby shops, hairdressers, fitness clubs and other useful establishments, negotiate with them and receive discount cards specifically for his staff - and now the employees will be happy! All of this can be done even if you don't have a budget for your benefits at all.

How not to leave employees without medical insurance

One of the most common components of the social package is voluntary medical insurance, or, in short, VHI. In our practice, we constantly communicate with HR leaders and see that companies are doing their best to maintain this type of insurance in order not to lower the motivation of personnel. A competent top manager understands that the availability of VHI policies for his staff is a guarantee that the employee will receive medical assistance quickly and efficiently, and this will have a beneficial effect on his condition and the number of attendance hours at work.

One of the options for reducing the cost of voluntary medical insurance is insurance with a deductible, i.e. part of the cost of medical services will be paid by the insured employee independently to the cashier medical institution... The employer concludes the contract with the VHI franchise with the insurance company, and he also pays the insurance premium under this contract, after which he distributes the VHI policies to the insured employees.

There are three types of franchise. Firstly, a conditional deductible - the insurance contract establishes an amount that is not payable: if the treatment costs less than the deductible, then medical services paid by the insured themselves. If this amount is exceeded, the insurance company pays all costs.

Secondly, an unconditional deductible - the client always pays for the treatment himself within the established deductible. If the treatment is more expensive, then the insurance company pays all costs only in excess of the deductible.

And finally, a temporary deductible - a period is established during which the insurance company does not pay compensation, for example, the first three months from the date of the contract. The illness or injury suffered by the insured during this period is not an insured event.

For employers, the VHI program with a franchise allows, in the event of a small budget, not to leave their employees without medical insurance. As for the staff, employees will be able to receive qualified medical care even in expensive premium-level clinics at a very modest price, since part of the payment falls on the employer who paid him a VHI policy with a franchise.

You will save money if you study the needs of your staff for VHI

The management of one of the capital's companies applied an interesting way of managing the social package, which allows solving such problems as maintaining the social package, the ability to independently choose a clinic for employees, and reducing the cost of the social package. As before, the company does all the work of choosing a service provider. Further, employees are offered to use any of the services on a co-financing basis. 70% of the costs are borne by the employer, and 30% are paid by the employee himself. This practice has clear advantages: the service is purchased only by those who are really interested in it; the service is in demand, which increases the subjective value of the social package for the employee. Here it is very important to ideologically justify this decision in an ideologically competent way so that employees correctly understand the idea of ​​co-financing and do not think that the company has simply decided to save money.

The management needs to explain to its staff that even with economic difficulties, the company still cares about the health of its employees, and therefore allocates a certain amount to pay for VHI. For some who do not like going to doctors or are young and healthy, the basic VHI package will probably be enough, while others who are interested in high-quality medical care and regularly monitor their health are given the opportunity to pay a little extra and get an extended VHI package with access to wonderful clinics.

Having carried out such a gradation of employees according to their, let's say, degree of need for voluntary medical insurance, the company, of course, gets another way to optimize its budget for medical insurance.

The fact is that, as practice shows, not every employee is motivated by the presence of a VHI policy - some (mainly young men under 25) do not need it at all, and they will never use it in a year. And people over 30-35, on the contrary, appreciate having a policy, and for them this is a good motivating factor. In general, the main thing is to know your employees, to study their needs, to be sensitive and attentive to them - then, even with a minimum budget for the social package, it will be possible to create good conditions for them.

Illustrations by FinAssist

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When building a motivation system, corporate culture plays a general structural role. Its components - the company's strategy, goals, values, principles, foundations, generally accepted codes of standards, norms, rules of conduct, the history of the company, the system of corporate communications, work practices - set the consistency, consistency, and general direction of the efforts of employees. The systems of remuneration and personal development of employees depend on the peculiarities of the corporate culture.

So, cultivating certain values ​​and creating the necessary attitudes among employees, the company inspires the behavior of people necessary to achieve a business result. There are many known cases when employees, content with a relatively small wages, continued to work in the company because they felt comfortable in a team of like-minded professionals. Many people also choose to work for relatively low wages in leading companies, be involved in business victories, and reject the seductive financial prospects offered by small, obscure companies.

The corporate culture in a company is set by its first person. As a rule, his ideas, goals, values, models of behavior are the basis, and people follow them. So the leader should think about how he influences employees by his personal example. It is known that a talented boss is one of the most effective factors in the motivation system. When employees see that they have something to learn from the head of the company, they have a strong need to grow to the same level, to become the same bright leaders, wise strategists and diplomats. In general, people have a star to follow.

§ 3. The essence of the social package

The social package is determined by the specifics of the work and the position of the employee in the company. A company car or housing is a privilege for highly qualified hired top managers, on whose work the fate of the business depends. The company relieves them of the need to spend precious time and energy on the road, and also provides comfort and the possibility of quality rest.

Payment for travel on public transport and meals on weekdays are typical components of the social package of ordinary workers. It is advisable to pay for calls on a mobile phone for those employees who constantly go to meetings, objects, that is, are out of the office. Medical insurance - for professionals whose work is associated with an increased risk 14.

Often, company leaders underestimate the importance of a social package as a tool to motivate employees and make two main mistakes. First, they do not feel it necessary to draw the attention of their subordinates to how the company cares about them. People do not even notice that the company is giving them any benefits. Secondly, managers often form a social package with an eye on competitors: “what they have, we must have”. As a result, they are always second in this race, that is, the provided social package is not a competitive advantage of such companies as employers.

Meanwhile, a social package can be the most effective tool for retaining employees. You just need to creatively implement the marketing approach to personnel management.

For example, one company, having analyzed the composition of its employees and their needs, came to interesting conclusions. In particular, having discovered that 60% of employees have schoolchildren, management decided to buy corporate numbers for mobile phones not only for parents working for the company, but also for their children. Thus, the problem of child control has lost some of its urgency. In addition, the company offered those wishing to obtain family health insurance and thereby relieved employees of the need to waste time in queues to the specialists of district polyclinics.

A positive aspect of using the social package is an increase in employee loyalty to the organization. The company, taking on a part of social responsibility, participates in people's lives and careers, helps to overcome everyday problems 15. The economic advantage of a social package can be the value added effect. For example, the above example with corporate numbers for employees' children. If we analyze the mobile communications market, then there will be no doubt the benefit from the use of corporate tariff plans over tariffs for individuals... To all this, additional bonuses are added when communicating within the same group (free or very cheap calls). The employee, on the other hand, when assessing the benefit, proceeds from the market prices at which he would have to pay. Thus, the effect of "added value" appears. In my opinion, in this way it can be used in any financial transactions where the corporate pricing policy is lower than the prices set for individuals. The volume of the social package is also different. It depends on the level of development of the company and its corporate culture. Profitable terms provided, first of all, by those firms that know how to count their money. They see the benefits package as a way to improve the quality of employees' work, make the company more prestigious in the labor market and win the loyalty of specialists 16. Often, benefits and guarantees keep valuable employees without significant pay increases.

Traditionally, the most complete packages are offered by large Russian and foreign companies. However, some of them do not provide packages at all, motivating this with the already high level of salaries and bonuses. In the majority of domestic firms, compensation packages, unfortunately, are minimized.

Typically, the package consists of health and life insurance, company car, mobile phone, free meals or reimbursement. Recently, there has been a tendency to include in the package (or replace health insurance with it) a subscription to a fitness room or pool. A growing number of companies are providing corporate training to their employees. In rare cases, the cost of obtaining professional certifications is reimbursed, which is much more attractive for young employees than insurance or a free lunch. Even more rarely, the package includes preferential vacations, insurance for the whole family, owning shares, loans, additional retirement savings, as well as discount programs for the company's products and services 17.

Currently, the standard (traditional) social package includes:

  • Medical insurance
  • Car / reimbursement of transportation costs
  • Mobile connection
  • Meal Compensation / Free Lunches
  • Internal training / external training
  • Professional certifications
  • Corporate rest / voucher compensation
  • Providing loans 18

In the course of the research, the policy of using the social package in large corporations and holdings operating in Russia was investigated.

For example, IBS believes that a social package is a sign of a civilized organization. If the business depends on the productivity of specialists, the management must do everything to ensure that employees are maximally focused on work, and not on solving their social problems. " Most companies rely on social policy as the main tool of the general incentive system. At IBS, this system includes both uniform "social benefits" for all (for example, compulsory medical insurance for all employees and their children), and various methods of encouragement and incentives - for different categories of employees, for example, some consultants after particularly difficult projects , the IBS leadership sends to recuperate in the Canary Islands.

At Johnson & Johnson, a social package means not only material factors, but also non-material incentives for an employee. Traditional benefits are salary, insurance, food, for many also a corporate car and mobile phone... The company organizes and pays for English classes, regularly conducts trainings on communication and negotiation skills, time management, and personnel management. The best employees are paid for MBA education and professional development. There are also non-material forms of encouragement: these are various awards at the end of the year. Every year the company in its entirety travels abroad, where work and training events, as well as rest and excursions take place. Finally, every quarter, corporate events are held at various recreational locations.

Aeroflot believes it is important that employees do not treat the social package as an imposed benefit. It can completely cross out the mission. social policy a company aimed not only at providing employees with additional benefits, but also at increasing their motivation, loyalty, and the company's image as a whole. Offering a rich social package to its employees, which, in addition to voluntary medical insurance, preferential meals, spa treatment, non-state pensions and other various benefits, also includes assistance to young people and veterans, various housing programs (including profitable loans). Aeroflot is trying to solve a whole range of problems: to increase employee responsibility, prevent social conflicts, and improve internal corporate relations 19.

However, not all executives choose the benefits package as their sole motivation tool, so not always a modest social offer means that the company is not going to think about employees. The higher the employee's income and the level of his qualifications, the less important the social package is for him. Since Soviet times, the illusion of security and confidence in tomorrow, which was expressed in guaranteed employment and a social package - believes Aleksey Ilyin, general director of the publishing house "Alpina Business Books". He believes that for modern employees, whose priority is confidence in the future, a social package is simply necessary. However, for those who have enough money to live, instead of a social package, it is better to offer a salary increase. He adheres to this position in his company. The publishing house employs mainly creative and ambitious young people, for whom the publisher strives to raise their wages as much as possible, and not spend the same funds on social security.


For almost every person, to one degree or another, the financial reward for his work, and the opportunity to grow professionally and rise up the career ladder, and a favorable working climate in the company are important. Another thing is that for each employee the proportion of these four components is individual. It also changes from time to time. Therefore, a leader who wants to retain the best, talented, experienced, professional workers must use all four motivation tools in his management practice.

To do this, he must clearly understand the strategic goals of the company and carefully calculate the prospects for its development; constantly use the personnel monitoring system to correctly assess the situation in the company. The latter presupposes a periodic assessment of employees in order to find out who and what needs are now dominating, what growth zones exist for each valuable employee.

In this case, the social package will play a very important role. By relieving psychological stress, feeling socially protected, the employee will be much more loyal to the organization, even with low wages compared to competitors. The benefits package can be applied everywhere, in any type of organization. The only exception is companies aimed at the "creative" direction.

During term paper the material and non-material remuneration of employees was studied, the priority and importance of career growth was assessed, the influence of social guarantees on staff motivation was revealed.

It is necessary to use a social package if the employer seeks to reduce staff turnover, to interest the employee in the development of professional skills, and to increase loyalty to both the organization's management and colleagues. And one more important remark - the social package is very often equated with the compensation package. Compensation compensation is payment for something lost by an employee (compensation). In this case, salary is compensation for the time and effort spent. But the social package pursues a deeper goal - not to compensate, but to support the employee, to take part in social life 20. And this support is primarily directed to the psychological state of the employee.

I would like the implementation of the social package to take place in all interested companies, where the main goal is not only to make a profit, but also to take care of their own personnel.