Selling shoes through an online store is a great business idea! Business idea: shoe store

The tenth striped t-shirt bought on sale or out-of-size shoes ordered from an online store, and simply disliked things that gradually begin to occupy half of the wardrobe, is a story familiar to almost everyone. The solution to this problem can be communities and sites where they sell, exchange or even give away unwanted shoes, clothes, bags, cosmetics, and even cars. A couple of years ago, such groups flooded LiveJournal, but gradually began to move to the more active Facebook and VKontakte - today there are more than a thousand communities for any city when you search for "sale". Showrooms, common in the West, where you can rent a shelf and put up for sale any goods, are just beginning to appear in Moscow, but are already popular - the queue for renting a place is built almost half a year in advance.



What they sell:


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

over 1,000

A closed group on Facebook, which, however, anyone can join; approval of the application is just one of the ways to cut off advertising. Almost 95% of items for sale are women's clothing, shoes and accessories. From time to time, lonely men's suits or sneakers come across, as well as appliances and even rarer household goods.

Posts are moderated, all messages that do not fit the rules of the group are deleted (most often these are things with insufficient description, uninformative or blurry photos). The range of brands is colossal: here you can find Monki bracelets for 500 rubles, and Christian Louboutin shoes for 20 thousand. Shoes generally appear on the pages of the community almost most often - as a rule, these are brand new sandals and sneakers, the owners of which missed the size when ordering from an online store. Often, a discussion of an unsuitable item in the comments smoothly flows into a conversation about the best online stores, the size range of a particular brand, or the fastest delivery method - in general, it seems that most of the group members have known each other for a long time. The best places to look here are COS dresses and bags, T-shirts from Urban Outfitters, shoes from Solestruck and things from other brands not represented in Moscow.

« A group of anonymous shopaholics »


Facebook account and approval of the request by the moderator

What they sell:

shoes, clothes and accessories of luxury brands, cosmetics, furniture


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 3 500

Another group on Facebook, where you can get rid of unnecessary and unsuitable things, has more than three thousand members. The main rule of the community is only designer wardrobe items and only informative photos.

The first, however, is violated with enviable constancy: Zara sundresses and nameless clutches flicker among golden Miu Miu sandals and Louis Vuitton bags. Most of the things, according to the assurances of their owners, are new or in perfect condition. There really is something to choose from here: Alice + Olivia striped pumps (8 thousand rubles) and a Maison Martin Margiela cape for H&M (5 thousand rubles), Giovanni Rossi sandals and other things that do not lose their relevance - they offer significantly lower than their original cost, and part These items are no longer available for sale. Despite moderation, from time to time there are quite strange offers here, such as buying a car, branded packages, Chinese fakes and items that cannot be classified at all - all this makes it very difficult to find worthwhile things. It’s better to buy the shoes or bag you like right away: a queue of people who want to buy line up in the comments literally in the first minutes after the publication of the photo.

Your stuff for cash


VKontakte account

What they sell:

shoes, clothes and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

more than 5 500

Among the many VKontakte groups where you can sell, buy and exchange an unsuitable thing, this one is one of the most pleasant and active. In addition to strict rules against the sale of conspicuously worn items and fakes, all photo albums are moderated daily. They mainly offer mass-market and nameless items, each of which is provided with a detailed description of the condition, indication of the city and price (this is a mandatory community rule, without which a photo will not hang in a group for more than a couple of hours). The cost of goods rarely exceeds 3 thousand rubles, and the selection reflects the assortment of Topshop, Zara and H&M over the past six months. Buyers prefer to meet with sellers at metro stations in the center, but they can also send them to another city here. New things appear in photo albums almost daily, but, as elsewhere, all the most interesting finds a new owner in a couple of hours.

There is a separate album for each category, which greatly simplifies the search, and in a separate photo album you can leave an application with an illustration for the desired item (they are mainly looking for rare or, conversely, the most popular models of sneakers, skateboards and ambiguous models of prom dresses from Asos) - if you're lucky , there is a chance to buy what you want quite inexpensively.


What they sell:

women's shoes, clothes and accessories


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

over 10,000

Unlike local communities in social networks, Boommy operates throughout the country. To post a photo, you need to register on the site, after which you can post any number of pictures of things for sale. If the buyer and seller live in different cities, the service offers to use postal or courier delivery; the buyer only needs to pay a deposit of 50% of the value of the item.

The main advantage of the site is that all things are categorized and accompanied by a detailed description indicating the price, brand and size. Things here are mostly new, less often worn, but in good condition (doubtful lots are deleted by the site moderators). Another feature - the service sells only women's clothes; neither men's nor children's, much less cosmetics and toys can not be found here. The site mainly contains dresses, blouses, jackets and jeans from all the most popular mass market stores and nameless items. Moderators raise offers with the most successful photos or low prices to the top lines of catalogs; after purchase, the photo automatically disappears from the site.

By analogy with eBay, you can read or leave a review about each seller on the site, which implies some security. In addition, on Boommy you can find detailed instructions on almost any issue: how to photograph an item, place it on the site and sign information correctly, how to communicate with the seller and the buyer, and so on.

« Your own shelf »


application for renting a shelf or hanger by phone or mail

What they sell:

shoes, clothes and accessories, own design items, books, bijouterie, interior items


shelf rental - from 350 rubles, hangers - from 150 rubles, the price of things is set by the seller

Number of participants:

constantly changing

The name of the showroom, which appeared a year and a half ago on Artplay, fully reflects the essence of the project - here anyone can rent a shelf or several hangers to put up for sale all unnecessary things at once. By the way, the creators offer to bring here not only old or inappropriate things, but also their own crafts from jewelry to knitted toys.

The store does not take a commission for things, you just need to pay for a place - a hanger or a shelf. At the same time, the minimum rental period is one week, after which the seller can either pick up the unsold items or extend the rental period. You can take a seat by calling the store or writing to the post office, but an impressive line has already lined up on those shelves that are located in the most successful places (at eye level). In the near future, it is planned to open a Svoya Polkka store, this time on Tsvetnoy Boulevard; then, according to the creators, part of the sellers from the waiting list will go there and the queue will be noticeably reduced.

The assortment here is the most diverse and ranges from homemade earrings and books to vintage clothes and dresses from Asos. All things undergo a strict selection, so you definitely won’t find frank rubbish here, and the rental price does not encourage the sale of hopeless things.



LiveJournal account

What they sell:

shoes, clothes and accessories, cosmetics


the price is set by the seller

Number of participants:

over 5,000

A surprisingly active community on LiveJournal where you can buy or sell things that don't fit. As elsewhere, a clear preponderance here is observed in favor of women's clothing, shoes and accessories, men's wardrobe items also periodically pop up, but they are in a clear minority here.

In addition to selling, things can be given away free of charge or exchanged for something you need (for this you need to make an appropriate note and specify the subject of exchange), there are much fewer such offers here and they mainly apply to things that have lost their relevance like children's toys and books, as well as to blatant rubbish.

The community is moderated, so annoying ads and things in a deplorable state are almost never found here. But Michael Kors dresses, Max Mara tops and & Other Stories pumps come across, but buyers are almost instantly found on them. But old-fashioned leatherette shoes, oversized jeans, polyester dresses from the mass market and dubious items from old collections of third lines of not the most popular brands hang on the pages for months.

Many entrepreneurs who associate their activities with the sale of shoes argue that there is no better business to come up with. People buy these things all the time, much more often than clothes. Shoes wear out faster and the next purchase is often more necessary than the usual replenishment of the wardrobe. And if real fashionistas become regular customers, then a stable income for the entrepreneur is provided. Women never think that they have enough of these wardrobe items. We will talk about how to open a profitable shoe store today.

  • Step by step plan to open a shoe store
  • Choose a place
  • We select the assortment
  • How much can you earn selling shoes at retail
  • The amount of start-up capital required to open a shoe store
  • Purchase of furniture and equipment
  • Registration of necessary documents
  • Choosing a taxation system

Step by step plan to open a shoe store

The key point in running any business related to trade is the choice of a reliable supplier. The terms of cooperation should provide:

  • The quality of the delivered goods;
  • Stability and constancy;
  • Small wholesale deliveries.

This stage of business organization requires special attention when working with Chinese suppliers. Cheap women's, men's and children's shoes from China today are in great demand among buyers. It is aimed mainly at middle-income buyers and is available to the majority of the population.

Choose a place

You can open a store with goods from China almost anywhere with good traffic, where retail space is provided:

  1. Pavilion at the city clothing market;
  2. Boutique in the mall;
  3. Independent shop in a separate non-residential premises.

Each of these options implies a certain amount of funds that must be paid for rent. Experts do not advise investing in the first option, even if the sale promises to be high. Clothing markets, like trading floors, are gradually becoming obsolete. The second two ways to open a store deserve more attention, but also a different amount of money. However, a civilized organization of a retail outlet selling shoes from China will quickly bear fruit. The population has already learned to appreciate the comfort and convenience in stores.

We select the assortment

To open a store, you need to choose the right assortment. Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose for the purchase of models that you yourself will never wear;
  2. Price and quality do not always justify each other;
  3. Men's assortment of products from China is better to choose from genuine leather, and women's - from leatherette.

The last statement has been verified by experience. Women do not like to wear the same shoes from China for several seasons in a row. They prefer cheaper products in order to change them more often.

The average buyer who comes to the store may initially set himself the goal of buying one good leather product, but in practice he often buys two or three pairs of leatherette shoes from China for the same money. This fact in no way indicates that the product is of poor quality. On the contrary, if the material of the product is a substitute for genuine leather, then buyers place increased demands on the quality of seams, soles and accessories. The task of the entrepreneur is to open a store that satisfies the tastes and desires of the consumer, and this can only be done if there are reliable and honest suppliers.

How much can you earn selling shoes at retail

Before starting activities, you need to make some calculations, which can be called economic. It is best, of course, to draw up a business plan, but if an entrepreneur does not have such an opportunity, then it is imperative to calculate the break-even point for your store. We will give the simplest calculation to help you navigate the prices of goods from China and the margins that the sale of such goods guarantees.

So, in a box there are usually from 6 to 8 pairs of shoes of the same model of the entire size range. Let's assume that in a conditional package there are 6 pairs, costing 400 rubles. If you set the margin at 100%, then with the sale of the third pair of products, the entrepreneur will already return the cost of the entire box. Subsequent sales will generate net income. One pair that remains unclaimed can be sold for a promotion, while reducing the markup to 50%. In total, the income from one box is 2200 rubles. We should not forget that from this amount it will be necessary to pay the rent of the premises and taxes. After deducting these expenses, you get the net profit. Usually it is used to purchase a new batch of goods.

The key to the success of a store that sells goods from China is the constant updating of the assortment. With the money earned, it is better to buy several new models. It should be noted that even with a 100% margin, shoes still remain affordable for most buyers. You can start a business with a very small amount, just in this case, it will take more time to get a stable profit, which you can no longer invest in a product, but use it for your needs.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that today most of the buyers prefer to buy things on the Internet. That is why the sale of shoes on various online resources, for example, on Avito, will become an additional source for increasing sales. This large all-Russian trading platform offers entrepreneurs to open their own online store. For merchants who do not want to go into the details of building their own website and spend money on it, Avito is a great opportunity to make themselves known to consumers.

When children have grown up in the family and there are many good shoes left, the hand does not rise to throw them away. A good option is to sell shoes on Avito.

If the shoes are good, it may be useful to other children. In addition, I wanted to buy myself new leather sneakers to replace the old ones, selling old ones on Avito will allow me to save some money on spending.

Although Avito is considered a site for free ads, you can sell 20 items for free in the "Children's Clothing and Shoes" section, then you need to pay for the ad, or buy a placement package that is valid for 30 days.

This applies not only to children's shoes and clothing.

Placement on the Site of Announcements in certain categories and regions is carried out on a paid basis.

Why is this needed?

Administrators write - “We are introducing a fee for posting ads in the “Personal Items” category. This is done to prevent repetitive and fraudulent ads that unscrupulous users are trying to place with the growing popularity of Avito.

Introducing placement fees in some regions and subcategories is a good way to prevent these types of ads from appearing. Thus, only honest users should remain on the site. The number of views of their offers will increase, which means that the speed of the transaction may increase.”

How to sell shoes on Avito?

First, take good photos. It seems obvious, but the pictures give an impression of the product.

The photo should show all the pluses of the thing, as well as defects, if any, so as not to mislead anyone. A beautiful and well-written ad itself attracts attention.

In the ad - do not hesitate to stipulate special conditions, such as:
Offers only via SMS (let's say you have a hard week at work and no time for calls)

Pickup from my metro station (if you sell something inexpensive and too lazy to go somewhere to meet the buyer. I don’t bargain (if you don’t bargain). .

Ads in the search are constantly lowered, and you have to pay to return to the top. (all conditions are on the site). This, too, must be remembered.

Upload an ad and wait for buyers. The ad appears on the site within 30 minutes.

What shoes sell well on Avito?

Of course natural, leather and branded. Kapika, ECCO, etc.

You can sell shoes in a package of one size, it is in demand.

On this, it seems, everything. Good sales and purchases

Will talk about selling shoes through . Currently, absolutely everything is sold through, shoes are no exception. However, for the successful implementation of a business project, he must have a plan.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the target audience, since the methods of sales and the demand, in principle, for adult and children's, budget and designer, orthopedic and antique shoes are completely different. You can, of course, sell shoes for various purposes from one Internet platform, but at the same time, different headings should be distinguished.

Implementation of a business project for selling shoes through the Internet involves the following main steps:

1. Hosting. You need to develop your own website, and if you have the necessary qualifications, you can save a decent amount. Otherwise, you will have to seek help from providers who will create a site with a characteristic name and will serve it. The choice of a developer should be approached responsibly, not limited to the offers of your region, since the prices for services of this kind vary greatly.

2. Suppliers. When considering various options, remember that the purchase price, including transportation costs, should not exceed 50-70% of the cost of similar products in retail. Suppliers should be sought among wholesale distributors.

3. Room. There is a need for a storage room that will meet the conditions for storing goods, despite the fact that the requirements for the safety of industrial goods are not as stringent as for the storage of food, they still exist. You should also consider the convenience of the location of the warehouse.

4.Technical equipment. You will need: a PC, peripheral devices for it - a printer, a scanner, Internet access, a digital camera, a cash register.

5. Logistics. Analyze the offers of transport companies, since shipping costs occupy a large share in the retail price. Do not forget about the opportunity to use the services of the Russian Post - for a long time, but relatively cheaply.

6. Staff. If you have a solid initial capital, hire people - to maintain the site, conclude contracts, maintain accounting and tax reporting. However, to save money, you can do all this yourself.

8.Registration. You should choose the form of organization: the simplest option is an individual entrepreneur, but to reduce risks and simplify the liquidation procedure, you can create an LLC.

The sale of shoes via the Internet is a cost-effective and fast-payback type of business, moreover, it does not require significant initial capital. So, take a closer look, gentlemen, novice businessmen!
Watch the video - how to sell shoes:

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Online sales of various products are becoming more and more popular. The assortment offered by various online stores and sites with ads is very wide: there are clothes, shoes, including orthopedic shoes for children and adults, accessories, household appliances, furniture and much more. That is why selling any goods, such as shoes, via the Internet can become quite a profitable business.

How to sell shoes online

Shoes belong to the category of goods, the demand for which always remains high, regardless of the season. There are two ways to achieve a stable income from the sale of shoes using the Internet:

  • create your own online store;
  • sell shoes through ads on special sites.

We sell shoes

In both cases, to sell shoes online, you will need:

  • Define range. You can limit yourself to some narrow specialization (for example, sell only children's or only women's shoes) or expand the range and include all categories of shoes (men's, women's, children's; summer, winter, etc.).
  • Find good wholesale suppliers and purchase the first batch of goods. Without timely deliveries at an affordable price, the sale of shoes cannot be established.
  • Create a product portfolio. Successful sales require high-quality photographs that clearly illustrate each shoe model from different angles, since most people will prefer to refuse a purchase without fully viewing the product.
  • Product description. In order for the shoes to sell well, you need a detailed description of it (manufacturer, materials, heel height, etc.).
  • Warehouse space. If large volumes of sales are planned, then you should find a room where the shoes will be stored in advance (the warehouse must be dry so that the shoes and packaging do not lose their presentation).
  • Delivery of goods. Regardless of how shoes will be sold - through an online store or through ads, you will need to organize the delivery of goods.
  • Determine the method of payment (cash and non-cash payment).

When planning to sell shoes via the Internet, it is worth deciding in advance how to organize their fitting. If it will be carried out on the territory of the buyer, then it is better to refuse the full prepayment of the goods. If on the territory of the seller, then a special room will be required (it must contain a chair or ottoman and a mirror).