Labor protection instructions, mandatory for employees, and control over their observance. Occupational safety requirements during a local business trip

This occupational health and safety manual for administrative and management personnel is available for free viewing and download.


1.1. This instruction establishes labor protection requirements in the performance of official duties by the administrative and managerial personnel of the organization in all structural divisions, office space and in the workplace.
1.2. Persons who have vocational training, corresponding to the position held, in the absence of medical contraindications for admission to the profession, after passing the introductory briefing on labor protection, initial briefing at the workplace and, if necessary, after training and testing knowledge of labor safety requirements.
1.3. When an employee performs the duties of administrative and managerial personnel, the following harmful and hazardous production factors may be affected:
- increased levels of electromagnetic, soft X-ray, ultraviolet and infrared radiation when working with a PC or damage in the circuit of zero protective conductors;
- increased level of static electricity in case of damage in the circuit of neutral protective conductors;
- hazardous voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which is possible in the event of damage to the insulation of electrical wiring, electrical power cords, connecting cables and insulating PC cases, PC peripherals, office equipment, air conditioners and other equipment;
- movable parts of PC peripherals and office equipment;
- high or low air temperature at the workplace;
- high humidity and air mobility;
- increased content of positive and decreased content of negative air ions when working with a PC and electrophotocopier equipment;
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- physical overload due to a long stay in an uncomfortable working position;
- neuropsychic and emotional overload;
- overvoltage of visual analyzers;
- faulty furniture or its inconvenient location;
- falling objects from a height (from cabinets, shelves);
- sliding on the floor clogged with scraps of paper or not wiped dry after washing, as a result of which a possible fall on the floor and getting bruises on standing furniture is not excluded;
- the occurrence of fires and poisoning by combustion products;
- other unfavorable factors.
1.4. Each member of the administrative and management personnel is obliged to:
1.4.1. Perform only those types of work that correspond to his qualifications, provided for by job descriptions and instructions of their managers, which do not contradict the requirements of labor legislation and labor protection, as well as the requirements of local documents in force in the organization.
1.4.2. To know and follow the instructions for the operation of computer technology and office equipment available at your workplace, and other tools and devices used in the work (fax machines, copiers, paper shredders, laminators, etc.).
1.4.3. Fulfill the requirements of their officials and production instructions, instructions on labor protection and measures fire safety, internal labor regulations.
1.4.4. Use in work only for its intended purpose and only serviceable furniture, fixtures, office equipment and other equipment of the workplace.
1.4.5. Avoid the presence of foreign objects in your workplace that interfere with your work.
1.4.6. Avoid the presence of unauthorized persons at your workplace without a production need.
1.4.7. Be able to provide first aid.
1.4.8. Be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.
1.4.9. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
1.4.10. Communicate your concerns to your line manager.
1.5. Work time, the established breaks in work, the time of the break for rest and eating are determined by the internal labor regulations and labor protection instructions in force in the organization.
1.6. The means of protection for the employee are:
- protective insulation of wires and cables, live parts of equipment and parts of equipment that may be energized;
- hinged or built-in protective filter of the PC screen.
For work on a PC, it is recommended to use special spectral glasses.
1.7. Each case of an accident, industrial injury, as well as cases of violation of labor protection requirements should be analyzed or investigated in order to identify their causes and take measures to prevent them in the future.
1.8. The employee bears disciplinary and financial responsibility in accordance with their job descriptions and current legislation for:
1.8.1. Failure to comply with the requirements of job descriptions and instructions for labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation, if this could lead or led to an accident, accident or fire and damage was caused to the company or individuals.
1.8.2. Failure to comply with the internal labor regulations.


2.1. An employee performing the duties of administrative and managerial personnel, before starting work, must:
2.1.1. Remove from the workplace foreign objects and objects that are not required for the current work (boxes, bags, folders, books, etc.).
2.1.2. Make sure by visual inspection that there is no mechanical damage to the power supply cords and housings of office equipment, as well as the absence of mechanical damage to electrical wiring and other cables, electrical outlets, electrical switches, lamps, air conditioners and other equipment.
2.1.3. Check: the furniture is serviceable and conveniently located, whether the equipment of the workplace and the materials necessary for work on the desktop are conveniently located, whether the approaches to the workplaces are free.
2.1.4. In case of damage and malfunctions of a PC, peripheral devices, office equipment, furniture, fixtures, wiring and other cables, electrical outlets, electrical switches, lamps, air conditioners and other equipment, do not turn on the equipment, do not start work, call technical staff and report it to your immediate supervisor.
2.1.5. Check if there is enough light workplace... In case of insufficient illumination, it is necessary to organize local lighting, and arrange the local lighting lamps so that when performing work, the light source does not blind the eyes of both the worker himself and those around him.


3.1. An employee performing the duties of administrative and managerial personnel during work is obliged to:
3.1.1. To keep the workplace in order and cleanliness, to avoid cluttering it with documents.
3.1.2. Keep free passages to workplaces, do not clutter up the equipment with objects that reduce the heat transfer of office equipment and other equipment.
3.1.3. Monitor the serviceability of office equipment and other equipment, follow the rules of their operation and labor protection instructions for the relevant types of work.
3.1.4. In the event of a prolonged absence from the workplace, disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, with the exception of equipment specified for round-the-clock operation (fax machines, network servers, etc.).
3.1.5. Be attentive, not distracted or distract others.
3.1.6. If a sheet (ribbon) of paper is jammed in the printing devices, before removing the sheet (ribbon), stop the process and disconnect the device from the power supply, call technical personnel or inform your immediate supervisor about it.
3.1.7. Disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, only holding the plug of the plug connector.
3.1.8. Avoid pulling, twisting, bending or pinching equipment power cords, wires and cables, do not allow any objects to be on them or come into contact with heated surfaces.
3.1.9. During work breaks established for exercise, perform the recommended exercises for the eyes, neck, arms, torso, and legs.
3.1.10. Avoid getting moisture on the surface of the PC, peripheral devices and other equipment. Do not wipe off electrically energized equipment with a damp or damp cloth (when the power cord is plugged into a power outlet).
3.2. During work, it is not allowed:
3.2.1. Touch moving parts of office equipment and other equipment.
3.2.2. Work with removed and damaged covers of office equipment and other equipment.
3.2.3. Work in a poorly lit workplace.
3.2.4. Touch elements of office equipment and other equipment with wet hands.
3.2.5. Switch interface cables, open the cases of office equipment and other equipment and repair them yourself.
3.2.6. Use homemade electrical appliances and electrical appliances that are not related to the performance of production duties.


4.1. In the event of an emergency, an employee is obliged to:
4.1.1. Immediately stop work, disconnect office equipment and other electrical equipment from the mains and report the occurrence of an emergency and its nature to the immediate supervisor, and in his absence - to the senior supervisor; if necessary, leave the danger area.
4.1.2. Under the guidance of the immediate supervisor, take part in the elimination of the resulting emergency, if this does not pose a threat to the health or life of employees.
4.1.3. In the event of disturbances in the operation of office equipment or other equipment, as well as in the event of disturbances in the operation of the electrical network (smell of burning, extraneous noise during the operation of office equipment and other equipment, or sensation of electric current when touching their bodies, flashing of lamps, etc. .) disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, call technical personnel and inform your immediate supervisor about it.
4.1.4. In the event of a malfunction of furniture and fixtures, stop using them, call technical personnel and inform your immediate supervisor about this.
4.1.5. In the event of a temporary power outage, disconnect office equipment and other electrical equipment from the mains.
4.1.6. Do not start work until the damage and malfunctions of office equipment and workplace equipment are completely eliminated or the emergency situation is eliminated.
4.1.7. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to stop work, call the fire brigade, disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the power supply, notify people nearby about the fire, take measures to evacuate people from the danger zone and take part in extinguishing the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing means, and if it is impossible to eliminate fire leave the hazardous area, acting in accordance with fire safety instructions and evacuation plans.
4.1.8. To extinguish the fire source, use powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with the obligatory use of personal protective equipment.
4.1.9. In case of accidents at work with other workers, provide the victim with first aid, help deliver him to a health center or the nearest medical institution, if necessary, call medical professionals to the scene.
4.1.10. Immediately inform your immediate supervisor about an accident that has happened to the employee or through his fault, as well as about any accident involving other employees of his or outside organization witnessed by an employee.
4.1.11. Take measures to preserve the accident environment, if this is not associated with a danger to life and health of people.
4.1.12. When investigating an accident, the employee must report all the circumstances of the incident that are known to him.
4.1.13. When committing or threatening terrorist acts, act in accordance with the organization's emergency safety recommendations.
4.1.14. If violations of labor safety requirements are found in the office premises, which cannot be eliminated on their own, as well as in the event of a threat to the life or health of the employee himself or other employees, inform his immediate supervisor about this, suspend work and leave the hazardous area.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the employee is obliged:
5.1.1. Disconnect office equipment and other equipment from the mains, with the exception of equipment that is designated for round-the-clock operation (fax machines, network servers, etc.).

"U T V E R Z D A Y"

General manager


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1.1. Upon admission to work and during work with an employee, briefings on labor safety are carried out: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and target. After registration for work, the primary instruction at the workplace is carried out by the direct supervisor.

1.2. Unscheduled briefing is carried out by:

With the introduction of new or revised rules, instructions, as well as changes to them;

When changing the technological process, replacing or modernizing equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

In case of violation of labor safety requirements by an employee;

At the request of the supervisory authorities;

With interruptions in work for more than 60 calendar days.

1.3. Target instruction is carried out when performing one-time work that is not related to direct responsibilities in the specialty; liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; the production of work for which a work permit, permit and other documents are issued.

1.4. On-the-job briefing ends with a knowledge test. The employee confirms the receipt of a safety briefing with his signature in the corresponding document on the passage of the briefing.

1.5. The employee, if necessary, goes through medical examinations(preliminary and periodic), laboratory and functional studies, makes preventive vaccinations.

1.6. The employee is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and shift schedules in force at the enterprise, which provide for the start and end times of work (shift), breaks for rest and meals, the procedure for granting rest days, alternation of shifts and other issues of using working time.

1.7. Dangerous and harmful production factors affecting the employee.

Physical factors:

Moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of machines and mechanisms, movable containers, collapsing stacks of stored goods. Factor action - possible injury to the employee;

Increased dustiness of the air in the working area. The action of the factor - getting into the lungs, mucous membranes, skin, dust of plant and animal origin, synthetic detergents etc. can cause allergic diseases of the organs of vision and respiration, skin, etc.;

Increased surface temperature of equipment, products. The action of the factor - contact with a hot (over 45 ° C) surface can cause burns to unprotected areas of the body;

Reduced temperature of surfaces of equipment, goods. Factor actions - can cause vascular diseases, especially fingers;

Increased air temperature in the working area. The action of the factor - contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body;

Reduced air temperature in the working area. Factor action - contributes to the occurrence of various acute and chronic colds;

Increased noise levels in the workplace. Factor action - helps to reduce hearing acuity, impairment of the functional state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;

High air humidity. The action of the factor - the heat exchange of the human body with the environment is hindered;

Decreased air humidity. The action of the factor - causes an unpleasant sensation of dryness of the mucous membranes respiratory tract makes breathing difficult;

Increased air mobility. The action of the factor - causes a loss of heat in the body and can be the cause of colds;

Reduced air mobility. The effect of the factor is an increased content of dust, toxic emissions and odors of chemicals, etc. in the air. causes increased fatigue of workers, dizziness, allergic and other diseases;

Increased voltage value in the electrical network, the short circuit of which can pass through the human body. Factor action - non-observance of electrical safety rules can cause local damage to the human body by electric current (burns, mechanical damage, etc.) or electric shock;

Increased levels of static electricity. Effect of the factor - discharges of accumulated static electricity can lead to injury to an employee due to reflex movement near unenclosed moving parts of equipment, diseases of the nervous system and others, cause ignition of flammable substances, fires and explosions;

Increased level of electromagnetic radiation. The action of the factor - the energy of the HF, UHF, UHF ranges can cause disturbances in the cardiovascular, endocrine systems, changes in the nervous system and other diseases;

Lack or lack of natural light. Factor action - can lead to light starvation of the human body;

Insufficient illumination of the working area. The action of the factor - there is visual fatigue, pain in the eyes, general lethargy, which lead to a decrease in attention and an increase in injury;

Reduced contrast. Factor action - can lead to overstrain of the visual analyzers;

Direct and reflected glitter. The effect of the factor is that open lamps in the field of view (direct brightness) lead to rapid fatigue of vision. Reflected glitter created by work surfaces that have a high specular reflectance towards the worker's eye causes dazzle and leads to increased visual fatigue, headaches, sore eyes, etc .;

Sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of inventory, equipment, tools, goods and containers. Factor action - possible injuries, minor injuries to hands and other unprotected parts of the body.

Psychological factors:

Physical overload (work "standing", lifting and carrying weights). Factor action - possible diseases of the musculoskeletal system, prolapse internal organs, vascular and other diseases;

Neuropsychic overload. Overvoltage analyzers. Factor action - fatigue occurs, leading to a decrease in attention;

Monotony of labor. The action of the factor - leads to an increase in fatigue, a decrease in attention, and, as a result, to the possibility of injury to the employee;

Emotional overload. Factor action - possible diseases of the cardiovascular system.

1.8. At work with harmful conditions labor, as well as work performed in particularly temperature conditions or associated with pollution, the employee is issued free of charge according to the established norms, special clothing, special shoes, and other personal protective equipment.

1.9. During work, you must be attentive and careful not to be distracted.

1.10. In winter conditions at low temperatures, outdoor work should be carried out withbreak for heating. Air temperature at which outdoor workmust be stopped or maintained intermittently, established by the administration.

1.11. In case of an accident, stop work immediately, notify the administration andapply for medical help... If the environment does not threaten life and healthsurrounding workers does not lead to an accident, then it must be saved until

investigation as it was at the time of the incident.

1.12. In case of an accident with another employee, you should provide him with the first first aidhelp, notify the administration and send to a medical facility.

1.13. Resting and smoking are allowed only in specially designated areas.

1.14. It is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, touching contaminated objects and after finishing work.

1.15. If it is impossible to perform the work without violating the requirements of the instructions,stop work and notify the administration.

1.16. If necessary, perform work that is not related to direct responsibilities forspecialty, you need to get targeted instruction from the direct supervisor of the work.

1.17. It is necessary to come to work in clean clothes and shoes, leave the topclothes, headwear and personal items in the dressing room (specially designated area).Constantly monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, hair.

1.18. Do not eat in the workplace.

1.19. The employee is obliged:

- use overalls for their intended purpose, do not store personal toilet items, cigarettes and other foreign objects in their pockets;

Take off overalls when leaving the enterprise;

If there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform your immediate supervisor and contact a medical facility for treatment.

1.20. Violation of the requirements of the instruction on labor protection is a violation of labor


1.21. IT IS FORBIDDEN to be at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, drug or other toxic intoxication

1.22. Obligations of the employee in the field of labor protection:

Comply with labor protection requirements;

Correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;

Undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instructing on labor protection, internship at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health;

Pass mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic(during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations).

1.23. When using public transport, observe the rules for passengers:

Passengers are required to:

When traveling in a vehicle equipped with seat belts, wear them;

Embark and disembark from the sidewalk or shoulder and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop.

If boarding and disembarking is not possible from the sidewalk or shoulder, it can be carried out from the side of the carriageway, provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other road users.

Passengers are prohibited from:

Distract the driver from driving while driving;

When traveling on truck stand with an onboard platform, sit on the sides or on a load above the sides;

Open the doors of the vehicle while it is moving.

1.24. Observe the rules when crossing on foot Road traffic for pedestrians:

Pedestrians must move on sidewalks or footpaths, and if they are absent, on the side of the road. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky items may move along the edge of the carriageway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders interferes with other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, footpaths or shoulders, as well as in case of impossibility to move along them, pedestrians can move along the cycle path or walk in one row along the edge of the carriageway (on roads with a dividing strip along the outer edge of the carriageway).

When driving along the edge of the carriageway, pedestrians must go towards the traffic of vehicles.

When driving along the sides or the edge of the carriageway at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are advised to carry objects with reflective elements and ensure the visibility of these objects by vehicle drivers.

Pedestrians must cross the carriageway along pedestrian crossings, including underground and overhead crossings, and in their absence - at intersections along the sidewalk or shoulder line.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the carriageway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of the traffic controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence - the traffic light.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the carriageway after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and leave from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle limiting visibility, without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

Having entered the carriageway, pedestrians should not linger or stop if this is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the crossing must stop at the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue the transition only after making sure of the safety of further movement and taking into account the traffic signal (traffic controller).

When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal, pedestrians must refrain from crossing the carriageway, and those on it must give way to these vehicles and immediately vacate the carriageway.

1.25. When using the elevator, it is prohibited, if it stops, forcibly opening the doors and trying to get out of the elevator.

1.26. When using an escalator, it is prohibited:

Run up the escalator, sit on the steps, put loads on the handrails.

1.27. Every employee has the right to:

Refusal to perform work in the event of a danger to his life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws, until such danger is eliminated;

Request for inspection of labor conditions and labor protection at his workplace by authoritiesstate supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements or bodies public control compliance with labor protection requirements;

Contacting the authorities state power RF, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, to the employer, as well as to trade unions on labor protection issues;

Personal participation or through their representatives in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions at his workplace; and in the investigation of an industrial accident or occupational disease that has occurred to him;

Professional retraining at the expense of the employer in the event of the liquidation of the workplace due to violation of labor protection requirements;

Obtaining reliable information from the employer about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health, as well as about measures to protect against exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors.

1.28. For violation of the requirements of this instruction, the perpetrators are liable in accordance with the current legislation and the Internal Labor Regulations.

1.29. Before starting work, it is necessary to receive fire-prevention instructions, and to pass the fire-technical minimum in rooms and at work with an increased fire hazard.

1.30. It is necessary to use serviceable switches, sockets, plugs, sockets and other electrical fittings. Do not leave switched on equipment and electrical appliances unattended, turn off electric lighting (except for emergency) at the end of work.

1.31. When using flammable and flammable substances in work, remove them to a safe place in terms of fire, do not leave a used cleaning cloth.material in the room at the end of the work.


2.1. Wear special clothing (if available), if necessary, use personal protective equipment.

2.2. It is not allowed to pin clothes with pins, needles, keep breakable and sharp objects in pockets.

2.3. Check the equipment of the workplace with the necessary tools for work.

2.4. When performing new types of work, changing working conditions, etc. receive instruction on labor protection and appropriate serviceable personal protective equipment.

2.5. When repairing equipment operating from the electrical network, a poster should be at the workplace: “Do not turn on. People work. "

2.6. Prepare a workplace for safe work:

Provide free passageways;

Check the stability of the production table, rack, etc .;

Securely install mobile (portable) equipment and inventory (on a stand, desktop);

Convenient and sustainable stock placement Supplies according to the frequency of use and expenditure;

Check by external examination the sufficiency of illumination of the working area, the working surface, the absence of blinding light, the condition of the floors;

Check by external inspection that there are no hanging and bare ends of the wiring, the presence and reliability of grounding connections (no breaks, strength of contacts). Do not start work in the absence or unreliability of grounding (grounding);

Check the presence of fences of heated surfaces and the reliability of their fastening;

Check the absence of foreign objects in and around the equipment used, the presence of safety devices, regulation and automation;

Check the serviceability of the equipment, devices and tools used:

a) the working surface of the production table must be flat, without potholes, cracks, tightly fitting to the base of the table, with careful soldering of the seams of metal sheets;

b) the surface of the container, handles of shovels, brushes, etc. must be clean, smooth, without chips, cracks and burrs.

2.7. Switch on (switch off) equipment, devices, apparatus operating from the electrical network with dry hands.

2.8. The employee must comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation (timely turn on and off local lighting, air shower, ventilation, regulate heating, etc.).


3.1. Use serviceable devices, tools, special clothing and other personal protective equipment necessary for safe work.

3.2. It is forbidden to start work if the working conditions at the workplace do not meet the labor protection requirements.

3.3. Use tools, devices, materials, personal protective equipment only for the work for which they are intended.

3.4. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and to which the immediate supervisor (the person responsible for the safe conduct of work) is admitted.

3.5. Observe the rules of movement indoors and on the territory, use the established passages.

3.6. Keep the workplace clean, remove debris from the floor in a timely manner.

3.7. Be attentive to the performance of your direct responsibilities, not to be distracted or distracted by others.

3.8. Ensure sufficient illumination of the workplace, serviceability and cleanliness of lamps. Remember that installation and cleaning of lamps, replacement of burned out light bulbs and repair of electrical networks must be carried out by electrical personnel.

3.9. The employee is not allowed to:

Clutter up the workplace, aisles and driveways to it with empty containers, inventory, etc., have excess stocks of goods, materials, etc.;

Use random items for sitting (boxes, barrels, boxes, etc.);

Touch open and unenclosed live parts of the equipment, the contacts of the electric breaker, as well as bare and poorly insulated wires;

Leave switched on electrical appliances, portable power tools, etc. when there is a power outage or interruption in work.

3.10. It is necessary to lift and move weights manually in compliance with the established norms:

For women:

a) lifting and moving weights when alternating with other work (up to 2 times per hour) - no more than 10 kg

b) lifting and moving weights constantly during the work shift - up to 7 kg

c) the amount of dynamic work performed during each hour of the work shift should not exceed: from the working surface - 1750 kgm; from the floor - 875 kgm


The mass of the cargo being lifted and moved includes the mass of tare and packaging.

When moving goods on trolleys or in containers, the applied force should not exceed 10 kg.

For men:

a) constantly during a work shift weighing no more than 30 kg (for a loader - no more than 50 kg);

b) the value of the mass of the cargo moved or lifted per shift (in all works except for unloading and loading) when lifting from the working surface should not exceed 12 tons, from the floor or a level significantly below the working surface - 5 tons.

This instruction on labor protection has been developed specifically for the administrative and managerial staff, specialists, engineering and technical personnel, engineering and technical workers and junior service personnel.


1.1. This instruction has been developed for the administrative and managerial staff, specialists, engineering and technical personnel, engineering and technical workers and junior maintenance personnel (hereinafter referred to as the employee of the enterprise).
1.2. An employee of an enterprise is allowed to work independently after passing:
- introductory briefing on labor protection;
- initial briefing at the workplace, conducted by the head structural unit, service or site, workmaker or foreman;
- training in safe working methods within 1-2 days (or shifts);
- teaching elementary rules of electrical safety, testing knowledge of electrical safety.
1.3. Testing of knowledge of these instructions for employees of the enterprise is carried out once a year.
1.4. An employee of an enterprise is obliged to fulfill his job duties, work on the instructions of your manager, observe labor discipline, timely and accurately fulfill the orders of the management, labor protection and safety requirements, take good care of the property of the enterprise.
1.5. An employee of an enterprise operating electrical equipment while performing job responsibilities must:
- know the basic safety precautions, observe organizational and technical measures when performing work (knowledge of this manual; use of personal respiratory protection equipment (RPE); serviceability of the power supply line - kinks, bare areas, crumple points; use of a tool with insulated handles , checking the connection of grounding and neutralization);
- have an elementary acquaintance with the operated electrical installation (operating instructions, the place of connection of the electrical installation in the switchgear, and so on);
- have a clear idea of ​​the danger of electric current and the danger of approaching live parts (dangerous voltage, dangerous current);
- have practical skills in providing first aid to victims of electric shock.
1.6. Any industrial accident should be reported immediately by the victim or bystander to the appropriate supervisor. The leader must organize first aid to the victim, his delivery to medical institution, inform the health and safety engineer and keep, for investigation, the workplace environment and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the accident, if this does not threaten the health and life of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.
1.7. For violation of the requirements of this instruction relating to the work performed by him, the employee is liable in accordance with the current labor and administrative legislation.
1.8. The employee is obliged to know and follow the internal labor regulations of the institution, labor protection instructions, fire safety rules
1.9. Smoking at workplaces is prohibited, and is allowed only in specially marked and equipped smoking areas.
1.10. The employee must comply with fire safety rules, cluttering and littering of premises, walkways, driveways is not allowed.


2.1. Before starting work with electrical equipment, an employee must:
- inspect electrical equipment;
- check the completeness and reliability of the fastening of the parts;
- check by external examination the serviceability of the cable (cord);
- check the clarity of the switch;
- use only standard devices.
2.2. If defects are found in electrical equipment, the employee is obliged to report this to his manager and not to operate the faulty electrical equipment.
2.3. Turn on electrical equipment by inserting a serviceable plug into a serviceable socket for household appliances.
2.4. The employee, while working with electrical equipment, is obliged to maintain order at the workplace.
2.5. When working with electrical equipment, it is prohibited:
- leave switched on electrical equipment unattended (if this is not provided for in the instruction manual);
- transfer electrical equipment to persons who are not entitled to work with it;
- hitting electrical equipment;
- remove protective equipment;
- pull the lead wire to disconnect;
- keep your finger on the switch when carrying electrical equipment;
- pull, twist and bend the supply cable;
- put foreign objects on the cable (cord);
- allow the cable (cord) to touch hot or warm objects.
2.6. The employee is obliged to perform only the work with the electrical equipment for which the electrical equipment is intended.
2.7. If, during work, a malfunction of the electrical equipment is found or the person working with it feels at least a weak effect of the current, work must be stopped immediately and the faulty electrical equipment must be handed over for inspection or repair.
2.8. Disconnection of electrical equipment must be done:
- during a break in work;
- at the end of the workflow.
2.9. The employee must turn off the electrical equipment by removing the serviceable plug from the serviceable socket.
2.10. The worker must ensure that switching on the equipment does not endanger anyone.


3.1. Perform only the work that has been assigned to him and in which he has been instructed, while avoiding haste, taking into account safe practices and working methods.
3.2. Throughout the working day, it is necessary to keep the workplace in order and cleanliness.
3.3. Keep all ventilation devices in the room open.
3.4. During operation it is FORBIDDEN:
- to allow the workplace to be littered with paper in order to prevent the accumulation of organic dust;
- include strongly cooled (brought from the street in winter) electrical equipment;
- to independently open and repair electrical equipment;
- clutter the escape routes with furniture, equipment and other items.
3.5. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed in labor protection and to which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work is admitted.
3.6. Do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to work.
3.7. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work; use them only for the work for which they are intended.
3.8. Observe the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.
3.9. Do not use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.), equipment for sitting.


4.1. In the event of a breakdown of the equipment, a threatening accident at the workplace or in the workshop: stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity, gas, water, raw materials, product to it, etc .; turn off the equipment operating under pressure when the safety valve is triggered, water soars and leaks; report on the measures taken to the immediate supervisor (the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment) and act in accordance with the instructions received.
4.2. In an emergency, notify the people around about the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.
4.3. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to call the fire brigade by phone 101 and urgently take measures to extinguish and evacuate people. Report the incident to the manager.
4.4. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to immediately turn off the electrical equipment, release the victim from the action of the electric current, provide first aid, report the incident to the immediate supervisor.
4.5. In case of an accident, release the victim from the action of the traumatic factor, provide him with first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance by phone 103. Inform the manager about the incident. As far as possible, preserve the environment as long as it does not lead to an accident or injury to others.


5.1. Tidy up the workplace, remove tools, wire scraps and other debris.
5.2. Inform your immediate supervisor about all comments, malfunctions of equipment and equipment identified in the course of work.
5.3. Remove overalls, inspect, tidy up and put in a locker.
5.4. Report all shortcomings and malfunctions found during work to the manager.

This labor protection instruction has been developed specifically for employees serving elevators.


1.1. The servicing of bucket elevators is allowed for employees over 18 years of age, who have no contraindications for health reasons, who have undergone instructions on labor protection, training at the workplace, training in safe working practices and testing of knowledge on labor protection.
1.2. Labor protection training for workers is carried out in the form of: introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace, repeated briefing, unscheduled briefing, targeted briefing and special training in the scope of the training program for the profession, including labor protection issues and the requirements of the technical specifications of the equipment manufacturer for its safe operation.
1.3. The employees serving the bucket elevators should know:
- device, principle of operation, operating modes, elevator control rules and the procedure for its maintenance;
- action on a person of hazardous and harmful production factors that may arise during work, and protective measures against their impact;
- requirements for labor protection, electrical safety, industrial sanitation, fire and industrial safety during the operation of the bucket elevator;
- fire warning signals, locations of fire-fighting equipment and primary fire-extinguishing means;
- a storage place for a first aid kit for first aid.
1.4. The employees serving the bucket elevators must:
- use in the process of work equipment and mechanisms for their intended purpose, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers;
- comply with the Internal Labor Regulations and the established regime of work and rest;
- keep in good condition and cleanliness the bucket elevator, equipment, tools, fixtures, inventory and personal protective equipment;
- apply safe work practices;
- be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;
- comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicative and prescriptive safety signs and inscriptions, as well as signals given by drivers of vehicles and drivers of other lifting machines and mechanisms;
- be able to provide first aid to victims.
1.5. The employees serving the bucket elevators are prohibited from:
- work near rotating parts of the equipment that are not protected by protective nets or covers;
- remove protective nets and covers until the rotating parts of the equipment come to a complete stop;
- step on electrical wires and cables;
- make independently adjustment and repair of out-of-order equipment;
- touch the general lighting fixtures, broken electrical wires, clamps (terminals) and other easily accessible current-carrying parts of the equipment;
- to allow unauthorized persons, as well as drunken workers, into the territory of the production site, into the production and household premises;
- be at work in a state of alcoholic, drug or other toxic intoxication.
1.6. The employees serving the bucket elevators are obliged to observe the work and rest regime in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations.
1.7. During work, the workers serving the bucket elevators may be exposed to the following main hazardous and harmful production factors:
- moving elements of vehicles, equipment and cargoes, materials transported by them;
- rotating elements of drive, tension, loading, unloading units, etc.;
- electric shock;
- increased dust and gas content in the air of the working area and production premises;
- insufficient illumination.
1.8. Employees serving the bucket elevators must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with standard standards.
1.9. Employees serving the bucket elevators must comply with the following fire safety requirements:
- smoke only in designated places;
- do not approach flammable materials, containers with flammable liquids and freshly painted equipment with an open flame;
- store lubricants in oil cans, cleaning materials - in metal boxes or buckets with lids in specially designated places. Clean and used (oiled, contaminated) cleaning material should be kept separate;
- not to clutter up the workplace, walkways and access to fire-fighting equipment and primary fire-extinguishing means;
- do not use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, without stands made of non-combustible heat-insulating materials that exclude the danger of a fire, and non-standard (home-made) electric heating devices;
- in order to avoid electric shock and electric shock, workers should not touch open electrical wiring and cables;
- the workplace must be provided with an insulating mat and dielectric gloves;
- do not allow unauthorized persons to enter the workplace.
1.10. Before eating, wash your hands with warm water and soap or cleansing pastes approved for use in the prescribed manner. Eating is allowed in a specially designated room. Eating and storing food in the workplace is prohibited.
1.11. Employees serving the bucket elevators must know the device, the principle of operation and the operating rules of the bucket elevators they serve, the automatic blocking schemes for equipment, the procedure for stopping and starting the bucket elevator, the meaning of sound and light alarms used in this production.
1.12. The workers' workplace should keep the necessary stock of materials, spare parts and tools for minor repairs, lubricants and cleaning materials placed in closed metal boxes, as well as equipment for cleaning the workplace.
1.13. In case of injury, illness or deterioration in health, the employee must stop working, notify his immediate supervisor (foreman) about the accident (illness, deterioration in health) and seek help from the nearest medical institution.
1.14. In the event of injury by another employee, it is necessary to stop work, take measures to provide first aid to the victim and immediately notify the master or superior manager of the accident.


2.1. Before starting work, the employees serving the bucket elevators must put on proper overalls and safety footwear, fasten and refuel so that there are no hanging ends.
2.2. Before starting the elevator, check:
- the condition of the conveyor;
- serviceability of sound and light signaling;
- serviceability of signaling sensors, interlocks;
- availability and efficiency of fire protection of the bucket elevator (for fire hazardous working conditions);
- reliability of the bucket elevator emergency stop devices;
- the correct tension of the chains;
- the presence and serviceability of the rollers;
- availability of protective grounding of electrical equipment, armor of elevator cables;
- availability and reliability of guards for drive, tension and end drums.
2.3. Before starting the elevator, make sure that no work is being done on the track. It is not allowed to start up the bucket elevators if the passages are cluttered and obstructed.
2.4. The employees servicing the bucket elevators must take measures to eliminate the detected deficiencies, and if it is impossible to do this, inform the shift master and not turn on the bucket elevators until all malfunctions are eliminated.
2.5. In the event of a shift transfer without stopping the equipment, the employees serving the bucket elevators must inform the shift receiving about all the faults in the operation of the serviced bucket elevators, make an entry in the shift acceptance log.


3.1. The employees serving the bucket elevators are required to work in the established overalls and footwear, as well as to use other personal protective equipment: respirator, ear muffs, protective helmet.
3.2. The employees serving the bucket elevators are obliged to:
- be attentive and comply with the requirements of the established sound and light signals;
- move along the established passages and walkways;
- monitor the serviceability of the guards of the drive gears and roller bearings;
- monitor the good condition of the transfer points, tension drums, feeder gearboxes, automatic devices, for the correct unloading of materials into receiving units;
- keep the service area of ​​the bucket elevator and the workplace clean, without cluttering them with foreign objects.
3.3. Before starting the equipment, the dispatcher gives warning light and sound signals.
3.4. Before starting to load the equipment, it is necessary to check the operation of the elevator at idle speed.
3.5. It is allowed to carry out work on tensioning and directing the chains only with the electric motor turned off and the fuses removed, and warning posters “Do not turn on! People work! " Disconnection from the mains must be done with dielectric gloves, standing on an insulating mat.
3.6. During work, it is prohibited:
- rearrange or replace supporting and guide rollers;
- guide the movement of the chains, as well as manually correct the bead seal;
- leave without the permission of the shift foreman from his workplace.
3.7. To prevent emergencies, it is necessary to prevent the chains from coming off the drums, blockage of the bucket elevator, clogging of the unloading funnels and chutes, breakage and slipping of the chains.
3.8. During the operation of the bucket elevator, it is not allowed:
- elimination of chain skewing using a metal rod, pipe, stick, etc., regulation of the position of drums and roller supports;
- storage of flammable liquids, lubricants and cleaning materials near the elevator starting devices;
- use of lubricants for gearboxes of drives that are not recommended by the manufacturer;
- operation with faulty speed relays, protection relays against slipping of circuits, relays of derailing of circuits, signaling devices and emergency stop devices for the bucket elevator, with the formed blockages of the transported material;
- elimination of chain slippage using a bedding between the chain and the drum of rosin, bitumen, sand, transported and other material. Elimination of chain slippage must be carried out when the bucket elevator is stopped by tensioning the chains in the manner provided for in the bucket elevator design;
- lubrication of bearings and other rubbing parts on the go;
- admission of unauthorized persons to control.
3.9. During the operation of the bucket elevator, it is necessary to systematically control:
- the correct loading of the chains with the transported material;
- smoothness of movement and condition of the chains;
- position and operation of brushes and scrapers.
3.10. The noria must be stopped immediately:
- when the chains slip on the drive drums;
- when the smell of burning, smoke, flame appears;
- when the chain tension is weakened in excess of the permissible;
- when the chains run down onto roller supports or drums until the stationary parts of the bucket elevator and other objects touch;
- in case of malfunction of protections, interlocks, means of emergency stop of the bucket elevator;
- in the absence or malfunction of the enclosing devices;
- in case of faulty bolted connections, in case of detection of loose bolts;
- in case of abnormal knocking and increased noise level in the drive gearbox;
- when the transported material clogs the transfer unit;
- in the absence of two or more rollers on adjacent supports;
- in case of damage to the chains and their butt joints, creating the danger of an accident;
- in case of violation of the lining of the drive and pressure drums;
- when the drums are jammed.
3.11. The bucket elevator should be stopped (during normal operation) only after the load has completely left it.
3.12. After the elevator has finished working, you must:
- disconnect from the power supply;
- clean chains, drums, loading and receiving devices from adhering material;
- make an entry in the elevator inspection and repair log about the detected malfunctions and measures for their elimination.
3.13. In the event of a sudden power outage, the motor starters and elevator control levers are immediately moved to the “Stop” position.


4.1. During the operation of the bucket elevators, the following main emergencies may occur:
- chains coming off the drums;
- open circuits;
- heap of bucket elevator;
- clogging of the unloading funnels and chutes;
- ignition of electrical equipment, short circuit of electrical wiring.
4.2. In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to stop the bucket elevator, hang up a sign "Do not turn on!" and inform the shift foreman about the incident.
4.3. In case of blockage and slipping of the elevator chains, it is necessary to clean the belt, drums, rollers from material in the place of the blockage.
4.4. Participation in the work on the restoration of chains, the elimination of blockages of the elevator is carried out at the direction of the shift master, while measures must be taken to exclude erroneous or spontaneous activation of the elevator drive.
4.5. In the event of a short circuit in the electrical wiring, its ignition, the ignition of electrical equipment, the employee must immediately turn off the power supply, inform the dispatcher and start eliminating the fire using powder fire extinguishers.


5.1. At the end of the shift, employees serving the bucket elevators must:
- remove spillage from under drive, tail drums and tensioning stations;
- tidy up the workplace, put the tool in a specially designated place.
5.2. The defects and malfunctions revealed during the inspection of the bucket elevator must be eliminated, and if this cannot be done on our own, report to the shift foreman and make an entry in the shift acceptance log.
5.3. After finishing work, you need to take a shower or wash your face and hands with warm water and soap.
5.4. Overalls, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment should be kept by the elevator workers in the dressing room separately from everyday clothes.

Without fail, the employer must have instructions:

  1. First aid.
  2. Fire safety.
  3. For each position.
  4. In the most traumatic areas of activity (when working with electricity, at a height, at vehicles etc.)

The obligation to develop this document is enshrined in article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An employer's disdainful attitude is punishable by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 5 years. For workers, ignoring the provisions of labor protection can be deadly.

Development of

The development of OSH instructions is carried out on the basis of cross-sectoral or sectoral standard instructions. For instance, typical instruction on labor protection for the baker was approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated May 24, 2002 No. 36 "On the approval of intersectoral standard instructions ..."

In the absence of regulatory documents approving cross-industry or industry requirements for safe working conditions, these regulatory documents are developed on the basis of the safety requirements set forth in the operational documentation supplied with the equipment.

The procedure for the development of documents is determined by the employer, who can independently deal with this issue, or can instruct a specially appointed employee (as a rule, an occupational safety engineer, in whose job description there is a corresponding duty).

Typical job description of a labor protection specialist

The position of an OT specialist is created in an organization if the number of staff members is more than 50 (Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the number of employees is less, the employer is not obliged to introduce the specified position, but this does not mean that he has fewer responsibilities to ensure a safe working environment for his subordinates. All responsibility lies with the employer.

Professional standard Occupational safety specialist

When developing regulations governing the safe work of employees, it is advisable to be guided by the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations approved by the Ministry of Labor on May 13, 2004.

Documents on safe working conditions are developed for 5 years. After this time, they are subject to revision.

They must be processed ahead of schedule in the event of:

  • revising intersectoral or sectoral agreements;
  • changes in the working conditions of employees;
  • introduction of new equipment and technologies;
  • occurrence of accidents;
  • regulations of regulatory authorities.

If for 5 years none of the above has happened, the validity of the instruction is extended for the next 5 years.

Registration of documents on work safety

The normative act on labor protection should contain sections with safety requirements:

  • general section;
  • before starting work;
  • during work;
  • v emergency situations;
  • at the end of the work.

Additional sections can be included in it if necessary.

For new capacities being commissioned, it is allowed to develop and apply temporary regulations for employees, which must ensure safe maintenance production processes and safe operation of the equipment.

Sample Occupational Safety Instruction for Office Workers

Normative acts on work safety for all positions of employees and all types of activities at the enterprise are approved director general(if there is a trade union, you should first agree on everything with it; if the labor protection specialist believes that some instructions need to be coordinated with any specialized institution, this should also be done).

List of labor protection instructions

All developed and approved regulations, regulating the safety of work, are subject to registration and issuance.

The first journal (accounting) is kept in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendation dated 05/13/2004, its form is as follows:

Accounting journal form

Employees must be familiarized with the requirements of the documents regulating the safety of work. This does not mean that each employee needs to study all the regulatory documents in this area. This means that the employee must be familiar with those provisions of regulatory documents that relate directly to his professional activities. However, there are documents with which all employees must be familiarized - these are regulations on first aid and fire safety.

Familiarization of employees with documents on the safety of work must be recorded; for this, a second form of the journal is provided (Appendix No. 3 to Methodical recommendations from 13.05.2004)

Issue journal form

If opportunities allow, it is advisable for employees to hand out copies of regulations governing work safety.

  • the study of these documents is mandatory for employees;
  • familiarization is provided by the employer.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the employer's regulatory documents should be considered a violation of labor discipline.