Personnel and personnel structure of the organization. Personnel of the enterprise, their structure and composition. Added during work

The labor resources of the enterprise are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of the use of which largely depends on the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness. Labor resources set in motion the material elements of production, create a product, value and surplus product in the form of profit.

Personnel or labor resources of an enterprise is a set of workers of professional qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both his main and non-main activities.

Labor resources include the working-age population (for men aged 16 to 59 years, for women - from 16 to 54 years inclusive); with the exception of unemployed invalids of war and labor of groups I and II and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms, a. also persons of disabled age (adolescents and the population over working age) employed in the economy. Also, under the labor resources of an enterprise in a market economy, it is necessary to understand the entire set of employees, both hired and owners who invest their labor, physical and mental abilities, knowledge and skills, as well as money savings in the conduct of economic financial activities enterprises. The labor potential of the enterprise must be consistent with its production potential and provide fairly high indicators of economic efficiency. Labor resources are an object of management at the level of the state, region, industry, enterprise.

In addition to permanent employees, other working-age population may take part in the activities of the enterprise, on the basis of a short-term employment contract, i.e. Many enterprises, in addition to their main activities, perform functions that do not correspond to their main purpose; in a market economy, the personnel of an enterprise should be understood as the whole set of employees, both for hire and owners, whose labor potential corresponds to production and ensures effective economic activity.

The main element of the entire system of managing the national economy is cadres, who at the same time can act as both an object and a subject of management. Employees of an enterprise are objects because they are part of the production process. Cadres represent the staff of employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations are subdivided into two large groups: management cadres and working cadres.

The difference between labor resources and other types of enterprise resources is that each hired worker can refuse the conditions offered to him and demand a change in working conditions and modification of unacceptable, from his point of view, work, retraining to other professions and specialties, can, finally, resign from the enterprise for on their own.

The staff or personnel of the enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics that can be measured with a greater or lesser degree of reliability and reflected in the following absolute and relative indicators:

  • - payroll and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions, individual categories and groups on a certain date;
  • - the average number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions for a certain period;
  • - the proportion of employees of individual divisions (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the enterprise;
  • - the rate of growth (gain) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;
  • - the average category of workers of the enterprise;
  • - the proportion of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and (or) employees of the enterprise;
  • - the average length of service in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;
  • - the turnover of personnel for the hiring and dismissal of employees;
  • - capital-labor ratio of workers and (or) workers at the enterprise, etc.

The combination of the above and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the personnel of the enterprise and the tendencies of their change for the purposes of personnel management, including planning, analysis and development of measures to improve the efficiency of using the labor resources of the enterprise.

The quantitative characteristics of the labor resources of the enterprise are primarily measured by such indicators as the payroll, attendance and average number of employees.

  • 1) The payroll number of employees of the enterprise is the number of employees on the payroll for a certain number or date, taking into account the employees who were hired and left for that day.
  • 2) The number of employees is the number of employees on the payroll who showed up for work. The difference between attendance and payroll characterizes the number of all-day downtime (vacations, sickness, business trips, etc.).
  • 3) To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average headcount indicator is used. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, turnover rates and number. other indicators. The average number of employees per month is determined by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the month. The average number of employees for a quarter (year) is determined by summing up the average number of employees for all months of operation of the enterprise in a quarter (year) and dividing the amount received by 3 (12). To correctly determine the average number of employees, it is necessary to keep daily records of employees on the payroll, taking into account the orders (orders) on the admission, transfer of employees to another job and termination of the employment contract.
  • 4) In addition to the number of employees, the quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of the enterprise and its internal subdivisions can also be represented by the fund of labor resources (F) in man-days or in man-hours.

The qualitative characteristic of the labor resources (personnel) of the enterprise is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to fulfill the goals of the enterprise and the work they perform.

It is much more difficult to assess the qualitative characteristics of the enterprise personnel and the quality of labor. Currently, there is no common understanding of the quality of labor and the qualitative component of the labor potential of the labor force. Long-term discussions on these issues in the economic literature in the 1940s-60s and in the 70s outlined only the main range of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of labor:

  • 1) economic (labor complexity, employee qualifications, industry affiliation, working conditions, length of service);
  • 2) personal (discipline, skills, conscientiousness, efficiency, creative activity);
  • 3) organizational and technical (attractiveness of labor, its technical equipment, the level of technological organization of production, rational organization of labor);
  • 4) socio-cultural (collectivism, social activity, general cultural and moral development).

The structure of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" includes:

  • - budget department;
  • - Department accounting and reporting;
  • - control and audit department;
  • - department of income planning and economic analysis;
  • - department of organizational and control, personnel work and information technologies;
  • - department of budget execution.

The maximum staffing of municipal employees and technical staff municipal institution"Financial management of the Baksan municipal district" is approved by the decree of the head of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district.

The head of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" regularly holds meetings with the heads of structural divisions, at which he reviews the progress of programs and plans, makes decisions on operational issues, as well as other measures for the current period.

Based on the results of the consideration of the documents, the head of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" gives appropriate instructions to officials in the form of resolutions signed by him. The consent expressed in the resolution serves as the basis for the preparation of relevant documents (projects, information, materials, etc.). The order contained in the resolution is subject to execution by the person (or persons) indicated in it and control in accordance with these Regulations.

MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" takes part in the preparation of regulatory legal acts of the Council of Local Self-Government and the local administration of the Baksan Municipal District, ensures their implementation. MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" cannot act contrary to the official position of the local administration of the Baksan Municipal District.

Coordinating bodies created by the local administration of the Baksan municipal district to ensure coordinated actions of interested executive authorities in solving a certain range of tasks are called commissions.

The creation, reorganization and liquidation of these commissions, the appointment of chairpersons, the approval of the personnel and the determination of competence are carried out by the head of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district.

The scope and powers of the commission and councils are determined by legal acts of the local administration on their creation.

For the prompt and high-quality preparation of materials and draft decisions, commissions and councils can create working groups, which include specialists from the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" on issues within the competence of the Office.

Employees who fill municipal positions of the municipal service of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" and carry out technical support apparatus of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District", and not assigned to the municipal posts of the municipal service, are appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District".

Registration of appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of the MU "Financial Management of the Baksan District" is carried out by a specialist in whose competence is the conduct of personnel work.

The labor activity of the employees of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District" is organized in accordance with the internal labor regulations, job descriptions and is carried out on the basis of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Upon completion of the first reading of the draft district budget of the Baksan municipal district and the draft decision on the district budget, the Local Self-Government Council makes a decision on the adoption or rejection of the draft decision on the district budget in the first reading.

In the absence of disagreements and comments on the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal district, the Local Self-Government Council decides on the adoption of the regional budget.

The decision on the regional budget for the next financial year, adopted by the Council of Local Self-Government of the Baksan Municipal District, is sent to the Chairman of the Council of the Baksan Municipal District for signing.

The decision on the budget for the next financial year is subject to publication no later than 10 days after it is signed in accordance with the procedure established by budgetary legislation.

In case of rejection of the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal region and the draft decision on the regional budget in the first reading, the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal region and the draft decision on the regional budget shall be submitted for approval to the conciliation commission. The conciliation commission consists of equal numbers of representatives of the Council of Local Self-Government of the Baksan Municipal District and the local administration of the Baksan Municipal District. Within a period not exceeding 10 calendar days from the date of entry into force of the decision of the session of the Council of Local Self-Government of the Baksan municipal district to reject the project, the conciliation commission develops a version of the main characteristics of the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal district. The decision on the adoption of the version of the main characteristics of the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal district is made by a separate vote of the members of the conciliation commission - representatives of the Local Government Council of the Baksan municipal district and members of the conciliation commission - representatives of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district. A decision is considered adopted by a party if the majority of the representatives of this party present at the meeting of the conciliation commission voted for it. The decision is considered adopted if it is approved by both representatives of the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan Municipal District and representatives of the local administration of the Baksan Municipal District. The agreed and revised draft of the district budget is re-submitted by the conciliation commission to the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal district for its further adoption at the end of the second reading.

The procedure for submitting, considering and approving the annual report on the execution of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district is established by the Local Government Council of the Baksan municipal region.

Simultaneously with the annual report on the execution of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district, the following documents and materials are submitted:

  • - draft decision on the implementation of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district;
  • - information on the spending of the reserve fund;
  • - information on the provision and repayment of budget loans;
  • - information about the provided municipal guarantees;
  • - information on municipal borrowing by type of borrowing;
  • - information about the structure of municipal debt;
  • - information on income received from the use of municipal property;
  • - certificate of accounts payable of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district by recipients of budgetary funds, performers and suppliers for services rendered and work performed;
  • - certificate of accounts receivable to recipients of budgetary funds;
  • - other budget reporting on the execution of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district and budget reporting on the execution of the consolidated budget of the Baksan municipal district, other documents and materials provided for by the budget legislation Russian Federation.

Based on the results of consideration of the annual report on the execution of the district budget, the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal district makes a decision on the approval or rejection of the report on the execution of the district budget.

If the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal district rejects the decision on the execution of the district budget, it shall be returned to eliminate the facts of inaccurate or incomplete reflection of the data and resubmit it within a period not exceeding one month.

The annual report on the execution of the regional budget of the Baksan municipal district shall be submitted to the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal region no later than May 1 of the current year.

Not earlier than ten days after the day of publication of the draft regional budget of the Baksan municipal district (report on its implementation), but not later than five days before the day of the first consideration of the draft (report) by the Council, public hearings are held on the specified draft (report).

Decision on appointment public hearings on the draft regional budget and the report on the execution of the regional budget is adopted within ten days after the specified draft (report) is submitted to the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal region and is published together with the draft (report). The specified project (report) is published together with annexes to it, which contain information classified by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation to the composition of indicators, in mandatory submitted for consideration of the decision on the budget.

The draft district budget and the annual report on its implementation are considered at public hearings, taking into account the specifics provided for by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, the laws of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Charter of the Baksan municipal district, the Regulation "On the budget process in the Baksan municipal district", the Procedure organizing and conducting public hearings in the Baksan municipal district.

The local government council of the Baksan municipal district ensures the publication of the conclusion on the results of public hearings without attachments within 5 days from the date of the public hearings.

The protocol and conclusion on the results of public hearings, all additionally received proposals and materials are sent to the Local Self-Government Council of the Baksan municipal district for consideration, decision-making on the merits and subsequent storage. The report of the organizing committee for holding public hearings is sent to the same body.

After the Council of Local Self-Government of the Baksan Municipal District makes a decision on the issue (s) of public hearings, the organizing committee shall cease its activity.

The head of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District", within the limits of his authority, issues orders, the execution of which is mandatory for all structural divisions of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District".

Within its competence, prepares draft resolutions and orders of the head of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district.

Orders are adopted in order to resolve the most important production tasks, as well as on issues related to the personnel of the Directorate.

The orders indicate specific measures, the implementation of which will ensure the solution of the tasks, deadlines, responsible persons or structural units, which are entrusted with monitoring the execution.

The organization and control of the execution of individual points can be entrusted to various officials.

Orders come into force from the day they are signed, unless otherwise specified in the legal acts themselves.

Draft orders are prepared on the instructions of the head of the Ministry of Finance "Finance Management of the Baksan District", draft resolutions and orders - on the instructions of the head of the local administration of the Baksan Municipal District. Signed orders are registered in the department of organizational control, personnel work and information technologies of the MU "Finance Management of the Baksan District", copies of orders are sent to interested parties no later than three days from the date of their signing, and urgent orders are sent immediately.

Draft orders, resolutions, orders should have titles that briefly reflect the content of the document.

The establishing part (preamble) of a legal act serves to justify the adoption of the document. It should be concise and meaningful. The preamble indicates the factual circumstances and motives that served as the reason or reason for the publication of the document, and should also contain references to laws or other regulatory legal acts in accordance with which this document is adopted, indicating the name of the law or other regulatory legal act, its date and numbers.

The decisive or administrative part must contain clear, specifically formulated tasks with an indication of the deadlines and persons responsible for the implementation of this legal act.

TO legal acts lists, regulations, statutes, instructions, tables, graphs, estimates, maps, diagrams and other materials necessary for the proper application and execution of the document may be attached.

The appendices to the legal act are printed structural unit representing this project are endorsed by its head or direct executor with a clear indication of the date, surname, initials, position.

The name of state bodies, organizations and other institutions mentioned in legal acts must correspond to their official names.

Any abbreviations other than the generally accepted ones are not allowed in draft legal acts.

Draft legal acts and annexes to them with the necessary certificates in a printed form must be approved and endorsed by the executor, the heads of the interested services, a lawyer, the deputy head of the administration in charge of this section of work.

Legal acts are signed on the approval form or on the last page of the first copy of the draft text, indicating the name of the approver and the date. In case of disagreement with the content of the project, the approver makes a note on the approval form and attaches a reasoned opinion.

If there are disagreements on the draft legal act, the head who prepared the draft legal act must hold a discussion with interested parties in order to find a mutually acceptable solution. If such a solution is not found, comments signed by the heads of the relevant structural divisions are attached to the draft legal act.

If, in the course of revision, significant changes are made to the drafts of legal acts, they are subject to reconciliation with the heads of the relevant structural divisions.

When printing legal acts on forms, no corrections are allowed, with the exception of spelling, stylistic and other obvious errors.

The term for approval of draft resolutions and orders of the head of the local administration depends on the degree of importance and volume of the document, the number of approving visas, taking into account the comments made, but there cannot be: resolutions - more than 5 working days; orders - more than 3 working days. Extension of the terms of approval of draft documents is allowed with the permission of the deputy head of the local administration and the business manager.

The signed resolutions and orders are registered in the department of organizational, control and personnel work of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district.

The department of organizational, control and personnel work of the local administration of the Baksan municipal district ensures the release, replication and sending of legal acts to interested organizations and performers according to the list provided by the contractor who prepared the project no later than three days after signing, and urgent ones - immediately.

Classification, composition and structure of personnel of the enterprise

Personnel of the enterprise- these are workers who are constantly involved in production, economic, commercial and financial activities, who have undergone certain professional training and have work experience. Or is it a collection of individuals who are with the company as legal entity in a relationship governed by an employment contract.

According to the adopted classification of cadres businesses are divided into two categories :

industrially production personnel (PPP), which includes persons directly related to the production - economic activities;

non-industrial personnel- employees who are not directly related to the production activities of the enterprise (employees of housing and communal services, cultural and welfare institutions listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise, etc.)

In turn, the PPP, depending on the functions performed, is divided into the following categories of workers:

1. Workers- persons directly involved in the process of material production . Depending on the functions they perform, they are divided:

 on major directly involved in the manufacture of products (machine operators, operators of automatic lines, etc.);

subsidiary performing various functions for servicing the production process (adjusters, repairmen, warehouse workers, etc.).

2. Leaders- persons performing the functions of organizing and managing production (director, his deputies, heads of departments, workshops, shifts, foremen, etc.).

3. Specialists- employees who have completed higher or secondary specialized education and perform the functions of technical preparation for production, research, design, etc. (technologists, designers, economists, lawyers, etc.)

4. Employees- persons performing various functions of production management - preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, economic and administrative services, etc. (clerks, cashiers, secretaries, etc.).

At individual enterprises, apprentices and security guards can be allocated.

By the nature and complexity of the work performed, all personnel for the purposes of planning the need for personnel are grouped by professions, specialties and qualifications.

и Under profession understand a certain type of activity of a person who owns a set of special knowledge and practical skills that allow them to perform a certain type of work.

è Speciality- a set of knowledge within the profession (fitter-toolmaker, fitter-assembler, fitter-plumber)

è Qualification- the degree and level of training of the employee. It characterizes the degree of complexity of this particular type of work performed by him. For specialists and employees, the qualification level is determined on the basis of the level of special education with subsequent adjustment based on the results of the attestations carried out. For workers, the qualification level is the tariff category assigned to each according to the results of the tests performed.

Frame structure Is the share of the corresponding group of employees in the total number of personnel. The study of the composition of the labor force also presupposes obtaining the corresponding structural characteristics for a number of demographic characteristics: gender, age, level of general and special education, etc. These data are necessary for the enterprise to develop personnel policy and prospects for the personnel composition. The structure of personnel is studied and analyzed both for the enterprise as a whole and for its individual divisions.

Personnel composition the enterprise is characterized by the following indicators:

1. List and attendance number of employees

2. Average headcount for a certain period

3. The share of workers of certain categories in the total number of PPP

4. The growth rate of the number of workers for a certain period

5. Average category of workers

6. Average work experience of managers and specialists

7. Staff turnover on hiring and firing

To account for the number of employees at the enterprise, indicators of the payroll, average payroll, attendance composition and the actual number of employees are used. V payroll all employees hired for permanent, seasonal, or temporary work for a period of 1 day or more from the date of their enrollment are included. In this list, each calendar day includes both those who are actually working and those who are absent for some reason. Average headcount for the reporting month is calculated by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the reporting month, i.e. from the 1st to the 31st day, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the reporting month. When determining the average headcount, the following are included full-time employees, part-time workers with a coefficient of 0.5 and workers working under construction contracts.

For small businesses, a simplified definition of the average number of employees is allowed as a half-sum of data on their availability at the beginning and end of each reporting month. Explicit number shows how many people on the list showed up for work. Number actually working Is the number of personnel who came to work and actually started work. The difference between the attendance and the actual headcount allows you to determine the whole day's downtime. A change in the payroll headcount occurs as a result of the hiring and dismissal of employees.

The main reasons for dismissal workers are:

1. Reasons of a physiological nature

2. The reasons provided by law (conscription, admission to study, etc.)

3. Reasons related to the personality of the employee (own desire, for absenteeism, in connection with a court decision, etc.)

To the main indicators characterizing movement of frames, relate:

1. Intensity factor turnover on reception:

where is the number of units of installed equipment;

Service rate, which characterizes the number of workers required to service a piece of equipment per shift;

Number of shifts;

Payroll ratio.

The determining factor in the development of production is the personnel of the enterprise, directly performing certain functions of economic activity.

Personnel- is a set of employees of various professional qualification groups employed by the firm and included in its payroll.

Organization personnel- the totality of all human resources possessed by the organization.

It is a collection of workers of certain categories and professions engaged in a single production activity aimed at achieving the goals of the company and their own goals.

Organization personnel structure

The staff is the most important part of the enterprise and has a complex interconnected structure(organizational, functional, role, social and staff).

Views organizational structures management:
  • Organizational structure- this is the composition and subordination of interconnected management links.
  • Functional structure reflects the division of management functions between management and individual departments.
  • Role structure defines the composition and distribution of creative, communication and behavioral roles between individual workers enterprise and is important tool in work with personnel.
  • Social structure characterizes labor collective by social indicators (gender, age, profession and qualifications, nationality, education, etc.).
  • determines the composition of divisions and the list of positions, the size of official salaries and the payroll.

Enterprise personnel structure

According to the structure (specific weight of each element of the labor force), the personnel are divided into workers, specialists, technical executors and managers (united in a group of employees), as well as security workers (property, secrets and managers), junior service personnel and apprentices. Workers include individuals directly involved in the creation of products of labor in production. Workers by way of participation in production process are divided into main and auxiliary. The main workers either directly (potter, carpenter, bricklayer), or with the help of tools (turner, milling cutter, tailor, etc.) affect the object of labor in order to obtain the product of labor. Subsidiary workers provide the main workers with raw materials, material, fuel, energy, transport services, etc., i.e., they are assistants to the main workers, providing workplace everything you need.

The specialists include workers engaged in the preparation of production, engineering support for the course of production and the sale of labor products. Technical performers- these are workers who provide the work of specialists. Managers carry out managerial functions in the divisions of the enterprise and in the enterprise as a whole. They also include chief specialists, deputy managers, chiefs, managers, managers, etc. Security workers provide functions of protecting property, secrets from unauthorized use and theft, and protect managers from threats of violence and physical destruction. The junior maintenance staff performs cleaning of premises, maintenance of common areas, etc. The company needs apprentices to replenish its workforce and to replace those retiring due to age and for other reasons.

Personnel are characterized quantitatively and qualitatively

The quantitative characteristics include indicators of the payroll and attendance number, the average payroll number (employees, industrial production personnel, non-industrial personnel, categories of employees). The payroll is determined on a certain date according to the list, taking into account the employees hired and dismissed on that date. Explicit number Is the number of employees who showed up for work on a specific date. This indicator is used to determine the loss of time, absenteeism. The average number of employees is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month and dividing this amount by the number of calendar days of the month.

The qualitative characteristic of the staff consists in the professional and qualified performance of work. Profession - genus labor activity, which requires special training and is a source of livelihood. There are specialties in each profession. For example, the profession of a locksmith is a specialization of a plumber, or the profession of an economist is a specialization of accounting. Qualification - the degree of skill, characterized by the number of the category (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) or categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd), or class (3rd, 2 1st, 1st, highest).

Requirements for the degree of skill in performing work in blue-collar occupations are set out in qualification reference books... The main one is Unified tariff and qualification reference book works and professions of workers (ETKS). Additional - industry qualification guides and qualification guides of enterprises for work that are not included in the ETKS. Requirements for the degree of skill in the performance of work by employees are set out in the qualification reference books of employee positions (KCDS), in the provisions and job descriptions... A job is a type of mental activity required to fulfill qualification requirements at a special workplace of an employee.

The professionally qualified staff of each firm (enterprise) is formed on the basis of the laws of supply and demand in the labor market and production. The derived nature of the demand for labor depends on the magnitude of the demand for finished goods and services means.

When determining the firm's need for the appropriate category of workers, it is necessary to take into account:
  • labor productivity or labor intensity of products;
  • market value or price of manufactured products;
  • skill level, technology used;
  • organization of production.

Determination of the need for personnel is carried out separately for groups of personnel. The number of PPP is determined for each category of workers. When planning the number of workers, the payroll and attendance composition are determined. The payroll includes all permanent, seasonal and temporary workers... On-site staff - the number of workers who must be at work on a given shift. The initial data for planning the number of workers are usually production volumes, the labor intensity of the production program, staffing tables, service standards, balances of working hours of one average worker, shift schedules. The balance of working hours characterizes the average number of days and hours that one worker can work in the planned period.

Labor collective

Employees of one enterprise make up labor collective, that is, a group of employees united by the common goal of the enterprise and performing the corresponding types of labor activities.

The labor force employed in various sectors of the country's economy and its regions differs by gender, age, nationality, education, herd of work, profession, specialty and qualifications.

All employees are divided into two categories:

  1. industrial production personnel (personnel of the main activity);
  2. personnel of non-industrial organizations on the balance sheet industrial enterprises(non-core personnel).

The number of industrial production personnel of the enterprise includes employees:

  • main and auxiliary workshops (sections);
  • ancillary production;
  • serving electrical, heating network, substations, etc .;
  • employed in loading and unloading operations and transport and storage operations;
  • research, design, design, technological organizations on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • production laboratories;
  • busy with commissioning works;
  • employed at treatment facilities on the balance of the enterprise;
  • communication nodes on the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • information and computing centers;
  • all types of protection;
  • factory showers and baths serving only the personnel of this enterprise in production;
  • employed in major and current repairs of equipment, etc.

Personnel employed in non-core activities of industrial enterprises (non-industrial personnel) include employees:

  • transport, which is on the balance sheet of the enterprise and serves housing, utilities and other non-core business organizations;
  • construction laboratories;
  • groups for the design of the organization of work and design bureaus, groups, geodetic services of construction organizations;
  • employed in the overhaul of buildings and structures produced by an economic method;
  • trade and catering;
  • enterprises constantly engaged in the procurement of agricultural products, as well as agricultural raw materials for industrial processing;
  • subsidiary agricultural enterprises on the balance sheet of industrial enterprises;
  • editorial offices of newspapers and radio broadcasting;
  • housing economy;
  • utilities and consumer services enterprises;
  • serving medical institutions (medical units, health centers, dispensaries, boarding houses, camp sites, etc.);
  • institutions physical culture(stadiums, palaces of sports, gyms, etc.);
  • educational institutions and courses;
  • institutions of preschool education;
  • cultural institutions;
  • libraries, except technical, etc.

Workers and employees

All employees of enterprises are divided into two groups: workers and employees.

Workers(workers of mass professions) is the most numerous group, which is subdivided into workers of basic work and auxiliary work. The workers of the main jobs are engaged in the main production of enterprises. Support workers help the main workers to carry out work in the main activity of the enterprise.

By the level of qualifications, workers can be:

  • qualified;
  • unskilled;
  • unqualified.

Their ratio at the enterprise depends on the types and volumes of work performed.

Employees- these are managers and specialists. Managers and specialists perform functions general management and technical guidance. Specialists include workers with higher or specialized secondary education. Certain professions require higher education. For other professions, education can be both higher and secondary specialized. According to the level of education, specialists are divided into categories.

The economy of a developed state is almost always built on the basis of market relations, in which any business entity has the right to independently plan and manage its resources. The volume of profit depends on the success of these processes, and therefore the survival of the enterprise as a whole. One of the most important and costly factors of production today is the labor of hired workers. Many people very often in their lives heard, but did not always correctly understand the meaning of the word "personnel", although this category is decisive in the production and economic activity of enterprises. Examining the cost and effectiveness of metrics will help maximize the bottom line of any organization.

What are frames?

Personnel is the totality of all employees employed at the enterprise and included in its staff, regardless of their professional qualification groups.

The cadres include specialists, workers, technical staff and managers (together - a group of employees), as well as security workers, apprentices and junior service personnel.

Specialists are employees who prepare production, carry out engineering support and sell products.

Workers are people who are directly involved in the creation of products. This category is divided into two groups: main and auxiliary. The main workers directly with their own hands and through the tools of labor create the final product from the materials. Ancillaries provide materials, raw materials, energy, fuel, transportation, etc.

Technical personnel are employees whose main mission is to ensure the work of specialists.

The managers are entrusted with a managerial function. It is carried out both as a whole in the enterprise and in its individual divisions. This group includes: bosses, managers, chief specialists, directors, etc.

Security workers function to protect the material and information values ​​of the enterprise, as well as representatives of the management from unauthorized physical impact.

Apprenticeship is a reserve required by the enterprise to replenish the existing and replace the older workers of the organization.

Cleans the premises, public places etc.

Personnel can be characterized by quantitative and qualitative principles.

Quantitative characteristics of frames

These characteristics include:

  • payroll - the number of employees on a specific date, including hired and dismissed;
  • turnout number - the number of employees who went to work on a certain date;
  • average headcount - the average calculated for each calendar day.

Qualitative characteristics of frames

The characteristics of this subcategory assess the professionalism and qualifications of the organization's employees.

A profession is a line of work that requires specific training and is a source of income for labor personnel. Also, within the framework of a certain profession, a narrower focus is distinguished - specialization (for example, specialization - financial analyst).

Qualified personnel are employees of the enterprise who have a certain degree of skill, displayed by the number of the category, category or class. The qualification requirements are spelled out in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook (ETKS), qualification handbooks for employee positions, as well as regulations and job descriptions. So, according to reference books, a position is a kind of mental activity that is necessary for the exercise of authority in the workplace.

How to calculate labor efficiency?

Labor productivity indicators are the best indicators of the effectiveness of the use of personnel. These coefficients characterize the fruitfulness of activities for the production of various goods. Quantitatively, they are calculated by indicators of production (the ratio of the volume of work / production to the number of employees) or labor intensity (reverse production). These values ​​can be calculated in monetary terms, standard hours, in kind and conditionally in kind.

Personnel training is a complex and energy-intensive process, on which the smooth functioning and profitability of the enterprise depend. That is why it is necessary to devote enough time and material resources to it.

2.2 Analysis of the personnel composition of the organization

Now it is necessary to consider the analysis of the staff of JSC "IKAR", consisting of executives, specialists, production workers.

Table 1 - Average annual number and structure of employees at JSC "IKAR"

P / p No. Categories of workers 2005 2006 2007
human % to total human % to total human % to total
A 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Average headcount, total 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0



325 13,5 312 13,1 296 13,2

engineering and technical


392 16,2 385 16,2 347 15,5

workers of the main


1238 51,3 1386 58,2 1147 51,3
5 auxiliary production workers 458 19,0 298 12,5 445 20,0

Table 1 shows that the number of employees at OJSC IKAR slightly decreases every year. This decrease was reflected in both managers and engineers and technicians. Workers of the main production in comparison with 2005, in 2006 their number increased to 1,386, but in 2007 there were much fewer workers than in 2005. (1147 people). The number of workers in auxiliary production decreased significantly in 2006. compared to 2005 for 160 people, but in 2007. the quantity of this category has recovered again.

To calculate the number of workers of the main production per 1 person of the management staff or engineering and technical workers, it is necessary to divide the number of workers of the main production for a certain period by the number of the management staff (engineering and technical workers).

Consequently, since 2005. to 2007 there are 4 workers of the main production per 1 person in the management team. In 2005. there were 3 workers of the main production per 1 engineering and technical worker, in 2006 - 4 workers, and in 2007. again 3 workers.

High quality labor force is only a prerequisite for high production efficiency. For its implementation, it is necessary that the work of the employee is well organized, that he does not have interruptions in work for organizational and technical reasons, so that the work entrusted to him is consistent vocational training and the level of qualifications, so that the employee is not distracted by the performance of functions unusual for him, especially not corresponding to the level of qualifications, so that normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions are created for him, ensuring a normal level of labor intensity. The socio-psychological environment also plays an important role, contributing to the interaction of performers in the process of work, the emergence of incentives for highly productive and effective work. It is also important that the employee properly performs his production and official duties, strict adherence to discipline (labor, production, technological), labor activity and creative initiative.

Table 2 - Use of working time

P / p No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007 by 2006, in%
actually according to plan actually
A 1 2 3 4
1 2381 2240 2235 94,1
2 Total number of man-days worked, thous. 690 650 648 94,0
3 Number of people worked / hour, thous. 5524 5197 5185 94,1
4 Average annual number of days worked per employee 290 290 290 100,0
5 Average annual number of people / hour, thous. 5455 5326 5250 97,0
6 Average annual working day, h 7,9 8,2 8,1 103,0

Table 2 examines the use of working time at JSC "IKAR". Working time at the enterprise serves not only as the main production resource, but also as a criterion economic efficiency production. During the study period, the number of days worked by one worker per year was equal to 290 days, therefore, the work time at the plant was distributed rationally, although the total number of man-days decreased by 42 man-days. The same is happening with a decrease in the number of people worked per hour. But on the other hand, the length of the working day increased by 0.2 hours.

Table 3- Analysis of the causes of loss of working time

P / p No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007 to 2006,%
A 1 2 3
1 Absenteeism, days 354 436 123
1.1 0,15 0,20 133
2 Downtime, days 3929 7228 184
2.1 including per worker, h 1,65 3,24 196
3 Holidays with the permission of the administration, days 1154 1546 134
3.1 incl. per worker, days 0,5 0,70 140
4 Total removable losses, days 5437 9210 169
4.1 incl. per worker, days 2,30 4,14 180

This table presents an analysis of the loss of working time. Every year there are absenteeism of workers, production downtime due to various reasons such as no orders for the purchase of products, due to power outages, etc. Table 3 shows that absenteeism for no good reason in 2007. increased by 82 days. In this way, employees violate labor discipline, the internal routine of the working day. Downtime has almost doubled. To eliminate the loss of working time, it is necessary to take certain measures. For example, if an employee is absent from work in work time for no good reason, reprimand him or even go up to the point of dismissing him from work.

Table 4 - The structure of the personnel of the enterprise by category
P / p No. Years Total, people Including by category
Workers Leaders Specialists Employees
Number, people Ud. the weight, % Number, people Ud. the weight, % Number, people Ud. the weight, % Number, people Ud. the weight, %
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2005 2413 1696 70,3 325 13,4 312 13,0 80 3,3
2 2006 2381 1684 70,7 312 13,1 286 12,0 99 4,2
3 2007 2235 1592 71,2 296 13,2 281 12,6 66 3,0

OJSC "IKAR" employs managers, specialists, employees and workers. Analyzing table 4, it was found that in 2007, compared to 2005, the number of workers decreased by 104 people. In general, due to the turnover of personnel, every year all categories of employees of the enterprise are reduced, their number is decreasing. But all categories of these workers must be present in the amount that can provide effective work enterprises, and also get high productivity.

Table 5 - Structure of the personnel of JSC "IKAR" by gender

P / p No. Years Total, people Including by gender
Men, people Women, people
A 1 2 3
1 2005 2413 1621 792
2 2006 2381 1547 834
3 2007 2235 1388 847

Table 5 shows that this enterprise is mainly dominated by male work force... After all, JSC "IKAR" is engaged in heavy industry. But in comparison with 2005, the number of men at the plant has decreased by 233 people. In 2007 there were 1388 of them. And the number of working women is gradually increasing in comparison with 2005 by 55 people. The overwhelming male composition of workers over the female is due to the specifics of the work.

Table 6 - Educational level of personnel

P / p No. Years Total, people Number, people
Higher Specialized secondary General average Lower secondary
A 1 2 3 4 5
1 2005 2413 865 823 579 146
2 2006 2381 836 812 548 185
3 2007 2235 800 764 491 180

Table 6 shows that the company employs highly skilled workers. This is explained by the fact that the largest number of employees prevails at the enterprise with higher and secondary specialized education. But it is noted in Table 6 that in connection with the continuous turnover of personnel, the number of educated people, specialists in their field, is decreasing. During the study period, the number of employees with higher education, in comparison with 2005, decreased by 65 people, and 59 people with secondary specialized education. However, the number of employees with incomplete secondary education increased by 34 people. But OJSC "IKAR" strives to ensure that competent specialists work at the enterprise and for this the enterprise sends workers at the expense of the enterprise to study at higher educational establishments... In 2006, it sent 58 people to study. Analysis of personnel indicators by education shows that the level of education of personnel corresponds to qualification characteristics posts.

Table 7- Age composition of personnel
P / p No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
Number, people Ud. the weight,% Number, people Ud. the weight,% Number, people Ud. the weight,%
A 1 2 3 4 5 6

Age composition of staff, number of people:

23 1,0 5 0,2 5 0,2
2 18-35 745 31,0 699 29,4 663 30,0
3 35-50 945 39,0 956 40,2 941 42,0
4 Over 50 700 29,0 721 30,2 626 28,0
Total 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0

Table 7 shows that the enterprise is mainly dominated by workers aged 35 to 50 years. In 2005. employed more workers aged 35 - 50, in 2006 their number increased by 11 people, and in 2007 it decreased again by 15 people. Workers between the ages of 18 and 35 are decreasing every year, but one should again take into account the continuous turnover of staff. Compared to 2005 employees aged 18-35 in 2007 decreased by 82 people. There are a very significant number of workers over the age of 50. Workers of this age mostly occupy leadership positions as well as specialized workers. Aging of personnel can lead to the fact that in a few years the plant will experience a real shortage of experienced and qualified workers, this problem already exists. After all, all the same, people cannot work all their lives, age will make itself felt.

Table 8-Qualification composition of workers, people

P / p No. Discharge on a single tariff scale 2005 2006 2007.
Number, people Ud. the weight,% Number, people Ud. the weight,% Number, people Ud. the weight,%
1 A 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 II 415 17,2 387 16,3 315 14,1
3 III 534 22,1 541 22,7 438 19,6
4 IV 687 28,5 584 24,5 602 27,0
5 V 452 18,7 485 20,4 495 22,1
VI 325 13,5 384 16,1 385 17,2
Total: 2413 100,0 2381 100,0 2235 100,0

Table 8 shows that the largest number of employees of the 4th grade prevails at OJSC IKAR. During the study period 2005 - 2007 the number of workers of the II category is decreasing every year. Compared to 2005, their number has decreased by 100 people. The company employs competent specialists, this is evidenced by the increase in workers of the 5th and 6th categories according to a single wage scale. At the plant, certification of workplaces is carried out, which means that the category of workers is increased.

Table 9 - Distribution of personnel by length of service

P / p No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
A 1 2 3
1 Distribution of personnel by work experience, number, people: 2413 2381 2235
2 Up to 1 year 145 154 127
3 1-2 547 486 365
4 2-5 688 741 702
5 5 and more 1033 1000 1041

Table 9 shows that OAL "IKAR" employs employees with extensive work experience. In connection with the continuous turnover of personnel (workers are either fired or hired), there are jumps in the growth and decline of personnel. There were 1,033 employees with work experience of 5 years or more in 2005, in 2006 it decreased by 33 people, and in 2007 it increased again by 41 people.

Table 10 - Analysis of frame movement
P / p No. Indicators 2005 2006 2007
Number, people Number, people Number, people
A 1 2 3
1 Average headcount 2413 2381 2235
2 Number of hired workers 605 399 559
3 Number of dismissed employees 744 467 640


Of your own free will

For truancy and other violations labor discipline

5 Frame Reception Ratio (p. 2 / p. 1) 0,25 0,17 0,25

Retirement rate

(p. 3 / p. 1)

0,31 0,20 0,25
7 Employee turnover rate 0,31 0,20 0,29

Table 10 examines the movement of personnel at JSC "IKAR". The number of employees hired by the company in 2006, compared to 2005, sharply decreased by 206 people, but in 2007 it picked up the growth rate again and increased by 160 people. In 2006, compared to 2005, the number of laid-off workers significantly decreased by 277 people, but in 2007 it increased again by 173 people. The retirement rate is calculated as the ratio of the number of dismissed employees to their average headcount. This table shows that the highest coefficient is observed in 2005 - 0.31, and also in 2007 - 0.29.

Table 11 - Analysis of the reasons for staff turnover in the organization,%

P / p No. Reasons for dismissal 2005 2006 2007
A 1 2 3
1 Low wages 63,8 75,0 62,5
2 Late payment of wages 13,5 8,97 5,9
3 Violation of labor discipline 22,7 16,03 31,6
TOTAL: 100,0 100,0 100,0
Table 11 shows that low wages most of all affect the dismissal of workers. Currently, there are many other organizations in the country where wages are higher, as a result of which people go to work. They change their place of work.

Many workers are fired due to violation of labor discipline, many workers come to work in a state of alcoholic intoxication, are late or leave work early, violate the access control, take away inventory items. Due to late payment of wages, a small number of employees are dismissed. Basically, the plant does not actually delay wages. But, and if there is a delay in wages, then no more than 15 days.

Table 12 - Indicators of vocational training

P / p No. Indicators 2006 2007 2007/2006, in%
A 1 2 3
1 Average headcount, people 2381 2235 112
2 Passed vocational training, people 60 67 112
3 Share of those who completed training,% 2,5 3,1
4 Spent on training, person / hour 24000 26800 112
5 Worked out, man / hour 115200 128640 112
6 Share of time spent on training,% 21,0 20,0 95,2
7 Average number of people / hour per 1 trained employee 2320 2320 100
8 Costs for vocational training, thousand rubles 1200 1474 112
9 Costs for training 1 employee, thousand rubles 20 22 110
Every employee of any enterprise should strive to improve his professional level... Every year the number of employees who have undergone training increases slightly by 7 people. Consequently, the costs of vocational training are increasing, compared to 2006, in 2007 costs increased by 274 thousand rubles.
Table 13 - Indicators of the level of labor productivity
P / p No. Indicators CONV. designation 2005y 2006 2007
A 1 2 3 4 5
1 Volume of work performed, thousand rubles TP 836100 916537 989272 108
2 Average number of industrial and production personnel, people Chp 2334 2326 2197 94,4
3 Average number of workers, people Cz 2413 2381 2235 93,9
4 Share of workers in the total number of PPP,% 103 102 102 100
5 The total amount of time worked by all workers per year, thousand hours PM 5347 5524 5185 93,9
6 including one worker, thous. 2,2 2,3 2,3 104,5
7 Average working day, h Tcr 7,9 8,2 8,1 98,8
8 Worked by one worker per year, days D 277 290 290 100
9 Average annual output, thousand rubles 229068 251106 271033 108
10 one worker 346,5 385,0 443,0 115
11 Average daily output of a worker, p. 3018 3160 3411 108
12 Average hourly output of a worker, r. 156,4 166,0 190,1 115

Based on the calculations of the indicators of the level of labor productivity, it has been revealed that labor productivity in general at JSC "IKAR" is optimal. The volume of work performed increases every year, for example, in 2007, compared to 2005. The volume of work performed increased by 153,172 thousand rubles. The share of workers in the total number is higher in 2005 by 3%, in subsequent years - by 2%. The duration of the working day is getting higher every year, this directly affects the volume of work performed, and therefore the profitability of production. In 2005, there were few days worked by one worker per year - only 277 days, but in other years - 290 days, as necessary. Average daily output increased by 8% (company rate) compared to 2006 and 2007. In general, labor productivity is efficient and high, meets all standards and requirements.

Table 14 - Calculations to table 13

P / p No. Indicators Calculations
A 1
1 Share of workers in the total number PPP = (R / N) x 100% (%)
2 The total amount of time worked per year by one worker PM / HR = thousand h
3 Average working hours (Pt / Chp): 290days (hour)
4 Average annual output, thousand rubles :
5 one worker TP / Chr
6 Worked by one worker per year, days