How to solve the problem with the staff. Emotional burnout. The financial condition of the enterprise: analysis, problems and ways to solve them on the example of Sarapul Dairy Plant LLC

Personnel Management. Problems and ways to solve them.

People are the main resource of any enterprise, the quality of products, the level of service, the general growth and development of the company depend on the personnel. Correcting the work of the staff is the first thing that should be done by the head of the company.

Personnel Management is a very complex and delicate matter and often more and more problems over time. Indeed, in order to lead, you need to have knowledge in a variety of areas (management, psychology, strategic planning, and so on). It is important to build a personnel management system at the enterprise that will help solve the company's problems and get rid of some of the problems of personnel management. Human resource management of a company is a set of measures for the creation and development of qualified personnel capable of achieving the goals of your business.

Now, regardless of the existing domestic and foreign methods of personnel management, each separately taken company builds its own strategy individually. In some firms, at the initial stage, a large personnel department is formed, and technologies are applied, while in others, there may not be a definite management system or strategy for a long time.

An interesting fact is that in foreign companies, personnel management is carried out with an emphasis on technological methods, and in Russian companies- mainly on the opinions and experience of managers. In other words, they determine the priorities in the personnel policy of the firm. The most important thing is to find the optimal balance, when a competent social program supports employees, satisfies them and motivates them, and a system of subordination and punishment, which sets the framework and deadlines for the fulfillment of the company's goals.

To obtain a result, one should adhere to the tasks set at the enterprise and the interests of employees. But in reality it is very difficult. Too many factors affect the work of employees, and all of them cannot be taken into account, on the other hand, personnel management requires significant resources (personnel department, outside consultations, and so on), so each company prioritizes according to its own capabilities.

The leader, concerned with achieving effective management over his subordinates, is faced with the task of creating such a working environment that will most effectively affect their labor motivation.

By a motivating work environment, we mean the entire context of the professional activity of the organization's personnel, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation that affect the work motivation of employees.

A systematic consideration of the problem of labor motivation of employees of an organization requires taking into account the following factors:

    individual characteristics of workers;

    features of the work performed;

    characteristics working situation, in which flows labor activity;

    identification of job satisfaction.

To identify job satisfaction of the personnel of organizations, it is necessary to conduct research. Any research should start with the formulation of objectives. A vaguely formulated problem will not allow to correctly define the objectives of the study.

The simplest and most effective method is the questionnaire survey.

Most often, employees of organizations are dissatisfied for the following reasons:

The size wages... On average, 68% of the respondents note average satisfaction with the size of their wages.

Prospects for professional and career growth. Surveys show that more than half of employees do not see growth prospects in this organization.

Awareness at the enterprise. 40% of employees noted a lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

Working conditions.

Reliability of work, giving confidence in the future. The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with the instability of the Russian market, rather than specifically with organizations.

Work as a means of achieving success in life. More than half of the respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is due not only to the enterprise, but also to the low standard of living in Russia.

There are several ways to improve the efficiency of human resource management. Based on the research carried out, they can be distinguished into five relatively independent directions:

1. Material incentives. Wages are of paramount importance to workers. Of course, the motivational mechanism of labor remuneration plays a large role, but the constant increase in the level of labor remuneration does not contribute to either maintaining labor activity at the proper level or increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. Ultimately, there is a certain overlap or addiction to this type of influence. Unilateral impact on workers only monetary methods cannot lead to a lasting rise in labor productivity.

2. Improving working conditions. The most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that prompts to work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of its management.

3. Improving the organization of work. It contains: goal setting, extensions labor functions, enrichment of labor, production rotation, the use of flexible schedules, the improvement of working conditions, the study of the time spent by an employee to complete work, the pace of work, increased feedback.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process. One of the options for applying this method is Western firms using the form of the so-called "partnership" participation. Anyone who comes to the firm knows that he has the opportunity to become its partner. But this opportunity is not immediately provided to him. First, he must prove himself in business. However, the practice of career growth in this company provides that in order to achieve each next stage of job development, a person must work at the previous one for at least 4-6 years. Partners usually become those who pass 3-4 stages in their development, that is, they grow to the position of a fairly large manager. When a person receives an offer to become a partner, he already occupies a fairly high managerial position, which means that he understands the seriousness of the development issues of the company, has a good idea of ​​the market requirements, the competitive environment, survival conditions and the like. Becoming an owner, he is no longer inclined to extremist demands for maximizing dividends, if only because he expects that dividends will be a significant help for him even in the period when he retires. And for this it is necessary that the firm live and develop steadily not only today, but also in the long term.

5. Non-monetary incentives. This type of incentive includes:
- moral stimulation;
- stimulation by free time;
- organizational incentives.

When determining what the ideal job should be for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. All the same, it is rarely possible to take into account the difference in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the leader, as a rule, seeks to increase integral productivity. If the manager takes into account the factors below, he has a chance to receive confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

Ideal work should:

Have a goal, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Appreciated by peers as important and deserving of accomplishment;

To enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within the established limits);

Provide feedback to the employee, assessed depending on the effectiveness of his work;

Provide remuneration that is fair from the employee's point of view.

Work designed in accordance with these principles provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates high-quality performance of work, as well as, according to the law of increasing needs, stimulates to perform more complex work.


  1. Actual problems of personnel management and their possible solutions based on motivation.

  2. Personnel Management. How to be and what to do?


Do you have staff problems? They stop working with dedication, are capricious, do not want to take responsibility and show initiative in carrying out assignments. Common situation?

Do you have staff problems? Our clients often tell us that over time, their employees seem to “burn out” and lose all their enthusiasm for work. They stop working with dedication, are capricious, do not want to take responsibility and show initiative in carrying out assignments. Common situation? As practice shows, sooner or later every manager has problems with personnel management. And now we will try to understand why this is happening.

Long-term experience of "Performance" shows that staff problems are always the result of management errors... Many leaders believe that in order to achieve effective work it is enough for a company to hire and induce productive employees. Therefore, having done this, they turn their attention to other issues, and expect that the hired employees will constantly produce the desired results. But, as a rule, these expectations are not met.

It is necessary to understand that personnel management is a living process that requires constant attention and efforts from the management. By not paying attention to the management of employees, the leader can destroy the desire to work even the most productive people. As a result, productivity will inevitably decrease, and, accordingly, the profit of the entire company. However, it is the manager who, by his actions, can change the situation and effectively solve the existing problems of working with personnel. In this article, we will talk about how to do this.

Let's take a look at the most pressing HR problems that managers face and how to solve them:

PROBLEM # 1: Decline in employee motivation

According to our clients, one of the most common problems is the decline in employee motivation. Over time, they lose the desire to invest and achieve results. They begin to work half-heartedly, without any desire.

Of course, you might think that bad employees were just hired. However, if you look at the situation more closely, you can almost always identify a management error that led to the disappearance of interest in the work. Let's analyze some of them.

Very often, an employee loses motivation when he does not feel that his contribution to the development of the company is noticed and appreciated. Such a phenomenon, if not paid attention to in time, can lead to the loss of valuable employees.

Imagine the situation: new employee comes to the company and does an excellent job in his position. Since he fulfills all orders with a very high quality, over time, the range of his duties expands, and he brings more and more benefits to the company. His colleagues don't do much and work less efficiently. Nevertheless, the merits of this employee are not taken into account in any way: no one notes the quality of his work and the fact that he does much more than others. How would you feel in his place? That's right, disappointment and unwillingness to work further.

If an employee does not see the value of his work for the company, he will not enjoy doing this work. Each person needs to understand that he is doing something meaningful and that his efforts are appreciated. Therefore, always celebrate the achievements of employees and the benefits that they brought to the company through their actions.

A manager's attention is one of the most effective ways to honor an employee and increase his motivation. Therefore, we recommend that you take time to communicate with the most productive employees and reward their merits and achievements with your attention. Face-to-face communication also contributes to a more trusting relationship with employees and helps you to always have an idea of ​​the state of affairs in the company.

Same the decline in employee motivation can often be caused by an unfair pay system.

Let's go back to the diligent employee from our example. He brings the company far more value than some of his peers, yet they all receive the same salary. This shows that his efforts and the significance of the results achieved are underestimated.

We believe that the most effective way to motivate employees is remuneration, which directly depends on the results of their work. By introducing such a salary distribution, you show the staff that you notice the benefits that they bring to the company. Employees will know that the efforts of each person in the team are fairly evaluated, and this will increase their motivation.

Another reason that leads to low staff motivation is the discrepancy between the goals of the employee and the goals of the company. For example, a person who wants to do his job as efficiently as possible gets a job as a mechanic in a salon. And then it turns out that the company is more interested not in the quality of service, but in the fast turnover of the flow of customers. Therefore, the heads of the salon work with suppliers of low-quality parts in order to lower the cost of services. This kind of conflict of interest will clearly have a negative impact on the motivation of the new employee.

On the other hand, a situation is possible when the candidate did not initially plan to develop together with the company, but simply wanted to use it to gain experience or status, which gives the company's image. The same mechanic could get a job in a large salon only in order to develop his own customer base and an image of a valuable specialist, and then, without a doubt, move to another place of work. Therefore, he initially has no motivation to contribute to the prosperity of the company.

Effective work of staff is possible only when the goals of your company coincide with the goals of your employees. Therefore, firstly, try find out the motivation of the candidate before hiring. And second, regularly educate existing staff about your company's goals. Employees will only want to help the company fulfill its mission if they know what the company is striving for and share its goals.

PROBLEM # 2: Staff Resist Innovation

Many managers are faced with the fact that employees resist any innovations. As a result, due to the resistance of the staff, any changes in the company are implemented very slowly and “with a creak”. Of course, the manager can solve this issue by authoritarian methods and simply oblige employees to follow his instructions. But this will negatively affect the efficiency of their work, since all orders related to innovations will be carried out “out of the way”.

For a person to be able to do something well, he, first of all, must want to do it. Therefore, the best way to ensure that your new ideas are implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible is to make employees agree with the need for change.

Explaining the rationality and significance of innovations to employees is possible only by explaining to them the essencecompany goalsand their value... After all, you want to introduce some innovations because you think that they will help the company achieve its goals, right? For employees to agree with you, it is necessary that they know what you want to achieve and understand the significance of these achievements for the company.

As practice shows, the question of staff enthusiasm for innovations in the company directly depends on the degree of theirinvolvement... It is the employees involved who try to make the maximum contribution to the development of the company. Therefore, the change that will benefit the company, they will accept with joy and will do their best to implement your ideas as quickly and efficiently as possible.

There is another reason why employees are reluctant to innovate in the company. By their personal qualities, they can relate to people who do not like change.... Therefore, every time they have to do something new, they find themselves outside their comfort zone. Therefore, they will do their best to avoid change.

Analyze personal qualities their employees. Perhaps you will see that many of them prefer to act in familiar surroundings and dislike new ones. In this case, we recommend that you implement the changes gradually, rather than abruptly. Explain to the staff the need and usefulness of the planned innovations, and give them time to get to know the new area better.

If, as a result of upcoming changes, your employees need to carry out new functional responsibilities, it is better to train them in advance. Thus, they will have the opportunity to prepare as much as possible for the changes, and they will more easily accept them. If you can get the consent and support of employees regarding the planned innovations, they will be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible.

PROBLEM # 3: Employees don't want to learn

The reluctance of employees to learn is one of the most pressing problems with personnel. Personnel training is necessary for the company to develop and keep pace with the times. But, as the experience of many leaders confirms, simply getting employees to learn will not have any positive effect. The sense from training is possible only when the employees themselves recognize that they need this knowledge and want to get it. What does the leader need to do for this?

The main reason people are reluctant to learn new things is because they have had experiences with no learning outcomes. The knowledge they received at school and university turned out to be practically useless in life. The same can be said for the various professional trainings. Very often you can find a situation when the training itself is carried out in a lively and fun way, causes a surge of positive emotions, but practically does not give really useful and applicable data. That is why, for productive people who are result-oriented in their work, learning is associated with frustration and lack of real benefit.

The best thing you can do in this situation is talk frankly with employees... Explain to them the real need to gain knowledge in any area. Only by agreeing that they lack some kind of knowledge, workers will be ready to consider the prospect of training. Show how the new knowledge will help them achieve company goals and improve the quality of their work. Next, tell us why you believe that this training, unlike all the previous ones, will bring real benefits. If possible, familiarize employees with the training program and feedback from those who have already completed it. This way they can be sure that this is a real opportunity to learn something useful.

Sometimes there are situations when people have been trained, really got useful data on it, but due to a lack of self-discipline they postponed their introduction into work “for later”. And then, as a rule, a lot of other things arise, and the inspiration to make some changes very quickly disappears. As a result, they have no results, and disappointment and unwillingness to learn anything else come.

To prevent similar situations in your company, demand from employees a plan for the implementation of the knowledge gained during training... Determine with them the time frame required to complete this task, and set several control points that allow you to monitor their progress. When applying new data will produce definite results, be sure to mark them. The goals achieved are the best way motivation. Seeing the practical results that have become possible through training, employees will want to develop and gain new knowledge.

Now we have touched on only a small part of what kind of HR problems managers face. In the future, we will develop this topic in more detail. However, even by correcting these issues, you can “revive” employees' enthusiasm for work and increase their productivity.

remember, that effective personnel management requires your attention and constant interaction with employees... Only in this case you will be able to successfully solve existing problems with personnel and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Good luck and prosperity!
Alexey Samoilenko

You can read all our articles with useful information about working with personnel here:

One of the most important areas of work of a personnel management consultant is to prevent problems with personnel when people deviate from the principles and norms of morality and law. In management, any unlawful behavior is usually called deviation. First of all, we mean negative forms of behavior, abuse (fake outfits, deceiving customers), the sphere of moral vices, moral evil (theft and deception at all levels), social pathologies (alcoholism, drug addiction), etc.

Abuse prevention

Typically, entrepreneurs believe that not observing their employees means leaving their wallet open. If someone steals, then they lose everything in the end. Heads of departments can potentially have additional income to the detriment of the company:

  • the executive director - on the possibilities of relations with the city's business elite;
  • Technical Director- on the sale of the "brains" of the company, the use of the technical resources of the company, the sale of know-how, industrial espionage, engineering services, etc .;
  • capital construction manager - on trade building materials and services;
  • economic manager - on ensuring the operation of parallel industries, playing with prices, resale of securities, “laundering” of shares, external and internal financial fraud;
  • production manager - on the organization of production on the basis of unaccounted reserves, the sale of unaccounted for additional products, the fulfillment of "other people's" orders;
  • commercial manager - on the sale and resale of resources and products, profitable orders;
  • product quality manager - on defective products, sales of unaccounted products produced in parallel;
  • HR manager - for trading in "profitable" places, organizing business trips abroad, trading in the goods of the company, labor, aiding in theft;
  • manager for social and domestic issues - for the sale of social infrastructure facilities, distribution of benefits for the firm's personnel.

In order to avoid misunderstandings and abuse, HR consultants recommend that managers keep the seal in their safe, do not leave stamped documents, forms and blank sheets to employees. All documents are stamped on the lines where the signatures of the head and the chief accountant are provided, immediately after the text, in order to avoid making various additions to the document after its approval. The implementation of these recommendations will allow you to be sure that there are no unapproved, unregistered documents, unrecorded transactions. Having established the facts of theft at the enterprise, it is necessary to find out what factors contributed to this, what are the incentives of the people who committed it. Theft is promoted by the negligence of individuals who are unwilling or unable to work fully. Employees sometimes deliberately commit actions that cause losses to the company, for selfish reasons or to cause damage out of revenge or on behalf of the outside. Theft of employees is difficult to prevent - employees of the enterprise see its "weak points", they know how to disguise theft. Employees go to theft if they want and have the opportunity to steal. The ability to steal is from employees who manage material assets or have access to them without proper control. The desire to steal arises in the presence of personal reasons (debts, extraordinary circumstances, vicious inclinations, etc.) or office stimuli (unsatisfactory accounting of values, low salary, the intention to "substitute" the head, etc.).

Having ascertained the motives, the consultant develops countermeasures. Their goal is to create conditions under which employees will not be able to steal, to minimize the loss of the enterprise from intentional or unintentional actions of staff. Blocking opportunities for theft by staff is based on monitoring and controlling the work of employees, taking into account material assets and their movement and analyzing each case of theft. Based on the description of business processes and technological processes, it is necessary to develop a regime for employees' access to values ​​and a regime for ensuring their protection. Availability job descriptions and the regime of access to valuables makes it possible to prove the guilt of an employee if necessary. Control is carried out in several ways:

  • control of working hours;
  • reporting control;
  • covert surveillance of the performance of duties using audio and video equipment;
  • monitoring the working contacts of personnel (with whom the

negotiations or interaction and what are the results);

Monitoring the standard of living of employees (comparison of income and expenses, adequacy of behavior to income), etc.

Common abuse is theft of goods. Human nature is such that among honest people there can always be "dishonest" ones, and therefore it is necessary to keep in mind measures to prevent possible theft of goods or property. Theft is easier to prevent than to end an established practice. Here the consultant must clearly understand the "weak points" of the enterprise in accounting and storage and possible ways theft. In warehouses, there are thefts of goods when unpacking and packaging, theft of packages when delivering goods from a carrier or carrier. These methods create the appearance of a shortage, with which suppliers and recipients deal with each other for a long time. Theft of goods directly from storage bins is possible, with the expectation that with a large amount of goods in the bin, the shortage will not be found immediately. Often there are postscripts in collusion with the suppliers of the allegedly purchased goods, which were then used up for internal needs (repair of premises, equipment, etc.). This is a very common way of siphoning funds out of an enterprise.

Many cases of theft are possible with unhindered exit from the territory of the enterprise. If there is a risk of such theft, it is necessary to introduce personal searches of employees, checking their bags or cars. but these measures need to be secured by an agreement with a trade union organization or in a collective agreement. The financial and accounting authorities of the enterprise provide for many measures to prevent theft. In order to avoid them, it is recommended to have an employee with whom you need to conclude agreement about material responsibility: he will carry out the initial control over the movement of goods (materials, equipment, etc.).

Abuse can also be called disclosure of commercial and official secrets. Leakage of classified information harms the interests of the firm. With its help, you can cause a conflict with tax, customs and other government agencies, disrupt the conclusion or execution of a contract, damage the reputation of the company, subject the company to blackmail by criminal structures. Upon dismissal, specialists carry away in their "head", on floppy disks or paper media, a lot of official information, which is used on new job... It is difficult to prevent this. Article 29 (clause 4) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every citizen to freely search for and receive information. Limitation of this right is possible only for legal grounds, in order to protect information (for example, trade secrets). But if the company's charter does not specify the protection of commercial secrets among the types of activities, then its activities in this area will not be considered legal. To legalize the protection of commercial secrets, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents regulating various aspects of the existence of a commercial secret. It is necessary to determine the rights and obligations of persons responsible for organizing the protection of information in the company, which should be included in the labor contracts concluded with these persons and in their job descriptions.

  • See: A.S. Solop Business secrets. - Kiev: UFIMB, 1997.

Personnel management of an institution is currently an important topic. This is a set of principles, methods and forms of influencing the activities of employees to improve results when performing job responsibilities... The problems of personnel management are urgent not only for the management, but also for the people who work at the enterprise.

The ideal scenario for the development of the situation is when people work at the company with high quality and do their job on time, and the employer does not treat them strictly with excessive demands. But this scenario is extremely rare for various reasons that prevent it. The manager who wants to achieve the maximum result of productivity in the company must be present in stock, in addition to his experience different technologies, aimed at the systematic formation of the effectiveness of relations in the organization and a quick analysis of emerging issues, tasks and difficulties.

Personnel management of an enterprise is a multifaceted and complex task, for the solution of which large financial, time and organizational costs are required. The problems of personnel management are associated with the fact that the boss has to manage not just a team ordinary people, which is already a difficult task, but a team of professionals who, for the most part, have practical skills and often even higher education.

What actual problems of personnel management can arise

With the wrong leadership, such topical problems in personnel management can arise:

  • not really good reputation enterprises)
  • unsatisfactory quality of goods)
  • increasing the chances of going bankrupt.

In most cases, problems in personnel management arise due to the fault of the management (according to statistics, about 71%). All this is due to the fact that managers are not always able to competently and well manage employees.

The efficiency of personnel in the company always depends on the manager to some extent. Hence, a number of problems may arise: failure to notice the crisis by the manager at an early stage, the assumption that all problems are temporary difficulties, tightening of employee discipline, increased punishment of employees, making rash decisions by the management due to a stressful state, theft of staff, mass exodus.

Nowadays, many workers' rights are violated, but this can be the fault not only of the manager, but also of the employee who can do his job poorly or poorly. It is because of this that a conflict can arise. To achieve a good result in such a delicate matter as personnel management, you need to constantly monitor existing problems in the institution. It is necessary to constantly learn the skill of personnel management in order to avoid various problems.

There are a number of problems that arise when managing employees:

All these topical problems of personnel management that we have considered indicate that they need to be solved and no longer repeated, and only good leader using theoretical and practical methods. The main goal of personnel management is the ability to effectively use the skills of employees in accordance with the goals of the organization. But at the same time, you always need to pay attention to working conditions, maintaining the health of each employee and establishing the right relationships in the team.

A leader who is concerned about achieving effective management over his subordinates is faced with the task of creating a working environment that will most effectively affect their work motivation.

By a motivating work environment, we mean the entire context of the professional activity of the organization's personnel, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation that affect the work motivation of employees.

A systematic consideration of the problem of labor motivation of employees of the organization requires taking into account the following factors (Table 3.1):

  • individual characteristics of workers;
  • features of the work performed;
  • characteristics of the working situation in which labor activity takes place;
  • identification of job satisfaction.

Table 3.1 Factors affecting labor motivation of personnel

CJSC MZ "Petrostal"

In order to determine the satisfaction with the work of the personnel of the organization, a study was carried out at ZAO MZ "Petrostal". Any research should start with the formulation of objectives. A vaguely formulated problem will not allow to correctly define the objectives of the study.

Information can be divided into primary and secondary.

Primary is the information obtained for the first time for a specific problem.

Secondary is information that has already been collected by someone for other purposes and which may be useful for solving this problem.

Any research should begin with the selection of secondary information. But due to the fact that similar studies in the organization under consideration has not been previously conducted, then the study should begin immediately with the collection of primary information.

The stage of primary information takes place when secondary information is insufficient or absent. There are four methods of obtaining primary information: observation, experiment, focusing and questioning.

Observation - one of the simplest and cheapest methods of research carried out in real conditions - is to conduct direct observation of people and the environment in the area of ​​the object of interest.

The experiment allows you to identify the real reaction of groups of people to certain factors or their changes.

Focusing consists in the purposeful selection of special focus groups, usually from seven to fifteen people, and discussion in their circle of the problem of interest to researchers under the guidance of a professional psychologist.

The survey is the most versatile and effective method conducting research, especially when it comes to collecting primary information.

Having decided on the research methods, it is necessary to choose the appropriate research tool, for example, video cameras, and questionnaires.

We have chosen the questionnaire survey as the most simple and effective.

Usually, a sufficiently high qualification is required to draw up a questionnaire. The most common mistakes encountered in questionnaires is the formulation of questions that are difficult to answer or do not want to answer, or the absence of questions to which you should definitely get answers. When compiling the questionnaire, you should use simple, non-ambiguous words that do not contain leading elements. It is very important to set the sequence of questions correctly. The first of the questions should generate interest in the interviewee. Difficult and personal questions should be asked at the end of the questionnaire.

Analysis of the collected information. The information obtained in the course of this study is subjected to comprehensive analysis.

Based on the data of the annual survey, in which the employees of ZAO MZ "Petrostal" participated, the main conclusions are formulated, hypotheses are accepted or rejected, and recommendations are made.

Let's analyze the information received.

The amount of wages.

68% of the respondents noted average satisfaction with the size of their wages. Material incentives for employees should be increased, and since raising wages to increase satisfaction will lead to high costs, a system of bonuses and bonuses should be established to raise the indicator.

Work without great stress and stress.

The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with the characteristic features of the enterprise.

Prospects for professional and career growth.

The survey showed that more than half of employees do not see growth prospects in this organization. Management should show a strong interest in the growth and progress of employees. This can be expressed in the fact that the employee will be entrusted with more complex work, it can be delegated to the employee more responsibility for the performance of certain work. I would like to recommend to the company's management to encourage the initiative of young workers under the age of 30 in every possible way. Since this may bring new ideas, do not be afraid to trust the young. leadership positions.

Relationship with the immediate supervisor.

62% of the respondents answered that they were satisfied with this indicator. This is a consequence of the individual approach to subordinates. With the development of the organization and the increase in the number of staff, it will become more difficult to maintain this factor.

Awareness at the enterprise. 40% of employees noted a lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

The importance and responsibility of the work performed.

74% of surveyed employees are satisfied with this satisfaction indicator.

Working conditions.

ZAO MZ Petrostal pays little attention to this indicator. The result of this was such a low survey result, 70%.

Reliability of work, giving confidence in tomorrow.

The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with the instability of the Russian market, rather than specifically with the organization in question.

The ability to do work that is respected by a wide range of people.

89% of respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is an indicator of how effectively the work is organized as a whole. A low score for this indicator is due to the fact that the organization is developing intensively and, simultaneously with development, a reorganization of the organization of work is required, which requires a lot of time and effort.

Relationships with workmates.

90% of the respondents answered that they were more fully satisfied with this indicator - the highest score of all the items on the questionnaire. However, this does not mean that you can forget about this indicator. In the future, the organization should also maintain good relationships between employees.

Opportunities for self-reliance and initiative in work.

45% of the interviewed personnel answered that they were satisfied with this indicator. And 55% are not satisfied. Immediate supervisors of employees should identify people with a low level of satisfaction for this indicator and, if possible, provide more initiative in their duties.

Matching the job to your ability.

The survey showed very low satisfaction with this indicator. For ego improvement, management should identify the abilities of employees and act in accordance with the information received.

Work as a means of achieving success in life.

More than half of the respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is due not only to the enterprise, but also to the low standard of living in Russia.

3.2. Practical ways to improve the efficiency of human resources management at ZAO MZ Petrostal.

Consider possible ways to improve the efficiency of human resource management, applicable to this enterprise. Based on the research conducted, they can be distinguished into five relatively independent directions:

1. Material incentives.

2. Quality improvement work force.

3. Improving the organization of work.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process.

5. Non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity.

The size of wages is now of paramount importance for workers. At the surveyed enterprise, it averaged 15 thousand rubles in 2005, which is twice as much as the consumer basket of St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, 68% of workers were satisfied with its size. Three years earlier, the “desired” amount of earnings for the work performed exceeded its actual amount by 3.4 times. Thus, the requirements for the amount of earnings became less differentiated and decreased relatively. It includes, as elements, improving the wage system, enabling staff to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise.

Among the significant factors that influence, in the opinion of workers, the size of their wages, are the relationship with the management. At the heart of the emergence in the minds of workers of the phenomenon of the relationship between the size of wages and relations with management may lie:

  • shortcomings in the organization of work and wages;
  • insufficient awareness of workers about the procedure for calculating wages;
  • the rules for the application of penalties for poor-quality work.

All this leads to the perception of such measures as unfair, making the assessment of their work dependent on the arbitrariness of the leadership. On the other hand, the absence of normatively structured relations between management and subordination at the enterprise, which contributes to their instability and increased feelings of insecurity.

The first reason is supported by the higher degree of dissatisfaction of “dependent” workers in comparison with “independent” organization of remuneration. In favor of the second is a sharper rejection by workers of servility to their bosses in the relationship between workers and managers (62%).

Of course, the motivational mechanism of labor remuneration plays a large role, but the constant increase in the level of labor remuneration does not contribute to either maintaining labor activity at the proper level or increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. Ultimately, there is a certain overlap or addiction to this type of influence. One-sided influence on workers only by monetary methods cannot lead to a long-term rise in labor productivity.

Although work in our country, in contrast to highly developed countries, is today considered mainly only as a means of earning money, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow up to a certain limit, depending on the standard of living, after which money will become a condition for a normal psychological condition, preservation of human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs related to the need for creativity, achievement of success, and others may act as dominant. It is very important for a leader to be able to recognize the needs of employees. The need of a lower level must be satisfied before the need of the next level becomes a more significant factor in determining human behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so one cannot expect that motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivating by satisfying needs is endless.

The next direction to improve the efficiency of labor resources management is to improve the organization of labor. It contains: setting goals, expanding work functions, enriching labor, production rotation, applying flexible schedules, improving working conditions, researching the time spent by an employee to complete work, work pace, and increasing feedback.

Goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal through the formation of an orientation towards achieving it serves as a motivating tool for the employee.

Expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity in the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the working cycle for each worker is lengthened, and the intensity of labor increases. The use of this method is advisable in the case of a low workload of workers and own desire them to expand the range of their activities, otherwise it can lead to sharp resistance from workers.

Enrichment of labor implies providing a person with such work that would give an opportunity for growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, the inclusion in his responsibilities of some functions of planning and quality control of the main, and sometimes related products. This method is advisable to apply in the labor sphere of engineering and technical workers.

For mass blue-collar occupations, it is best to use production rotation, which involves the alternation of types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs during the period, which is typical mainly for the brigade form of labor organization.

Improving working conditions is the most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that prompts to work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of its management.

Another side of this problem should be distinguished - the low labor culture of the workers themselves. For a long time, working in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions, a person does not know how, and does not want to properly organize his workplace... Recently, Japanese methods of productivity management have been introduced as an experiment in our advanced enterprises, one of which is the improvement of production culture. Compliance with the five principles of work is one of the elements of labor morality:

  • Eliminate unnecessary items in the workplace
  • Properly position and store the items you need
  • Maintain a clean and tidy workplace at all times
  • Permanent readiness of the workplace to carry out work
  • Learn the discipline and observe the listed principles.

The condition of the workplace is assessed daily by checking the global assessment for compliance with the specified rules. The workers are directly interested in the constant maintenance of their place in good condition, since in this case the bonus part of their earnings increases. The use of such a system allows raising the level of production culture and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

Time is extremely important factor in all types of work. If a person does not have enough time to do a good job, he will think that it is not worth the effort. Assigning work in advance provides workers with considerable autonomy in the timing of work. He has the opportunity to prioritize, plan work taking into account his inclinations, and, therefore, get more satisfaction.

The pace at which work is completed also has a significant impact on motivation. Therefore, the manager should strive to reduce the monotony of semi-automatic processes, giving employees the freedom to choose the pace.

Strengthening feedback. Feedback can be internal - that is, coming from the work itself and external - in the case when the consumer of the results of the work speaks about their quality, as well as in the case of public praise.

Internal feedback is more reliable because acts directly on the employee during the execution of the task. A surefire way to stimulate this connection is by setting clear and specific goals, without pointing out the way to achieve them. Another way is to introduce quality checks into the manufacturing process. This will allow the employee to immediately correct shortcomings, and accordingly adjust the process of performing work, bringing it closer to the most efficient one. This means that as a result, such failures in the future will not be repeated.

Very often there is a situation of extremely negative feedback, that is, when employees learn only about the shortcomings of their work. Thus, they are deprived of the reward for Good work... It is known that people hardly respond to critical feedback. The employee will not perceive negative assessments on more than two or three parameters. However, if a manager alternates between positive and negative criticism, then information about failures will be more fully perceived.

The other extreme is when the boss is unable to criticize his subordinates. In this case, the failures seem to be fixed and the employee does not get the opportunity to correct his mistakes, and often does not even know whether it is necessary to do this.

Often people resist introducing feedback, because they were not prepared for it, they do not know how to provide it. For external feedback to be effective, it needs to be truthful, accurate, detailed, and promptly implemented. Reporting poor performance only demotivates the employee. If you indicate what exactly was done wrong, why it happened, how to fix the situation, and at the same time do not forget to touch on the positive aspects of the work, the effectiveness of such feedback will undoubtedly increase. It can be even higher if the employee clarifies these issues himself.

When determining what the ideal job should be for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. All the same, it is rarely possible to take into account the difference in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the leader, as a rule, seeks to increase integral productivity. If the manager takes into account the factors below, he has a chance to receive confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

Ideal work should:

Have a goal, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Appreciated by peers as important and deserving of accomplishment;

To enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within the established limits);

Provide feedback to the employee, assessed depending on the effectiveness of his work;

Provide remuneration that is fair from the employee's point of view.

Work designed in accordance with these principles provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates high-quality performance of work, as well as, according to the law of increasing needs, stimulates to perform more complex work.