Modern script for the autumn ball at school. The scenario of the autumn ball in the village club, for young people, for the elderly. School autumn ball

School years are a wonderful time for textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, friendship and light conflicts, first love and bright extracurricular holidays that remain in the memory for a lifetime. One of them is the Autumn Ball at school. To make such an event truly unforgettable, the organizers have to work hard on the script for grades 5-7 and high school students, concert numbers for elementary school, greeting of the king and queen, ballroom dancing, wall newspaper with an article-announcement. It is very important to think over all the details and trifles, but it is even more important to preserve the spirit and atmosphere of this autumn season. The stage of the assembly hall, the hall and even the corridors should remind schoolchildren of the upcoming event with their yellow-crimson decorations and decorations.

Funny script for the Autumn ball at school for grades 5-8

In the entire post-Soviet space, there is not a single school that does not celebrate the autumn holiday. Someone calls it the Autumn Ball, somewhere it is called the Harvest Festival. And despite the fact that the names of the event are different, its content is the same for everyone. The cycle consists of a school fair, a wall newspaper and poster competition, a classroom decoration competition, and a final festive concert... The latter can be general school or individual for primary school, grades 5-7 and high school students. Be that as it may, staging a traditional Autumn Ball at school requires the preparation of a high-quality script and all elements related to it.

So, for students in grades 5-7, a funny scenario of the Autumn Ball at school is more suitable than a lyrical one. Due to their age, it is more interesting for teenagers to laugh at funny jokes and amuse the spectators of the holiday with humorous scenes than to touch on deep emotions inspired by the autumn mood. Unlike high school students, students in grades 5-7 of the school are quite naive and direct, which should not be forgotten when making a script for autumn Ball.

What you need to consider when coming up with a script for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-8

All numbers must comply with the rules:

  1. Security. Competitions, sketches and performances must be cleaned safe for participants, spectators and guests. Hand-made fireworks or tricks with knives and darts are not allowed.
  2. Relevance. The selected numbers in the script for the Autumn Ball at school must be appropriate for the time, place and age of the students.
  3. No offense. You cannot use offensive parodies of teachers, directors, staff for the Autumn Ball and any other school holiday. If in the selected scenes the names coincide with the initials of real teachers, it is better to replace them.
  4. No ambiguity. When composing a funny script for the Autumn Ball for grades 5-7, remember the rules of decency. Literally everything, including outfits and musical accompaniment must be discreet and free from ambiguous hints.

Ideas of contests and sketches for the script of the Autumn Ball for high school

Of course, the choice of the king and queen of the ball is indispensable. This tradition will never end. But what about other program numbers? To make the script really funny, contests and sketches should be funny, perky, humorous. For example:

  • Autumn leaf fall. Competition for boys and girls in grades 5-7. The stage is divided into two parts by a rope or a cord stretched between the chairs. The same number of harvested bright leaves are spread on both halves. On the whistle, two teams on either side of the barricade throw their leaves to the other side. The winner is the team with fewer sheets left on its half.
  • Theatrical. Competition for the likeness of forfeits. Several participants are asked to draw a leaf out of the task to depict a scene (associated with the autumn season). Options: the hedgehog picks up mushrooms, the bear prepares for hibernation, the crane says goodbye before leaving. To watch such a spectacle will be fun to say the least.
  • Round dance... Game for the Autumn Ball for the little ones. The presenter prepares in advance masks or plates with the image of various vegetables (cabbage, pumpkin, cucumber, etc.) and distributes them to those wishing to participate before the start of the competition. Then they turn on the music and the presenter reads a verse in a perky voice:

We will go to the garden, we will start a round dance.

We will sing and dance, gather the harvest.

You, onion, do not yawn, get up in the round dance soon!

You, carrots, do not yawn, get up in the round dance soon!

You, potatoes, do not yawn, get up in the round dance soon!

You, cabbage, do not yawn, get up in the round dance soon!

You, cucumber, do not yawn, get up in the round dance soon!

You, tomato, do not yawn, get up in a round dance soon!

You, beets, do not yawn, get up in a round dance soon! ...

The less free space is left on the stage, the funnier the "vegetable" round dance will look.

  • Turnip... A funny scene with active gestures. The presenter calls several participants, one for each role of the "Turnip" fairy tale. Then - gives the task to each character to make a certain gesture when he hears the name of his hero. For example: grandmother - crouches, grandfather - clapping, granddaughter - stamping his feet, Bug - whistling, etc. The presenter begins to quickly read the tale aloud, and the participants in the scene react to their names with conceived gestures. The participants have fun, the viewer is funny!

Funny modern script for high school students at the Autumn Ball at school

Autumn is a great time. Clear sky, warm weather, quiet rustle of dry leaves, peace of mind - these delights inspire romance and pacification for everyone except teachers. At this time, teachers are painstakingly working on creating a beautiful script for the Autumn Ball at the school for high school students. The process is quite laborious, and in order to assess the scale of the event, you need to see it with your own eyes at least once in your life.

How to come up with a script for the Autumn Ball at school for high school students

Beautiful script for high school students at the Autumn Ball consists of a set of mandatory items:

  • interesting idea
  • solemn introduction
  • the best vocal and theater performances
  • games and contests
  • the choice of the king and queen
  • lyric waltz
  • beautiful completion
  • constant musical accompaniment
  • suitable lighting
  • thematic decoration of the stage and hall

Only with a harmonious combination of all of the above, the holiday at the school will stand out bright and memorable.

Modern script for high school students - "Making a movie about autumn"

Interesting idea for the script for the Autumn Ball at school - filming a film about first love. Each participant in the program will receive their role according to the scenario. Someone will happen to become a director, someone will be an operator. The rest will portray the acting characters - a random couple, their friends, etc. During the shooting of the film, the participants of the event will hold contests, sing, read poetry, dance and act out scenes.

Scenario for high school students - "TV studio" Autumn evening! "

Script for the Autumn Ball for high school students - "The Strings of Autumn"

A lyrical script, more like a real ball than others. It features instrumental melodies and autumn poems by many writers from the school curriculum, it is adorned with a delightful waltz of the king and queen, in it even the presenters look like real heroes from the Oscar awards program. An event in a subtle and soulful atmosphere excludes funny scenes and humorous contests, but welcomes any romantic performances, creative numbers, serious songs with deep meaning, performances with classical musical instruments. In such a holiday, the main role is assigned to the hero of the occasion - Autumn, as well as the king and queen of the ball.

Greetings to the Autumn Ball at school in verse

When preparing the perfect script for the Autumn Ball for high school students or grades 5-7, organizers often forget about a beautiful solemn greeting. But in vain! The opening speech of the hosts at the event sets the tone for the event and creates the right atmosphere. The verse greetings for the Autumn Ball at school shouldn't be too long. Otherwise, the audience will have time to get bored. A few lyrical quatrains are enough to sincerely congratulate all schoolchildren and teachers on the autumn holiday.

Autumn leaf, ball ticket

The golden carriage is flying ...

And the Prince was almost too late

And a flock of cranes flew up.

And the neckline is slightly open,

A leaf of a mountain ash got stuck there ...

Everyone, everyone is in a hurry to their dream,

Everyone is in a hurry to the old ball ...

The harpsichord never stops

Foliage flies under Chopin's waltz,

The sunflower hung over the tyn,

At the ball ... he dreams by all means.

And spinning in the gold of the foliage,

Until dawn in a whirlwind of falling leaves ...

White waltz with Prince Charming,

I don't need more happiness.

August leaves. Everything is ready for the ball.

Everyone is in the parade. From head to toe.

And here she is! A bit late ...

Scarves are flying from yellow leaves ...

She will be whirled by the wind in a Viennese waltz

In a cape the color of wine red.

She whispers in her ear with foliage: "Stay ...

Winter is very cold with me. "

There is a secret hidden in her autumn eyes.

Leaving everything for later,

I will get to this ball by accident ...

In an airy cloak, with a blue umbrella.

But the rain with me was so courteous

Lifting the wet veil ...

And flew by the streets of the city

Summer carriage, driving off into the distance ...

The autumn day is so bright and radiant,

He spent spring and summer in a den ...

And like a letter, a maple leaf flies

And in it I read that it rains on the road.

And the park is ready. He waited for the guests for a long time.

Almost undressed from the breeze.

And so sad. The rainy season is coming.

The Queen-Autumn came into the possession.

Dance for high school students at the Autumn Ball. video

To make the name "Autumn Ball" fully justified, you will have to include several vocal numbers with themed songs in the event program. They will be very useful and will perfectly complement the seasonal atmosphere of the holiday. For the Autumn Ball, you can choose any suitable song by a popular artist or remake an already known song by tying it textually to your class or school. The most common fall songs:

  • "Yellow leaves" Tea for two
  • "Autumn" DDT
  • "Rustle of Leaves" Katya Lel
  • "What is Autumn" DDT
  • "Leaves are Falling" Alexander Buinov
  • "Autumn" Lyceum
  • "It's autumn time" Pilot
  • "The summer rains have fizzled out" Shura
  • "In the last autumn" DDT
  • "Autumn radio" Dmitry Malikov

Of course, no ball is complete without a dance part. This is an integral part of the program, giving it a deep autumn mood. In fact, dances can be very different: lyrical and incendiary, sad and funny. But the presence of symbolic attributes in costumes, make-up and entourage is necessary. These can be suspended golden balloons under the vault of the stage, fallen leaves on girls' dancing dresses, flexible branches of autumn trees, or crimson tinsel as attributes.

The dances of graceful high school girls in dresses decorated with yellowed leaves look amazing at the autumn ball. They involuntarily create the effect of a magical leaf fall in the middle of the school assembly hall. To complete the picture, dances for high school students at the Autumn Ball can be diversified music competitions, fascinating scenes and pantomimes accompanied by classical instrumental melodies.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper and article on the Autumn Ball at school

Regardless of where the Autumn Ball is held - at school or university - there are always many willing to participate in the creation of a thematic wall newspaper. The main condition for the creative process is the use of natural materials (autumn leaves, acorns and nuts, rowan twigs and late flowers), as well as various elements"seasonal"

Difficult even to list possible options wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school:

  • printed, drawn or combined,
  • black and white or colorful,
  • with illustrations or pasted compositions,
  • with a beautiful thematic article or with a short congratulatory slogan.

Regardless of the chosen style of design and content, the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball at school will definitely turn out to be successful. After all, everything that is done with children's hands carries a warm and sincere message. The article in the wall newspaper for the autumn ball deserves special attention. Editors often prefer prosaic text to rhymed lines by famous poets. So you can independently compose a beautiful, inspiring greeting or invitation to an upcoming solemn event. A high-quality article for the autumn ball can become a kind of announcement of a school holiday scenario, and the wall newspaper itself can become an intriguing and promising poster.

The autumn ball at school is an important and long-awaited event for primary school students, senior students and teachers. So literally everything: from a script for high school students and grades 5-7 to dancing, music and wall newspapers, must be ideally thought out and prepared!

Autumn Ball

Outside the windows it is now autumn ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning of study in school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter ... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! AND folk wisdom reads: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unrestrained cheerful laughter flow like a river, your legs do not know fatigue in dancing, let your fun never end!

good evening, Dear friends! The theme of our tonight is autumn, we are holding the Autumn Ball !. Autumn and we are all guests of the program "Good evening!"

Good evening! Hello!
Students answer out of tune.
Oh no, no, no, that won't do! The impression is that you are not happy about our meeting. You need to say hello cheerfully, loudly, clearly. Try again? Hello fellow high school students!

We open our festive Autumn Ball.

Honorary right to cut the ribbon and open our Autumn Ball provided ... (the ribbon is cut, the music sounds, everyone is lining up)

Now let's take the oath of participants Autumn ball.

Everything. We swear!

Have fun from the heart!

Everything. We swear!

Dance until you drop!

Everything. We swear!

. Laugh and joke!

Everything. We swear!

Participate and win in all competitions.

Everything. We swear!

1 presenter. Share the joy of victory and received prizes with friends.

Everything. We swear! We swear! We swear!

2 presenter... We talked for a long time, but completely forgot that it was necessary to dance at the ball. Maestro, music!

In order for our ball to be a success, by tradition, we must have couples ...

During the evening, each of you should search for this pair. We decided to help some of you)

At the end of the ball we will choose the best pair of the evening.

Now I ask everyone to once again pay attention to their postcards and read the names written on them. You all know perfectly well that in the history of mankind there are such inseparable names as Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet, Chip and Dale. There are many of these pairs.

Adam - Eve
Romeo - Juliet
Tristan - Isolde
Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood
Basilio - Alice
Winnie the Pooh - Piglet
Eugene - Tatiana
Hamlet - Ophelia
Ulyanov - Krupskaya
Misha - Raisa
Bill - Monica
Carlson - Kid
Pierrot - Malvina
Ruslan - Lyudmila
Osya - Kisa
Santa Claus - Snow Maiden
Tom - Jerry
Piggy - Karkusha
Abram - Sarah
Petka - Anka
Elephant - Pug
Philip - Alla
Sasha - Lolita
Worker - Kolkhoz Woman
Ant - Dragonfly
Cathetus - Hypotenuse
Chip - Dale
Grandfather - Baba
He she
Jack - Queen
"Plus" - "minus"

(Music sounds, everyone is dancing) ???????

Now, let's get acquainted with the charter of our evening. During the evening, each class gains points, I participate in competition program and we determine the king or queen of the ball "Miss" or "Mister Autumn".

We cannot do without an impartial jury to evaluate your talents.


So here we go ..

Participants are invited to the stage for self-presentation (by lot in advance)

Round 1 - "It's me!"

For all:

Feed a friend

All of you probably love apples. I hope our members do too. You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs facing each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple each. They start to feed each other. The one who ate the apple faster wins.

Round 2 - "I am a fashion designer!"

For all:

Draw the peas

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

3rd round - "I am a talent!"

For all:

Plots are glued to the autumn leaves. Participants come up to the presenter, pull out one of the plots, and in a minute they act out the plot, the audience must guess the topic of the plot.

1. The bear arranges the den and goes into hibernation.

2. Chickens are counted in the fall.

3.Hamster collecting supplies for the winter.

4. Hedgehog, pricking mushrooms and apples on needles.

5. Farewell dance of cranes.

6. Squirrel hides nuts in a hollow for the winter.

We completely forgot that we have a BAL. And what is the first thing they do at the ball? Of course they dance ...

Dance competition .. (Umbrellas)

2 Christmas trees. (Teachers)

Then the presenter reads the text. For this fall ball scene, the funny participants do what his character is supposed to do. Scenario One day, Grandfather was going to the forest for a tree. Came, and there is autumn. The wolf howls, the wind makes noise, the owl hoots. Bunny came running, saw Penek and let's drum on him. I saw Grandfather, got scared and ran away. The grandfather looked around "Here are the Fir-trees." I went to the first Christmas tree, he liked it. Touched, shook - a good Christmas tree. Grandfather only raised his ax with an ax, and lo and behold - he is not there, he is forgotten at home. Then he just swung it. And Yolochka prayed: "Don't ruin me, old man, I won't be useful to you. I'm all sick: the trunk is crooked, the needles are falling." Grandfather looked - and the truth is, the Christmas tree is not good. He walked over to another and touched it. The legs are straight, the needles are kept. He wanted to cut it down, and Yolochka said: "Why are you waving? Pull from the root." Grandfather pulled and pulled, and the Christmas tree rests. Grandfather got tired and thinks: "Why do I need a Christmas tree in the fall? I'd better come in December." And I went back home.


Each pair is given a balloon, which partners must hold between their foreheads (backs of the heads, backs, abdomens, shoulder blades, pop, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the way of holding the balloon at the command of the leader can be changed), couples dance, preferably to fast music. The couples who dropped the ball are eliminated.


1. The songs were sung well,

Dear girlfriends,

Just what a gathering

Without our ditty?

2. In the autumn in the meadow

A mosquito bit a flea.

A hare is sitting on a birch

Dying with laughter.

3. I'm not okay today

I'd better dress up tomorrow.

I'll put melons on my feet.

I'll tie it up with corn.

4. I took the land on the farm

Long lease

To build for yourself

Lovely hacienda.

5. I planted a vegetable garden

Watermelon and melon

And now I'm looking everywhere

Sweet slave.

6. My darling is not bad -

He planted peas for me.

Well, I'm for Senechka

I sow seeds in the field

7. We sang ditties for you,

And now they are rushing us.

Goodbye, we are with a ditty

We will come to you again!


· Yes, and I also dress second-hand.

· No no and one more time no! Although, however, yes.

· Yes, and I also embroider with a cross.

· You do not crush me with your intellect. I saw Lenin!

· I am writing a book about this.

· I'm working on this right now.

· All this is the machinations of our enemies.

· I will answer you, and they will jail me for it.

· I will only answer your question in the presence of my personal lawyer.

· Well, maybe a person has at least one flaw!

· Only for big money.

· I'll meet you in half an hour around the corner and discuss it.

· And if I answer you "yes", will you answer me in kind?

· I give out military secrets only in captivity.

· Only by order from above.

· Only after the third drink.

· When I drink, I can do a lot.

· Mom forbids me to do this.

· And you know about me?

· Can't you see it from me?

· So fate decreed.

· There is nothing to be done, that is the kind of person I am.

· These questions should be asked one-on-one in bed.

· There are so many interesting things in my life.

· I am ashamed, but it is so.

· It's just the genes in me playing naughty.

· I am generally unique!

· If it were so, I would not speak to you now.

· Ask the neighbor on the left, he is smarter.

· To answer your question, you must at least know the alphabet.

· For this I live!

· This is how myths are debunked.

· This is all the machinations of our enemies.

· What are you, I dare not think about it!

· For money, I can do anything.

· It happens somehow by itself.

· Only at the request of friends.

· This is my secret passion.

How much should I pay you to get behind me?

· Quiet! I don’t want others to know about it.

· If I were you, I would be ashamed to ask such questions.

· Alas, this is beyond my strength.

· Once a year I can afford it.

Why is everyone asking me about this !?

· Go away! There will be no answer!

· You only want to discredit an honest man!

· Yes, there are practically no flaws in me!

· Did you understand what you asked?

· Will you keep me company?

Do I look like a clown?

· I bastard from this, like a crest from bacon.

· Only when pressed in public transport.

· You just hit me with this question!

· Do not poke your nose into someone else's question.

· Only at night.

· Please do not embarrass me.

· I will not say.

· Isn't it noticeable?

· Only in the bath.

· Don't talk about it out loud!

· No, I am a very shy person.

· This is my hobby.

· Why not? With great pleasure!

· Damn it! How you guessed it!

· Only if nobody sees.

· I have a tendency to do this since childhood.

· Of course, one cannot do without it.

Original text - Autumn Ball script

Autumn Ball. School scenario


Hall decoration:

Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, on a table in a vase - vegetables, fruits, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, colorful balls. On the stage, the poster "Dull time - charm of the eyes!" At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Ball!"

Competition "Autumn Gift"

Making and presentation of an unusual Autumn gift. Autumn bouquet, postcard, craft, made using improvised and natural material. The name, the originality of the idea, the performance of the product and its presentation are assessed

Vegetable presentation competition.

Unusual presentation of a vegetable, a recipe and a dish using a vegetable.


Leading - adult


1st child

2nd child

3rd child

4th child










Peasant woman


Queen Autumn was approaching

The hot summer has said goodbye to nature,

And there is not much of it left.

You go out into the field - along the edges of the road

Yellow withered grass.

Autumn claims rights.

Children enter with autumn leaves in their hands.

1st child:

Birds fly away to warm lands

And the trees are yellow in the fall.

Leaves are falling, circling in the air,

Slender birches tremble in the wind.

2nd child:

Asters bloom in my flower garden,

I'll make a bouquet, take them to the house.

They smell in autumn, bright flowers -

You will not find more beautiful than this beauty.

3rd child:

Crane wedges float across the sky

And to distant lands you and I are called.

Here they are, screaming, flying away into the distance,

We are a little sorry for the summer that has flown away.

4th child:

And the cold winter is coming soon

People will be celebrating the New Year soon.

In the meantime, autumn reigns here as mistress,

It is drizzling with a fine, fine rain.


Autumn ... The golden season, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, striking, to blurry transparent halftones.


But it’s true, take a look around, take a closer look: foliage sparkles with forged gold, colorful lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries froze on the trees with drops of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered over it.

1st child

Fall us to your ball

Today I invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

And here is the cape

The hall is sparkling

Faces are warmed by the warmth

It's time to open our ball

And spin in the dance.

2nd child

But where is Autumn?

What if she forgot the way to us?

With business, maybe she.

Lost a little?

Let's call autumn;

Let's all say together:

"We, Autumn, are waiting for you at the ball!"

Spring enters the scene.


I came from distant wanderings

I am young and cheerful.

I shine with beauty

They call me Spring.

My retinue is with me, look!

Spring flowers, sign.

The hall includes Snowdrop and Lilac.


They call me Snowdrop

People are waiting for me in the spring.

I am a delicate little flower

And my thin stalk.


And I, friends, a fluffy flower.

Although I fade very quickly

I bring joy to people

Its spring beauty.


How are you, Spring, got here?

The time has not yet come

Ringing drops outside the window

Carry a bouquet of lilacs into the house.


I'm tired of waiting

I wanted to be the mistress.

Winter appears. Together with her Snowman.


Why, Spring, did you break up ?!

I found a hostess too!

Here I am able to manage:

And the loose snow turns white in the fields,

Fresh, frosty in the morning.

No wonder they call me Winter.

And the Snowman is my faithful friend,

Let him gather all the children in a circle.


Winter has come? Well, how is that?

We got it, children, we are in a mess!

Everything is messed up in the world

Where did these leprosy come from?


Spring must leave here,

Now only I will be the mistress.


But no! I will not leave!

Now I will drive you away!

Summer appears in the hall.


Why are you arguing, shouting?

You better both leave!

After all, children only love summer.

The sun is with me, a lot of light!

Strawberries will ripen in the forest,

Blackberries will ripen in the garden.

Fragrant, spicy aroma.


And are you the mistress? So yes!

All this is just nonsense!

Now is not your time

It's time for Autumn,

Harvesting, picking mushrooms.

Yes, everything is clear here without words!

A small Stozhok enters the hall.


Guys, dear friends!

I came straight from the field.

I'm a fresh little stack,

Beautiful Autumn friend.

She braided all her braids,

She sent me with greetings to you.

I brought her greetings to you.

Now I will ask one question.

Please, say Me:

Who comes to us in September?

Who gilds everything in the yard?

Who laughs in the late sun

And will it pour a little rain?




What an important person!

The only thing missing is the throne!

Winter (referring to Summer and Spring):

Let's drive Autumn out of the fields,

For cities and seas!

We will be the only owners

Let's forget about the daring Autumn!

Spring, Winter and Summer chase Stozhok away, happily dance and clap their hands.


Now Autumn will not come

She will not be for a whole year!

Children dressed in costumes of Russian peasants come out to the middle of the hall.


Yesterday the crops were beaten by hail.

I'm not happy to fly hot.

It burned the harvest

Now at least plant it again.


Everything is “Autumn! Autumn!" repeat!

They did it, they don't understand:

There will be no Autumn now.

We drove her out the door.

The peasant and the peasant woman begin to cry.

1 presenter:

Well. And what have you done?

You have ruined the whole crop.

Now I will argue with you here:

You go, Summer, for Spring.

Established in nature strictly:

For Autumn - Winter is the road.

She cover the ground with snow,

Spring bloom with beauty,

And give the sun to everyone,

Autumn appears in the hall.


Good evening, my friends!

Are you tired of waiting for me?

The summer was hot - for a long time the power did not yield,

But the time comes for everything -

I came to the doorstep!


I'll put everything in its place.

And my wondrous kingdom

It blooms with the radiance of colors.

The peasant gathers barley,

Dry the hay for the animals

Feed the chickens, the hungry sheep.

In the thick forest for a whole year

Mushrooms will dry without worries.

That's what people need me for.


Now we will not forget it.

2 leading.

Outside the windows it is autumn now ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning of study in school, this is preparation for a long and cold winter ... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming!


Yes, autumn is the most expressive time of the year. I would like to freeze in delight from the multicolored autumn colors. Admire - you will not admire!

1 presenter.

Autumn has riddles in store for you


1. He sees himself and does not hear, he walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

2. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

3. What are the signs of autumn. By what signs do we know that autumn has come? (It got colder, leaves turn yellow and fall, birds fly south, rains and clothes, umbrellas)

4. What time of the year follows the fall? (Winter)

5. What birds fly away from us to the south? (Cranes, nightingales, geese, swallows, blackbirds, swans +)

6. What birds remain to winter with us? (Bullfinches, tits, sparrows, pigeons, crows, crossbills - they even breed chicks in winter)

7. What animals hibernate? (bears, hedgehogs, frogs,

8. What was September called in ancient times? HMUREN - for frequent bad weather

9. In October, the old name - GYAZNIK, ZIMNIK, LISTOBOY, all these names reflected the state of the weather and nature.

10. The old name of November is HALF, STUDENT. By folk signs November was considered the gateway to winter, the twilight of the year.


Our harvest is good, it was born thickly:

And carrots, and potatoes, white cabbage,

Blue eggplants, red tomato

A long and serious controversy ensues.

Which of us, from vegetables, is more important and necessary?

What do you guys think? Which vegetables are the healthiest or each is good and healthy, eh? Of course, everyone is useful in their own way and good.

To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables.

All without exception, there is no doubt about it!

There is also a taste in each of them, and I do not presume to decide:

Which of you tastes better? Which of you is more needed?


1. "Presentation of a vegetable".

2. "Autumn gift"

Autumn comes to us with gifts. And what gifts and for whom our participants have prepared, we will now see. Because our next contest is called "Autumn Gift".

3.Literary competition (5 PERS.)

1 presenter.

It's time to take a break from the COMPETITIONS. For this we have a game. All of you probably love apples. I hope our members do too.

(To determine the participants in the contests, you must first distribute colored forfeits by class)

1. The game "Who will eat the apple faster"... (red fant)

2 participants per class. One is holding an apple, the other is eating this apple without using his hands.

2 leading.

Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it. I suggest the next participant in the game to harvest.

2. The game is called "Collect the potatoes."(blue fant)

It is carried out as follows: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and the blindfolded participants in the game must harvest the crop quickly in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket.

3. Game "Dance of Autumn Leaves"(yellow fant)

Skirts are handed out to the participants, and they repeat the movements after "Autumn"

4. The game "Know the vegetable"(green fant)

Participants must identify the vegetable with their eyes closed.



2 leading.

Autumn has fully come into its own today. We thank this fall for bringing us all to the fall ball. Ahead is winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will there be in our life! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will light up for all of us in our school more than once. Until next time!


Grade 4 students perform the song "Autumn"

Autumn ball for grades 5-8. Scenario

Registration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, on a table in a vase - vegetables, fruits, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, colorful balls. On the stage, the poster "Dull time - charm of the eyes!" At the door - an invitation poster "Welcome to the Autumn Ball!"

Homework for classes:

Model autumn season and a characteristic with an indication of its advantages (Write a story about the model on a separate sheet. Reads an assistant from the same class).

Event progress


It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in crimson and gold ... -

this is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for the autumn nature.

And I wanted to express my feelings precisely in the words of the great poet.

Leading. Autumn ... The golden season, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, striking, to blurry transparent halftones.

Leading... Sad October holds out its business card, where the lines of the genius Russian poet are written in colorless ink of mists:

October has already come - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn cold has breathed - the road freezes.

And the pond is already frozen ... ...

Leading.- Attention! Introducing the "Theater of Fashion". School designers will introduce you to the novelties of the autumn school season. Please welcome them! So, the models "Autumn 2013", the collection of the autumn season of the outgoing year! Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8 are invited to the stage.

Leading. And now we are starting the competition program.

But first let's play Scarecrow

Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of whom is a "scarecrow", come out to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the presenter says: "Sparrow!", Then you have to wave your hands. If the host says: "Crow!" - you have to clap your hands.

1 competition - literary.

Now the lines of Russian poets will sound, and you name their authors. Everyone who guesses gets a fant. Please keep them until the end of the ball.

a) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air

Tired strength invigorates

The ice is not strong on the icy river,

Like melting sugar lies.

Near the forest as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

b) There is in the autumn of the initial

A short but wondrous time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant.

c) Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

Rarely did the sun shine

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She bared herself with a sad noise.

d) Autumn. Showers all our poor garden,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind,

Only in the distance they flaunt there, at the bottom of the valleys

Brushes of bright red wilting mountain ash.

e) Do not wander, do not wrinkle in the crimson bushes

Swans and don't look for a trace.

With a sheaf of your oat oxen

You have taken over me forever.

2nd competition - Riddles:

1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

2. He sees himself and does not hear, he walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they will not build nests in them, in the branches is my beauty and power, tell me quickly - who am I (Autumn).

4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red-haired berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in summer (Chanterelles).

6. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

7. Under the ground, the bird kublo twisted and laid eggs (Potato).

8. There is a hat but no head, there is a leg, but no shoes (mushroom).

9. The dress was lost, the buttons remained. (Rowan.)

10. There is a thorn on the pitchfork,

Dressed in crimson.

Who will come up

That pricks. (Rose hip.)

11. Egor lies under the border,

Covered with a green veil. (Cucumber.)

12. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Carrot.)

13. I look like the sun,

And I love the sun

I turn to follow the sun

I’m my head. (Sunflower.)

3 competition - Feed a friend

All of you probably love apples. I hope our members do too. You can use apples or carrots in the game. Two players sit on chairs facing each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple each. They start to feed each other. The one who ate the apple faster wins.

4th competition - Draw the peas

The player must, blindfolded, draw the peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

5 competition- Everyone knows how tasty and healthy potatoes are. Very often we all have to both plant it and clean it. I suggest the next player in the game to harvest. The game is called "Collect the Potatoes." It is carried out as follows: a lot of potatoes are scattered on the floor, and the blindfolded participants in the game must harvest the crop quickly in one minute. The winner is the one who collects the most potatoes in a bucket.

6 competition- Nobody needs to prove that watermelon is very healthy, tasty and beautiful. I invite you to take part in the next game. It's called Bon Appetit. Each participant in this game with his hands tied must eat the share of the watermelon placed in front of him. The one who eats faster than others wins.

7 competition- ("storm") for the best composition from the words: "autumn", "leaves", "knocked", "chill", "ice".

It should look something like this:

Autumn knocked on the windows

I blew a chill

I covered the puddles of ice

And inspired melancholy!

8th competition - Chickens and cockerels

Three couples in one minute collect grains (beans, peas, seeds) scattered on the table. The winners are those who have collected the most.

9th competition - Crossword "Vegetables and Fruits"

Find the names of vegetables and fruits

Carrot, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, onion, cabbage, orange, tangerine, lemon, apple, grapes, plum, watermelon, corn, pepper, pomegranate, pear, potato, beet, pineapple, cherry, melon, cherry, strawberry, banana, mango.
In total, 26 items.

Leading. They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our life!

Leading... Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this fall for bringing us all to the fall ball. Ahead is winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will there be in our life! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will light up for all of us in our school more than once. Until next time!

(Slow music sounds)

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to soulful lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and chilly November. Nature is preparing for relaxation: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is covered with gray clouds. Pupils sit at their desks, sadly recalling the sunny days of summer. It's time to hold an interesting event called "Autumn Ball" or "Autumn Symphony", which can be decorated with school scenes about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama circle, sketches can be taken ready-made - from the children's "Yeralash" for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate wonderfully. This is not bad: to become a master, you first need to master the craft. The viewers will be doubly interesting: they will be able to enjoy not only a funny plot, but also the reincarnation of their classmates. In many issues of the children's magazine, the beginning of the school year and autumn chores are excellently shown. You can take advantage of early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking in the forest and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? "Mushrooms" is a scene about autumn. The elementary grades will be happy to role-play it, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the hapless hero.

A boy in the forest picks mushrooms with exclamations: "Well, you must!", "And here's a whole family!". In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. Two girls his age are waiting for the bus. Having slyly exchanged glances, they talk among themselves.

First girl: Wow! I collected some toadstools.

Second girl: And why are they to him?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in unison): Of course! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one by one, throw all the mushrooms on the ground with the words: "Oh, toadstool!", "And one more!" A bus approaches. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms on the ground and jumps on the step with an empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls from the bushes take out baskets and begin to pick up the scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Aha! Another naive one!

A scene about autumn is funny if the guys manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of Yeralash.

Fairy tales play an amazing role in a child's life. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to know life.
  • Through the relationship of the heroes, children learn what friendship, deception, meanness, love are.
  • There are no semitones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Belief in good things becomes the main principle of life.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of the ages.

Therefore, it is very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary School- the period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational moments to children. For a fall event, the traditional piece can be reworked to add extra interest.

Once. And two. And three!

New about the turnip

Somehow on a spring day

Our grandfather has not forgotten

All your household

Grandpa began to call.

It's like what's inside.

What has fallen from the oak?

I'll dig in the ground

I am now also

I'm in a hurry for a massage.

The granddaughter is on the Internet.

And in response, he hears ...

The number will not work!

Do two hours.

Well, the Bug will have to

Call instead of you.

Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to walk!

Well, it remains for Murk

And I want to sleep,

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

And now I need

And left alone

Our grandfather was sad.

Even about a mouse

With grief, he forgot.

And that small rodent

He took it and ran.

What's up, grandpa?

You and me are great

The song "Hey, hey!"

We will sing now.

(They pulled out a turnip and found a bag).

Wow business!

What is this nonsense?

Gold, look, a bag!

This is a wonderful vegetable garden!

A scene for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The following ending is proposed:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone is running after grandfather).

Forgive me, grandpa, us

This is all for the last time.

Life to start again

We will help to spend!

I took the money ...

A scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For mid-level managers

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with their classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship during the holiday. In the proposed scene "In the Autumn Forest" there is an absolutely unexpected ending. For younger adolescents, costume performances are interesting, so the mini-performance is built on an allegory where dressing will be required. The costumes should not have a complete match with the image, only a hint is needed to make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here, the right mood will be created by the play of the actors, in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and a smile. The final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-performance, three actors: the leader and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In the mass scene, several members portray a flock.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: The old wolf, the leader of the pack, on a slushy autumn morning, did not feel the strength to lead others on the hunt. He nominated a young leader, remaining in a deaf thicket, awaiting prey.

Young leader: Don't be sad, we won't be back in the morning with empty paws.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves had prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What happened? You are all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, entered into battle with them and won, the wisest one.

Elder: Well ... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.