Franchise baby food. What does it take to open a baby food store? Selection of premises and purchase of equipment

Continuing the theme of making money on food, we will consider various options for highly specialized stores that work great in many cities and bring good profits for their owners. Our topic today will be how to open a baby food business and promote it.

Business features

In short, the baby food trade is a very promising niche, especially if the level of competition in your area is not too high. This direction has both its pros and cons.

From the pros:

  • high demand for products;
  • a wide range of goods.

Of the minuses, this is mainly a large involvement in the business process:

  • needs to be constantly scanned pricing policy competitors, because if yours is more expensive, customers will stop going. Among target audience word of mouth works great, so you need to be on the lookout for all aspects of doing business. After all, reputation is everything.
  • the quality and freshness of baby food should be monitored daily. Here again, the question of the reputation of your store.

Also, you must have a good customer service and discount program. As practice shows, with a competent approach, you can eventually get profitable business in the sale of children's food.

Selection of premises and purchase of equipment

If we talk about the right place to sell baby food, then here are some good options for rental space:

  • shopping centers where there are shops for children's clothing or shoes;
  • sleeping areas, but only on crowded streets that lead to parking lots;
  • near other grocery stores.

Now let's talk about what it takes to open a baby food store. From commercial equipment you will need:

  • racks with shelves;
  • glass showcases;
  • furniture for the workplace of the seller;
  • scales;
  • cash machine;
  • refrigerators and more.

Regulations for the sale of baby food

As for any entrepreneurial activity, you will need to complete all Required documents and permissions.

So from the main you will need.

  1. Register as an IP.
  2. Specify OKVED for the sale of baby food. For Russia, this is 47.29.36 Retail sale of homogenized foodstuffs, baby and diet food in specialized stores. For Ukraine - 47.2 Retail food products.
  3. To have on hand all the quality certificates for the products sold.
  4. Get permission to trade from the SES and the fire department.
  5. Set up a buyer's corner.

One of the main questions that worries aspiring entrepreneurs is whether a license is needed to trade in children's goods? The answer is - at the moment it is not needed, perhaps in the future something will change, but so far so. If you really want to get a qualified, and most importantly, up-to-date answer, contact a lawyer.

Range and suppliers

Let's figure out which main categories should be included in the assortment list and how to expand it in the future.

Here are the main items in the range.

  • Baby formula
  • Children's tea, sugar
  • Cookies, sweets
  • Pasta
  • Yoghurts, puddings, sourdough

As you can see, the range is rather big. But at the same time, according to entrepreneurs, it makes no sense to open a purely baby food store, since it is not profitable, it is better to combine it with other children's products, such as diapers, clothes, etc. Many advise to combine two directions and use food as additional source income.


At the initial stage of promotion of the store, you should make sure that they know about you. You can distribute leaflets near the store and place ads in the media.

As a separate source of income, you can open an online baby food store and connect contextual advertising and then perform search engine optimization of the site.

How much money do you need to start?

Let's estimate how much it will cost to open a baby food store in small town. We indicate only the main items of expenditure, you can recalculate all these costs for your region.

  • Room rental - $150 - $200
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary — $180
  • Initial purchase of goods - $5000 - $7000
  • Purchase of equipment - $800 - $1000
  • Advertising — $350 (+ online advertising)
  • Transport costs - $60.

How much can you earn?

Your earnings will depend on the location where you start the business. Also, the assortment decides a lot.

The average markup on children's food is 20% - 30%.

As entrepreneurs working in this area write, if you bet more, then the prices are higher than those of competitors and customers will simply go to them. Be very careful with pricing.

Conclusions. It can be concluded that a baby food business can be started from a small department or as an additional section in an existing store, such as children's clothing. Selling only food separately is not very profitable, since the markup is not encouraging, besides, competitors represented by large shopping centers also tighten belts. But still, with the right approach, it can work.

What experience do you have in this business? We are waiting for comments.

Due to the increasing competition in the retail trade, "specialization" is beginning to play an increasingly important role. It becomes possible to win in the competition with large federal networks only through the sale of a narrow segment of goods in the widest range. Fish shops, fruit stalls, bakeries, tea departments - all these outlets work on the principle: here you can buy everything that belongs to this type of goods! A specialized baby food store should be built on the same principle ...


It all starts with finding a room. Large areas are not required to open a baby food store. In most cases, it is enough to rent no more than 15 sq. m. and several square meters for a warehouse of goods. The rental price will depend on the location of the outlet. In the central parts of the city, rent will cost two to three times more. But the permeability is much higher here. But no less successful can be a point opened in a residential area of ​​the city, especially in the area of ​​new buildings, where the target audience lives in the form of young families. In addition, rent in a residential area will cost less, and for a new project, every penny is expensive.

It is better to take a ready-made room that does not require additional repairs. An important component here is the design of the outlet. Pleasant light colors, colorful posters depicting mother and baby will help create the very atmosphere of a real children's store.

Business registration

Before concluding a lease agreement for the premises, it is necessary to register a business. No licenses or additional permits are required to sell baby food. Optimal organizational form in this case, it is an ordinary individual entrepreneurship. Registration of "IP" in tax office takes only 5 working days, requires a minimum package of documents and costs only 800 rubles. registration fees. The optimal taxation system is the single tax on imputed income (UTII). Under this regime, the entrepreneur is released from the obligation to install a cash register. The tax itself is paid as a fixed amount every quarter and does not depend on how much the outlet earns.

Investments - how much does it cost to open a baby food store

Starting a business may require from 300 thousand rubles:

  • design and decoration of the premises - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • commercial equipment - from 80 thousand rubles;
  • creation of an assortment of goods - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • case registration and other org. expenses - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • staff training - from 15 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: from 315 thousand rubles.

We select a range of products

The next step in starting a business is finding baby food suppliers and creating a range of products. The main difficulty is related to the fact that baby food is sold in almost every grocery store, although not in such a wide range. Many mothers go to the grocery store, at the same time they buy baby purees, curds, etc., because it is convenient.

It's not easy to lure buyers. In order for the buyer to go to your specialized store specifically for baby food, you need to offer him adequate prices and the widest range of products. You need to sell even what is very rarely bought, but which is not available in ordinary grocery stores (and they sell only what is in constant demand): milk formulas and purees, products for pregnant women, juices and water, dairy products, cookies and desserts, groceries.

In addition, it is important to have products from different manufacturers. Someone buys only Gerber products, another buys Fleur Alpine and so on.


Even at the stage of searching for premises, it is necessary to engage in the selection of sellers for the store. And here some difficulties may arise. The fact is that here you need not only a person with experience, but a real sales assistant who has completed special nutritionist courses. It is very difficult to find such a person, so the surest option is to find an ordinary seller and pay for his training (training is carried out within a month).

The presence of such a specialist will give a competitive advantage to your store, where people can not only buy goods, but also consult on the nutrition of pregnant women and children.

How much can you earn?

The average check of such a store is small and amounts to about 200 rubles. The margin is also small - no more than 40%. To ensure daily revenue of 10,000 rubles, it is necessary that up to 50 people visit the point a day. In this case, you can count on a daily income of 4,000 rubles, and a month - 120,000 rubles. From this amount, you will need to subtract fixed costs:

  • rent of premises - 20 thousand rubles;
  • sellers' wages + insurance contributions - 45 thousand rubles;
  • tax (UTII) - 6 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

TOTAL: 81 thousand rubles.

Thus, the net profit of the entrepreneur will be about 40 thousand rubles per month. To increase profits, you need to increase the flow of visitors. For this, active advertising of the outlet will not interfere: a bright sign at the entrance to the store, posting ads, distributing flyers and discount coupons, advertising on the Internet (on forums and social networks). Don't forget to work with regular customers: accumulative system of discounts, bonuses for a new client, contests and gifts. This is the only way today to get the Russian consumer that has already become capricious and picky.

Encyclopedic reference: baby food store - a retail outlet, the range of which includes milk formulas, cereals, fruit purees, juices and other food products for children of different ages.

All parents face the need to buy baby food. Given the annual number of newborns, the baby food business seems like a lucrative business. However, this business has many features and pitfalls. After reading this article, you will learn how to open a baby food store and not be an outsider.

Step by step to a stable profit from the sale of baby food

Step one: preparing the legal and material base

From a legal point of view, opening a baby food store is not much different from organizing any other outlet. You need tax registration (as an individual entrepreneur or LLC), permission from the SES (issued once every 5 years) and coordination with the fire department. All sellers must have health books. This type of activity is not subject to licensing.

To understand how much it costs to open a baby food store, first of all, evaluate the cost of the material base.

You will need a small room - 15–20 m², on which you will place and shopping room, and warehouse. Renting a large area with such specialization is not profitable. Choosing a room for future store, give preference to crowded places, but away from large pharmacies, supermarkets and children's department stores. Optimal location- on the territory or in the immediate vicinity of the children's clinic. A good choice would be a room near a kindergarten or school, as well as in an area with new buildings.

No special trading equipment is required. To save money, you can purchase second-hand showcases and racks. Despite the fact that most types of baby food can be stored at a temperature of +25 ° C, it is better to take care of purchasing a refrigerator. Firstly, curds and yogurts can be placed there, thereby diversifying the assortment. And secondly, buyers tend to trust more outlets where goods are stored in refrigerators.

step two: we form an assortment

Experienced market participants note that most in demand use milk mixtures, cereals and juices. You should be careful about brands - there are manufacturers whose products young parents refuse to buy, even if super-low prices are set. To find out the most popular positions, conduct market research.

Check expiration dates carefully! Expired products threaten to turn into a damaged reputation and impressive fines.

Make sure that the assortment contains only positions from the list of goods allowed for sale - it is updated every six months. In addition, take into account the opinion of experts who believe that it is quite difficult to promote a highly specialized baby food store. To ensure stable sales, enter care products and diapers into the assortment.

Step Three: looking for suppliers

Sharing their experience, the owners of baby food stores advise regional entrepreneurs to look for suppliers locally - their prices are not much higher than in the capital, but saving time on delivery times allows you to speed up the turnover of funds. This is more profitable, because with a small margin you can earn only on turnover.

If there are distributors of popular brands in your area, try to negotiate with them x. The advantage of such cooperation is that distributors often provide goods with a deferred payment or even for sale.

Do you know a brand that will definitely be in demand, but so far no one is selling it nearby? This is a great opportunity to occupy a free niche by becoming a distributor or

Where to get money?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to obtain a targeted loan for a baby food store. Attracting investors is also quite difficult. If a own funds not enough, apply for a non-purpose loan. When setting the date for the first payments on the loan, keep in mind that the store will begin to generate income no earlier than six months later.

Underwater rocks

The main danger threatens baby food retailers from large chain stores - it is impossible to “beat” their prices. The only way out is to find a place remote from such shopping centers or offer customers something that chains do not have.

Summing up

The answer to the question of whether a baby food store is profitable is not obvious and depends on many factors. In order to successfully advance in the market in conditions of increased competition, it is better not to limit the assortment only to food products, but to expand it with rattles, diapers, and other children's products.

The most important factor successful business is the presence of a constant demand for products. Opening a baby food store, from this point of view, is great business idea, since demand practically does not depend on anything, and parents will never save on their children. Of course, a good niche will not be empty. The level of competition is really high, but a competent organization of the process will allow you to get certain competitive advantages. You should start with market analysis.

Step 1 - market and competition analysis

First, you should study the market in the region, make a list of all baby food stores with a detailed description of their characteristics. It is desirable to collect as much information as possible on the following points:

  • assortment (by names and separately by manufacturers);
  • pricing policy and loyalty programs;
  • attendance and number of regular customers;
  • design and equipment of premises;
  • advertising methods used;
  • obvious disadvantages and advantages.

Even if children's products are presented in the assortment of potential competitors quite extensively, you can always find certain manufacturers whose products are not on the shelves. The secret is that young mothers actively exchange information through forums, social networks and other means of communication.

Usually stores make up their range of popular products, well represented in television advertising. We will be able to find the missing positions, due to which we will get the first loyal customers. And then "word of mouth" will work.

Step 2 - choose the optimal format and location

This is also where the information gathered in the previous step comes in handy. There are various institutions, the placement next to which (or even on their territory) can give very strong advantages. First of all, these are children's polyclinics and kindergartens.

Another strong advantage can be around the clock work. If your store once helps out the baby's parents and saves them from a sleepless night, then they will surely become your regular customers.

The basis of the assortment should be baby food:

  • cereals (dairy and non-dairy);
  • dry mixes;
  • puree (wide range for different ages);
  • drinks and juices;
  • purified water, children's teas.

Would like to add to the list related products(dishes, pacifiers, diapers and other baby accessories).

You can consider the format of an online store, but it is worth remembering that trust is extremely important in products for children. Therefore, selling via the Internet should be considered more as an addition to the activities of the main store, but not as a self-sufficient option.

Step 3 - choosing and arranging the premises

This is the most important point, since a good location largely determines further success. As we have already noted, it is desirable to be located next to a specialized institution. You can locate the store next to the market or supermarket. In this case, families may prefer a specialty store and buy baby food from you when they return from the supermarket.

You should focus not on a prestigious place, but exclusively on your target audience. A bedroom or densely populated area will be an ideal place. If the city is small, then it is better to locate a baby food store in the center.

The room should not be too large, 30-50 square meters is enough. It is very important that there is a convenient parking near the entrance, a place for wheelchairs and a ramp that allows you to get to it. The estimated cost of rent will be 30-70 thousand rubles (the amount depends more on the city than on the characteristics of the premises).

Approximately 80% of the premises should be allocated to the trading floor, since a large warehouse is not required - almost the entire stock of goods can be stored in showcases. Of the additional premises, it is necessary to equip a utility room for staff and a bathroom.

Step 4 - Solving Legal Issues

Work best as entity. You can issue it yourself - by contacting the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, but it is better to immediately contact lawyers (their help may be required in further work, so it is advisable to immediately know that the "legal rear" is covered).

It must be understood that the sale of baby food is an extremely responsible type of activity, therefore correct design all documents is very important. Your lawyers should carefully check all the papers, permits and certificates of your suppliers, because in case of any problems, the responsibility may fall entirely on your shoulders.

Ideally, you should order goods directly from manufacturers with a name, since they usually do well with both quality and documents. Another option is wholesale companies that deal directly with all major manufacturers. The benefits of the second option are obvious - with the least effort, you get a full range of baby food on the shelves of your store.

Step 5 - opening and promoting a business

Here it is important to please the target audience from the first days. Since we are talking about children's goods, it will be an excellent advertising move. children's holiday with a prize draw organized on the occasion of the opening. The entrance should be tidy, with a bright sign above it, and notices of the opening should be posted at the nearest stops and intersections.

Near kindergartens, maternity hospitals and children's clinics, it is desirable to hang beautiful posters that attract attention. You can place flyers in stores that do not compete directly with you (for example, in toy stores). All available methods should be used: advertising blocks in local newspapers, ads on the Internet. But remember that among young mothers the best advertisement was and remains "word of mouth" - work on your reputation.

Financial calculations (for a large city of the Russian Federation)

We focus on a fairly large store with an area of ​​40-50 square meters. The expenditure part in the first year of operation consists of the following amounts:

  • 350-400 thousand rubles - rent of premises (annual);
  • 50-100 thousand - cosmetic repairs before opening (one-time);
  • 300 thousand - purchase of equipment (racks, counters and showcases, refrigerated cabinets);
  • 1.26 million rubles - staff salary for a year (4 sales assistants for 20 thousand each and 1 commodity accountant with a salary of 25 thousand);
  • 6.84 million - purchase of goods (based on the average value of 570 thousand per month).

Thus, the expenditure part is 8 million rubles a year, while the amount of start-up capital must be at least 1 million rubles.

The income for the first year of work, based on the same statistics, will be about 9 million rubles. Thus, all investments pay off after a year of work and bring the first profit in the amount of 1 million rubles. In the future, net income will be about 2.5 million rubles annually.

In connection with the increase in the birth rate in Russia, the business of producing and selling goods for children is gaining momentum.

Therefore, many are wondering and looking for information on how to open a baby food store, how to ensure its profitability, and avoid commercial risks.

One of important factors successful trade and business development is the presence of the target audience. This indicator is the main one in drawing up a business plan and its implementation when opening a baby food store.

The plan for locating such a store is most advantageous to implement in a residential area of ​​​​the city, near grocery stores, supermarkets, children's clinics, dairy kitchens, along walking trails for young mothers and the return home of the adult population of the microdistrict. You can take statistics on the number of newborns in the area of ​​interest to you, the main places of residence of young couples. Based on the data obtained, you calculate the average consumption of children's goods per day for the microdistrict.

In such a calculation, it is important to take not only baby food, but also other food products for children, hygiene items, clothes, toys, dishes, it is worth considering large purchases (prams, car seats, etc.). The plan is that all baby products can be bought from you so that any thought of children's goods associated with your store. Naturally, each group of goods will have its own profitability and turnover, but the assortment should be maintained. According to the pricing policy, the store should be designed for a buyer with an average income.

You should think in advance about the plan for placing goods in the store, depending on demand, a flexible pricing policy, select trained and sociable staff, convenient wheelchair access to the store. It is necessary to provide for the comfort of moving customers around the store with children. Advertising software this project will be effective in the form of distribution of leaflets, billboards. The design of the store is important, it should be childishly cheerful and cheerful, conducive to shopping. A big plus for your store will be a playground located nearby. Parallel to retail it is worth including the sale of goods on the Internet in the business plan, if conditions and home delivery are required. You have to think over and implement all the developments that will help you stand out from your competitors and attract customers.

Purchase prices for goods play an important role in the profitability of a business project. It is most profitable to make purchases from the manufacturer, but goods with a limited shelf life should not be purchased in large quantities, so it is advantageous to take them from wholesalers. you will pay more for wholesale, but the goods on the counter will always be fresh and you will be able to avoid losses after the expiration of the shelf life. Suppliers of toys, clothes, utensils can be manufacturers of goods, which will reduce the cost of purchases.

In the Russian market, trade markups for children's goods have developed over the purchase price in the range: car seats - 15%, clothes - 50%, food and hygiene items - 30%, toys - 50%. These are indicative figures that can be used to draw up a business plan.

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business financial plan

The calculation is made for major cities Russia.

If you have collected data on the number of children in the area of ​​the city you are interested in and deduced the approximate figure for the consumption of children's products per child per day, you can decide on the store area you need.

In our calculation, we take a room of 50 square meters. meters. The average cost of 1 square. meters of leased area in large cities - 600 rubles. per month, per year our area will cost 360,000 rubles.

Cosmetic repairs of the premises - at least 50,000 rubles.

The purchase of commercial equipment: racks, clothes hangers, display cabinets, refrigeration equipment, display cabinets, a cash settlement unit, a refrigerator with a glass door - can cost 300,000 rubles.

The work schedule of the baby food store is recommended from 9.00 to 21.00, seven days a week, therefore, it is necessary to hire four sellers with a payment of 20,000 rubles. per month (including taxes), this will amount to 960,000 rubles. in year. A commodity accountant with a salary of 25,000 rubles per month (including taxes) will cost 300,000 a year. As a result, wages per year will cost you 1,260,000 rubles. in year.

You can draw up a plan for the purchase of goods in a store using average statistical data for big cities Russia, and they amount to about 570,000 rubles. per month, 6 840 000 per year. The range includes the purchase of baby food, hygiene items, children's clothing, toys, car seats.

Thus, an entrepreneur who wants to open a 50 sq. meters, must be ready for an annual expense of 7,981,880 rubles, plus taxation.