The driver is classified as a professional or a worker. What is the difference between an employee and a worker. An important instrument of labor law

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The personnel (labor personnel) of the enterprise - the main composition of the qualified employees of the enterprise, firm, organization.

Typically, the workforce of an enterprise is divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production units. Production personnel - workers employed in production and its maintenance - constitutes the bulk of the labor resources of the enterprise.

Production personnel categories

The most numerous and main category production personnel- this is workers enterprises (firms) - persons (employees) directly involved in the creation of material values ​​or work on the provision of production services and the movement of goods.

Workers are subdivided into main and auxiliary.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in the shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in the maintenance of equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be subdivided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, instrumental, economic, warehouse, etc.

Leaders- employees holding positions of heads of enterprises (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists ~ workers with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as workers without special education, but holding a certain position.

Employees - workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services (agents, cashiers, clerks, secretaries, statisticians, etc.).

Junior attendants - persons occupying positions for the maintenance of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as for the maintenance of workers and employees (couriers, messengers, etc.).

The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes structure of personnel (personnel) enterprise, workshop, site. The structure of personnel can also be determined according to such criteria as age, gender, educational level, length of service, qualifications, degree of fulfillment of norms, etc.

Professional and qualification structure of personnel

The professional and qualification structure of personnel is formed under the influence of the professional and qualification division of labor. Under profession usually understand the type (kind) of labor activity that requires some training. Qualification characterizes the degree of mastering by workers of this profession and is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories, categories. Tariff categories and categories are also indicators that characterize the level of complexity of work.

With regard to the nature of the professional preparedness of workers, such a concept as speciality, defining type of work To within the same profession (for example, the profession is a turner, and the specialty is a turner-boring operator, a turner-carousel operator).

Differentiation in specialties for the same working profession most often associated with the specifics of the equipment used.

Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there is a change in the number and proportion of certain professions and. professional groups production personnel. The number of engineering and technical workers and specialists is increasing at a faster pace compared to the growth in the number of workers, with a relative stability in the proportion of managers and technical executors. The growth in the number of these categories of workers is due to the expansion and improvement of production, its technical equipment, changes in the sectoral structure, the emergence of jobs that require engineering training, as well as the increasing complexity of products. Obviously, this trend will continue in the future.

Planning the number and composition of personnel

The need for personnel is planned separately for groups and categories of workers. When planning the number of personnel in the enterprise, there is a distinction between the attendance and payroll.

Explicit composition - the number of employees who actually go to work during the day.

Organizational personnel categories

V payroll includes all permanent and temporary workers, including those on business trips, vacations, at military training.

The apparent number of employees is calculated, and their payroll number is determined by adjusting the number of employees using a coefficient that takes into account planned absenteeism.

In practice, two methods are used to determine the required number of workers:

1) according to the complexity of the production program;

2) according to service standards.

The first method is used to determine the number of workers employed in standardized jobs, the second - when determining the number of workers employed in non-standardized jobs, mainly auxiliary workers. The number of engineers and employees is determined according to the staffing table.

Indicators of dynamics and composition of personnel

The staff of the enterprise in terms of the number of employees, the level of qualifications is not a constant, it changes all the time: some workers are fired, others are hired. Various indicators are used to analyze (reflect) changes in the number and composition of personnel.

Indicator of the average number of employees (R) determined by the formula:

where R 1, R 2, R 3, … R 11, R 12- number of employees by month.

Frame reception ratio ( K n) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees employed by the enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of personnel for the same period:

where R p- the number of hired workers, people; - the average number of personnel, people.

The retirement rate (AR) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons during a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period:

where R uv- the number of dismissed employees, people; - the average number of personnel, people.

Frame stability factor (K c) It is recommended to use when assessing the level of organization of production management both at the enterprise as a whole and in individual departments:

where R'v - the number of employees who quit the enterprise on their own and because of the violation labor discipline per reporting period, people; the average number of employees at this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period, people: R p- the number of newly hired employees for the reporting period, people.

Employee turnover rate (K t) is determined by dividing the number of employees of the enterprise (workshop, site), retired or dismissed for a given period of time, by the average number for the same period:

where R uv- the number of retired or dismissed employees, people; R? - average number of personnel, people


"LABOR RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE Labor organization at the enterprise"

Line staff

It includes:

  • sellers;
  • cashiers;
  • workers;
  • operators;
  • waiters;
  • consultants;
  • clerks;
  • doctors;
  • teachers and many others.

Selection of line personnel

Recruiting line personnel is a very difficult and challenging job. This is due, first of all, to the high turnover of line personnel, which is caused by relatively low wages.

In addition, the number of applicants for such positions is usually very large, but most applicants consider this work only as temporary. For example, during the holidays with students or until the moment when you will not be able to get a higher-paying job.

The third problem lies in the fact that line personnel can be roughly divided into two parts:

  • unskilled workers - sellers, cashiers, handymen;
  • workers with special knowledge and skills - teachers, doctors, locksmiths, bank employees.

The problem lies in the fact that it is very difficult to find an employee with highly specialized skills for a permanent job with a low salary level.

Line personnel management

To manage line personnel, an organizational structure of the same name is usually used.

What categories are the staff divided into

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that at the head of each department is one leader, who is subordinate to the superior. At the same time, everyone follows the instructions only of their immediate superior and is also accountable only to him. Such a system provides subordinates with clear and interrelated tasks and instructions. At the same time, there are no problems with reporting and the unity of functioning of the entire vertical is ensured.

The disadvantage of a linear personnel management system is that the manager, without the presence of additional experts and specialists in different fields, must be absolutely competent in all the nuances of the production process. This often leads to his congestion. And such a system is only suitable for controlling lower levels. small businesses with a narrow range of tasks to be solved.

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If you need any advice on the selection or management of line personnel, call us at 8-495-222-12-91 or write to the mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ...

In the reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of certain branches of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production branches), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees.

From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees related to employees.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 N 367 from January 1, 1996 put into effect All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories OK 016-94.

When distributing workers by categories of personnel in statistical reporting on labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Occupations of Workers, Positions of Employees and Wage Grades (OKPDTR), approved by the State Standard of the USSR on August 27, 86 N 016.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

classifier of workers' professions;

the classifier of positions of employees, which contains the positions of managers, specialists and employees.

33. Workers include persons directly involved in the creation of material values, as well as those engaged in repairs, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, provision of material services, etc. In the OKPDTR, the occupations of workers are listed in section 1.

Workers, in particular, include persons employed:

33.1. control, regulation and supervision of the operation of automatic machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as directly control or maintenance of machines, mechanisms, aggregates and installations, if the labor of these workers is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.2. the manufacture of material values ​​by hand, as well as using the simplest mechanisms, devices, tools;

33.3. construction and repair of buildings, structures, installation and repair of equipment, repair of vehicles;

33.4. moving, loading or unloading raw materials, materials, finished products;

33.5. at work on the reception, storage and dispatch of goods in warehouses, bases, storerooms and other storages;

33.6. maintenance of machines, equipment, maintenance of production and non-production premises;

33.7. sinking of surface and underground mine workings, drilling, testing, testing and development of wells, geological survey, prospecting and other types of geological exploration, if their labor is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.8. machinists, drivers, stokers, switch posts on duty, trackmen of tracks and artificial structures, loaders, conductors, workers for the repair and maintenance of transport lines, communication lines, repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicles, tractor drivers, mechanics, plant growing and livestock workers ;

33.9. postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, radio operators, communications operators;

33.10. operators of computers and electronic computers;

Personnel classification

janitors, cleaners, couriers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.

34. The managers include employees holding the positions of managers of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in the OKPDTR, which has a category code 1, refers to managers.

Leaders include, in particular:

director ( CEOs), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, work supervisors at enterprises, in structural units and divisions;

chief specialists: chief accountant, chief dispatcher, chief engineer, chief mechanical engineer, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, chief Researcher, Chief Editor;

state inspectors.

Specialists include workers engaged in engineering, economic and other work, in particular, agronomists, administrators, accountants, geologists, dispatchers, engineers, inspectors, proofreaders, mathematicians, mechanics, rationers, editors, auditors, psychologists, sociologists, technicians, commodity experts, physiologists, artists, economists, power engineers, legal advisers.

36. Other employees related to employees are employees involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, economic services, in particular, agents, archivists, attendants, clerks, cashiers, collectors, commandants, controllers (not classified as workers) , copiers of technical documentation, secretaries - typists, caretakers, statisticians, stenographers, timekeepers, accountants, draftsmen.

The human resources of an enterprise are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of the use of which largely determines the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness. The difference between human resources and other types of enterprise resources is that each hired worker he can refuse the conditions offered to him and demand a change in working conditions and modification of work that is unacceptable from his point of view, retraining in other professions and specialties, he can finally resign from the company of his own free will.

Labor resources Is a part of the working-age population with the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience to work in the national economy. The labor force includes both employed and potential employees.

Work force Is a person's ability to work, i.e. the totality of his physical and intellectual data that can be applied in production. In practice, the workforce is characterized by indicators of health, education and professionalism.

Human capital- a set of qualities that determine productivity and can become sources of income for an individual, family, enterprise and society. These qualities are considered health, natural ability, education, professionalism and mobility.

Labor potential- this is a part of a person's potential, which is formed on the basis of natural data (abilities), education, upbringing and life experience.

Labor potential components:

1. Health. Loss of working time due to illness and injury. Personnel health costs;

2. Morality and ability to work in a team. Losses from conflicts;

3. Creativity. Number of inventions, patents, enterprise;

4. Activity;

5. Organization. Discipline losses. Diligence;

6. Education. Staff development costs;

7. Professionalism.

Enterprise personnel classification

Product quality, losses from defects;

8. Resources of working time. The number of employees, the number of hours of work per year for 1 employee.

Enterprise personnel (personnel, labor collective) it is a set of employees included in its payroll.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups:

industrial production personnel engaged in production and maintenance. It includes all employees of the main, auxiliary, auxiliary and service shops; research, design, technological organizations and laboratories on the balance sheet of the enterprise; plant management with all departments and services, as well as services engaged in major and current repairs of equipment and vehicles of the enterprise;

non-industrial personnel engaged mainly in the social sphere of the enterprise. It includes trade workers and Catering, housing, medical and health institutions, educational institutions and courses, institutions preschool education and culture on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

By the nature of the functions performed, the industrial production personnel (PPP) is subdivided into into four categories: workers, managers, specialists and technical executors (employees).

Workers these are workers directly involved in the production of products (services), repairs, movement of goods, etc. They also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, security guards.

Depending on the nature of participation in the production process, workers, in turn, are divided into main (producing products) and auxiliary (servicing the technological process).

Leaders employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions (functional services), as well as their deputies. They are classified into linear leading relatively separate subdivisions, and functional heads of functional departments and services (for example, the head of the shop and the head of the personnel department).

Specialists- workers performing engineering, economic and other functions. These include engineers, economists, accountants, sociologists, legal advisers, rationers, technicians, and others.

Technical executors (employees)- workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, economic services (clerks, secretaries-typists, timekeepers, draftsmen, copyists, archivists, agents, etc.).

Junior attendants- persons occupying positions for the maintenance of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as for the maintenance of workers and employees (couriers, messengers, etc.).

The ratio of the listed categories of workers in their total number, expressed as a percentage, is called staff structure.

Depending on the nature of labor activity, the personnel of the enterprise are divided by professions, specialties and qualifications.

Profession a certain type of activity (occupation) of a person, due to the totality of knowledge and work skills acquired as a result of special training.

Speciality type of activity within a particular profession, which has specific characteristics and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees.

For example: economist-planner, economist-accountant, economist-financier, economist-labor worker within the framework of the profession of economist. Or: fitter, fitter, fitter, plumber in the framework of the working profession of a locksmith.

Qualification- the degree and type of professional training of the employee, his knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform work or functions of a certain complexity, which is displayed in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

The structure of personnel can also be determined by age, gender, education level, work experience, qualifications and other characteristics.

Personnel Management Is a complex, targeted impact on teams and individual workers in the direction of providing optimal conditions for creative, proactive, constructive work to achieve the goals of the organization.

Personnel Management is associated with the development and implementation of personnel policy, the main objectives of which are:

- meeting the needs of the enterprise in personnel;

- ensuring rational placement, professional qualification and job promotion of personnel;

- effective use of the labor potential of the enterprise.

The implementation of these goals involves the performance of many functions, namely:

- planning, hiring and placement work force including selection, orientation and adaptation;

- education, training and retraining of employees, advanced training;

- personnel assessment (performance appraisal of employees, promotion and career organization);

- determination of the terms of employment, labor and payment;

- labor motivation and discipline;

- providing formal and informal ties, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;

- implementation social functions(reduced price meals at the enterprise, assistance to the family, organization of recreation, etc.);

- control over labor safety.

Work with personnel at the enterprise is carried out by all line managers, as well as some functional departments and managers: personnel department, labor department and wages, department of technical training, managers (directors, managers) personnel.

Managing people is important to all organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service industries. Without trained personnel, no organization can achieve its goals and survive.

Human resource management is one of the critical aspects in the activities of the organization, therefore, it is necessary that all managers at any level of management know and skillfully use the methods and methods of managing people.

The working personnel are subdivided according to the functions performed. What are the factors influencing the determination of the categorization of personnel, which positions belong to, and which to employees, this article will tell.

In total, there are two categories of workers: workers and employees. The second category includes:

  • administrative staff;
  • managers;
  • engineers;
  • personnel officers.
  • educators of all institutions;
  • persons on duty for enterprises or organizations;
  • workers cash registers or cashiers;
  • medical staff;
  • police officers;
  • detective agency workers;
  • secretariat;
  • logisticians;
  • taxi drivers;
  • workers in the area of ​​control.

All listed professions, as well as derivatives from these positions, must have the appropriate education.

On the professions "state and municipal employee"

Civil servant - who is this?

Worker and office worker - these two professions differ from each other, since one produces products with his own hands, and the second solves mental problems. Employees are often found in municipalities and other state structures, they play a role in the overall process, and do not sell their services and do not perform work. In their activities, they are guided by government regulations.

The working day of a civil servant contains several successive stages:

  1. Study of reliable information.
  2. Correspondence with organizational structures.
  3. The ability to make important decisions.
  4. Ensuring control over the work of subordinates.
  5. Participation in social and other events.

For labor activity in municipalities, citizens with a special education are accepted, but if allowed staffing table, then you can involve people with a narrower specialization. These can be accountants, lawyers, health professionals, doctors, architects and other employees. Quite often, secretaries and clerks have been and remain in demand.

What is the Difference Between an Employee and a Specialist

It turns out that there is little difference between an employee and a specialist, so these categories of employees should not be confused:

The very definition of “specialist” contains a rather capacious concept. This employee must be able to understand his field of activity very well and know all the subtleties, since he has a lot of work experience behind him or his education allows him to have such knowledge.

After graduation from the university, as a rule, a "specialist" is assigned. Many people work in the positions of specialists, and their activities by profession can be different. In the structures of organizations, there are different assessments of these categories of workers: from a simple specialist to a leader.

An employee is an employee whose work activity is associated with solving mental problems. His main difference is that he work for someone, for example, be sales representative or provided services for the development of design estimates.

However, in most cases, it is not possible to detect the difference between a specialist and an employee. For example, a financier will be considered not only a specialist, but also an employee at the same time.

The specialist has social status and he also does work in the professional field. A specialist means that an employee works in his professional field, and an employee is a social worker.

Form for accepting a question, write your

The categories of the organization's personnel are subdivided according to the functions performed. Find out what factors influence the classification of personnel, how the main and support personnel differ.

From the article you will learn:

What categories are personnel divided into

The categories of the organization's personnel are divided into workers and employees. Employees include persons performing administrative, economic, managerial, engineering and technical, personnel functions. The main categories of personnel are distributed in accordance with regulatory documents. The All-Russian Classifier of Occupations contains two sections, the list of occupations of which includes employees and workers.

Categories of personnel related to blue-collar occupations are directly involved in the creation of wealth, maintain equipment and industrial premises in working order.

Given the categories into which personnel are divided, it is necessary to identify the main factors that have a direct impact on the classification. Human resources are considered the most important element of the productive force, the basis of the sources of economic development. The main element of any production process is:

  • the skill of the staff;
  • the level of education;
  • professional training;
  • qualification degree;
  • motivation system.

Experts have proved that there is a direct dependence of the well-being of citizens and the competitiveness of the economy on the corresponding quality of personnel categories organizations. The formation of the staff itself is influenced by internal and external factors.

Internal factors include:

release of relevant products;

organization of the technological and production process.

External factors include:

  1. demographic processes;
  2. moral norms of society;
  3. legal aspects accepted in society;
  4. the nature of the labor market.

the number of active working-age population;

general educational level of personnel;

sphere of employment;

distribution of the potential labor force.

It should be borne in mind that these characteristics determine the quantitative and qualitative parameters of labor resources.

What categories is the organization's personnel subdivided into in accordance with labor resources, other classifications

Business entities can perform labor functions that do not correspond to their main, or main purpose. Therefore, we can talk about the categories of production personnel involved in the main and auxiliary activities. The first group includes employees who are directly involved production process or maintenance of equipment affecting effective work enterprises. The second group, which refers to the auxiliary, includes personnel included in the structure of the company. Such employees are on the balance sheet of the main business entity, but are not involved directly with production processes.

What categories of personnel are auxiliary?

  1. employees of kindergartens, nurseries, contained in the balance of the organization;
  2. employees of departmental housing and communal services, clinics, educational institutions.

The classification of such personnel is taken into account when calculating wages, when agreeing on the main indicators of labor production activity. But at the same time, the interaction of the enterprise with the subjects of the subordinate structures takes place conditionally. Each subordinate institution is considered a separate entity financed by the main enterprise. All personnel working in such structures are considered auxiliary, since they do not directly directly participate in production activities.

Each profession is important and distinctive. A person of each specialty has its own designated job tasks, the amount of remuneration, the characteristics of the workplace, grades, etc. At each enterprise there is a system of bonuses and punishments, the specificity of professional activities, etc.

Qualification handbook

To determine the classification of positions and instructions, there is a special uniform qualification handbook... Abbreviated ETKS, approved on the basis of a government decree Russian Federation... Thanks to him, enterprises form personnel activities... According to the content of Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the qualification of professions and duties is carried out on the basis of a unified tariff and qualification reference book.

It consists of two chapters: the first characterizes the sectoral governing labor structure, the second - the foreseen professions of the main employees at the enterprise and blue-collar specialties.

Management and working professions according to ETKS in the agricultural sector

The classifier provides an exhaustive list of blue-collar occupations in agriculture... This includes specialties that are in demand in the agricultural industry.

Leadership staff

This list includes the following professions:

  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist) of the enterprise.
  • Ch. agronomist-agrochemist in production.
  • Ch. specialist of the agricultural service (agronomist) in the field of crop protection.
  • Ch. specialist of the agronomic service (agronomist for the study of soil).
  • Ch. veterinary specialist (veterinarian).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist (zootechnician).
  • Ch. a specialist in the zootechnical service in the horse breeding industry (zootechnician of the state stables).
  • Ch. zootechnical service specialist - hippodrome zootechnician.
  • Ch. reclamation service engineer.
  • Ch. mechanical engineer.
  • Ch. energy specialist (power engineer).
  • Ch. judge in the field of horse breeding.
  • Veterinary service worker - head. veterinary pharmacy.
  • Veterinary service worker - head. a branch.
  • Head at the enterprise with a garage.
  • Head a procurement point in the production of processing flax and other bast crops.
  • Head toxicology laboratory.
  • Head the production laboratory of the plant protection biomass.
  • Head laboratory of the state inspection for plant quarantine and fumigation squad.
  • Head laboratory for diagnosing and predicting the appearance of pests and plant diseases in the future.
  • Head laboratory for assessing the quality of tested varieties of the State Commission for sorting agricultural crops.
  • Head laboratory for breeding. business and artificial insemination.
  • Head transport department.
  • Head oil storage.
  • Head experimental field.
  • Head plant quarantine border point.
  • Head point of artificial insemination.
  • Head point for signaling and forecasting the appearance of pests and plant diseases.
  • Head repair workshop.
  • Head seed station.
  • Head of those. exchange office.
  • Head site for testing varieties.
  • Head phytohelminthological production laboratory.
  • Head seed storage.
  • Chief of mech. detachment.
  • Head of the procurement department.
  • Head of the department (section) of production and veterinary control.
  • Head of the department of tech. operation of the vehicle fleet and equipment for agricultural enterprises.
  • Boss production department hippodrome.
  • Head of the plant protection station (at the level of the subject, region and district).
  • Head of the station tech. maintenance of the vehicle fleet, stations of those. maintenance of the machine-building park.
  • Head of the livestock department.
  • Head of the fumigation department.
  • Head of the station tech. maintenance of machinery and equipment for livestock farms, poultry farms and farms.
  • Head of the feed production department.
  • Head of the land reclamation shop.
  • Head of the incubation workshop.
  • Head of the mechanization shop.
  • Head of the plant growing shop.
  • Head of the plant biosecurity expedition.
  • Head of the department for transport management.
  • Farm manager, foreman.
  • The head of the farm is a farmer.

Professions in the agricultural industry

If we talk about professions in the agricultural industry, then the list of blue-collar professions and positions of employees, after the management staff, is divided into specialists (laboratory assistants, machine operators, etc.), positions common to all industries (weigher, warehouse worker, etc.). ), the positions of the subsection with professions in the field of plant growing and animal husbandry, as well as professions where tariffication by category is not carried out. The list of blue-collar occupations in construction is also quite wide.

Workers in the sphere of harmful professions

Labor law and a unified classifier of professions separate industries where the management staff, working positions are characterized as hazardous production and the industry as a whole. There is a list of blue-collar occupations with harmful conditions labor.

Areas of economic activity where employees are recognized by the labor force as harmful professions

Here is a partial list of such professions:

  • Persons whose activities are related to gunpowder, ammunition equipment, as well as initiators and explosives.
  • Workers in the oil industry, coal mines, etc.
  • The activities of which are related to the processing of metal.
  • Employed in the electrical production and maintenance of such equipment.
  • Manufacturers of radio equipment, production of building materials.
  • Glass and porcelain production.
  • Manufacturers and processing of synthetic and artificial fibers, the labor force of the pulp and paper industry.
  • Employees of institutes and research centers in the field of manufacturing drugs and biomaterials.
  • Workforce in the field of health care, printing workers, transport workers.
  • Those whose activities are related to radiation and radiation, workers in the nuclear industry.
  • Divers.
  • Welding workers.
  • Research activities related to microorganisms.
  • Metal testing.
  • Cleaning metal with sand.
  • Workers at mercury substations.
  • Employees of electric trains and stations.
  • Labor force in the food industry.
  • Working in the field of cinematography.
  • Workers in the field of construction, repair and restoration.
  • Communication workers.
  • Agrochemical workers.
  • Mining workers.
  • Workers in the chemical and paint industry.

Employee positions

The positions of employees are included in the list of blue-collar occupations. If we talk about employees, then this is a category of citizens involved in any of the industries in positions below the leadership professions. The employee category includes agents, artists, archivists, secretaries, etc.

Mechanical engineering professions

If you make a list of blue-collar occupations in mechanical engineering, then there is a subdivision into management, specialists and blue-collar occupations. Let's take a closer look.

For example, managers are included in the list of working professions of the management staff (head of the design department, head of the test department, head of product release, etc.).

If we talk about specialists in mechanical engineering, these are mechanical engineering technologists, mechanical engineers, designers, etc.

Also involved in mechanical engineering are professions belonging to the category of the same in all sectors of the economy.

List of blue-collar occupations for women

Allocates a single classifier and a separate category of female working positions. They are usually associated with a more lightweight activity.

Some of them are listed below:

  • manicurist;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser;
  • cleaning service worker;
  • secretary-typist;
  • painter;
  • specialist in displaying and sorting goods;
  • salesman;
  • masseur;
  • nurse;
  • Cook;
  • confectioner.

An important instrument of labor law

If we talk about the classification of professions in general, then they are subdivided into a list of blue-collar occupations by field of activity, working conditions, harmfulness of production, the severity of labor, etc.

A single classifier characterizes each profession separately, attaching a list job responsibilities, mandatory for execution, the procedure for the benefits provided, the categories assigned, etc.

Based on the classification, the entire labor process, starting with the calculation and calculation of wages, ending with bonuses and the duration of vacations.

The classifier provides a list of positions for each economic sector, defining the scope of responsibilities and rights official or an employee.

The use of the classifier of professions allows each organization, enterprise to streamline the work process, clearly distribute responsibilities in the work collective, and comply with labor legislation.

As statutes in labor law, Labor Code and the classifier is approved with references to each other. This indicates that a violation of the provisions of the classifier of professions will be the basis for violation of labor legislation and an administrative offense. When organizing personnel activities at enterprises, a single list of blue-collar occupations is taken as the basis for the formation of positions, labor hierarchy, incentive and punishment systems.

The classifier is constantly being improved, amendments are made necessary in connection with the change in the country's economy. However, these nuances are not essential and practically do not relate to the main list of positions.

Profession list and job classifier is the most important tool labor law, personnel service any enterprise, acting as a guarantor in the organization and remuneration of almost every employee.

Who are engineers and technicians? Deciphering this term for a contemporary can cause certain difficulties.

According to the interpretation of the "Brief Economic Dictionary", under the abbreviation of engineering and technical personnel, there is a category of workers called engineering and technical. Today we intend to take a closer look at this concept.

Engineering and technical workers - who is this?

The main sign of belonging to the persons mentioned is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineer and technical worker (ITR) belongs to this category on the basis of his position. In this case, a particular representative may have an average special or higher education... For example, a technical engineer may not have a compulsory college degree.

Nowadays, this concept has lost its official status. Now engineers and technicians are more of a colloquial term. According to the Qualification and the Unified Classifier of Occupations, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second - by specialists, the third account for all the rest, referred to as other types of employees or technical performers.

In another normative document, called the Unified Nomenclature of Positions of Employees (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided according to the nature of their activities into categories, and within each of them into groups.

What categories does the concept of engineering and technical personnel include?

Engineering and technical workers are everyone who can be attributed to managers, specialists or technical executors... The category of leaders includes those who are involved in the management of both the entire organization and its individual services and divisions, as well as deputies of the latter.

ENDS professionals belong to one of several different groups. The first group - those who are engaged in work related to agriculture or forestry, livestock, fish farming. The second - workers in the economic or engineering sector. Specialists of the third group work in the field of international relations. The fourth group - workers in the field of art, culture, science, education, healthcare. Fifth - legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Employees are called technical executors whose task is to record, control, prepare the necessary documentation and its execution, as well as economic maintenance. Thus, the concept of engineering and technical personnel has become morally obsolete, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant. It has been replaced today by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).

List of positions of engineers and technicians

The development of scientific and technological progress leads to the strengthening of the function of those who are usually called engineering and technical workers. Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in such industries as industry and construction.

Whom, specifically, can we, without risk of being mistaken, rank in the mentioned category? If we focus on the old Model list of positions, based on the decree of the USSR Council of Ministers N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those who are appointed to the position of higher bodies), chief (senior) specialists of various names, heads of offices, industries, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and divisions, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and ticket offices.

Who else is in this category

And who else belongs to the engineering and technical workers? The list of them is quite long. It should include the heads of agencies, airports and airfields, power plants, elevators, waterworks, boilers, ventilation, treatment facilities, depots, trains, substations, watches, water pipelines, transportation, loading and unloading operations, marinas and berths, (buildings), factories , start-up works, etc.

In addition, engineers and technicians are those who hold the positions of heads of archives, offices, sections, managers of departments and sections, group leaders. In addition, these are foremen, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains.

As for engineers and technicians, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty officers and dispatchers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, rationers, operators, programmers and translators, editors, surveyors, sociologists, pharmacologists, commodity specialists, artists, power engineers and legal advisers. This list is very extensive, and there is no point in listing it in full in this small article.

The principle of engineers and technicians

For the performance of their duties, such workers are paid in the form of an official salary. That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the scope of the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and direct labor conditions.

The size of the official salary is negotiated when a specialist or manager is hired and does not depend on the production results of an enterprise or a specific department.

Evaluation of the work of engineering and technical personnel is carried out in terms of completeness, quality and volume, as well as the timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to them.

Thus, the category of engineers and technicians is paid for their labor on a time-basis basis. Depending on the position held, personal qualifications, the level of complexity and scope of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system of official salaries is provided for all types of engineering and technical personnel. These salary schemes have been developed on the basis of a number of normative documents, in particular the Qualification Handbook.

Is it just a "bare" salary?

In addition to flat salary amounts, there is a system of additional payments, allowances and various bonus payments.

Bonuses are given to such workers in connection with an increase in production and a decrease in its cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and economy of raw materials and fuel.

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and conditions of bonuses. In case of deterioration in the quality of manufactured products or other negative factors, premiums may not be paid.

Certain types of additional payments associated with either professions, an increase in the volume of work or an expansion of the serviced area are set to the salaries of engineers and technicians at the discretion of the management. They can be paid from the saved payroll.

Can the amount of salaries for engineers and technicians change?

Decisions to change official salaries in the direction of both an increase and a decrease are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of workers at a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or every 5 years.

In case of unsatisfactory results of such certification, it is possible both to cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, and to completely release the employee from his position.

On the regulation of labor of engineering and technical personnel

The task of competently organizing the work of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure of the management apparatus, optimize the use of working time and reduce costs involves rationing. Any type of work of a managerial nature can be normally organized only if there is specific information about the amount of time and the number of workers required to carry it out.

Compared to a worker, the same procedure for engineers and employees is a more complicated task. Indeed, in this case we are dealing with a process with a predominance of mental labor, which cannot be directly measured. For example, an engineer-technician in production does not stand directly behind the machine - he manages the process. So how do you evaluate his work?

The main task in standardizing the activities of such employees is to establish the labor intensity of each of the types of work that they perform, and to calculate the required number of employees. Both actions are intertwined. The first one is necessary for a successful separation. job responsibilities and the optimal distribution of workers according to their qualifications.

Second, the establishment of the numerical composition of this category of workers serves to establish optimal proportions between individual positions, to build a management apparatus in a rational way, and to plan the required staff and salary fund.