Compilation of a consolidated grocery list and statement. Compilation of a consolidated grocery list for raw materials

Where g p is the consumption rate of raw materials per dish, g;

n is the number of dishes (pieces) sold by the enterprise per day.

Example. Determine the consumption of raw materials for the preparation of stuffed tomatoes (100 servings), deep-fried fish (50 servings), mushrooms with potatoes (120 servings).

Table 6 - Calculation of the consumption of raw materials

No. p / p Name of dishes and snacks stuffed tomatoes Deep fried fish Mushrooms with potatoes Total kg, servings
Name of products The norm of the product for 1 serving Product weight, kg The norm of the product for 1 serving Product weight, kg The norm of the product for 1 serving Product weight, kg
Tomatoes 12,5 12,5
white mushrooms 5,6 14,2 19,8
Onion 2,5 4,2 6,7
Mayonnaise 1,5 1,5
Zander 3,6 3,6
Flour 0,3 0,3
Eggs 0,3 0,3
crackers 0,75 0,75
cooking oil 0,5 1,8 2,3
Sour cream 3,6 3,6
Potato 17,4 17,4

After calculating the raw materials, semi-finished products and culinary products, they make up a summary grocery list, which indicates the consumption of raw materials, semi-finished products and culinary products, as well as regulatory documentation for them (GOSTs, OSTs, TUs, etc.).

Table 7 - Summary grocery list


1. Calculate raw materials for dishes according to the menu compiled in practical work No. 7;

2. The resulting calculations should be summarized in a consolidated grocery list.

Test questions:

2. How to make an outfit - an order in a confectionery shop?

3. How is the number of dishes in the menu plan calculated?

4. How is the calculation of raw materials according to the menu plan?

Practice #11

Name: Development of normative and technological documentation for new technological processes.

Target: acquire the skills of registration of technological documentation for technological processes.

Theoretical part:

Technological map (TC) - a document that is developed for recipes from the Collections of recipes for dishes, culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products for public catering establishments , officially published on the territory of the Russian Federation, containing the recipe and description of the technological process of manufacturing products, decorating and serving the dish (product). When compiling the Technological map, it is also necessary to indicate the source of the recipe for the dish.

Technical and technological map (TTK) - a document developed for new products and establishing requirements for the quality of raw materials and food products, product recipes, requirements for the manufacturing process, design, sale and storage, quality and safety indicators, as well as the nutritional value of products Catering. TTCs are developed only for new, non-traditional products, manufactured for the first time at a public catering enterprise.

If the recipe is in official publications Collections of recipes - a Technological Card (TK) is being developed for this dish, if there are no recipes in the collection, the dish is considered branded, and a Technological and Technological Map (TTK) is being developed for it.

A situation often arises when changes are made to the recipe from the official Collection (the rate of inclusion of ingredients, the ingredients themselves, etc. change). -technological map (TTK).

The technical and technological map consists of sections:

1. Product name and scope. Here the exact name of the dish (product) is indicated, which cannot be changed without approval, the list of enterprises (branches), subordinate enterprises that have the right to manufacture and sell this dish (product) is specified.

2. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. A mark is put on the compliance of food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the manufacture of this dish (product), with the requirements of regulatory documents, as well as on the availability of a certificate of conformity and a quality certificate.

3. Norms for laying raw materials in gross and net weight, output of semi-finished products and finished products. Here, the norms for laying products with gross and net weight for 1, 10 or more servings, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products are indicated.

4. Description of the technological process of preparation. This section should contain a detailed description of the technological process of preparing a dish (product), including the cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish (product), as well as the use of food additives, dyes, etc. The technology for preparing dishes and culinary products should ensure compliance with the safety indicators and requirements established by the current regulations, in particular SanPiN

5. Requirements for the design, serving, sale and storage, providing for the design features and rules for serving the dish (product), the requirements and procedure for the sale of culinary products, the conditions, terms of sale and storage, and, if necessary, the conditions of transportation. These requirements are formed in accordance with GOST R 50763-95, SanPiN and SanPiN<19>.

6. Indicators of quality and safety.

6.1. Organoleptic indicators of the dish (product): taste, color, smell, texture, basic physical and chemical.

6.2 Microbiological indicators affecting the safety of the dish (product), in accordance with GOST R 50763-95.

7. Indicators of energy value. The section contains data on the energy value of a dish (product) (tables "Chemical composition of food products" approved by the USSR Ministry of Health), which are determined when catering for certain categories of consumers (organization of dietary, preventive, children's and other nutrition).

Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by a process engineer, responsible developer, approved by the head of the catering enterprise or his deputy. The period of validity of technical and technological maps is determined by the enterprise.

The holder of technical and technological cards is a process engineer.

Technological schemes are drawn up for a dish (product) according to the algorithm:

1. Each type of raw material or product used is located at the top of the diagram in a box.

2. All operations performed during the technological process are written in the present tense, in the imperative mood, for example: boil, beat, etc.

3. To draw up a harmonious scheme, the main product should be located in the center of the scheme, all the products that make up the dish according to the technological sequence are added alternately from the right or left side, and after the operations performed, the result should be a finished dish.

4. When performing several operations simultaneously, their sequence (no more than four) must be determined and indicated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV).

5. If the dish is the main dish, then when serving it, the served sauce is indicated on the left, and the side dish on the right.


1. Draw up a technical and technological map for your dish or product (optional).

2. Draw up a flow chart for a dish or product, taking into account all the technological and temperature parameters of cooking.

Test questions:

1. How are technological maps compiled?

2. What types of recipe books are used in catering establishments?

3. What are the distinctive features of technical and technological maps?

Practice #12

Name: Development of calculation cards.

Target: learn how to calculate meals.

Theoretical part:

At public catering establishments, a calculation card must be drawn up for each dish. Its form is approved by the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, it is unified.

Calculation is a determination of the amount of costs in monetary terms per unit of output or work performed by cost type The choice of pricing method is the most important stage in pricing. The most common pricing method in practice is the calculation of prices using the cost or margin method. In order for a company to become profitable, it is necessary to increase sales volume.

In public catering, costing is understood as the calculation of the selling price of a unit of production (one dish, one serving, one kilogram, etc.). In the calculations, the principle of normative costing is used, i.e. the consumption of raw materials for a certain dish is strictly normalized by the Collection of recipes or technical and technological maps.

In a market economy, the main criterion for setting prices for any product, finished product, service is the level of supply and demand. Public catering is no exception. Calculation is made in calculation cards of the established form separately for each type of dish. You can make a calculation for one dish or for 100 dishes.

Before you start compiling a calculation card, on the basis of the menu plan, write a list of dishes for which you should fill out the calculation. Then determine the rate of investment of raw materials for each type of manufactured products. Calculate selling prices on the raw materials that are included in the dishes. To do this, multiply the purchase prices by the margin.

In the form of form No. OP-1, indicate the name of your enterprise in accordance with the charter, other constituent document. Enter the name of the service (department, structural unit) in which the manufacturing products. Write the code for the type of activity in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of enterprise activities.

Indicate the name of the dish (manufactured products), its number in accordance with the collection of recipes. Assign a number to the calculation card, the date of its compilation. It should be borne in mind that the calculation is filled out as one dish, and a hundred dishes. In the latter case, the calculated sales price will be more accurate.


Calculation card No. 2270

On the dish "Chicken fillet in a cheese crust"

Table 8

Product name U measurement Gross weight, kg Price for 1 kg, rub. Amount, rub.
Chicken fillet kg 0,120
Vegetable oil kg 0,015 1,5
Makfa flour premium kg 0,005 0,5
Baked potatoes (p / f) kg 0,110
Salad Chinese kg 0,010 1,5
Cheese Eden kg 0,025
Curry mayonnaise sauce kg 0,035 3,5
Dill kg 0,001 0,5
Total cost for 1 serving:
Cost per 100 servings
Markup (%):
Price with markup:
Portion Yield: 140/110/20


Compile and calculate calculation cards for 5 dishes or products.

Test questions:

1. What is a cost estimate?

2. How is the calculation calculation made?

3. Who and how sets margins in public catering?

Practice #13

Name: Drawing up an employment contract.

Target: gain skills in drafting legal documents.

Theoretical part:

An employment contract (contract) is an agreement between an employer and an employee, which reflects the nature and terms of their employment relationship. This document legally establishes the rights and obligations between the employer and the employee. The terms of the employment contract must not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employment contract is drawn up and signed in two copies. One copy of the employment contract is transferred to the employee, the other remains with the employer.

The employment contract states:

The name of the employing organization, as well as the position and full name of the person who represents it (as a rule, the head);
- last name, first name and patronymic of the employee, indicating the structural unit and the position for which he is hired;
- the type of contract and its validity period (fixed-term or open-ended);
- duration of the trial period;
- the duties of the employee, the volume and quality of work;
- obligations of the employer;
- working hours;
- terms of remuneration (salary, allowances, as well as the conditions for their accrual);
- duration of annual leave;
- additional conditions;
- details of the parties, signatures.

In accordance with the concluded agreement, the employer organization is obliged to ensure the working conditions provided for in the Labor Code, as well as pay wages on time and in full. The employee is obliged to perform his labor functions and comply with all the rules in force in the organization.


Draw up an employment contract with an employee of your virtual enterprise.

Form of the contract:

Employment contract No. ___ __ (city) _______________ "__" ______ 20__

1. Enterprise (organization) ___________ (name) _________
represented by _________________ (position, full name) _______________________________,
hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise", and citizen ________________________________________ (full name) _______________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", have entered into this agreement as follows.

2. Employee __________ (full name) ___________________ is hired __________ (name of structural unit) _____________________________ by profession, position _____ (full name of profession, position) __________ qualifications ___________ (rank, qualification category) _____________________

3. The contract is a contract for the main work, a part-time contract
(Underline whatever applicable).

4. Contract type:
- for an indefinite period (indefinitely)
- for a fixed period ____ (reason for concluding a fixed-term contract) ___________________
- for the duration of a certain work ________ (specify which one) _______________

5. Contract time.
Beginning of work ________________________
End of work _____________________

6. Test period:
a) no test
b) _____ (length of probation) _____

7. The employee must perform the following duties: ________________________ _________________________________________________
(The main characteristics of the work and the requirements for the level of their performance in terms of the scope of work, quality of service, the level of performance of normalized tasks, compliance with labor protection rules, and the performance of related work in order to ensure interchangeability are indicated. When combining work, performing related operations, a list of these works and their volumes and other obligations.)

8. The enterprise is obliged to organize the work of the employee, create conditions for safe and efficient work, equip the workplace in accordance with the rules of labor protection and safety, and timely pay the wages stipulated by the contract. ______________________________________
(Specific measures are indicated for the organization of the production process, equipment and advanced training of the employee and the creation of other working conditions. When the head of the structural unit is granted the right to hire workers to work, an appropriate entry is made in this clause of the contract.)

9. The obligation of the employer to ensure working conditions at the workplace with an indication of reliable characteristics, compensations and benefits to the employee for hard, especially hard work and work with harmful, especially harmful and dangerous working conditions. ______________________________________
10. Guarantees in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 No. 471 "On additional measures to protect the labor rights of citizens of the Russian Federation" ______________________________________
11. Features of working hours:
- part-time ____________________________________________
- part-time work _____________________________________________
- hourly payment ______________________________________________

12. The employee is given:
- official salary (tariff rate _________ rubles per month) or ____ rubles. for 1 hour of work
- allowance (surcharge and other payments) ______ (as a percentage of the rate, salary) __________ rub.
(indicate the type of surcharges, allowances)

13. The employee is entitled to annual leave of the following duration:
- main ________________________ working days
- additional __________________ working days.

14. Other terms of the contract related to the specifics of work.

Test questions:

1. What factors influence the improvement of working conditions?

2. What microclimate factors influence the improvement of working conditions?

3. What does the qualification division of labor mean?

Practice #14

Name: Development of internal labor regulations.

Target: learn how to organize the work of a team of performers;

Theoretical part:

Development and approval of internal labor regulations. The internal labor regulations (IRTR) are a local regulatory act of the company, developed and approved in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the company's charter for the purposes of:

strengthening labor discipline,

effective organization of work,

Rational use of working time

Ensuring high quality and productivity of employees.

The internal labor regulations are a document that any company must have at its disposal. This document must be familiarized with the signature of each employee of the organization.

Similar information.

In public enterprises, the number of products is determined by the settlement menu. This method is universal and most accurate. It consists in finding the amount of products (, kg) required for the preparation of dishes that are part of the production program.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

where is the norm of a product of a certain type per dish, g;

The number of dishes that include this product;

1000 - conversion of the unit of measurement in kg.

The mass of beef tenderloin for the production of 15 servings of the Bashkir Shashlik dish is:

A further calculation of the amount of raw materials and culinary semi-finished products is given in Appendix C, on the basis of which a consolidated grocery list was compiled, presented in Appendix D.

Development of technical and technological maps and technological schemes

Technical and technological maps are developed for new specialties and culinary products manufactured and sold only in this enterprise. Technical and technological maps are developed only for new, non-traditional products, manufactured for the first time at a public catering enterprise. The technical and technological map is a regulatory document of the enterprise. It contains the technology of preparation and norms for laying products, indicators of the quality and safety of the raw materials used, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators, nutritional and energy value.

The technical and technological map is presented in Appendix D.

The technological scheme is a visual representation of the actions that must be taken in the manufacture of a dish. When developing a technological scheme, it is necessary to indicate all the parameters of technological processes (temperature conditions, processing time, forms of cutting products, etc.).

Cooking a dish can be divided into several stages: preparation of raw materials; grinding products; heat treatment; combination of ingredients.

The main goal of developing a technological scheme is the observance by cooks of the technology of preparing dishes, culinary products at all stages of the technological process.

The technological scheme for preparing the dish "Lamb Pilaf" is presented in Appendix E.


The sphere of public catering plays an ever-increasing role in the life of modern society and every person. This is ensured, first of all, by changes in food processing technologies, the development of communications, means of delivery of products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes. Public catering is one of the most important socio-economic components of the level of development of society.

At present, the sphere of public catering in our country is a large organizational and economic system. Its further development is an important social task, the solution of which is connected with the satisfaction of the vital needs of the population.

The sphere of public catering includes all organizational forms of nutrition, the main task of which is to restore and maintain people's health at the proper level. The main purpose of public catering as an industry is to provide services to the population in catering at the place of work, study and other out-of-home conditions. According to a number of foreign scientists, the goal of public catering is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population in nutrition outside the home by improving the production and organization of consumption of culinary products on a scientific and technical basis in order to achieve a qualitatively new level of people's well-being.

Mass food plays an important role in the life of society. It most fully satisfies the nutritional needs of people. Catering enterprises perform such functions as the production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Catering for the population is organized mainly by small private enterprises.

Food, which is provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions, is organized at the expense of the state.

Nutrition is a vital necessity for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups of the country's population.

Currently, activities in the field of mass catering are beginning to gain momentum. At the moment, Moscow and some other major cities in Russia are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, various entertainment venues and clubs is growing rapidly. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing. Every year, mass nutrition is developing and improving more and more.

The network of catering enterprises used by the population is represented by various types: canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars, cafeterias, etc. The need for various types is determined by: - lunches, Sunday brunches); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve the adult population and children who are healthy and in need of medical nutrition. Demand for products and services of mass catering is constantly changing and growing.

1. Characteristics of the coffee house and confectionery shop

coffee house- catering company specializing in the production and sale of a wide range of hot drinks from coffee, cocoa and tea, flour dishes and flour bakery and confectionery products, culinary products from semi-finished products in a limited assortment, as well as alcoholic beverages and purchased goods. Consumption of catering products in coffee houses is carried out, as a rule, at the tables, the method of service is by waiters.

Firstly, it can be a coffee shop that offers visitors exclusively different types of coffee and confectionery delights, and nothing more. Secondly, the coffee shop can offer customers simple meals in addition to a cup of gourmet coffee.

In this work, a confectionery shop for the production of 5000 products at a coffee shop for 80 seats with a round-the-clock work schedule was designed.

In the confectionery shop flour and rich bakery products of various assortment are produced. The production process of their preparation includes the following technological lines: preparation of raw materials, preparation of dough and its molding, baking and finishing of finished products.

The technological line for the preparation of raw materials combines workplaces for sifting, dosing flour and preparing certain types of raw materials.

On the technological line for the preparation of dough and its molding, workplaces are equipped depending on what type of dough is being prepared and what flour confectionery or bakery products are made from it. To prepare the dough, flour, sugar, egg products, fats and other components are used in different combinations. The dough, depending on the required consistency and on the types of raw materials included in it, is prepared by kneading or beating. In accordance with the peculiarities of the technological process of preparing certain types of dough, workplaces are organized on this line for the preparation of yeast dough and semi-finished products from it; puff and shortcrust pastry and semi-finished products from them; biscuit and custard dough and semi-finished products from them.

Proofing and baking of products is carried out in the same room where the preparation and cutting of the dough. At the same time, depending on the capacity of the workshop, one or more jobs can be organized.

Finishing of finished confectionery and bakery products is carried out, as a rule, in a separate room, where workplaces are organized for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products for confectionery products and the finishing of finished products.

A workplace for sifting, dosing flour is organized, as a rule, in the dough kneading department, cutting and baking confectionery products or in the daily supply pantry. It is equipped with a container for the current storage of flour, a production table, a sifter, bowls, containers and tanks for packing the sifted flour.

The workplace for the preparation of certain types of raw materials is intended for the primary processing of products included in the confectionery recipe. It is equipped with a production table, a bathroom with hot and cold water, a refrigerator for storing perishable products, a universal machine with interchangeable mechanisms. On the production table, depending on the type of dough being prepared, the raw materials undergo various processing. For example, yeast is diluted in warm water, salt and sugar are dissolved, the resulting solution is filtered, the fat is pre-melted, used in a solid or softened state. It also performs such operations as sorting raisins or poppy seeds, separating the protein from the yolk, mixing the melanges, etc. A washing bath is placed next to the table for washing the products.

The workplace for egg processing is organized in a separate room and is equipped with a work bench, a production table with an ovoscope for checking the quality of eggs and a three-section washing bath.

Workplace for the preparation of yeast dough and semi-finished products from it. Making dough in a safe or sponge way, molding products, preparing products for baking is done manually or machine-manually. The manual method of preparing yeast dough is laborious and inefficient, therefore, when organizing this workplace, it is necessary to provide for equipping it with the necessary equipment.

Workplace for the preparation of puff and shortbread dough and semi-finished products from it. The technological process of preparing these types of dough involves the combination of flour with water and a set of products, according to the recipe.

Dough kneading can be done both manually and with the help of a dough mixer. In the latter case, the workplace for preparing puff pastry and shortcrust pastry should be located in close proximity to the workplace for preparing yeast dough in order to use the dough mixer available here.

Workplace for the preparation of biscuit and custard dough and semi-finished products from it. The specifics of the organization of the workplace for kneading biscuit and custard dough is associated with the peculiarities of the technological process of their manufacture, which involves heat treatment of mixtures and whipping of masses of different composition.

Workplace for baking. After molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. The baking time depends on the size of the product. Readiness is determined by appearance.

Products are baked in baking ovens or baking cabinets, convection ovens of various capacities.

Workplace for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products for confectionery. It provides for the preparation of syrups for soaking products, fudge, caramel mass, jelly, candied fruits, various creams, biscuit crumbs; crushing a nut, fried nut kernel; food coloring for coloring some finishing materials. Taking into account the specifics of these works related to the heat treatment of raw materials and whipping of various creams, this workplace must have a stove, a universal drive or a whipping machine for preparing finishing masses and creams, a production table on which raw materials are processed, a fudge cooling device, devices for filtering, rubbing and crushing, as well as the necessary equipment (graters, oars, beaters, boilers, pots, mortars with a pestle, etc.)

The workplace for finishing products is equipped with production tables, on which the finishing and decoration of baked confectionery products is carried out, racks for storing products before and after finishing, and a refrigerator.

2. Technological calculations

2.1 Calculation of the number of consumers

The number of consumers can be found according to the hall load schedule. When determining the number of consumers according to the schedule for loading the hall, the main data for drawing up the schedule are: the mode of operation of the hall, the duration of meals by one consumer, the load of the hall (in percent) by hours of operation.

The average duration of a meal by one consumer, and approximate schedules for loading the halls are taken from the reference table.

The number of consumers served per 1 hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula (1):

N h \u003d P * φ h * x h / 100, (1)

where N h - the number of consumers served in 1 hour, people;

P is the number of seats in the hall, seats;

φ h - turnover of a place in the hall during a given hour;

All calculations can be summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 - Loading schedule for the coffee shop hall

Opening hours

Place turnover for 1 hour, times

2.2 Calculation of the total number of dishes

The initial data for determining the number of dishes are the number of consumers and the coefficient of consumption of dishes.

The total number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day is determined by the formula (2):

n d =N d * m, (2)

where n d - the number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day, dishes;

N d - the number of consumers during the day, people;

m - food consumption coefficient (indicates the average number of dishes per person in an enterprise of this type, m = 2.5).

n d \u003d 789 * 2.5 \u003d 1973

2.3 Breakdown of dishes by assortment

The breakdown of the total number of dishes into separate groups (cold dishes, soups, second hot and sweet dishes), as well as the intra-group distribution of dishes by main products (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the table of the percentage of various groups dishes in the range of products manufactured by the enterprise.

Then, an approximate breakdown of the total number of dishes sold during the day into separate groups is carried out in accordance with the percentage table for this type of enterprise: table 2.

Table 2 - Approximate ratio of different groups of dishes produced by the coffee house

From the total number of dishes

From this group of dishes

Cold snacks


Hot appetizers


Second hot

Sweet food and drinks


Number of drinks, confectionery, bread, fruit, etc. for all public catering establishments, they are determined on the basis of approximate consumption rates per person, which are given in table 3.

Table 3 - The rate of consumption of drinks, bread, confectionery by one consumer in a coffee shop


Unit of measurement

Norm per 1 consumer

On total number of consumers per day

cold drinks

natural juice

mineral water

Bread and bakery products

Flour confectionery and bakery products of own production

Candy, cookies, chocolate

Wine - vodka products


2.4 Compilation of the settlement menu

The list of dishes on the menu is written strictly in a certain order: the name of the dish, its output, the number of servings of this dish - table 4.

There is a lot to be said about the menu. The menu in the first place is an element of the overall conceptual solution of the enterprise. Accordingly, it must be in harmony with all other components.

Table 4 - Estimated coffee shop menu

Name of the dish

Dish output

Number of dishes


Salad "Greek" (cherry tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and feta cheese seasoned with Greek dressing)

Caesar salad with tiger prawns (fried tiger prawns and romanno lettuce with Parmesan cheese dressed with Caesar dressing)

Caesar salad with chicken (chicken breast and Romano lettuce leaves with Parmesan cheese dressed with Caesar dressing)

Jamon salad (mix of marinated chanterelles, Jamon meat with Italian dressing)

Cold snacks

Assorted cheeses (Dor Blue, Camembert, Maasdam with grapes, decorated with salad mix)

Assorted Italian sausages (Napoli, Felino, Parma ham and Pancetta brisket)

Salmon tar-tar (salmon fillet with gherkins and capers, with quail egg yolk and Balsamic Chef sauce)

Mushroom platter (marinated mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus with Lolo Rosso salad and herbs)

Hot appetizers

Quesadillas (pork, beef, chicken or shrimp (optional) with cheese in wheat tortilla. Served with sour cream and Pico de Galla sauce)

Pearl of the Sea (sea cocktail fried with wine and cream, baked with gouda cheese, served with cherry tomatoes and olives)


Consomme with chicken dumplings (chicken dumplings, mushrooms, chicken egg)

French cream soup (onions, carrots, cabbage, cream, garlic, white pepper)

Hot meat dishes

Meat in French with potatoes and green beans (veal tenderloin baked with cheese and original sauce)

Yorkshire Schnitzel with Potatoes and Fried Fried Pork Neck

Veal with fried potatoes and mushrooms (tender pieces of veal in a creamy sauce)

Hot fish dishes

Salmon with cauliflower, broccoli and cherry tomato (baked salmon fillet with teriyaki sauce)

Salmon with vegetables (salmon fillet baked in a creamy sauce)

Steamed trout with vegetables (steamed trout fillet with Bir-Tar sauce)


Dessert "Flanbe" (almonds, honey, cognac, fruit)

Dessert "Margo" (apple, orange, grapes, strawberries, honey, lemon juice, poppy seeds, canned apricot, canned pineapple)

Dessert "Angel Wing" (ice cream, tangerine, kiwi, marshmallow, dessert sauce)

Ice cream

vanilla ice cream

Strawberry ice cream

Chocolate ice cream


"Sloyka" with apple filling

Cake "Tubule" with cream

Cupcake "Capital"

Cake "Sloyka" with cream

Cake "Potato" sprinkled

Cake "Krakowske"

Drink card development

The drinks menu in the coffee shop is distinguished by a wide variety of coffee and tea drinks. It also includes a bar list containing alcoholic and soft drinks. The map of coffee house drinks is presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Coffee house drinks map


coffee drinks

Espresso (prepared in a pressurized espresso machine)

Espresso double (two espressos in one cup)

Ristretto (strong coffee for one sip)

Ristretto Romano (with lemon)

Espresso based drinks

Makiyato (espresso, milk foam)

Cappuccino (espresso, hot frothed milk)

Cappuccino Maxi (espresso, milk, caramel and banana syrups)

Cappuccino Exotica (espresso, milk, pineapple and coconut syrups)

Black Forest Cappuccino (espresso, milk, cherry and chocolate syrups)

Mocha (espresso, milk, hot chocolate)

Latte classic (espresso milk)

Caramel Nut Latte (espresso, milk, caramel and walnut syrups)

Chocolate latte (espresso, milk, chocolate syrup)

tea drinks

English breakfast (classic aromatic Ceylon tea)

Earl Gray (classic black tea flavored with bergamot)

Nurbong (rare tea with delicate aroma)

Mokalbari (malt, spiced tea)

Morgenthau (original composition with mango and citrus aromas)

Jasmine Gold (delicate scent of jasmine flowers combined with green tea)

Ripe lemon (combination of sencha and lime)

Red fruits (composition of currants, raspberries and strawberries)

Greenfield (Green tea from Indian highland plantations)

Smoked mate tea

Smoked Moroccan tea (mint, cinnamon stick, star anise, lemon)

Ice tea (black tea, syrup of your choice, ice)

Ice tea lemon (black tea, fresh lemon juice, ice)


Martini "Bianco"

Martini "Dry"

Martini "Rosso"

Martini "Rose"


"Russian standard"

Russian Standard Platinum

Rye "Green Mark"

"Imperial Collection"

"The Snow Queen"


"Henessy VS"

"Henessy XO"

"Martel VS"

"Bacardi White"

"Bacardi Black"

"Bacardi Golden"






"Aiste Martini"

"Soviet" semi-sweet


Orange juice

Pineapple juice

Cherry juice

Tomato juice

Apple juice

Peach juice


Coca Cola

2.5 Drawing up the production program of the workshop

The production program of the workshop includes the range, weight and quantity of manufactured products.

When developing a range of products, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the specifics of the network of public catering establishments in which it is planned to sell these products. The production program of the confectionery shop of the coffee house is presented in table 6.

Table 6 - Production program of the confectionery shop

Recipe number

Name of products

Number of publications sold in the coffee shop

Number of publications sold outside the coffee shop

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Boucher cake glazed with chocolate fondant

"Sloyka" with apple filling

Cake "Tubule" with cream

Cupcake "Capital"

Cake "Air" with cream

Cake "Sand", glazed with fondant

Cake "Sloyka" with cream

Cake "Potato" sprinkled

Cake "Krakowske"

Total products

2.6 Compiling a grocery list and a summary grocery list

The amount of raw materials used for the manufacture of products is calculated on the basis of the developed range of products, their quantity and the corresponding recipes. The calculation of the consumption of raw materials for the confectionery shop is carried out similarly to the calculation of the consumption of products according to the menu. Instead of a menu, they make up a detailed assortment of products (production program), set the number of products by type and select the appropriate recipes for their preparation. The grocery list of the coffee shop is presented in table 7.

Table 7 - Coffee house grocery list

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Cake "Bush", glazed. chocolate fondant

Apple puff.

Cake tube with cream

Cupcake Stolichny

amount of product, g

Wheat flour, premium

Potato starch


Vanilla powder

Cognac / dessert wine


Rum essence

Fruit filling

Refined powder

Citric acid

Cream 20% fat

Molasses starch

cocoa powder


Ammonium carbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

Roasted almond kernels

Raw materials, semi-finished products, culinary products

Cake Air with cream

Cake Sand, glazed. lipstick

Cake Cream puff

Cake Bulk potatoes


Total raw materials kg

amount of product, g

Wheat flour, premium

Potato starch


Vanilla powder

Cognac / dessert wine


Rum essence

Fruit filling

Refined powder

Citric acid

Cream 20% fat

Molasses starch

cocoa powder


Ammonium carbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

Whole milk condensed with sugar

Roasted almond kernels

Table 8 - Summary grocery list

Raw materials, culinary semi-finished products

Quantity kg, pcs.

Wheat flour, premium

Potato starch


Vanilla powder

Cognac / dessert wine


Rum essence

Fruit filling

Refined powder

Citric acid

Cream 20% fat

Molasses starch

cocoa powder


Ammonium carbonate

Sodium bicarbonate

Whole milk condensed with sugar

Roasted almond kernels

2.7 Determining the mode of operation of the workshop and the number of production workers

The operating mode of the confectionery shop is set in accordance with the schedule for the preparation of products, depending on the operating mode of the enterprises in which the sale of the shop's products is planned.

The number of production workers in the shops can be calculated according to the norms of time (per unit of finished product), as well as according to the norms of output, taking into account the working time fund of one worker for a certain period and the production program of the shop for the same period.

The number of production workers in terms of output is calculated by the formula (3):

where n- the number of manufactured products or processed raw materials per day, pieces (kg); n =5000

H c - the rate of output of one worker for a working day of normal duration, pcs. (kg); values H in given in the Directory of the head of public catering enterprises; H at =400

λ - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity; λ = 1.14

N 1 \u003d 5000/400 * 1.14 \u003d 11

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days, is calculated by formula (4):

N 2 \u003d N 1 *K 1, (4)

where N 1 - the number of production workers according to production standards;

K 1 - coefficient taking into account weekends and holidays, the values ​​​​of the coefficient K 1 depend on the mode of operation of the enterprise and the working hours of the employee; K 1 \u003d 2.13

The calculation results are presented in table 9.

Table 9 - Calculation of the number of production workers

Name of products

Unit measured, pcs. or kg

Number of products

Production rate

Number of employees

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Boucher cake glazed with chocolate fondant

"Sloyka" with apple filling

Cake "Tubule" with cream

Cupcake "Capital"

Cake "Air" with cream

Cake "Sand", glazed with fondant

Cake "Sloyka" with cream

Cake "Potato" sprinkled

Cake "Krakowske"

2.8 Equipment calculation

Various mechanical, refrigeration, thermal and non-mechanical equipment is installed in the confectionery shop.

2.8.1 Calculation of mechanical equipment

The mechanical equipment of the confectionery shop is designed for various mechanical operations: kneading and beating dough, rolling dough, sifting flour, whipping creams.

The definition of the number of dough mixers for kneading dough is presented in table 10.

Table 10 - Calculation of the duration of the dough mixer

Dough mass, kg

Bulk density, kg / dm 3

Test volume, dm 3

Number of batches, N

Mixing time, min



The test volume is calculated by the formula (5)

V t = m t / ρ t, (5)

where V t is the volume of the dough;

m t is the mass of the dough;

ρ t is the bulk density of the test.

V b \u003d 106 kg / 0.25 kg / dm 3 \u003d 424 dm 3

V c \u003d 87 kg / 0.6 kg / dm 3 \u003d 145 dm 3

V p \u003d 98 kg / 0.7 kg / dm 3 \u003d 140 dm 3

The number of batches is determined by the formula (6)

N = V t / bowl capacity (6)

N is the number of batches;

N c \u003d 87 / 160 \u003d 0.5 \u003d 1;

N b \u003d 106 / 60 \u003d 1.7 \u003d 2;

N p \u003d 98 / 20 \u003d 4.9 \u003d 5.

According to the calculations for the confectionery shop, mechanical equipment was selected:

1. Machine for kneading puff pastry Prima-160 in quantity - 1 pc. The design of this machine provides high-quality mixing, achieved through a complex combined movement of the bowl and kneading body.

2. Beating machine MV-60 for making biscuit dough in quantity - 1 pc. The machine is designed for whipping various confectionery mixtures, it can be adapted for mixing minced meat and preparing batter.

3. Whipping machine Sigma МВ-20 is designed for making shortcrust pastry and whipping cream (1 pc.). This versatile machine ensures even dough mixing and whipping.

4. Machine for rolling dough MRT - 400 "Salute" (1 pc.). In the car uniform rolling out of the test by means of cylindrical rollers is carried out.

5. Flour sifter Cascade (1 pc.). Carries out vibratory screening due to the spring suspension of the block.

6. For whipping the cream, a planetary mixer for cream 5KRM5EWH is used - 1 piece.

2.8.2 Calculation of refrigeration equipment

For short-term storage of perishable products in the confectionery shop, refrigerators and freezers and cabinets are used.

The definition of the number of refrigerated cabinets is presented in table 11.

Table 11 - Determination of the volume of p / f to be stored

Unit of measurement

Weight p/f, kg

Bulk density, kg / dm 3

Volume p / f, dm 3

Cream 20%


The capacity of the refrigerator (m 3) is determined by the formula (7):

Where G is the mass of the product, kg;

p is the bulk density of the product, kg/m3;

v is a coefficient taking into account the tare weight (v=0.7…0.8).

V p \u003d 1171 / 618 * 0.7 \u003d 2.7 m 3

The calculation of the number of gastronorm containers is presented in table 12.

Table 12 - Calculation of the number of gastronorm containers

Product weight, kg

Gastronorm capacity

Capacity, kg

Number of GN containers

Cream "Charlotte"

Cream cream №30

Fruit filling

Lipstick №58

Protein cream (custard) No. 51

Chocolate lipstick No. 60

puff pastry

According to the table, gastronorm containers are accepted:

1. GN1/2*200K1 2 pieces;

2. GN1/1*100K1 13 pieces;

3. GN1/1*200K1 1 piece;

4. GN1/4*100K4 1 piece.

When storing perishable products in gastronorm containers, the useful volume of the refrigerating cabinet is calculated by the volume of gastronorm containers - formula (8):

where - the volume of gastronorm containers, m 3

V \u003d 1.25 / 0.7 \u003d 1.8 m 3

The number of gastronorm containers for the refrigerating chamber is determined based on the capacity of the container used to deliver products of this type (GN1 / 1 * 150K1), according to the formula (9):

where is the number of items, pcs;

Er is the capacity of this gastronorm container, pcs.

n g \u003d 4500/25 \u003d 180 pcs.

The number of mobile containers (KP-300) is found by the formula (10):

where Ek is the capacity of mobile containers, pcs.

n k \u003d 180/14 \u003d 13 pcs.

The area occupied by mobile containers in the refrigerator is calculated by the formula (11):

S c.x. = n k *S k, (11)

where S k is the area of ​​one container m 2.

S c.x \u003d 13 * 0.48 \u003d 6.24m 2

According to the calculations for the confectionery shop, refrigeration equipment was selected:

1. Desmon IM7A single-chamber refrigerating cabinet in quantity - 2 pcs. It is used for short-term storage of food products and packaged plastic bags.

2. Refrigerating chamber KX-11 (1 pc.), and refrigerating chamber KX-15

(1 PC). Prefabricated cold chambers are used at POP for cooling and storing food products.

3. Refrigerated table RADA СХ-15/7 – 1 piece. This device allows you to assemble a module of a refrigeration compressor unit and sections of refrigerated cabinets under a single working surface of the table.

2.8.3 Calculation of thermal equipment

Thermal equipment in the confectionery shop is intended for the processes of baking and frying products and for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products. The number of baking cabinets and fryers is calculated based on the number of manufactured products and the productivity of the apparatus.

The determination of the required number of baking cabinets is presented in table 13.

Table 13 - Determination of the required number of bakery cabinets

Total number of products, pcs

Weight of one product, kg

Conditions number of products on one sheet, pcs

Number of sheets in the chamber

Number of cameras

Sub-rotation duration min

Cabinet capacity, kg/h

Cabinet operation time, h

Number of cabinets

P / f sand No. 8

P / f almond № 23

P/f puff № 13

Capital Cupcake No. 425

P / f air No. 16

P / f biscuit No. 1

P / f biscuit round No. 4

P / f brewed No. 15

The number of baking cabinets is calculated according to their hourly output (kg/h) using the formula (12):

Q= , (12)

where n 1 is the conditional number of products on one sheet, pcs.;

q - weight (net) of one product, kg;

n 2 - the number of sheets that are simultaneously in the cabinet chamber;

n 3 - the number of cameras in the cabinet;

τ is the duration of the subturn.

Q 1 =36.4 kg/h; Q 2 =6.5 kg/h; Q 3 =19.6 kg/h; Q 4 =34.7 kg/h;

Q 5 =16.9 kg/h; Q 6 =17.7 kg/h; Q 7 =13.1 kg/h; Q 8 \u003d 18.2 kg / h

The duration of baking a replaceable number of products (h) is calculated by the formula (13):

where G is the mass of products baked per shift, kg;

Q - hourly productivity of the device, kg / h

t 1 =1.4 h; t 2 =3.2 h; t 3 =3.5 h; t 4 =1.1 h;

t 5 =1.2 h; t 6 =3.1 h; t 7 =1.5 h; t 8 \u003d 1.5 h

According to the calculations for the confectionery shop, thermal equipment was selected:

1. Baking cabinet ShPESM-3M in quantity - 2 pieces. The device is designed for baking confectionery and bakery products.

2. Electric stove EP-2ZhSh - 1 piece. It is intended for preparation of various stuffings and toppings.

2.8.4 Calculation of auxiliary equipment

The calculation of auxiliary equipment is carried out in order to determine the required number of production tables, bathtubs, racks and undercarriages installed in the workshop.

The number of production tables is calculated according to the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop and the length of the workplace per employee. For workshops manufacturing culinary and confectionery products, the total length of production tables (m) is determined by the formula (14):

where N is the number of simultaneously working in the workshop, people;

l - the length of the workplace per employee (l \u003d 1.25 m)

L=11*1.25=13.75 m

The number of tables is determined by the formula (15):

n=L/L st, (15)

where L c t is the length of the accepted standard production table, m

n=13.75/1.2=11 pcs.

According to the calculations for the confectionery shop, auxiliary equipment was selected:

1. Three-section washing bathtub RADA BM-3/630 – 1 pc.

2. Two-section washing bathtub RADA ВМ-2/530H – 1 pc.

3. Single-section washing bathtub RADA ВМ-1/630 – 1 pc.

Washing bathtubs are designed for washing dishes, inventory, products, as well as for thawing meat, fish.

4. Kitchen rack RADA SK 8/4 - 2 pieces. Designed for inventory storage.

5. N/ST PROFI understock - 2 pieces. It is intended for storage of products in warehouse.

6. Washstand K 341 - 4 pieces. Designed for hand washing.

7. Pastry table RADA СОМ-12/8Н – 8 pieces.

8. Production table RADA SO-8/8BN - 4 pieces.

Tables production are intended for performance of the works connected with cooking.

9. Trolley-hairpin RADA ТШ2-1/12Н – 5 pieces. It is intended for transportation of confectionery sheets.

2.9 Development of the layout of the workshop, placement and mounting binding of equipment

We calculate the calculation of the usable area of ​​the workshop occupied by the equipment by compiling the specification in the form of table 14.

Table 14 - Calculation of the usable area of ​​the workshop

Equipment identification

Equipment brand

Overall dimensions, mm

Area units rev., m 2

Number of units

Equipment area, m 2

Refrigerating cabinet single-chamber.

Refrigerated table

Bakery cabinet

flour sifter

Dough rolling machine

Yeast dough kneading machine



Three-section washing bath

Single-section washing bath

RADA VM-1/630

Kitchen rack

RADA SK 8/4 – 2



Water dispenser

Confectionery table


Production table


Hairpin trolley

RADA ТШ2-1/12Н

Planetary mixer

Cooling chamber


Cooling chamber


Two-section washing bath

RADA BM-2/530H

Electric stove

The total area of ​​the confectionery shop is determined by the formula (16):

S total = S field. / ŋ, (16)

where ŋ - utilization factor for the confectionery shop 0.3;

S floor - usable area of ​​the workshop, occupied by the equipment m².

S total \u003d 27 / 0.3 \u003d 90 m².

Premises of the confectionery shop:

1. A room for preparing eggs.

2. Department of primary processing of raw materials.

3. Department of dough kneading, cutting and baking.

4. Room for finishing products.

5. Washing inventory.

6. Premises for the expedition.

2.10 Determination of the actual utilization factor of the workshop area after the layout of the workshop

After layout, the actual utilization factors for the area of ​​each compartment are calculated using the formula (17):

F field = , (17)

where ή f is the actual utilization rate of the area;

F comp. - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workshop in the drawing, m 2

F Pos. \u003d 27/03 \u003d 90 m 2

3. Quality control of products of the confectionery shop

Quality control over the products of the confectionery shop is carried out according to sanitary requirements for the production of confectionery products with cream.

General provisions

1. The assortment, production volume and places of sale of cream confectionery products are determined for each specific confectionery shop based on the existing conditions.

2. During the warm period of the year, the assortment of confectionery products with cream must be agreed with the territorial institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Sanitary requirements for industrial premises of confectionery shops.

1. The location of the premises of confectionery shops should ensure the sequence of the technological process for the manufacture of confectionery products. It is impossible to allow oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

2. As part of confectionery shops with a capacity of more than 10 thousand cream confectionery products, the following premises should be provided for the change in layout:

Room for processing eggs with a compartment for preparing egg mass with refrigeration equipment for its storage;

Dough preparation room with a section for sifting flour;

Dough cutting and baking department;

Department of curing and cutting of biscuit;

Department for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, jelly);

Department of preparation of cream with refrigeration equipment;

Confectionery finishing room with a refrigerator;

3. In confectionery shops with a capacity of 5 to 10 thousand cream products per shift, their production is allowed if the following premises are available:

Pantry of a daily supply of raw materials with a refrigerator and a food preparation department;

Room for cleaning oil;

A room for preparing dough with a section for sifting flour;

Cutting and baking room with a section for preparing finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, etc.);

A room for finishing finished products with a refrigerator and an isolated (screen, incomplete partition) area for cream preparation;

Storage room for packaging materials;

Washing intrashop packaging and large inventory;

Washing and sterilization of confectionery bags, tips, small inventory;

Room for washing and drying returnable containers;

Expedition of confectionery products with a cold store for cream products.

4. The composition of confectionery shops with a capacity of less than 5 thousand cream products per shift should include the following premises:

Pantry of a daily supply of raw materials with a refrigerator with a section (table) for stripping oil, preparing products;

Room for processing eggs with a compartment for preparing egg mass;

A room for preparing dough with a section for sifting flour;

A room for cutting and baking with a section for preparing finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, etc.);

A room for finishing finished products with a screen-isolated area for cream preparation;

Premises (site) for storage of packaging materials;

Washing of in-shop containers and production equipment with a section for washing and sterilizing pastry bags, tips and small inventory;

A room for washing and drying returnable containers (it is allowed to wash intrashop inventory and returnable containers in the same room if it is separated by a partition and there are separate washing baths).

5. When developing flour confectionery and bakery products without cream, the following premises may be excluded from the above premises: a room (area) for preparing cream, a pantry for ready-made cream products, a washing and sterilizing confectionery for bags, tips and small inventory, as well as a refrigerator for cream products on the expedition.

6. The walls of industrial premises to a height of at least 1.8 m are tiled, and above they are painted with light-colored oil paint.

7. Floors in all rooms should be smooth, without cracks and potholes, with a surface that is convenient for washing, with a slope towards the ladders.

8. Cleaning of workplaces is carried out by confectioners during breaks and at the end of the shift. Cleaning of industrial and amenity premises, washing of floors in the confectionery shop are carried out by cleaners. Cleaning equipment must be labeled and stored in a designated area.

9. Wall panels, doors and floors of industrial premises should be washed daily with hot water with the addition of approved detergents, the glazed surface of the frames and heating appliances should be wiped as they become dirty. For cleaning, breaks should be used during the shift, between shifts, sanitary days, which should be carried out according to the schedule at least 1 time in 15 days.

Sanitary requirements for equipment, inventory, utensils and containers

1. At the end of the shift, production tables are thoroughly washed with a 0.5% soda ash solution, then with a 2% bleach solution, washed with hot water and wiped dry with a clean rag.

2. Processing of intrashop containers and inventory is carried out after being freed from products in special 3-section washing baths after thorough mechanical cleaning in the following order:

In the first section - soaking and washing in a 0.5% soda ash solution with a temperature not lower than 40 degrees. C;

In the second section - disinfection with a 2% bleach solution with a temperature of at least 40 degrees. C for 10 minutes;

In the third section - rinsing with hot water with a temperature not lower than 65 degrees. C.

After processing, inventory and intrashop packaging are dried and stored in a specially designated place on racks at a height of at least 0.5 - 0.7 m from the floor.

3. Scales, hairpins are washed with hot water and wiped dry. They are processed as they get dirty, but at least 1 time per shift.

4. New forms, baking sheets and sheets must be calcined in ovens before they are used for baking semi-finished products. It is forbidden to use molds and sheets with soot for baking.

5. After each return from the distribution network, the containers used for the transportation of confectionery are washed with a 0.5% solution of soda ash, rinsed with hot water and dried.

6. At the end of work, the inventory used for the manufacture of egg mass is thoroughly washed with a 0.5% solution of soda ash, disinfected with a 2% solution of bleach for 10 minutes. followed by rinsing with hot water.

7. Jigging tips, as well as small inventory used in the decoration of cakes and pastries, are subject to especially careful processing. Before processing, the tips must be removed from the bags, subsequent processing is carried out separately.

Bags are processed in the following order:

Soaking in hot water with a temperature not lower than 65 degrees C;

Laundering in a 2% soda ash solution with a temperature not lower than 40 degrees. C;

Thorough rinsing with hot water;

Sterilization of bags by boiling in water for 30 minutes. from the moment of boiling;

Drying in a drying-sterilizing or oven oven.

Sterile bags are stored in clean metal boxes with lids.

Tips from bags, small equipment for working with cream are washed in a 2% solution of soda ash, washed with hot water, boiled for 30 minutes. and stored in a specially designed container with a lid.

Containers intended for handling and storing confectionery bags, tips and small utensils are not allowed to be used for other production purposes.

8. All inventory and intrashop packaging used in the production of confectionery products must be marked with the name of raw materials or semi-finished products. The use of unmarked containers, as well as not in accordance with the marking, is prohibited.

The equipment used in the production of confectionery products is subjected to sanitization in accordance with the instructions for its operation.

Requirements for the processing of raw materials, the manufacture of finishing semi-finished products and the finishing of confectionery

1. Incoming raw materials for the manufacture of confectionery products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation (GOST, PCT, TU, etc.), be accompanied by quality certificates and have a label on each container.

2. Raw materials are unpacked in the pantry of the daily supply and repackaged (with the exception of dyes and flavors) into labeled in-shop containers. Storage of raw materials in the supplier's container in the production premises of the workshop is prohibited. Dyes and flavors permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health for the manufacture of confectionery products are stored in the packaging of the manufacturer; pouring or pouring them into other dishes is not allowed.

3. Processing of raw materials must be carried out in accordance with the current technological instructions.

4. In the confectionery industry, it is prohibited to use waterfowl eggs, eggs with a notch, boi and tek, mirage eggs and eggs from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis and tuberculosis. To prepare the cream, only dietary eggs with a clean, intact shell are used. The use of melange for the preparation of cream is prohibited. Eggs are sorted before use, selectively candled and transferred to a wire rack for processing. Instructions for washing and disinfecting eggs should be posted in the egg handling room.

Eggs are processed in a 4-section bath in the following order:

In the first section - soaking in warm water for 5 - 10 minutes;

In the second section - treatment in a 0.5% solution of soda ash with a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees. C for 5 -10 minutes;

In the third section - disinfection with a 2% bleach solution or 0.5% chloramine solution for 5 minutes;

In the fourth section - rinsing with running water for 5 minutes.

After processing the eggs, before breaking them, workers should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water, disinfect them with a 0.2% bleach solution, and change sanitary clothing.

In order to exclude the ingress of eggs with a smell and other defects into the total mass, when breaking several eggs (no more than 5 pcs.), They are poured into a container of a small volume, and then poured into a larger production container. Before use, the egg mass is filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm. The duration of storage of protein and egg mass at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. C, in the manufacture of cream, no more than 8 hours, in the manufacture of baked goods and semi-finished products - no more than 24 hours. Containers for collecting and storing protein and egg mass must be marked; the use of these containers for other purposes is prohibited. They should be stored in a room for preparing egg mass.

5. Syrups are prepared as needed. Storage of syrups is allowed at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees. C for no more than 5 hours, at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. C - no more than 12 hours.

6. Custard, cream, cottage cheese and protein creams should be used immediately after production. Other types of creams, if necessary, can be stored at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. C separately from raw materials and finished products in containers with lids. The period of use of these creams from the moment of manufacture to finishing should not exceed 5 hours, incl. at the workplace - 1.5 hours.

7. Transferring the cream from one dish to another or mixing it is done with special equipment. It is not allowed to shift the cream directly by hand.

8. The cream is transferred to workplaces in a clean container with a lid. In the process of finishing products, containers with cream may not be closed with lids.

9. Transportation of creams for use in other enterprises is prohibited.

10. For finishing confectionery products, confectionery bags with tips, confectionery shovels, knives, etc. are used. Jigging bags filled with cream during breaks during the shift should be stored in a clean container in the cold.

11. Pastries and cakes after production are stored in a refrigerator.

Requirements for storage, transportation and sale of confectionery products

1. Containers for finished products must be clean, dry, free from foreign smell. Before laying the products, the container is lined with parchment or subparchment.

2. Shelf life of cakes, pastries and rolls at a temperature of 2 - 6 degrees. C from the end of the technological process should be the following (in hours, no more):

With protein cream 72

With butter cream, incl. cake "Potato" 36

With cottage cheese or cream cheese cream 24

With custard, with cream 6

3. Transportation of confectionery products is carried out by specialized transport with refrigerated or isothermal bodies. Confectionery products prepared for transportation must have a marking label indicating the shift, date and hour of preparation, storage conditions and periods. Transport together with other products is prohibited.

4. The sale of confectionery products with cream at public catering and trade enterprises is possible only if refrigeration equipment is available.

5. During the warm season, it is prohibited to make cakes and pastries with custard, curd cream and cream.

6. The return of confectionery products for processing is carried out in accordance with the current sanitary rules for the return of confectionery products from the distribution network and their processing.


The purpose of the course work is to create a coffee shop in the city to serve the residents of the city. The activity of the enterprise being created is aimed at providing services in the field of public catering for people with an average income level.

Based on the developed course work, it can be concluded that the designed confectionery shop meets the architectural, planning, design, and engineering solutions. And also the detailed layout of the confectionery shop in the coffee shop meets all the requirements of technological planning.

All equipment in the workshop is placed according to the technological process.

Workplaces are organized in accordance with the technological process.

The arrangement of equipment is correct, the preparation of workplaces, as well as the equipment with the necessary equipment, utensils, ensures the supply of raw materials during the shift and the uninterrupted performance of work. Each worker of the workshop passed a medical commission, a technical school on the rules for using mechanical, thermal equipment, which makes it possible to ensure labor safety in the workplace.

This workshop can be used for its intended purpose and carry out all the necessary technological processes in it without any harm to the health of workers.

The recommendation for improving the image of the projected enterprise, ensuring the creation of an increased level of comfort for visitors, high profitability of the enterprise and its competitiveness is the pricing policy of the enterprise. The pricing policy of the enterprise is to set such prices for products, vary them in such a way, depending on the situation on the market, in order to seize its maximum possible share, achieve the planned profit volume, that is, successfully solve all strategic tasks.

In market conditions, all enterprises worthy of continuing their activities must be self-sustaining, make a profit, otherwise they will face bankruptcy. Therefore, the main point in the transition to the market was the refusal to impose unrealistic prices on buyers, divorced from the actual demands of the market.

In the face of ever-increasing competition, an enterprise must take into account not only its own financial interests, but also the interests of consumers in order to retain it and maintain its market share. And this can be achieved only if a predetermined pricing policy is observed, using all modern developments.

List of used literature

1. Gulyaeva V.A. Equipment for trade and public catering enterprises. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004. – 543 p.

2. Zdobnov A.I., Tsyganenko V.A. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public catering establishments. - M .: "IKTC" LADA ", K .:" Publishing house "Ariy", 2006. - 680 p.

3. Ershov A.N., Yurchenko A.F. Directory of the head of public catering enterprises. - M.: "Economics", 1976. - 424 p.

4. Ivanov L.M., Kalantaeva N.V., Trade and technological equipment. 1976, 256 p.

5. Klyuchnikov V.P., Kostylev Yu.S. Equipment for catering establishments. - M .: Economics, 1985. - 232 p.

6. Krasnitskaya E.S. Hygiene of public catering. Textbook for technological faculties of trade universities. - M.: "Economics", 1973. - 207 p.

7. Moscow city building codes for public catering establishments. MGSN.4.14-98. – M.: 1998. – 70 p.

8. Nikulenkova T.T., Yastina G.M. Design of catering establishments. – M.: KolosS, 2006. – 247 p.

9. Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2006. - 352 p.

10. Fedotova I.Yu. Regulatory documents on the restaurant business. - M .: Ed. house "Restaurant Vedomosti", 2005. - 320 p.

11. Shulyakov L.V. Equipment for trade enterprises. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2004. - 320 p.

12. Urenev V.P. Fundamentals of construction of catering establishments. - M. Higher School, 1990. - 190 p.

13. Yudov N.G., Kostov N.N., Popov L.D. Service at catering establishments. - M .: Higher School, publishing house "Tekhnika", 1981. - 232 p.


Technological scheme for the production of cake "Biscuit" with protein cream



Raw proteins

knocking down


Vanilla powder


knocking down

Cream churning

workshops and the company as a whole on the the basis of the technological scheme adopted in the project production ... At discontinuous production: Chsht = Chyav (6) At continuous production ...
  • Organization of children's Sunday brunch on the 36 people in a top class restaurant

    Coursework >> Cooking

    Including confectionery workshops and... confectionery products and customer service on the workers places and on the home; - delivery of culinary products and confectionery products on... hygiene at production, storage... main, coffee, a... 5000 ... Calculated on the 80 places. "Day...

  • Neo Brand Promotion at help brand marketing

    Thesis >> Marketing

    technically complex products(computers, ... action shop on production glazed... confectionery factory "Sorceress" announced the start production ... 5000 Item Neo Majitel 5000 Expenses on the... 2 pcs. spoons coffee-300 pcs. Napkins... on the places on one's own...

  • Report on industrial practice in the canteen on the 100 places

    Abstract >> Industry, production

    ... products ... coffee houses ... on the raw materials, and on the semi-finished products. Main production represented by vegetable, meat and fish, hot and cold workshops ... 80 %. At ... 5000 ... on the catering establishments of trays, gastroyemkost, confectionery ... places chefs in workshop are located on ...

  • Consolidated grocery list, composition.

    The calculation of the number of products is carried out according to physiological norms:

    Calculation of the consumption of raw materials according to physiological norms: (for sanatoriums, hospitals)

    G - quantity of the product of the 1st name, kg, g - product rate per 1 consumer, g,

    N is the number of consumers.

    And according to the settlement day menu

    Menu calculation:

    n - number of dishes on the menu of the settlement day using this product, g - norm

    product of the desired name for the preparation of the dish in grams according to the corresponding

    normative document

    A worksheet is drawn up, which indicates the name of the product, dish, weight

    The calculation of the number of products is carried out for each type of menu separately. The result of the calculation of the quantity

    products is a summary grocery list.

    It indicates the name of the products (meat p/f, fish p/f, vegetable p/f, dairy p/f,

    fruits, vegetables, herbs, groceries, wine products, etc.), the number of products by type of sale

    (common room, lunch, banquet, culinary shop, etc.) and total weight.

    Types of settlement menu depending on the type and class of the enterprise, the serviced contingent

    The calculated menu is compiled according to the current Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, taking into account the assortment minimum for various types of POP, seasonality of products, a variety of dishes by day of the week, heat treatment techniques, the tastes of the local population, and climatic conditions. Depending on the type of enterprise, the contingent served and the accepted forms of service, the following types of menus are distinguished: with a free choice of dishes; complete breakfasts, lunches and dinners; daily diet; dietary; banquet.

    Settlement menu with a free choice of dishes compose on all public EPP. The list of dishes on the menu is written in a strictly defined order, indicating the number of the recipe, the name of the dish, the output of the main product, side dish, sauce and the number of servings of this dish. The number of servings of various dishes on the menu is taken from tables of the percentage of various groups of dishes. The order of writing dishes on the menu:

    • 1. Signature dishes.
    • 2. Cold dishes and snacks from gastronomic and canned fish products, cold fish dishes; cold snacks from gastronomic meat products, meat, poultry and game; salads and vinaigrettes (fish, meat, vegetables); cheeses, butter and various dairy products.
    • 3. Hot snacks from crayfish, crabs, meat, game, mushrooms.
    • 4. Clear soups (broths), filling (fish, meat, vegetable), soups-

    puree, dairy and sweet.

    • 5. Second hot dishes from fish, meat, meat products, poultry, game, rabbit; potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms; cereals, legumes, pasta; eggs and cottage cheese.
    • 6. Sweet dishes: hot, cold.
    • 7. Hot drinks. Cold drinks. 8. Flour culinary, bakery and confectionery products, fruits.

    The menus of specialized catering establishments begin with the dishes in which this establishment specializes. The cafe menu starts with hot drinks.

    In the wine list, vodka and bitters are first indicated, then grape wines - white and red, table, dessert, sparkling, cognacs and liqueurs. The following lists various types of beer, soft drinks, juices and mineral waters.

    When using dishes in the menu that are not available in the Collections of recipes for dishes, it is necessary to make references to technical and technological maps or other sources from which the name of this dish and its recipe are used.

    In restaurants and cafes, salad bars can be installed in the hall to speed up the service process. Assortment: salads, vegetables, greens, cold dishes from fish, meat, poultry, sauces.

    In restaurants at hotels and some other PES, one of the forms of à la carte service with a free choice of dishes is a buffet. The range of dishes on the buffet depends on the time of the meal: breakfast, lunch, dinner. For breakfast and dinner 10-15 types of cold dishes; dairy products; cereals and muesli; jams; jams; honey; juices; fruit; flour confectionery; hot drinks. From the second hot dishes, dishes of simple preparation are recommended for breakfast, for dinner and lunch - fish, meat, vegetable dishes.

    Settlement menus for breakfasts, lunches and dinners used in canteens at manufacturing enterprises, institutions, educational institutions, as well as in public canteens and restaurants (business lunch). Estimated completed menu is a set of dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner or business lunch, indicating the number of dishes of each item. It is recommended to make several options for lunches, breakfasts, dinners, business lunches of various dishes and prices. The initial data for compiling this type of menu are the number of consumers and the range of dishes for the accepted diet. In complex menus, the cost, nutritional and energy value of each dish individually and the complex as a whole are indicated. In order for the complexes of breakfasts, lunches, dinners to meet the recommended needs of the body for nutrients and energy, it is necessary to first determine which group of labor intensity this contingent belongs to.

    Dishes included in the business lunch menu should not be repeated in the menu of the general hall of the restaurant, as this is due to the use of different markups for dishes.

    Estimated daily diet menu and they are used in canteens with a constant contingent of consumers: at colleges, sanatoriums, rest houses, tourist complexes. Such a menu is also made up for meals for participants in conferences, congresses and tourists. The menu for students and vacationers is made taking into account the physiological norms of nutrition and the recommended set of products; menu for participants of various events - including the cost. The menu can be complex (colleges, camp sites) and with a free choice (sanatoriums, rest houses), when dishes are ordered the day before.

    Estimated diet menu used in dietary canteens, dietary departments of canteens at manufacturing enterprises, educational institutions, in sanatoriums and rest homes. Such a menu is compiled on the basis of physiological norms and taking into account the characteristics of therapeutic nutrition. The menu can be with a free choice of dishes and complex. In the first case, after the name of each dish, in addition to the number of servings and its nutritional and energy value, indicate the numbers of diets for which it is recommended; in the second - for each diet separately they make up a complex for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When compiling a dietary menu, they are guided by the current Collection of Dietary Food Recipes for EPP.

    Estimated banquet menu made in accordance with the wishes of the customer. The initial data for its compilation are the nature of the banquet and the number of its participants. The number of dishes of various names in the menu depends on the desire of the customer.

    Product range for a grocery store should correspond to the approximate range of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, take into account the demand of consumers for catering products. The necessary requirements are a variety of assortment, taking into account the rational use of food resources and ensuring the profitability of the culinary store. When determining the number of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, they proceed from the approximate turnover per day per seller.

    1) Introduction……………………………………………………………………….3

    2) Main body:

    A) characteristics of the enterprise…………………………………………...6

    B) characteristics of the workshop……………………………………………………..8

    C) hall load schedule……………………………………………………12

    D) the production program of the enterprise…………………………...13

    E) menu plan………………………………………………………………….14

    E) summary product statement………………………………………...18

    G) production program of the workshop…………………………………….18

    H) selection of non-mechanical and mechanical equipment…………...19

    I) calculation of refrigeration equipment……………………………………22

    K) containers, kitchen utensils, inventory……………………………………...24

    L) calculation of labor force…………………………………………………….25

    M) calculation of the workshop area…………………………………………………….26

    3) Graphic part:

    A) schedule for going to work……………………………………………………28

    B) plan of the workshop…………………………………………………………………..30





    The main directions of development of public catering.

    Public catering is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specializations.

    Development of public catering:

    Provides significant savings in social labor due to a more rational use of technology, raw materials;

    Provides workers and employees during the working day with hot food, which increases their efficiency, maintains health;

    Gives the chance of the organization of the balanced rational food in children's and educational institutions.

    Public catering, one of the first branches of the national economy, embarked on the rails of transformation, having taken the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period onto market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. A large number of private small businesses have emerged. In 1995, the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation” was issued. This law is one of the fundamental ones for the period when the course is changing dramatically from a 100% state monopoly in the economy to market relations. It determines which enterprises are small and which of them can count on state support. Therefore, specialized enterprises that began to disappear in the first years of privatization are now gaining momentum in their development (barbecue, dumplings, pizzerias, bistros, etc.).

    Many public catering enterprises are purely commercial, but along with this, social catering is also developing: canteens at industrial enterprises, student and school canteens. There are catering plants, firms that take on the tasks of organizing social catering.

    Competition is an integral part of the market environment; a developed market is inconceivable without competition. Competition is the main engine of the market economy. Visitors have a choice. The main task of each enterprise is to improve the quality of its products and services. The successful operation of an enterprise (firm) should be ensured by the production of products and services that:

    Meet well-defined needs;

    Satisfy the requirements of the consumer;

    Comply with applicable standards and specifications;

    Meet the current legislation and other requirements of society;

    Offered to the consumer at competitive prices;

    Cause profit.

    To achieve the goals set, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all the technical, administrative and human factors that affect product quality and safety. The situation when supply exceeds demand requires a marketing approach to organizing work. Food and service services must be competitive. The main criteria for competitiveness are safety, quality, assortment, price, services. We need marketing research on the quality of services. The object of the study is consumers, their attitude to services, requirements for the quality and range of products and services. The results of the study can be used as the basis for the company's policy in the field of quality; for this, one cannot do without creating a quality system (certification).

    Improving the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of intensification of production common to the entire national economy - achieving high results at the lowest cost of material and labor resources. In public catering, it is necessary to improve the forms of division of labor and introduce the achievement of scientific and technological progress. The social forms of the division of labor in public catering include the processes of concentration, specialization and cooperation.

    Production concentration provides for the concentration of means of production and labor at large enterprises, such as procurement enterprises for the centralized production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, culinary and confectionery products, with subsequent release to other enterprises. It is necessary to take into account world experience, because the development of social nutrition is based on centralized production, using new technologies to provide workers, children, schoolchildren, elderly students, etc. with finished products, moreover, in accordance with the physiological needs of each social group. An example of such a centralization of production is the Helsinki Food Plant of a Finnish company, the Dresden Central Kitchen in Germany. In these enterprises, the production of products (from the loading of raw materials to preparation and distribution to large and small enterprises) is almost completely automated; thanks to this, the consumer receives biologically high-grade nutrition, the safest products, a wide range.

    Under specialization production is understood as the focus of the enterprise on the production and sale of a certain range of products or on the implementation of certain stages of the technological process.

    There are two types of specialization - subject and technological (stage).

    The subject specialization of enterprises is developing in the following areas:

    Catering for individual contingents of consumers, depending on their work and study;

    Catering for consumers in need of dietary nutrition;

    Production of dishes of national cuisine and cuisine of foreign countries;

    Production of culinary products from one type of raw material (vegetarian canteens, dairy cafes, fish enterprises);

    Production of a narrow range of dishes in dumplings, shish kebab cheburek, etc.

    The essence of technological specialization lies in the division of the production process into two stages: mechanical processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products at procurement and industrial enterprises and the manufacture of finished products at pre-preparation enterprises. Technological specialization is closely related to the concentration of production.

    Cooperation - This is a form of production relations between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products. Cooperation can be intra-industry, for example, between procurement and pre-preparation enterprises. An example of such cooperation can be catering companies, school and student catering companies.

    Intersectoral cooperation is cooperation between enterprises of various industries, for example, between enterprises of various industries, for example, between public catering enterprises with meat processing plants, dairy plants, poultry farms and other industrial enterprises that supply semi-finished products to catering enterprises; creation of integrated firms.

    Main part:

    A) Characteristics of the enterprise.

    Designing a public catering enterprise at manufacturing enterprises. Public catering establishments of this type can be designed in two versions. The first provides access for workers only from buildings and from the territory of serviced enterprises and institutions; in the second option, public catering enterprises can be used by the population of the nearby area during the hours after and before the lunch break, the established regime and the work of the serviced enterprise, institution.

    When designing a public catering enterprise at manufacturing enterprises, they are guided by SNiP II - 92 - 76 “Auxiliary buildings and premises of an industrial enterprise. Design Standards”, as well as the Departmental Building Regulations “Public Catering Enterprises. Design Standards (VSN). ”To provide food for workers and employees at manufacturing enterprises, as a rule, canteens should be provided - pre-cooking with the number of seats in the halls at the rate of one seat for 4 people in the most numerous shift. However, in relation to the technological process of the main production, this ratio can be reduced. If the number of employees in the maximum siena is less than 250 people, it is allowed to provide buffets with lunches delivered from the nearest canteens, and if the number of employees is at least 30 people - eating rooms. The area of ​​the dining room is determined at the rate of 1m2 per consumer, but not less than 12m2. Of the total calculated number of places, approximately 20% should be allocated for dietary nutrition.

    Canteens - pre-cooking can be located in separate buildings connected to the production buildings by underground or above-ground passages, ground galleries or corridors; in buildings attached to production buildings or in premises built into production buildings. In all cases, canteens should be located in such a way that the remoteness of the halls from the workplace is: in the production of groups I, II, III - 300 m; in the production of other groups - 200 m. Design standards (VSN)”.

    At some manufacturing enterprises, in accordance with the norms, it is required to provide workers with special meals (high-calorie breakfasts, milk and milk mixtures, pectin jelly). The design decision should ensure that such food is taken by workers before the start of the working day, since special nutrition is a physiological barrier against the effects of harmful substances on the human body. Therefore, special food points are recommended to be placed along the route of workers from amenity premises to production.

    Breakfasts included in the special meals are prepared and served in the canteens. Milk, milk mixtures and pectin jelly can be dispensed in specially organized dispensing at canteens and buffets or special food points. In the first case, refrigeration chambers or cabinets are allocated for the storage of milk, equivalent mixtures and jelly (depending on the number of products to be stored). And for washing dishes, the rooms for washing, tableware are used, and for eating a hall.

    When organizing special food points outside canteens, it is necessary to provide premises: for receiving special food; utility room, equipped with a refrigerator or cabinets; washing dishes. Milk and milk formulas must come from the industry in packaged form. When receiving milk in flasks in the utility room, it is necessary to have equipment for boiling and portioning it. The total area of ​​​​all premises is determined at the rate of 0.1 m 2 for each worker in the most numerous shift (receiving special meals).

    In addition to canteens and special food points, production shops are being designed for the sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products. Entrance to stores is recommended to be provided from the pre-factory territory. The number of jobs in a culinary shop at manufacturing enterprises is determined according to the calculated standard established for 1000 employees in the most numerous shift. The minimum capacity of a culinary store in enterprises with a number of employees from 500 to 1000 people in the most numerous shift is two jobs, and in enterprises with up to 10,000 employees, one workplace is added for every 1000 workers. In enterprises with more than 10,000 employees in the most numerous shift, the number of jobs in the cookery store increases by one job for every additional 5,000 employees.

    On assignment, I am designing a canteen at an industrial enterprise for 250 seats. The working shift lasts 8 hours, the work of the enterprise lasts 14 hours.

    B) Characteristics of the cold shop.

    Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a shop structure of production.

    Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class. The product range of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuki, kissels, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

    The production program of the cold shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, culinary shops, as well as sent to buffets and other branches.

    The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of the products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.

    When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in a short time. Salads and vinaigrettes in unseasoned form are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before the holiday; products left over from the previous day are not allowed to be sold: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

    Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and should have a temperature of 10-14 ° C, therefore, a sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment is provided in the workshop.

    Given that the cold shop produces products from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat. In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program, specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops.

    In cold shops, mechanical equipment is used: universal drives P-II, PX-06 with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables; for mixing salads and vinaigrettes, for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV. These machines perform all sorts of operations: cut raw and boiled vegetables, mix salads and vinaigrettes (when they are cooked in large quantities), whip, rub, squeeze juices. In small workshops, these operations are mainly performed manually.

    In addition, in the workshop with a large assortment of gastronomic products, sandwiches, small-scale mechanization tools are used: a machine for cutting gastronomic products MRGU-370 (for cutting and stacking ham, sausage, cheese in a tray); bread slicer MRH; manual oil divider RDM.

    The cold shop should be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. To store products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (ShKh-0.6, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.4), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SO-ESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container are installed for salad, low-temperature counter for storage and dispensing of ice cream. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored.

    The selection of production tables depends on the number of workers simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the front of work for each employee must be at least 1.5 m. built-in washing bathtub SMVSM. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale.

    In the cold shop, a variety of tools, inventory, devices are used: chef's three knives, gastronomic knives (sausage, for cutting ham, cheese, butter, for curly cutting butter, knife-fork), tomato cutters, egg cutters, a device for cutting cheese, a scraper for butter , cutting boards, manual juicers, devices for laying out dishes, molds for aspic dishes, jellies, mousses.

    In the cold shops of enterprises with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, technological lines for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks are distinguished. Separate workplaces are organized on these lines for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes; cuts of gastronomic meat and fish products; portioning and serving dishes; for cooking jellied dishes; sandwiches; cold soups; sweet foods and drinks.

    At the workplace, for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes, baths or a table with a built-in washing bath for washing fresh vegetables and herbs are used. Cut raw and boiled vegetables on different cutting boards marked "OS" or "OB", using chef's three knives. To mechanize the cutting of vegetables, a universal drive PX-0.6 with interchangeable mechanisms is installed.

    The rational organization of the workplace consists of two production tables: vegetables are cut on one table, components are mixed and salads and vinaigrettes are seasoned (this can be a modular table for small-scale mechanization SMMSM or a regular production table), salads and vinaigrettes are portioned and decorated on the other table before leave to the trading floor, sectional modulated tables with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-2 or SOESM-3 are used for this operation. on the table there are table scales VNC-2, on the right they put dishes with ready-made salad and measuring equipment for portioning it (spoons, shovels, salad cutlery), on the left - tableware (salad bowls, snack plates). This is where the food is prepared. Before decorating salads, prepare products used as decorations (make decorations from vegetables, cut boiled eggs, tomatoes, parsley, carbanate, lemons, etc.). Cutting is done with special tools and fixtures. Prepared products are stored in sections of a refrigerated slide.

    At the workplace, for preparing snacks from gastronomic products, they cut, portion and arrange dishes from meat and fish products (assorted fish, meat; sausages, ham, balyki, cheese, etc.). Tables for small-scale mechanization are set up at the workplace (MRGU-370 machine for cutting gastronomic products). Gastronomic knives are used to cut food by hand. To control the mass of portions of gastronomic products, scales VNTs-2 are used.

    If the assortment of cold dishes includes jellied dishes, then it is recommended to organize a specialized workplace for their preparation. Boiled and meat products are cut on production tables SP-1050, SP-1470, equipped with VNTs-2 scales for weighing portions of products, chef's three knives, cutting boards marked "MV", "RV", trays for laying weighed products.

    When preparing a small amount of sandwiches, the bread is cut by hand, and when making a large amount, an MHR bread slicer is used.

    In warm weather, cold soups are prepared in the cold shop (okroshka, beetroot, botvinia, fruit soups).

    Compotes, kissels, jellies, mousses, sambuca, etc. are prepared from sweet dishes in a cold workshop.

    Labour Organization. The operating mode of the cold shop is set depending on the type of enterprise and its mode of operation. If the duration of the work of the enterprise is 11 or more hours, the workers of the shop work according to a stepped, two-brigade or combined schedule. The general management of the workshop is carried out by a foreman or a responsible employee from the cooks of the IV or V category.

    The foreman organizes work on the implementation of the production program in accordance with the menu plan. In the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jellies, aspic dishes, kissels, compotes, etc.

    The time for preparation of work at the beginning of the working day is used for the selection of dishes, inventory, and the receipt of products in accordance with the production task. With a good organization of production, the time to prepare the work should be no more than 20 minutes. Chefs receive assignments according to their qualifications. The foreman monitors compliance with the rules for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes, the schedule for their release in order to eliminate interruptions in the service of visitors.

    In cold shops with a large amount of work, an operational division of labor is carried out, taking into account the qualifications of cooks.

    Cooks of the III category are engaged in the preparation of products that make up the dishes (cooking vegetables, boiling or frying meat and fish semi-finished products, cutting vegetables by processing herring).

    Cooks of the IV category prepare and decorate cold dishes of mass demand (salads, vegetables, fish, meat, vinaigrettes, jellies, marinated fish, etc.), sweet dishes.

    Cooks of the 5th category prepare and decorate complex dishes (jellied, stuffed fish, galantine, assorted fish and meat jelly, mousses, etc.).

    At the end of the work shift, the cooks report on the work done, and the foreman or responsible cook draws up a report on the sale of dishes per day to the trading floor, buffets and branches.

    C) schedule for loading the trading floor of the canteen at the industrial enterprise

    (for 250 seats).

    The number of consumers can be determined by the turnover of seats during the day using the following formula:

    where, N d - the number of consumers served during the day;

    P is the capacity of the hall;

    φ - turnover of the place in the hall during the day;

    In this case P = 250, and φ = 8, then

    N d \u003d 250 * 8 \u003d 2000 people.

    To calculate the number of people eating for each hour of the hall, use the formula:

    N hour \u003d (P * ξ * C) \ 100,

    where, P is the number of seats;

    ξ – turnover rate of one place for a given hour, (breakfast - 3, lunch and dinner - 2) - according to "SNiP"

    C - the percentage of the hall load according to "SNiP" (breakfast - 35%, lunch - 100%, dinner - 50%.)

    N 6-7 \u003d (250 * 3 * 35) \ 100 \u003d 262 people.

    N 7-8 \u003d (250 * 3 * 36) \ 100 \u003d 263 people.

    N 12-13 \u003d (250 * 2 * 100) \ 100 \u003d 500 people.

    N 13-14 \u003d (250 * 2 * 100) \ 100 \u003d 500 people.

    N 18-19 \u003d (250 * 2 * 49) \ 100 \u003d 238 people.

    N 19-20 \u003d (250 * 2 * 48) \ 100 \u003d 237 people.

    Table 1. Shop loading schedule.

    №PP Hall opening hours Turnover per hour. Hall occupancy % The number of consumers per hour. complexes
    I II
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Total: - - 525 263 263
    Total: - - 1000 500 500
    Total: - - 475 238 238
    Per day: - - 2000

    D) The production program of the enterprise.

    Determination of the number of dishes. The initial data for determining the number of dishes are the number of consumers and the coefficient of consumption of dishes.

    The total number of dishes is determined by the formula:

    where, n is the number of dishes sold by the enterprise during the day;

    N is the number of consumers during the day;

    m is the coefficient of consumption of dishes (the sum of the coefficients of consumption of cold dishes, soups, second hot dishes, sweet dishes and hot drinks);

    m \u003d m (cold dishes) + m (soups) + m (second hot dishes) + m (sweet dishes and hot drinks).

    Cold foods include milk and dairy products.

    If a public catering enterprise (public canteen, dietary, etc.) provides for several meal modes (breakfast, lunch, dinner), then the number of dishes is determined for each mode separately according to the formulas:

    n s =N s *m s;

    n o =N o *m o;

    n y =N y *m y;

    Where n z - the total number of dishes sold during breakfast;

    n o - the total number of dishes sold during lunch;

    n y - the total number of dishes sold during dinner;

    m z - coefficient of consumption of dishes during breakfast;

    m o - the coefficient of consumption of dishes during lunch;

    m y - the coefficient of consumption of dishes during dinner;

    N z - the number of consumers during breakfast;

    N o - the number of consumers during lunch;

    N y - the number of consumers during dinner;

    Breakfast. m s \u003d 2, in addition 1 hot drink,

    m s \u003d 525 * 2 \u003d 1050, including: cold snacks - 525,

    second course - 525, hot drinks - 105 liters (525 servings).

    Dinner. m o \u003d 4, in addition, a hot drink,

    m o \u003d 1000 * 4 \u003d 4000, including: cold snacks - 1000,

    soups - 1000, second hot dishes - 1000, sweet dishes - 1000,

    hot drinks - 200 l. (1000 servings).

    Dinner. m y \u003d 1, in addition, a hot drink and sour milk products,

    m y \u003d 1 * 475 \u003d 475, including: sour-milk products - 475 (95 l.),

    second hot dishes - 475, hot drinks - 475 (95 l.)

    Total per day. Cold dishes and snacks - 1525, soups - 1000, second hot dishes - 2000, sweet dishes - 1000, hot drinks - 400 liters (2000 servings), sour-milk dishes - 95 liters. (475 servings).

    D) Enterprise menu plan.

    The menu plan of the projected enterprise is its production program for the day, which indicates the range of products (approximate range of dishes, complex), dish / recipe number according to the Collection of recipes for dishes for public catering establishments, 2004, output of one serving in grams, the number of meals per day, broken down by hours of sale.

    The menu plan is the head. production on the basis of the “Approximate assortment of dishes” and the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products” on the eve of the dishes planned for sale (no later than 15 00) and is approved by the director of the enterprise. When drawing up a menu plan, the following factors are taken into account: raw materials, season, variety of dishes (the dish should not be repeated more than once a week), the right combination of garnish and sauce, the qualifications of workers, the production capacity and equipment of its trade and technological equipment, the complexity of dishes. This company uses a set menu. The menu of complex lunches (breakfasts, dinners) is a set of dishes, with a certain combination of which provides a complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins necessary for the body. In the menu of complex breakfast, lunch, dinner, only the price of each dish is indicated, but also the total cost of the diet. When catering for subscriptions, the set menus include dishes, the total cost of which corresponds to the cost of subscriptions. When compiling a menu of complex meals, varied by day of the week, a wide range of products should be provided, various methods of their heat treatment (boiling, poaching, frying, stewing, etc.) should be used. As a rule, two variants of complex breakfasts, lunches or dinners, different in composition, are sold in the hall. In order to diversify the menu of complex lunches, it is necessary to periodically hold days of national cuisines, days of flour dishes, seafood, etc. at enterprises. Reducing the number of dishes and snacks provided by the approximate assortment is not allowed. The range of dishes and snacks can be expanded by including seasonal, specialty dishes and dishes from new products recommended by the culinary councils of higher organizations in the menu.

    Approximate assortment of dishes for the industrial enterprise on a set menu.

    Table 2.

    I complex.

    Table 3

    Recipe number

    Name of dishes

    Quantity per day

    calories By sales hours Responsible persons


    Rice porridge (viscous) with prunes

    Tea with lemon

    132 132 132 - - - -


    Vinaigrette vegetable

    Peasant soup with cereals

    Rump steak with boiled pasta with vegetables

    Fresh fruit compote


    Fish meatballs with tomato sauce and boiled rice

    cocoa with milk

    II complex.

    Table 4

    Recipe number

    Name of dishes

    Quantity per day


    By sales hours Responsible persons


    White cabbage salad

    Boiled brains with tomato sauce and mashed potatoes

    Coffee with condensed milk

    132 132 132 - - - -


    meat salad

    Ukrainian borscht

    Fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms

    Compote of oranges


    Vegetable ragout

    Tea with lemon

    E) Consolidated grocery list.

    The calculation of the amount of raw materials and products needed for cooking is based on the menu plan and the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

    In addition to the calculation of raw materials for the preparation of people sold at the enterprise, a separate calculation of raw materials for the production of flour confectionery products is made, as well as for the preparation of semi-finished products and culinary products sold through a culinary store, then a summary table for calculating raw materials is compiled.

    Based on the calculations of the required amount of raw materials (gross weight), a requirement-invoice is issued to receive products from the pantry. Then the production manager gives tasks to the foremen of the workshops or workers to fulfill the production program for the next day and releases them products and raw materials.

    Consolidated grocery list - Appendix 1.

    G) The production program of the workshop.

    The production program of the cold shop is a list of dishes and drinks prepared in the shop with an indication of their quantity, terms of sale and the person responsible for cooking.

    Includes: cold appetizers - 4 items,

    sweet dishes - 2 items,

    sour-milk products - 2 items,

    The workshop program is compiled on the basis of the production program of the enterprise in the same form:

    Table 5 The production program of the cold shop.

    Recipe Exit

    Name of the dish

    Quantity per day

    By sales hours Responsible persons
    7-8 12-13 *13-14 18-19 19-20

    Cold meals and snacks

    Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes

    White cabbage salad

    132 132 131 131

    Vinaigrette vegetable

    meat salad

    Sweet dishes

    Fresh fruit compote

    Compote of oranges

    250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

    Dairy products

    119 119 119 119

    For an hour of the maximum load of the hall, I accept an hour from 13 to 14 *

    H) Selection of mechanical and non-mechanical equipment.

    The selection of mechanical equipment for a cold shop is carried out according to the "Norms for equipping public catering enterprises with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment" (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR dated 11/26/71 No. 187) depending on the type of enterprise, its mode of operation, the characteristic maximum load of the trading floor per hour Peak", as well as forms of service. The selection is carried out with an indication of the productivity of the machines and the number of units of each type.

    According to the above principles, I select the following equipment for the cold shop of an industrial enterprise:

    - Mechanical:

    1) Universal drive PU - 0.6 - 1 pc.

    2) Bread slicer MHR - 200 - 1 pc.

    3) Manual oil divider RDM - 5 - 1 pc.

    4) Machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV - 160 - 1 pc.

    5) Machine for cutting gastronomic products MRG - 300A 1 pc.

    I give the technical characteristics of the equipment:

    Technical characteristics of mechanical equipment.

    Table 6

    No. PP

    equipment identification

    Electric motor power. kW

    The number of revolutions of the drive shaft. RPM


    Weight. kg

    Length Shir. High
    1 Universal drive PU - 0.6 0,6 170 530 280 310 60
    2 bread slicer MHR-200 0,27 1400 1200 600 730 80
    3 Oil separator RDM-5
    4 Machine for cutting boiled vegetables. MROV-160 0,18 170 473 371 500 21
    5 Slicing machine for gastronomic products MRG-300A 0,37 170 680 480 570 50

    - Calculation of production tables.

    The production tables are calculated according to the number of cooks simultaneously working in the workshop in the maximum shift according to the formula:

    J=l * Kr (m),

    where J is the linear length of production tables (m);

    l is the norm of the running length of the table per 1 worker (m);

    Kr - the largest number of cooks working simultaneously in the workshop

    (taken from the work schedule).

    J=1.25*5=6.25 (m).

    When designing a cold shop, we accept for installation:

    1) Table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM - 3 - 1 pc. (length 1.68 m)

    2) Table with built-in washing bathtub SPM-1500 - 1 pc. (length 1.5 m)

    3) Production table SPMM-1500 - 2 pcs. (length 1.5 m)

    - Non-mechanical:

    Using the order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated 9.11.73 No. 38 “Norms for equipping catering establishments with dishes, cutlery, furniture and kitchen utensils”, I select the following non-mechanical equipment:

    Non-mechanical equipment of the cold shop of the canteen of an industrial enterprise for 250 seats.

    Table 7

    I) Calculation of refrigeration equipment.

    Refrigeration equipment is calculated by the mass of the products stored in it, taking into account the dishes or containers in which they are located. The calculation is made according to the formula:

    Q total \u003d Q gb + Q p \ f + Q cn (kg),

    where Qtot is the mass of products stored in refrigerated containers (total), kg.

    Q GB - the mass of ready meals in kg.

    Q p \ f - mass p \ f in kg.

    Q cn - the mass of raw products, kg.

    The mass of ready meals is calculated by the formula:

    Q gb \u003d Σ (q p * n peak) \ φ (kg),

    where Q gb is the mass of ready meals, kg.

    products, kg.

    n peak - the number of dishes of this type during the "rush" hour.

    The mass of p \ f raw products is calculated by the formula:

    Q p \ f + cn \u003d Σ (q p * n 1\2 shifts) \ φ (kg).

    where Q p \ f + cn is the mass of p \ f and raw products, kg

    n 1/2 shifts - the number of dishes for half a shift.

    q p - the mass of one serving of the dish according to the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary

    products, kg.

    φ - coefficient taking into account the mass of dishes (φ = 0.8).

    Calculations of the mass of ready-made meals sold at rush hour:

    Q gb 3 \u003d (0.1 * 250) \\ 0.8 \u003d 31.25 kg.

    Q gb 4 \u003d (0.1 * 250) \\ 0.8 \u003d 31.25 kg.

    Q gb 5 \u003d (0.2 * 250) \\ 0.8 \u003d 62.5 kg.

    Q gb 6 \u003d (0.2 * 250) \\ 0.8 \u003d 62.5 kg.

    Calculations of the mass of semi-finished products and raw products:

    Q p \ f + cn 1 \u003d (0.1 * 132) \ 0.8 \u003d 16.5 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 2 \u003d (0.1 * 132) \\ 0.8 \u003d 16.5 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 3 \u003d (0.1 * 250) \ 0.8 \u003d 31.25 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 4 \u003d (0.1 * 250) \ 0.8 \u003d 31.25 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 5 \u003d (0.2 * 250) \\ 0.8 \u003d 62.5 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 6 \u003d (0.2 * 250) \ 0.8 \u003d 62.5 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 7 \u003d (0.2 * 119) \ 0.8 \u003d 29.75 kg.

    Q p \ f + cn 8 \u003d (0.2 * 119) \ 0.8 \u003d 29.75 kg.

    Calculation of refrigeration equipment of a cold shop canteen at an industrial enterprise (250 seats).

    Table 8

    No. pp

    Name of dishes.

    Number of dishes Weight of one serving total weight
    Number of meals per day n day

    Number of meals per rush hour

    Number of dishes for 1/2 shift

    n 1/2 shifts

    Q GB (finished product)

    p\f + raw foods

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Cold snacks

    Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes.

    White cabbage salad.

    Vegetable vinaigrette.

    Meat salad.

    Sweet dishes

    Fresh fruit compote.

    Compote of fresh oranges.

    Dairy products

    Total: 187,5 280

    According to the total mass of ready meals 187.5 kg, I select a refrigerated cabinet ШХ - 0.6 - 2 pcs. from the equipment reference book.

    According to the weight of p \ f and raw materials of 280 kg, I select a refrigerated cabinet ШХ - 1.4 - 1 pc. from the equipment reference book.

    I give the technical characteristics of the equipment accepted for installation:

    Technical characteristics of refrigeration equipment.

    Table 9

    K) Containers, kitchen utensils inventory.

    Using the order of the Ministry of Trade of the USSR dated 9.11.73 No. 38 “Norms for equipping catering establishments with dishes, cutlery, furniture and kitchen utensils”, I select the following inventory, containers and kitchen utensils:

    Containers, inventory and kitchen utensils for a canteen of an industrial enterprise for 250 seats.

    Table 10

    L) Calculation of labor force.

    The calculation of the labor force in the cold shop is made on the basis of the production program of the shop and the norms of time for preparing dishes of each type. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

    N 1 \u003d (n * H vr) \ 3600 * T cm * λ (people),

    Where N 1 is the number of shop workers directly involved in the implementation

    production program;

    n - the number of prepared dishes of this type according to the menu plan;

    Hvr - the norm of time in seconds for the preparation of one dish of this type (accepted according to the "Guidelines for the CP");

    T cm is the duration of the shift in hours;

    λ - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity (λ = 1.14).

    Calculation of the labor force.

    Table 11

    N 1 = 249000\3600*14*1.14=249000\57456=4.3~4 people

    To determine the number of workers in the workshop, use the formula:

    N 2 \u003d N 1 * α (people),

    N 2 - the number of people in the shop;

    N 1 - the number of people directly involved in cooking;

    α - coefficient taking into account the mode of operation of the enterprise (α=1.13).

    Therefore, N 2 \u003d 4.3 * 1.13 \u003d 4.8 ~ 5 people.

    M) calculation of the workshop area.

    The composition and area of ​​the cold shop of the designed canteen for 250 seats is determined by building codes and design rules (SNiP II - L - 8 - 71). The areas of industrial premises indicated in the SNiP consist of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of ​​passages and driveways.

    They must ensure safe working conditions for workers and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

    First, the useful area of ​​the workshop occupied by the equipment is calculated by drawing up its specification:

    Specification for cold shop equipment.

    Table 12

    No. PP

    equipment identification

    Type, brand Quantity, pcs. dimensions Unit area m 2 Total equipment area
    Length Fr. Sun.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


    Universal drive

    bread slicer

    Machine for cutting boiled vegetables.

    Slicing machine for gastronomic products


    Refrigeration cabinet

    Refrigeration cabinet

    Table with refrigerated cabinet and slide



    Washing bath

    Table with built-in sink

    Production table

    Total: 8,36

    The total area of ​​the workshop is determined by the formula:

    S total \u003d S floor \ η (m 2),

    Where Stot is the total area of ​​the workshop, m 2;

    S floor - useful area of ​​the workshop, m 2;

    η is the utilization factor of the workshop area (for a cold workshop = 0.4).

    S total \u003d 8.36 \ 0.4 \u003d 20.9 m 2.

    Let's find the layout area according to the workshop plan:

    S comp \u003d 4900 * 4700 \u003d 23030000 mm 2 \u003d 23.03 m 2;

    Let's find the actual area utilization factor by the formula

    η=S floor \S comp

    η=8.36\23.03=0.363 ≈ 0.4

    The grafical part:

    A) Schedule for work.

    In order to establish a work schedule at each public catering enterprise, work schedules are drawn up. There are daily, monthly, annual charts. The daily charts reflect the duration of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break.

    When choosing and scheduling, they take into account the mode of operation of the projected enterprise, the schedule for loading the trading floor, the uniformity and alternation of the work of the dining room. At public catering enterprises, linear, linear, and a schedule of summarized accounting of working hours are used.

    The linear schedule provides for the simultaneous arrival and departure of all production workers. It is used in industrial enterprises. Its advantage is that the responsibility of employees for the fulfillment of the production task is ensured, since the composition of the teams is constant.

    For the cold shop of the canteen at the industrial enterprise, I choose a stepwise schedule.

    The schedule for the work of workers in the cold shop.


    Design is understood as the process of developing technical documentation for any object, intended for justification, evaluation, approval, construction or reconstruction of the object.

    When designing public catering enterprises, it is necessary to ensure the widespread use of industrial technological processes, advanced equipment and building solutions to increase labor productivity, reduce the cost of all types of resources, and reduce the cost of building facilities.

    The result of the design is the drafting of the project. A project is a scientifically based set of technical documentation (calculations, drawings, explanatory notes and estimates) necessary for the construction of an enterprise.

    The explanatory note provides a rationale for the adopted architectural and planning, technological, constructive (construction), engineering (sanitary, electrical, etc.) solutions, provides the main technical and economic indicators that characterize the effectiveness of the project.

    Drawings are a graphic representation of the accepted architectural, technological and constructive solution of the designed object, its elements and details.

    Estimated documentation determines the total cost of building construction and serves as the basis for allocating capital investments, financing the construction of this facility and settlements between the contractor (construction organization) and the customer for the work performed.


    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

    2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 1995

    3. Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", 1999

    4. Law of the Russian Federation "On technical regulation" 2002,

    5. Federal law "On the quality and safety of food products", 1988

    6. Federal law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", 2001

    7. rules for the provision of catering services (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.15.97 No. 1036; additionally of 06.21.01 No. 389)

    8. GOST R 0 762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises",

    9. GOST R 58764-95 “Catering services. General requirements",

    10. OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. Requirements for production personnel,

    11. GOST R 50935-96 “Public catering. Requirements for service personnel,

    12. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions",

    13. SP 2.36.1079-01 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public catering, production and turnover in them of food raw materials and food products",

    14. SP "Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products", SanPin 42-123-4117-86,

    15. Radchenko L.A. "Organization of production of public catering establishments", 2000 Phoenix,

    16. Agranovsky E.D. etc. "Organization of production in public catering establishments", 1990,

    17. Shapovolov N.N. "Organization of production of catering establishments", Moscow, Economics, 1990,

    18. Anosova M.M. "Organization of production of catering establishments" Moscow, Economics 1985,

    19. Kucher L.S. "organization of production and management of public catering enterprises", Moscow, Economics 1980,

    20. Nikulenkova T.T. "Design of public catering establishments", Moscow Economics 1987,

    21. Building codes and regulations (SanPin 8-71 catering establishments),

    22. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments 1981, 1996, 2004 and others,

    23. Collection of diet food recipes, Kyiv 1988,

    24. Collection of recipes for the production of flour, confectionery and bakery products, Moscow 1999,

    25. "Handbook of the head of public catering enterprises", Moscow, 2000,

    26. Collection of technological instructions and technological conditions for culinary semi-finished products, 1981,

    27. Tariff and qualification guide,

    28. Handbook "Technological equipment of catering establishments", 1985,

    29. Standards for equipping catering establishments with technological equipment,

    30. The procedure for the development, review and approval of enterprise standards (STP), Moscow, 1997

    31. Agranovsky E.D. "Designing the interior of public catering establishments", 1992,

    32. Approximate assortment of dishes

    33. Titova A.A., Shlahtina A.M. "Trade and technological equipment", 1983

    34. Shcheglov N., Gaivoronsky K.A. "Technological equipment of catering trade enterprises", 2001

    35. Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Restaurant Business".