Summary: Theoretical foundations of social work with the family. Social work as a social phenomenon and a type of social activity Work basic principles of the theory of social work

Social work is one of the most humane professions in the world. A doctor treats our bodily ailments and looks after our health, a psychologist and psychotherapist treats our soul and nerves, and social work specialists treat social ailments - poverty, deprivation, senile infirmity, childhood disorders, etc. The profession of "social worker" was introduced in the Russian Federation in 1991. The first graduation of specialists in social work by Russian universities was carried out in 1995. But even during this short time, specialists in social work, and these are mostly women, helped to get on their feet, to improve physical and mental health for hundreds of thousands of Russians.

Social work specialists are those who care about people, strive to make their lives better, who share with them sorrows and worries, problems and misfortunes, who know how to be compassionate and help. Specialists in the field of social work actively help alleviate the problem of social adaptation and inequality, respond to the needs of those people who find themselves on the periphery of society, in social isolation, whose rights are violated. They work in public and social institutions and departments, in private business, hospitals and clinics, schools and many other places. In Russia, the sphere of social work is an important partner of the state and an agent in carrying out its own social reforms. That is why the quality of social assistance largely depends on the level of professionalism of those who carry out their functions within this very important industry.

The nature of the professional activity requires a social work specialist to be familiar with a wide range of issues, from the organization of the social security system in general and the relevant legislation, elements of sociology and economics, and ending with specific, that is, assuming knowledge of applied psychology, methods of working with "clients." At the same time, the main attention is paid to the dynamics of a given society, people's reactions to life difficulties and the peculiarities of the interaction of individuals with their social environment.

In modern conditions, the lives of millions of people largely depend on the system of social services for the population and the level of training of specialists in social work. Such professionals are needed in various organizations and services of social protection of the population, in counseling and rehabilitation services and centers, in employment services, in children's clinics, in vocational guidance centers, in authorities government controlled and local government.

Unfortunately, social services in our country are not provided with everything necessary for successful activity, and the salary of social work specialists is negligible and practically does not differ from the income of the poor, which they have to serve. But I would like to hope that in the near future this situation will change for the better. After all, today social work is one of the most demanded specialties in the labor market, and this is due, first of all, to the change in priorities in state policy and the dynamic development of the social sphere in Russia.


Work 27 p., 19 sources

The institution of family and marriage, persons who are members of the institution of family and marriage, typology of family structures, social problems, social work, medical and social work, technologies of social work, theory of social work, social protection of the population.

The course work is devoted to a topical topic of scientific and applied value - the study of the theoretical foundations of overcoming the problems that arise in the institute of seven and marriage. Persons entering into a marriage relationship take on a huge responsibility to society - the creation and preservation of the main aspect of the continuation of life - family and family relations. Social work takes on the responsibility of a dealer between the state and family members, fulfilling medico-social, educational, legal and similar social roles. Social work is carried out with citizens in need of material, moral, psychological, legal or other social assistance.


1. Historical stages of the family

1.1 The family in the pre-industrial era

1.2 Family and industrialization

2. Definition of family and family relationships

2.1 The essence of the family

2.2 Structure, functions of family relationships

2.3 Types of families, typology of family structures

3. The main problems in the family and their identification

3.1 Social problems, disorganization and family crisis

3.2 Marital and divorce behavior

3.3 Self-preserving behavior

4. Family and politics

4.1 Purpose and main principles of state family policy

4.2 Governance structure of state family policy

5. Family as an object of social work

5.1 The family is the main object of social work

5.2 Main objectives of social protection

5.2.1 Social assistance system for large families

5.2.2 Social assistance system for single-parent families

5.2.3 Social assistance system for a large family

5.2.4 Social protection of young families

5.3 Medical and social work in family planning


Bibliographic list


The family as a unit of society is inseparable part of society. And the life of society is characterized by the same spiritual and material processes as the life of the family. The higher the culture of the family, the higher the culture of the whole society. Society is made up of people who are fathers and mothers in their families, as well as their children. In this regard, the roles of the father and mother in the family are very important, and in particular the educational function of the family. After all, how parents teach their children to work, respect for elders, love for the surrounding nature and people, what values ​​parents instill in their children, depends on what kind of society our children will live in. Will it be a society built on the principles of love, kindness and justice, or vice versa? In this case, family communication is very important. After all, communication is one of the main factors in the formation of the personality of a child, a member of society. And therefore, in family communication, moral principles are very important, the main of which is respect for the other.

The consequences of bad communication in the family can be conflicts and divorces, which cause great social harm to society, entail various social crimes. The fewer divorces in families, the healthier the society. Thus, society (and it can also be called a large family) is directly proportional to the health of the family, as well as the health of the family from society.

In this work, I will try to reveal the essence of the family, reveal its diseases and find cures for them. For this I will use sociological materials on the study of the institution of the family. In conclusion, I will outline a short teaching about the family from a Christian position, due to the fact that social work in Russia has its roots in Orthodoxy, which is currently undergoing a revival stage.


1.1 The family in the pre-industrial era

The main features of the family lifestyle in the pre-industrial era. First, “family” and “economy” were inseparable concepts, industrial relations existed in the form of family, demographic relations, family problems were a “continuation” of issues of property and labor. Children, thanks to the prevailing cultural norms of age-related seniority, were viewed both as supported and as workers. Adults in such a family were also dependent on their children, in need of their economic support in old age, and therefore paid great attention to the successful transfer of the family's economic resources to the next generations.

Secondly, the dominant public life there was the power of kinship. Families were not only large and complex, combining several generations and side branches, but were also tied by numerous family ties and relationships of property with a large number of other families with whom they carried out "marriage" exchange.

Thirdly, the peasant family was predominant, whose life, like the life of a noble family, was inextricably linked with the land. The land was not only the universal basis of production, but also the basis on which the whole life of the family was based. The determining factor in motivating family behavior was child-centered land use. The family was the way of circulation of capital, the movement of land resources from generation to generation.

Fourth, this predetermined many other characteristics of the family and, in particular, the fact that it had many children (both in terms of its social and normative orientation, and in fact).

Fifth, the hallmark of the patriarchal family was the powerful power of intergenerational ties. Age was the main agent of social control, in which the older generations, using their right to dispose of family resources, defended and increased their status and power.

1.2 Family and industrialization

First, for "traditionalism", familism, the kinship-family principle of organizing life is characteristic, the preponderance of the value of kinship over maximizing the benefits of the individual and over economic efficiency itself, while in the "modern family" kinship is separated from socio-economic activity, yielding primacy to economic the goals of the individual.

Second, an agrarian society has as its main economic unit the family household, where, as a rule, all adults work at home and not for pay, but for themselves. The modern family model is associated with the division of home and work; hired labor appears in large enterprises with individual wages, regardless of status in family-related networks.

Third, the insignificant psychological separation between the family household and the rural community, ethnic and other social communities under "traditionalism" contrasts with the sharp demarcation of the home and the extrafamily world, family primacy and impersonal relations in the external environment under conditions of "modernization."

Fourth, social and geographic mobility, under "traditionalism" associated with the fact that sons inherit the social status and professional specialization of their father, differs from the out-of-family mobility of sons and daughters at the stage of industrialization.

Fifth, the system of values ​​of familism, in the hierarchy of which such benefits as duty, family responsibility, the value of children as contributions to the prosperous old age of parents, the dominance of the authority of parents and relatives, in the hierarchy become less stable and prestigious, yielding place for the values ​​of individualism, independence, personal achievement, i.e. the system of family centrism gives way to the system of egocentrism.

Sixth, there is a transition from a centralized extended family-related system, consisting of three generations and the dominance of the elders, to decentralized nuclear families, in which marriage ties, matrimony become higher than parental ties, and in the marriage itself, the interests of the couple are subordinated to the interests of the individual (deprivation of the personality from families, isolationism).

Seventh, the transition from divorce initiated by the husband (primarily due to the childlessness of marriage) to divorce caused by the interpersonal incompatibility of the spouses.

Eighth, the replacement of the “closed” system of choosing a spouse by an “open” system based on the interpersonal selectivity of young people and each other's people, regardless of the prescriptions of kinship and traditions of dowry exchange and bride ransom (albeit while maintaining property interests and the system of inheritance enshrined in the marriage contract ).

Ninth, the transition from a culture of large families with a strict taboo on the use of contraception to individual intervention in the reproductive cycle, i.e. to the prevention and termination of pregnancy; this transition also eliminates the need to lengthen the reproductive period of life by approaching physiological boundaries - the timing of the beginning and end of childbearing, through early and continuous marriage, the traditions of lifelong marriage.


2.1 The essence of the family

The family is a complex social, complex, multifunctional concept, a form of human life, conditioned by the existing socio-economic and legal norms. It is a system with a specific structure that performs a number of different functions, a stable system of relationships between people in everyday life. It is closely connected with society, the state and develops simultaneously with it.

The family very quickly and sensitively reacts to all positive and negative changes taking place in society, revealing the humane and inhuman meaning of the processes taking place in society, evaluating the processes that destroy and create for the family. As part of society, the family was created, modified and developed with it and in turn can influence the course of its development.

The most important functions of the family: demographic (population reproduction), economic, social, cultural, etc. Society and the state are interested in the well-being of the family, they carry out joint activities, are interrelated and have a mutual influence on each other.

2.2 Structure, functions of family relationships

The structure - the size, composition of the family - depends on the way of organizing and ensuring the unity of its main elements, the distribution of gender and age roles in the family. The nature of the family structure is determined by the nature of socio-historical conditions: the inequality of a woman in society leads to her inequality in the family. The hierarchy of relations in society leads to the hierarchy of relations in the family.

Family power can be based on a variety of economic or moral authority: from direct violence to moral influence (from orders to polite friendly advice) and in the traditional view of the structure, 2 types of family relations can be distinguished.

The second is democratic (partnership), which presupposes an equal distribution of responsibilities, equal participation in solving all family problems, and is more progressive. In recent years, equality of relations between spouses has become predominant.

The structure of the family is associated with the order and way of her life, customs, traditions, relationships with other families and with the whole society. The disruption of the family structure leads to the disruption of its functions.

The functions of the family are the sphere of the family's life, which is directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members. A family can have as many functions as it satisfies types of needs in a stable, repetitive form.

For a young family, biological - reproductive function is important, for an elderly - emotional. Reproductive (generative) function - biological reproduction of life, maintaining continuity through the birth of children. It is necessary for the continuation of the human race. Social function - society is deeply interested in the next generation to be quantitatively larger than the previous one. This is also a moral and emotional human need. A family without a child is flawed. The function of the primary socialization of children is the gradual introduction of the child by the family into society, familiarizing him with all the laws inherent in this society.

The medical function or the maintenance of the physical health of family members is primarily preventive in nature. It consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, active recreation, mastering hygiene skills, and carrying out health-improving activities. Family members should have information on health issues, timely contact health workers for advice and help, and fulfill their appointments.

An unfavorable psychological climate in the family leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a lack of positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic.

2.3 Types of families, typology of family structures

The most common type is the nuclear family (from the Latin nucleus - the nucleus), consisting of one pair of spouses with or without children. It can be complete or incomplete - with one parent and children. There are about 13% of such families. If a family has several family nuclei (grandparents, their children and grandchildren, or a family of brothers and sisters), it is called an extended, multigenerational, large family, there are only 3.4% of them. 58.4% of all families have children under 18 years of age. The share of small families (one, two children) in the total number is 58%, and large families - 9.8% (three or more children).

Separation of families according to family life cycle.

1. By marital status or age: life path each person can be represented as premarital, marital (newlywed, remarried, unregistered marriage), postnuptial (divorced, single, unmarried, widowed).

Separation of families on a regional basis (urban, rural). In cities, incomplete families predominate, nationally mixed. There are more large multigenerational families in the countryside, which is associated with the peculiarities of housekeeping, housing conditions, ethnic composition, etc.

Separation of families by income level. A high-income family is one that can afford to use paid services in the social sphere. The level of well-being of a prosperous family is 15 - 20% higher than the average; such a family solves their problems on their own, without outside help.


3.1 Social problems, disorganization and family crisis

The most acute general social problems of the family include: the sharply continuing stratification of society into rich and poor; constant state budget deficit; demographic decline in population; population migration; deterioration in the health of the nation, including the family; an increase in the number of single-parent families; increasing dependency; domestic violence and confrontation; an increase in social orphanhood; changing traditional roles, especially women in the family, etc.

Disorganization of the family - failure of the family to fulfill its functions, violation of its structure. Family-holding factors: emotional closeness; physical intimacy; cohabitation, housekeeping and raising children; legal fixation of marriage; spiritual closeness and coverage of marriage by the church. The most fragile is the family as an “empty shell”.

In conclusion, we can say that at present there is a destruction of the values ​​of family, marriage, motherhood. Social differentiation of society continues to worsen, an increasing number of families are falling into poverty. Therefore, society and the state must change their attitude towards the family as a social institution in order to preserve it.

3.2 Marital and divorce behavior

Marital behavior, as it were, consists of three parts: most often it is understood as a system of actions and relationships leading to marriage (marriage choice); the second type is actually conjugal behavior, which refers to men and women who have married and become parents; finally, the third part is such a characteristic of the conflict nature of marital behavior, which leads to divorce or separation.

The driving force behind marital behavior is the need for marriage and a marital partner, and the domination of the latter over the former means a decrease in the value of marriage and matrimony, as the value of partnership or comradely-partner cohabitation increases.

On the other hand, in the study of the circumstances leading to divorce, the above-mentioned feature is directly related to the strengthening of the tendency to terminate the marriage due to the weakening of attitudes to prolong the marriage. In the context of a crisis in the fall in the value of the family lifestyle, all the troubles of marriage and family are purely psychological and due to the nature of interpersonal communication, they begin to be perceived through the prism of the properties and traits of the other spouse. The instability of the family as an institution is felt in the emergence of a number of family problems, but the success of their solution is made dependent on the individual qualities of the partner. The institution of the family does not find support among social institutions, therefore, divorces are growing, but at the level of divorcing spouses, this produces a massive number of references to the dissimilarity of characters.

3.3 Self-preserving behavior

In sociology, self-preservation behavior is defined as a system of actions and relationships aimed at maintaining health for a full life cycle, to extend the lifespan within this cycle. The study of individual behavior that mediates life and death, health and life expectancy is based on A.I. Antonov put the concept of dispositional regulation of social behavior. In general terms, it seemed clear that the final results associated with the preservation of the health and life of family members are due (of course, all other things being equal), the state of family relations and the specifics of the definition of lifestyle situations.

When studying the orientation towards life span, it is difficult to assess their effectiveness, since, in principle, it is impossible to determine the degree of realization of these orientations before the death of an individual by the main result of self-preserving behavior - life expectancy. Of course, by the number of years already lived, one can judge this, so to speak, retrospectively, but for this, the sample should include all the age groups necessary for the analysis (which increases the sample size and the complexity of the study).


4.1 Purpose and main principles of state family policy

State family policy is a comprehensive system of state activities aimed at the family as a social institution with the aim of strengthening, developing, sovereignty, protecting the rights and interests of the family on the basis of legal regulation of relations with the state. It is an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propagandistic and personnel character, aimed at improving the conditions and quality of family life.

State family policy is an independent direction of social policy, it solves only specific family problems; brings the family and the state to a new level of relations. For the first time, the object of state family policy was the family as a whole, as a social institution with the presentation of a new social status, real rights, state guarantees for its functioning. The family becomes the object of state care and support.

Basic principles of family policy:

Autonomy and sovereignty of the family in independent decision-making regarding its development, providing an opportunity to choose forms of support only on a voluntary basis;

Priority of the child's interests regardless of his gender, age, type of family, ensuring his survival, protecting full-fledged physical, mental, intellectual development;

Equal rights of all types of families to support the state, regardless of social status, nationality, place of residence and religious beliefs. Equality between man and woman in fair distribution family responsibilities and employment opportunities;

Partnership of state, public institutions, all citizens in family policy with the decisive role of state bodies;

Availability, targeting, differentiation of social assistance to the family. Providing to all in need social guarantees for an acceptable standard of living of disabled family members, creating conditions for economically active family members for socially useful activities and increasing welfare on a labor basis. Social protection of families in need from poverty, deprivation, forced migration, natural and man-made emergencies, wars and armed conflicts; - complexity. Social assistance covers all aspects of the family's life, all its functions;

Preventive focus and scientific validity. Social assistance is carried out on the basis of analysis, forecasting the development of the situation, the participation of science in determining the content of family policy.

The presented principles of state family policy require further scientific and methodological development, funding for its implementation.

4.2 Governance structure of state family policy

The Russian state is a secular democratic federal rule of law with a republican form of government. State power in the Russian Federation is exercised by: the head of state - the President of the Russian Federation; the parliament of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly - a representative and legislative body, consisting of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma; The government of the Russian Federation, which exercises executive power. State family policy is carried out by the highest bodies of state power: legislative and executive. Basic laws are developed in the State Duma, and are implemented by the Government of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation at the local level.

As a result of the transformations in Russia, a market model of management, a non-state sector of the economy, and new relations of the labor market have been created.


5.1 The family is the main object of social work

Taking the family as an object of social work and seeing it as a complex social system, when contacting it, it is necessary to take into account the following: its structure, environment, functioning and developmental history.

The generative function of the family is due to the need for the continuation of the human race, which is not only a biological need, but also has great economic importance for the preservation of the population. Labor potential tomorrow- today's babies and toddlers, children and adolescents. Society is interested in each next generation being at least as small as the previous one. At the same time, the family is interested in children.

A social worker, proceeding from the principle of maximizing the minimum (striving to maximize the minimum resources of social assistance), should not only help the family to cope with difficulties by attracting funds from benefactors or observing the fair distribution of state) assistance, but also teach families about self-help and mutual assistance, which are more effective than the most generous benefits. It must be remembered that morally it is always better to have your own earnings than social dependency. Small and Medium Development Program family business, the help of municipal authorities in this matter can allow many families in Russia to ensure a decent life for themselves.

Family conflicts and domestic violence, emotional discord and disorganization, misalignment of family roles and unfair distribution of family responsibilities, drunkenness and many other problems are all concerns of a social worker. It must be remembered that it is not the social worker who solves the family problems of the clients, but the family with the help of the social worker realizes their problems and finds the strength to solve them.

5.2 Main objectives of social protection

At present, family policy in the Russian Federation has only a short-term character of social protection in the conditions of mass poverty of many Russian families. It focuses on the survival of families and includes social assistance and social service families.

The main tasks of social protection: implementation of the established by law social rights and minimum social guarantees; adaptation of the social protection system to the changed socio-economic conditions; a differentiated approach to various categories of the population.

5.2.1 Social assistance system for large families

The social worker liaises between the family and the subjects of social assistance. The employment service is engaged in the priority employment of parents with many children; providing, if possible, flexible working hours; organization of training and retraining of parents for obtaining another specialty; employment of children and their obtaining a specialty, attracting adolescents to work, obtaining the status of unemployed by them, attracting them to work all year round.

The authorities of public education are entrusted with: opening free sections and circles, establishing preferential prices for the purchase of textbooks; organization of additional education for the development of the potential of children, free or discounted recreation of children in a health camp, family leisure and hobby clubs; opening of a pedagogical lecture hall (with consultations of a psychologist, a teacher about family education).

Social protection bodies are involved in the organization of benefits, benefits, the provision of family vouchers, the opening of family assistance centers, targeted social assistance, material assistance, the allocation of soft loans for the purchase of durable goods, the preferential allocation of plots for individual construction, timely information on benefits.

The psychologist helps to solve the psychological problems of the family, including using the helpline to get advice from a psychologist, a teacher at the right time.

Health authorities provide a discount on the purchase of medicines, organize visits of specialists to the place of residence, reception in medical institutions out of turn, vouchers to a sanatorium, therapeutic fortified meals, and prevention of the health of family members.

Trade organizations are undertaking a sale of goods and | food at reduced prices, provide soft loans for the purchase of durable goods. Charitable organizations provide material and in-kind assistance, the church - charitable and psychological support.

The executive city government ensures the timely issuance of salaries and benefits for children, provides an opportunity to improve housing, creates conditions for the self-sufficiency of families (development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, farming, the allocation of cash loans, soft loans, land, building materials), assists in organizing an association mothers with many children. Similar families participate in the creation of the Association of Large Families, organization of mutual assistance (communication, clothes, shoes, toys, etc.). Neighbors create public opinion, provide assistance.

The parents' place of work makes it possible to improve housing, receive financial assistance, organize home work for the mother, a part-time work week or an extra day off, a flexible work schedule, and the possibility of retraining. The Association has a territorial management structure and conducts a quantitative and qualitative study of the state of all large families.

A card index has been created, various types of large families have been identified, attention is paid to legal literacy, the study of regulatory documents is systematically carried out; psychological and pedagogical education of parents is carried out, conversations, lectures, consultations of a psychologist, a teacher, family holidays as a business game are held; cultural leisure of the family is organized (free tickets to the local theater, meetings with artists, poets).

Parents get rid of the feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, feel each other's support, the circle of communication expands, the organization of family life becomes more conscious, and they get the opportunity to educate the personality of their children in a pedagogical manner.

5.2.2 Social assistance system for single-parent families

Employment service: finding a convenient job for parents. Department of Public Education: the question of the extended day group, the problem of free meals, material assistance, provision of textbooks, psychological problems of children, problems of leisure (recreation) for children, children's dispensaries.

Neighbors: the problem of public opinion and family assistance. Former parent: problems of conflict situations. Executive power: housing. Church: material and in-kind assistance. Trade organizations: food supply, etc. Psychologist: problems of the psychological climate in the family. Health authorities: issues of health of all family members; organization of medical and social patronage.

The problem of prophylactic medical examination of elderly chronic people (difficulties with medicines, qualified medical and inpatient care, high cost of care items (a boat, rubber discs for the prevention of pressure sores, orthopedic shoes, glasses, hearing aids, etc.); the problem of caring for older, sick family members ; due to the unfavorable intra-family psychological climate, the family is a risk factor for diseases of the nervous system - neuroses, insomnia), etc. The older generation may have senile psychosis, decreased intelligence. Due to the difficulties of placing children in preschool institutions, their high pay, frequent colds, poor nutrition, children do not attend kindergartens. Children growing up and brought up by grandparents at home are less ill and in a better position than kindergarten children. The destruction of family traditions leads to the destruction of love and mutual respect.

5.2.3 Social assistance system for a large family

Health authorities monitor the health of the older generation (especially if the elderly cannot attend polyclinics), drug provision (preferential for children and the elderly), and the health of all family members. The employment service deals with the employment of the middle generation in connection with the situation in the family, and, if necessary, with the employment of the older generation.

The transition to a market economy, unfavorable environmental conditions, hard physical labor, hazardous production - all this has led to an increase in cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, mental disorders.

The World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s indicates that the protection of the environment and its rational use are essential for the sustainable development of children. It is necessary to improve the quality of the environment, fight disease, malnutrition, reduce the death rate, improve social services, and break the vicious circle of poverty.

5.2.4 Social protection of young families

In order to support a young family in accordance with the Federal Target Program "Youth of Russia" approved by the RF Government Decree No. 1279 dated November 25, 1994, it is planned to solve the following tasks: development of mechanisms aimed at supporting families with young children; development of a network of information and counseling for young families; assistance in solving the housing problem and employment of young women with children; assistance in the purchase of durable goods by young families, education.

Some of the tasks aimed at supporting young families are already being implemented in the federal programs: Children of Russia, Housing, Employment of the Population, as well as in regional programs.

In addition, it is necessary: ​​coordination of efforts of various state public structures; systematization and interconnection of accepted and existing social programs in the part where they touch upon the problems of a young family; extension different forms a loan specifically for young families: targeted, preferential, long-term (for 10-15 years) loans for the acquisition of land, construction, organization of a farm, a "family firm", etc .; providing loans for the education of adult family members and their children; creation of conditions for employment, priority training and retraining of young women with children, including the creation of opportunities for evening and correspondence training, education for mothers who are on long maternity leave; creation of favorable conditions for home education of preschool children through a network of home-based services of social workers; development of a system of benefits in the field of health protection of citizens, confirmed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, republics within the Russian Federation and legal acts of autonomous territories, regions, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg (use of medical and preventive institutions, etc.); creation of a network of various consultations for young families (social and psychological assistance, medico-genetic, economic, legal, household problems, information and reference services for job vacancies for seasonal and home work, as well as on the possibilities of retraining, on issues of family entrepreneurship).

In the field of reproductive health care, the program provides for a set of measures based on the principle of the right of spouses and individuals to freely and responsibly decide the number of their children and receive the information, education and funds necessary for this, create conditions for the provision of psychological and legal assistance to young spouses. This work is primarily associated with the organization of social assistance services and centers "Youth and Family", "Young Family" and others, the development and adoption of regional programs to support socially vulnerable families.

The main activity of the services "Young Family", in addition to information and methodological work, is to provide services such as social patronage of young families living in disadvantaged socio-psychological conditions, medical and social patronage of underage pregnant women and nursing mothers, patronage of young families and individuals in need of constant care. The main activity of the services "Young Family", in addition to information and methodological work, is to provide services such as social patronage of young families living in disadvantaged socio-psychological conditions, medical and social patronage of underage pregnant women and nursing mothers, patronage of young families and individuals in need of constant care.

Health authorities register, make up the characteristics of the family, taking into account all its members; are engaged in dispensary observation, recommendations for career guidance and employment, sanatorium treatment, paperwork, medical equipment, registration in specialized institutions, and rehabilitation.

Social protection bodies make changes and additions to social security, provide benefits and services, organize material and other types of assistance, sanatorium treatment, correction of actions, registration in specialized institutions. The social protection authorities consist of: a job center (job placement for mothers and fathers); enterprises for organizing work at home; vocational guidance center (vocational guidance of a child with disabilities).

5.3 Medical and social work in family planning

The vast majority of families in Russia, as in all developed countries ah, regulates the number of children and the timing of their birth. However, in most developed countries, the so-called contraceptive revolution has taken place, thanks to which the prevention of pregnancy with the help of various contraceptives has become the main method of family planning. In Russia, termination of pregnancy with the help of induced abortion is still one of the main methods of family planning. Although, according to official data, the absolute and relative number of abortions has been declining in recent years as a result of measures taken within the framework of the Safe Motherhood and Family Planning federal targeted programs, these indicators remain very high (2210.1 thousand in 1998).

It should be noted that about 300 thousand abortions occur among young women under the age of 19. The use of modern methods of contraception by women of childbearing age is very low. There is an extremely insufficient awareness of these methods not only among the population, but also among specialists. One of the most dangerous trends at present is the increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among young people aged 15 to 19 years.

The high number of abortions and STDs contribute to the fact that every 10th married couple in our country is infertile, and determine the social significance of the problem of family planning. To solve this problem, a federal target program "Family Planning" has been created, which provides for the creation of a service of the same name in the Russian Federation.

The basis of the regulatory legal framework for the formation of a family planning service is the orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia "On measures for the further development of gynecological care for the population of the Russian Federation" dated November 15, 1991, No. 186, "On the questioning of patients of family planning and reproduction centers in 1997-1998." of November 26, 1997 N ° 392. These documents determined the main directions of the family planning service. Family planning and reproduction centers are included in the nomenclature of healthcare institutions.

The main activities of such centers:

Purposeful information work with various categories of the population and specialists to change attitudes towards family planning, sexual education of adolescents at the level of society and the family;

Provision of medical, social and psychological assistance in the following areas: family planning; individual selection of contraception with follow-up; treatment and prevention of STDs and HIV infection, including express diagnostics; solving problems of psychosexual relationships; legal assistance;

Training and professional development of personnel working in the field of family planning and sex education;

Providing adolescents and young people with affordable contraception and popular family planning literature;

Work with adolescents and youth in organized groups in the form of conversations, showing and discussing special videos, distributing information materials about the work of the center;

Individual work with "difficult" adolescents, disadvantaged families and people with disabilities in order to assist in family planning and socio-psychological adaptation in the family and society;

Outpatient termination of pregnancy with subsequent selection of contraception;

Engaging the media to disseminate and promote family planning ideas in the region.

Proceeding from the need to form a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyles in adolescents, responsibility for family planning, the Russian Association "Family Planning" has developed an educational program "Fundamentals of Family Planning and Healthy Lifestyle".


Today in Russia it is fashionable to talk about Orthodoxy, about the Christian faith, the faith of the fathers. Statistics show that about 80% identify themselves with Orthodoxy, about 50% are baptized; but, unfortunately, less than one percent can be called Christians. The liberalization of politics, the development of a competitive market, freedom of religion leads our population to a distorted understanding of freedom, to chaos and permissiveness in mutual relations. This liberalization and marriage relations of citizens of the Russian Federation did not pass by.

What does it mean - a healthy population? In my opinion, this is, first of all, moral purity, intellect enlightened by truth, a correct assessment of the surrounding reality and a sense of responsibility and duty to oneself, one's neighbor, society, the state, the Earth, the future and, first of all, God, and His body - the Church. In conclusion, I want to briefly outline the Christian position on marriage.

At the outset, it is appropriate to recall the wonderful saying: "Marriages are made in heaven." It is briefly said here that the union of two people in marriage cannot be the fruit of passions. It must have, and has its own essential, existential content that goes beyond moral, moral, sociological, and legal problems. Marriage cannot be understood as a natural satisfaction of the physiological or mental needs of a person.

Male and female sex have the same nature, that is, ontologically, there is no significant difference between a man and a woman. The dignity of a man and a woman is that they differ from each other as two parts of one whole. None of these parts can be complete without the other until unity is achieved.

Marriage is understood in Christianity as an ontological union of two people into a single whole, which is accomplished by God Himself, and is a gift of beauty and fullness of life, essential for improvement, for the fulfillment of one's destiny, for transformation and integration into the Kingdom of God. Any other attitude towards marriage, for example, existing in other religions and teachings or the one that now dominates the world, can be perceived by Christians as profanation of marriage, a catastrophic decline in the concept of marriage and man, as a humiliation of man and God's plan for him.

Husband and wife are united ontologically, their union should not be destroyed by a person, therefore divorce cannot have God's blessing. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, divorce is impossible. The gift of love, which is given in the sacrament of marriage by God's blessing, is an eternal gift, and love cannot be abolished, it cannot stop with death.

It is required that marriage must be legalized by society, recognized as a legal state. This can be done in the forms in which it is customary at this time to register a marriage. It must be announced beforehand. Earlier, there were engagements. They announced that such and such two want to get married, and society perceived them as a bride and groom, and then, when they got married, as a husband and wife. It was important that the marriage was perceived by society as legal.

Marriage is not a contract, it is a sacrament, a gift of love, indestructible, Divine. This gift must be kept and warmed up. But it can be lost. This is not a legal category or a legal act. This is a spiritual category, an event in spiritual life. Marriage has its dignity depending on the state of the spouses. What kind of people and how they get married are important to the dignity of marriage. In the Christian consciousness, doubts about living together are broken against the words of Christ: "What God has combined, let man not part."

Following politicians, philosophers, theologians and other scientists who are trying to discover, shape and enrich the sacrament of continuation of life, love and mutual creation, I consider it necessary to devote all my creativity to enriching and strengthening the greatest sacrament on earth called marriage.


1. Asmolov A.G. Personality Psychology: Textbook. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1990 .-- 367 p.

2. Gladding S. G52 Psychological counseling. 4th ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2002 .-- 736 p .: ill. - (Series "Masters of Psychology")

3. Zakharov M.L., Tuchkova E.G. Social Security Law of Russia: Textbook. - 2nd ed., Rev. and revised - M .: Publishing house BEK, 2002 .-- 560 p.

4. Ivanov V.N., Patrushev V.I. Social technologies: A course of lectures. - M .: Publishing house MGSU "Soyuz", 1999. - 432 p. ISBN 5-7139-0126-2

5. Kleyberg Yu.A. Psychology of deviant behavior: Textbook for universities. - M .: TC Sphere, with the participation of "Yurayt-M" 2001.-160 p.

6. M.V. Romm, T.A. Romm. Social work theory. Tutorial. Novosibirsk. - 1999

7. Krol VM Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. manual for tech. universities / V.M. Crawl. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .; Higher. shk., 2003.-325 p .; silt

8 Nikitin V.A. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists. Textbook. allowance. - M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002 .-- 236 p.

9. Fundamentals of social work: Textbook / Otv. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Infra - M, 2003 .-- 395 p.

10. Psychology of family relationships with the basics of family counseling: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / E.I. Artamonova, E.V. Ekzhanova, E.V. Zyryanova and others; Ed. E.G. Silyaeva. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. -192 p.

11 Raigorodsky D.Ya. Family psychology. (Series "Psychology of Family Relations"). Textbook for the faculties of psychology, sociology, economics and journalism. - Samara: Publishing House "BAHRAKH-M". 2002 .-- 752 p.

12 Safronova V.M. Forecasting and modeling in social work: Textbook. A guide for students. higher. textbook, institutions - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 192 p.

13 Social policy: Textbook / Under total. ed. ON THE. Volgin. - M .: Publishing house "Examination", 2003. - 736 p.

14 Social work: theory and practice: Textbook. manual / Otv. ed. Doctor of History, prof. Kholostova, doctor of historical sciences, prof. Sorvin. - M .: INFRA - M, 2004 .-- 427 p.

15 Social pedagogy: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. educational institutions / С69Ed. V.A. Nikitin. - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2000. - 272 p.

16 Starovoitova L. I., Zolotareva T. F. Employment of the population and its regulation: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study, institutions. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 192 p. ISBN 5-7695-0833-7

17 The theory of social work. Textbook / Ed. prof. TZZ E.I. Single. - M .: Jurist, 1999 .-- 334 p.

18 Theory of social work: Textbook. allowance. / M.V. Romm, E.V. Andrienko, L.A. Osmuk, I.A. Skalaban and others; Ed. M.V. Romm. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NSTU, 2000. Part II. - 112 p.

19 Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. The theory of social work: a textbook for students. higher. study. institutions. - M .: Humanitarian ed. Center VLADOS, 2001 .-- 432 p.

Social work refers to the number of professions that have arisen and are developing on the basis of the order of society to create a system of social assistance to the population. The history of the creation and formation of the main approaches, goals, principles, methods and technologies of social work is long-standing and is based on the gradual development and improvement of the ideas of society and individuals about the content, structure, and characteristics of human studies. The social assistance system has gone from a philanthropic approach in supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population, people who find themselves in a difficult life situation due to social or personal problems, to the emergence of such a type of professional assistance as social work, which is designed not only to create the necessary conditions for social security of citizens , but also for the development of their capabilities and ability to build their lives, mobilization of internal resources in overcoming life crises.

The process of formation of social work as a type of professional activity began at the beginning of the XX century. in Western Europe and the USA. In Ukraine, as in other Slavic states, state social assistance to orphans, the disabled, the poor, and the military developed back in the days of Kievan Rus and was reflected in the activities of the Kiev princes and the Christian church. The main stages in the development of social work as a profession are considered in the course "History of Social Work".

An attempt at a scientific and theoretical understanding of various forms of social assistance was made already in the 19th century. both in our country and abroad. This is reflected in works related to the social life of people (conditions for the formation and implementation of life, freedom and equality, justice), and in specific areas of social work in the modern sense.

That is, social work originated as an applied science. Theoretical awareness, generalization "systematization of scientific knowledge about social processes and phenomena, progressive approaches to social support of an individual in a difficult life situation were determined on the basis of empirical data, facts of practical activity and work experience of organizations and institutions in the sphere of social protection of the institutions.

Theoretical approaches to social work were formed at the beginning of the 20th century. in the works of foreign Western researchers. The most famous of them: M. Richmond (theory of social diagnosis, the concept of intervention, keeping the client's history); V. Robinson (awareness of the client's situation, values ​​and meanings of his being, the meaning of past experience); J. Tart, A. Rank (functional school - theoretical approaches are based not on diagnosis, but on the process of interaction between a social worker and a client, the principle of a synchronous approach, the principle of "here and now"); G. Hamilton (expansion of the concept of "diagnosis", its new interpretation in accordance with new trends in social work - not as an attitude to action, but as a working hypothesis for understanding the client's personality, his situation and problems); F. Bistek (interaction in the methods of individual work was considered as a system of dynamic interactions between a social worker and a client, aimed at achieving self-regulation and self-development by the client) H.H. Perlman (the method of problem solving is a synthesis of the approaches of the diagnostic and functional schools, the help process consists of two main components: the help process and the individual's personal resources) F. Hollis and R. Small-Lee (the concept of approximation, defines five theoretical concepts: assessment, personality in situations, process, relationships and intervention - intervention in theory uses the methodology of systems theory and communication theory), etc. J. Konopka, H. Norten, M. Ross, R. Perlman and other researchers directed their work to find a common methodological basis for social work ...

The development of the theory of social work was carried out in four main areas: the theory of individual work, the theory of group work, the theory of community work (in the community, community, society, neighborhood, etc.), the theory of administration and planning. In accordance with this, all approaches to the definition of specific forms, methods of social work, technologies of social work are divided into three groups: an individual, personal approach to the theoretical scheme of social work; the societal approach, where the whole set of social connections and relations is considered as a basic scheme; the social - activity approach, when social work is considered in the subject-object scheme, traditional for modern cognition.

According to M.V. Firsov, the main directions in theoretical research are divided into:

1) a professionally oriented approach to social work, the theory of social work is considered as a subtheory of sociology;

2) dialects co-critical: scientists propose a structure of social work, which is similar to the system-theoretical approach to addressing the problem; the level of activity of social work as a subsystem of society are divided into three working subsystems - social and public policy, social planning, social therapy,

3) dialectical-materialistic (Marxist) analysis of the problem from the point of view of the category of poverty.

When formulating the definitions of social work as a science, theory, practical activity, such aspects as responsibility for the problems of society are taken into account; the balancing nature of society; education of a certain social position in one's neighbor; applied theory of Christianity; features of democracy. The goal-setting of social work depends on social regulation in society, the integration of an individual into society, restoration social significance marginal, unprivileged strata of the population, identification of Christian principles, harmony of relationships in society, guarantee of peace in society, pragmatic skills of democracy.

Social work as an applied science was formed on the basis of the application of the results of fundamental sciences for solving cognitive and social-practical problems and on the basis of close interdisciplinary ties with the spheres of scientific knowledge that make up the scientific basis of social work, such as: pedagogy, social pedagogy, sociology "psychology, ethics and aesthetics, philosophy, etc.

There is still no consensus among scientists regarding the definition of social work as a science. So, according to the authors of the textbook "Fundamentals of Social Work" ed. P.D. Pavlenok: "social work is the sphere of human activity, the function of which appears in the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about a certain reality - the social sphere and the specific social activities".

Discussions on the differentiation or identification of the essence of the concepts of "social work" and "social pedagogy" are highlighted in the works of Russian scientists. Social educators L. Koval, I. D. Zvereva, S.R. Khlebik emphasize that “social work in our country (from the moment of its inception to the present) is characterized by the dominant role of social pedagogy and social education. work. "Social pedagogy, socio-pedagogical service (pedagogy of relations in society) is considered as the basic integrative basis in the system of social assistance services to the population, allows timely diagnostics, identification and pedagogically expedient influence on relations in society, on the development of various initiatives, the formation of value orientations personality, her attitude to herself, her physical and moral health, to the environment. "

In M.V. Firsova and E.G. Studenova read: “J. Bernal argued that the paradigm of science can act in a particular sphere as an institution, as a method, as an accumulation of traditions and knowledge ... as a factor that forms beliefs and attitudes towards the world and man. the assertion of the mechanistic paradigm of science acted in relation to social work as macros, which determined the logic of its scientific thinking and the principles of functioning in the context of other knowledge. "

The social work of this time was characterized by reductionism, linearity, determinism, the primacy of matter over consciousness, the dictate of time and space, the search for fundamental laws within the framework of one's knowledge. All these features of the general scientific paradigm are specifically reflected in the conceptual space of social work.

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences V.A. - This is the time of birth new science- theories of social work.

The development of scientific research is carried out on the basis of public and humanities, in the context of which socially significant processes and phenomena are studied; the specifics of the activities of subjects of social protection and support of the population; socio-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of social work with various target groups and categories of the population; social, socio-economic, socio-political living conditions of citizens, their needs, interests, requests and the like. Scientific research is carried out within the framework of sociology, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, economics and other sciences, which significantly reduces the autonomy and scientific independence of social work. The uncertain scientific status of social work in Ukraine makes it much more difficult to define the subject of research in the theory of social work.

In the scientific literature, the theory of social work is defined as: 1) a logical generalization of the experience of social life, based on a deep study of the essence of the phenomenon under study and reveals its laws; 2) a set of views and ideas that make it possible to interpret and explain facts; 3) the very form of scientific knowledge, giving a holistic reflection of the most important connections in a particular area of ​​reality. As in every science, the following basic elements of the theory are distinguished in social work: initial foundations (fundamental concepts, principles, laws, axioms, etc.); an idealized object (a kind of abstract model of essential properties and relationships); a set of laws and statements that are derived from the foundations of the theory in accordance with the principles of logic. Given this, the theory of social work can be viewed as a set of fundamental concepts, principles, patterns, abstract models and statements that express its essence in all its integrity and specificity. The theory of social work forms the basis of social work as a unique area of ​​scientific knowledge.

Thus, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "theory of social work" and "social work as a science".

Social work theory- a system of basic ideas in public sphere knowledge, a form of scientific knowledge, giving a holistic view of the laws and essential connections of reality. Practice is the criterion and basis for the development of the theory of social work.

Social work as a science- the sphere of the individual's activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; it is one of the forms of social consciousness, including both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge that underlies the scientific picture of the world; coverage of certain branches of scientific knowledge concerning the system of social protection of the population and support of the individual in a difficult life situation. The immediate goal of science is the description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of social reality, which are the subject of its study on the basis of the laws that it discovers.

The subject of research in the theory of social work is social processes and phenomena that determine the vital activity of the individual, social factors and factors for improving the social living conditions of various target groups and categories of the population. In Russian scientific sources, the subject of study of the theory of social work is defined as social phenomena, processes of various levels, reflecting a complex field centric system.

The theory of social work is a social, social and applied science, tasks, content and prospects are formed in the context of the development of the practice of social work, in close connection with state social security and as the identification of socio-historical structures and development trends.

According to this definition, the formation of the theory of social work was carried out in the following directions: the development of theoretical models of social and psychological assistance, social and pedagogical influence and theories of social security of the population. Focused on these goals, the concept of the theory of social work is structured on the basis of two approaches: historical and systemic.

In modern scientific research, there is a steady trend towards the awareness of social work as a profession intended and aimed at activating the client's remaining capabilities, his positive life experience and creative potential in a particular life situation. The goal of social work is to transfer the client from subject-object relations to subject-subject relations, from a passive consumer social services into an active person who is not indifferent to his own fate and the life of his family. Among the most common methodological approaches, there is a social work focused on the client's life situation and living space.

An important sign of the scientific nature of social work, its theoretical basis for regularity. These are essential, necessary, stable and repetitive ties that appear in the interaction of the subject and the object of social work and predetermine the nature and direction of its influence on the development of specific social phenomena, processes, relations, on the effectiveness of measures for social protection of the population. The main patterns of such work are: conditionality of tasks and their content social policy state, moral and humanistic values ​​of public life; compliance of the content, forms and methods of social work with the specific circumstances of the clients' life; the general interest of the social worker and the client in the results of the interaction; integrity (complexity) of the impact on the client and the conditions of his life; solving social problems through personal ones; compliance of the powers and responsibilities of a social worker, social work bodies; dependence of the effectiveness of social work on the professionalism and moral qualities of specialists.

Social work as a science solves socially conditioned tasks:

· Research and identification of factors of socio-political, socio-economic, socio-cultural impact on the individual and social groups or communities; accumulation of empirical material, its theoretical understanding, generalization, systematization, practical application;

Determination of subjects and objects of negative and positive influence on the individual and society as a whole; patterns of management, regulation and organization of social work as a practical activity;

· Use of various tools for studying sociological thought and the needs of citizens, social, socio-psychological, socio-economic and other problems of consumers of social services, a specific social environment, the conditions for the functioning of subjects and objects of social work;

· Determination of correct, expedient, scientifically based means, techniques, forms and methods of social work, its technologies, mechanisms for excluding negative factors from the practice of public life that worsen the life of citizens;

· Scientific development of a system to prevent a decline in the well-being of the people, stimulate progressive initiatives, develop forms, methods, areas of social work aimed at improving the situation of the people, self-development of the individual;

· Development of scientific approaches to the rapid response of the system of state support of the population to the needs and problems of citizens, the creation of appropriate public opinion, psychological assistance and social protection.

The focus of the theory of social work is a social problem - a social contradiction, recognized by the subject of activity (an individual or a group) as a significant discrepancy between an existing desire, between the goal and the results of activity, arises from the absence or lack of means to achieve the goal, obstacles to this way, the struggle between different actors, which leads to dissatisfaction with social needs. Social need, therefore, has an objective-subjective nature: in order to become a problem, a contradiction between various aspects of society's activities or social groups must be experienced, assessed as a problem situation. Therefore, the study of a social problem involves both a description of the objective state of the social sphere using statistical methods (for example, the collection of data on the employment of the population), and the study of public opinion about the detection of elements of dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs. The means of detecting a social problem are social diagnostics, as well as comparing the objective state of affairs with the norms. Social problems arise at different levels of social reality - from small groups, such as families, to humanity as a whole. In the latter case, we are talking about global issues, since their solution requires concerted international action on the scale of the world community. Social problems occupy an important place in social work, because it is interpreted as helping people in solving their problems.

The essence of social work as a science also characterizes its scientific principles.

Principles of social work- an important structural component of the logical forms of scientific theory, thanks to which theoretical provisions are directly related to the practice of social work.

The methodological approach to the classification of the principles of social work is most fully reflected in the classification of V.I. Kurbatov. Considering the fact that social work is a universal type of activity, has an interdisciplinary character, its methodological principles are the integration principles of other sciences:

1. General philosophical principles that underlie all sciences about society, man and the mechanisms of their interaction: the principles of determinism, reflection, development.

2. General principles social (social) sciences, principles of historicism, social conditioning, social significance, epistemological approach, unity of consciousness and activity; socio-political, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, etc.

3. Socio-political principles manifest requirements due to the dependence of the content and direction of social work on the social policy of the state. This dependence determines conceptual approaches to the choice of priorities in social protection of the population, in a combination of individual and common interests in social work. The main principles of this group include: the unity of the state approach in combination with regional characteristics social work, democracy and the content and methods, taking into account the specific conditions of life of an individual or a social group when choosing the content, forms and methods of social work with them, the legality and fairness of the activities of a social worker.

4. Organizational principles - social and technological competence of personnel, principles of control and verification of performance, functional certainty, unity of rights and duties, powers and responsibilities.

5. Psychological and pedagogical principles manifest requirements for the selection of means of psychological and pedagogical influence on clients of social services, the need to take into account individual characteristics in the implementation of any technological processes. The basic principles of this group include: complex analysis assessment of the living conditions of clients and the choice of forms of work with them an individual approach; purposefulness and targeting of social work.

6. Specific principles of social work determine the basic rules of work in the provision of social services to the population: the principles of humanism, justice, altruism, communication, variability of social assistance, harmonization of social group and personal interests, and the like.

Important for social work as a professional activity are the following principles: universality, protection of social rights, tolerance, preventive orientation, self-reliance, client-centrism, mobilization of social resources, social response, confidentiality.

The level of social work as a social science is evidenced by the activities of scientific organizations and institutions that conduct scientific research in the field of social work. Scientific institutions of the education system (Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Content and Forms of Education, Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and others) conduct research on the problems of socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological conditions of socialization, social rehabilitation of children and youth in difficult life situations, develop guidelines social services, specialized social institutions, concepts, programs, projects for social support for the protection of children and youth from among the disabled, orphans, children from problem families, children and youth prone to deviant behavior, etc.

There are four research institutions in the system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy: the Research Institute of Labor and Employment, the Research Institute of Social and Labor Relations, the National Research Institute for Labor Protection and the Research Institute for Social Protection of the Population. These research institutions focus on solving important problems in the field of demography, the labor market and employment of the population, social partnership, labor protection, wages, incentives and labor rationing, social protection of the population, social assistance and adaptation of disabled people, etc. Scientific work focused on scientific support and substantiation of social policy tasks.

The research results are used in the legislative process, substantiation of sectoral normative acts, forecast calculations for projects of territorial programs, to increase the information armament of government bodies, and to address practical issues of social protection of the population. Among the research works, the most significant are: a revised draft of the Law of Ukraine "On the Subsistence Minimum", a draft of the State Program for Overcoming Poverty, a draft Regulation on the calculation of total income to provide citizens different types state aid, development of the Program for the development of the scientific, technical and regulatory framework for labor protection in Ukraine for 1998-2000 pp, research work aimed at studying the clinical and technical aspects of prosthetics, the Classifier of professions, etc.

A special place is occupied by research into the problems of social protection of disabled people. Based on their results, new approaches have been developed for the further development of prosthetics for disabled people, the state of social protection of the population in the context of the transformation of Ukrainian society is being studied, and approaches are proposed aimed at increasing the efficiency of the social protection system of the population.

In the field of social protection of the population, automated information systems (AIS) for processing documents of recipients of pensions and benefits (ASOPD / KOMTEH), subsidies for housing and communal services ("Our House") have been created and are operating. The software tools of the automated information system"Lada", complexes of applications for accounting, personnel departments, office, legal services of departments of social protection of the population and services of departments of social protection of the population and services of boarding schools, etc. public service employment information and reference system "Employment-S" is being introduced, which covers the activities of the State Employment Center, regional and local employment centers, inspections to monitor compliance with legislation on employment. UAIS "EGIDA" operates in the field of labor protection. In the bodies of social protection of the population, labor and employment, several different mail programs are used (T-Mail, ASTRA, UUCP, etc.), Unified according to the standards governing the transfer of files.

Institute for Social Research State Committee on family and youth issues, conducts sociological research to study public opinion in order to identify social problems, needs, interests and requests of various target groups and categories of the population, implements projects for the social support of orphans and children left without parental care, disabled children, social support of foster families.

Within the framework of foreign approaches, the features of the theory and practice of social work in various cultures, group social work, counseling in social work, the auxiliary process in social work, the theory of socio-psychological work, psychosocial therapy, paradigms of medical social work, learning in social work, focused on solving practical problems, social work, etc. In domestic studies, the emphasis is on the theory of social work, topical issues theory and practice of social work, social work with children and youth, development of a model of a specialist in the social sphere, social security. An important step in improving scientific approaches in the social sphere is the specialization of research in the study of forms, methods, technologies of social work with various target groups and categories of the population.

Several stages can be distinguished in the formation of scientific and theoretical approaches to social work in Ukraine:

1. Analysis of empirical material accumulated during the activity of the social protection system in Ukraine and abroad, psychological and pedagogical approaches in working with children and youth up to the 80s pp. XX century

2. Conducting discussions on the delimitation of social pedagogy and social work as spheres of scientific knowledge and practical activity, defining the subject of study of social pedagogy and social work, the scope of social pedagogical activity and social work - the second half of the 80s - early 90s pp.

3. Creation of departments of social work, associations social educators and social workers; the emergence of dissertations on social and pedagogical work with various categories of children and youth - the second half of the 90s pp.

4. Allocation of special scientific research on individual groups population (special groups of clients, "risk groups"): people prone to drug and alcohol addiction, disabled people, orphans, problem families and others on the basis of studying the work of specialized institutions (helplines, centers for working with women, rehabilitation centers, public organizations etc.); the creation of schools of social work; implementation of international social projects and programs.

5. Development teaching aids, textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, methodological developments, anthologies and other scientific and educational-methodical publications - 2000-2002 pp.

A holistic view of a person and spiritual and moral values ​​of society

The emerging theory of social work traditionally places the problem of the holistic comprehension of a person as an object of cognition outside the brackets of theoretical construction, focusing on the features of various technologies for social support of people in need of social protection.

At the same time, the humanistic approach used in social work requires considering a person from the point of view of a holistic view.

Increased attention to the world of human existence, in which experience and science, rational and emotional, psychological and biological, social and spiritual-cultural, etc., as well as to the world of phenomena and facts are combined, constitutes an essential aspect of the phenomenological vision of human existence. This allows him to open for him his own largely unique experience, to preserve continuity and traditions, to resist non-vital forms of social work.

The revival of the spiritual and moral potential of the individual in modern conditions is the most important prerequisite for the social development of society. In this regard, the scientific understanding of the origins and ways of reviving the traditions of the spirituality of society, contributing to the consolidation of social groups and strata, remains extremely relevant.

Morality is an element of social life due to the fact that the norms and principles of morality, embodied in the practical actions of people, determine their value orientations in behavior and actions.

Moral progress is expressed primarily in the humanization of existing social mores, the enrichment of the content of moral ideals, from the standpoint of which the vital activity of the individual and social life as a whole are assessed.

It is morals that determine the connection of morality with all other aspects of the life of society, society.

The practical life of society testifies that without a certain unifying idea, high spiritual principles and moral norms of individual behavior, the state is incapable of social development. It is necessary to actively form a public ideology in order to create an atmosphere of kindness, justice, conscience, humanity and faith.

Spiritual and moral self-preservation of society is achieved through two reciprocal processes:

  • 1) constant concern for the preservation and rationalization of the use of the spiritual heritage;
  • 2) tireless search for opportunities for renewal, creative comprehension of more effective forms of culture.

Social culture is a historical experience, memory of social communities and their generations in the sphere of social relations, reproduction and development of social subjects, norms, rules of their behavior, interaction and communication in certain historical conditions. Social culture is an integral element of general culture, the entire spiritual life of society, social knowledge of each subject; it embodies the social memory and wisdom of previous generations, is a powerful protective force of the entire society.

This is a special social system, within the framework of which the activities of individuals and groups are carried out, realizing their needs, taking into account socio-cultural norms and technologies. A substantial characteristic of the scope of a concept is made up of a wide set of moral ideals and models, moral standards and values ​​in the field of subjects' behavior, as well as moral, legal, socio-psychological (traditions, customs, fashion, etc.) mechanisms of regulating influence on social relations. In this sense, we can talk about the spiritual and moral factor as a really functioning social mechanism in society.

Unfortunately, spirituality is losing its traditional important role in motivating and regulating activities and behavior. Obviously, there is a gravitation towards utilitarian-pragmatic guidelines, lack of ideology in actions. The gap between social and individual values ​​is growing, which is reflected and reproduced in the duality, “mosaicism” of the inner world of the individual, the discrepancy between feelings and actions, plans and deeds, desired and actual, official behavior and unofficial life. All this determines the personality syndromes of dissatisfaction, social fatigue, and aggressiveness.

Society perceives the rampant violence and crime with particular concern. According to the rating, this indicator in mass polls surpasses even the indicator of anxiety caused by the economic crisis. People are tired of violence and arbitrariness, dream of justice, believe that good will triumph and evil will disappear. But at the same time, there is no such social ideal that people would strive for, in the name and for the sake of which they motivated their actions.

The tendency towards dehumanization is growing public relations... Its intensity, "technologization" and "functionalization" are not compensated or corrected by the corresponding rates of humanization.

The dehumanization of the period we are experiencing is most clearly manifested in the decline of morals and morality. Rampant permissiveness, the predominance of narrowly utilitarian motivation in people's behavior, skepticism towards the moral ideal, dehumanization of human relationships - these are just some of the aggressive tendencies. Many are clearly lacking in moral integrity and resilience. There is a deep gap between the demands of public morality and individual morality.

The moral revival of society requires, first of all, the improvement of the conditions and way of life of people, the formation of a moral economy and politics, the provision of the necessary rights and freedoms for the individual. There is a need to introduce an examination of state and public projects and decisions from the point of view of morality, to substantiate moral and humanistic evaluation criteria social action, to restore the personality in the full-fledged role of the subject of moral requirements, to provide appropriate conditions and incentives for moral and psychological competition.

In modern conditions, the importance of such universal human values ​​as the right to life, humanism, freedom, conscience, justice, dignity, duty, solidarity, moral norms, etc. is increasing.

Values ​​constitute the core of a person's spiritual world, unite his feelings, thoughts, will into a stable whole and play a decisive role in the formation of the personality, the manifestation of it social activity, the formation of social relations in society.

  • See: Theory of Social Work: Textbook / Ed. E. I. Kholostova, L. I. Kononova, M. V. Vdovina. M., 2012.
  • See: Social work: theory and practice: Textbook, manual / Ed. E. I. Kholostova, A. S. Sorvina. M., 2004.S. 73-74.

From the very beginning, the scientific and theoretical understanding of the forms of assistance to those in need was "grouped" according to different levels of social work practice, in particular, the individual level,

2.groups and families,


5. society.

The theories of Z. Freud, B.F. Skinner and J. Piaget.

B. Skinner believes that it is important to take into account such three factors as, first, an event that causes a certain reaction of a person; secondly, this reaction itself (its character, form, etc.); third, the consequences.

The group as a specific phenomenon also attracts the attention of specialists from different spheres of social knowledge. The "key" theories in the early days of social work as a science were those of Kurt Lewin, George Howans and Alvin Zander.

Relatively recently, the importance of the organizational level as an independent level of its practice has been recognized in social work. Management, management - Great contribution made M.P. Follett, F. Selznick, R. Merton, M. Zald, E. Goffman and others.

Social workers actively use ideas R. Merton that many people associate their interests with the community in which they live ("The meaning of influence: the study of external influence and communicative behavior in the local community", 1949). - group social work.

Mayer Zald(1931) in his work "The Political Economy of Social Organizations" (1973) considered the prospects of the social sciences in the study of the functions of social workers. M. Zalda's views help social workers pay attention to such questions: what is the mechanism for obtaining social status, how is the use of available resources, etc.

Erwin Goffman(1922-1982) Best known among social workers E. Hoffman "Shelter" ( 1961) "Introducing yourself in everyday life"(1959) expresses the idea that “everyone in the world is playing”, that we are all constantly “presenting” ourselves to others, and they are themselves to us. Role theory, discussed in this book has entered the vocabulary of social workers.

USA A special role in the study of social. problems and their use in social work belongs to the specialists of the Chicago School.

V The University of Chicago since 1900, the training of specialists in the field of social work and sociology has been carried out. Tramps (N. Anderson. Tramps, 1923), slums (H. Sonbach. Gold Coast and Slums, 1929) become the object of their scientific research.

The societal level of social work is based on a structural-functional approach, which implies an understanding of social life in the form of a multitude of interactions of people, their endless interweaving.

Women have played an important role in the development of social work around the world, representing two main areas of social work:

1. psychosocial, or "clinical", social work, as it was called before, (aimed at the personality of the client)

2. structural social work, or work focused on the social environment of the client.

Feminist movement - the first practical steps in the field of theoretical understanding of social work were taken by feminists in many countries of the world

Shaw Lowell Josephine(1843-1905) She believed that the causes of poverty lie in the very nature of poor people. In this regard, Josephine was engaged in researching the character of poor people.

Mary Richmond(1861-1928) since 1889 she was engaged in social work as an assistant to a charitable organization in Baltimore. In 1917 she published her later famous book Social Diagnoses. She was often called the "mother of social therapy"

Bertha Reynolds(1883-1978) began her social work at an orphanage in Boston, which had many colored children. This practice reinforced her belief that it is not the personality that needs to be changed, and society.

Jane Adams(1860-1935) was skeptical of charity. Her work is within the "settlement" movement.

Historically, the most famous schools in social work theory include


· Functional.

Diagnostic school directly associated with Smith College in New York, where social workers have been trained since 1918. At this time, there was a need for specialists who could work to overcome the emotional problems of World War I veterans and their families.

The greatest success in the field of theoretical research is achieved by Mary Richmond, who described the essence of the method of individual social work.

M. Richmond viewed poverty as a disease of an individual's inability to independently organize his independent life. The client acted as a kind of patient, and the task of the social worker was reduced to "social healing" of an individual in an unsatisfactory state, and preparing the ward to be able to independently solve their problems, i.e., social work was based on medical model.

M. Richmond believed that the most important thing in social work is to correctly make a social diagnosis and take it as a basis when choosing a method of assistance. She stressed the importance of evaluating each case individually, based on its internal conditions. Social diagnosis involved assessing both the client's personality and his social status. M. Richmond considered social assistance as a combination of measures, the result of which are changes in both the individual and the social environment.

Based on psychoanalytic approaches, M. Richmond subdivided social activities into two mutually complementary categories: indirect method of "treatment" and direct method.

Indirect method consists in influencing the environment, in the ability, by changing the social environment, to influence the client's life situation in a direction favorable to him.

Direct method consists in direct influence on the client himself with the help of suggestions, advice, persuasion, as well as rational discussions in order to involve the client in the development and adoption of decisions. By establishing partnerships

The indirect method of influencing the client and the direct method determined in the future the development of two directions in the theory of social work - sociological and psychological

In the book "Social Diagnoses" (1917) the process of interaction between a social worker and a client is described for the first time.

Subsequently, the procedure is formalized into the method of individual work, which has become fundamental in the technologies of social work.

Were determined principles of interaction between social worker and client which M. Richmond called "Principles of mental hygiene":

Sympathize with the client,

Give him preference

Encourage him,

· Build joint clear plans of action with him.

Subsequently, these principles will be taken as a basis. code of ethics social worker.

Further understanding and development of this approach is associated with the research of W. Robertson and G. Hamilton. Representatives of the diagnostic school of social workers argued that in order to determine the treatment, it is necessary to collect as much objective data as possible about the client and his situation.

V. Robertson proposes not to focus on the client's situation, collecting information about the client's past experience, his childhood, personality assessment, while the assessment of the situation becomes secondary.

G. Hamilton expands the concept of diagnosis and gives it a new interpretation in accordance with trends in social work. He reinterpreted the diagnosis as the basis of the method; he begins to appear not as an attitude towards action, almost an equality between honey. treatment and social. work.

We observe another approach in the development of the theory and practice of social work in the direction of training social workers at the Pennsylvania School of Social Workers in the 1930s, which was named "Functional school of social work". This direction is associated with an interest in the social environment and the process of providing care, but not as a treatment process, but rather as a service provided within the framework of social service... The main influence on the development of the theoretical attitudes of the representatives of the functional school was exerted by the ideas of the Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank (birth trauma), and subsequently Karl R. Rogers