How to maintain a good business reputation. How a businessman maintains his reputation Save his reputation

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  • Objectives: Avoid risks that could threaten the CFO's good name. How to act: respond correctly to the previous employer, be able to admit your mistakes, avoid work in socially undesirable industries, improve your professional qualities.

    An impeccable business reputation, no doubt, is important for any top manager, including a CFO. Moreover, it is often as important as professional experience. A person with negative fame is unlikely to be entrusted with managing the finances of a large company. And even if he gets a job, will bankers and other counterparties trust him? There are a few simple rules that can help a CFO maintain their reputation and avoid reputational risks.

    If a financial specialist is noticed in any fraud, this can forever bury his good name. The surname of the candidate who has stumbled is put on the "black list" and sent to potential employers, recruiting agencies posted on the Internet. That is why a person who values ​​his image and aims at a long-term and successful career, it is necessary in all situations to behave as honestly as possible and remember that any questionable act can immediately become public knowledge and denigrate you in the eyes of the entire market. And the fact that you violated the law or business ethics in the best interests of the employer is unlikely to be a convincing argument.

    Objectively describe the situation during the interview. It is not uncommon for shareholders to shift responsibility for a failed deal, refusal of a loan, or an unsuccessful placement to the CFO. All this turns into negative recommendations that complicate subsequent employment. If this happens to you, try to honestly, discreetly and objectively talk about the situation during the interview, while avoiding negative assessments of the previous employer. Explain without hiding why the results of your work (project) turned out to be negative, reveal your role in what happened and support your position with the words of colleagues who worked with you on the same horizontal line. Alternatively, auditors who have reviewed the accounts for the relevant period can be involved as “witnesses”.

    If the company has an unattractive situation precisely because of your rash actions, it is better to take responsibility, regardless of the consequences. It is a manifestation of both human and managerial maturity. “The one who does nothing is not mistaken,” says a well-known proverb. And sometimes employers can forgive a potential candidate for his past mistakes, if he is really able to admit them.

    Prefer a socially responsible business. Quite often, companies producing children food or providing medical services, try not to accept those who previously worked in socially undesirable industries: alcohol, tobacco, gambling. And in this case, the CFO needs to be prepared for unmotivated refusals. Here it is important to make a conscious choice in advance: either to refuse to work in such industries for reasons of principle, or to agree to cooperation, being aware of the possible consequences.

    Improve personal qualities. Lack of organizational skills, inability to work effectively in a team, quarrelsomeness - all this can lead to dire consequences and become a serious problem for future employers. After all, many of them note that people simply refuse to go to work just after hearing the name of their potential boss. A conflicting job seeker not only means the risk of losing valuable employees, but also potential difficulties in going through an audit or getting a rating for a company. A CFO who does not know how to properly build communication runs the risk of getting negative assessments for his company. A diplomatic, correct, constructive person in communication with auditors, appraisers, rating agencies will be able to present the company in the most favorable light.

    “And passions are raging through the networks,

    And a friend brings a friend into black ...

    And to avoid misfortune,

    Once a man decided:

    It is desirable and even necessary

    To appear in internet

    Well, at least some kind of etiquette ... "

    (Leonid Ivonin. "Netiquette according to A. Pushkin")

    Over the past 10-15 years, the life of Russians has changed dramatically: communication, history of relationships, connections - everything is stored in the "clouds" and in small personal devices.

    Few of our contemporaries can imagine at least a day without phones, laptops, tablets. And even less - without the Internet. The World Wide Web has swallowed everyone's life: acquaintances, relationships, finances, studies, work - everything is entangled in the world wide web. Checking mail, messages on social networks, reading news, posting photos or posts - this is what the life of most Russians is filled with.

    The solution to many organizational issues depends on information technology: on the registration of children in Kindergarten through the "Gosuslugi.rf" portal to checking the child's diary on special sites, from organizing the educational process at the university to monitoring pension accrual ... Man's assimilation of a new habitat requires compliance with the rules of interrelation and interaction in it. Hence - such a great interest in netiquette or network.

    What is Setiket

    The search engine finds about 22 thousand responses to a request for netiquette. The first source - "Wikipedia" - gives this concept a definition.

    In the article "What is a set?" (newspaper "Zarya Molodyozhi", Saratov) in 2010 Vladimir Bolotin defined the networket as “the rules of behavior, communication on the Web, traditions and culture of the Internet community, which are followed by the majority. This concept appeared in the mid-80s of the XX century in echo conferences of the FIDO network ”.

    Most sources lack deep theory of the issue, but offer a variety of "rules" for the network.

    Setiket history

    The first code of computer ethics emerged in the professional IT field in 1979 at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. As informs, "The adoption of the code was dictated by the understanding that engineers, scientists and technologists by the results of their activities determine the quality and living conditions of all people in the information society."

    The first work on netiquette, addressed to a mass audience, appeared in 1994.

    Virginia Shea in the book "Netiquette" formulated ten rules of behavior on the Internet. These rules were aimed at creating a respectful network communication, in which each user should be aware that he is communicating with people like him, and that this virtual communication should not differ in any way from the real one.

    2007 community supporter Open source and one of the main ideologists of the Web 2.0 direction Tim O'Reilly and creator of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales started developing a blogger's code of honor. O'Reilly believed that a code of ethics would improve the quality of blogging.

    As reported, community members intended to create three codes of honor for a blogger with different sets of rules. The preservation of freedom of speech and prevention of censorship under the guise of removing information as unethical was at the forefront of the creation of the code of ethics. A draft of the bloggers 'code of honor was published on the developers' websites. However, 11 years later, this code cannot be found on the Internet. Apparently, the idea of ​​its creation remained in the distant 2007.

    The Setiket is also being studied by scientists. Lecturer at Krasnodar Information Technology College Tatiana Zemlyanka wrote the work "Netiquette. Aggression on the Internet ”, in which she defined the basic network concepts such as flood, spam, chat, topic, offtopic, formulated the principles of netiquette and indicated what, in her opinion, should not be done on the Internet.

    On there are Russian and English-language publics about the network.

    What is a set for?

    The Internet has become a part of our virtual life, and the web is just as much of it as etiquette in real life. To understand why you need a network, you need to figure out what these rules of conduct are for.

    “Knowledge of the rules of etiquette allows you to determine how appropriate certain actions are in a particular situation. This can be confirmed by a simple example: when you come to another country, the habits of the locals may differ from yours. If you do what they think is inappropriate in their presence, they will not like you. But if you remember their rules of conduct and will reckon with them, you will quickly find a common language with them and become your own. "(

    Setiket needed

    - in order not to break the law (observing ethics, we comply with the law);

    - to establish dialogue and organize effective communication (respectful communication strengthens ties);

    - to have a reputation on the Internet as a media literate person.

    Setiket and the law

    Laws are the basic level of control, below which one cannot go. Many of the network's rules are based on legal norms. By observing the set, we automatically comply with the main points of the law. First of all, we are talking about the federal law “On information, information technology and the protection of information ", which gives the right to freely search, receive and transmit information by all legal means, to be confident in the inviolability of information relating to private life, to allow or restrict access to information.

    "Information posted by its owners on the Internet in a format that allows automated processing without prior human changes for the purpose of re-using it is publicly available information posted in the form of open data"

    (Article 7 of the federal law of 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and on the protection of information")

    The federal law "On the state language Russian Federation"It is noted that the use of only the Russian language does not mean "Denial or diminution of the right to use the state languages ​​of the republics within the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

    The Internet sphere is subject to many laws, including "On funds mass media"," On commercial secrets "," On advertising "," On electronic digital signatures ", etc. Therefore, it is impossible to believe that the Internet is an area of ​​impunity - this can lead to serious consequences: as they say, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. Therefore, before posting anything on the Web or even putting likes, it is worth considering whether this action is contrary to any law.

    “In 2011, an activist of the branch of the nationalist party“ Russian National Union ”in Tatarstan was ordered to pay a fine of one thousand rubles under Article 20.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Propaganda or public display of Nazi attributes or symbols, or attributes or symbols of extremist organizations, or other attributes or symbols, propaganda or public display of which is prohibited by federal laws" for liking a screenshot from the movie "American History X". This festival hit of the nineties is not prohibited from being shown in Russia, however, the picture showed the hero of the actor Edward Norton with a swastika stuffed on his chest, and the court considered this propaganda of Nazi symbols "(

    The law is the foundation on which the Setiket is based. From a legal point of view, one should not

    - to offend;

    - to slander;

    - humiliate;

    - infringe on information about private life;

    - to promote what is prohibited by law;

    - publish personal information;

    - spam.

    Setiket and dialogue

    Communication on the Internet, as in life, must be respectful of the counterpart. It is worth remembering that on the other side of the computer screen is the same person. Therefore, ethical communication requires:

    - respectful and patient attitude towards the interlocutor;

    - a polite appeal to the vis-a-vis;

    - listening skills;

    - competent choice of words;

    If you are focused on dialogue, you should not

    - to be rude;

    - deceive;

    - slander;

    - use profanity;

    - "attack" the participants in the discussion because of their spelling or grammatical errors;

    - scoff or mock;

    - make obscene offers;

    Setiket and reputation

    Online behavior affects your reputation in real life. Our page on VKontakte or on Instagram today is our “digital face”. Every Internet user should treat cyberspace as part of real life, and therefore adhere to the same rules of behavior. If a person does not want to look uncivilized or stupid, then one should behave appropriately:

    - be respectful of the community where communication takes place;

    - express yourself correctly;

    - save your face;

    - to thank your interlocutors;

    - apologize for misconduct, if necessary.

    Violation of these rules can play a cruel joke. For example, you are looking for a job and you find an ad that says "good communication with people." Call your employer. He will find out your first and last name and appoint an interview time. You come for an interview, but for a reason unknown to you, you hear a refusal in hiring. The employer just looked at your VKontakte page, where on the wall you and your friends communicate with incoherent sentences and exchange obscene phrases. This is enough to give the employer an impression of you: he doesn't want to lose clients because of you. Although Article 3 Labor Code The Russian Federation prohibits restricting people in labor rights on the basis of circumstances unrelated to labor qualities, the employer can refuse employment, citing any other reason.

    Thus, online behavior is a reputation, both in virtual and in real life. Violation of any of the above rules may also affect reputation. To maintain your online reputation, do not:

    - to speak uncivilizedly;

    - to be rude;

    - publish promotional posts;

    - post obscene videos, photos, messages;

    - conduct dishonest conversations with competitors;

    - to offend;

    - boast;

    - to gossip;

    - to gossip;

    - refuse help if you can actually help.

    For safe, comfortable and convenient communication, a network is now a must. Compliance with its rules will help you not to break the laws and form an opinion about yourself as a competent and polite person with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Perhaps, after a while, the set will become not only necessary, but also fashionable.

    Successful career, successful business, sports cars, villa in Mallorca, Swiss bank account, good girlfriend and happy life start with a reputation. A good reputation opens doors that lead to a prosperous and successful life.

    “A good reputation is more important than a clean shirt. The shirt can be washed, the reputation - never "Alfred Nobel

    The reputation of a man. Reputation of a woman. This is not usually talked about, but it is important. Reputation is a fixed, definite opinion about a person. What is yours?

    V modern world people often forget about such an important thing as reputation. They are engaged in unseemly deeds, smear honor, get involved in dubious stories, live with all kinds of rabble, appear in a negative light. And then we want to succeed and demand due respect when it's too late.

    Honor, dignity and reputation affect your life much more than one might think. People with a bad reputation are not hired, they do not enter into business with them, they are not respected and are avoided in every possible way. How to build and maintain own brand called "reputation"? How to maintain your reputation? How do I restore my reputation? It's all about reputation.

    1. Don't Get Into Trouble

    “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will treat things differently if you think about it. Warren Buffett

    In any situation, keep your self-control and mind. Don't get involved in dubious matters, don't get drunk, don't get involved in fights, don't break the law. A cool head and dignity will save you many problems in the future. Why do you need problems with the authorities and the law? Why would you be seen doing something obscene? Get into the habit of always being at your best, your reputation will only benefit from this.

    2. Watch your tongue

    Leaving a certain impression about yourself, you should not forget that tomorrow they can grow into a reputation. Negative thinking, negative speech, and gossip will not do anything good in the long run. If a person carries negativity, then this will quickly affect his reputation. Try not to lie. If it is revealed, your reputation will look pitiful.

    3. Maintain your virtual reputation

    The internet and social media are too deeply entwined in our lives. Many companies secretly search for profiles of their future employees and draw certain conclusions. Girls and guys are looking for profiles of their new halves. Acquaintances, friends and companions are watching you over the Internet. Clean up your profile. Why do you need pictures from drunken parties? Nobody needs to know that you violated paragraph 1, and behave with dignity in the future. No stupid statuses, quotes, videos and other childish nonsense. Page in social network Is your face.

    4. Do not go with the rabble

    “If your own reputation is important to you, only deal with people of worthy qualities.” George Washington

    The ancient Greek playwright Euripides wrote: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." Alcoholics, drug addicts, gopniks, girls of easy virtue, law breakers. You can endlessly enumerate people with whom a normal society prefers not to rub shoulders. Why be seen in a company where you don't belong? Remember your reputation. Make friends and communicate only with those who are worthy. Stay close to successful people if you want to be successful.

    5. Watch your appearance

    To have a million dollars you need to look like a million dollars! Unkempt looks or cheap, gaudy clothes will rip your image to shreds. Only rogues and losers look like that. People who dress nicely and are stylish always get points for this. They are more attractive to those around them, they want to be friends with them and have business. Take care of your appearance or you can forget about your reputation as a successful person.

    6. Behave with dignity

    Respect yourself and others if they deserve it. Be friendly, keep your word, do not forget about tact, do not be late, control your emotions. Maintain your dignity in every situation.

    7. Protect your reputation

    Always defend your honor, dignity and your reputation. Try to "deal" with those people who are trying to undermine your image and reputation. A good friend of mine used to say: "To restore a reputation, sometimes it's enough to give a reputation." Reputation can also be defended in court.

    A successful career, a successful business, sports cars, a villa in Mallorca, a Swiss bank account, a good girlfriend and a happy life all start with a reputation. First you work for a reputation, then it works for you.

    The head of Rosokhrankultura, historian Alexander Kibovsky outlined the position of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on the construction of the Okhta Center: “The President gave us strict instructions to ensure strict observance of the international obligations of the Russian Federation contained in the UNESCO Convention”. According to Kibovsky, the presidential administration has declared "not to allow damage to the reputation of Russia." Presumably, Governor Valentina Matvienko is now unlikely to ignore the president's position and can voluntarily cancel the scandalous resolution on the height of the skyscraper.

    They remembered about the reputation of the Russian Federation in a timely manner. She was hit hard in the eyes of the Chinese last week. At the EXPO-2010 exhibition in Shanghai, the organizers, apparently out of ignorance, chose Dunno from Nosov's fairy tales as the symbol of the Russian pavilion. They wanted to portray him as a child striving for knowledge, named Wen-Wen ("wen" means "culture"). But in the 1990s. in Chinese newspapers and magazines, they published comics with Dunno, who amusingly answered scientific questions. His name was translated then as "xiao wuzhi" ("little ignoramus"). The image of Dunno with this name and stuck in the minds of the Chinese.

    One can imagine what thoughts the President of the PRC Hu Jintao had when he saw in the pavilion of the Russian Federation a "little ignoramus" on all screens telling about the exhibits. The moral is clear: you need to be more attentive to culture. And to a stranger, and to his own. Reputation should be especially remembered by people in government positions. Here is an example from history Ancient rome... Gaius Julius Caesar divorced his disgraced wife Pompey. During the divorce, Caesar did not discredit her in any way. When the prosecution asked why he was divorcing her, Gaius Julius replied: "Caesar's wife is beyond suspicion." The phrase became winged. It is interesting, what will Dmitry Medvedev, the chairman of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom, say at the time of the decision to build the Okhta Center?