Breeding is the science of creating new and improving existing breeds and. Breeding is the science of creating new and improving existing breeds and the Science of creating new

"Evolution of the organic world" - A caudal appendage. Blind cave fish. ? Polymastia is an accessory pair of mammary glands. 3. 4. Extremity? 12. 11. 6. Human tailbone. Facial hairiness.

Charles Darwin - In the spring of 1817, Charles entered primary school... Darwin's drawing of the geological structure of the Andes. Darwin's first expedition to the Andes June - November 1834 Charles Darwin's notebook. Charles' father Robert Erasmus Darwin had an extensive medical practice. Exposition of the State Darwin Museum.

"Biology Darwin" - A.S. Pushkin. The first mention of Darwin's entomological observations. Megatheria is an extinct sloth. Darwin's wife is Emma Darwin. Huxley. Darwin's handwritten diary. Darwin's mother is Susanna Darwin. November 24, 1859 ... Galapagos turtles. Thomas Huxley is a zoologist. Cambridge period of life 1828-1831.

"Evolution of the Earth" - Scheme of work: determination of the causes of the phenomena of the consequences of evolution. 3rd stage - planning the work of groups. Lesson - conference on the topic: The work was done by students using Power Point and Visual Basic 6.0. Svetlovsky urban district Municipal educational institution secondary school № 5.

"Artificial selection Darwin" - The doctrine of Charles Darwin about artificial selection. Centers of origin of cultivated plant varieties and animal breeds. Variability is the ability of an organism to acquire new signs and properties. Plants. Animals. Charles Darwin's study of practice Agriculture England. Breeding methods. Breeding by breeders of 150 breeds of pigeons, many breeds of dogs, varieties of cabbage ...

"Darwin's Theory" - The ability of organisms to reproduce indefinitely. Indefinite, individual, hereditary (modern - mutational). Struggle for existence. Defined, group, non-hereditary (modern - modification). It is caused by the influence of the external environment. Characteristics of artificial and natural selection.

There are 13 presentations in total

Selection - the science of creating new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms. The scientific foundations of selection were laid by Charles Darwin in his work "The Origin of Species" (1859), where he elucidated the causes and nature of the variability of organisms and showed the role of selection in the creation of new forms. An important stage further development selection was the discovery of the laws of heredity. A great contribution to the development of breeding was made by Μ. I. Vavilov, author of the law of homologous series in hereditary variability and the theory of the centers of origin of cultivated plants.

Subject of selection is the study of the laws of change, development, transformation of plants, animals and microorganisms in conditions created by man. With the help of selection, methods of influence on cultivated plants and domestic animals are being developed. This happens in order to change their hereditary qualities in the direction necessary for a person. Selection has become one of the forms of evolution of flora and fauna. It is subject to the same laws as the evolution of species in nature, but natural selection here is partially replaced by artificial one.

The theoretical basis of selection is genetics, evolutionary teaching. Using evolutionary theory, the laws of heredity and variability, the doctrine of pure lines and mutation, breeders have developed various methods for breeding plant varieties, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms. The main breeding methods include selection, hybridization, polyploidy, experimental mutagenesis, methods of genetic engineering, etc.

The main tasks of modern breeding is an increase in the productivity of varieties and breeds, their transfer to an industrial basis, the creation of breeds, varieties and strains adapted to the conditions of modern agriculture, ensuring the complete production of food products at the lowest cost, etc.

There are three main sections in breeding: plant breeding, animal breeding and microorganism breeding.

The concept of the breed, variety, strain

The objects and the end result of the breeding process are the breed, variety and strain.

Breed of animals is a collection of individuals within a certain species of animals, as it has genetically determined stable characteristics (properties and signs) , distinguishing it from other aggregates of individuals of this species of animals, steadily pass on to their descendants and is the result of human intellectual activity. Animals of the same breed are similar in body type, performance, fertility, color. This allows them to be distinguished from such other breeds. There must be a sufficient number of animals in the breed, otherwise the possibility of using selection is limited, quickly leads to forced related mating and, as a consequence, to the degeneration of the breed. In addition to high productivity and numbers, the breed should be fairly widespread. This increases the possibilities for creating in it different types, which contributes to its further improvement. Natural and geographical conditions - the characteristics of soils, plants, climate, terrain, and the like - have a great influence on the formation of the characteristics of rocks. When animals are brought into new natural and climatic conditions, physiological changes take place in their bodies, and in some cases they are deep, in others they are multi-storey. The restructuring of body systems is the deeper, the greater the difference between the new and the previous conditions of existence. The process of adaptation of animals to new conditions of existence is called acclimatization, it can last for several generations.

Plant variety - a group of cultivated plants that, as a result of selection, have received a certain set of characteristics (useful or decorative) that distinguish this group of plants from other plants of the same species. Each plant variety has a unique name and retains its properties after repeated cultivation.

Microorganism strain - a pure culture of a certain type of microorganisms, the morphological and physiological characteristics of which are well studied. Strains can be isolated from different sources (soil, water, food) or from one source in different time... Therefore, the same type of bacteria, yeast, microscopic fungi can have a large number of strains that differ in a number of properties, such as sensitivity to antibiotics, the ability to form toxins, enzymes and other factors. The strains of microorganisms that are used in industry for the microbiological synthesis of proteins (in particular enzymes), antibiotics, vitamins, organic acids, etc., are much more productive (as a result of selection) than wild strains.

Breeds, varieties, strains are not able to exist without constant attention person. Each variety, breed, strain is characterized by a certain reaction to environmental conditions. This means that their positive traits can manifest themselves only at a certain intensity of environmental factors. Scientists in scientific and practical institutions comprehensively investigate the properties of new breeds and varieties and check their suitability for use in a certain climatic zone, that is, they carry out their zoning. Zoning niya - a set of measures aimed at checking the conformity of the qualities of certain breeds or varieties to the conditions of a certain natural zone, which is a prerequisite for their rational use on the territory of any country. The best for use in a certain climatic zone is zoned varieties, breeds, the positive properties of which can manifest themselves only under certain conditions.

Breeding is the science of creating new breeds of animals, varieties of plants, strains of microorganisms. Selection is also called the branch of agriculture, which is engaged in the development of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops and animal breeds. Breeding and seed production of winter wheat in Siberia.

Plant breeding Plant breeding methods. The main methods of plant breeding are selection and hybridization. However, the selection method cannot be used to obtain forms with new features and properties; it only allows the identification of genotypes already present in the population. Hybridization with subsequent selection is used to enrich the gene pool of the created plant variety and obtain optimal combinations of traits. In breeding, there are two main types of artificial selection: mass and individual. plant mutation breeding

Mass and individual selection Mass selection is the selection of a group of individuals that are similar in one or a set of desired traits, without checking their genotype. For example, from the entire population of cereals of a particular variety, only those plants are left for further reproduction that are resistant to pathogens and lodging, have a large ear with a large number of spikelets, etc. the right qualities... The variety obtained in this way is genetically homogeneous, and the selection is periodically repeated. With individual selection (by genotype), the offspring of each individual plant in a series of generations is obtained and evaluated at compulsory control inheritance of the traits of interest to the breeder. As a result of individual selection, the number of homozygotes increases, i.e. the resulting generation becomes genetically homogeneous. Such selection is usually used among self-pollinated plants (wheat, barley, etc.) to obtain clean lines. A pure line is a group of plants that are descendants of one homozygous self-pollinated individual. They have the highest degree of homozygosity and represent a very valuable starting material for breeding.

Animal breeding Features of animal breeding. The basic principles of animal breeding do not differ from the principles of plant breeding. However, animal breeding has some peculiarities: only sexual reproduction is characteristic of them; generally a very rare change of generations (in most animals after a few years); the number of individuals in the offspring is small. Therefore, in breeding work with animals, it is important to analyze the totality of external signs, or exterior, characteristic of a particular breed.

Breeding goldfish and parrots Veil form was obtained by breeding. Professional experience in breeding and selection for 27 years.

Selection of microorganisms Microorganisms (bacteria, microscopic fungi, protozoa, etc.) play an extremely important role in the biosphere and economic activity person. Of the more than 100 thousand species of microorganisms known in nature, several hundred are used by humans, and this number is growing. A qualitative leap in their use took place in recent decades, when many genetic mechanisms for the regulation of biochemical processes in the cells of microorganisms were established. The selection of microorganisms (in contrast to the selection of plants and animals) has a number of peculiarities: 1) the breeder has an unlimited amount of material to work with: in a matter of days, billions of cells can be grown in Petri dishes or test tubes on nutrient media; 2) more efficient use of the mutational process, since the genome of microorganisms is haploid, which makes it possible to identify any mutations already in the first generation; 3) simplicity of the genetic organization of bacteria: a significantly smaller number of genes, their genetic regulation is simpler, gene interactions are simple or absent.

Today readers have made a truly real gift. They sent me links to a video showing scientific experiments on stratification - the decomposition of dispersion suspensions in water streams. Those. below you will see that simple and visual laboratory experiments clearly show the complete inconsistency of the geochronological concept of sedimentary rocks deposition over tens and hundreds of millions of years. Everything happened faster: in a matter of days, or even hours. And not without the participation of the catastrophic forces of water flows.

Fundamental Stratification Experiments
Alternative video link


And polystrate fossils speak in favor of this information:

Impossible polystrate fossils

From this post, we can say with confidence that at least for me personally, today the sciences "Alternative Geology" and "Alternative Geochronology" were born.

Huge thanks for this material Rod berht

Finally, it happened! We can congratulate our most important floater sibved with the fact that he personally created TWO SCIENCES - Alternative Geology and Alternative Geochronology.


"From this post, we can say with confidence that at least for me personally, today the sciences "Alternative Geology" and "Alternative Geochronology"
Wow, now he not only dealt with the usual pathetic historians, but also finally finished off the geologists with his posts about the mines of the Old Gods. By the way, can you tell me, what category of geologists do you have - humanities, techies, or in the middle?

"Today readers have made a truly real gift. I was sent links to a video showing scientific experiments on stratification "- this is it about video number 2" ANALYSIS OF THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF STRATIGRAPHY "with the caption:"Based on many years of experimental research on the formation of sedimentary rocks and the study of geological layers French geologist Guy Bertaud considers it necessary to revise the existing stratigraphic scale, which confirms the multimillion age of the Earth. "
Yes, a truly royal gift, only on the street we have today on September 19, 2015, and this video, as anyone can see, was exhibited as early as February 28, 2012, almost 3.5 years ago - the freshest.
The first video was also just baked on June 13, 2013 - only two years old, will do
Who released this video " Fundamental Stratification Experiments "- Christian Scientific Apologetic Center- represents non-denominational Christian mission promoting scientific knowledge of God's creation; organizes and conducts lectures and seminars and who is her primary?
What a worthy organization with scientific achievements, and who is her primary? anti-food.

Golovin Sergey Leonidovich - President of the Christian Scientific Apologetic Center. President of the International Educational Society "Man and Christian Worldview". Member of the editorial board of the journal Theological Reflections. Dean of the Interuniversity Faculty of Apologetics of Christianity.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Doctor of Applied Theology (D.Min), Master humanities(MA, Religious Studies), Master of Science (Physics of the Earth), Specialist-Educator (Physics).
author teaching aids"An Introduction to Systematic Apologetics", "Foundations of Logic for Believers and Unbelievers" (with A. Panich), "In Search of the Will of God. An Outline of Practical Christian Ethics "; the books "Worldview: The Lost Dimension of Evangelism", "The Flood: Myth, Legend or Reality?" publications in special journals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR; inventions in the fields of geophysics and laser optics; works on Christian apologetics.

Where can we compete with such bast shoes, the main thing is to believe them, but here's an even more scientific video of theirs, at once knocks
Faith and Knowledge
Golovin Sergey Leonidovich - President of the All Center
________________________________________ ________________________________
Still, in the comments, there was a reasonable ljarul and answered in detail to all entu stra-attigraphy:
An educational video, but it did not add anything fundamentally new to what geologists know. The fact that different factions behave differently in the same setting is an axiom! Geology operates not with layers (as shown in the video), but with facies i.e. conditions for the formation of precipitation! The section is described by sl. way (from bottom to top): 1 layer, thickness 50m. formed in river conditions; Layer 2, 30 m thick, formed in lacustrine conditions; 3 layer powerful 70m - coastal sea conditions; 4th layer 150m thick - in remote sea conditions (essno this is a simplified diagram). As can be seen from the description, the conditions for the formation of each layer took place under different dynamic conditions. In a simple way: for the formation of strip clays (layer 4), a calm environment is required, and for the formation of cross-bedded sandstones (layer 1), on the contrary, it is dynamic.
They have not yet invented such conditions under which conditions were simultaneously created in one place for the formation of both clays and cross-bedded sandstones. (In rivers there are backwaters where clays are deposited, when the channel changes, they will be blocked by sands, but they were not formed at the same time)
The second video (5:17) is still nonsense: "During the formation of the overlying layer, the underlying layer is already in a solid state."
Sedimentation goes through several stages:
1.Sedimentogenesis - sedimentation
2, Diagenesis - dehydration of accumulated sediments under the influence of the pressure of the overlying layers. (primary lithification of sediments)
3. Metamorphogenesis (these are intracrustal processes)
Those. accumulation of precipitation is carried out constantly, regardless of the degree of "readiness" of the underlying layers.
Second video (16:39). Organic residues.
There are the following life forms: littoral (shelf), bathyal (continental slope), abyssal (ocean floor) and planktonic (fish, algae, unicellular, invertebrates). Bathyal and abyssal life forms are too rare and of no fundamental importance for paleontology.
The Leading fauna includes littoral and planktonic organisms.
Littoral organisms are tied to a layer formed in one facies environment (with the same dynamics of the sea). Attention is also paid to facies transitions (swampy estuary - sandy beach) for synchronization, plankton and (if any) universal organisms living in both environments help well.
Planktonic organisms synchronize in age with littoral ones.
The conclusions of these scientists, to put it mildly, are not correct.

But he is not alone, and it was not in vain that he mentioned that both videos are old and this issue was not already analyzed by amateurs - Forum for students, applicants of geological specialties and geologists

Out of curiosity, I opened the last link. What can I say ... First, there is a very aggressive nature of the presentation. Well, let's say the author does not know how to do it otherwise.
Secondly. This article is not intended for scientists. And it was written, apparently, too ... by a person who is not quite literate in the matter under study, or by a fraudster who deliberately distorts the facts.
One example:
"we see that paleontology unambiguously testifies to the fact that the absolute majority of the currently known sedimentary deposits accumulated at a tremendous rate. In fact, the remains of, for example, vertebrates with intact or almost intact, perfectly preserved skeletons indicate only one thing, that sedimentary deposits accumulated extremely quickly. Perhaps the most impressive finds of amazingly preserved marine vertebrates have been made in Jurassic sediments near Holzmaden in southern Germany. There, in particular, several hundred fully articulated skeletons of marine reptiles - ichthyosaurs were discovered. Moreover, Carroll writes that many of them even had “body outlines” (!) “Preserved in the form of a carbonate film”. There are simply unique finds of ichthyosaurs that died in childbirth. In some of them, a calf is visible at the exit from the birth canal, in others, some of the calves have already been born, and some have not yet had time and were in the womb (see Fig. I). It was at this moment that death overtook the animals. What does this mean? It is quite obvious that these findings testify, first, to the instant death of a large number of animals; and secondly, about the colossal rate of sedimentation, namely, that this entire formation has accumulated in an incredibly short period of time - either in a few days, or even less. "
- For an uninitiated person, everything is simple and logical. And a person who is in the slightest degree versed in paleontology will overturn this entire beautiful structure with one single question: “How often are there such perfectly preserved remains of vertebrates?
And it turns out that such locations are the exception rather than the rule. And, as a rule, they are associated with the processes of landslide or ground collapse. Which is fast. Almost instantly.
And the fact that before the landslide-collapse, the layers of rocks should have accumulated for a fair amount of time - it is absolutely not necessary for the public to talk about this.

The tone of the articles is really indicative. Very often, a discussion with young landowners and creationists quickly slides into a discussion of personalities and petty quibbles about phrases, and when discussing a scientific issue, there are always weak points in the traditional theory, which are interpreted by the opposite side as proof of the inconsistency of this theory.
Anyway. "Sodom is everywhere, and we are on our way."
Specifically for precipitation. I began to read Frolov's three-volume "Lithology", looking for data on the rate of precipitation accumulation, but I feel that I will be reading for a long time. Can anyone suggest some typical examples of slow sediment formation? (This question is probably best answered in Questions of Geology).

- In the very title of the article, one can already see the incompetence of the author in matters of geology.... Maybe I'm wrong. Develop my doubts.
Paleontology is the science of organisms that existed in past geological periods and preserved in the form of fossil remains, as well as traces of their vital activity. One of the tasks of paleontology is the reconstruction appearance, biological characteristics, ways of feeding, reproduction, etc. of these organisms, as well as the restoration of the course of biological evolution on the basis of this information.
The rate of accumulation of sedimentary deposits is studied by another geological science, lithology.
Is it possible here, figuratively speaking: the treatment of hemorrhoids by methods of ophthalmology.
And another interesting detail. Shubin is a character of miners 'folklore in Donbass, a miners' spirit, similar to a dwarf, "the owner of the mine" and the patron saint of miners.

I did not find any other works by this author, so I thought it was a pseudonym (we must pay tribute to the author's humor). And the article is ordered from the Russian Orthodox Church. It is clear that the salary is small, but you want to eat.
And the main question: Is there such a scientist S.V. Shubin at the Department of Paleontology at Moscow State University who wrote the article "The rate of formation of sedimentary deposits according to paleontology data"?

To successfully solve the problems facing breeding, Academician N.I. Vavilov emphasized the importance of studying the varietal, species and generic diversity of crops; the study of hereditary variability; the influence of the environment on the development of traits of interest to the breeder; knowledge of the patterns of inheritance of traits during hybridization; features of the selection process for self-or cross-pollinators; artificial selection strategies.

Each breed of animal, variety of plants, strain of microorganisms is adapted to certain conditions, therefore, in each zone of our country there are specialized variety testing stations and breeding farms for comparing and testing new varieties and breeds. For successful work the breeder needs a varietal variety of source material. At the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry N.I. Vavilov collected a collection of varieties of cultivated plants and their wild ancestors from all over the world, which is currently being replenished and is the basis for work on the selection of any culture.

Centers of origin Location Cultivated plants 1. South Asian tropical Tropical India, Indochina, Southeast Asian islands Rice, sugar cane, citrus fruits, eggplants, etc. (50% of cultivated plants) 2. East Asian Central and Eastern China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan Soybeans, millet, buckwheat, fruit and vegetable crops, plums, cherries, etc. (20% of cultivated plants) 3. Southwest Asian Asia Minor, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Southwest India Wheat, rye, legumes, flax , hemp, turnips, garlic, grapes, etc. (14% of cultivated plants) 4. Mediterranean Countries on the shores of the Mediterranean Cabbage, sugar beets, olives, clover (11% of cultivated plants) 5. Abyssinian Abyssinian highlands of Africa Durum wheat, barley, bananas, coffee tree, sorghum 6. Central American South Mexico Corn, cocoa, pumpkin, tobacco, cotton 7. South American West coast of South America Potatoes, pineapple, cinchona

Mass selection is used in the selection of cross-pollinated plants (rye, corn, sunflower). In this case, the variety is a population of heterozygous individuals, and each seed has a unique genotype. Mass selection preserves and improves varietal qualities, but selection results are unstable due to accidental cross-pollination.

Individual selection is used in the selection of self-pollinated plants (wheat, barley, peas). In this case, the offspring retains the characteristics of the parental form, is homozygous and is called a pure line. Pure line The pure line is the offspring of one homozygous self-pollinated individual. Since mutational processes are constantly occurring, there are practically no absolutely homozygous individuals in nature. Mutations are most often recessive. They come under the control of natural and artificial selection only when they go into a homozygous state.

This type of selection plays a decisive role in breeding. A complex of environmental factors acts on any plant during its life, and it must be resistant to pests and diseases, adapted to a certain temperature and water regime.

This is the name of closely related crossbreeding. Inbreeding occurs during self-pollination of cross-pollinated plants. For inbreeding such plants are selected, the hybrids of which give the maximum effect of heterosis. Such selected plants have undergone forced self-pollination for a number of years. As a result of inbreeding, many recessive unfavorable genes become homozygous, which leads to a decrease in the viability of plants, to their "depression". Then the resulting lines are crossed with each other, hybrid seeds are formed, giving a heterotic generation.

This is a phenomenon in which hybrids are superior to the parental forms in a number of traits and properties. Heterosis is typical for hybrids of the first generation, the first hybrid generation gives a yield increase of up to 30%. In subsequent generations, its effect weakens and disappears. The heterosis effect is explained by two main hypotheses. The dominance hypothesis suggests that the effect of heterosis depends on the number of dominant genes in a homozygous or heterozygous state. The more genes in the genotype in the dominant state, the greater the effect of heterosis. P AAbbCCdd × aaBBccDD F 1 AaBbCcDd

The hypothesis of overdominance explains the phenomenon of heterosis by the effect of overdominance. Overdominance Overdominance is a type of interaction of allelic genes, in which heterozygotes outperform the corresponding homozygotes in their characteristics (in terms of mass and productivity). Starting from the second generation, heterosis dies out, as part of the genes goes into a homozygous state. Aa × Aa AA 2Aa aa

It makes it possible to combine the properties of different varieties. For example, when breeding wheat, proceed as follows. The anthers of the flowers of a plant of one cultivar are removed, a plant of a different cultivar is placed next to it in a vessel with water, and the plants of two cultivars are covered with a common insulator. As a result, hybrid seeds are obtained that combine the traits of different varieties necessary for the breeder.

Polyploid plants have a greater mass of vegetative organs, have larger fruits and seeds. Many crops are natural polyploids: wheat, potatoes, varieties of polyploid buckwheat and sugar beet have been developed. Species in which the same genome is multiplied many times are called autopolyploids. The classical way to obtain polyploids is to treat seedlings with colchicine. This substance blocks the formation of spindle microtubules during mitosis, the set of chromosomes doubles in the cells, and the cells become tetraploid.

The method of overcoming infertility in distant hybrids was developed in 1924 by the Soviet scientist G.D. Karpechenko. He did the following. First, I crossed radish (2n = 18) and cabbage (2n = 18). The diploid set of the hybrid was equal to 18 chromosomes, of which 9 chromosomes were "rare" and 9 were "cabbage". The resulting cabbage-rare hybrid was sterile, since during meiosis the "rare" and "cabbage" chromosomes were not conjugated.

Then, with the help of colchicine, G.D. Karpechenko doubled the chromosome set of the hybrid, the polyploid began to have 36 chromosomes, during meiosis "rare" (9 + 9) chromosomes were conjugated with "rare", "cabbage" (9 + 9) with "cabbage". Fertility has been restored. In this way, wheat-rye hybrids (triticale), wheat-wheatgrass hybrids, etc. were obtained. Species in which different genomes were combined in one organism, and then their multiple increase, are called allopolyploids.

Somatic mutations are used for the selection of vegetatively propagating plants. This was used in his work by I.V. Michurin. Through vegetative propagation, a beneficial somatic mutation can be preserved. In addition, the properties of many varieties of fruit and berry crops are preserved only with the help of vegetative propagation.

Based on the discovery of the effects of various radiation to obtain mutations and on the use of chemical mutagens. Mutagens allow a wide range of different mutations to be obtained. Now in the world, more than a thousand varieties have been created, leading the genealogy from individual mutant plants obtained after exposure to mutagens.

The mentor method With the help of the mentor I.V. Michurin sought to change the properties of the hybrid in the right direction. For example, if a hybrid needed to improve its palatability, cuttings from a parent organism with good palatability were grafted into its crown, or the hybrid plant was grafted onto a stock, in the direction of which it was necessary to change the qualities of the hybrid. I.V. Michurin pointed out the possibility of controlling the dominance of certain traits during the development of a hybrid. For this, in the early stages of development, exposure to certain external factors is necessary. For example, if hybrids are grown outdoors, their frost resistance increases on poor soils.