Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Federal statistical observation form 23 n

1. Form of federal statistical observation N 23-N "Information on production and distribution electrical energy"provide legal entities(except for small businesses) - AO-energos, AO-power plants, OGKs (wholesale generating companies), TGKs (territorial generating companies), distribution grid companies, interregional distribution grid companies, an organization for managing a complex of electric grids belonging to a single national ( all-Russian) electric network of JSC FGC UES, power sales and power supply companies.

2. The legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial office of Rosstat at the place of its location.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out both for each separate subdivision, and for the legal entity without these separate subdivisions.

The completed form is submitted by a legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at the place of its location, the form is provided at the place of its actual implementation of activities.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents registered in established order, and then in brackets - its short name. On the form of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

On the line "Postal address" the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the legal address with the postal code are indicated, if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

3. The legal entity puts down the code in the code part of the form All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Geographically separate divisions legal entity is indicated an identification number which is set territorial body Rosstat at the location of the geographically separate subdivision.

4. In section 1, lines 01 - 09, legal entities are filled in according to the power plants on their balance sheet.

5. Line 01 "Electricity Generated" contains data on the amount of electricity generated for the year.

6. In line 02 "Used for the power plant's own needs", data on the consumption of electricity consumed directly for the production of electricity and heat is given.

7. On line 04 "Electricity received by the power plant from the networks - total", data on the volumes of actually received electricity from the external network (without balancing) are given.

8. On line 06 "Electricity consumption for production and household needs power plants "provides data on the amount of electricity consumed for industrial purposes on the territory of the power plant, not directly related to the technological process of electricity and heat production.

9. On line 08 "Electricity supplied by the power plant to the network" data on the supply of electricity to the network (without balancing) is given, on line 09 - including to the network of JSC FGC UES, if electricity is transferred directly to the network of this organization.

10. Lines 10 - 22 are filled in by power grid organizations, data on lines 10 - 18 are given without balancing the flows, JSC FGC UES provides the data in balanced terms.

11. Line 10 "Total electricity received into the network" contains data on the volumes of electricity received by the given electric grid organization, and line 15 "Total electricity supplied from the network" - about its supply.

12. Line 19 shows the actual losses of electricity in the network, and line 20 "including commercial losses" - data on the amount of electricity not paid for by subscribers.

13. Line 21 "Electricity consumption for production and economic needs" provides data on electricity consumption by electric grid organizations.

14. Line 22 "The volume of electricity supplied to enterprises and power grids of cities and towns" contains data on the volumes of electricity supplied to the power grids of cities and towns of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the power grid is located, as well as to enterprises if electricity is transmitted to them directly from this power grid. organizations. From the total volume of electricity transmitted, data on electricity supply to organizations of railway transport (page 23), including for electric traction (page 24), also to organizations for the transportation of oil and petroleum products (page 25) and transportation of gas and gas products (page . 26).

15. Lines 27 - 52 are filled in by sales organizations, both previously included in the RAO "UES of Russia" system, and other organizations working on wholesale market electricity (InterEnergosbyt, MAREM, NOREM, Transserviceenergo, Eskom, Rostorgenergo, Rusenergosbyt, Transnefteservice, etc., as well as power plants, if electricity is supplied to subscribers (or subdivisions of the power plant outside the power plant) directly, bypassing sales organizations. data on the supply of electricity to subscribers as a whole, by organizations for the corresponding main types for the organization economic activity and the population.

16. Line 33 does not reflect data on the transmission of electricity to power grid organizations, with the exception of data on the losses paid by the subscriber in the power grids, the volumes of which are stipulated by the contractual relationship between the sales organization and the subscriber.

17. Lines 36 and 37 contain data on electricity supply to the rural and urban population, respectively - subscribers making direct payments for electricity consumed by the sales organization.

18. Line 51 "Resellers" contains data on the supply of electricity to resellers - to the power grids of cities and towns, as well as to sales organizations located in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for its subsequent supply to subscribers. Section 3 "List of resellers" provides a breakdown of data on these organizations.

19. Section 2 "Certificate of supply (receipt) of electricity outside (from) the limits of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" shall be filled in by power grid organizations and legal entities that have power plants on their balance sheets that transmit (receive) electricity to power grid organizations located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Column 2 indicates the name of the recipient power grid organizations or electricity suppliers.

20. Section 3 "List of resellers" is filled in by sales organizations that provide data on organizations that receive electricity from them.

21. Data on the declared and connected capacity (columns 3 - 7 of section 5) are provided by the power grid organizations.

On the provision of Form N 23-N for 2014

Accepted By the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Perm Territory
  1. Territorial authority Federal Service state statistics for the Perm Territory informs that by Order of the Federal State Statistics Service dated 04.09.2014 N 547 a new form of federal statistical observation N 23-N "Information on the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy" was approved.
  2. The form combined the previously valid forms N 24-power engineer "Electric balance and report on the operation of power plants (generating sets)" (Order of Rosstat from), N 6-TP (KES) "Information on the operation of power grids" (Order of Rosstat from), N PE "Information on the operation of power plants (generating sets), which are on the balance sheet of organizations not related to extractive, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water "(Order of Rosstat from), which have become invalid since the 2014 report.
  3. The form is provided by legal entities (except for small businesses) that own, manage or operate on another legal basis electric power generation facilities, power grids, energy sales and power supply companies, as well as organizations engaged in the production of products of the extractive and processing industries, the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.
  4. If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out for each separate subdivision.
  5. Before filling out the report, we recommend that you carefully read and further be guided by the "Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form", as well as observe the control over the form indicators given on the form No. 23-N.
  6. Please note that the data for the indicators of sections 1-4 are given in megawatt-hours (thousand kWh) with 3 decimal places (0.001). The data in Section 5 for columns 5-11 are given in whole numbers, for columns 12-14 - with one decimal place after the decimal point (0,1). The value of the indicator "electricity produced in the reporting year" should agree with the data on this indicator in the form N 6-TP "Information on the production of heat and electrical energy by generating facilities (power plants)" N 1-nature-BM "Information about production, shipment of products and the balance of production capacities".
  7. Form form in in electronic format posted on the Permstat website http://permstat.gks.ru in the "Reporting" section, in the "Statistical reporting" subsection, on the "Federal Statistical Forms" tab.
  8. The deadline for submitting the form is no later than February 1, 2015.
  9. The form is submitted by enterprises and organizations in electronic form via telecommunication channels using electronic signature(ES) and information security means through the Web-collection system (On-line mode, Off-line mode) or through specialized telecom operators.
  10. More detailed information on electronic statistical reporting can be obtained on the Permstat website http://permstat.gks.ru in the "Reporting" section (subsection " Electronic reporting This section contains forms and instructions for filling them out in electronic form.
  11. The official responsible for the provision of statistical information, along with the contact telephone number, must indicate an E-mail if available.
  12. The submission of the form by organizations of the city of Perm by mail or courier to Permstat is carried out at the address: 614990, Perm, st. Revolyutsii, 66, office 23. Organizations of cities and districts of the Perm Territory - to the department of state statistics at the location.
  13. We remind you that violation of the deadlines for submitting statistical reports, as well as the provision of inaccurate information, entails administrative liability provided for
    Appendix No. 2 to Form No. P-1 (monthly) "Information on the production of military (defense) products" (expired)

Order of the Federal State Statistics Service of July 15, 2015 N 320
"On the approval of statistical tools for the organization of federal statistical observation of the activities of enterprises"

With changes and additions from:

N 1-VES "Information on the activities of the enterprise with the participation foreign capital"(Appendix No. 2);

N 1-nature-BM "Information on production, shipment of products and the balance of production capacities" (Appendix N 3);

N 11-TER "Information on the use of fuel, heat and electricity for production certain types products, works (services) "(Appendix No. 4);

N 23-N "Information on the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy" (Appendix N 5);

No. 4-TER "Information on the balances, receipt and consumption of fuel and energy resources, collection and use of waste oil products" (Appendix No. 6);

No. 6-TP "Information on the production of heat and electricity by generating facilities (power plants)" (Appendix No. 7);

weekly from the report for the 1st week of January 2016:

No. 1-gasoline "Information on the production of petroleum products" (Appendix No. 8);

monthly from January 2016 report:

N P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services" (Appendix N 9);

Appendix N 2 to Form N P-1 "Information on the production of military (defense) products" (Appendix N 10);

N PM-prom "Information on the production of products by a small enterprise" (Appendix N 11);

N 1-IP (months) "Information on production individual entrepreneur"(Appendix No. 12);

No. 1-DAP "Survey of the business activity of organizations in the extraction of minerals, manufacturing, the provision of electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning" (Appendix No. 13);

N 1-alcohol "Information on the production and shipment of ethyl alcohol, alcohol-containing, alcoholic beverages and bottling of alcoholic beverages "(Appendix N 14);

quarterly from the report for January-March 2016:

N 5-З "Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works, services)" (Appendix N 15);

N PM "Information on the main indicators of the activity of a small enterprise" (Appendix N 16);

quarterly from the report for the 1st quarter of 2016:

N DAP-PM "Survey of the business activity of small enterprises in the extraction of minerals, manufacturing, supply of electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning" (Appendix N 17);

No. 6-oil "Information on the cost of oil production, production of petroleum products" (Appendix No. 18);

one-time for the 2015 report:

N MP (micro) -nature "Information on the production of products by a micro-enterprise" (Appendix N 19).

2. Establish the provision of data on the forms of federal statistical observation specified in clause 1 of this order at the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.


for ___________ 20___ year

Form N P-1


for _______________ 20___

Form N 1-alcohol

reporting organization for OKPO

Section 1. General economic indicators

The name of indicators

for the corresponding period last year

Shipped goods of our own production, performed works and services on our own (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)

Sold goods of non-own production (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)

Costs of purchasing goods for resale

Remains of goods for resale:

At the beginning of the reporting period

at the end of the reporting period

Expenses for the purchase of raw materials, materials, purchased semi-finished products and components for the production and sale of products (goods, works, services)

imported raw materials, materials, purchased products

natural gas (natural)

costs of transportation, storage and delivery of goods carried out by main-line freight rail transport

Fuel purchase costs


refined products

natural gas (natural)

other fuels

Energy costs


Electric Energy

from it, electrical energy purchased on the wholesale market of electrical energy (capacity)

thermal energy

Water costs

The purchase cost of raw materials, materials, components purchased for the production of products, but sold to the outside without processing (processing)

Remains of raw materials, materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products, components in the warehouse for the production of products (goods, works, services):

At the beginning of the reporting period

at the end of the reporting period

Land reclamation costs

Labor costs

of which payment for study leave

Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, FSS, FFOMS

Depreciation of fixed assets

Amortization of intangible assets

Rent (excluding the rent indicated on lines 67,)

Mandatory insurance payments

Voluntary insurance payments

Hospitality expenses

Daily allowance and lifting

Taxes and fees included in the cost of products (works, services)

mineral extraction tax

land tax

water tax

Expenses for payment of works and services of third parties

for the transportation of goods


payment for the services of mainline freight rail transport (excluding the costs indicated on line 09)

construction nature

agricultural services (except veterinary)

other production services

other non-production services

Payment under the contract of sale of forest plantations

Other expenses

Balance of finished products:

At the beginning of the reporting period

at the end of the reporting period

Remaining work in progress:

At the beginning of the reporting period

at the end of the reporting period


Cost of customer's unpaid processed raw materials (tolling)

Value added tax accrued in the reporting period

Budget subsidies related to current production

including to cover losses of organizations arising from the sale of goods (works, services)

payment for car rental and other payments to car owners

payment for freight transportation, for the provision of services, infrastructure and locomotive traction

Section 2. Information on the production of electrical and (or) heat energy, transmission services and costs of their production and transmission

The name of indicators

Energy production and transmission services at actual prices (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)

Energy production and transmission costs

for the reporting period from the beginning of the year

for the reporting period from the beginning of the year

for the corresponding period last year

Electricity production

Heat transmission services

The official responsible for the provision of statistical information (the person authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity)




E-mail: ________________

"____" ________ 20__ year

(contact phone number)

(date of preparation of the document)

Guidelines for Completing the Federal Statistical Observation Form

1. Form of federal statistical observation N 5-З "Information on the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works, services)" (quarterly) is provided by all legal entities of all forms of ownership, which are commercial organizations, and non-profit organizations engaged in the production of goods and services for sale on the side (except for small businesses, budgetary organizations, banks, insurance and other financial and credit organizations).

Legal entities submit the specified form of federal statistical observation to the territorial office of Rosstat at the place of their location. In the event that a legal entity does not carry out activities at the place of its location, the form of federal statistical observation is provided at the place of actual implementation of activities.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

2. The form includes information as a whole on the legal entity, i. E. for all branches and other structural divisions of this legal entity, regardless of their location.

The federal statistical observation form is also provided by branches, representative offices and subdivisions of foreign organizations operating in the territory of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed for legal entities.

Bankrupt organizations, where bankruptcy proceedings have been introduced, are not exempt from providing information in the form of federal statistical observation. Only after the issuance of a ruling by the arbitration court on completion in relation to the organization of bankruptcy proceedings and entering into a single State Register legal entities of the record on its liquidation (clause 3 of article 149 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)"), the debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempted from providing information.

If a legal entity carries out at the same time its usual activities and joint activities under contracts of simple partnership, and he, as one of the partners of the participants, in accordance with the procedure established by law, is entrusted with the conduct of common affairs in accordance with the agreement on joint activities, then such an enterprise fills in and provides separately form for the performance of their usual activities and form - for jointly carried out activities.

Organizations that carry out trust management of an enterprise as a whole property complex draw up and submit reports on the activities of the enterprise that is in their trust.

Organizations that carry out trust management of individual property objects provide the founders of the management with the necessary information about their property. The founders of the management draw up their reports taking into account the information received from the trustee.

At the same time, the organizations exercising trust management draw up and submit reports on the activities of the property complex, which is in their ownership.

Associations of legal entities (associations and unions) reflect data only on activities recorded on the balance sheet of the association, and do not include data on legal entities that are members of this association.

Subsidiaries and dependent business entities provide the form on a general basis. The main economical society or a partnership that has subsidiaries or dependent companies does not include information on subsidiaries and dependent companies in the form.

Temporarily non-working organizations on which, during part of the reporting period, the production of goods and services took place, or investment activities, the form is provided on a general basis, indicating the time from which they do not work.

3. The data for the corresponding period of the last year given in the form for the reporting period must coincide with the similar data of the form provided for the same period last year, except for cases of reorganization of a legal entity, changes in the methodology for generating indicators or clarification of data for the last year. All cases of discrepancies in data for the same periods, but given in different forms, should be explained in the explanation of the form.

If in the reporting period there was a reorganization, a change in the structure of the legal entity or the methodology for calculating indicators, then in the form the data for the previous period are given based on the new structure of the legal entity or the methodology adopted in the reporting period.

4. Information is provided at the time and address indicated on the form.

The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - short title(abbreviation).

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with a postal code.

If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated.

The reporting organization puts in the code part of the form the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

5. The form is submitted on a quarterly cumulative basis for the period from the beginning of the year (for the I quarter, I half of the year, 9 months).

6. Section 1 of the form reflects general economic indicators on the shipment of self-produced goods, works and services performed on their own, the sale of non-self-produced goods, the costs of production and sale of products (goods, works, services), including the cost of purchasing goods for resale ...

Columns 1 and 2 reflect data as a whole for a legal entity for all types of economic activity.

7. Formation of common economic indicators on shipment, sale, costs, their component parts and the reflection of these indicators in the corresponding lines of the form is carried out on the basis of the data of synthetic and analytical accounting in accordance with the regulatory and legislative acts on accounting and standard industry methodological recommendations for planning, accounting and calculating the cost of products (works, services) of the relevant types of economic activity.

8. The indicators of section 2 "Information on the production of electrical and (or) heat energy, transmission services and the costs of their production and transmission" are filled in in accordance with the current instructions for the separate accounting of costs associated with the production and services for the transmission of energy, approved a regulatory body for energy and electrification.

9. A detailed description of how to fill in the indicators of the form is posted on the official website of Rosstat in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" - www.gks.ru/Information for respondents / Forms of federal statistical observation / Album of forms of federal statistical observation, the collection and processing of data on which is carried out in the system of the Federal State Statistics Service / Finance.

did not come into force Edition from 01.01.1970

Type of documentorder
Host bodyRosstat
Document Number509
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of revision01.01.1970
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
Statusdid not come into force
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published
NavigatorNotes (edit)


Instructions for completing Form N 23-N

1. Form of federal statistical observation N 23-N "Information on the production and distribution of electrical energy" is provided by legal entities (except for small businesses) - energy companies, including enterprises and organizations that own or manage power generation facilities, WGCs (wholesale generating companies), TGKs (territorial generating companies), grid companies, an organization for managing a complex of electric grids related to the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid of JSC FGC UES, power sales and power supply companies.

Bankrupt organizations, on which bankruptcy administration was introduced, are not exempt from providing information in this form. Only after the ruling of the arbitration court on the completion of the organization of bankruptcy proceedings and the entry into the unified state register of legal entities of an entry on its liquidation (clause 3 of article 149 of the Federal Law of 26.10.2002 N 127-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)") the debtor organization is considered liquidated and is exempted from providing information in the specified form.

2. The legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial office of Rosstat at the place of its location.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out both for each separate subdivision, and for the legal entity without these separate subdivisions.

Separate subdivision of an organization - any subdivision geographically separate from it, at the place or from the location of which is carried out economic activity at equipped stationary workplaces.

Recognition of a separate division of an organization as such is made regardless of whether its creation is reflected or not reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and from the powers vested in this division.

The completed form is submitted by a legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at the place of its location, the form is provided at the place of its actual implementation of activities.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - its short name. On the form of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

On the line "Postal address" the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, the legal address with the postal code are indicated, if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

3. A legal entity puts in the code part of the form the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

For geographically separate subdivisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial department of Rosstat at the location of the geographically separate subdivision.

4. In section 1 "Information on the production and distribution of electrical energy", lines 01 - 09 are filled in by legal entities for the power plants on their balance sheet.

5. Line 01 "Electricity Generated" contains data on the amount of electricity generated for the year.

6. In line 02 "Used for the power plant's own needs", data on the consumption of electricity consumed directly for the production of electricity and heat is given.

7. On line 04 "Electricity received by the power plant from the networks - total", data on the volumes of actually received electricity from the external network (without balancing) are given.

8. On line 06 "Electricity consumption for the production and economic needs of the power plant", data on the amount of electricity consumed for the needs of production purposes on the territory of the power plant, which are not directly related to the technological process of electricity and heat production, are given.

9. On line 08 "Electricity supplied by the power plant to the network" data on the supply of electricity to the network (without balancing) is given, on line 09 - including to the network of JSC FGC UES, if electricity is transferred directly to the network of this organization.

10. Lines 10 - 22 are filled in by power grid organizations, data on lines 10 - 18 are given without balancing the flows, JSC FGC UES provides the data in balanced terms.

11. Line 10 "Total electricity received into the network" contains data on the volumes of electricity received by the given electric grid organization, and line 15 "Total electricity supplied from the network" - about its supply.

12. Line 19 shows the actual losses of electricity in the network, and line 20 "including commercial losses" - data on the amount of electricity not paid for by subscribers.

13. Line 21 "Electricity consumption for production and economic needs" provides data on electricity consumption by electric grid organizations.

14. Line 22 "The volume of electricity supplied to enterprises and power grids of cities and towns" contains data on the volumes of electricity supplied to the power grids of cities and towns of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the power grid is located, as well as to enterprises if electricity is transmitted to them directly from this power grid. organizations. From the total volume of electricity transmitted, data on electricity supply to organizations of railway transport (page 23), including for electric traction (page 24), also to organizations for the transportation of oil and petroleum products (page 25) and transportation of gas and gas products (page . 26).

15. Lines 27 - 55 are filled in by sales organizations, both previously part of the RAO "UES of Russia" system, and other organizations operating in the wholesale electricity market (InterEnergosbyt, MAREM, NOREM, Transserviceenergo, Eskom, Rostorgenergo, Rusenergosbyt, Transnefteservice, etc.). ), as well as power plants, the electricity of which is supplied to subscribers (or subdivisions of the power plant located outside the power plant) directly bypassing sales organizations. For these lines, data on the supply of electricity to subscribers as a whole, by organizations for the corresponding main types of economic activity and the population are given.

16. Line 33 does not reflect data on the transmission of electricity to power grid organizations, with the exception of data on the losses paid by the subscriber in the power grids, the volumes of which are stipulated by the contractual relationship between the sales organization and the subscriber.

17. Lines 35 and 36 contain data on electricity supply to the rural and urban population, respectively - subscribers who make direct payments for electricity consumed with a sales organization.

18. Line 53 "Resellers" contains data on the supply of electricity to resellers - the electric networks of cities and towns, as well as sales organizations located in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation for its subsequent supply to subscribers. Section 3 "List of resellers" provides a breakdown of data on these organizations.

19. Section 2 "Certificate of supply (receipt) of electricity outside (from) the limits of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation" shall be filled in by power grid organizations and legal entities that have power plants on their balance sheets that transmit (receive) electricity to power grid organizations located in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Column 2 indicates the name of the power grid organizations - recipients or suppliers of electricity.

20. Section 3 "List of resellers" is filled in by sales organizations that provide data on organizations that receive electricity from them.

21. Section 4 "Losses of electricity in power grids" is filled in by power grid organizations that provide data on actual losses of electricity in power grids by type of voltage.

22. In section 5 "Information on contracts for technological connection to power grid facilities", data on the connected (maximum) power is provided by power grid organizations.

The assignment of applications (contracts) to the categories of applicants indicated in column 1 is carried out on the basis of the maximum power (maximum one-time load) of the connected power receiving devices specified in the application (agreement) according to the corresponding subcategory of maximum power.

23. Column 5 provides data on the total number of applications received by the network organization for the reporting year from the relevant category of applicants. Column 6 shows the total maximum capacity for applications received in the reporting year from the relevant category of applicants.

24. Columns 7 and 8 provide data, respectively, on contracts concluded in the reporting period for technological connection to power grid facilities for each category of applicants.

25. Columns 9 and 10, respectively, provide data on the total number of connections to power grid facilities and the total volume of actually connected maximum capacity under executed contracts for the reporting year for each category of applicants. A fulfilled contract for technological connection to power grid facilities is considered to be an agreement under which the parties signed an act on the implementation of technological connection.

26. Column 11 provides information on the total number of days that have passed since the date of filing each application for technological connection to power grid facilities until the date of signing the act on technological connection in the reporting year. Information is given in total for all applications for the relevant category of applicants.

27. Column 12 contains data on the total cost of services for technological connection to power grid facilities under all contracts concluded in the reporting year, in column 13 - the total cost of services under actually executed contracts.

If different values ​​of the connected and maximum capacity are indicated in the concluded (executed) contract, then the data on the maximum of the indicated capacities are given.

28. Control by indicators of the form:

Section 1:

line 03 data must be equal to line 01 data minus line 02 data;

line 04 data must be greater than or equal to line 05 data;

line 08 data must be greater than or equal to line 09 data;

the data in line 10 must be greater than or equal to the sum of the data in lines 11 to 14;

the data in line 15 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 16 to 18;

the data in line 19 shall be equal to the data in line 10 minus the sum of the data in lines 15, 21 and 22;

line 19 data must be greater than or equal to line 20 data;

The data in lines 22 must be greater than or equal to the sum of the data in lines 23 to 26;

the data in line 27 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 28, 31 - 33, 35 - 39, 51 - 53;

line 28 data must be greater than or equal to line 29 data;

line 29 data must be greater than or equal to line 30 data;

line 33 data must be greater than or equal to line 34 data;

the data in line 39 must be greater than or equal to the sum of the data in lines 40, 42, 45, 48 - 50;

line 40 data must be greater than or equal to line 41 data;

the data in line 42 must be greater than or equal to the sum of the data in lines 43 and 44;

The data in line 45 must be greater than or equal to the sum of the data in lines 46 and 47;

the data of line 137 for all indicators given in columns 5 - 13 of the form must be equal to the sum of these lines 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 129, 133;

the data of line 138 for all indicators given in columns 5-13 of the form must be equal to the sum of these lines 102, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 130, 134;

the data of line 139 for all indicators given in columns 5 - 13 of the form must be equal to the sum of these lines 103, 107, 111, 115, 119, 123, 127, 131, 135;

The data of lines 140 for all indicators given in columns 5 - 13 of the form must be equal to the sum of these lines 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136.