Corporate sales manager test. Are your salespeople good: the rapid diagnostic test. Testing sales managers during a business game

For any Russian company, the sales department is a very important unit on which the profit and development of the company depends. And not infrequently it becomes the main "headache" of the company. Therefore, a question is always relevant for each company. And in the face of increasing competition, finding and selecting salespeople becomes a very difficult task for many recruiters.

- What interview questions allow you to evaluate and choose the best sales manager for a candidate?
- Do you pay special attention to?

We have summarized the experts' answers and collected a block of 15 best questions that will allow us to comprehensively evaluate candidates for the vacancy and choose the best sales manager.

15 questions for a candidate for an interview for a sales manager position.

Professionalism (experience):
1. What does the concept of "sale" mean to you?
(Does the job seeker understand the essence of sales.)

2. Sell yourself to us as a salesperson.
(The desired answer should be formulated according to the principle (properties-benefits-benefits))

3.You come to us to sell?
(The question allows you to find out the motivation of the candidate)

4. What do you enjoy the most about working as a sales manager?
(The question allows you to find out what the sales manager is targeting: the process or the result?)

Result orientation:
5. What is important for you in the work of a salesperson?
(The question allows you to find out the behavior of the sales manager (striving-avoidance))

6. What are you willing to do for a base salary?
(Reveal the true focus on results and material motivation of the candidate)

Customer focus:

7. How did you deal with difficult clients?

8. Remember the most difficult conflict with a client?
(Evaluate the technique of working with the client, with objections, conflict resolution)


9. Do you consider yourself a successful salesperson?
(Allows you to determine the level of self-esteem of the candidate. It should not be too high or low)

10. Give the facts of your sales achievements.
(We check the past successes, achievements and experience of the candidate)

Sociability, teamwork:

11. Which team is the most comfortable for you?
(Checking the flexibility and adaptability of the employee, the desire to work in a team, corporate culture)

12. Which team, in your opinion, works the most productively?
(Understanding the basics effective team, and does the candidate contradict himself on answer No. 11)

Remuneration negotiations:

13. How much do you want to earn in our company (name the minimum and maximum)?
(Shows the realistic and ambitious goals of the candidate)

14. What is the minimum salary you are satisfied with probation?
(acceptable to the candidate)

15. What is your average monthly income for the last 3-6 months?
(Determine the level of monetary remuneration acceptable to the candidate)

What interview questions allow you to evaluate and select the best sales manager from the candidates?

Katerina Gavrilova, IT - DigitalHR Recruiting Agency.In an interview, the most important thing is not the questions, but what goals you have set for yourself.

For example, you need to find out the motivation of the candidate: where he wants to grow, and so on.
Ideally, there will be no questions as such, but there will be just an informal conversation, during which the person himself will gradually tell about all the causes and effects.

The HR manager can only competently build the conversation according to the "funnel" principle - starting with a general question, gradually moving on to a particular one.
Let's say you have decided on the goals of the interview. Questions that involve a linguistic analysis of the answers are very helpful.

For example: What do you enjoy most about working as a salesperson? (process-result).

If the candidate enjoys interacting with the client, then he or she likes the process. A sales manager is not a process person, but a result person. Most likely, he should be offered an account job.

If the candidate answers that he likes to receive his bonuses from the closing of the deal, such a specialist is result-oriented.

A typical answer for salespeople What is important to you in your work? (aspiration-avoidance)“It’s important for me that my leader is NOT… and beyond” is avoidance. This helps to understand what problems were at the previous place of work, and to assess whether there may be risks that we will stumble upon this again in Company X. A thorough analysis of the situation is necessary.

If the candidate answers: “It is important that I can benefit the company and be really needed, I could increase the company's turnover” - this is about aspiration and activity. Such a specialist should be hired to open new markets, for example. How do you make decisions? (internal or external reference) It is important to understand whether the candidate is looking for clues from others or conducting market analytics and looking for solutions himself. If we need a quality performer, then he should rather be outwardly referenced.

If we need a leader, then internal reference must be developed.

Anastasia Kazmina, Deputy HR Director, AutoSpecCentre Group of Companies.

For any retail company, the sales manager is the backbone, the key figure on which the profitability and leadership position of the company depends.

What should be this key figure?
Of course, the first thing we pay attention to is how client-oriented our candidate is, how he establishes contact, whether he knows how to listen and hear, knows how to identify the needs of the client, is not afraid to ask open questions and at the same time positively and reasonably works out possible objections of the client, focuses on the advantages of the purchase.

For a sales manager, it is equally important. He is motivated by money - great, he wants to be the first, recognition is important - even better!
For example, from employees with a sports past, in which there were victories or from gold medalists, they make excellent sales managers, they always strive to be leaders, they are result-oriented, and if the manager also knows how to highlight them, praise, motivate them, then they will run the fastest!

How to evaluate all these qualities?
It is important to discern, even in a person without specialized experience, a focus on the result, it is important to understand what achievements were in the past, what is motivated in the present, this is a biographical interview, and it is important to give the candidate a case, i.e. play a real situation with a client, let him sell anything, throw objections to him, be unhappy, ask "stupid questions", ask again - after all, the client in real life can be anything and his task is to find an approach and, as a result, sell the product, so that the client was satisfied and contacted again!

Marina Lysikova, HR Director of the international network of culinary studios CULINARYON. Nowadays, any commercial organization providing certain services or goods, the question of finding and selecting an effective sales manager is always very acute.

In reality, the HR market is overflowing with resumes for sales managers. But how do you choose really good candidates from this pool?

There are, of course, some of these types of specialists. One example of a company that pays special attention to the quality of its sales department is the international network of culinary studios CULINARYON.

CULINARYON is a dynamically developing company with a unique corporate culture, which is why, when looking for employees, the following two competencies are of particular importance to us: professionalism and compliance with the corporate culture of the company. Speaking specifically about sales managers, our HR specialists advise paying special attention to 5 fundamental competencies and asking the candidate the appropriate questions:

1. Professionalism. In this case, there are standard questions, such as work experience, functionality, tools used by the manager to find clients, sales and work with objections, understanding target audience companies. These questions provide a clear picture of the applicant's experience and make it possible to understand how it meets our criteria.

2. Focus on results. This competence can be tested using a situational case. Example: “The sales plan is set for a quarter. Two months have passed, but you understand that while maintaining the current style of work, the plan will not be fulfilled. "What actions will you take to correct and improve the current situation?" The applicant's answer will immediately determine how quickly he is able to navigate in force majeure circumstances, as well as the level of his motivation to achieve a successful result. Candidates who show creativity in solving even such a trivial case will be especially valuable.

3. . It is also possible to assess this competence using a case study. Simple example: “How do you organize your working day to achieve your goals? Describe it "... In this case, special attention should be paid to the thinking process of the applicant, the structure of the arrangement and his decision-making.

4. Relationships and teamwork. As mentioned earlier, this competence is one of the most important for CULINARYON (as for any other company specializing in organizing and conducting events). Developed communication skills will be a fundamental quality for a successful candidate. But in order to assess the competence of working in a team in the highest quality, you can resort to mixing key queries in the case presented to the applicant.

Example: “Which team, in your opinion, works the most productively? Which team is the most comfortable for you? You learned that a coworker is not very complimentary about you, which interferes with your career. What are your actions in this situation? " Thus, the flexibility and adaptability of the employee in changing conditions is checked, as well as the level of stress resistance, which in itself is very important quality for an effective sales manager.

5. Compliance- This is a general observation of the candidate during the entire interview, during which it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance, spoken language, facial expressions and gestures. For example, very sociable and active young people work in CULINARYON, respectively, we are always looking for a similar psychotype.

Nowadays, the search and selection of sales managers is quite popular, as they are in great demand. As a rule, there are no universal requirements, each company approaches this issue based on the specifics of its work. However, there are key competencies and issues on which you can get ahead of a good candidate.

First of all, follows. A good salesperson has money. You can discuss for a long time what interesting functionality will be, growth prospects, friendly team or convenient schedule, everything will fade into the background, because such specialists are focused on making a profit for the company, for which they are well paid. You can ask the following questions: "What are you working for?" or "Describe the portrait of a successful sales manager"... The responses of a motivated employee should include words such as "effective", "work for the result", "I will do", "I always achieve my goals", etc.

An equally important criterion when choosing is customer focus. To understand this, it is worth asking situational questions, for example: “How did you deal with“ difficult ”clients”, “Give examples of client complaints that you faced” or “Remember the most difficult conflict with a client”, etc.

A customer-oriented employee is pleasant in communication, answers questions without irritation, with a smile, is tactful, and most often "mirrors" the opponent so that he feels comfortable. Ideally, if the candidate says that there are no difficult clients, you can always find a way out and keep it.

To assess sociability and flexibility, it is enough to pay attention to the applicant's communication style. The following behavioral features are evidence of a good level: adapts to the style of the interlocutor ”, does not interrupt, knows how to listen, and joins in the conversation at the right time.

We have a special technology called “competitive selection” in recruitment. Its essence lies in the fact that a large number of candidates for a position are invited at once, and the selection takes place in three stages at once in one day.

First step.
A series of blitz interviews with groups of 5 candidates 15 minutes apart. During such an interview, we identify key qualities and characteristics: resistance to stress, a basic positive attitude towards life, flexible mind, position adequacy.

Second phase.
An in-depth study of the competencies of the remaining candidates.

Stage three.
Homework. This is a very revealing test of the willingness to keep commitments. Surprisingly, not everyone succeeds in keeping the deadlines, and not showing their knowledge.
As a rule, it is those who completed the test on time, then work in their positions a lot, for a long time and effectively.

At the first stage, there are not many questions; they rarely directly require you to talk in detail about specific sales technologies. But we managed to collect a pool of questions that very clearly show the competence and motivation of the candidate.

For example, a simple question perfectly demonstrates the candidate's motivation: Have you come to us to sell?

Some get lost, because the answer is obvious - he came to the position of a sales manager. But others happily nod, “Of course! This is what I want to do! Tell us a little about your company, and I can immediately draw your attention to the benefits of the product ”- before we looked back, the future salesperson seized the initiative. Undoubtedly, this is a great sign of a person's "love" for their business.

Another simple task: sell yourself to us as a salesperson- can confuse shy candidates. But if a person does not hesitate to praise himself, we look at the consistency of his speech. It is great if he describes himself according to the "properties-benefits-benefits" model. Ideally, first he asks: "What kind of person are you looking for?" - and will be able to make a presentation based on our needs.

So, after one question, we understand what technologies and sales models a person owns - in fact.
This method has been tested by us on many development companies throughout Russia. He helped select the best sales experts from the market for our clients.

About Mann, Cheremnykh & Partners
Development consulting company. For 2 years, 26 successful cases of increasing sales of apartments of different levels. The founders of the company are Igor Mann, the most famous Russian marketer, speaker, author, publisher; Ivan Cheremnykh, expert in strategic management in development, co-owner of PIC. Released in co-authorship "The very book of the developer", which has become a desktop for advanced construction companies Russia.

Mikhail Smushchenko, general manager TSK "Gelster".

We ask potential sales managers during interviews both questions about their experience and the principles that guide them in their work.

Questions from the first block are not limited to listing the duties of the applicant at the previous job. We also try to find out the level of ambition of the applicant, as well as the degree of his activity and professionalism. For example, we ask what place among colleagues the candidate occupied at the previous job and whether he did something to get ahead. This question allows you to understand how much the applicant is ready to put in efforts in the work, whether he strives to become the best, or he is used to being content with little.

Another common question: "What is the biggest project you are proud of?"... Be sure to clarify the amount of the transaction, and why the candidate chose it. This helps to determine the scale of the tasks with which the specialist worked, as well as his professional values. A candidate who chooses a large-scale project in terms of profit, and even notes the methods of work that led to success, gets a few points in our eyes.

We often ask if the seller had conflicts with clients, and how he resolved them: on his own or with the help of a manager. Controversial situations are possible at work, but it is very important that the manager is not afraid to report dissatisfaction to the manager and find a solution with him.

Among our questions there are also questions about cold calls. For example, we often ask how the specialist in general relates to them. A professional sales manager should not be afraid of them, because in any market there are periods of recession, and then you will have to pick up the phone. We do not consider specialists who are not ready for this. For those who are not afraid to work “in the fields”, we will definitely ask about the number of calls per day and their effectiveness.

The sales manager must be proactive. To reveal this quality of it helps the question: "Where did you get clients in your last job?" If the specialist consulted only the incoming flow of buyers, we mark this as a minus. If, among other things, he was looking for clients, we will definitely clarify where and what the results were.

Another block of professional questions is associated with solving situations that may occur in real work.

For example, what if a customer says “Expensive” about a product? A bad answer to this question is to offer a discount. Discounts teach the client to pay less; in the future, such a buyer will always ask for a lower price, even if the budget allows him to buy the product at full cost... A good answer in this case is to find out what "Expensive" means to the client. Perhaps the client is comparing the product with a cheaper analogue. Then it is worth talking about the advantages and benefits that the client purchases along with a more expensive product.

Question "How to take a client away from a competitor?" allows you to identify the principles of the job seeker. If he fights with competitors only with the help of price, then this is bad, because he will not be able to earn much for the company. If, according to the candidate, it is necessary to offer best product, high-level service, professional advice, then such an applicant will not only be able to bypass competitors, but also gain the confidence of the consumer.

The most difficult question for many job seekers is: "How to make a client permanent?" Most candidates get lost or give the wrong answer, not understanding how to build a long and fruitful relationship with the client. Any customer is very pleased with the attention and care. Therefore, the task of the manager is to remember the client, visit him, congratulate him on the holidays, and sometimes call just like that.

Mandatory question for a sales manager in our company: "What is more important: to be able to sell, no matter what, or to know the product perfectly?" A qualified technician will not be able to choose either one or the other. Without knowledge of the product, the manager will not select the most suitable product for the client, and without sales techniques, he will not be able to close the deal.

All of these questions are suitable for those candidates who already have sales experience. Applicants with no work experience should be asked about their personal qualities, values, priorities. It is important that the prospective sales manager is open-minded, friendly, ambitious, and willing to learn. From such a person, even without experience, you can make a "star" of sales.

As an experienced HR director, I can say: the main thing is to be able to evaluate the candidate according to his manner of communication, to give him the opportunity to reason rather than waiting for standard questions of "socially expected" answers, which are now available on the Internet to everyone.

Of course, an interview is a dialogue, so that it starts, one has to ask, the other - to answer. And the main questions for sales managers (including real estate) can be divided into three main groups. It is important that the candidate can confirm the experience stated in the resume, explain how he achieved the results achieved in other jobs.

Therefore, the first group - questions on logic. There is no correct answer to them, so it will be difficult for an inexperienced personnel officer to glean useful information from the applicant's story. “What are the three pros and three cons of important tasks?” “What would you choose between successfully completing a deal and maintaining your reputation,” or simply, “What do you like about selling?” - it is important not what the interlocutor will answer, but how he justifies it.

The second group is projective questions. As a rule, this proposal is to simulate the situation. And yes, the proposal "sell me a ballpoint pen" is also quite possible to put forward. More complex options that will allow you to extract more interesting information: "how to identify the client's needs and whether it is possible to form additional", "what do you know ways to successfully complete the transaction." Or: "examples and reasons for your professional failures." Let the person show that he knows how to draw conclusions - this is more than valuable in any work.

Finally, it is worth determining the level of motivation of the salesperson... “Your colleague lets you down, what are your actions?”, “Your achievement number one, justify”. Does the candidate have evaluation criteria own work how does he know that he is successful? A sales manager must necessarily have a personal interest (I now change the car once a year, and not once every three - that means I'm on a horse), and not trail behind KPI (it's not my business to evaluate my work, for this there is a manager and bonuses ).

Possesses enthusiasm, can even speak rashly, but without busting - artificiality is easy to recognize.

The most important competencies that we define and assess from sales managers are:

ability to accept independent decisions
ability to persuade
ability to sell
stress tolerance

It is also important to pay attention to additional education, the duration of work in each place, the reasons for looking for a job.
In interviews with these specialists, we ask quite a few questions.

Here are some of those that, in our opinion, must be asked:
How do you imagine your working day?
What are your favorites?
What makes you stand out as a salesperson?
How are you going to look for new clients?
How do you track changes in your sales segment?
What motivates you best in your work?
How do you deal with difficulties? Tell us about the "black" bars in your work?

In addition to questions, we also pay attention to the appearance - clothes, shoes, hairstyle, manicure, because a sales manager is the face of any company. Be sure to listen to the applicant's speech, analyze how he builds phrases, listen to his manner of presenting thoughts.

It is very important that in the process of dialogue the candidate behaves confidently, does not lower his eyes to the floor, does not fiddle with his hair and ears, and does not build “barriers” with his hands.

I like to personally interview sales managers. Because this is the person who will be the “face of the company” and bring money, the development of the company depends on the result of his work.

In addition to the standard ones - about bad habits, hobbies, what books I read, what I do after work, about 5 steps of sales, I ask the following questions during a personal interview:

- What does development mean to you? Do you like to develop yourself? Please tell us more.

Why it is important - managers will have to communicate with decision-makers, in 50% of cases these are the owners of small and medium-sized businesses. If a manager in the age of galloping information possesses knowledge of 2-5 years ago, then the chances of making successful deals with a high check will tend to zero.
I also like to check to what extent a person is ready not only to take, but also to give. In this case, I ask this question:

- Our company is ready to invest in education and professional development of employees. But in return, we sign an agreement with him, in which we prescribe that after training you can leave the company, compensating the payment in 3 times the amount or having worked for at least 1.5 years. Are you ready for this?

- Are you ready to be responsible not only for your result, but for the result of the work of each employee of the company - another manager in the sales department, accountant, secretary or courier?

I have prepared this question and will ask the managers of a new project, which will start in the fall, because they have begun to implement the technology of unreported wages in the company. This has already been implemented and works in the company with Ayaz Shabudtinov, Maxim Gralnik and Irina Narchemashvili teaches this - she has control over the work of three international companies takes only 3 days (!) per month.

The interview is stressful for the job seeker. Therefore, it is also important to understand and assess how much a person is ready to perceive new information in stressful situation and is ready to productively think and analyze:

- We manufacture and supply high-tech equipment, used in production with a conveyor. Who are our clients? What are the best sales channels to use? Explain why.

- Do you have a family? Are there any children? If not, do you plan and when?

I will definitely ask this question regardless of the gender and age of the applicant. Because it makes it clear how a person is stable and determined to realize himself not only in work, but also in the family. Because there is no place for childfree in the team - the mother herself is happy to hire people who love children.

Hiring and testing a sales manager is a hotel song. Here it is important to understand not what he had in the past, old orders-medals are not particularly interesting, but whether he is ready to “move mountains” in the future. I have three favorite questions.

1. How much is your living wage?
Thus, you can determine the desired and comfortable fix for a person. Most say about 50-60 thousand. Here another question arises - maybe a minimum is enough for a person? And we are looking for super-motivated sales people! Then you start discussing a fixed percentage 10-15 below the stated one and look at the reaction. If resistance and panic begins, the candidate is not aimed at growth. Only fix will work.

2. How much do you want to earn?
Someone say 120 thousand, someone 180. For me, this is a sign that, having reached this figure, a person will enter the “comfort zone” and stop. The best answer is "No limit."

3. What is your dream?
Few people talk about the cosmonaut pilots, as everyone wanted in childhood. People are adults, the world is cruel and material. They call something tangible that money can buy. And then attention to the previous question. “I want an island in the Indian Ocean” does not in any way correlate with the maximum salary of 120 thousand. We will definitely not work together.

I never had to choose from several candidates. If a person comes up, you immediately tell him YES. If not, also right away. Very rarely comes down to the phrase “We will call you back”.

It should be noted that we are looking for people to sell complex B2B projects. For a simple "billing" for incoming traffic, very different qualities are needed.

Dmitry Chernov, security company"Caesar".

At the interview, in addition to standard questions on personal data, I ask several creative ones. I ask you to tell a few stories, one of which must be fictional - this allows you to assess the speed of a candidate's thinking and how beautifully and confidently he can “lie” (it's no secret that salespeople like to exaggerate the properties of their product).

I am interested in hobbies, interests and informal work experience. I myself may not impress work book, but I have rich experience in various projects. Many people, especially young people, are shy or forget to show such an experience.

A trivial creative trick to test your sales skills is to sell a pen. Despite the fact that this technique is shown in a variety of feature films, analyzed in all sales readers, by no means all applicants know which side to approach. In addition, the continuation of the "pen sale" allows one to assess how and to what extent a person can and knows how to bargain, whether he is ready to seize the opportunity and make an additional sale or increase the volume of supplies.

This material presents some of the successful cases and tests for sales managers used to evaluate sales managers. The material was provided by a recruiting agency website specializing in the selection of the best sales specialists in Russia.

1. Skills of finding clients for evaluating sales managers

To find out how well the applicant has developed skills in finding clients and working with information, ask the question:

The position of an active seller in our company includes the task of finding new customers. How will you find them?

A good seller will determine who can be potential customers (based on the sector of the company and its products), list possible sources from which information can be obtained, talk about how to work with this information and how he will determine the decision maker, and also indicate the plan their actions in relation to these clients.

2. Possession of sales technology

When selecting, it is important to understand how the candidate sells: intuitively or knows the technology of sales. To find out this point, ask the applicant how he assesses his knowledge of sales techniques, for example, a five-point system? Ask him to talk about the stages of the sale.

Observation: if the candidate talks about the sales technology in his own words (not books or educational ones) with comments based on his own experience, this means that the knowledge he received from external sources has successfully passed into skills (and did not lie on the table together with training handouts).

Ideally, when the candidate demonstrates mastery of technology during the interview (because an interview is the same sale: greeting, identifying a need, presenting, working with objections, closing a deal).

3. The performance of the seller

A candidate's performance can be predicted largely on the basis of his previous experience, which is clarified by the following questions:

  • How often did you meet your sales plans? And how often were they overfulfilled?
  • How did your results compare to those of other salespeople in the department?
  • Give examples of clients whose attraction to work with the company is your merit.
  • Tell us about your biggest deal.
  • What was the hardest deal for you? Why?

Additionally, you can ask clarifying questions: how did this or that client appear, with whom the candidate negotiated, what were the difficulties in the transaction process, etc. This helps to understand the real role of the applicant - only the one who conducted the transaction step by step remembers it to the smallest details. Conversely, if a candidate says “I don’t remember anymore,” or answers vaguely, probably his merits are not as great as he is trying to present it.

4. Desire to develop in sales

  • What do you like most about being a sales manager? Why?
  • What, in your opinion, is the most difficult and / or unpleasant part of a salesperson's job? Why?
  • What level of income would you like to reach in a year?
  • Where do you see yourself in a year, three, five years?
  • Give a definition to the term “successful salesperson (sales manager)”. If the candidate says that he is not very successful and / or there is something to strive for, ask the clarifying question "What do you lack in order to confidently say that he is successful?"

5. "My client".

Within a minute, describe to the candidate the product or service of your company and the image of the client with whom he will work in the future: individual or a business, its needs, income level, etc. Then ask the candidate to write five personal qualities that, in his opinion, the client expects from sales representative/ seller.

If the applicant names the characteristics external to himself, for example, the reliability of the company, the affordability of the product, the exclusivity of the service (and this often happens), then know that this seller still has a lot to learn.

If a person quickly navigates and tells you such qualities as accuracy, diligence, speed of response to an appeal, competence, helpfulness or any other that really characterize the seller's work, then you should know that the candidate has a basis for working in the field of negotiations and sales.

Ask the candidate to point out their strengths from what they have listed. For which client exactly will it be useful? What exactly will the client choose and appreciate in it? What type of customer will become his admirer and not just a buyer?

6 . Give a discount

"Give as many solutions to the situation as possible: the client is demanding a discount that you cannot provide."

This case reveals the variability of thinking and knowledge of the specifics of sales, as well as the ability to bargain. A good sales manager should provide at least 3 - 5 solutions. For example: "What can I offer instead of a discount?"

A good seller should give at least 3-5 options (possible examples):

  • What can I offer in return for a discount?
  • We can offer you such a discount when purchasing XXX.
  • We can offer you an additional benefit (service, encouragement).
  • We can offer you a slightly less discount, but in the most convenient form for you.
  • We can give you such a discount on prepaid shipment.
  • You know, I would gladly give you such a discount, but the company has certain rules that I must follow.
  • You know, it would be dishonest in relation to our other partners, because everyone works according to the same scheme (XXX), I am sure that you would not want us to spoil the reputation of our company as a business partner. Etc.

7.Handling claims

"How will you act in a situation when the client makes a claim on the delivery dates (they were really violated), but you are not responsible for these terms?"

Here you can get information about the skills of negotiation and behavior in a conflict situation, the ability to make a decision.

Answer: A general pattern of action that a good salesperson can demonstrate:

  • I take on the coordination of the situation, I tell the client that I am very sorry that such a situation has arisen, and that I will try to sort it out and settle it as much as possible right now. I agree on the general time frame and algorithm for further negotiations and interaction.
  • I clarify the situation with the employee who deals with supplies, I try to get the most acceptable solutions, based on the combination of the interests of the client and the interests of the company. I negotiate the coordination of the situation with my colleague.
  • I contact the client, talking about what has already been done and will be done to resolve the issue in his interests.
  • I agree with the client what we will do in the future to avoid such situations.
  • I discuss with my colleagues how to avoid similar situations in the future.

8. Evaluation of the technique of price reasoning

“Imagine that during the negotiations, the client hesitates and says:“ Everything is very expensive for you ”. How will you proceed? "

Ideally, the sales manager listens carefully to the objection, asks clarifying questions, and only then gives the arguments. For example: “I agree, the issue of price, this is really important. Let me clarify, are you comparing with something or are there any other reasons? "

Depending on the answer of the interlocutor, a good sales manager will give 2 - 3 strong arguments.

9. Demanding client

Sooner or later, we still have to face a client who demands too much. Can you remember a situation when you had to deal with this kind of client? How did you behave in this situation?

Here it is important to pay attention not only to the aspect of the attitude towards such a client, to the sincerity of the candidate, but also to what position he has taken, what he has undertaken. Is this consistent with your corporate conduct in this situation?

10. Assessment of the potential of the client

How do you determine at the first meeting if the client is promising?

Answer: A good salesperson understands that it is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the prospects of a client. It is necessary to assess the situation in its development. Therefore, at the first meeting, one can only assume how promising the client is, this assumption can be based on:

  • the client's answers to questions;
  • observing his reactions and remarks during your presentation;
  • features appearance(purchase "for yourself") and office space (purchase for the company);
  • collected preliminary information

tegs: Evaluation of sales managers, cases for sales managers, tests for a sales manager, cases for sales training, tests for sales managers with answers

Interested in our selection, have any questions?

The test helps determine:
- Does the seller know the principles of working with a client at each stage of sales,
- what sales techniques the seller knows and how well versed in them,
- what sales techniques need to be taught to the salesperson and which ones should be told in more detail in order to adjust the salesperson's knowledge.
The test checks theoretical knowledge, can be used as an element of diagnostics during pre-training work and as a method for assessing the knowledge of participants after training.

Description of the test "Knowledge of sales techniques"

Block 1. Establishing contact.


  • knowledge of contact techniques;
  • understanding by the subjects of psychological characteristics when establishing contact;
  • knowledge of the factors affecting the effectiveness of the upcoming contact with the client.

The maximum score received for this block (5) indicates:

  • understanding and knowledge of contact techniques;
  • client-orientation of the subject in the professional sense;
  • about a systematic approach to their work.

Block 2. Identification of customer needs and product presentation.


  • the subject's understanding of the features of the stage of product presentation;
  • the subject's understanding of the sequence of actions when working with a client at these stages.
  • knowledge of product presentation techniques;

Block 3. Working with objections.


  • the subject's understanding of the reasons for the objection;
  • the subject's reaction to objections;
  • knowledge of objection techniques.

The maximum score for this block (5-6) indicates:

Block 4. Completion of the transaction and after-sales service.


  • knowledge of the techniques for completing the transaction;
  • knowledge of price justification techniques;
  • ability to build long-term relationships with clients.

The maximum score for this block (5-6) indicates:


(this is an option for a trainer, for a test taker we give a form without specifying points !!!)

BLOCK 1. Establishing contact.

1. Why do you need to prepare for the upcoming conversation?

    In order not to get into difficult situations - 2 points

    To know what to say and tune in to the conversation - 1 point

    No special preparation for the conversation is required, everything is determined by the experience and professionalism of the seller - 3 points.

2. Effective preparation for communication with a client is:

    Defining the goals and objectives of the conversation with the client - 2 points

    Knowledge of the product (the competence of the company's employees is above all) and a friendly attitude - 3 points

    Smile, competence and a clearly defined goal - 1 point.

3. Why do you need a detailed scenario of a telephone conversation:

    To skillfully conduct a conversation with a client, without deviating from the purpose of the call - 1 point

    You don't have to write a script, the conversation is short - 3 points.

4. In the first 10 seconds of a business phone call, you must:

    Get to know the interlocutor, introduce yourself - 2 points

    Exchange greetings and grab the customer's attention - 1 point

    Provide information about yourself and the essence of the proposal - 3 points.

5. What is the significance of referring to the interlocutor by name and patronymic in telephone conversations?

    Doesn't matter of fundamental importance - 3 points

    You can use your first name and patronymic, if you know, but you can refer to the position, no difference - 2 points

    Transition to a personal level of communication - 1 point


5-6 points

excellent result

This result indicates an understanding of the importance of systems approach in work, knowledge of techniques for establishing contact with a client, client-oriented approach in work

7-9 points

acceptable result

This result indicates the presence of knowledge in the field of establishing contact with the client, understanding of the client-oriented approach in work.

10-12 points

satisfactory result

This result indicates the lack of systematization of knowledge in the field of establishing contacts and a client-oriented approach in work.

13-15 points

unsatisfactory result

This result indicates a lack of knowledge in the field of a client-oriented approach in work.

BLOCK 2. Identification of customer needs and product presentation.

6. If you want to make an offer to the client, which wording is preferable:

    How do you feel about the opportunity to please your partners ... (name of the product / service) on New Year? - 1 point

    New Year is just around the corner. Tell me, do you prepare ... (name of product / service) for your partners? - 2 points

    We know everything about ... (field of activity) and want to offer you our services. - 3 points.

7. You need to coordinate further actions with the client. Choose the most appropriate wording.

    It makes sense for you ... - 1 point

    You must ... - 3 points

    You probably don't mind if ... - 2 points.

8. During the conversation, the manager asks clarifying questions. What for?

    so accepted - 3 points

    to collect additional information- 2 points

    for a better understanding of the client - 1 point.

9. Who are you for the client (in order of importance):

    Expert, personality, company representative - 2 points

    Personality, company representative, expert - 3 points

    Expert, company representative, personality - 1 point

10. What is product / service presentation?

    Service / product story - 3 points

    A story about the benefits of the service - 2 points

    A story about solving a client's existing problem - 1 point.

11. At what point in the conversation is it better to present a product / service?

    After establishing contact and asking the client - 3 points

    After establishing contact and finding out what the client needs - 2 points

    After it became clear what the client needs - 1 point.


    clear knowledge of the sales scheme "identifying the need - presentation" of the product;

    knowledge of product presentation techniques;

    understanding the psychological foundations of customer and seller behavior in terms of achieving maximum results.

For block 2, the following rating scale was used:

This result testifies to a focus on the client's benefits, striving for understanding the client, understanding the technique of product / service presentation, the presence of an attitude towards professionalism in work.

This result indicates that the work is focused on the benefits of the client, the desire to understand the psychology of the client's behavior, the average knowledge of certain sales techniques (product / service presentation and identification of needs), the prevalence of a professional approach to work.

This result indicates an average focus in work on the client's benefits, poor knowledge of sales techniques (presentation of goods / services and identifying needs), and the prevalence of an emotional approach to selling over a professional approach.

This result indicates a low focus in work on the client's benefits, poor knowledge or ignorance of sales techniques (presentation of goods / services and identification of needs), and the prevalence of an emotional approach to selling over a professional approach.

BLOCK 3. Work with objections.

12. Why do you think there are objections?

    The manager did not take into account something, missed something - 3 points

    Customers have become picky and want a lot -2 points

    Perhaps the client wants to know more - 1 point

13. How do you take objections?

    With a sense of inevitability - there are always objections - 3 points

    With a certain passion - we will play the game "who will win" with the client - 2 points

    With a certain interest - there is always an opportunity to learn something new - 1 point

14. The client says "expensive". What is the best way to respond?

    Your answer: "If you compare with the offers of other companies, you will see that it is inexpensive" - ​​3 points

    Your answer: "Yes, I agree that it is expensive, but let's see what you get for this money" - 2 points

    Your answer: “Yes, I understand that the issue of money is important and therefore, let's look at it from the other side ...” - 1 point.

15. The client objects. The manager thinks the client is wrong. What to do?

    For a manager to defend his point of view, trying to prove / argue that the client is wrong - 3 points

    Accept the client's point of view, if he can prove it or argue - 2 points

    Both strategies are ineffective - 1 point.

16. The client twice objected that it was “expensive”. Your actions?

    He probably has no money. There is no further point in answering. - 3 points

    Perhaps this is an excuse. We need to find out. - 1 point

    I will offer discounts, special offers, credit. It may be possible to find a solution to the problem of lack of money. 2 points


    good knowledge of objection handling techniques;

    a good understanding of the reasons for the objection;

This result testifies to an excellent understanding of the reasons for the emergence of objections, a good knowledge of the techniques of working with objections and excuses, and an understanding of the psychological characteristics of work in a situation of presentation of objections.

This result indicates a lack of understanding of the reasons for the emergence of objections, a lack of understanding of the psychological characteristics of work in a situation of presentation of objections, a weak / poor knowledge of techniques for working with objections and excuses

This result indicates a lack of knowledge of the techniques for working with objections and excuses, a lack of understanding of the reasons for the appearance of objections and inability to work in a situation of presentation of objections.

BLOCK 4. Completion of the transaction and after-sales service.

17. When discussing a possible order, it is better to end the question like this:

    Will you be making an order? - 3 points

    We can do it for you ... (then). - 1 point

    If you are ready to place an order right now, we will fulfill it immediately. Otherwise, you will have to wait a bit. - 2 points.

18. The client asks about the price at the beginning of the conversation. Your actions:

    You name the price - 2 points

    You name the price and additional bonuses and discounts - 3 points

    I try not to name the price - 1 point

19. The client demands a discount. Why?

    Customers always demand a discount - 3 points

    The manager himself said about discounts in the course of conversations - 2 points

    The client does not see any benefit from purchasing a product - 1 point.

20. The client, after the presentation of the service, asks about the price. Your actions:

    I name the price and wait for the reaction - 2 points

    I name the price and possible discounts, bonuses - 3 points

    I explain the named price - 1 point.

21. What is customer support based on the results of negotiations?

    This is service and execution warranty obligations- 3 points

    This is a satisfied and satisfied client with cooperation - 2 points


    good knowledge and ability to complete the transaction;

    the ability of the subject to work at the stage of price justification;

    the orientation of the subject in his work to build long-term relationships with the client.

This result testifies to an excellent knowledge of the technique of closing a transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting prices, orientation in working with a client to establish long-term relationships, and an excellent understanding of the psychology of client behavior when discussing the price of a product / service.

This result testifies to an excellent / good knowledge of the technique of closing a transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting prices, on a good understanding of the psychology of client behavior when discussing the price of a product / service and focus on establishing long-term relationships.

This result testifies to a partial knowledge of the techniques for completing a deal and the techniques of justifying and presenting a price, a lack of understanding of the process of establishing long-term relationships with a client, and a focus on persuasion when working on justifying a price.

This result testifies to the lack of knowledge of the techniques for completing the transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting the price, focusing on the short-term effect in the work.

We bring to your attention a training test for selling specialists.

You can take this test yourself or invite your salespeople to take it. Thanks to this test, you can not only evaluate your skills as a selling specialist, but also understand what will be the right action in working with a client and what will not, as well as see the directions of development for yourself.

By the way, in some cases there may be several correct answers to one question:

  • Sales strategies - how many and what are they:
    • A) 5 - company, brand, price, me, product.
    • B) 8 - price, product, me, brand, service, price policy, terms of cooperation, loyalty.
    • C) 7 - company, me, value, product, brand, customer, price.
  • You can influence the client's logic in the following ways:
    • A) axiom, fact, statistics, tables, drawings, diagrams, diagrams.
    • B) calculations, expert opinion, absurdity, association, analogy, research results.
  • List the human senses:
  • What patterns of customer behavior do you know? List:
  • What sales functions do you know, list:
  • Types of clients according to GLEP classification:
    • A) proud, imitators, scoundrels, economists;
    • B) imitators, arrogant people, impersonators, sloths;
    • C) proud, economists, sloths, imitators.
  • Magic words are:
    • A) the words that Harry Potter uttered during spells.
    • B) words that are addressed only to the type of customers that correspond to them, and therefore have the impact the author needs on the customers.
    • C) words that have healing powers.
  • What strategies of interaction with clients can be:
    • A) suppression, evasion, development, cooperation.
    • B) competition, compromise, accommodation, cooperation, evasion.
    • C) accommodation, compromise, partnership, suppression, ignorance.
  • Sales technology consists of the following stages:
    • A) establishing contact, presentation, handling objections and selling;
    • B) searching for a client, establishing contact, identifying desires, presentation, working with objections, completing the transaction, analysis;
    • C) finding a director, establishing contact, identifying desires, presentation, working with objections, closing a deal, analyzing the consequences.
  • Objections arise if:
    • A) did not find the director;
    • B) the selling specialist skipped over the stages, goals;
    • C) the client jumped over the stages, goals.
  • What models can be used to prepare a presentation:
    • A) AIDA, Adoption, Dagmar, 3U.
    • B) AIDA, Agаhtion, Dagmar.
    • C) AIDA, Loailhen, Gagmar, Skuns.
  • You can identify needs using the following questions:
    • A) open, closed, alternative, non-alternative, counter;
    • B) counter, alternative, justified, SPIN, verification, closed, open;
    • C) clarifying, extracting, entertaining, questionable and counter.
  • When the client is annoyed, it will help:
    • A) the phrase "Calm down, please."
    • B) finding out the causes of irritation, sympathy, understanding, joining, finding a solution.
    • C) finding out the reasons for concern, sympathy, understanding, joining and the phrase "Yes, because of such a trifle so worry."
    • E) listening, compassion, clarification, agreement, apology, gratitude, finding a solution, implementing the solution, monitoring the client's satisfaction with the solution.
  • The key steps in the algorithm for making a call, meeting, writing a letter are:
    • A) preparation for the call, meeting and actions in accordance with the agreements reached;
    • B) greeting and summing up;
    • C) greeting, discussion of the issue and summing up with the appointment of cases, responsible persons, deadlines.
  • If you and the client are comfortable, it means that you have used:
    • A) adjustment;
    • B) accession;
    • C) superstructure.
  • You can work with objections using the following techniques:
    • A) Intellect - maps, CNP, technique Q;
    • B) technique Q, SPIN, CNP, "6 of 7", "Yes, but", the method of small steps, DCP, NPP, "surprise the client", "check for logic", "ignore", "check for truth", "and I am about the same", "lazy seller";
    • C) "Total Yes", "Yes, but", CSP, "2 of 3", SPIN, technique of questions, folk wisdom, "philosophical context", "axiom", etc.
  • You can close the deal with the following phrases:
    • A) Have you already decided? Will you buy?
    • B) A good choice, what do you think? If you have no other questions and you like everything, then let's move on to the question ... (for whom the contract will be drawn up).
    • C) Will you pay in cash or by bank transfer?
    • E) If we eliminate this nuance, would you be ready to make a positive decision?
  • Dangerous questions include:
    • A) why, where, who are you?
    • B) why, where, how could you, when you are going.
    • C) what prompted you to make such an assumption, during how long do you plan to conclude an agreement?
  • The ideal sales conversion is:
    • A) when 1 call = 1 sale, 1 client arrival = sale;
    • B) the currency, which they are guided by when forming prices;
    • C) the number of calls and meetings held by the manager.
  • You need to analyze your negotiations in order to:
    • A) warn a colleague about effective and ineffective technologies;
    • B) complain to the director that competitors are engaged in black magic, otherwise how they manage to sell more and entice customers from us;
    • C) be clearly aware of what helps my sales, what hinders.
  • The client told you:"Well ... to be honest, I don't know what I want. So many suggestions! It's hard to figure it all out."Your actions:
    • A) You ask: " Why then did they come? Decide first! "
    • B) Say: "Let's take a look at the options that we have available now."
    • C) You ask: "Maybe then we'll see this? Or this?"
    • D) You ask: " What exactly would you not want? Which option does not suit you exactly? "
  • The client told you:"You are a strange company. You have a dubious reputation.". Your actions:
  • How do you determine if a customer is real?
    • A) I will.
    • B) I know such people - they are wasting their time in vain.
    • C) I will ask questions: "Are you buying for yourself or your loved ones? What is important for you when choosing ...? What options are you considering? Are you familiar with this ...? Perhaps you would like to first ...?"
    • E) I will ask questions: "Where did you get so much money? Did you honestly earn it? And where is the guarantee that you can ...?"
    • E) Scandalit means he will definitely buy.
  • What not to do in case of customer objections:
    • A) take everything on your own account.
    • B) assume that now he will definitely not buy anything.
    • C) prove and convince that the client is wrong.
    • D) clarify, ask questions, justify.
  • When will you name the price?
    • A) immediately so that the client understands whether he can afford it or not.
    • B) as soon as he asks.
    • C) after having formed the values ​​of our proposal.
  • What will you name the price?
    • A) only the price - what else can you add.
    • B) the price and properties of the offer important for the buyer.
    • C) the price and justification of its profitability.
  • Which of the following qualities and skills, in your opinion, is important for a sales manager:
    • A) knows everything.
    • B) the ability to inspire confidence.
    • C) the ability to insist on your own.
    • E) obsession.
    • E) the ability to be "sweetheart".
  • Your competitors have a better offer. Your actions:
    • A) I will tell clients all the sad truth about competitors.
    • B) I will praise competitors.
    • C) I will say a few warm words to competitors and focus the client's attention on our advantages and benefits.
    • D) I will tell him that he is wrong and substantiate what exactly.
  • You are planning an action. Your actions:
    • A) the client needs - let him study.
    • B) I will study all the materials, look for similar information on the Internet in order to better understand the action, provide for possible customer questions and prepare answers to them in advance.
    • C) I will ask a colleague to explain to me: "What the hell is this going on?"
    • D) if the client asks, then of course I will tell you.
  • If the client refuses to buy from you, then your actions:
  • Demo folder (manager folder), desktop should be:
    • A) any, as the manager wants, because what's the difference - it's a folder, a manager's desk.
    • B) clean, tidy.
    • C) filled up with papers, documents to show the client - we have a lot of work, clients too.
    • D) in order, or even better with elements corporate identity, promotion.
  • You have been communicating with a client for a long time, but every time he says:"I'll think about it"... Your actions:
  • You have a product or service on sale that has a defect or a defect. You understand that this will cause misunderstanding, dissatisfaction with the client. Your actions:

P.S. If you want to receive a sheet for the assessment of the test, then send a letter with the subject "Receive a grade sheet" to the mail [email protected]

The test helps determine:
- Does the seller know the principles of working with a client at each stage of sales,
- what sales techniques the seller knows and how well versed in them,
- what sales techniques need to be taught to the salesperson and which ones should be told in more detail in order to adjust the salesperson's knowledge.
The test checks theoretical knowledge, can be used as an element of diagnostics during pre-training work and as a method for assessing the knowledge of participants after training.

Description of the test "Knowledge of sales techniques"

Block 1. Establishing contact.


  • knowledge of contact techniques;
  • understanding by the subjects of psychological characteristics when establishing contact;
  • knowledge of the factors affecting the effectiveness of the upcoming contact with the client.

The maximum score received for this block (5) indicates:

  • understanding and knowledge of contact techniques;
  • client-orientation of the subject in the professional sense;
  • about a systematic approach to their work.

Block 2. Identification of customer needs and product presentation.


  • the subject's understanding of the features of the stage of product presentation;
  • the subject's understanding of the sequence of actions when working with a client at these stages.
  • knowledge of product presentation techniques;

Block 3. Working with objections.


  • the subject's understanding of the reasons for the objection;
  • the subject's reaction to objections;
  • knowledge of objection techniques.

The maximum score for this block (5-6) indicates:

Block 4. Completion of the transaction and after-sales service.


  • knowledge of the techniques for completing the transaction;
  • knowledge of price justification techniques;
  • ability to build long-term relationships with clients.

The maximum score for this block (5-6) indicates:


(this is an option for a trainer, for a test taker we give a form without specifying points !!!)

BLOCK 1. Establishing contact.

1. Why do you need to prepare for the upcoming conversation?

    In order not to get into difficult situations - 2 points

    To know what to say and tune in to the conversation - 1 point

    No special preparation for the conversation is required, everything is determined by the experience and professionalism of the seller - 3 points.

2. Effective preparation for communication with a client is:

    Defining the goals and objectives of the conversation with the client - 2 points

    Knowledge of the product (the competence of the company's employees is above all) and a friendly attitude - 3 points

    Smile, competence and a clearly defined goal - 1 point.

3. Why do you need a detailed scenario of a telephone conversation:

    To skillfully conduct a conversation with a client, without deviating from the purpose of the call - 1 point

    You don't have to write a script, the conversation is short - 3 points.

4. In the first 10 seconds of a business phone call, you must:

    Get to know the interlocutor, introduce yourself - 2 points

    Exchange greetings and grab the customer's attention - 1 point

    Provide information about yourself and the essence of the proposal - 3 points.

5. What is the significance of referring to the interlocutor by name and patronymic in telephone conversations?

    Doesn't matter of fundamental importance - 3 points

    You can use your first name and patronymic, if you know, but you can refer to the position, no difference - 2 points

    Transition to a personal level of communication - 1 point


5-6 points

excellent result

This result indicates an understanding of the importance of a systematic approach to work, knowledge of techniques for establishing contact with a client, a client-oriented approach to work.

7-9 points

acceptable result

This result indicates the presence of knowledge in the field of establishing contact with the client, understanding of the client-oriented approach in work.

10-12 points

satisfactory result

This result indicates the lack of systematization of knowledge in the field of establishing contacts and a client-oriented approach in work.

13-15 points

unsatisfactory result

This result indicates a lack of knowledge in the field of a client-oriented approach in work.

BLOCK 2. Identification of customer needs and product presentation.

6. If you want to make an offer to the client, which wording is preferable:

    How do you feel about the opportunity to please your partners ... (name of product / service) for the New Year? - 1 point

    New Year is just around the corner. Tell me, do you prepare ... (name of product / service) for your partners? - 2 points

    We know everything about ... (field of activity) and want to offer you our services. - 3 points.

7. You need to coordinate further actions with the client. Choose the most appropriate wording.

    It makes sense for you ... - 1 point

    You must ... - 3 points

    You probably don't mind if ... - 2 points.

8. During the conversation, the manager asks clarifying questions. What for?

    so accepted - 3 points

    to collect additional information - 2 points

    for a better understanding of the client - 1 point.

9. Who are you for the client (in order of importance):

    Expert, personality, company representative - 2 points

    Personality, company representative, expert - 3 points

    Expert, company representative, personality - 1 point

10. What is product / service presentation?

    Service / product story - 3 points

    A story about the benefits of the service - 2 points

    A story about solving a client's existing problem - 1 point.

11. At what point in the conversation is it better to present a product / service?

    After establishing contact and asking the client - 3 points

    After establishing contact and finding out what the client needs - 2 points

    After it became clear what the client needs - 1 point.


    clear knowledge of the sales scheme "identifying the need - presentation" of the product;

    knowledge of product presentation techniques;

    understanding the psychological foundations of customer and seller behavior in terms of achieving maximum results.

For block 2, the following rating scale was used:

This result testifies to a focus on the client's benefits, striving for understanding the client, understanding the technique of product / service presentation, the presence of an attitude towards professionalism in work.

This result indicates that the work is focused on the benefits of the client, the desire to understand the psychology of the client's behavior, the average knowledge of certain sales techniques (product / service presentation and identification of needs), the prevalence of a professional approach to work.

This result indicates an average focus in work on the client's benefits, poor knowledge of sales techniques (presentation of goods / services and identifying needs), and the prevalence of an emotional approach to selling over a professional approach.

This result indicates a low focus in work on the client's benefits, poor knowledge or ignorance of sales techniques (presentation of goods / services and identification of needs), and the prevalence of an emotional approach to selling over a professional approach.

BLOCK 3. Work with objections.

12. Why do you think there are objections?

    The manager did not take into account something, missed something - 3 points

    Customers have become picky and want a lot -2 points

    Perhaps the client wants to know more - 1 point

13. How do you take objections?

    With a sense of inevitability - there are always objections - 3 points

    With a certain passion - we will play the game "who will win" with the client - 2 points

    With a certain interest - there is always an opportunity to learn something new - 1 point

14. The client says "expensive". What is the best way to respond?

    Your answer: "If you compare with the offers of other companies, you will see that it is inexpensive" - ​​3 points

    Your answer: "Yes, I agree that it is expensive, but let's see what you get for this money" - 2 points

    Your answer: “Yes, I understand that the issue of money is important and therefore, let's look at it from the other side ...” - 1 point.

15. The client objects. The manager thinks the client is wrong. What to do?

    For a manager to defend his point of view, trying to prove / argue that the client is wrong - 3 points

    Accept the client's point of view, if he can prove it or argue - 2 points

    Both strategies are ineffective - 1 point.

16. The client twice objected that it was “expensive”. Your actions?

    He probably has no money. There is no further point in answering. - 3 points

    Perhaps this is an excuse. We need to find out. - 1 point

    I will offer discounts, special offers, credit. It may be possible to find a solution to the problem of lack of money. 2 points


    good knowledge of objection handling techniques;

    a good understanding of the reasons for the objection;

This result testifies to an excellent understanding of the reasons for the emergence of objections, a good knowledge of the techniques of working with objections and excuses, and an understanding of the psychological characteristics of work in a situation of presentation of objections.

This result indicates a lack of understanding of the reasons for the emergence of objections, a lack of understanding of the psychological characteristics of work in a situation of presentation of objections, a weak / poor knowledge of techniques for working with objections and excuses

This result indicates a lack of knowledge of the techniques for working with objections and excuses, a lack of understanding of the reasons for the appearance of objections and inability to work in a situation of presentation of objections.

BLOCK 4. Completion of the transaction and after-sales service.

17. When discussing a possible order, it is better to end the question like this:

    Will you be making an order? - 3 points

    We can do it for you ... (then). - 1 point

    If you are ready to place an order right now, we will fulfill it immediately. Otherwise, you will have to wait a bit. - 2 points.

18. The client asks about the price at the beginning of the conversation. Your actions:

    You name the price - 2 points

    You name the price and additional bonuses and discounts - 3 points

    I try not to name the price - 1 point

19. The client demands a discount. Why?

    Customers always demand a discount - 3 points

    The manager himself said about discounts in the course of conversations - 2 points

    The client does not see any benefit from purchasing a product - 1 point.

20. The client, after the presentation of the service, asks about the price. Your actions:

    I name the price and wait for the reaction - 2 points

    I name the price and possible discounts, bonuses - 3 points

    I explain the named price - 1 point.

21. What is customer support based on the results of negotiations?

    This is service and fulfillment of warranty obligations - 3 points

    This is a satisfied and satisfied client with cooperation - 2 points


    good knowledge and ability to complete the transaction;

    the ability of the subject to work at the stage of price justification;

    the orientation of the subject in his work to build long-term relationships with the client.

This result testifies to an excellent knowledge of the technique of closing a transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting prices, orientation in working with a client to establish long-term relationships, and an excellent understanding of the psychology of client behavior when discussing the price of a product / service.

This result testifies to an excellent / good knowledge of the technique of closing a transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting prices, on a good understanding of the psychology of client behavior when discussing the price of a product / service and focus on establishing long-term relationships.

This result testifies to a partial knowledge of the techniques for completing a deal and the techniques of justifying and presenting a price, a lack of understanding of the process of establishing long-term relationships with a client, and a focus on persuasion when working on justifying a price.

This result testifies to the lack of knowledge of the techniques for completing the transaction and the techniques of work on justifying and presenting the price, focusing on the short-term effect in the work.