Scenarios of evenings for the elderly. How to organize fun activities for seniors. The best entertainment for seniors at the table

Scenario of the evening from the bottom of my heart "The age of leaf fall" - page №1 / 1

Scenario of the evening from the bottom of my heart "The Age of Falling Leaves",

dedicated to the Day of the Elderly
Before the beginning, light music sounds.

Fanfare sounds

Years fly by, you can't keep up with them -

The hours rush, changing day after day ...
But I know I won't get tired of being surprised
In the meantime, we call in the fall.

Everything in him is high, wise and beautiful:

And the gold of the foliage and the purity of the snow.
In him, the wisdom of mature years will suddenly call out,
Gray hair brightens in crafty mirrors ...

October is a rainy month in anticipation of snow

The result of labor, love, cheerful summer days
As a sign of admiration for human life
We are given a holiday for the elderly.

  1. AT "Inspiration", hands. Z. Zigangirova

good evening, our dearest and honorable guests! There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people. This day is called INTERNATIONAL Day of Older Persons.

Disputes about how to treat this holiday are still ongoing. Is there a border, crossing which a person becomes elderly? After all, age is not at all a criterion, but a measure of experience.

Look at the faces of everyone in this room! How much light, joy, energy, kindness they have! Somehow I don't want to call today the day of the elderly ... let it be the day of wise people, or rather the holiday of wise people. Happy Holidays to you, our dearly beloved grandparents, keepers of the hearth of every home, because every family rests on the love and memory of the older generation.

Dear friends! The most tender, warm wishes, today sound only in your honor. The deputy head of the administration of the city of Langepas is invited to the stage - Ivan Semenovich Zhidenko

And let our next musical gift performed by Gennady Khlystov give the feeling of a holiday.

  1. Gennady Khlystov
Leading: Each time has its own joys, its own colors. Spring - pleases with the first greenery, freshness, and winter - with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Autumn pleases us with its generosity, summer with an abundance of colors and flowers. Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the age "seasons" of our life are also unique.

In the life of each of you, as in nature, there are 4 seasons: winter - snow-white childhood, spring - talkative youth, summer - a riotous bloom, autumn - rich and wise. So let your life Golden autumn gives us all the wisdom of the soul, the richness of life experience and the unfading warmth of your hearts.

This day became another reason to say kind and warm words to the older generation, to thank them for everything they have done for all of us.

Dear friends, accept the following congratulations, the Head of the Department is invited to the microphone social protection population in Langepas and Pokachi - Irina Ivanovna Drobova


Our dear mums and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers, today all congratulations, musical gifts and many surprises are just for you. A tea table is organized for you, come, pour tea, help yourself. And if anyone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there you will be offered whatever your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate. And we will try to make tonight for you bright, interesting and memorable. Dear ones, please accept the next musical gift

  1. "Lonely accordion" isp. VA "Kupavushka"

  2. "White chamomile" isp. VA "Kupavushka"

Leading: People with different fates, characters, different life circumstances have gathered in this hall today. Each person present in this hall has his own "song" of life, his own life experience, sometimes very difficult and heroic. One sage said: “Youth is like a lark that has its morning songs. Old age is like a nightingale; it has its own evening songs. " Therefore, each age is good in its own way. And what do you think, old man what is he?
Auction of the word "OLDER"

  1. sl. Vienna's poem "Beggar" isp. Galina Eremenko

  2. vocal group "Sibiryachki", hands. A. Kozlyuk

Leading: And we continue our evening, we continue to congratulate all those who are dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. People without whom our own existence would be impossible.

Dear ones, your talents, enthusiasm, optimism, your excellent mood can only be envied, please tell me how you manage to look so good? Share your secrets with us, discover the recipe for your youth.

How do you manage to look so good?

How do you manage to always be in shape?

Maybe there is some kind of cocktail - the elixir of youth.

And one more component of the recipe for youth, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and this has been scientifically proven. For such people, the motto is: "Always shine, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails."

How to make life more fun, who will tell us?

What do you do when you are sad?

Tell a funny anecdote so that we all laugh together and extend our lives.

And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, eventful life, neither age nor problems can be a hindrance.

And I, in turn, want to wish you, live under the motto: "you will grow up to a hundred years without old age." I wish you health, well-being and attention. Please accept the following congratulations.

  1. "Spread the tired backs" isp. Tamara Agalakova

  2. AT "Inspiration"

  3. "White Gardens" isp. Anna Kuzminich and Lydia Kuzminova

Leading: Every summer, according to tradition, we are happy to go to my grandmother in the village. Well, you understand the fresh air, cucumbers from the garden, grandmother's favorite pies and shangi, games, dancing until the morning, and, of course, grandmother's excessive care, care, attention ...
A humorous theatrical production "Morning in the village at Babushka's"

(Spanish: M. Miller, I. Shcherbak, A. Litvinenko, S. Gazaliev, V. Prokopovich)

  1. "The sky in half" isp. Ulyana Korobeinikova and Sazida Galimov

  2. "Mischievous" isp. Galina Kim

Leading: Your life is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's take a little rest and remember, albeit not everything, but a lot: created, sung.

I think it's time for you and me to sing, but we will sing for a reason, but for the beginning it will be necessary to guess the song using a few words. Who guesses, then sings a song.

  1. Clouds - violin - river - smile
(And then, for sure, the clouds will suddenly dance, And the grasshopper cuts on the violin. A river begins from a blue stream, Well, and friendship begins with a smile)

  1. Wizard - helicopter - cinema - congratulate - popsicle
(A magician will suddenly arrive In a blue helicopter, And he will show a movie for free. He will congratulate you on my birthday And probably will give me 500 popsicles as a gift)

  1. Grasshopper - cucumber - was
(A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, in the Grass I saw a grasshopper, Just like a cucumber, he was green.)

  1. Granny - geese ( Two cheerful geese lived with a grandmother, One is white, the other is gray, Geese are my geese.)

  2. Dogs - Neighbor - Fights - No
(If you don't have a dog, Your neighbor won't poison her, And there won't be a fight with a friend, If you, if you, if you don't have a friend, you won't have a friend.)

  1. Rustles - mornings - roads - evenings (Not even rustles are heard in the garden, Everything here froze until morning. If you knew how dear the Moscow evenings are to me.)

  2. My - with me - distant - wife (My dear one, Take me with you! There, in a distant land, I will be your wife.)

  3. Airplane - save - sings - taiga
(And you, an airplane flying away into the distance In your heart, save ... Under the wing of the airplane, the Green Sea of ​​the taiga is singing about something.)

  1. Hid - buttercups - words - love - love
(The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped, When I froze from the bitter words: Why do you girls love beautiful ones, Their love is inconstant.)

  1. Beckon - surprise - intoxicate - sober up
(A sweet berry will entice you into the forest, surprise with its generous ripeness. A sweet berry will intoxicate, a bitter berry will sober up.)

  1. Bent - was - a couple - until the morning
(The reeds rustled, the trees bent, and the night was dark. One beloved couple walked all night until morning ...)

  1. Joy - terem - high - no one
(My joy lives in a high tower, and in that high tower there is no way for anyone)

  1. Floats - a star - understands - forever
A lilac fog floats above us, a midnight star is burning above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I say goodbye to the girl forever)

  1. Didn't come - believed - bells - doors
(And you did not come again today, but I waited so much, hoped and believed that the bells would sound again, and you would enter the open doors)

  1. Mine - forest - with you (My dear, forest sun, where in what parts will we meet you)

  2. Sultan - wives - surrounded (If I were a Sultan, I would have three wives. And I would be surrounded by triple beauty)

  3. Water - tin - swamp
(I am water, I am water, no one gets along with me. And my life is a tin, well, her in a swamp ...)
Leading: Leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes to a state of peace and tranquility. Probably, it is no coincidence that your holiday fell on such a time, the peak of the golden autumn. After all, the time comes in the life of people when the stormy years of spring, youth are left a little behind.

Tell me, please, are there people born in the fall in the hall? (September October November)

Competition "Magic Bag"(tasks with music)
Leading: We congratulate everyone who has already had a birthday and those who are just about to celebrate it. We wish you good health, happiness, enthusiasm and always remain so young, cheerful and active. Accept the next musical gift.

  1. "Hostess" isp. Male ensemble "Orpheus"

Leading: Age of wisdom. For some reason it seems to me that this is the same as the wisdom of nature. What exact wise customs and rituals have been preserved by our grandparents. Many of them live to this day, and many are a thing of the past.

Please tell me, is there any tradition in your family that you follow?

Family celebration?

What holidays do you celebrate with the whole family?
Leading: What a wonderful hairstyle you have.

Do you remember what hairstyles you wore when you were young? What were they called?

And although there was probably little time for rest, you were probably interested in fashion anyway.

What styles of dresses did you sew?

What color was in vogue?

And the style of trousers, which was in fashion?

Have you worn hats? Which?

What kind of dances did you dance?

Leading: Now I suggest you play a dancing daisy and remember all the dances that you just listed to me.
Dance daisy
Leading: I just want to tell you many more kind words: fighting, perky, wise, experienced, cheerful, beautiful, our dancing! Thank you.

And I remind you, a tea table has been organized for you, come, pour tea, help yourself. And if anyone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there you will be offered whatever your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate.

12. "Maple blossoms" isp. Anna Kuzminich
Leading: I think each of you has favorite old films. You can talk about films for a long time and a lot. And how many favorite phrases, the so-called "winged" phrases in these films. I suggest remembering them. I say a phrase, and you name a film.

Auction "Wing Phrases"

They will give you a lie, but don't steal - "Beware of the car"

And they will cure you ... - "Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession"

To live well! A good life is even better! - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome - "The Diamond Hand"

Stole, drank - to jail! Romance! - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

I demand the continuation of the banquet! - "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession"

Announce the entire list, please! - "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik"

It's always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - and the second shift - "Big Break"

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! "The Diamond Arm"

Beauty is a terrible power! - "Spring"

Babbling! .. - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Down with prejudices! A woman is a man too! - "White sun of desert"

Yes, because without water - and not there, and nisyuda! - "Volga, Volga"

Sit in vain, no apartments are expected until next spring! - "Girls"

Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow will fall into the head ... - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Everyone dances! - "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession"

There were kind people ... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up ... - "The irony of fate ..."

Komsomol member, sportswoman and just a beauty! - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Today, all the ladies present, well, just karsavits, isn't it, men? And it is the next musical composition that is dedicated to you, dear women.

13. "Rowan" isp. Lyudmila Skochilova
Leading: In the 50-60s, a large number of musical comedy films were created. The songs that sound in them become one might say "folk".

Let's go over the songs with you. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds.

Auction "Winged Songs"

And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - "Carnival Night"

In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble - "The Diamond Arm"

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Ivan Vas"

When spring comes, I don't know - "Spring on the street across the river"

Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Your Honor, Lady Parting - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt - "Irony of Fate"

Wake Up and Sing - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - "It was in Penkovo"

Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive"

I met Marusya on the river sand - "Wedding in Malinovka"

In pink stockings, waist - in a corset!

14. "Like 1000 years ago" isp. Nadezhda Prigoda

15. "______________" isp. Tamar Eliseeva

Leading: A person who has already lived and seen a lot will always give the right advice. And the more a person lives, the more he knows and knows how. These are our grandparents. They are wise people. And they are also very modern here ...
A humorous theatrical production "Like grandmothers going to a disco "(Spanish M. Miller, I. Shcherbak)

And let a smile illuminate your face

Tell your age - do not rush!
We wish everyone happiness and health,
We wish it with all our hearts!

Dear ones, we invite you to the disco. I remind anyone who wants something stronger for you there is a bar on the second floor.

Retro disco 60s-70s.

Scene number 1 "Grandmothers to the disco"
Retro music playing

Two grandmas come out

  1. Natasha! Natasha!

  2. What ?! What ?! I can't hear anything!

  1. Don't you hear, put on your hearing aid.

  2. What to wear? What to wear?

  1. As if you have something else to wear for the last 20 years. Hearing aid or jaw.

  2. Can not hear anything. I'm going to put on a hearing aid.

  1. Well, put it on. Do you hear?

  2. Yes. I hear.

  1. Che dressed up.

  2. I was going to a disco.

  1. Where to?

  2. I was going to the disco.

  1. No where will you go.

  2. But Mom! (pause)

  1. I am already 106 years old mom!

  2. But Mom!

  1. Well, where did you dress up? Natasha! Where did you dress up! Well, look the skirt somehow closes the ankles.

  2. Well, you look at yourself, I have exhausted all the beets at home.

  1. What are we going to cook soup with? With your lips chtoli.

  2. Why did I go to salons for 2 weeks in vain?

  1. What salons ?!

  2. By bus. I'm a conductor. I collected babos for dance.

  1. Wow, I was already scared.

  2. But Mom!

  1. You won't go, I said.

  2. She herself probably went to dance

  1. I went. Once.

  2. Well, tell me at least how there.

  1. Well, what, what to tell. I went once and here (shows) you! Okay, you young people still can't keep you. Go.

  2. Thank you mommy (climbs to kiss)

  1. Don't scratch me with your lips. Let's go.

  2. Mommy, will I wear your shawl?

  1. Why do you need a shawl.

  2. We're having a Halloween theme party tonight.

  1. Haluin?

  1. Then you go naked. (pause) And don't wear your jaw. You will be the worst.

  2. Okay, I went mommy ( passes by)

  1. Where did you put my red shoes on?

  2. Beautiful!?

  1. So I took care of these shoes. For the funeral.

  2. Whose funeral?

  1. Whose earlier! She put on my favorite slippers.

  2. Well, I'm neat. I will not dance strip.

  1. Wait, why are they dancing there?

  2. Wait there, we mainly sausage to the "Trandenhaus" (shows).

  1. Yeah. And the wind instruments are present.

  2. There are no wind instruments.

  1. And it's time for you, Natasha, to get used to the winds.

  2. Okay Mom, I'm Going (with a shawl)

  1. You - Natasha, don't catch the car on the road.

  2. What is this ?!

  1. Well, what, they will catch you and take you away (pause) to the sauna. You will clean up there for a month.

  2. Okay mom, so I'm not alone, I'm going with Petka.

  1. With Petka? Who does not know your Petenka, has not been working anywhere for 20 years. He's retired. Parasite. Natasha come here. I'll tell you what.

  2. What a mummy!

  1. He's no match for you.

  2. What?

  1. Well, he's old. You then I have a young man, I have 2 more teeth. How will you get back?

  2. So this is Petka on wheels.

  1. Yes, I know that he is on wheels.

  2. We'll fly with the breeze in the car, mummy.

  1. Which car?

  2. On the ambulance!

  1. You can go now.

  2. Let's go.

  1. Stop!

  2. What!

  1. Go!

  2. Let's go!

  1. Stand

  2. What!

  1. I will not let you go alone, I will go with you.

  2. Why are you mom, this is a youth party, you chew a little something.

  1. I'm not a little bit sous. Let's go together, I took the yarn, I won't be bored.
Music sounds, everyone is dancing.

Scene number 2 "Igor"
It's dark everyone is sleeping

The grandmother comes out looking at the clock.
B: 5.20 already. It's morning outside. Not visible, not a fig.

Misha (grandson): Grandma, well, let me sleep.

B: Misha, Mish, are you awake?

Misha: I'm sleeping grandma.

B: Mm. Well sleep, sleep. ( goes to the sofa and sees a cat) Oh Barsik, (stroking) Barsik, Barsik, Barsik, Barsik is a good cat. Barsik, Barsik, do you want to eat? Why are you silent? Barsik!

Edik (grandson): Barsik answer her something already.

B: Edik, edik!

Edik: What is grandma?

B: what lesson to you?

Edik: The second. Bab, let me sleep.

B: Sleep, sleep. Misha, miisha.

Misha: Mm ?!

B: Edik and I didn't bother you

Misha: No!

B: And with Barsik?

B: Misha, do you need pancakes?

Misha: Don't, grandma, you will make noise with a mixer.

B: I will not make a noise with a mixer, that I am a publicized one (takes a saucepan and starts stirring in it)

Misha: Granny, I don't need pancakes. You make noise.

B: Not a mixer. What are you going to do?

Misha: I don't want anything.

B: Would you like a chop?

Misha: No, I don’t want to.

B: What are you going to do?
Igor: Misha DO NOT talk to your grandmother.

B: Igor! Igor! Igor! Igor! Oh my God. Igor! Igor! (picks up the phone) Hello, ambulance, our man is bad, I call him, he does not respond. Maybe it's a lethargic dream.

Igor: Well, what?

B: It's better, sorry (hangs up) Igor! Igor!

Igor: What, what?

B: Are you today in the day or in the night?

Igor: I'm in the morning! That you jumped up so early, Mom, lie down, sleep a little more. ( lies down to him) Well, don't lie down to me. My lord.

Ring-vibration cell phone

B: What is it? Someone's phone! Cheers! Whose phone is someone's phone flashing? Whose phone?

Daughter: Mom, he specially stands on a soundless, so as not to bother anyone.

B: Why are you mad, you will wake everyone up with your cheerleader. ( gives the phone)

Turn off, too, I have no mind at all or what?

Call tel. Home.
B: Che is the city's calling. Yes? The city is calling! Who cares about it. Grandfather? So they can't call him for a long time. His last call was 37. Who do they call? Maybe they call me?

Igor: Yes, you! Who else gets a call at five o'clock in the morning.

B: Yiiigooor! Hello, who are you calling? To me? Are you Valia? Why did you jump up so early?

Aaa, you haven't gotten in yet? I will not congratulate you on March 8. Because you still have the 7th. Hear, you call if anything, call if anything (yells) call, I say. Call at any time, call, even in 5 minutes. Yes, you won't wake up anyone (yells) but you won't wake anyone up, I say. Here is a deaf grouse who called! Unclear (takes a bag of rubbish and starts to crumple it). We need trash….

Daughter: Mom, let me sleep!

B: Marinka, you've messed up here! We must remove everything! (to all) You pancakes what will you be with? With condensed milk? With raspberries? With gooseberries?

Daughter: Yes with gooseberries, gooseberries.

B: Iigoor get up go to the garage for gooseberries. Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor

Misha got up

B: Misha, where did you jump?

Misha: Go to the garage for gooseberries.

Edik: Misha, you are a hero, we will never forget you.

B: Here are the keys to the garage, sledges, money for the train to the garage. You will throw the garbage out of the train window on the road. You are the eyes opener ... (Misha leaves)

Igor: And take your grandmother with you.

B: Igor, Igor, I can't go to the garage, I'll just make pancakes. I'll fry pancakes for you. And what am I going to fry, they will squirt, wake everyone up. I'd rather reheat yesterday's pancakes in the microwave. ( timer sound)

Wake-up call

B: Igor, Igor, Igor get up. Igor wake up Marinka, Marinka wake up Edik, Edik wake Barsik. Sleep Barsik. Everybody get up, get up.

Edik: Yes, let's get up, grandma.

B: Is it good at grandma's? Sleep well.

Igor: Yeah, we slept until 5.20.

B: Let's get up while the pancakes are warm you eat, eat. And I’ll lie down for now, otherwise I’ve been tortured with your pancakes all morning. Oh good.

Music sounds, everyone is dancing.


Against the background of the music, a poem and the text of the presenters sound.

Leading1: Whirling enchants autumn, the camp of bright days rejoices,
And the heart groans with excitement in the candles of rowan lights.
A simple melody sounds from the spring of my soul,
Along the clouds, turning black, the flock floats in the radiance of the rays.

Lead 2: The foliage sings, autumn dances at the motley fair of lights,
Having painted the boring streets with gray, it takes a chord in my soul.

Lead 1: Good evening, dear friends!

Lead 2: Hello dear guests!

Lead 1: We're glad to welcome you

Lead 2: and wholeheartedly congratulate on a wonderful, warm, kind, autumn holiday -

Together: Happy elderly person.

Lead 1:(addresses the co-host): Do you like autumn?

Lead 2: perhaps ... yes. There is something touching in it: multicolored colors, light coolness and farewell warmth of the passing summer, blue sky reflected by puddles ...

Lead 1: and I like to listen to leaf fall.

Lead 2: Like this?

Lead 1: In my opinion, there is some kind of special music in the whirling of the leaves. Each leaf is a note. Fold the leaves into an autumn bouquet - you get a melody or a song.

Lead 2: Today, on our evening of relaxation, there will also be a lot of music and songs, as well as autumn bouquets of notes. Contests and musical gifts await you.

Lead 1: Well, if there are contests, then there must be teams.

Lead 2: We already have: 6 tables - 6 friendly creative teams.

Lead 1: Each team must have a captain who can, if necessary, take on a difficult decision. Let's choose such a person right now.
Within a few seconds, the teams choose the captain.

Lead 2: Captains, please identify yourself and raise your hand. I ask the assistants to approach the teams and hand over the necessary attribute to each captain.
Helpers distribute to each captain the whistles necessary for the competition.

Lead 1: There is one condition - with the help of this whistle, the sound signal is given only by the captain and no one else!
Lead 2: And as a warm-up before the musical "battle" we invite you to sing along with our artists.

Together: Everyone is singing!

1. Musical number.

Lead 1: The musical mood is set and we are starting the competition program ""!

Lead 2: The first competition is “Guess the melody”. Here are 3 music categories:
The presenters show the categories at the stand.

Lead 1:"Color music" - these are songs, in the text of which there is some color.

Lead 2:“All about love” - in the lyrics of these songs the word “love” is found or it is simply sung about this feeling.

Lead 1:“Russian folk songs” - the meaning of this category, I think, does not need to be explained.

Lead 2: There are 4 songs in each category.

Lead 1: The team that guesses the song will blow the whistle. Our assistants determine who did it faster.

Lead 2: The first of the guessed teams hums a phrase from the song that was played. For each guessed melody, you get the opportunity to choose the next category, and most importantly - this note (shows the participants a wedge-shaped note cut out of paper).

Lead 1: The team that has collected the largest number of notes in its autumn bouquet will take part in the Super - game and, possibly, will receive a super - prize!

Lead 2: The team that shouted the answer is excluded from the game for two melodies. If the answer is incorrect - the opportunity to answer is given to other participants.

Lead 1:

Competition 1 - “Guess the melody”.

Lead 2: The competition has come to an end. The first autumn bouquets have already appeared on the tables. And we have a dance break.

2. Musical number.

Lead 1: How nice it is to come to the park on one of the warm and sunny days of autumn, sit on a bench and dream about something to the sound of falling leaves. Yes, the music of the falling leaves evokes thoughts and memories on a person.

Lead 2: Our next competition is directly related to memories, as it is called "Remember and Drink". The rules are simple: the asked question must be answered with lines from the song.

Lead 1: For example: "What trees does a guy who is looking for his beloved turn to?"

Lead 2: The team, who first guessed what song they were talking about, gives a signal with a whistle, after which they answer: “I asked the poplar where my favorite is, the poplar threw me autumn foliage…”.

Lead 1: Receives a note for the correct answer.

Lead 2: The team that shouted the answer is eliminated from the game for two questions. If the answer is incorrect, the opportunity to answer passes to other participants.

Lead 1: Are the rules clear? Then let's get started!

Competition 2 - "Remember and Drink".

Leaders' Questions:

This old tree not only knocks on the window, but also calls for a walk. ("Old maple, old maple, old maple knocks on the glass ..."

They sing about this tree, watching how a dark-skinned Moldavian woman picks wine berries. ("Curly green maple, carved leaf ...")
The girl learned the nature of her bird when this shrub ripened. ("Kalina is red, the viburnum has matured, I learned the character of the bird ...")

What tree bloom does the heroine of the song adore, claiming that this is the best moment. ("There is no better color when the apple tree blooms ...")

What tree grows under the window of a girl sitting at home. ("A snow-white cherry blossomed under the window ...")

In Odessa, the fountain was covered with the color of this tree. ("The fountain is covered with bird cherry, the French boulevard is all in bloom ...")

In what song does one lonely tree dream of moving to another, so that they do not get bored separately. ("How would I get a mountain ash to an oak tree, then I wouldn't bend and wander ...")

A song about a tree whose flowers drive you crazy all night. ("White acacia bunches of fragrant all night drove us crazy ...")
Where did the trail lead the heroine of the song, after drinking alcohol. ("A long path took me to the cherry orchard ...")

Whom the bridegroom cannot wait for at the gate, because he is confused all the time. ("They brought him out, brought him in, brought out the light for him, Nastasyushka ...").

Lead 2: Friends, I want to say with complete confidence that you did an excellent job with the task!

Lead 1: Now it's time to enjoy some good music.

3. Musical number.

During the number, the assistants count the number of notes on each table, determine the losing team.

Lead 2: What distinguishes older people from young people? Well, of course, experience, wisdom and deep knowledge.

Lead 1: All of the above qualities you can apply in the next competition, which is called "Song Battle".

Lead 2: We have prepared cards with different song themes. Your task is to perform a command line or verse on the chosen topic.

Lead 1: The teams will sing in turn. Reflection - no more than 5 seconds. Songs should not be repeated. The note will be received by the team that performed the last song of the given theme.

Lead 2: Then the topic changes and the competition starts over.

Lead 1: And let's start the song battle, perhaps, with the team that has the least number of notes so far.

Competition 3 "Song Battle".

Topics for the competition: "Animals and Birds", "Cities", "Names", "Seasons", "Trees and Shrubs", "Songs with the Use of Color".

Lead 2: Friends, the competition is over, and we invite you to listen to the song again.

4. Musical number.

Lead 1: Autumn is an amazing time of the year that inspires the creativity of artists, musicians and poets. At this time, in a special way I want to create, write, compose ...

Lead 2: Today at our evening many songs of various poets and composers sounded. All of them are excellent in character, but the main thing is that they convey feelings of joy, sorrow, love and warmth.

Lead 1: Yes, but feelings and emotions cannot always be expressed only in words, often gestures and facial expressions help us in this. Our next competition is called “It’s clear without words”.

Lead 2: Conditions of the competition: to depict a phrase from a song wordlessly, using a pantomime, i.e. facial expressions, gestures and plastic movements. I will distribute the lyrics cards to the teams and you will have 2 minutes to get ready to show the song.

Lead 1: As soon as the team is ready for the show, we will ask the participants to come out to us and show their song to other teams.

Lead 2: Players who have guessed what song they are talking about blow the whistle.

Lead 1: If the answer is correct, then both teams receive a note. If not, the right to answer passes to the next command. (After three incorrect answers, the song is voiced by the MCs and the next team enters the stage to show their song.)

Lead 2: So, in front of your eyes, I mix up the versions of the songs and ask the representative of each team to choose 1 card.
Teams choose cards.
Presenter 1: Time for preparation has gone !!!
Instrumental music sounds for 2 minutes.
Teams prepare to explain a given song.

Song options: "Don't rub salt on my wound"; “The last train ran away from me again”; "Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan"; "Call me"; "Near the forest at the edge"; "Two merry geese lived with granny"; "Boots, boots"; “There was a birch in the field”;

Competition "Without words - understandable".

Lead 1: It's time for the next musical gift.

5. Musical number.

Lead 2: Friends, the contests are over! We ask the teams to count the notes they have earned.

Lead 1: Ready? I ask you to announce the results.


Lead 2: So, team # __ won.

Lead 1: We ask all its participants to come to our impromptu stage to thunderous applause!

Fanfare sounds at the exit of the team.

Lead 2: Our dear winners, connoisseurs of song culture, we congratulate you - you are becoming participants in the Super - game.

Lead 1: In the Super - game, you will be offered three tasks, for the completion of which you have two bonuses: "Help from the hall" and "The right to one mistake".

Lead 2: Having completed all three tasks, you will receive a super prize.

Lead 1: You have no more than 30 seconds to think about each answer.

Lead 2: Task FIRST. Now the melody of three songs by one performer will sound. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who sang these songs.
Three melodies of the performer Alla Pugacheva sound.
Then a 30 - second splash screen turns on, at the end of which the command must give an answer. If the team finds it difficult, the facilitators suggest using bonuses.
Performer options: Nadezhda Babkina, Alla Pugacheva, Valentina Tolkunova.

Lead 1: SECOND assignment. Three different songs will be performed, the lyrics to which were composed by the same songwriter. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who is the author of the lyrics to these songs.
There are 3 songs by Alexander Zatsepin.

Poets - songwriters: Larisa Rubalskaya, Alexander Zatsepin, Ilya Reznik.

Lead 2: And the last, THIRD TASK Super - games. Three songs will be performed, the music for which was composed by the same composer. After 30 seconds, after consulting, answer who is the author of the music for these songs.
There are three songs by Igor Krutoy.
30 second splash screen. The presenters work in the same way.
Variants of composers and songwriters: Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Igor Krutoy, Oleg Gazmanov.

Lead 1: So, the team # ___ becomes the winner of the Super - game! Applause!

Lead 2: Dear friends! Thank you all for your participation and once again congratulations on the holiday - the Day of the Elderly!

We wish you all health, vigor, optimism and a wonderful festive mood!

Lead 1: And may your life always be beautiful and sweet, like this autumn cake!
Treating the participants with pies.

Lead 2: And at the end of the evening we announce a retro disco!

Lead 1: Dance, have fun and let the fiery rhythms of the melodies take you to the wonderful world of dance!

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Leave a request for script writing

Music sounds, the Buffoon comes out with his little pillow, settles down on the bench, putting a pillow under his head. He himself is fat due to a pillow tied around his waist. Matryoshka appears.

Matryoshka... Hey! Wake up honest people!

Wouldn't sleep for a whole year!

Buffoon. (wakes up) What? What happened?

Or did you dream about the fair?

Matryoshka... You sleep for a long time lazy

It's a hassle for me to wake you up.

Shake the dream out of your eyes,

Help me read the decree!

(He unfolds the decree, Skomorokh looks over his shoulder)

- And our decree is simple:

Together. We praise the honest people!

Matryoshka. Who at dawn was lazy to me.

Buffoon. And worked wonderfully well

Matryoshka. We magnify autumn with you!

Together. We meet her with a fair!

Buffoon... Hey, wake up, honest people!

Today the fair is underway!

Matryoshka. We call respectable guests,

With the glorious work and merits of the prominent.

Buffoon... We invite elderly people,

For your life - bow to the earth.

Matryoshka. Come to us soon,

Together it will be more fun!

Buffoon. I'm a big prankster at heart,

I love funny laughter

And I want this holiday

It went well for everyone!

All the people know me

I am a cheerful little boy

And tonight for the whole evening

I'll make a booth!

Matryoshka. I am rosy, very fine.

The cheeks are red, the eyes are clear.

I am a cheerful red girl.

Make you all laugh

I can not wait!

Matryoshka. Today we will sing, give gifts ...

Buffoon. We will warm everyone in a hot dance!

Matryoshka... Wait, do you dance ?!

So you can't hug.

Buffoon.(Embarrassedly looking around at myself). Yes, I was snoring here so far,

I covered my sides ...

(Crushed) What should I do? Fast?

Matryoshka. Dance and have fun!

And the one who will help us,

You can reward with a gift.

Buffoon... Hey, don't yawn

Guess our riddles!


You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch, then you will squeeze.

Voiced, smart,

Russian, double row. ( Harmonic)

It may melt, but not ice.

Not a lantern, but light. ( Candle)

They have teeth, but they don't know toothache. ( Rake)

He meets everyone with one handle,

The other is seeing off. ( Door)

Uncle Nikon's

The whole bald head is pitted. ( Thimble)

Two brothers across the road live

But they don't see each other. ( Eyes)

Five fingers like humans

But her fingers are without nails. ( Glove)

Buffoon... Well, how, Matryoshka, am I good? Is it useful? Will such beautiful girls fall in love with you? I am now telling fortunes on a chamomile

(takes out a chamomile and begins to say "love - not love, love - not love")

Matryoshka. Loves - does not love, not interesting. But lucky - not lucky.

Let's tell fortunes on these daisies (shows daisies made of paper)... Let's just guess together with our guests. Agree?

(9 people are invited to the stage to participate in the competition, each is given a daisy made of paper)

Buffoon. I figured it out. You will guess, but unusual, not as always ( divides the participants into groups of 2-3 people).

1st group will guess and jump on two legs,

2 group - will guess and squat at the same time,

Group 3 - will guess and take side steps at the same time.

Matryoshka. It's very difficult!

Buffoon... It's no more difficult than eating candy and talking. Let's see who does better!

(Music sounds, participants complete the task)

Buffoon. I managed! Happened! I'm lucky! Hooray! And you? (addresses a nearby participant)

Matryoshka.(To one of the participants) Are you lucky today? Great! Today all the participants were lucky!

Buffoon. Oh guys, here's my safe

I have completely forgotten

That he stands on the chair ...

I'll see what lies in it ... (looks in)


I wonder for whom?

Matryoshka. Don't you know? Our fair was attended not only by guests, among them there are heroes of the day.

(Congratulations to anniversaries, presenting gifts)

Matryoshka... You see (addresses the buffoon) you're lucky today. The red girls will not only love you, but they will not regret songs for you.

Buffoon... Listen, Matryoshka, here we are singing, guessing riddles, but people came to the market to buy different goods. Do they know how to bargain?

Matryoshka. Well, now we’ll find out, and if they don’t even know how, then we’ll teach! I have a stale product for such a case, and in order to sell it for a good price, I announce an auction!

They praise the goods, hold an auction. The initial price, for example 10 kopecks, then hands over the goods and at the last minute refuses the money with a playful improvisation: “the customer is too good, it’s a sin to take that kind of money,” or you can sing or dance instead of money.

Buffoon... Which good product left me right under my nose!

Matryoshka... So it was necessary to trade better!

Buffoon. Is this trade? Earlier, in the old days, they traded with various jokes and jokes.

Matryoshka... Like this?

Buffoon. Well, for example, I have a very good product on the farm. I brought it to the market, but I don't know its price. I appoint the first one that comes across. And the buyer, who walked through all the rows twice, and said to me ...

Matryoshka. Going to the bazaar, don't set your own price!

Buffoon... The market will tell the price.

Buffoon. Do not set a price for someone else's goods!

Matryoshka. The price is not taken on demand.

Buffoon. There would be a buyer, but there will be a product!

Matryoshka. Come on, honest people, help me! Who knows the appropriate proverbs about goods, about trade and buyers? The one for whom the last word will remain, and will get our very necessary goods in the household.

This game can be played with hints: money is not. (Smells), for demand money is not ... (they take), an attempt is not torture, but demand is not ... (trouble), the bazaar will help out whom, and whom ... (will learn), your money will be ... (ours), they love money ... (account), cheap goods - cheap ... (price), crazy to trade - only money ... (to lose), to trade - there is no way around ... (yawn)

A good product is itself ... (praises); To trade, so on the sides do not ... (yawn); Merchant-catcher, but a beast for the catcher ... (runs); Responsibility for the sold marriage is borne by ... (the buyer); It is better to be deceived in the price than in ... (product); Trade will help out whom, and who ... (will learn); What you get, so will. (You will live).

Matryoshka... Eh! We bargained well, now you can listen to the songs!

Buffoon. Cheerful people goes to the bazaar! And he loves bargaining, and listens to songs with pleasure.

Matryoshka... And he can sing himself!

Buffoon... They can sing at home, but at the bazaar?

Matryoshka... But now we will check it out. What time of year do we have now?

Buffoon. Yes, it's like autumn. Coldly. Not sung. I love summer. The sun, the birds are singing, flowers are all around.

Matryoshka: Do you know how many songs about flowers have been written?

Buffoon: Nope, I don't remember, I have one lullaby in my head during hibernation.

He presses his pillow to himself, from which he does not part.

Matryoshka: Oh you! But we know! Let's give each other musical flowers. Maybe you would like to sing with us?

(Phonograms of songs about flowers sound, participants must remember the words of the song and sing it with the words)

Buffoon: Listen, Matryoshka, my pillow just told me that it's time and honor to know.

Matryoshka: What are you talking about?

Buffoon: Yes, for the lateral time! Spaaaaaaat! ( Copies Kashpirovsky).

Matryoshka: The world has never seen such a lazy person! Again he was drawn to the bear's den!

Buffoon: (Offended). Why is it in the den? Why a bear? I still live in the city, communicate with the people.

Matryoshka: Ah, with the people? And the people came to the fair. Understood? And what do they do at the fair? They have fun, different games are played, prizes are raffled off! Buffoon: Playing ... Playing ... I also loved to play ... As a child.

Matryoshka: Yah? Who will climb the stove faster?

Buffoon: You are laughing, but there really was such a game. Only it was called differently. Even now, children love to play in it on holidays. Instead of a stove, they put chairs.

(Puts three or four chairs in the middle)

Buffoon: This is our stove, and there are toys on it. And around - a full hut of children. Well, who is the most dexterous, get closer to the "stove"! Now we are all together under music let's go around the "stove", when the music stops, let's try to quickly take one of the toys. Those who do not have time to leave the "hut". And who, in the end, stays, I will give him my special prize!

(Conducts the game, putting away toys to one. Rewarding)

Buffoon: Thank you, good people!

They reminded me of my childhood.

Maybe, dear guests, let's have some fun?

A new game has ripened -

Not an easy task.

It's time for us to get down to business

And show diligence.

I read in the little book of a clever one that the Indians of the island of Hoka-Eka have a motto: "Strong tooth, keen eye." But I will not dare to test your teeth for strength, but keen eyes are very important.

(2-3 pairs of participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. One of them has 5-6 chips, the other has a bucket to catch these chips. The task of the players is to collect the largest number of chips in the bucket. The one who holds the bucket, you can move your arms to catch the chip)

(Music sounds, the "Sharp Eye" competition is held)

Buffoon. To entertain you friends

Distract from household chores,

Let's try now

We are a game to captivate all of you!

I have one more fun.

(Music sounds. A broom starts up the hall. Everyone says the words: "You fly, cheerful broom, further - further on the hands. Whoever has a broom is coming out to us now! Thus, 9-10 people are selected)

Matryoshka. We will reveal a secret for you:

A concert will take place here.

The concert is unusual,

But very decent.

(While the participants are changing their clothes, the heroes ask the guests questions, riddles, jokes)

Buffoon. Attention attention! They perform only today, only for you ... And the first number of our program ...

(the hero presents the performances of the participants: "Dance of little swans," Buranovskie grandmothers ", dance" Kan-kan ")

Buffoon. And now I really have to go to the stove.

Matryoshka. Maybe it's time for you. And we will also listen to the songs with pleasure, or maybe we will also dance! We still have prizes for the best dancers!

Buffoon. Well, then I'm with you! After all, the holiday is still a fair!

Hey! Don't yawn!

Help me to throw off my belly!

Matryoshka... Let's dance, Vanya!

(Dance break)

Buffoon... E-eh you fair - girlfriend!

No pillow needed now!

Probably someone needed
Probably, it was so pleasing to God,
To honor people deserved
Not secretly, but like that, publicly.
So that from different ends of Armizon
All of you here to gather for a meeting -
You, responsive, in the life of lovers,
You, differently marked by life.
And call you elderly people
My language, believe me, refuses:
You are active, you are alive
You are all handsome and beautiful!
You don't need a date in your passport,
Kohl eyes are still shining.
You are as easy as once,
In the spring they are able to fall in love.
And what a deal to roll up -
Young people can't keep up!
In general, a holiday, my heroes,
It should be called differently:
The day of the special, the wisest,
The most deserved people,
Resisted in difficult worries,
The most loyal and most needed.

Today we invited you to talk about music, listen to beautiful songs, play music games, well, maybe even sing it yourself ...

On a narrow forest path,
Where is the unshrinking grass
Early morning music wanders
Searches for the right words.
Looking for the timid and tender
And if he finds it, he will pick the color
And he will put it in a bouquet carefully.
And then suddenly it will come to life
Song. Shyly and trustingly
Raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Joy of the morning, wisdom of the evening,
The smell of the forest, the breadth of the meadows,
Everything in that song is not invented
Takes a word for the soul,
Like a seven-string guitar
A rainbow sings in the sky!

Ruslan Gagin begins our musical program with the song __________________________________________________________________

Music surrounds us from the very first days of our appearance on earth. And what do we hear in the first days, weeks, months of life?

(All answer: Lullabies!)

Well, of course, lullabies that mom sings. Well, you yourself became mothers, and then grandmothers. What lullabies did you sing to your children and grandchildren?

(Guests sing lullabies)

Thank you, well done. Can you remember any song from your early preschool childhood?

(Attendees answer)

It's great that you haven't forgotten these songs! Well, time is advancing and you are with it. Now you have already gone to school. And what were they singing at that time?

(The guests are singing)

Do you want to listen to what and how today's schoolchildren sing? Then listen to a song performed by Marina Antonova.

(Song is sung)

Well, did you like it? I think the performance of the next artist will also touch your soul. Gulnara Antonova sings for you.

(Gulnara sings)

All of you were brought up by the pioneer and Komsomol organizations. Remember songs of this theme. Sing at least one verse at a time.

(Guests sing pioneer and Komsomol songs)

Young people of today also know good soulful songs. I think it's worth listening to the song performed by Ruslan Gagin.

(Song performed by G. Antonova and G. Ugryumova)

A lot of songs and poems have been composed about the grandmother, as well as about the mother. You will hear one of them now. On stage - Marina Antonova.

(Marina reads the poem "Grandmother")

The song "Tenderness", which Gulnara Antonova will sing for you, has always caused awe and excitement in the hearts of people. So please feel free to sing along if you feel like it.

(The song "Tenderness" is performed)

Well, what kind of music is there without musical instruments? This box contains musical riddles. Whoever is the first to answer a riddle correctly gets a token. Thus, we will determine the Best Music Connoisseur. We begin to guess riddles:
1. Oh, it rings, it rings,
Everyone is amused by the game!
And only three strings
She needs it for music. (Balalaika)

2. You will take it in your hands,
You will stretch, then you will squeeze!
Voiced, smart,
Russian, double row! (Harmonic)

3. Not a stick, not a tube,
What is this? (Dudochka)

4. They do not give him rest,
They beat him and beat him in the orchestra!
But he doesn't want to cry
He knows himself rumbles. (Drum)

5. The violin has a huge brother,
He is many times larger! (Double bass)

6. Which instrument
Are there both strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our sonorous ... (Piano)

7. Smooth bow movements
Lead the strings in awe.
The motive murmurs from afar
Sings about a moonlit evening. (Violin)

8. It has keys like a piano,
But for them to play
To make the song good
It is necessary to stretch the fur. (Accordion)

9. What musical word consists of three identical letters?

10. What musical instrument did Sadko play?
(On the harp)

11. What plant grows out of two notes?

12. What musical instrument is most often mentioned in fairy tales?

13. What is the Russian dance name of the insect?

14. The flight of which insect is on the notes?
(Flight of the Bumblebee)

15. The name of what fish is present in the song "Along the Piterskaya"?

16. What did the dark-skinned Moldavian collect in the famous song?

17. If he is on the roof, then according to the famous song, there will be peace on earth. Who is he?

18. Four people singing together is ... What?

19. Name the musical part of the mushroom cap.

20. What two funny birds lived with the grandmother?

Now let's check if you know pop singers.

The quiz "Variety Stars" is being held.

Well done! Let's count the tokens. So, _________________________ became the Best Music Connoisseur. He gets a prize.

(Awarding the prize)

Well, for everyone else - a musical gift performed by Ruslan Gagin, beloved by all viewers! He will sing for you ________________________________

(Song is sung)

I suggest you take part in one more game. It's called the Musical Instrument Auction. Whoever is the last to name a musical instrument will receive a small gift.

(Auction of musical instruments is in progress)

For the ending:

We want you to live for a long, long time, so that the events in your life are only positive. Let the history of your families be written only in bright, joyful colors.
We wish you optimism and vigor! So that for the rest of your life you follow the old Russian recipe:

Take a cup of patience
Pour in a heart full of love
Throw in two handfuls of generosity
Throw a mug of humor there,
Sprinkle with kindness.
Add as much hope as possible
And mix it all well
Then smear on a piece of the life you have been given
And take it daily without limitation!

We didn't want to rush time
But the hour of parting has come ...
We don't want to say goodbye
And we say to you "Goodbye!"
Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years!
We wish you success in all your endeavors.
And we are always glad to meet you again!

Compiled by: N.O. Zhiryakova, head. by the information and legal department of the Armizonskaya CLS

Scenario of the event "Over a cup of tea, without getting bored"

Purpose: the material is useful for teachers-organizers, class teachers.
Description: this scenario was developed for an event that combines two holidays: the day of the elderly person and the day of the teacher. The event takes place in the form of an evening of relaxation for elderly teachers who have worked and continue to work in the CDT.
Target: organize an evening of relaxation for the elderly who worked and are working in the House of Creativity.
- to acquaint children with pensioners of the House of Creativity;
- to promote the development of communication between generations; develop interest, cognitive activity, creativity, horizons;
- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;
- create a positive, festive mood among the audience;
- to develop artistry, expressiveness of the performance of poems.

Equipment: Balls, flowers, posters, a hat, costumes for scenes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Event progress:

The hall is festively decorated. The invited guests enter the hall and take seats at the common table.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests, in our House of Creativity it has become a good tradition to gather people dear to our hearts over a cup of tea. So this evening was no exception, but on the contrary an occasion, because we decided to combine two holidays: the Day of the Elderly and the Teacher's Day into one event, and thereby bring bright, pleasant colors into your life. So here we go!

Demonstration of a film about the elderly and teachers, and in the background the song "You know, there will still be" performed by A. Pugacheva quietly sounds. The host reads a poem by Viktor Pavlov

Years like birds flew over you,
You created the happiness of life in your labors.
Childhood is the beginning of the path
Happier times are hard to find.

Youth opened the way to the universe
Time of beautiful knowledge in life.
Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many misfortunes were tempered by the war.

We survived the battles, we had children,
New songs sang with delight.
We believed in a miracle for all time
Love gave happiness then.
Children grew up, and you grew up
The best people of a great country.
They built castles, grew wheat.
The cosmos has opened borders for you.
In general, it was not in vain that this world was visited,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.
Children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of the great Russia.
Celebrate today, heroes of labor
Your native country congratulates you!
Leading: Each time has its own joys, its own colors.
Winter - pleases us with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Spring is the first greenery, freshness. Summer with an abundance of colors, colors. Autumn - with its generosity, rich harvest. This is probably the case in a person's life. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years is the time of the heyday of creative powers, the time of accomplishments, caring for children and grandchildren.
On this day, we want to congratulate all people dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wise generation. Do not be afraid of the appearing wrinkles - they, like rays, warm the hearts of others. Happy holiday, dear ones, and all the best to you!

Musical number: song "Give warmth" performed by I.V. Sinenko to the words of E. Filipchik.

It doesn't matter that the years, running away,
Leave the whiskey in silver.
Happy holiday, our relatives,
On this October day.
If life is full and clear,
And the soul, without burning, burns,
So life is not in vain,
This means that everything that hurts will take off.
Hope will smile at you more than once
The dawn has caressed you more than once,
Happy holiday, wonderful and fresh,
How happy to become October!

Nature changes color
The weather is changing
And the golden sun
It rains after
And for the warmth - bad weather,
There will be happiness behind grief
And youth for old age
A person changes.

Musical number: dance "Mother Russia"

Leading: On this beautiful autumn day, I am happy on behalf of the whole team, I want to congratulate former teachers, workers in the educational sphere on their professional day, on teacher's day! I wish you health, prosperity, thank you for your work, thank you for the soul invested in each child, believe me, such things are not in vain, live, love and be happy! Happy Holidays! Take a song as a gift!

Musical number: the song "Don't you dare forget the teachers" performed by IV Sinenko

Leading: Today we dedicate our evening to also dedicated to those who worked and still work in the House of Creativity, those who put their heart, their soul and their love in the circle, in their favorite work. These are our mentors. So, we welcome those who worked in the House of Creativity.

Former directors:
Anischenko Lyubov Nikiforovna (former director of the House of Creativity)
Let's welcome Lyubov Nikiforovna.

Kolesnikova Ekaterina Ivanovna (former director of the House of Creativity)
welcome to Ekaterina Ivanovna

Teachers who instilled a love of creativity.

Averina Tamara Semyonovna (teacher of additional education)

Burlakova Taisiya Mikhailovna (teacher of additional education)

Who created cleanliness and comfort in the House of Creativity.

Orlova Nina Varfalomeevna (those employee)

Kopaneva Tatyana Mikhailovna (those employee)

And now we welcome those who make happy with their work so far.

Keeps our cozy home clean

Spasova Maria Tikhonovna (those employee)

Keeping order at night

Khvostova Tatyana Pavlovna (watchman)
Nitsenko Nadezhda Viktorovna (watchman)

In addition to our mentors, there are other guests in our hall who are in one way or another affected by our event:

The connecting thread with our dear veterans is
Tolkacheva Zinaida Viktorovna (Chairman of the Council of War and Labor Veterans)

Ryabchun Tatiana Lukinichna and Vasily Nikolaevich

Veteran of labour:
Koltakova Lyubov Polikarpovna

Representatives of the Cossacks in Art. Calm
The Voloshin family: Vladimir Alekseevich and Elena Ivanovna

Military pilot:
Titov Vladimir Petrovich

Leading: Thank you for visiting us for a cup of tea! We have prepared a small surprise for you. We will show you the film Our Pride, in which we have tried to reflect those whom we are proud of and whom we admire! You will see many familiar faces here, remember the old days and maybe you will guess someone. But, and who did not find themselves in the film, please do not get upset, you still have everything ahead of you!

To the melody "My Years, My Wealth" performed by V. Kikabidze, the film "Our Pride" appears on the screen
Host: Elderly people not only look after their grandchildren, bake pies and make jam, but also find themselves in creativity. Someone writes poetry, someone draws pictures, someone embroiders, and someone knits warm clothes for their loved ones and friends, putting their love into them. And what do you do while on a well-deserved rest ?!

(Guests talk about their hobbies and show their products)

Grandma - the sun, grandfather - a verse,
A lot of health for both of you,
I wish you happiness for another two centuries,
Happy old man's day!

Years go by, gray hair appears,
But spring comes in your soul again,
As soon as it comes to the past,
About the first love, about something dear.

Musical number: "Grandmothers-old women" scene

Host: Since we remembered our youth, it's time for us to play.
Funny music. Game "Hat"

(Children and guests stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music. The music is interrupted, and the one who still has the hat in his hands performs adania, which will be said by the presenter)

We don't grab stars from the sky
But sometimes I want to become a star
To illuminate the earthly path for you from heaven,
And keep you warm in the long winter.
May it be good, may it be beautiful
There will always be in your life -
Good morning, clear sky,
Well, never cloudy days !!!

Leading: Dear guests and children, many warm words were spoken to the elderly. We all love our grandparents. And how can we please our loved ones, show our feelings? (Answers of children and adults).
Host: That's right, one of the ways to show love is to make a gift, and the best gift is one made with your own hands. Accept souvenirs from our pupils!

(Children give guests handmade souvenir gifts)

Now for a surprise for you,
Meet congratulations
Gives you with all my heart
Younger generation.

Musical number: dance "Do not marry girls"

Elderly people, mother Russia
You have not been spoiled by an easy fate.
May God give you peace so that over the river
The sun illuminated the dome blue.
Elderly people, you are like this in everything:
You give your soul, experience and love
To dear home, to the young world
And everything that the heart remembers again.

The film "My Dear Old Men" appears on the screen

Leading... Life is a series of meetings and partings, events from which it, life, actually consists. But it is very important to preserve the fire of the soul, which was given to us once from above. Dear ones, in the end, we want to sing with you a song that warms the hearts of those who have kept goodness and comfort in the House of Creativity, and which is passed down from generation to generation.

Song "About the House of Creativity"
(tune of the song "There Beyond the Mists")
There is sadness
Or maybe, suddenly, no luck.
Your House of Creativity
To her, my friend, he calls.
Here in the House of Creativity
There is no loneliness.
Any of you will find a hobby here.
And if suddenly you
Want to play
Or maybe sing a song
Or just dance
Here amicably, peacefully
The team lives with us.
And nobody's nobody
Doesn't give offense.

Leading: You can talk about grandparents for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate them, be kind, sensitive to them, do not hurt with your words and actions. They are worthy of respect and appreciation.
On this day, we wish you all the best! You, your entire generation, have carried through the difficulties of life what your grandchildren and children lack so much - hope for the best. Only you help us live and enjoy life even in the most difficult times, teach us optimism and perseverance. Let happiness not leave your home! Let the love of your children and the laughter of your grandchildren fill the soul with joy! Happy Holidays!

The song "I Wish" (performed by E. Vaenga) is playing in the background

Host: We wish the older generation respect for loved ones, health for all years and a long life for the joy of the whole family! Thank you for your kind hearts! And now we invite everyone to tea with grandma's pies.
(Collective photography)