Documents for the head of the choo. Documents for the head of the choo Deputy director of the security company

General manager

OOO CHOP ODS-2 "Interpol Service, Moscow

2 years 6 months Sep 2016 - Mar 2019

The whole range of security services in Moscow and the Moscow region. Among the main services: protection of trade and entertainment centers, offices and industrial premises, security and escort of special cargo, security of cottage settlements, personal security.
Management of the private security company on the basis of job descriptions, as well as the organization of the implementation of the decisions of the Founder. Namely: Implementation of management in accordance with the current legislation, with full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, monitoring the safety and effective use of property, as well as conducting financial and economic activities within the framework of its powers determined by the decision of the Founder. Interaction with customers, or their authorized representatives, organization of work aimed at fulfilling contractual obligations for the provision of security services, improving the efficiency and quality of work. Ensuring the fulfillment of all obligations to budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as control and timely receipt, and, if necessary, collection of all types of debts to the private security company. Interaction with FRRD and law enforcement agencies, and, if necessary, providing them with assistance in maintaining order, incl. and on a contractual basis. Taking measures to attract and provide qualified workers and security personnel, control over the rational use of their knowledge and experience, create safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, provide employees and security personnel with everything necessary for them to perform their duties. Organization of training and passing all the necessary courses for employees, conducting periodic inspections of security personnel in accordance with the current legislation and the acquired qualifications. Organization of the implementation of internal regulations and labor discipline, as well as within the rights granted by the Founder, the implementation of measures to improve labor motivation, initiative, activity of employees and security personnel, through incentives and penalties. Checking the condition of weapons, ammunition for them and special means, the procedure for their storage and use, in order to maintain physical, professional and fire training, organization of professional training with practical training in fire and professional training of personal security personnel in specialized centers in Moscow. Maintaining a time sheet, scheduling work and service, systematic monitoring of the work of all structures and departments. Drawing up and submitting reports. In my area of ​​responsibility were such objects as:
- Cottage village "Domodedovo town"
- Objects of "Rosgoscirk" including the directorate
- TC "High Way" (Shcherbinka)
- TC "Paragon" (street 3rd Parkovaya, 24). (introduced an object "from scratch" from the construction site to the shopping center)
- TC "MKAD 23 km. Inner side" (object of frozen construction)
- "Service center Moscow Transport "(st. 1905 goda, 25)
- BC "Imperial", including the hotel "Matreshka" (Teatralny proezd st., 3, building 3/4)
- Aquapark "Caribia" (Zeleny Ave., 10 "B")
- Network of office and administrative buildings
- Quality control of the provision of services for the protection of educational facilities (state contract)
- Personal protection of individuals.

Chief of the duty department, general director of the private security company

4 years Mar 2012 - Mar 2016

Group of companies OOOCHOO "Alpine Vympel", Sochi

4 years Mar 2012 - Mar 2016

Personnel management, conflict resolution, interaction with state authorities and law enforcement agencies. Selection of security personnel when hiring, organizing the security of objects, scheduling work, assigning l / s to posts, working with documents, keeping a time sheet, drawing up reports. Training of security personnel, conducting briefings and checking the quality of the service of the l / s at the posts. The number of guards is more than 250 people. During the preparation period for the 2014 Olympic Games, the main activity of the Alpine Vympel LLC group of companies was the provision of services for the protection of the Olympic facilities under construction and commissioned, as well as the adjacent infrastructure, such as: "Complex of trampolines", 2 objects " Gorki city "mark. 540 and 960 meters above sea level, "Combined automobile and Railway Adler - Krasnaya Polyana "with all adjacent and included in the construction project objects," Residential complex of JSC Russian Railways "in Sochi, protection of facilities on the mountain line of the gas pipeline under construction, provision of in-site and access control at more than 8 shift camps, as well as a significant number objects of social and state significance (schools, children's preschool institutions, hospitals), security of shopping and entertainment centers, security of private houses, apartments with the provision of services of immediate response teams, control room and technical security objects.

Higher education

MGTEU, Moscow

Knowledge of languages

Russian - advanced

Additional Information

Additional education:
1996 Ivanovo Motor Transport College (external) Management of road transport.
2009 NOU "Status" (security activity) since 2010. a complete set of documents of a new type for security activities. Mineral water.
2013 NOU "Status" Training course under the advanced training program for the heads of private security organizations. Mineral water.
2014 " Training Center road transport specialists "
Confirmation of "Qualification training for the organization of road transport within Russian Federation"," Training and retraining of traffic safety specialists at road transport". Sochi.
2015 "LEADER Training Center" Professional training course under the professional development program for security guards. Stavropol.
2017 "Educational plant" Vertical "Passed training under the program" Training on labor protection for managers and specialists. "Moscow.
2018 NOU "Center for Shooting Training" Advanced training course for the leaders of private security companies. Moscow.
Skills and abilities:
Personnel management, conducting official investigations, conflict resolution and negotiation, interaction with state authorities and law enforcement agencies, management of the security service. Hiring, organizing the security of facilities, scheduling work, monitoring the placement of l / s by posts, working with documents, keeping a time sheet and reporting. Training of security personnel, conducting briefings and checking the quality of the service of the l / s at the posts. The number of guards is 260 people.
Confident pc user.
Private security identity card (ulcho)
Refresher courses for managers of chop.
About myself:
- I was born in the Stavropol Territory, Zelenokumsk, since 2016 I have been living permanently in Moscow.
- Higher education.
- Married (three children, three grandchildren).
- I have been working in security structures since the end of 2009 (after my dismissal from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces).
- On the leadership positions in security structures for over 6 years.
- A complete set of documents for security activities.
- n / a confident user.
Personal qualities:
- A responsibility
- Attention to detail,
- Analytic skills
- Integrity
- Skill to work in team
- Good organizational skills (ability to organize yourself and others)

Deputy director of a security company.

Based on materials from the site http: // www. ***** / page / chop_46.html

General Director of Private Security Enterprise

It should be noted that the management of the private security company is carried out most often by the general director.
The first priority general director Private security company is obtaining a license for private security activities. This license is obtained in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on private security activities (see Part II).
Also, the most important task of the general director is the selection of the personnel of the enterprise. Along with ordinary security guards, there may be other persons as employees of the private security company. These include:
1) Deputy General Director;
2) the head of security;
3) chief accountant;
4) legal adviser;
5) other persons.
Employment in a private security company is carried out directly by the management of the private security company itself. The basis for hiring in a private security company is the application of the applicant.
An employment contract is concluded with each employee of the private security company, which can be urgent or indefinite.

*** You can add your own clauses, which will be consistent with the Collective Agreement and the Charter of the enterprise.

1. Requirements and procedure for appointment to the position

1.1. Appointed to the position by order of the General Director from

the number of people with experience in leadership positions in various

state and non-state structures, at the proper level

knowledgeable of service issues and carrying out activities in the field of providing

security. Must have higher education and length of service in the Armed

2. Rights and obligations of the Deputy General Director

2.1. The Deputy General Director is obliged:

2.1.1. strictly follow both written and oral instructions

General Director on all issues related to the operation

enterprises and the implementation of their activities;

2.1.2. in the absence of the Director General, carry out all of its

duties stipulated in the job description of the General


2.1.3. at the direction of the General Director to represent the company in

authorities, non-governmental organizations of all organizational and legal

forms and other individuals and legal entities;

2.1.4. have business contacts with government agencies

executive power, whose activities are directly related to work


2.1.5. ensure the normal functioning of the enterprise, taking into account

its goals, objectives and interests of the Clients;

2.1.6. provide professional and physical training for all

employees of the company directly involved in the implementation

the safety of the Client, and strict observance by all employees of their

professional responsibilities;

2.1.7. plan and monitor the performance of the service

according to contracts, schedules and taking into account the interests of the Client;

2.1.8. check the order of storage, saving, issuing and receiving

2.1.9. make proposals for disciplinary action against

employees of the company directly involved in the implementation

the security of the Client, if necessary, the application of these measures;

2.1.10. periodically check the quality of service on the guarded

objects through the implementation of planned and unplanned (sudden)


2.1.11. conduct explanatory work with employees of the enterprise,

directly involved in the implementation of the Client's security on issues

carrying out service;

2.1.12. report periodically to the Director-General on the status of

the work of the enterprise, the work of the personnel of the enterprise, identified

positive and negative sides the functioning of the enterprise and

the measures taken to eliminate the identified deficiencies;

2.1.13. in case of receiving information about the occurrence of a freelance

situation related to the work of the enterprise, immediately inform

General Director;

2.1.14. Quarterly summarize service for detection

deficiencies and, if discovered, immediately accept all

possible measures to eliminate them.

2.2. The Deputy General Director has the right to:

2.2.1. require from employees of the enterprise directly employed

ensuring the safety of the Client, the strict fulfillment of all

their instructions;

2.2.2. make suggestions for improving the carrying

service employees;

2.2.3. submit your comments on the development of the enterprise,

expanding the scope of its activities and modernization;

2.2.4. make comments on issues related to the change

the personnel of the enterprise;

2.2.5. at its discretion make a decision on the need

checking any object;

2.2.6. at its discretion make a decision on the need

conducting explanatory work with employees of the enterprise,

What are the requirements for the head of a private security company?

In accordance with Article 15.1 of the Law "On Private Detective and Security Activities", the head of the private security company must:

Have higher education;

- private security ID(accordingly, the requirements for the legal status of a private security guard apply to the head);

To undergo advanced training of directors of private educational institutions (have a corresponding certificate).

Is it true that a director must have a law degree?

No, education must be higher, which is not specified in the law.

Can the director of a PSC work in another organization, in particular, be a director in another PSC (PSC)?

We still consider this issue to be unresolved, since there is a clear contradiction between the Labor Code, the law "On LLC", new amendments to the law "On private detective and security activities."

Art. 276 of the Labor Code states that the head of an organization can work part-time for another employer only with the permission of the authorized body legal entity either the owner of the organization's property, or a person (body) authorized by the owner. Thus, if the body that made the decision on the appointment of the head to the position at the main place of work, in the LLC it is either the only founder, or the general meeting of participants, or, if the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) is elected, as prescribed in the Charter. In his decision, drawn up in writing (in the form of a meeting minutes), you give your consent to work in another organization part-time, then, logically, the director has every right to work in another organization part-time, given that the business of the private security company can develop slowly and he has time to work and in two and three organizations at the same time.

However, the new provisions of the law "On private detective and security activities" Art. 15.1. the last paragraph "the head of a private security organization has no right to replace public office Of the Russian Federation, government positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions public service, elective paid positions in public associations, and also join labor Relations as an employee , with the exception of the implementation of scientific, teaching and other creative activities by him "put a ban on combining jobs.

From our extensive practice, when obtaining a license, employees of the licensing authorities verify this by requesting a copy or original work book, where there will be a record of work in this PSC, as well as check with the all-Russian base of the IFTS (data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), which contains information about all the current heads of organizations.

What sanctions do I face if I got a job as a director at a private educational institution, but did not pass the training of directors?

In accordance with clause 5 of the Rules for notifying a private security organization of the internal affairs bodies about the beginning and end of the provision of security services, changes in the composition of founders (participants)

In the event of a change in the composition of the founders (participants) or a leader a private security organization, no later than 15 days from the date of making the appropriate changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is obliged in writing or in electronic form by filling out the appropriate interactive form in the federal state information system“A single portal of state and municipal services(functions) ”( notify the internal affairs body that issued the license to carry out private security activities. Accordingly, at the time of employment, the manager must have everything Required documents, otherwise the organization may be fined. The specific amount of the fine is determined by the totality of violations found during the on-site inspection on the basis of the order of the licensing authority.

When organizing a new private security company, before submitting documents for obtaining a license, the manager can deal with the preparation of the necessary documents.

The organization disputes the order to eliminate violations of licensing requirements

The license holder disputes the refusal to reissue (renew) the license

The license applicant disputes the refusal to issue it

A private security organization can only be created in the form of a company with limited liability and cannot carry out other activities, except security. The authorized capital of a private security organization cannot be less than one hundred thousand rubles. For a private security organization that provides (intends to provide) services for the armed protection of property and (or) the services provided for in paragraph 3 of part three of Article 3 of this Law, authorized capital cannot be less than two hundred and fifty thousand rubles. The maximum amount of property (non-monetary) contributions to the authorized capital of a private security organization cannot be more than 50 percent of the authorized capital. The attracted funds cannot be used to form the authorized capital of a private security organization.

Contribution of funds to the authorized capital of a private security organization by foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation who have citizenship of a foreign state, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, as well as organizations, the founders (participants) of which include the indicated citizens and persons, is prohibited, unless otherwise provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Alienation of shares (deposits) by the founder (participant) of a private security organization, which entailed the appearance in the authorized capital of a share (deposit) with foreign participation, is not allowed, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

A private security organization cannot be a subsidiary of an organization carrying out activities other than a security one. For the founder (participant) of a private security organization, this type of activity should be the main one. The right to establish a private security organization by a legal entity carrying out activities other than security may be granted if there are sufficient grounds in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Branches of a private security organization can be created only in the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the private security organization is registered.

The founders (participants) of a private security organization cannot be:

1) public associations;

2) individuals and (or) legal entities that do not meet the requirements specified in part four of this article;

3) citizens who are in the civil service or who fill elective paid positions in public associations;

4) citizens who have a criminal record for committing an intentional crime, as well as legal entities, in which the founders (participants) are the specified persons;

5) foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation who have the citizenship of a foreign state, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, as well as organizations whose founders (participants) include these citizens and persons, in the absence of an appropriate international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Members of a private security organization may remain the persons who founded it, who have received the right to an old-age pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have switched to work in public organizations working in the field of private security or private detective activity, or appointed (elected) to government positions in the Russian Federation. Persons appointed (elected) to the indicated public positions are prohibited from taking part in the management of the security organization.

The law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation" repeatedly uses the term "head of a private security organization", but does not disclose its content. Moreover, in a number of cases, the legislator confuses the status of the head of a private security organization and the status of a private security guard, obliging him, for example, to obtain a certificate of a private security guard, to undergo periodic checks.

Legal status has a broad meaning. The Latin word "status" means "state, position". Accordingly, the status of the subject of law is understood as its legal state, which is characterized by a complex legal rights and responsibilities, and legal position, occupied by him in a certain circle of social relations.

Before determining the status of the head of a private security organization, it is necessary to understand what should be understood by the head of the organization in general and "the head of a private security organization" in particular.

The general concept of "head of the organization" is given in Art. 273 of the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation, according to which the head of an organization is an individual who, in accordance with the law or the constituent documents of the organization, manages this organization, including performing the functions of a sole proprietor. executive body.

The term "head of the organization", like the term "head of a private security organization", is generalized in relation to all persons heading various commercial and non-profit organizations... In the specific name of the position - the term "manager", as common to all officials who are the employer's representative cannot be used. In other words, the list of positions does not include such a position as the head of the organization. It has, for example, positions such as director, general director, manager, chairman of the board, etc. In limited liability companies there are positions: general director, president and others (Article 40 of the Federal Law "On limited liability companies"). It is these positions that the term "head of the organization" covers.

In practice, difficulties often arise in determining the circle of persons who are classified by labor legislation as managers of an organization.

In theory, the prevailing point of view is that the term "head of the organization" also includes the heads of branches and representative offices, and as a result, they are subject to the provisions of Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and a number of other special rules provided for the heads of the organization.

This position is supported by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

The name of the manager's position is established by the employer independently, or on the basis of mandatory requirements enshrined in federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, and is determined by the constituent documents of the organization, local regulations and (or) the staffing table.

The procedure for appointing (electing) the head to the corresponding position is determined by the charter of the organization. By the way, the job title is one of essential conditions labor contract (article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The agreement between the company and the person performing the functions of the sole executive body of the company is signed on behalf of the company by the person who presided over the general meeting of the company's participants, at which the person exercising the functions of the sole executive body of the company was elected, or a company participant authorized by decision general meeting members of the company, or, if the resolution of these issues is attributed to the competence of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the company, by the chairman of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the company or a person authorized by the decision of the board of directors (supervisory board) of the company.

With considering general provisions labor legislation and the characteristics inherent in the head of a private security organization, it is possible to formulate the concept of "head of a private security organization."

The head of a private security organization is an individual who meets the requirements of the legislation in the field of security for citizens applying for the acquisition of this status, who, in accordance with the constituent documents of a private security organization created in the form of a limited liability company, manages this organization, including among other things, it performs the functions of its sole executive body.

Unlike a private security guard, the Law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation" does not contain a separate article that would determine the legal status of the head of a private security organization. Nevertheless, a logical analysis of legislation in the field of protection allows this to be done.

The legal status of the head of a private security organization has a number of features.

On the one hand, it is the executive body of a legal entity, the formation procedure and powers of which are determined by civil legislation.

On the other hand, the legal entity and its manager are labor relations, in which the manager is an employee of a legal entity performing a specific labor function- carries out certain actions in which the activities of the organization itself are implemented.

On the third hand, the head of a private security organization is a member of an independent, a separate kind activity (private security activity), which is regulated by legislation in the field of security, and which imposes serious additional requirements, both on the head of a private security organization and on the activity itself.

Thus, the legal status (status) of the head of a private security organization is of a triune nature, he is:

1) the sole executive body of a private security organization created in the form of a limited liability company;

2) an employee of a private security organization;

3) a participant in private security activities. Therefore, in his activities he is guided by the norms of civil, labor law and legislation in the field of protection.

In accordance with Art. 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the heads of an organization are persons who, under a contract, perform the functions of a body of a legal entity, exercise civil rights and obligations on its behalf, i.e. carries out activities that are regulated by the norms of not only labor, but also civil law... Civil law regulates many relations related to labor, including the management of the owner's property, which is carried out through the labor of the head.

When concluding civil transactions, the head does not act on his own behalf ( natural person), he represents a legal entity, and all rights and obligations under the transaction arise in relation to the legal entity. His signature under any civil law agreement means the organization's agreement with its terms, and all the consequences of the transaction will be borne by the legal entity.

The status of a manager as an employee of an organization is determined exclusively by labor law. As an employee under an employment contract with a private security organization, the manager performs a labor function in accordance with labor legislation.

Like any employee in an organization, the manager concludes labor contract in the manner established by Art. 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this article, an employment contract with the head of the organization is concluded for a period established by the constituent documents of the organization or by agreement of the parties. Laws, other regulatory legal acts or the constituent documents of an organization may establish procedures preceding the conclusion of an employment contract with the head of the organization (holding a competition, election or appointment to a position, and others).

In accordance with Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a fixed-term employment contract can be concluded with the executives of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. However, Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not say that it is necessary to conclude such an agreement with them without fail. The conclusion of an open-ended employment contract is also not prohibited, because in this way the employee's position is improved in comparison with necessary requirements labor legislation.

Duration fixed-term contract cannot exceed five years, unless another period is established Labor Code RF and other laws. Article 275 of the Labor Code specifies that an employment contract with the head of an organization is concluded for a period established by the constituent documents of the organization or by agreement of the parties. Thus, if in constituent documents the term for concluding an employment contract with the director is 3 years, then it should be concluded for 3 years, and not for 5 years. If, after the expiration of the term of the employment contract, the relationship actually continues, and none of the parties demanded their termination, then the contract is considered to be continued for an indefinite period.

The organization acts as an employer in relation to the head as a legal entity, and not the bodies of this organization authorized to appoint (elect) the head to the position. It is the organization, as a legal entity, that submits the work to the head, whose position is also included in staffing table, exercises the rights and fulfills obligations to its employees, regardless of who hires them.

The head shall issue the order on his entry into office himself. If the manager is the owner of the organization's property, then he also issues an order to appoint himself, say, the general director. The wording of the order will be something like this: "I am entrusting myself with the powers of the general director with the right of first signature."

At the same time, the legal status of the head of the organization (rights, duties, responsibility) differs significantly from the status of other employees, which is due to the specifics of his labor activity, place and role in the organization's management mechanism.

The head of the organization in accordance with Art. 273 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation manages the organization, including performing the functions of its sole executive body, performs legally significant actions on behalf of the organization. By virtue of the concluded labor contract, the head of the organization in established order realizes the rights and obligations of a legal entity as a participant in civil turnover, including the powers of the owner to own, use and dispose of the property of the organization, as well as the rights and obligations of the employer in labor and other directly related to labor relations with employees, organizes management production process and joint work.

In this regard, labor legislation identifies several categories of executives who, due to their special status and position in the management structure of the organization, do not fit into the general framework of legal regulation of workers' labor.

For such workers, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation established special rules for concluding and terminating an employment contract, liability, etc. This is the subject of both a special chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and its other norms.

As a general rule, the norms of Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation apply to the heads of all organizations. But there are also exceptions. For example, those leaders who own the property of their organizations are not covered by this chapter. the only founders, and besides them, no one else works in the organization.

The labor function of the head of the organization is the activity of managing the headed organization, managing labor and ensuring the labor of workers, representing on behalf of the organization, both in internal and external relations, regulated by the norms of various branches of Russian law.

The rights and obligations of the head of an organization in the field of labor relations are determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts, the constituent documents of the organization, and an employment contract (Article 274 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The head of the organization has the right:

independently resolve issues related to the activities of the organization, with the exception of issues attributed by law to the jurisdiction of other bodies;

organize work;

act without a power of attorney on behalf of the organization;

represent the interests of the organization on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

manage the property of the organization;

conclude contracts, including labor contracts;

issue powers of attorney;

perform other legal actions;

open settlement and other accounts in banks;

approve the staffing table and other local acts.

The head cannot be a member of the bodies exercising the functions of supervision and control in this organization (Article 276 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with the legislation in the field of security, the head of a private security organization is also a participant in private security activities. Therefore, its activities are regulated, along with labor, and protection legislation.

The law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation" imposes certain requirements on a citizen applying for the position of head of a private security organization, establishes additional responsibilities and prohibitions.

So, in accordance with Part 7 of Art. 15.1 of the said Law, the head of a private security organization must have a higher professional education. Under the highest vocational education I mean any higher education. This requirement of the Law does not apply to deputies and other heads of the security organization.

Further, the head of a security organization is obliged to take a refresher course, according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 6, 2010 N 909 "On the requirements for the minimum content of an additional professional educational program for advanced training of heads of private security organizations." Without completing the specified refresher course, the head cannot receive a certificate of a private security guard and, as a result, acquire the status of the head of a private security organization. The head of the security organization passes this advanced training only once before passing the qualifying exam. In this regard, one should not confuse the specified advanced training with advanced training, which the manager must undergo before extending the validity of the certificate.

A mandatory requirement is that the head of a private security organization has a private security guard certificate. The procedure for issuing this certificate is regulated by the Government Decree of July 30, 2009 No. 629 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 587" and the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 716 of September 21, 2009, which approved the Instructions for organizing the procedure for issuing a certificate of a private security guard.

The head of a private security organization, like a security guard, is obliged to undergo training according to the appropriate program, pass a qualification exam in the manner prescribed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2009 No. 629.

Citizens applying for the status of the head of a private security organization are subject to the restrictions established for citizens applying for the legal status of a private security guard, set out in part 2 of Art. 11.1 of the Law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation."

1) who are not citizens of the Russian Federation;

2) under the age of eighteen;

3) recognized by a court decision as incapable or partially incapacitated;

4) who have diseases that prevent them from performing the duties of a private security guard. The list of such diseases is established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

5) having a criminal record for committing an intentional crime;

6) who have been charged with committing a crime (until the issue of their guilt is resolved in the manner prescribed by law);

7) not passed vocational training to work as a security guard;

8) in respect of which, based on the results of an inspection carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is a conclusion on the impossibility of admission to the implementation of private security activities due to the increased risk of violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the emergence of a threat to public safety, prepared in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation, and approved by the head of the unit authorized to carry out actions for licensing private security activities federal body the executive power, in charge of internal affairs, his deputies or the minister of internal affairs, the head of the department (main department) of internal affairs for the subject of the Russian Federation or persons acting as these officials;

9) those who prematurely terminated their powers in a public office or were dismissed from public service, including from law enforcement agencies, from the prosecutor's office, judicial authorities, on grounds that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are associated with the commission disciplinary offense, gross or systematic violation of discipline, committing an offense defaming the honor of a civil servant, loss of confidence in him, if less than three years have passed since such an early termination of powers or such dismissal;

10) for whom the certificate of a private security guard has been canceled on the grounds specified in paragraph 1 of part four of this article, if less than a year has passed since the decision to cancel it;

11) those who have not passed the mandatory state fingerprint registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The head of a private security organization must also meet the requirements for the profession of "security guard 4-6 grade" set out in the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF of 17.04.2009 N 199 "On Amendments to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue 1" section "Workers' Professions Common to All Branches of the National Economy".

According to the requirements in the said Order, he must know:

laws and other regulations legal acts regulating private security activities;

fundamentals of criminal, administrative, labor legislation;

methodical and regulations for the implementation of private security activities;

emergency procedures;

rules for the detention of offenders and their transfer to the internal affairs bodies;

methods of using physical force and special means;

the procedure for obtaining and organizing information;

the procedure for maintaining documentation on protected objects;

instructions for the use of technical means of protection and security and fire alarms;

guidance on providing the first (pre-medical) medical care victims of bodily harm;

the procedure for referring victims to medical institutions;

technical characteristics, device and principle of operation, rules of use and security measures when handling special means, civilian and service weapons, permitted for use in private security activities.

The head does not have the right to fill public offices of the Russian Federation, public offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public service posts, elective paid posts in public associations and political parties, as well as enter into labor relations as an employee, with the exception of scientific, teaching and other creative activities. ...

Thus, from January 1, 2010, the head of a security organization is not entitled to work part-time in other organizations, with the exception of his scientific, teaching and other creative activities. He also has no right to be at the same time the head of two or more private security organizations. At the same time, he can be the founder of several private security organizations at the same time.

The rights and obligations of the head of a private security organization, his competence are determined not only in the law, but also in the constituent documents of the organization - the charter, internal documents regulating the activities of the head. They need to be fixed in the employment contract.

A person may lose the status of the head of a private security organization in the presence of the following grounds established by labor legislation and legislation in the field of security:

1) termination of the employment contract in connection with:

with dismissal from office in accordance with the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy);

with the adoption authorized body a legal entity either by the owner of the organization's property, or by a person (body) authorized by the owner, a decision to terminate the employment contract;

on other grounds provided for by an employment contract (Article 279 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Among other grounds that may entail the termination of the employment contract and, as a consequence, the deprivation of the status of the head of a private security organization should include the establishment of one of the circumstances specified in Part 2 of Art. 11.1 of the Law "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation."

As a body of a legal entity, the head personifies a legal entity, and in employment contracts with all employees acts as an employer. At the same time, he realizes not his legal personality (natural person), but the legal personality of the employer (legal entity). In this case, he is obliged to organize work, to ensure its protection, payment, has the right to demand that every employee perform in good faith job responsibilities, and also has the right to bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility, terminate an employment contract, etc.

To solve tasks on the organization of work, the head adopts local acts (internal labor regulations, shift schedules, regulations on wages and bonuses, vacation provisions, and others, while respecting union rights and labor collective), issues orders and orders to ensure the organization of work, failure to comply with which entails responsibility for employees.

Valery Shestakov