Course work: Budgeting in the enterprise (for example, a restaurant). Financial planning and development of the company's budget Who is involved in the formation of the budget

5. Technology of drawing up the budget of the enterprise

Enterprise budgeting technology is demonstrated below with a very simple example that describes the relationship between individual indicators within budget tables and the relationship between the totals of individual budget tables as a whole budget. The following system of assumptions was adopted as simplifying factors:

  • budget tables are compiled on the basis of dividing the year into quarters,
  • the company produces and sells one type of product,
  • the company is not a value added tax payer,
  • all indirect taxes that are included in gross costs are automatically taken into account as part of the base indicators on the basis of which they are determined (for example, salaries are planned together with accruals),
  • Income tax is calculated according to a simplified scheme - the profit is estimated based on the results of the company's work for the year, and then evenly divided into four parts.

Note that such simplifications are not of a fundamental nature, but serve solely to ensure the simplicity and clarity of the budgeting technology.

So, let the company start preparing a short-term financial plan for the next planning year. In accordance with the established tradition, the financial manager draws up a system of budgets on a quarterly basis, having received data on the forecast sales volumes from the marketing department.

The set of information collected is presented below. It should be noted that the initial data are usually presented in blocks in accordance with the list of budgets, which are developed by the financial manager of the enterprise.

The forecast of sales volumes and prices is used as the first block of initial data:

The share of payment in cash in this quarter is 70% of the total revenue, the remaining 30% is paid in the next quarter. Planned stock balance finished products at the end of the planning period (quarter) is 20% of the sales volume of the future period. Stocks of finished goods at the end of the year are planned in the amount of 3,000 product units. The required volume of material per unit of production is 5 kg, and the price of one kilogram of raw materials is estimated at 60 kopecks. The balance of raw materials at the end of each quarter is planned in the amount of 10% of the demand for the future period. The estimate for the required material stock at the end of the year is 7,500 kg. Payment to the supplier for raw materials is made on the following conditions: the share of payment for materials purchased in a particular quarter is 50% of the cost of purchased raw materials. For the remaining 50% of raw materials, the supplier provides a deferred payment, which must be repaid in the next quarter. Payment for direct labor is made on the following conditions: labor costs of the main personnel per unit of production are 0.8 hours. The cost of one hour together with charges is 7.50 UAH.

Overhead costs are represented by variable and fixed parts separately. Planning of variable costs is based on the standard of 2 UAH. for 1 hour of work of the main staff. Fixed overhead costs are estimated at UAH 60,600. for the quarter, and of which 15,000 hryvnia falls on amortization.

The cost of implementation and management is also planned in two parts - variable and constant. The variable part rate is UAH 1.80. per unit of goods sold. The planned fixed administrative and management costs are shown below:

The company plans to purchase equipment in the amount of UAH 30,000. in the first quarter and UAH 20,000. - in the second quarter.

The planned dividend amount is 40,000 per annum, evenly distributed by quarters. The company has the opportunity to take out a bank loan at 10% per annum. Moreover, the payment of interest is made simultaneously with the partial repayment of the principal amount of the debt when interest is accrued only on the repayable part of the loan.

In addition, we will assume that the income tax rate is 30%.

The state of assets and liabilities of the enterprise at the beginning of the planning period is presented in the form of a balance sheet (see Table 19).

Tab. 19. Starting balance of the enterprise

Current assets:


Debtor accounts

Stocks of raw materials

Stocks of finished goods

Total current assets

Fixed assets

Facilities and equipment

Accumulated depreciation

Total assets


Current responsibility

Accounts payable

Share capital:

Undestributed profits

Total share capital

Total liabilities and equity

Balance check

Based on the above data, it is necessary to build a system of enterprise budgets. The calculated system of budgets includes:

1. Sales budget.

2. Plan of production of products (the company produces a single product).

3. The budget for the costs of basic materials.

4. Cost budget.

5. Overhead budget.

6. Cost budget

7. Budget for administrative and marketing costs.

8. Planned income statement.

9. Cash budget.

10. Planned balance.

Sales budget with a schedule for receiving money from the consumer. This budget is prepared using sales forecast, finished product prices and collection ratios. For the considered example, the sales budget is presented in table. twenty.

Tab. 20. The sales budget of the enterprise and the schedule of receipt of money (UAH)

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Expected volume (pcs.)

Expected unit price

Revenue for products sold

Cash flow schedule

Debtor accounts at the beginning of the year

Cash inflow from sales of 1 sq.

Cash inflow from sales of Q2

Cash inflow from sales of Q3

Cash inflow from sales of Q4.

Total receipt of money

The first two lines of table. 20 are simply rewritten from the original data. The revenue line is obtained by multiplying the sales volume by the price. When scheduling the receipt of money, it is taken into account that the proceeds from sales of the current period come in the form of money only by 70%, the rest comes in the next period.

In the first period, the company plans to receive money on accounts of debtors in the amount of UAH 90,000. This value is taken from the opening balance sheet of the enterprise. Additionally, in the first period, the company receives in cash 70% of the proceeds of the first period in the amount of UAH 200,000, which is UAH 140,000. As a result, the expected amount of receipts in the first period is UAH 230,000. In the second period, the entity expects to receive 30% of the revenue of the first quarter and 70% of the revenue of the second period. In total, this amounts to 480,000 UAH. All other budget indicators are calculated in the same way. In accordance with this budget, the company will not receive 30% of the fourth quarter revenue in the planned year, which is UAH 120,000. This amount will be recorded in the final forecast balance of the enterprise at the end of the year.

The production plan is drawn up on the basis of the sales budget, taking into account the dynamics of the balance of finished products in the warehouse necessary for the enterprise. The production plan is placed in table. 21. Consider the production plan for the first period. The company plans to sell 10,000 units. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of finished products, the company plans the remainder of products at the end of the first period in the amount of 20% of the sales volume of the second period (see initial data), which is 6,000 pieces. Thus, the required production volume is 16,000 pieces. But at the beginning of the first period, there are 2,000 units of finished products in the warehouse. Therefore, the volume of production of the first period should be 16,000 - 2,000 = 14,000 items.

Tab. 21. Production plan

All other indicators of the production plan are calculated in the same way. It is only necessary to emphasize that the planned stocks at the end of the first period are the planned stocks at the beginning of the second period. As for the amount of stocks at the end of the last period (they are also at the end of the year), this number is predicted individually and justified when compiling a block of initial data for the entire budgeting process.

The budget for the costs of basic materials with a payment schedule consists of two parts: calculating the volume of raw materials required for production (a plan for purchasing raw materials) and a payment schedule for these purchases. This budget is presented in table. 22.

Tab. 22. The budget for the costs of basic materials with a payment schedule

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Production volume (pcs.)

Required volume of raw materials per unit prod. (kg)

Required volume of raw materials for the period (kg)

Stocks of raw materials at the end of the period (kg)

Total material requirement (kg)

Stocks of raw materials at the beginning of the period (kg)

Purchase of materials (kg)

Material procurement cost (UAH)

Cash payment schedule

Creditors' accounts at the beginning of the year (UAH)

Payment for materials of the 1st quarter (UAH)

Payment for materials of the 2nd quarter (UAH)

Payment for materials of the 3rd quarter (UAH)

Payment for materials of the 4th quarter (UAH)

Total payments (UAH)

This budget is based on production plan, not on the sales plan. Using the standard of consumption of raw materials per unit of production (5 kg.), The planned volume of raw materials for the production of products of a given period is estimated. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of raw materials to production, the financial manager plans a stock of raw materials at the end of the period in the amount of 10% of the demand for raw materials for the next period. For the first quarter, this value is 160,000x10% = 16,000. Knowing the required volume of raw materials to fulfill the plan of the first quarter of 70,000 kg, we estimate the total required volume of raw materials: 70,000 + 16,000 = 86,000 kg. But at the beginning of the first quarter, there are 7,000 kg in stock. raw materials. Therefore, 86,000 - 7,000 = 79,000 kg should be purchased. raw materials. Since 1 kg. raw materials cost 60 kopecks, the total cost associated with the purchase of raw materials is 47.400 hryvnia. The planned raw material costs for all other periods are calculated in the same way. We only note that the planned volume of raw materials stocks at the end of the last period is estimated individually, and not as part of a general procedure. In our case, this is 7,500 kg., Given as part of the initial data block.

The calculation of the payment schedule is carried out in the same way as the schedule for receiving money. In the first quarter, the company plans to pay off accounts payable at the beginning of the year (see the opening balance sheet), which amounts to UAH 25,800. In accordance with the agreement with the supplier of raw materials (see the block of initial data), the company must pay for the supply of raw materials in the first quarter of 50% of the cost of purchases, which is 23,700 UAH. As a result, it is planned to pay UAH 49,500 in the first quarter. In the second quarter, the company plans to pay off the arrears on the purchase of raw materials in the first quarter and pay 50% of the cost of raw materials purchased in the second quarter, etc. When planning the fourth quarter, we assume accounts payable at the end of the year in the amount of 50% of the cost of raw materials, planned for purchase in the fourth quarter. This amount is UAH 27,900. and is placed in the final balance sheet of the enterprise under accounts payable.

Budget of costs for salaries of key personnel is compiled on the basis of the payment system adopted at the enterprise. No matter how complex the payment system is, its planned calculation can always be formalized in the form of appropriate tables. In this example, the simplest piece-wage payment system is used. In accordance with this system, there is a standard for the cost of direct labor per unit of finished product, which is 0.8 hours. One hour of direct labor costs is paid based on the standard 7.5 UAH. in an hour. As a result, a budget of time and money is planned for paying direct labor, which is presented in table. 23.

In the case when budgeting is carried out on a more detailed time basis, for example, every month, the amounts of money that are accounted for as costs (accrued) and the amounts of money that will be paid do not necessarily coincide. In particular, if payment for labor is made, for example, on the 10th day of each month, then the amount wages which is due in February, will be scheduled for payment in March.

Tab. 23. Direct labor cost budget

Production overhead budget compiled using aggregated financial indicators. The fact is that the composition of overhead costs is often large, and planning overhead costs by cost elements is an unreasonably large analytical work. Therefore, all overhead costs are pre-divided into variable and fixed costs, and variable overhead costs are planned in accordance with the planned value of the corresponding baseline. In the example under consideration, the volume of direct labor costs was used as a basic indicator. In the process of preliminary analysis, the standard for direct labor costs was established - 2 UAH. for 1 hour of work of the main staff. This predetermines the composition of indicators in the table of the budget of overhead costs, presented in table. 24.

Tab. 24 Budget of production overhead costs (UAH)

Based on the planned volume of direct labor costs and the standard of variable overhead costs, total variable overhead costs are planned. So, in the first quarter, with a plan of direct labor of 11,200 hours with a standard of 2 UAH / hour, the sum of variable overhead costs will be 22,400 UAH. Fixed costs in accordance with the initial data are UAH 60,600. per month. Thus, the amount of overhead costs in the first quarter will amount to UAH 83,000 thousand according to the plan. When planning the cash payment for overhead costs, the amount of depreciation deductions should be subtracted from the total amount of overhead costs, which are not monetary costs, i.e. the company does not pay for depreciation to anyone.

Estimation of production costs is necessary for drawing up a profit statement and assessing the amount of stocks of finished goods in the warehouse at the end of the planning period. Cost is made up of three components: direct materials, direct labor, and production overheads. The calculation of the cost for the example under consideration is shown in table. 25.

Tab. 25. Calculation of the unit cost

The first two cost components are determined using direct settlement. In particular, if there is 5 kg per unit of production. raw materials at a price of 60 kopecks. per kilogram, then the component of direct materials in the unit cost is 3 UAH. To estimate the amount of overhead in the unit cost, you must first “tie” to a baseline, and then calculate this component of the cost. Since variable overhead costs were normalized using direct labor costs, the total overhead costs will also be “tied” to direct labor costs. It is necessary to estimate the total, not just variable, overhead costs. To do this, let us compare the total amount of overhead costs for the year (it was calculated in Table 2 and amounts to UAH 404,000) with the total amount of labor costs (80,800, as follows from Table 23). It is easy to establish that one hour of direct labor accounts for 404,000 / 80,800 = 5 UAH. overhead costs. And since 0.8 hours are spent per unit of production, the cost of overhead costs per unit of production is 5x0.8 = 4.0 UAH, which is noted in table. 25.

The total value of the cost per unit of production was, according to the calculation, UAH 13. Now it is easy to estimate the amount of finished goods stocks in the final balance sheet of the enterprise. Since the financial manager has planned 3,000 balances of finished goods at the end of the year, in the balance sheet of the enterprise at the end of the year in the item of inventories of finished goods, 39,000 UAH will be planned.

Administrative and marketing budget. This budget is prepared using the same approach as the production overhead budget. All costs are divided into variable and fixed. For planning variable costs, the volume of goods sold is used as a baseline indicator, and not the cost of direct labor, as it was previously. The variable cost rate is UAH 1.80. per unit of goods sold. Fixed overhead costs are transferred to the budget literally as they are presented in the source data. The final budget is shown in table. 26.

Tab. 26. Budget for administrative and marketing costs

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Expected sales volume (pcs.)

Variables per unit of production (UAH)

Planned variable costs(UAH)

Planned fixed costs

Manager salary (UAH)

Insurance (UAH)

Real estate tax (UAH)

Total fixed costs (UAH)

Total planned costs (UAH)

In a methodological sense, this budget does not cause problems. The most difficult thing is to justify specific amounts of advertising costs, management salaries, etc. Contradictions are possible here, since usually each functional unit tries to justify the maximum funds in the budget. At the same time, the budget may “fail”, they say “the budget is not rubber”. The methodological problem is how to assess the budget result for various options for the amount of financing of all functional divisions of the enterprise. Here scenario analysis comes to the rescue, which, professing essentially the ideology of flexible planning, considers possible options budget for various components of financing. Of all the options, the one that is most acceptable is selected based on the strategy of the enterprise management.

Planned income statement ... Previously, two bases of enterprise planning were noted: the resource basis and the monetary basis. Within the framework of the resource base, the planning of the company's profit takes place, the presence of which is a necessary condition for the company's ability to generate money. Profit statement inserted in common system precisely for the purpose of verifying this necessary condition. In addition, in the income statement, the amount of income tax is estimated, which is then used in the statement of cash flows. The profit statement for the considered example is placed in table. 27.

In this report, sales revenue is obtained by multiplying the total sales for the year (100,000 units) by the unit price. The cost of goods sold is determined by multiplying the calculated in table. 25 unit cost per total product sold. General and marketing costs were calculated in table. 26.

Tab. 27. Planned income statement (without additional funding)

In this income statement, the amount of interest for the loan is taken to be zero. This is true, since in the process of previous budgeting, the issues of lending to the enterprise were not considered. The need for additional funding should be revealed during the preparation of the statement of funds. In this sense, the version of the planned profit statement, placed in table. 27, should be considered preliminary, since in the process of budgeting money, it is possible that there will be a need to take a bank loan, and then the amount of net profit will decrease.

Cash budget is the final and most important in the whole budgeting scheme. It brings together the financial totals for each private budget. The cash budget reflects all the “good and bad news” of the enterprise. The good news is the receipt of money, the bad news is the payment of money. The total is a cash balance, which can be positive or negative. Table 28 shows the cash budget for the example under consideration. The reader is given the opportunity to track and verify how the data of each individual budget falls into the final cash budget.

Let's note a number of features of this budget. This is, firstly, the simplified nature of the income tax payment scheme, adopted in this example... The amount of income tax determined in the framework of the planned income statement is divided into four equal parts, each part is taken into account in the cash budget of each quarter. To complicate this scheme and make it adequate to the real state of affairs does not seem difficult. This issue is addressed in the analysis of the business situation. Secondly, the investment budget declared in the general budgeting procedure is presented in table. 28 with one line of equipment purchase costs.

28. Cash budget (without additional funding)

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Cash inflow

from consumers

Expenditure of funds

for basic materials

for the salaries of the main personnel

sales and management costs

income tax

purchase of equipment


Total cash payments

Excess (deficit) of money

As can be seen from the analysis of the data in Table. 28, the resulting budget is in deficit. Thus, it is necessary to provide additional sources financing, which in the framework of this example are reduced to bank lending. Technologically, an additional block is introduced into the budget table - "financing", in which the financial manager must provide for the receipt of a loan and its return, as well as the payment of interest to the bank. Table 29 shows the cash budget, which provides for additional funding.

The work of the financial manager to justify the loan amount provides for the selection of data in the “financing” block so as to implement the principle of a reasonable excess of funds, ie. to plan a cash account at a certain acceptable level, which, within the framework of this example, should not be lower than UAH 30,000. A feature of this work is the need to ensure the coordination of the budget data with the planned profit statement. This need is due to the fact that the amount of interest payments is estimated in the cash budget and is substituted in the income statement. At the same time, the amount of tax payments is estimated in the income statement and substituted into the cash budget. Such a selection “manually” is difficult to do, and you should use a pre-developed software tool.

Table 29 and 30 show the agreed planned profit statement and budget of funds, as a result of the work of the financial manager on the selection of budget indicators.

Tab. 29. Planned income statement (final version)

30. Cash budget (final version)

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Cash at the beginning of the period

Cash inflow

from consumers

Cash available

Expenditure of funds

for basic materials

for the salaries of the main personnel

production overhead

sales and management costs

income tax

purchase of equipment


Total cash payments

Excess (deficit) of money


Getting a loan

Loan repayment

Interest payment

Total cash flow

Cash at the end of the period

Completes the system of budgets planned balance of the enterprise ... It is a description of the state of the company's assets and liabilities at the end of the planning period. Tab. 31 illustrates the planned balance sheet of the enterprise.

Tab. 31. The balance of the enterprise at the beginning and end of the planning period

Current assets:


Debtor accounts

Stocks of raw materials

Stocks of finished goods

Total current assets

Fixed assets

Facilities and equipment

Accumulated depreciation

Facilities and equipment net

Total assets


Current responsibility

Accounts payable

Bank loan

Share capital:

Ordinary shares, no par

Undestributed profits

Total share capital

Total liabilities and equity

Balance check

Let's describe the formation of each balance sheet item. The cash item is taken as the total value of the cash budget. Accounts receivable is defined as 30% of the fourth quarter revenue for which the entity plans to grant deferred payment. Raw material stocks are defined as the amount of raw material residues from the table. 22 in the amount of 7,500 kg. at a raw material price of UAH 0.60, which is UAH 4,500. Stocks of finished goods are defined as the product of the balances of finished goods at the end of the year (see Table 21) by the cost of finished goods: 3,000х13 = 39,000 UAH. The item “structures and equipment” is calculated by adding to the initial value of this item the amount of the purchases of equipment. Depreciation on baseline is 15,000 per quarter, i.e. 60,000 per year. This value should be added to the accumulated depreciation at the beginning of the period.

Accounts payable is obtained as 50% of the fourth quarter procurement value, which is calculated in budget 22. Finally, the amount of retained earnings at the end of the year is obtained using the following formula:

Retained earnings at the beginning of the year + Net profit for the year - Dividends paid.

Note that the sum of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet is the same, which is a confirmation of the correctness of the budget. For a specialist who draws up a budget for the first time, and this budget turns out to be quite complex (several types of products, a complex cost structure), the fact that the sum of assets and liabilities coincides looks like a “financial miracle”, although this miracle is the result of using the double entry system adopted in accounting department.

Note also the fact that in this case, the company plans to end the year without financial debts. This condition is not required at all. The company may end the year with a partially unpaid bank loan, and then a certain value will appear in the balance sheet item “bank loan” that will not “unbalance” the balance sheet.

Definition company budgeting can be formulated as a system of actions for the implementation of organizational, strategic and tactical (operational) decisions aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the processes of formation, distribution, use, redistribution, organization, analysis and control of the turnover of funds of funds (and their non-monetary equivalents) for the implementation of the main the goals of the company.

The main functions of the budgeting system are:

Setting planned financial and economic goals,

Monitoring the achievement of planned goals by timely comparison of actual and planned results,

Analysis of the reasons that caused deviations and adjustment of plans.

Distinctive features of budgeting as a planning tool at the enterprise level are:

- "through" character... The consolidated budget of the company covers all business segments and includes, as its component parts, the operating budget (indicators for current business operations), the financial budget (the amount and structure of financial receipts and expenses), the investment budget (capital construction and the purchase of fixed assets);

- directivity... The draft budget for the current period is approved by the order of the head of the enterprise. Indicators of the approved budget are mandatory for managers and employees of all structural divisions of the company. Based on the fulfillment of budgetary indicators, bonuses are made for the past period, certification of personnel and middle managers, organizational conclusions are made about the work of departments and managers, etc.;

- formalization(representation as a set of numbers). The budget of the enterprise may not include detailed plans for the activities of individual departments and services - the methods of achieving the final results can be left to the head of this department. However, the budget necessarily contains a quantitatively expressed target (planned) result of the unit's activities. Formalization in budgeting is necessary to effectively monitor current budget execution and assess budget execution at the end of the budget period. The company's budget, like any plan, must be clear and not allow ambiguous interpretations, and this is achieved through its presentation in the form of quantitative indicators;

- regularity. The budget of the enterprise is adopted for each period of time, which is approved by the order of the head as the budget period. Regularity is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of budget planning, as it ensures the continuity of the planning process at the enterprise. The budget for each subsequent period is developed based on the results and on the basis of a plan-fact analysis of the budget execution of the ended period. Considered in dynamics, the budgeting process is, as mentioned earlier, a three-stage time cycle, in which the basis of the next budget cycle is the final stage of the previous budget cycle.

Object of budgeting is an enterprise that is a complex economic system. Accordingly, and budgeting process, as modeling (when drawing up a consolidated budget) and reflecting (when carrying out a plan-fact analysis of the execution of the consolidated budget) of an enterprise's economic activities, is based on the application of a systematic approach.

Organizational tasks in the field of budgeting the company's activities aimed at achieving the main goal of the company's budgeting include:

Development and implementation of the necessary organizational documents for budgeting the activities of the enterprise;

Creation and integration of the budgeting process into a unified management system of the company.

Strategic budgeting objectives the company's activities are:

Ensuring a high level of sustainability of the company in the process of its development;

Development and implementation of a long-term budgeting strategy for the company's activities.

Tactical (operational) budgeting tasks consist of:

Effective regulation of the company's financial flows;

Ensuring the optimal use of the company's financial flows;

Maintaining the constant solvency of the company;

Increasing the company's net financial flow.

The fulfillment of these tasks is ensured using a set of management functions: organization, planning, control, accounting and analysis of the company's financial flows.

The importance of budgeting activities the enterprise is determined by the following basic provisions:

    Budgeting ensures the financial balance of the enterprise in the process of its strategic development... The pace of this development, financial stability is largely determined by how different types of budgetary financial flows are synchronized with each other in terms of volume and time. The high level of such synchronization provides a significant acceleration in the implementation of the strategic development goals of the enterprise.

    Budgeting the activities of the enterprise helps to increase the rhythm of the implementation of the operational process. Any failure in making payments negatively affects the formation of production stocks of raw materials and materials, the level of labor productivity, the sale of finished products, etc. At the same time, optimally organized financial flows enterprises, increasing the rhythm of the implementation of the operational process, provide an increase in the volume of production and sales of its products.

    Budgeting allows you to reduce the company's need for borrowed capital. By actively managing resources, you can ensure a more rational and economical use of your own financial resources formed from internal sources, to reduce the dependence of the rate of development of the enterprise on the attracted loans. This aspect of management is of particular relevance for enterprises in the early stages of their life cycle, when access to external sources of financing is limited.

    Enterprise budgeting is important factor financial support, accelerating the turnover of capital of the enterprise. This is facilitated by a reduction in the duration of production and financial cycles, achieved in the process of effective management of financial flows, as well as a decrease in the need for capital serving the economic activities of the enterprise. By accelerating the turnover of capital, the company provides an increase in the amount of profit generated over time.

    Budgeting provides a reduction in the risk of insolvency of the enterprise. Even for enterprises that successfully carry out economic activities and generate a sufficient amount of profit, insolvency can arise as a result of an imbalance different types financial flows over time. The synchronization of receipts and payments of funds, achieved in the process of budgeting the activities of an enterprise, allows us to establish the factor of the emergence of its insolvency.

    Activity budgeting allows an enterprise to receive additional profit generated directly by its financial assets. This is primarily about the effective use of temporarily free balances of cash in the composition of current assets, as well as the accumulated investment resources in the implementation of financial investments... A high level of synchronization in terms of the volume and time of receipts and payments of funds allows to reduce the real need of the enterprise for the current and insurance balances of funds serving the operational process. Thus, the budgeting of the enterprise's activities contributes to the formation of additional investment resources for the implementation of financial investments, which are a source of profit.

Distinguish the following stages of budgeting:

1) communicating details of the budgeting policy and guidelines to those responsible for budgeting;

2) determination of the factor limiting the release of products;

3) preparation of a sales program;

4) initial preparation of budgets;

5) discussion of budgets with senior management;

6) coordination and analysis of reviewed budgets;

7) final adoption of budgets;

8) subsequent analysis of budgets.

Let's consider each of these stages in more detail.

Communicating the details of the budgeting policy. Top management should communicate the impact of the long-term plan on budgeting policy to those responsible for preparing the budgets for the current year. This information can affect planned changes in the range of products sold, or the expansion or reduction of production of any types of products. In addition, other important conditions affecting the preparation of budgets should be identified, such as amendments that should refer to price and wage increases and expected productivity changes. Any expected changes in industry demand and output should also be communicated by top management to the managers responsible for preparing the budgets. It is imperative that all managers are aware of senior management's policy of delivering the long-term plan through the current year's budget in order to map out key areas of business. By communicating information, it becomes clear to managers who is responsible for preparing the budget and how they should respond to expected changes in the external environment.

Determination of the factor limiting production. The activity of each organization (enterprise) is limited at this stage by some factor. For most organizations, customer demand is the limiting factor. However, there may be cases when production is constrained by production capacity, and customer demand exceeds their capabilities. Before preparing the budget, it is necessary to determine the limiting factor, as this determines the starting point for drawing up the annual budget.

Preparation of a sales program. The volume and range of sales determine the level of production of a company, when consumer demand is a factor limiting the volume of production. Therefore, the sales program - essential plan when drawing up the annual budget. This plan is also the most difficult of all, since the total income from sales depends on the actions of the buyers. In addition, the state of the economy and the steps taken by competitors can affect consumer demand.

A variety of methods are used to estimate consumer demand. The simplest method is an estimate based on the views of management and sales personnel. For example, sales staff might be tasked with estimating sales of each product to their customers, or regional sales managers might be tasked with estimating total sales for each region. An alternative approach is to assess consumer demand using statistical methods, the use of which allows you to take into account the general conditions in the enterprise and the market and the growth in sales over previous periods. It may be necessary to research the market if a company intends to launch new products or seek new markets.

Initial preparationbudgets. Managers responsible for meeting budget targets must budget for the areas of activity for which they are responsible. The budget preparation process should be bottom-up. This means that the budget should be born at the lowest level of management and improved and coordinated at higher levels. This approach allows managers to be involved in preparing their budgets and increases the likelihood that they will accept the budgets and strive to achieve the planned goals.

There is no single way to quantify a specific budget line item. Old data can be used as a starting point for budgeting, but this does not mean that budgeting is based on the assumption that if an event occurred in the past, it will occur in the future. Changing conditions in the future should be taken into account, and information about the past can be useful guidance in the future. In addition, executives may use senior management guidance, such as specific guidance on price changes for purchased materials and services, when preparing their budgets. In production activities, you can focus on standard costs as the basis for calculating the cost of the volume of output planned in the budget.

Discussing budgets with senior management. To implement the principle of participation in budgeting, it must start at the lowest level of management. Leaders at this level must draw up their budgets and submit them for approval to higher-level managers, and they, in turn, must combine all the budgets for which they are responsible into one and submit them for approval to their supervisor. This manager now becomes responsible for budgeting at his level.

It is very important that the budget planners are involved in the finalization of the budget and that the manager does not revise the budget without carefully analyzing the subordinate's arguments regarding the introduction of new items. Otherwise, real participation will not be ensured, and subordinates are unlikely to be interested in the execution of the budget, which they did not accept. Care should also be taken to ensure that those responsible for budgeting do not deliberately attempt to achieve easily achievable budgets or deliberately understate budget targets in the hope that the final budget is an easily achievable goal.

Coordination and analysis of reviewed budgets. As budgets move from bottom to top - from boss to boss - in the process of discussion, it is necessary to study the ratio of budget indicators. Such a study may show that some budgets are not balanced with other budgets and need improvement: other conditions, constraints and plans must be taken into account that the manager is not aware of or cannot influence. For example, a plant manager might plan to replace equipment when funds are not available. The economist should identify such inconsistencies and bring them to the attention of his supervisor. Any changes must be made to the budget by the person responsible for preparing it, and this may require a second or even third run of the budget from the bottom up until the budgets are coordinated and acceptable to all parties.

In the coordination process, a budgetary profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement should be compiled to ensure that they all fit together and form an acceptable whole. Otherwise, further corrections and re-passing of budgets across all instances will be required until the budgetary profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement become acceptable.

Final adoption of budgets. When the budgets are aligned with each other, they are brought together in a generalized budget (aggregate financial budget), which consists of a profit and loss account, a balance sheet and a cash flow statement. After the approval of the generalized budget, all budgets are sent to all centers of responsibility of the organization (enterprise). The adoption of a generalized budget is the basis for the execution of budgets by the heads of all responsibility centers.

Subsequent analysis of budgets. The budgeting process should not end with agreement. Actual results need to be periodically compared with those planned. The comparison should be carried out on a monthly basis, and the comparison should be reported to the budget planners by the middle of the next month in order to stimulate their activity. This will allow management to determine which budget items are not met and to determine the reasons for the variances. If the problem of deviations is within the purview of management, then appropriate measures can be taken to prevent similar deviations in the future. However, deviations may also appear as a result of the fact that the budget was unrealistic from the very beginning or the real conditions of the budget year differed from the forecasted ones; the budget for the rest of the year is then invalidated.

During the budget year, the budget committee should periodically evaluate actual results and review the company's plans for the future. If there is any change in actual conditions from what was expected, this usually means that the budget needs to be revised. This revised budget will represent revised production programs for the remainder of the budget period. It is important to note that budgeting for the current year does not end at the end of the budget period; budgeting should be seen as an ongoing and dynamic process.

Most budgeting systems serve multiple purposes, and some of them may conflict with one another. For example, planning and incentive functions may conflict. Proposed budgets that cannot be met may be as close to incentive goals as possible and not to be aligned with planning goals. For planning purposes, budgeting needs to pursue realistic goals.

There is also a tension between the planning and performance evaluation functions. For planning purposes, the budget is drawn up prior to the start of the planning period based on expected conditions or circumstances. Evaluation of effectiveness should be based on comparison of actual results with data from adjusted a budget that reflects the circumstances or conditions in which managers actually operate. In practice, many firms compare actual results with the original budget, but if the circumstances anticipated in budgeting have changed, then there is a tension between planning and performance measurement.

The enterprise budget is always developed for a certain time interval, which is called the budget period. The correct choice of the length of the budget period is an important factor in the effectiveness of the budget planning of the enterprise.

As a rule, the consolidated budget of the organization is drawn up and approved for the entire budget period (usually one calendar year). This is due to the fact that over such a period of time, seasonal fluctuations in the market situation are leveled out. Indicatively, that is, without approval as a system of targets and standards that are binding, some budget indicators can be set for a longer period (three to five years). In addition, within the budget period, each of the budgets is broken down into sub-periods.

Budgeting is the process of drawing up and implementing this document in the practice of an enterprise. The budgeting process is not limited to the consolidated budgeting stage. In general, the process is a closed loop of financial management, which includes three sequential stages:

the stage of development and draft of the consolidated budget;

approval of the draft budget and its inclusion in the structure of a scientifically based business plan of the organization;

analysis of budget execution at the end of the current year.

The budget cycle includes the period from the beginning of the first phase to the end of the third phase. The budget process should be continuous, that is, the completion of the analysis of the execution of the current year's budget should coincide in time with the development of the next year's budget. That is, the analysis of budget execution is both the starting and the final stage of the budget cycle.

Let's take a closer look at the content of the stages.

The first stage (the stage of developing the draft consolidated budget) is the preparation of a preliminary draft budget for the next planning year. Particular attention is paid to assessing the implementation of plans for profit and profitability. Such an assessment is based on a careful development of the composition of costs included in the cost of production. At this stage, the production program, its qualitative and quantitative parameters, changes in pricing and credit policies are assessed and a new production potential is determined. commercial organization based on the analysis of the rationality of the use of assets, the development of new technologies and types of products. The prepared preliminary draft budget is adjusted in connection with changes in external and internal conditions.

At this stage, the work of a large number of involved ordinary personnel of planning and economic services and structural units is required, which are approved by budget assignments: main production shops, commercial directorate (sales department), material and technical supply department and others.

The second stage (the stage of approval) is reduced to the preparation of the final draft budget and its inclusion in the structure of a scientifically based business plan of the enterprise.

In small businesses, the consolidated budget is usually developed by the accounting department and approved by the president of the organization.

On medium and large enterprises the decision on the approval of the consolidated budget can be made by:

  • - the board of the organization, which includes top management;
  • - the president of the organization (in this case, the board of the organization is an advisory body to the president);
  • - the board of directors of the organization (Figure 1.2);
  • - general meeting of shareholders (the board of directors submits the draft consolidated budget for approval general meeting shareholders).

After approval of the budget, he accepts the force of the order.

Figure 1.2 - Approval of the consolidated budget of a commercial organization

The third stage is an analysis of budget execution based on the results of the past year. At this stage, an analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise is made, on the basis of which the necessary adjustments are made to the tactics and strategy of the economic development of the organization.

In order for the budgeting system to be effective, a number of prerequisites are required, without which this system simply cannot work.

Firstly, the enterprise must have an appropriate methodological and methodological base for the development, control and analysis of the implementation of the consolidated budget, and employees of management services must be qualified enough to be able to apply this methodology in practice. Methodological and methodological basis for drawing up, monitoring and analyzing the execution of the consolidated budget; analytical block (or component) of the budget process.

Secondly, in order to develop a budget, monitor and analyze its execution, you need the corresponding quantitative information about the activities of the enterprise, sufficient to imagine its real financial condition, movement of material and financial flows, basic business operations. Therefore, the enterprise must have a system management accounting registering facts economic activity necessary to support the process of drawing up, monitoring and analyzing the consolidated budget. The management accounting system at the enterprise forms the basis of the accounting unit (component) of the budgetary process.

Thirdly, the budgeting process does not take place in an "airless space" - it is always implemented through the appropriate organizational structure and management system existing at the enterprise.

Concept organizational structure includes:

  • - the number and functions of the services of the management apparatus, whose responsibilities include the development, control and analysis of the enterprise budget;
  • - a set of structural divisions that are objects of budgeting, that is, those centers of responsibility that appoint the budget plan and are responsible for its implementation.

The budgeting management system is the regulation of interaction between the services of the management apparatus and structural divisions, fixing in the corresponding internal regulations and instructions are the responsibilities of each unit at each stage of the budget process. Since the budgeting process is continuous and repetitive (regular). In the same way, on a regular basis, at the appropriate time, the administrative staff from the structural divisions should receive the accounting information necessary to provide it.

On the other hand, structural subdivisions should receive from the management apparatus the budget assignment and adjustments made to it during the budget period in a timely manner. Consequently, the most important component of the budget process regulations is the internal document flow - a set of regular information flows of the enterprise divisions enshrined in the relevant internal acts and instructions in the process of developing, monitoring and analyzing the execution of the consolidated budget.

Fourthly, the process of development, control and analysis of budget execution involves the registration and processing of large amounts of information, which is difficult to do manually. In the budget process, the level of efficiency and quality of accounting and analytical work is significantly increased, and the number of errors is reduced when using software and hardware. The software and hardware tools used by the structures of the enterprise involved in the budget process constitute the software and hardware block of the budgeting system.

All four components of the budget process are closely related and constitute the infrastructure of the enterprise budgeting system (Figure 1.3). So, for example, the internal document flow is at the junction of the accounting and organizational blocks, since, on the one hand, it covers a set of information flows directly determined by the current management accounting system, on the other hand, it is rigidly fixed by internal regulations in the form of a number of internal regulations , and this is already part of the management system.

Figure 1.3 - Infrastructure of the budget process

In his work, A.D. and Filippov V.E. highlighted another important factor from their point of view, which determines the effectiveness of the implementation of the budgeting process. It is an accurate adherence to the hierarchy of goals, targets, activities and budgets, affecting several levels of management. The main element in this case is the hierarchy of goals. The objectives of the lower management level should be consistent with the objectives of the upper management level. Only in this way an effective development strategy can be built at the enterprise. Targets, which are quantitative measures of goals, should also be linked with each other by a clear hierarchical relationship. However, this does not mean that indicators at all levels of government should be the same.

With regard to activities, here the hierarchical relationship can be of two types. The first type of activities is carried out centrally at the upper level of management and affects a number of departments in which their activities are developed, but in line with what is being carried out "at the top". The second type is implemented only at the lower level and is associated with the upper level of management through budgets.

Budgeting and cost control: theory and practice Krasova Olga Sergeevna

1.2. Organization of budgeting. Budget cycle

An integral part of management accounting is budgeting, the main purpose of which is the formation of information for enterprise management in order to increase profits with the financial stability of the organization. Budgeting is one of the component parts planning, therefore it must be present in the organization's management system, and specifies the goals of planning.

Budgeting (in the narrow interpretation of this term) is a method of short-term projection of the future values ​​of financial statements, based on the fact that each of their items is responsible for its implementation.

"Methodological recommendations for the development of the financial policy of the enterprise", approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1997 No. 118, budgeting defined as part of financial planning. This document, in particular, states that the most important element of ensuring sustainable production activity is the financial planning system, which consists of: a system of budget planning for the activities of structural divisions of the enterprise, a system of consolidated (integrated) budget planning of the enterprise's activities.

Budgeting Is the process of drawing up and implementing this document in the practical activities of the company.

The quality of budgeting is determined by the structure of budgets, the composition of budget items, the consistency of budgets with each other, as well as the activities of managers involved in the budgeting system.

The operational system of company management (budgetary management) by responsibility centers with the help of budgets allows you to achieve the goals set by the most efficient use of resources. An important point budgetary management is a motivation that uses a mechanism to account for deviations from the planned indicators of costs and benefits and delineation of responsibility for these deviations. In the economic literature, for ease of understanding of the material, very often the terms "budgeting" and "budget management" are used interchangeably.

In order for the budgeting process to begin to operate effectively, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work. Organization of budgeting includes the following main points.

1. Design and approval of the financial structure of the organization... This is necessary in order to delegate authority in terms of drawing up specific (private) budgets by the responsible organizational units of the enterprise management system.

2. Development of the structure of the general budget of the organization... This stage includes work on the formation of classifiers of budgets, budget items, the imposition of types of budgets on the organizational links of the enterprise management structure.

3. Approval of budgetary policy... The budgetary policy itself is similar in form to the accounting policy and is formed with the aim of developing and consolidating the principles for the formation of indicators of budget items, methods of their assessment.

4. Development of budgeting regulations... This includes: determining the time period for budgeting, planning procedures, budget formats, an action program for each of the participants in the budgeting process.

The degree of functioning of the budgeting process depends on the amount of effort and costs put on it. In large companies with a complex organizational structure, this issue is dealt with by a specially created budget committee- a collegial body consisting of representatives of all budgetary centers. The peculiarities of the activities of budget committees depend on the characteristics of the organizations themselves, but the following issues are common to all: transformation of strategic goals into a series of operational budgets, organization of workshops, approval of functional budgets and their consolidation into a single master budget, consideration of reports on budget execution and further analysis deviations, resolution of conflicts arising in the process of functioning of the budget system.

Summarizing the above, it is possible to present in a complex the system of planning and budgeting at the enterprise in the form of a diagram (diagram 1.4). Full-fledged budget planning in an enterprise is impossible without taking into account the business cycle, industry cycle, enterprise development cycle and life cycle product. The analysis of various models of growth and stabilization of the enterprise showed that at each stage of the development of the company, its own financial policy must be formed and the data provided by management accounting must be formed, taking into account the fundamental model of development.

The main factors to consider when building an appropriate budgeting models, should be divided into the main intra-firm factors that influence the construction of the budgeting model, and the factors that matter when the owner influences the budgeting process.

Diagram 1.4

The first type of factors includes the following types of resources:

1) financial resources, both own and borrowed;

2) human resources, especially at the executive and top management levels;

3) business - resources, including relationships with buyers and suppliers, production process, market share, reputation, etc. 4

4) information resources.

Factors that are important in the influence of the owner on the budgeting process consist of the following elements:

1) the goals of the owner in business;

2) the degree of delegation by the owner of his powers to employees;

3) the owner's ability to combine personal goals with the goals of his enterprise;

4) entrepreneurial abilities of the owner of the company.

When an enterprise moves from one stage of development to another, the significance of these factors changes. In the early stages, it is the entrepreneurial talents of the owner that are fundamental to the development of the firm.

The budgeting model at this stage should be aimed at comparing the personal goals of the owner and the goals of the company. At the same time, the founder of the company must be prepared for possible own financial losses in the name of the interests of the company.

Table 1.1

Additional models used in budgeting will be:

1) dynamic model - the principle of construction is continuous measurement at regular intervals, with a reflection of the result, the effectiveness of the economic activity of the enterprise. In a market economy, efficiency is measured primarily through profitability equity capital, that is, the result of the activity received by the owner of the capital;

2) static budget- this is a budget in which specific amounts of income and expenses are planned for each budget item;

3) flexible budget- a budget, the indicators of which can be adjusted depending on the level of activity. This can be a variable budget, the data of which is fixed amounts plus variables from the volume of activity. This can be a staggered budget made up of a series of detailed financial budgets.

Flexible budgets are well illustrated by break-even charts, which clearly show the break-even point and the results of the enterprise;

4) budget in kind- a budget formed not in monetary terms, but in physical terms, such as units of finished products, materials, the number of employees or hours worked. The budget in kind is one of the components of the control system at the enterprise.

The choice of an additional budgeting model is also determined by the goals facing the enterprise. In practice, additional budgeting models are used as auxiliary ones for choosing the most appropriate version of the consolidated budget.

The budgeting system, like any other system, cannot function without observing certain conditions, in this case, these conditions are certain components (components), which together represent the budgeting infrastructure.

The first component of the budgeting infrastructure is analytical unit, which includes a certain methodological basis for the development, control, analysis of the implementation of the consolidated budget.

The second component is accounting unit budget process. To implement budgeting, an enterprise must have a management accounting system, that is, the availability of all quantitative information about the activities of an economic entity, which allows tracking the real financial condition, movement of inventory, financial flows and business transactions.

Any operating enterprise (firm) has its own organizational structure, which is determined by a set of individual services, divisions, which include employees engaged in a particular activity (responsibility centers). The interaction of all structural divisions is carried out on the basis of internal regulations and instructions that make up the internal document flow of the enterprise. The presence of an organizational structure and a management system between departments make up organizational unit budget process.

In larger companies, the process of budgeting and monitoring the execution of the consolidated budget without applying automated system accounting would be very difficult. When using software and hardware, the level of efficiency and quality of work increases. Therefore, in software and hardware unit infrastructure includes all software and hardware tools used in this enterprise and involved in the budget process.

Thus, the infrastructure of the budget process consists of four closely related components (Figure 1.5), which complement each other and are practically inseparable.

The budget of the enterprise, like the budget of the state, is always developed for a certain time interval, which is called budget period... An enterprise can simultaneously draw up several budgets that differ in the length of the budget period. The correct choice of the duration of the budget period is one of the important prerequisites for the effectiveness of the budget planning system as a whole.

Diagram 1.5

Budgeting is not only about the period to which the plan belongs. The development of the plan itself should begin even before the beginning of the budget period, and the control procedures should be completed after it. All these components form the budget cycle, which includes the following stages:

1) setting goals for the budget period;

2) collection of information for the development of the draft budget;

3) analysis and generalization of the collected information, the formation of the draft budget;

4) evaluation of the draft budget and its correction;

5) approval of the budget;

6) budget execution and possible adjustments to its indicators;

7) current and final analysis of deviations;

8) submission of a report on the implementation of the budget and analysis of the achievement of the goals of the organization for the reporting period;

All these stages are combined into three main phases: planning, implementation and completion. The tables below show the activities of all participants in the budget process for the three phases of the budget cycle.

Thus, the budget cycle itself lasts much longer than the budget period, since it begins before the beginning of the budget period and ends after its completion, when the implementation phase of the next cycle is already in progress.

1. The planning phase.

2. Execution phase.

3. Completion phase.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Finance and Credit the author Denis Shevchuk

127. The essence and role of budgeting. Relationship between budgeting and financial planning. The main types of budgets A budget is a plan for the activities of an enterprise in numerical terms for a certain period of time, usually up to one year.

author Chernyshev V.E.

7.1. The essence and functions of budgeting Budgeting is the process of preparing, organizing and controlling budgets in order to develop and make optimal management decisions. The budget is the financial plan of the organization, reflecting in quantitative

From the book Organization of management accounting in construction author Chernyshev V.E.

7.3. Organization of budgeting Implementation of budgeting requires a lot of effort from the management of the enterprise and takes quite a long period of time. At the preparatory stage, an analysis should be carried out: the organizational structure of the enterprise, functions

the author Volkov Alexey Sergeevich

5.10.2. Budgetary process The financial budgeting model determines the procedure and scheme for calculating all indicators of the adopted budgetary forms. There are two approaches to setting budgeting: a) defining formats and regulations, then understanding the methodology of financial

From the book Investment projects: from modeling to implementation the author Volkov Alexey Sergeevich

5.10.3. Regulations of the budgeting system The budgeting system is regulated by a set of documents describing the planning, accounting, analysis and control procedures. The main forms of documents regulating the budgetary process are :? position on

From the book Analysis of financial statements. Cheat sheets the author Olshevskaya Natalia

119. Principles of the budgeting system The system of enterprise budgets is based on the following principles:? The principle of unity of the budgetary system means the unity of: -? Regulatory regulatory framework; -? Forms of budget documentation; -? Sanctions and incentives; -? Methodology

From the book Budgeting and Cost Control in the Organization the author Vitkalova Alla Petrovna

1.1.1. Concept, object, purpose of budgeting Management accounting is closely related to estimate (budget) planning and control, which is its integral part. Complex market processes, on the one hand, affect volume fluctuations

From the book Management accounting. Cheat sheets the author Zaritsky Alexander Evgenievich

29. Variants of building a budgeting system at an enterprise In relation to the accounting system, within the framework of management accounting of an enterprise, autonomous and adapted versions of building a budgeting system are possible.

From the book Finance: lecture notes the author Kotelnikova Ekaterina

4. Budget deficit Represents the excess of budget expenditures over its revenues. Despite high tax rates, federal budget RF has been accepted with a deficit for many years. Nevertheless, in most economically developed countries, state

From the book Finance the author Kotelnikova Ekaterina

25. Budget deficit This is the excess of budget expenditures over its revenues. Despite the high tax rates, the federal budget of the Russian Federation has been adopted with a deficit for many years. Nevertheless, in most economically developed countries, state

From the book State and Municipal Finance the author Maria Novikova

52. Budget deficit In accordance with the Budget Code, if the budget for the next financial year with a deficit is adopted, the corresponding law (decision) on the budget approves the sources of financing the budget deficit.

the author Krasova Olga Sergeevna

Chapter 2. The Business Budgeting Process

From the book Budgeting and Cost Control: Theory and Practice the author Krasova Olga Sergeevna

3.3. Software and hardware support of the budgeting process To increase the speed of processing large amounts of information with the highest accuracy of calculations and reduce the level of errors in budgeting, software and hardware tools are used.

From the book Budgetary Law the author Dmitry Pashkevich

4. Budgetary process Budgetary process is the activity of public authorities, local self-government bodies and participants of the budgetary process regulated by the norms of law, consisting in the preparation and consideration of draft budgets, draft budgets

From the book Budgetary Law the author Dmitry Pashkevich

51. Budget loan A budget loan is a form of financing budget expenditures, which provides for the provision of funds legal entities or to another budget on a repayable and reimbursable basis (Article 76 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation).

From The MBA Book in Your Pocket: A Practical Guide to Developing Key Management Skills by Pearson Barry

Fiscal Control Realistic budgets, prompt monthly actual results and regularly updated forecasts of the expected financial year results are fundamental foundations of financial management and control.

To implement an effective budgeting system, develop a detailed financial structure, create budget forms, define the procedure for their formation and methods for planning individual items. The article contains a guide that will allow you to complete the listed tasks and avoid mistakes.

Budgeting is ...

How complex and time-consuming the process of implementing a budgeting system will be depends on the tasks that are set for it. As a rule, these are the main management tasks closely related to the main strategic and tactical goals of the company, which include:

  • identifying needs for financial resources;
  • management of the company's income and expenses;
  • formation of multivariate plans for the development of the company;
  • optimization of the use of the organization's resources, cost reduction and others.

When setting tasks for the future system, it is important to remember that their excessive detailing will complicate the implementation process. To avoid this, you should determine in advance what set of budget forms will be optimal for the company, how often it will be necessary to draw up and revise plans, who will be responsible for this.

What to consider when implementing a budgeting system

Starting planning, it is necessary to highlight the main patterns of the organization's work, to understand the extent to which information and financial flows are configured and what their detail is, as well as what the owners and managers of the company want, how united they are in understanding the goals. The more attention is paid to organizational issues, the coordination of concepts, actions and ideology, the more effective the planning process will be.

Enterprise budgeting is implemented through the budget system and is closely related to the management process. Therefore, the quality and timeliness of management decisions depends on how the budget management system works, how much management and employees support it. Training employees in new budgeting rules.

68 percent of colleagues are dissatisfied with their budgeting system and believe that it needs to be improved. The editors found out what deficiencies in the budgets are troubling the heads of financial services. For each problem, there are solutions that have already been tested by your colleagues.

Budgeting step by step

Budget management- is a system of company management by centers of financial responsibility through budgets, which allows to achieve the set goals by implementing budgetary powers and the most efficient use of resources.

Budgetary powers- the rights and obligations of subjects of budgetary management and other participants in the process of regulating budgetary relations, organizing and implementing the planning and control process.

A budget management system at any enterprise must be built, including the following processes:

  • formation of the financial structure and determination of the budgetary powers of the participants in the process;
  • development and approval of company budgets (including
  • formation of contractual obligations within the framework of approved budgets, taking into account the minimization of risks and ensuring the safety of the company's activities;
  • execution of settlements within the framework of the formed contractual obligations and control over the execution of income and expense budgets and the cash flow budget;
  • formation of a complete package of primary accounting documents (for income and expense parts);
  • formation and provision of management reporting;
  • analysis and decision making.

The basic principles of budgetary management should be reflected in a separate document - and further keep it up to date. The position must necessarily be revised in the event of a change in the company's strategy, structure and principles of interaction between divisions.

If we are already talking about budget management, then it is necessary to understand that it is impossible without streamlining management processes, without creating a planning and control system, management accounting and budgeting. The basis of all this is the financial structure of the enterprise.

Before building a financial structure, it is necessary to determine the concepts and its elements - subjects. We propose the following formulations.

Subjects of budgetary management- these are structural divisions, collegial bodies and company employees involved in the budget management process in accordance with their competence and area of ​​responsibility.

Financial structure- a set of financial responsibility centers in the context of financial accounting centers.

Budget structure- the hierarchy of operational, functional and final budgets of the enterprise.

Financial Accounting Center (CFU)- accounting unit (object, project), according to which the accounting system accumulates consolidated information on income and expenses.

Financial Responsibility Center (CFR)- a structural unit that, in the course of its functional activities, forms, executes and controls budgets or their individual items. Each CFD is headed by a manager who is responsible for the activities of the unit within the framework of budget management.

Then, guided by the definitions, one should figure out whether the financial structure can be implemented on the basis of the organizational one. Immediately, we note that at the first stage, when the budget management system is not fully implemented at the enterprise, it is possible to use the mechanism "as is" and combine the organizational and financial structures - this is convenient from an organizational point of view, since the head of the department will also be the head of the financial center. responsibility, that is, it will be endowed with the rights and responsibilities of financial management, which will avoid some conflicts and contradictions between the heads of the Central Federal District and the functional unit.

If the enterprise has already launched the budget management process and the company is immersed in this process, then it is possible, and in some cases necessary, to separate these concepts, since, after all, the financial structure differs from the organizational one (see what the organizational structure of enterprise management is).

Budget management, built on the principles of management by centers of responsibility, allows the financial structure to be the main mechanism for achieving the financial goals of the enterprise. An example of the structure of the budgetary management of trade - manufacturing enterprise shown in Figure 1. The organizational hierarchy is obvious, but the nature of subordination is completely different: the subject of budgeting of the CFD at zero level is the company as a whole, it is responsible to the owners for the consolidation of all financial performance indicators, performance results and the execution of the company's budget. The subjects of budgeting of the Central Federal District of the first level are enlarged formations - directorates, departments, services, shopping centers, the current management of which is under the jurisdiction of the relevant divisions. The following may act as the CFI of a trade and production enterprise:

  • shopping centers, workshops, divisions (with consolidation by formats, regions, products);
  • investment projects (each project separately);
  • management company (all the Central Federal District of the administrative center are consolidated).

Scheme 1. An example of the structure of the budgetary management of a trade and production enterprise

Table 1. Matrix of powers and responsibilities of subjects of budgetary management

Name of accounting entities Credentials Responsibilities
Company owner Request the necessary information, review the draft budgets and make an informed decision on their approval or rejection. Send for revision the consolidated budget of the company and project budgets with reasonable comments. Approve the company's strategy, formulate tasks and identify executors for the formation of a strategic plan. Approve the consolidated company budget and project budgets based on the consolidated budget.
Budget committee Request the strategic goals and objectives of the company for the year. Request the necessary information from the Financial Directorate and the Central Federal District. Send the consolidated budget of the company and project budgets with substantiated comments to the Financial Directorate for revision. Decompose strategic goals and objectives for the Central Federal District. Consider draft budgets (consolidated by company and project budgets) and make an informed decision on their readiness for approval by the owner.
Financial Directorate Request the strategic goals and objectives of the company for the year. Request the necessary information from the budget committee and the owner. Organize the process of budgetary management, formulate the requirements, rights and obligations of subjects of budgetary management. Collect data and conduct analysis during the planning process. To develop financial model budgets of the Central Federal University and the company. To form a draft of the consolidated budget of the company, draft budgets of the CFU. Send draft budgets for approval to the budget committee and owners. Eliminate comments during the approval process. Develop filling rules and key indicators for DFS. Provide consulting and methodological assistance. Provide data on the actual execution of the budget to the heads of the Central Federal District for planning.
Head of the Central Federal District Request the necessary information from the budget committee and the financial directorate. Request a financial model of budgets (to be filled in within your functional area). Request filling rules and key indicators for DFS. Receive consulting and methodological assistance from the Finance Directorate and the Budget Committee. Analyze tasks and plan activities. To formulate the draft budget of the FSC (in terms of its functional direction), taking into account the work plans for the budget period. Substantiate the amounts by items of income and expenditure of budgets. Accept approved budgets for execution.

Similar matrices can be drawn up for the rest of the stages of budget management, while it is important to involve the heads of the Central Federal District in the process, to balance powers and responsibilities. If this is not done at the level of ideology, then the subject of budgetary management will be very willing to use the rights, and responsibility for the budget deficit or cash gap will be shifted to the financial department.

Types of budgets

Regardless of the level of development of the company and its structure, in the planning process, as a rule, several types of budgets:

  • operating budgets (for the Central Federal District, Central Federal District);
  • cash flow budget (BDDS);
  • balance sheet budget (BL);
  • consolidated investment budget (consists of the budgets of individual projects).

Taking into account the specifics of the company's activities, you first need to allocate functional budgets. This can be done based on the following principles:

  • one budget describes only one process: sale of goods, delivery of goods - there should be no uncovered processes;
  • the availability of a budget is determined by the realities of the business. For example, if the company does not receive income from financial activities, then it makes no sense to draw up a budget.

Table 2 shows the types of functional budgets for the main activities of a manufacturing and commercial enterprise. Each organization determines the grouping of items to the main and non-operating activities independently, but, as a rule, this is done by specific income in the total amount of revenue. If the company, in addition to operating activities, also conducts financial and investment activities, then within each of them its own budgets should also be used, for example:

  • budget of interest on credits and loans;
  • collateral valuation and insurance budget;
  • development budget (in the context of each individual project);
  • reconstruction budget.

If you have to look for the reasons for deviations of the actual budget from the planned one,

Table 2. Types of functional budgets of the company by main activity

Budget name Responsible for the budget Planning period
Production budget Production Director Year by month
Sales (distribution) budget:
- goods for resale
- finished products
Marketing Director, Senior Technologist Year by month
Gross Income Budget (Margin) Commercial Director, Marketing Director Year by month
Non-operating income budget:
- revenue from the provision of advertising services;
- proceeds from the provision of services for the provision of places for additional display;
- proceeds from the lease / sublease of premises;
- bonuses (including penalties for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations)
Marketing Director, Commercial Director Year by month
Transport and procurement budget Commercial Director Year by month
Overhead budget (for each functional area in the context of budget items):
- operating budget;
- the budget for the acquisition of property;
- payroll budget;
- budget of social benefits and compensations
Heads of directorates, services, departments Year by month
Tax budget CFO Year by quarter (month)

All budgets should be allocated in accordance with the financial structure. For example, the production budget for the enterprise as a whole will consist of the budgets of individual production departments (or factories), and all operating budgets will subsequently form the general budget of the company for its core activities.

Companies that want to tightly control costs and speed up the budgeting process - .

Regardless of the type, the budget consists of separate items. A reference book of articles must be formed on the basis of an audit of all business operations of the company. Cm.

In this case, the following important points should be taken into account:

  • the grouping of business transactions on the basis of their belonging to the Central Federal District forms the operating budget of this Central Federal District;
  • any expense or income transaction must necessarily have an item in the budget of income and expenses, according to which it can be reflected;
  • by the importance of transactions and the share in expenses or income, it is possible to establish one item for one transaction (but, as a rule, one item corresponds to a group of transactions);
  • budget items should reflect the real needs of the business, so it is not worth adding an article to the directory with a view to the future;
  • the level of detail of the items depends on the amounts of the reflected transactions. For example, if under the item "Other expenses" the total amount exceeds other detailed budget items, then separate items should be distinguished from other expenses that give it a lot of weight.

For income and expense items, it is better to use a single hierarchy, for example, a three-level directory of income and expenses:

  • level 0 - the primary item of the same type of business transaction;
  • level 1 - consolidation of zero-level items;
  • level 2 - consolidation of the first level items.

Cash flow budget items are formed on the basis of income and expense budget items by excluding items not related to cash flow (depreciation, exchange rate and amount differences, revaluation of goods and materials, marriage, etc.), and adding items reflecting the movement of money (advances, acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets, capital repairs, receipt of loans, other inflow, etc.).

A balance sheet budget can be constructed from the balance sheet by expanding it to the granularity required.

Management accounting is not strictly regulated and in order to fully satisfy the needs of all interested users in information, there is no need to be afraid to reasonably combine elements of various accounting systems in management forms, including RAS and IFRS.

Phases of the budget cycle

The budget cycle is a period of time during which operations such as setting key indicators for the year, drawing up a company's financial plan for each division, monitoring its implementation, operational analysis, correcting and revising individual items are performed.

Usually the cycle is continuous. The duration depends on the specifics of the economic detail of the enterprise and on how technically equipped the financial services of the company are.

Main phases:

  1. Planning. At this stage, the strategic goals of the company for the planned period are established, an analysis of the external economic environment is carried out, the business directions of the enterprise's activities and standards within the organization are determined, information is collected and analyzed. The prepared budget is estimated and corrected if necessary. Then it is approved. At this stage, forecasts are determined for factors that can directly affect the future development of the enterprise.
  2. Implementation. At this stage, the budget is executed, current and final deviations are analyzed.
  3. Completion. In this phase, a report on the annual budget execution is prepared, recommendations for adjustments for the future period are developed.

Since the process is continuous, a few months before the end of the final phase, it is already necessary to plan the budget for the next year.

Stages of organizing budgeting in the enterprise

Planning should be focused on key business goals. For each specific company, the goals are determined by market (segment and market share), production (production structure, technologies used, resources), financial (sources of financing, opportunities for attracting loans) and social (satisfaction of consumer needs) factors. Strategic plans can be formulated in qualitative and quantitative terms, but most importantly, they must be fully understandable to management and reflect development guidelines.

From the point of view of practice, the coordination of goals is the most important stage of planning, heads of functional areas should be involved in this process, since the goal of the company is subsequently decomposed into the goals of divisions. It is in the process of agreeing on strategic goals that the heads of functional units develop coordinated methods for solving existing problems, assess tasks, analyze constraints, opportunities and risks. The relationship between strategic goals and performance indicators of individual CFDs is shown in Scheme 2.

Scheme 2... The relationship between strategic goals and performance indicators of individual divisions

In addition, you can create a collegial body - the budget committee. The tasks of the budget committee are as follows:

  • ensure the formation of the budget for the year, quarter, month;
  • monitor the execution of the company's budget, identify the reasons for deviations of the actual values ​​from the planned ones, develop measures in order to execute the budget;
  • involve in the budget management process officials and responsible employees;
  • identify illegal actions on the part of officials and employees, determine measures to prevent similar situations in the future.

The process of organizing budgeting consists of a number of sequential stages:

  1. Analysis of the market and financial position of the organization.
  2. Identification of key or limiting factors.
  3. Drawing up predictive functional budgets.
  4. Consolidation and balancing of the operating budget. Cm. .
  5. Formation.
  6. Determination of the need for financial resources.
  7. Formation and approval of the tax budget. See how.
  8. Drawing up a consolidated budget for the company.
  9. Familiarization of all interested participants with the budget.
  10. Organization of the budget execution control system.
  11. Discussion of the procedure for adjusting budgets.
  12. Assessment of the company's activities from a budget perspective.

It is advisable to describe each stage to the level of procedures, required information, responsible persons, deadlines, results (see Table 3).

Table 3. Example of detailing planning stages

Procedures Procedure inputs Responsible for implementation Deadline Result
Forecasting market macro indicators Information from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and other official sources Heads of the Central Federal District Until July 10 Forecast of market macro indicators
Development of a draft budget Company strategy, investment priorities CFO Until July 20 Draft budget
Budget approval Draft budget CFO Until July 31 Approved budget
Formation and delivery of target performance indicators to the Central Federal District Performance targets Budget committee Until August 5 Delivered target performance indicators

Consideration and approval of the budget within the company and work with business owners allows for iteration of the process if the indicators presented for protection do not satisfy them. Iterativeness presupposes the elaboration of indicators "from top to bottom" and "from bottom to top" and in the future will allow managing the company's resources with maximum efficiency.

To formalize the process of coordinating indicators at each stage, it is recommended to keep a protocol in which all the required improvements, deadlines, and responsible persons are recorded.

It is advisable to complete all work on the preparation and approval of the company's budgets for the year before the start of the planning period. In case the process is delayed for various reasons (the duration of agreeing on strategic goals, unpreparedness of managers, absence of a process coordinator, etc.), a budget rule can be envisaged: monthly financing of the company's operating activities is carried out in the amount of no more than 1/12 of the funding limits of the year preceding budgeting, which will allow not to disrupt the production process.

In the planning process, it is recommended to prepare several budget options - pessimistic, most probable and optimistic. Then, using the methods of mathematical processing and the expert opinion of the participants in the process, agree on the versions and approve the company's budget for the planned period.

In the course of work (budget execution), when the planning horizon is shrinking and, under the influence of various factors, the enterprise is faced with a deviation of the actual indicators from the planned ones, a situation is possible when the deviation from the set budget values ​​is economically justified and it is necessary to make changes to the budget. In this case, we can talk about using flexible budgets. A flexible budget is a budget that can change depending on the level of business activity of the company. ...

Practice shows that a flexible budget is the most preferable and is an effective operational tool in the work of a manager, that is, an analytical version of the approved annual budget of the company, while the boundaries of flexibility must be developed and formalized before the budget process begins. For example, one of the flexible budgeting rules allows you to adjust budget values ​​within a static annual budget by redistributing limits by line item or by CFD (CFD).

Let's summarize. Implementation of a budgeting system is a sequential passage of the following stages:

Stage 1. Development of the organizational structure of budgeting. At this stage, the structure of the company is considered in the context of departments, departments, directions and methods of interaction between departments are studied. It is necessary to understand by what rules the reporting in the company is drawn up, to study its composition and forms in order to maintain the comparability of the reporting data with the planned ones. Based on the existing departments and based on the types of financial transactions, centers of financial responsibility and those responsible for them are established.

Stage 2. Creation of the structure of budgets. Formation of the composition of plans based on the established centers of financial responsibility.

Stage 3. Description of budgeting rules. Not all company employees are familiar with the nuances of reporting in the company. To ensure the comparability of data between the plan and the fact, it is necessary to easily and easily describe the rules by which the company recognizes income and expenses for all participants in the process.

Stage 4. Drawing up planning regulations. The regulations prescribe terms, budgeting rules, the process of collecting, agreeing, and approving planned data.

Stage 5. Drawing up a set of operating and financial budgets.

The operational plans include plans for centers of responsibility (production plan, sales, labor costs, etc.). Data on them is collected in the context of departments, and the heads of departments are responsible for the implementation of these plans.

Further, when consolidating these operational plans, financial budgets are drawn up, the list of which is similar to the composition of financial statements - this is a budget (forecast) balance sheet, a budget income statement,. Responsibility for their implementation already lies with the head of the entire company.

Budgeting as a cost management tool

So that planning is not a simple formality, and the execution of budgets is as close to the plan as possible, it is important to correctly determine the possible income and expenditure rates.

The benchmarks for planning the expenditure side of the budget can be the industry average data on costs and profits, or data from competitors from the number of public companies, as well as their own statistics for past periods. For example, if the industry average profit is taken as the basis, then, having determined the income part, it is possible to normalize the amount of expenses and distribute it among separate items.

The Pareto principle "20/80" and ABC analysis are applicable to all budget items, using which all costs can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • the first makes up about 80 percent of the total expenses of the enterprise, as a rule, these are several cost items of group A;
  • the second is about 15 percent of total expenditures - these are group B items;
  • the third - 5 percent of total expenses - small items of group C.

Depending on the level of items, it is necessary to organize budget management - it is important to focus on the first and partially on the second groups of costs, that is, those that have the most noticeable impact on the financial result and the cost of production.

One of the main tools for controlling costs is rationing, which is the development of marginal (in absolute or relative terms) indicators of costs. The principle of rationing can be applied to both direct and overhead costs, both variable and fixed.

To establish standards for a number of cost items, you can use industry indicators, analyze the work of competitors and historical data. The list of internal regulations may be as follows:

  • material costs per unit of production, per ruble of revenue, profit;
  • stock standards at the end of the period;
  • operating and utility costs for 1 sq. m of the used area;
  • the cost of equipping a workplace for 1 employee when hiring;
  • price stationery for 1 employee;
  • insurance of premises for 1 sq. m of the used area;
  • the cost of communication services for 1 employee (plus dependence on the position held);
  • travel expenses (daily allowance, accommodation, travel tickets) for 1 employee (plus dependence on the position held), etc.

Normalization can also be used in situational modeling. Guideline values indicators should be reviewed at regular intervals, for example, once a year before starting the budget process.

Budgeting and control, adjustment, revision

Each company has its own rules for assessing budget execution; the range of deviations by item may also be different. In this regard, very often questions arise: is it worth adjusting the budget in the process of its execution and what principles should be followed in this case. Cm.

In order for all participants in the planning process to understand the procedure for executing the budget, it is necessary to formulate principles for its revision. It is best to do this at the stage of developing a budgetary strategy and determine:

  • the level of the budget to be adjusted;
  • the level of deviations at which the adjustment is made;
  • adjustment period;
  • timing of adjustments (and possibly also how many times one budget is adjusted);
  • responsibility of the head of the Central Federal District. It should be borne in mind that if the same problem is raised on a monthly basis, then the manager's responsibility should already be financial.

To determine the level of variance by item, you can use the aggregated budget model. It is worth modeling those items that affect the key performance indicators of the company, for example, turnover, EBITDA, EBITDA margin.

As a rule, the deviation of the actual values ​​from the planned ones by 3-5 percent is considered acceptable. But if during the modeling process other threshold values ​​are determined, then it is worth focusing on them, since the size of the threshold deviation depends on how far the company is from the break-even point (or how close to it).

The examples in the financial literature show that the ratio of the total change in income and expenses is on average 1: 3, that is, a decrease in the revenue side or an overspending of 10 percent leads to a decrease in profits by 30 percent.

Many other dependencies have also been deduced, which must be paid attention to both when planning and when analyzing the budget. In particular, the following:

  • with a growing business (or market), the focus should be on income;
  • with a stable business (or market), you need to control profits;
  • when falling, it is especially important to control the constant part of costs.

Department leaders don't always see how to cut costs for their department. This article discusses techniques that have helped your colleagues reduce department costs by 7-9 percent without sacrificing business.

The budget can be adjusted no more than once a month, and if there are no force majeure circumstances in the external environment and within the company, then only within the annual limits, while not affecting the possible savings on protected items. Protected items are expenses that are necessary to ensure a normal production process, that is, costs that an enterprise will unconditionally bear, regardless of the level of its business activity. As a rule, such expenses include payroll, taxes, rent.

All deviations can be divided into controlled and uncontrolled. So, if the reason for the deviation was an increase in energy tariffs or an unpredictable change in the cadastral value of a land plot, then we can talk about uncontrolled changes. If transportation costs have increased, then this should be understood. There are two main reasons for deviations of actual values ​​from planned ones: the issue was not worked out at the planning stage, or control over the process at the execution stage is weakened. It is necessary to identify what exactly is at stake in the case of a specific deviation, and give feedback to the owner of the process. This helps to increase the discipline and responsibility of leaders. Cm.

Here are some specific rules for budgetary control and adjustments to budget values.

  1. Payment to the lender (supplier for services rendered or goods received) for the admitted cost overruns in terms of variable budget items is made after changing the limit of a specific unit (based on an order) within the company's standard or after temporarily canceling control over the ratio of costs and turnover (if the standard for the Central Federal District, it is impractical to change and the standard for the company is not exceeded).
  2. The change in the limit for the payroll item is made by the HR Directorate within the approved annual budget by redistributing the amounts between the central financial institutions and periods, the payroll budget overruns are not covered by other items. A reduction in the budget under the payroll item is made in the event of structural changes or changes in business processes (for example, reducing maintenance personnel and attracting cleaning companies).
  3. It is allowed to transfer the budget in the current period between the FSC within the same budget items.
  4. It is forbidden to make expenses by increasing income without adjusting the limit for the corresponding budget expense item (for example, travel expenses at the expense of non-operating income). In this case, it is necessary to adjust the budget for the expense item according to the general rules.

To increase maneuverability in managing the budget and use additional opportunities to cover its deficit, it is worthwhile to provide a separate item in planning, a certain reserve fund. It can be formed as a percentage of turnover or another base, or simply in absolute terms, indexing the fact of the previous year. Such a fund, by decision of the director or the budget committee, is spent on an unscheduled increase in the limit on the budget item of the Central Federal District, as well as on financing the item "Penalties, fines", if it is not possible to compensate for these costs at the expense of the guilty official.

Budgeting automation

In order for the built-up planning system not to remain on paper, in regulations, but to be developed and implemented in practice, it must be supported by IT solutions.

If we talk about what is primary - the accounting system or accounting principles and the concept of budget management, then each company determines this independently, depending on the level of business development, its diversification, stage of the life cycle. At some stage, the main planning and control tool will be MS Excel, its capabilities are great, the use is convenient, but with the growth of the company, the level of automation should also grow, and the high level of IT specialists gives almost unlimited possibilities of automation. For example, in our company, operational control of budget execution is automated, a full cycle of planning and control of payments is being developed, accounting for contracts in the system. Budgeting in Excel. System automation tips

Obviously, the program will not replace an experienced and competent specialist, but timely, systematized information will unambiguously streamline all accounting processes, increase the efficiency of accounting, assess the current financial position of the enterprise and its prospects.