Gas imbalance between supplier and consumer. Features of accounting for "imbalance" in regional gas sales companies. Finding and eliminating the causes of mass imbalance



[Clarifications on the issue of accounting for gas losses]

In order to resolve disagreements arising during settlements between suppliers, gas consumers and gas distribution organizations that provide gas transportation services (hereinafter referred to as gas distribution companies), the FTS of Russia provides clarifications on the issue of accounting for gas losses.

The difference between the total volume of gas received from the supplier (according to the data of gas metering units installed at the gas distribution station) and the volume of gas sold to consumers, including the population and gas distribution centers (according to data from gas meters at consumers or in the event of their absence or non-compliance with the requirements standards - according to the established norms of consumption and / or design capacity of gas-using equipment), forms a gas imbalance, which, as a rule, is caused by the following reasons:

a) deviation of the volumes of actual gas consumption by the population from the consumption standards approved in accordance with the established procedure;

b) deviation of the volume of the actual gas consumption of the gas distribution system for technological needs from the volume calculated according to the current norms and fixed in the contract for the supply of gas for the technological needs of the gas distribution organization;

c) carrying out emergency work, as well as unscheduled repair work;

d) technological gas losses in gas distribution systems (operational leaks, etc.):

e) measurement error of installed gas metering devices for industrial consumers and the population and existing problems with bringing the measured gas volumes to normal conditions;

f) non-observance of the technological regime of gas transportation.

Does not apply to gas imbalance and further does not consider gas consumption by gas distribution stations for planned own and technological needs (use of gas at own boiler houses and gas-consuming installations, routine maintenance of gas supply systems, etc.). The indicated volume of gas must be paid for by the gas distribution company under a separate contract on general terms for all consumers. At the same time, these costs, if they are justified in the part attributed to a regulated type of activity, are taken into account when setting tariffs for gas transportation services through gas distribution networks (hereinafter - tariffs) under the item "material costs".

Responsibility for the gas imbalance caused by the above reasons, according to the FTS of Russia, is distributed between the gas supplier and the gas distribution company as follows.

The financial result of the gas supplier should include losses (profit) received:

due to the deviation of the actual consumption of gas by the population for household needs from the consumption standards approved in the prescribed manner, in view of the fact that the resulting gas losses are not losses during gas transportation. In this case, the FTS of Russia considers it expedient to carry out appropriate work in order to bring the established standards for gas consumption to a reasonable level. In addition, we consider it necessary to carry out work on the introduction of gas metering devices for the population, including at hydraulic fracturing stations and gas distribution centers, distributing gas to residential areas;

due to the deviation of gas volumes due to the measurement error of the installed gas consumption meters at the gas distribution station, among industrial consumers and the population. The error of metering devices is determined on the basis of passport data and in accordance with GOST 8.143-75. In this case, the FTS of Russia considers it appropriate to provide for a mechanism for resolving differences in technical agreements and gas supply contracts, as well as to carry out the necessary work to replace obsolete equipment at gas metering stations.

For the purpose of determining the actual gas consumption by the population without metering devices, we recommend using RD 153-39.0-071-01, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 04.04.2001 N 100.

Financial losses from gas imbalance caused by other reasons, including non-observance of the technological regime of gas transportation through the fault of gas distribution companies, should be attributed to the financial results of gas distribution companies, taking into account the following remarks.

The volume of gas used by the GDO during the localization and elimination of accidents, for unscheduled shutdown or connection of equipment or individual sections of gas pipelines, etc., must be paid by the organization, through whose fault it was required to perform the specified work. Accordingly, these costs cannot be taken into account when setting the gas distribution system tariff.

In addition, the corresponding insurance costs, including for gas supply facilities in case of emergencies, can be taken into account when setting tariffs.

The volume of technological gas losses in gas distribution systems (operational leaks, etc.) and, accordingly, the level of expenses for gas distribution stations under this item for the purpose of calculating gas distribution stations tariffs is determined according to the "Methodology for determining gas consumption for technological needs of gas facilities and losses in gas distribution systems" RD 153-39.4-079-01. adopted and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 01.08.2001 N 231.

It should be noted that the amount of technological losses taken into account when calculating the tariff cannot exceed 0.5% - 0.6% of the total volume of gas transportation.

In relation to the volumes of gas used in the elimination of emergency situations, as well as those associated with technological losses, the tariff for services for the transportation of gas through gas distribution networks should not be applied.

At the same time I ask you to consider the information letter of the Federal Energy Commission of Russia dated 08.08.2003 N YUS-2831/9 invalid.

S.G. Novikov

The text of the document is verified by:
Federal Tariff Service "
N 17, June 29, 2005

I do not know how things are at the GDS of other legal entities - I can only talk about the GDS of my transgaz.

Transgaz is a gas supplier for MRG, which supplies gas to direct consumers and makes settlements with them. Therefore, transgaz, as a legal entity, is financially not in any way interested in distorting the flow rate readings, and representatives of the MRG cannot perform any manipulations with the instruments for measuring gas consumption at the transgaz gas distribution station (these are not their objects).

The situation when the IWG is unable to collect payments from consumers for the whole gas released from the gas distribution station is found everywhere and, as practice shows, in 99% of cases this is not due to incorrect (in every sense) measurement of the gas flow rate at the gas distribution station. Representatives of the IWG annually visit all our GDSs with inspections. At the flow metering units, they have sealed everything that is possible (and even that which, as we thought, could not be sealed). All parameter changes are recorded in the electronic archives of the calculators and duplicated (via the telemechanics system) on the computers of the dispatching service.

"Zero drift" is more typical for pressure sensors (especially "absolute" ones), but if the gas flow rate starts to differ from the average values, then the reasons are immediately clarified.

Therefore, I suggest "not looking for a black cat in a dark room, especially if she is not there."

Alexey Georgievich, and I was not going to "look for cats" just a question was asked about theoretical the possibility of manipulating the balance at the GDS - theoretically there are possibilities ...

Practically speaking, I completely agree with you here, the probability is quite low - as far as I know, each regional representative office of Transgaz has intermediate suppliers, with their own metering units ... the system through booster stations, the same amount must go through the gas distribution station, therefore, in order to cheat qualitatively, it is necessary to simultaneously tighten the SI at all stages of gas supply, which is quite unlikely ...

But when the gas enters the MRG, then much more black holes appear there, for example - not only does the MRG use a different gas density for calculations (relative, in air), but they somehow average it over some of their calculations (for season, six months, a year - it's hard to say) - it's possible that everything is legal there, but from the outside it looks suspicious ...

Again, the temperature coefficients for SI without temperature correction, set on the street - where is it taken into account that the SI is on the street, how are they applied? And if the SI is in the room, but the flow rate is large enough (column, pot) and the gas does not have time to warm up and goes cold enough, is it taken into account somewhere ?!

By way of discussion

causes of occurrence and ways to reduce
V.P. Kargapoltsev, O.A. Mitskevich
The massive introduction of water meters used for metering tap water consumed in the residential sector has led to problems with calculating the readings of these devices. In accordance with the government decree "On the procedure for providing public utilities to citizens", the calculation of apartment owners with the water supply organization for the resources consumed is based on the readings of apartment water meters (if installed) or water consumption standards (if the meters are not installed). As a result of the application of this calculation method, it turned out that the monthly water consumption according to the general house water meter in most cases exceeds the sum of the readings of the apartment water meters and the volumes according to the consumption standards. The discrepancy in some cases reaches tens of percent, even when installing water meters in all apartments. This situation leads to the appearance of a “thirteenth receipt” in settlements between the supplier and the consumer of water, which is issued to apartment owners once a year and compensates the water supply organization for the costs of supplying the house with unpaid volumes of water during the year.

The reasons for the imbalance in most publications include the following: - leaks and unauthorized discharge in the intra-house network outside the apartments; - excess water consumption by apartment owners who have not installed water meters. The absolute reliability of the readings of apartment water meters is perceived as an axiom.

Meanwhile, the water meter as a device is designed to solve a specific problem - measuring the volume of water consumed during the reporting period (month) at its consumption in the passport range of costs. This range is established by the passport for the device and the corresponding GOST. Based on the requirements of the standard, manufacturing enterprises produce apartment water meters of classes A, B and C (more accurate class C meters are quite expensive and practically not in demand). The most widespread are devices with a nominal diameter of 15 mm. The minimum passport consumption for class A and B is 60 and 30 liters per hour, for class C - 15. At a flow rate lower than the minimum water meters work unstable. At flow rates less than the sensitivity threshold (which, based on the standard, should be no more than half of the minimum flow rate), the meters do not record flow at all. Water meters with a diameter of 15 mm, offered on the domestic market, depending on the manufacturer, have a sensitivity threshold of 6, 10, 12, 15, 30 liters per hour. Thus, with a water intake with a flow rate less than the sensitivity threshold of the water meter, the tenant receives the "legal" right not to pay for the water consumed, which becomes one of the reasons for the imbalance between the readings of the general house and the amount of readings of apartment water meters.

Reducing the sensitivity threshold is disadvantageous for manufacturers, since increases production costs, increases selling prices, decreases sales and profits. The consumer is interested in purchasing a cheaper meter with a higher sensitivity threshold. Such a counter does not record low costs - it is more "economical"; after the end of the calibration interval, it is more likely to pass the verification. However, the use of such a device will inevitably be reflected in an increase in the imbalance.

How big is the contribution of the component of water consumption, underestimated by the devices, to the overall imbalance? In the course of an experiment carried out in Moscow in a typical 84-apartment building to install water meters in all apartments of a residential building, install a general water meter and organize automated data collection, the monthly imbalance for cold water was 20%, for hot water - 30%. Household water meters missed 92 cubic meters of cold and 154 cubic meters of hot water per month. Is it possible to attribute such volumes to in-house leaks outside the apartments? A leak of 246 cubic meters of water per month (average consumption of 340 liters per hour) in a single-entrance building would hardly go unnoticed by residents.

Water meters at different times of the day work both in the passport range of costs and at costs below the minimum. Research carried out by specialists from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering has shown the following:

The water consumption during the day in the average apartment has a discrete character: - "technological consumption" - with the taps open; - “leakage rate” - with the taps closed;

The duration of the "process flow" is only 1 - 2% of the total time of the day (24 hours); during the remaining 98 - 99% of the daily time, the water entering the apartment is spent on leaks.

Even with a small amount of leakage flow due to its long duration, the total volume for these 98 - 99% of the time (with unregulated toilet cisterns, leaks in taps, using household filters, etc.) can be comparable to the total consumption. One meter with a sensitivity threshold of 30 liters per hour, in this case, in the limit, may allow an underestimation of water (30 liters x 24 hours x 0.98) = 705 liters per day. The reported leak rate of 705 liters is by no means a mathematical abstraction. For example, a common household appliance in a 108-apartment building in Lipetsk showed that the average consumption of cold water per person here exceeds 800 liters per day. After the faulty mixers and toilet cisterns were repaired, the average consumption decreased by three and a half times.

This situation (a high level of water leaks due to the poor quality of networks and water fittings) is generally typical for domestic water supply systems and differs only quantitatively on different buildings. At the same time, the final consumer of water (tenant) is weak, only indirectly - through the "thirteenth receipt" - is interested in eliminating leaks. Today, Ivanov himself, his neighbors Petrov, Sidorov, as well as all the other residents of the house who have installed water meters, pay for the leaking toilet bowl in the apartment of the tenant Ivanov. Saving water by the tenant, in which he is directly interested, is a decrease in its consumption only during the "technological consumption", at which the meters record the consumption. With a constant water intake during the "leakage rate", a decrease in the useful parsing of water by the tenant (water saving) leads to a relative increase in the imbalance distributed among all tenants who have installed water meters, in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments they occupy.

The low quality of tap water or the meters themselves leads to accelerated wear of the internal elements of water meters, a shift in the sensitivity threshold towards high flow rates, often to the level of the minimum flow rate, which leads to a further increase in the imbalance value. A significant number of devices (up to 70%) after the end of the calibration interval (4 - 5 years) do not undergo periodic verification and are considered unsuitable. Moreover, the main part of the meters during verification is rejected precisely because of inoperability or an excess of error at a minimum flow rate. A sufficiently long intertesting interval does not make it possible to quickly identify devices that are inaccurate accounting and reduce the imbalance during operation.

The sensitivity threshold of the devices is set by the manufacturers and is indicated in the passports for the meters. An analysis of the calibration methods posted on the Internet sites of instrument manufacturers shows that not at all factories this parameter is controlled during release from production. In these methods, in accordance with which verification is carried out after the end of the calibration interval, for the most part, performance monitoring at the sensitivity threshold is not provided at all. This parameter becomes purely formal and is not controlled by anyone.

When carrying out checks after the completion of the next calibration interval, the suitability of the water meter for further operation is determined in most cases by the mean integral error, where certain weight coefficients are assigned to all verification costs, the coefficient 0.65 corresponds to the nominal flow, and 0.02 to the minimum. With this method of determining the total error, sufficiently large errors of the device at low flow rates are "masked" by their low weight, based on the assumption that the main analysis of water occurs at high flow rates. As a result, the certificate of verification for the device formally confirms the compliance of the device with its documentation, but does not guarantee the accuracy of the accounting of water consumption at long-term low flow rates.

Based on this, it is reasonable to assume that the above "leakage rate" is not recorded by water meters not in a narrow range "from zero to the sensitivity threshold", but twice as wide as "from zero to minimum flow". At the same time, the values ​​of the volumes of daily water consumption by residents recorded by the devices and the values ​​of the volumes of daily leakages not recorded by the devices become comparable. This is the most likely reason for the appearance of situations described in various sources of information, when, with 100% equipping of apartments with metering devices, the house imbalance reaches many tens of percent.

Thus, the most likely reason for the imbalance between the readings of the general house water meter and the sum of the readings of the apartment water meters are not leaks outside the apartments, but the discrepancy between the real ranges of water meters and the real ranges of costs existing in the apartment water supply systems. The value of the imbalance increases with the increase in the service life of the meters.

The domestic system for organizing municipal water consumption accounting, consisting of a large number of federal and regional regulatory documents, does not take into account the fact that domestic water supply systems differ significantly from Western ones in a significant intra-apartment volume of leaks that are not recorded by apartment metering devices.

To create an effective system of municipal water supply and water metering that stimulates water conservation, a number of organizational and technical measures are required:

a) in the field of water supply and water consumption:

- the use of water-folding and shut-off valves with a minimum level of leakage;

- organization and conduct of periodic preventive examinations and adjustments of water-folding and shut-off valves;

- improving the quality of tap water and bringing its characteristics in line with the current standards;

b) in the field of water accounting:

- development of mandatory requirements governing the production and use of water meters with the lowest possible sensitivity thresholds and minimum lower limits of the measurement ranges;

- introduction of additions to the methods of calibration of devices, obliging to control the threshold of sensitivity during release from production and during periodic checks;

- organization of incoming control of water meters performance at the threshold of sensitivity and minimum flow rate before their installation;

- during the operation of devices in the event of imbalances - the organization of operational diagnostics of the state of metering devices at the place of their operation.

UDC 531.733


Original Russian Text © A.A. Ignatiev, D.B. Belov

Key words: gas imbalance; volumes of supplied and consumed gas; the reasons for the imbalance; measurement errors of gas volumes.

An imbalance in the volumes of supplied and consumed gas can arise for various reasons, which are of an accidental and non-accidental nature. Identifying the reasons for the discrepancy between the indicated volumes of gas, as well as establishing a theoretically justified value of the imbalance is an extremely important task of gas distribution.

In the practice of gas distribution, a situation often arises when the volumes of gas supplied by Ukoot and consumed by Kpotr do not coincide with each other. Such

the discrepancy may be due to the following reasons:

1) the presence of errors in measuring volumes

waste post;

2) failures in the gas metering system;

3) unauthorized interference with the gas distribution system;

4) gas losses caused by gas leaks or breakdowns of elements of the gas distribution network.

The discrepancy in the values ​​of gas volumes Kpotr and

Kpost, measured by metering devices of consumers and supplier, is called imbalance. The volume of gas imbalance Vр is equal to:

p consumer post

Identifying the reasons for the discrepancy between the indicated volumes of gas, as well as establishing a theoretically justified value of the imbalance is an extremely important task of gas distribution, since the economic efficiency of the work of organizations selling natural gas to consumers (Regiongazov) directly depends on this.

The theoretical basis for solving this problem is as follows.

The first reason is recognized as valid if the absolute value of the imbalance | ^ | less or equal

the absolute value of its random error Δ ^, i.e.:

V< ДV р _ р

Rice. 1. Explanation of fulfillment of condition (2)

The meaning of this condition can be explained using Fig. 1.

From fig. 1 it can be seen that if the real (true) Vp the actual value of the imbalance Vp will be equal to

zero (Vp effective = 0), then its value calculated by

formula (1), can be in the range from -DUp

up to + DVp due to errors DVr determination

unbalance values. Hence it follows that if the absolute value of the imbalance value does not exceed the error with which this imbalance can be determined, then its actual value Vp dyst can theoretically be considered equal to zero,

despite the discrepancy in the readings of gas meters. Since condition (2) deals with the random error ДVр, then the conclusion about the significance of the quantity

imbalance Vр is done with the confidence probability with which its value was estimated. The imbalance Vр, arising for this reason, leads to

unearned profit of the gas supplier in the case of its positive value and to unreasonable losses for him in the event of a negative value. It is advisable to redistribute this imbalance between consumers and the gas supplier in order to reduce unearned profits or unjustified losses.

The rest of the previously listed reasons for the discrepancy between volumes and will act,

if condition (2) is not met. This means that the discrepancy in the results of accounting for the delivered

and consumed VШyр volumes of gas by the supplier and

the consumer, accordingly, cannot be explained by the presence of random errors in the measurement results. The reason should be sought in this case either in serious non-accidental failures in the operation of measuring instruments, or in unauthorized interference in the distribution of gas by a third party besides the supplier and consumer, etc.

Condition (2) can be mathematically verified depending on the information available from the supplier about the gas metering errors by the consumer in two ways.

The first way is to compare and

for any accounting period, if all are known

accounting errors by both supplier D and

consumer Д ^^ or consumers ДИ ^ р г,

if there are several of them. In this case, the variance of the unbalance error is determined as the sum of the variances of all errors:

where SV is the variance of the unbalance error; £ D ^^ -

variance of the supplier's gas volume metering error; SDV g - variance of the volume accounting error

gas by g-m consumer.

The error with which the value of the unbalance will be determined in this situation can be calculated using the formula:

where Г is the relative width of the confidence interval of the random error ДVр.

Since the supplier and the consumer use metrologically sound verified measuring instruments, they observe the measurement procedure PR 50.2.019

The distribution law of the probability of the results of their measurements will correspond to the normal one, and, consequently, the distribution law of the error probability Δ ^ of the imbalance will also have a normal form. Thus, the parameter Г should be selected according to the tables of the normalized normal measurement, depending on the accepted confidence probability P.

The second method is based on GOST R 50779.23-2005

It should be used when there is no information about the errors with which the consumer estimates the volume of gas used by him. This situation is typical for a supplier supplying a large number of consumers. Collect comprehensive information

about all the measuring instruments used to measure the consumed gas is becoming an extremely difficult matter, especially since their fleet is constantly being updated. In this case, the unbalance error can be estimated by its values ​​obtained at different times. The unbalance values ​​are considered here as the result of repeated measurements.

The reasons for using this approach are as follows:

A physical quantity (imbalance) is measured with the same expected size, which ideally should be zero;

Since practically the same measuring instruments and methods are used that meet all metrological requirements, the law of the probability distribution of the unbalance values ​​(the type and values ​​of the numerical characteristics) during its measurements at different times will be the same - normal.

To ensure the correctness of the above grounds, when analyzing the imbalance values, one should use such periods of time when the supply and consumption of gas have slightly different values ​​and are carried out in similar climatic conditions, for example, only in summer or only in winter. This circumstance is especially important for ensuring the correctness of the second reason.

The essence of the method is as follows. Let the supplier determine the imbalance for the r accounting periods, for example, for 30 days of one month (r = 30). These values ​​are used to calculate the average value of the unbalance Vp and an estimate of its standard deviation

where ^ is the ordinal number of the unbalance measurement (accounting period), ^ = 1 ... g; D ^ d - unbalance value,

measured in the ^ -th accounting period; d is the number of measurements.

The error of the mean value of the unbalance D ^ is determined by the formula:

The relative width of the confidence interval Г is chosen in the same way as it was chosen in the first method (see (4)) with the difference that if the number of measurements r is small (r< 30...35), то вместо таблиц нормированного нормального распределения вероятности следует использовать таблицы распределения вероятности Стьюдента. При этом число степеней свободы / определится как:

The value of the imbalance Vр is recognized as random if the condition is met:

PP |<Кр| . (9)

In essence, this condition is similar to condition (2). The only difference is that here the error of the mean value of the unbalance is considered, which is determined by its current values.

The described method for analyzing the value of the gas imbalance makes it possible to determine the degree of randomness of its occurrence, which is a consequence of errors in measuring the volumes of supplied and consumed gas. If the value of the unbalance exceeds the error with which it was determined, then its value is recognized as nonrandom. The latter circumstance is a factor according to which it is required to search for the reasons for the non-accidental occurrence of an imbalance and take measures to eliminate them.


1. Shishkin I.F. Metrology, standardization and quality management: textbook. for universities / ed. NS. Solomenko. M .: Publishing house of standards, 1990.342 p.

2. PR 50.2.019-96. GSE. Measurement technique using turbine, rotary and vortex meters.

3. GOST R 50779.23-2005. Statistical methods. Statistical presentation of data. Comparison of two means in paired observations.


The appearance of imbalance of delivered and used volumes of gas can be caused by different reasons which have the random and non-random character. The reasons reveal of the difference of given volumes of gas and also the establishment of theoretically based value of imbalance are the main task of gas distribution.

Key words: gas imbalance; volumes of delivered and used gas; reasons of imbalance appearance; gas volume random errors.






Registered in the Federal Register of Measurement Techniques under No.



ARTISTS: B.M. Belyaev

A.I. Vereskov (leader of the topic)

APPROVED by FSUE "VNIIMS" 09.12.2002

REGISTERED by FSUE "VNIIMS" 09.12. 2002 year



The technique was developed taking into account the requirements of GOST R 8.563-96 GSI. Measurement techniques, MI 2525-99 “GSI. Recommendations on metrology approved by the State Scientific Metrological Centers of the Gosstandart of Russia "," Rules for the supply of gas to the Russian Federation ", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on February 5, 1998 under No.," Gas metering rules ", registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 15, 1996 under No. 1198 ...


1.1. This methodology establishes the procedure for measuring (determining) the amount of natural gas to distribute the imbalance between suppliers and consumers on the territory of the Russian Federation using the "Natural Gas Balance" program.


To measure (determine) the amount of natural gas in the distribution of the unbalance, statistical processing of the initial data is carried out:

2.1.1. Determine the structure of links in the "suppliers-consumers" system. The total number n of suppliers and consumers (hereinafter referred to as participants in the accounting operation or participants) is determined. Each participant is assigned his individual number, which can take a value from 1 to n. The total number m of gas transfer points (hereinafter referred to as points) is determined and numbers from 1 to m are assigned to them.

2.2. The procedure for measuring (determining) the values ​​of the amount of gas during accounting operations (hereinafter referred to as accounting values).

Determination of accounting values ​​is carried out in accordance with the method of statistical data analysis set out in the appendix. The solution to the problem of determining the accounting values ​​is algorithmic in nature and is implemented using the "Natural Gas Balance" program developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIIMS". The algorithm for calculating the accounting values ​​is given in the appendix. All calculations by the method are carried out using the program in automatic mode.

2.2.1. The data listed in clause are processed using the "Natural Gas Balance" program according to one of the options in cl. The result is: Correction values ​​to the original measurement results, equal to the difference between the accounting and measured values. The value of the imbalance of the initial measurement results at each point, equal to the difference between the sum of measurements of suppliers and the sum of measurements of consumers in this point (hereinafter - the initial imbalance in the point).

2.4.1. The choice of one of the solution options according to item (both options are implemented in the program) is provided to the user of the technique. In this case, they are guided by the following considerations.

The accounting values ​​uj, determined according to p. differ from the initial measurement results vj by no more than the value of the limit of the permissible absolute error ∆j. Such a condition was introduced because its violation may cause disagreement between the participants in the accounting operation. In this variant, the distribution of the unbalance can be either complete or incomplete, depending on the specific numerical values ​​of the initial data.

In this regard, a second option for solving the problem is provided - according to p. The imbalance is fully distributed, while the condition of limited correction may be met or violated.

2.4.2. The best option for solving the problem is the equality to zero of the residual unbalance with a limited correction of the initial measurement results. To investigate such a possibility, the program analyzes the initial data. Receive

3.2. The software takes into account the special type and data structure of specific tasks. The structure of links in the system "suppliers-consumers" must be specified by the customer of the software in the form of a diagram (figure) and a table and agreed with the developer. For an example of setting the structure of links, see the appendices,.

3.3. It is possible to select the value of the control parameter p (see the appendix, p.), Which affects the solution of the problem as follows: its value determines whether the imbalance will be distributed to a greater extent among the participants in the accounting operation, which account for large quantities, or its distribution will be more even among all participants. Based on this, the most appropriate parameter value is selected within the range specified in clause. The following options are possible.

3.3.1. When developing a program, a certain parameter value is selected and fixed.

3.3.2. Use the data analysis results and the p-value recommendation obtained by the program. The statistical hypothesis is tested on the correspondence of the errors of the measurement results to the normal distribution (the check is performed by the program in automatic mode). If the hypothesis is accepted, the recommended value is p = 2.

3.3.4. The sequence of actions formulated in clause is implemented by the program in automatic mode.

3.4. It is possible to fix the initial measured (or determined according to the consumption rates) values ​​of the amount of gas for some of the participants. These values ​​are included in the initial data, but not adjusted (this means that the accounting values ​​are equal to the values ​​in the initial data that are used to calculate the unbalance value and remain unchanged in the process of solving the problem). When calculating according to the program, this opportunity can be realized in relation to any of the participants, in particular, when supplying gas to household consumers.

4.4. When measuring with gas meters without temperature compensation in accordance with GOST R 50818-95 "Volumetric diaphragm gas meters", correction factors are used to bring the measured gas volume to standard conditions in accordance with MI 2721-2002 "Typical procedure for making measurements with membrane gas meters without temperature compensation".

4.5. Measurement conditions. When performing measurements, the following conditions are met.

4.5.1. Working gas - natural gas - in accordance with GOST 5542-87 "Combustible natural gases for industrial and domestic purposes".

4.5.2. Operating conditions: passport data of measuring instruments correspond to real operating conditions for a given region.

4.6. Processing of measurement results.

4.6.1. To obtain accounting values, correction values ​​(equal to the difference between the accounting and measured values), correction coefficients to the measurement results (equal to the ratio of the accounting value to the measured value), the data listed in clause are processed according to the method described in the section.

4.6.2. The calculation is carried out according to the "Natural Gas Balance" program.

4.6.3. The accounting values ​​of the amount of gas, the correction factors for the measurement results are calculated and applied by the operating organizations of the gas distribution system.

4.6.4. An example of calculating accounting values, correction values, correction factors for measurement results is shown in the appendix.

4.7. Registration of measurement results and calculation of accounting values.

4.7.2. The information listed in clause is stored in the computer database of the operating organizations of the gas distribution system.


The calculation example is based on the "Natural Gas Balance" program developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIIMS".

It is required to determine the accounting values ​​and distribute the imbalance in the amount of gas based on the measurement results for the reporting period in the "suppliers-consumers" system with the structure of connections shown in the figure in the appendix. The diagram shows 10 participants in an accounting operation and 3 points of gas transmission. All participants are involved in the distribution of the imbalance. The example uses the participant numbering shown in the figure.

Initial numerical measurement data vj(m3) and error limits ∆ j the following:

Measured value

Error limit

In accordance with this scheme and the rule p. Form a table. The first line corresponds to the first item. Place 1 in the first and second positions of the first line, because suppliers correspond to these positions, -1 is placed in the third, fourth and fifth, because consumers correspond to these positions, 0 is placed in the remaining positions of the first line, since participants numbered 6-10 have nothing to do with the first item. The lines corresponding to the second and third paragraphs are filled in the same way. Get the table.:

Rice. B.1. Designations: (1), (2) - suppliers; (3), (4) - intermediate participants in an accounting transaction who are both suppliers and consumers; (5) - (10) - consumers; two horizontal lines - gas transfer points.


IN 1. The algorithm is based on the method of statistical data analysis with constraints on variables. The accounting values ​​determined by this method, obtained as a result of correcting the original measured values, are estimates of the true values ​​of the gas quantity. The method for solving the problem corresponds to the statistical method for estimating parameters, which allows one to obtain both traditional and robust estimates (i.e., stable with respect to gross data blunders and deviations from the normal law). The expediency of using robust data analysis methods to determine accounting values ​​is due to gross errors in data that are often encountered in practice, as a result of which large unbalance values ​​arise. Possible causes of this phenomenon are listed in the note to p.

Аu is a vector (of dimensions m) of the residual imbalance of accounting values, calculated as the product of the matrix A by the vector u (the i-th component of the vector Аu is equal to the difference between the sum of the accounting values ​​of suppliers and the sum of the accounting values ​​of consumers in the i-th point).

In accordance with the theory of mathematical statistics, the value of p in () should be selected depending on the type of distribution of measurement errors. In particular, with a normal distribution law, estimates with optimal statistical properties are obtained at p = 2 by the least squares method. In case of deviations from the normal law, the recommended values ​​are 1 ≤ p< 2.

AT 3. The algorithm for calculating accounting values ​​according to the method of p. Is based on an iterative procedure, at each step of which a vector of approximate values ​​is determined, where q is the iteration number.

U = (u1, ..., un) is determined by solving the optimization problem B.4). The vector of approximate values ​​is determined so that the value of the left side () at the current iteration is less than the corresponding value at the previous iteration.

B.6. Correction values ​​to the original measurement results are calculated by the formula

uj - vj, j = 1, ..., n. (B.6)

B.7. The vector (dimension m) of the initial imbalance (imbalance of the initial measurement results) is calculated by the formula

(The i-th component of the vector is equal to the difference between the sum of measurements of suppliers and the sum of measurements of consumers at the i-th point).

B.8. The vector (dimension m) of the residual imbalance (unbalance of the accounting values) is calculated by the formula

d ° = Au (B.8)

(The i-th component of the vector is equal to the difference between the sum of the accounting values ​​of suppliers and the sum of the accounting values ​​of consumers in the i-th point). The condition for the complete distribution of the unbalance: Аu = 0.

B.9. Vector (dimension m) - the limit of the allowable initial imbalance is calculated by the formula

where | A | - a matrix whose elements are equal to the absolute values ​​of the corresponding elements of the matrix A (the i-th component of the vector dn is equal to the sum of the limits of the permissible absolute errors of measurements of the participants in the i-th point).