Conveyor 3 category. Standard instruction on labor protection for the conveyor of crushing and screening plants. II. Job responsibilities


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Transporter of the 3rd category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the 3-grade transporter [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter - the Company).

1.2. The 3rd grade transporter is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The 3-grade transporter belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to the [name of the position of the immediate manager in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with secondary vocational and special training without presentation of requirements for work experience is appointed to the position of a transporter of the 3rd grade.

1.5. In practice, the 3rd-grade transporter should be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety measures, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.6. A Tier 3 transporter should know:

  • basic information on electrical engineering;
  • terms and rules for submitting materials to serviced areas;
  • the principle of operation and the device of the serviced transport mechanisms;
  • causes of malfunction in the operation of mechanisms, and means of their elimination;
  • types of lubricants and their application.

1.7. During the temporary absence of the 3rd grade transporter, his duties are assigned to [the name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

The 3-grade transporter carries out the following labor functions:

2.1. Maintenance of screw conveyors and bucket elevator type bucket elevators.

2.2. Checking the malfunction of conveyor mechanisms.

2.3. Start and stop them.

2.4. Ensuring the timely supply of various raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and materials in the required quantities to production, avoiding disruption of the technological process.

2.5. Timber Transportation Logtask Management.

2.6. Monitoring the working order of mechanisms, speed regulation, chain tension, alteration of belts and tapes.

2.7. Elimination of minor defects in the operation of mechanisms.

2.8. Elimination of congestion and overloading of mechanisms.

2.9. Cleaning and lubricating the serviced equipment.

In the event of an official need, a 3-grade transporter may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

The 3rd grade transporter has the right to:

3.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for the management's consideration.

3.3. Inform the immediate supervisor about all deficiencies in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of performing their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. To request, personally or on behalf of a direct supervisor, from the heads of the enterprise departments and specialists, information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.5. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The 3rd grade transporter bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of his labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of the 3-grade transporter is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The attestation commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a 3rd-grade transporter is the quality, completeness and timeliness of its performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The operating mode of the 3rd grade transporter is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 3rd-grade transporter is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Acquainted with the instructions ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

The issue was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30
(as amended by:
Resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 10/12/1987 N 618 / 28-99, of 12/18/1989 N 416 / 25-35, of 05/15/1990 N 195 / 7-72, of 06/22/1990 N 248 / 10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 18.12.1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 24.12.1992 N 60, of 11.02.1993 N 23, of 19.07.1993 N 140, of 29.06.1995 N 36, of 01.06.1998 N 20, of 17.05.2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2007 N 497, of October 20, 2008 N 577, of April 17, 2009 N 199)


§ 312. Transporter (2nd category)

Description of works... Maintenance of various types of transport mechanisms, belt, worm and other conveyors, except for screw and bucket elevator type bucket elevators. Checking the malfunction of conveyor mechanisms. Start and stop them. Ensuring the timely supply of various raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and materials in the required quantities to production, avoiding disruption of the technological process. Timber Transportation Logtask Management. Monitoring the working order of mechanisms, speed regulation, chain tension, alteration of belts and tapes. Elimination of minor defects in the operation of mechanisms. Elimination of congestion and overloading of mechanisms. Cleaning and lubricating the serviced equipment.

Must know: basic information on electrical engineering; terms and rules for submitting materials to serviced areas; the principle of operation and the device of the serviced transport mechanisms; causes of malfunction in the operation of mechanisms, and means of their elimination; types of lubricants and their application.

When servicing screw conveyors and bucket elevators of the bucket elevator type - 3rd grade.

Comments on the profession

The given tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession " Transporter»Serve for the tariffication of work and the assignment of tariff categories in accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the above job characteristics and the requirements for professional knowledge and skills, a job description for the transporter is drawn up, as well as the documents required for interviewing and testing when hiring. When drawing up work (job) instructions, pay attention to the general provisions and recommendations for this release of the ETKS (see.

This job description has been translated automatically. Please note that automatic translation does not provide 100% accuracy, therefore there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been agreed upon: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. This document is periodically checked at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Transporter of the 3rd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - basic general secondary education and vocational training in production. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of a transporter (maintenance of mechanisms) 2 categories - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- basic information on electrical engineering;
- terms and rules for submitting materials to the serviced site;
- the principle of operation and the device of the serviced transport mechanisms;
- the reasons that cause a malfunction in the operation of mechanisms, and means of their elimination;
- types of lubricants and their applications.

1.4. A transporter of the 3rd category is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The 3rd category transporter is directly subordinate to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The transporter of the 3rd category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. During the absence, the transporter of the 3rd category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and duties

2.1. Serves various types of transport mechanisms, belt, worm, screw conveyors and bucket elevators such as bucket elevators.

2.2. Checks for faults in conveyor mechanisms.

2.3. Starts and stops them.

2.4. Provides the timely supply of cutting raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and materials in the required quantities to production, avoiding disruption of the technological process.

2.5. Operates devices for transporting timber.

2.6. Supervision of the working order of mechanisms, regulates the speed, tension of chains, altering belts and ribbons.

2.7. Eliminates minor defects in the operation of mechanisms.

2.8. Eliminates congestion and overload of mechanisms.

2.9. Cleans and lubricates serviced equipment.

2.10. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents related to his activities.

2.11. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory enactments on labor and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A transporter of the 3rd category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A transporter of the 3rd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. A transporter of the 3rd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A transporter of the 3rd category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his official duties and orders of the management.

3.7. A transporter of the 3rd category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies revealed in the course of his activity and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The transporter of the 3rd category has the right to familiarize himself with the documents defining the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-observance of the internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise / institution) related to trade secrets.

4.4. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and legal orders of the management.

4.5. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The transporter of the 3rd category is responsible for the misuse of the provided official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Federal Highway
Ministry of Transport
Russian Federation
March 24, 1994

The Central Committee
workers union
road transport
and road facilities
January 1994


TOI R-218-28-94

General safety requirements

1. Persons who are not younger than 18 years old, who have been recognized as fit for this work by the medical commission, have been trained according to the training program of the transporter, and have a certificate for the right to perform this work, are allowed to work as a transporter.
2. A transporter entering work must undergo an introductory briefing on safe methods and techniques of work, environmental requirements, as well as an initial briefing at the workplace, about which appropriate entries must be made in journals with mandatory signatures of the instructor and instructor.
3. Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out with each transporter individually with practical training in safe methods and techniques of work.
4. All transporters, after initial briefing at the workplace and knowledge testing during the first 3 - 5 shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of work), perform work under the supervision of a foreman or foreman, after which they are admitted to independent work. Admission to independent work is fixed by the date and signature of the instructor in the instruction log.
5. Re-instruction with the transporter should be carried out at least 3 months later. Periodic testing of knowledge on occupational safety should be carried out once every 12 months.
6. When changing the rules on labor protection, technological process, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices, tools, violation of the current norms and rules on labor protection, which have led or may lead to injuries, accidents, fire, with interruptions in work for more than 30 calendar days , at the request of the supervisory authorities, an unscheduled briefing is carried out.
On the conduct of repeated and unscheduled briefings, a corresponding entry is made in the register of briefings at the workplace with the obligatory signature of the instructed and instructing.
When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason that caused it is indicated.
7. The knowledge gained during the briefing is checked by the employee who conducted the briefing.
8. A transporter who has received instructions and has shown unsatisfactory knowledge is not allowed to work. He must be instructed again.
9. The transporter must have II qualification group for safety measures. The qualification group must be confirmed annually in accordance with the established procedure.
10. The transporter must know the principle of operation and the device of transport mechanisms, the technology of work, the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the conveyors, the instruction on labor protection, the rules of the internal work organization of the workers of the crushing and screening plant, the requirements for fulfilling the work and rest regimes.
11. Workplace - viewing cabin, working area of ​​service - the system of transport mechanisms must meet the regulatory requirements for occupational safety.
12. The main harmful production factors affecting the conveyor are dust and noise.
The normative indicators of these factors should not exceed:
- dust content - 10 mg / cubic meter m (for quartz dust - 2 mg / cubic meter, with a quartz content of more than 10%);
- noise - 65 - 70 dBA.
Means of protection against harmful factors arising during the operation of conveyors and related units are from:
- dust - irrigation with water, aspiration;
- noise - installation of casings, soundproof cabins;
- dust and noise - personal protective equipment.
13. At the workplace of the transporter must be:
- the necessary tools and equipment (a locksmith's hammer, a sledgehammer, a locksmith's chisel, wrenches, locksmith's screwdrivers, combined pliers, end nippers, scrap, a shovel, scrapers for cleaning spills, a broom and a broom);
- lubricating equipment (standard screw syringe, container for storing solid oil, canister, funnel, box for rags);
- fire-fighting equipment (box for sand, fire extinguishers OU-2, OHVTs-10, bucket, shovel, ax, hook, etc.);
- communication (telephone, sound and light alarm panel);
- individual protection means;
- means of rendering first aid to victims (first aid kit);
- personal hygiene items (towel, soap, washstand, locker for workwear, footwear and personal protective equipment);
- drinking boiled water;
- sufficient lighting (50 - 100 lux);
- technical and production documentation (flow chart, manufacturer's instructions (extract) on the operation of the conveyor installation, labor protection instructions, instructions for first aid, fire protection, environmental requirements, work and rest regime).
14. The transporter must work in overalls, safety footwear and personal protective equipment established by the standards (jacket and trousers with an insulated lining, work overalls, felted boots with a rubber bottom, rubber dielectric gloves and special gloves, "Labor" helmet, dust goggles, respirator " Petal ", anti-noise headphones, rubber foot mats).
15. The transporter is obliged to know the meaning of sound and light alarms installed on crushing and screening plants, as well as signals used in the production of blasting operations.
16. In case of violation of safety requirements by other employees, the transporter is obliged to take possible measures to prevent and eliminate the danger and report this to the foreman or foreman.
17. Conveyor equipment must be reliably grounded.
18. When carrying out the process of transportation of materials, the presence of unauthorized persons in the working area is prohibited.
19. When the conveyors are located in inclined galleries (overpasses) for the entire length, remote switches or break plugs must be installed every 10 m.
20. When operating belt conveyors in conditions where its entire length is not visible from the launch site, a two-way sound and light alarm should be installed. Direct signaling is allowed when the conveyor is viewed from the launch site along its entire length.
21. The supply of materials to the conveyor belt should be done through a hopper, funnel or using a mobile conveyor.
22. When loading the conveyor from the hopper, the control of the hopper gate must be located so that the worker is at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the material coming from the hopper.
23. Bunkers located at ground (floor) level must have a fence with a height of at least 1.1 m from boards with a thickness of 20 mm on three sides, and a side beam on the loading side.
24. When manually loading the hopper, its height should not exceed 1.0 - 1.2 m.
25. The tension and drive drums of the conveyors must be fenced so that the belt is closed at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the axis of the drum. Mechanical cleaners should be installed to clean the drum and tape from adhering materials.
26. The admission of drunk transporters to workplaces is prohibited. Transporters who find themselves drunk on duty are immediately suspended from work and brought to strict liability in accordance with applicable law.
27. The transporter is obliged to keep the workplace and service area clean and tidy. There should be no foreign objects, materials, etc. on the conveyor section.
28. For non-compliance with the requirements of the labor protection instructions, developed on the basis of this Model instruction, the transporter is liable in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the current legislation on labor protection.

Safety requirements before starting work

29. Before starting work, the transporter must:
- put on overalls and safety footwear, prepare personal protective equipment, check their serviceability;
- familiarize yourself with the working conditions of the previous shift;
- to receive precise and specific instructions at the workplace from the foreman (foreman) on how to complete the task, safe techniques and methods of work, get acquainted with the flow chart of the work.
- serviceability of telephone communications, lighting;
- availability and serviceability of a set of tools and accessories;
- availability of fire extinguishing equipment and first aid;
- availability of the necessary lubricants.
30. Before starting transport mechanisms, the transporter is obliged to check:
- condition of rollers, conveyor belt, drive and tensioning stations of trays and leaks, reliability of fastening bolted joints;
- serviceability of the fences of the couplings and open drives of the drive, drive and end drums, weights of the tensioner;
- serviceability of bridges with handrails over the conveyor, safety nets (canopies) in places where people pass under the conveyor;
- availability and serviceability of rope switches, as well as braking devices for inclined conveyors;
- serviceability of starting systems, sound and light alarms;
- the state of sealing the shelters of dusty points and places, the hydraulic supply system;
- absence of tools and foreign objects on the conveyor;
- the condition of the conveyor belt, its tension for the normal operation of the friction drive, the correctness of its movement (stroke) along the entire length, both at idle and under load;
- stability of the conveyor, lateral horizontality (lateral slope of the conveyor is not allowed);
- serviceability of support rollers;
- presence and integrity of grounding by external examination.
31. The transporter is obliged to inform the foreman about all the shortcomings and malfunctions found during the check and inspection and not to start work until they are eliminated.

Safety requirements during work

32. The conveyor should start the conveyor in 1 - 2 minutes after giving the set signals about the readiness of adjacent mechanisms to start.
33. Submitting start-up warning signals should be done only with the permission of the shift master.
Any incomprehensible signal should be perceived as a "Stop!"
34. After starting, the conveyor must check the operation of the conveyor at idle speed, while the belt must not slide to one side, have distortions, have sagging sections and touch during movement for individual parts of the conveyor structure. The tension of the conveyor belt is determined by the traction capacity of the friction drive, the deflection boom of the sagging sections, and dynamic loads.
35. Before starting the technological process, the transporter must wear personal protective equipment.
36. When conducting the technological process, the transporter is obliged:
- to maintain and ensure the smooth operation of the conveyors of the working area;
- to regulate the uniform supply and distribution of material on the belt;
- to ensure the timely supply of materials to production;
- have constant communication with adjacent areas.
37. During the operation of the conveyor, the conveyor is prohibited from:
- lubricate and fasten bolts, replace rollers;
- tension or weaken the conveyor belt and eliminate slipping by throwing clay, sand or other materials between the belt and the drum, hold and correct the belt or supporting rollers with any random devices or objects (pipe cuttings, crowbars, metal rods, etc.);
- install or remove barriers;
- clean the conveyor belt, chutes, rollers and other moving parts;
- overfill the unloading platforms in excess of the normal volume;
- to clean up spills manually;
- carry out any repair work;
- leave the working conveyor unattended and leave the workplace without the permission of the foreman or foreman.
All specified work is allowed to be performed only after the conveyor has stopped completely, with the engine disconnected from the mains, the fuses removed by the electrician or the plugs of the starter rupture, the alarm is on, and the prohibiting inscription "Do not turn on - people work!" Is installed on the starter. Adjacent units must also be turned off.
38. All preventive and repair work is carried out only in the presence of the master.
39. The tools, safety devices and all other means of protection used in the performance of repair work must be examined and tested in accordance with the current rules and regulations in due time, have a stamp indicating the serial number, the date of the next test.
It is forbidden to use defective devices, protective equipment, as well as devices with expired test and examination periods.
40. Before starting repair work, safety devices must be inspected by the transporter using these devices.
41. When carrying out repair work at a height of 1.3 m or more from the ground or overlapping without fences, the transporter must use serviceable protective equipment.
The use of wooden stairs longer than 5 m is prohibited.
42. In case of breakage of rubber-fabric tapes of the RTL type, in order to obtain high strength, the connection of the ends of the tape must be made by hot vulcanization with cutting the ends of the rubber-fabric and cable belts.
43. When preparing rubber-fabric tapes for connecting the ends by vulcanization, a stepped oblique cut at an angle of 20 degrees should be used. on gaskets, and for rubber cord - a two-stage layout of the ropes of each of the ends of the tape.
44. Connecting transport belts mechanically is allowed only for discontinuous conveyors.
45. After inspection or completion of repair work, the transporter is obliged to remove all tools, spare parts and other foreign objects from the conveyor.
46. ​​The transporter should only start up the conveyor installation after repairs with permission and in the presence of a foreman (mechanic).

Safety requirements in emergency situations

47. In the event of a conveyor malfunction (breakage of traction devices, breakage, slipping, skewing or slipping of the belt to the side, jamming of pieces of material between the unloading chute and the supporting element, detection of metal or other foreign objects, etc.), emergency light and sound signals and turn off the conveyor system.
Inform the foreman about the reasons for stopping the conveyor installation and do not start starting until the malfunction is eliminated.
48. In case of accidents, give emergency stop signals, stop the conveyor and start providing first aid to the victim.
49. Start the conveyor after an emergency stop only after the permission of the foreman or mechanic in the prescribed manner.

Safety requirements at the end of work

50. After receiving a general signal about the end of the crushing and screening plant, the conveyor must:
- to give the installed light and sound signals about the end of the acceptance of materials and the end of work;
- finish the transportation of the material on the conveyors;
- stop the conveyor installation;
- inspect all the units of the conveyor installation, check the serviceability of the belt. The malfunctions revealed during the inspection should be eliminated, and if it is impossible to eliminate them on your own, report this to the master. After cleaning, inspection and troubleshooting, it is necessary to lubricate all units of the conveyor installation;
- tidy up the workplace;
- remove spills of material, large and frozen masses, unnecessary devices and foreign objects;
- put the tool in a special place in the cockpit;
- check and put in order personal protective equipment, overalls and safety footwear;
- take a shower or wash your face and hands with warm water and soap;
- report to the foreman about the completion of work and the operation of the conveyor during the shift.
51. In case of shift work of the crushing and screening plant, transfer the shift to the changer, inform him about the conveyor operation, the material coming to the conveyor, entries in the conveyor installation log, possible emergencies, violations of labor protection and the measures taken.
The handover and acceptance of the shift should be carried out in the presence of the foreman or the foreman.

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. To perform work on the maintenance of transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.) are allowed persons whose age corresponds to the age established by law, who have undergone a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure and have no contraindications for performing this type of work, who have passed industrial training according to the relevant program , testing of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of safe ways of working and admitted to independent work in the prescribed manner.

Before being admitted to independent work, the transporter must undergo an internship for 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work, the qualifications of the employee) under the guidance of a specially appointed person.

2. Periodic medical examination of the transporter, engaged in the maintenance of transport mechanisms, takes place in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

3. The transporter must undergo a periodic examination of knowledge on labor protection at least once every 12 months.

The transporter undergoes an extraordinary test of knowledge on labor protection in the following cases:

when there is a break in work in the specialty for more than one year;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

at the request of the state supervision and control authorities;

when new or revised regulations (documents) on labor protection come into effect;

when commissioning new equipment or introducing technological processes.

Books on certification of workplaces on working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

4. The transporter must be instructed on labor protection:

when hiring - introductory and primary at the workplace;

in the process of work at least once every 6 months - repeated;

when new or revised regulations (documents) on labor protection are introduced or amended;

changes in the technological process, replacement or modernization of equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor protection;

violation by the worker of normative legal acts (documents) on labor protection, which could lead or led to injury, accident or poisoning;

at the request of state bodies for supervision and control, a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

during breaks in work for more than 6 months; receipt of information materials about accidents and accidents that happened in similar industries - unscheduled.

5. The transporter must:

know the requirements set forth in the "Safety Rules at Peat Industry Enterprises", instructions (passports) of transport mechanisms manufacturers and instructions on labor protection;

know the purpose of the received audio signals:

a) one signal - starting the mechanism in operation after 30 seconds;

b) two signals - stopping the mechanism;

c) three signals - gathering of the service personnel of the shift in the established place;

d) more than three signals - alarm, fire, accident;

have a clear idea of ​​the dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the performance of work (increased dustiness of the air in the working area; moving parts of production equipment; moving machines and mechanisms; low air temperature in the working area; insufficient illumination of the working area; increased levels of noise and vibration) and know the main ways to protect against their impact;

know the requirements of fire and electrical safety when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing means;

when performing work, use personal protective equipment issued in accordance with the Standard Industry Norms of free distribution to workers and employees of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment:

jumpsuit cotton(cotton suit) 3Mi - 12 months;

kepi - 12 months;

leather boots Mp - 12 months;

combined mittens Mp - 12 months;

dielectric gloves EN - duty;

protective goggles O - before wear;

respirator - until worn out.

in winter additionally:

cotton jacket on a heat-insulating pad Тн - 36 months;

cotton trousers on a warming padТн - 36 months;

boots Тn20 - 48 months;

galoshes - 24 months.

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

comply with the internal labor regulations;

know the sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation.

6. The transporter should not expose himself to danger and be in places of work that are not directly related to the work performed by him.

7. The victim or eyewitness must immediately inform the immediate supervisor of work about each incident at work, who is obliged to:

organize first aid to the victim and his delivery to the medical center;

report the incident to the head of the unit;

before the start of the work of the commission of investigation, the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the accident, if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.

8. The transporter must inform the immediate supervisor of all the noticed malfunctions of transport mechanisms, devices and tools and do not start work until they are eliminated.

9. The transporter is responsible for:

compliance with the requirements of labor protection instructions and instructions (passports) of manufacturers of transport mechanisms, fire and electrical safety rules;

compliance with the established procedure for the production of work;

compliance with the internal labor regulations;

safety and serviceability of transport mechanisms;

accidents, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of a worker violating the requirements of instructions (passports) of manufacturers of transport mechanisms and instructions on labor protection.

10. For violation of labor discipline, non-compliance with the requirements of normative and technical documents on labor protection, the transporter is brought to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus.

11. A transporter who appears at work drunk, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, is not allowed to work on that day.

12. The transporter is obliged to perform the work stipulated by the employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment , about the deterioration of their health.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

13 .. The organization of the workplace must ensure the safety of work.

13.1. The workplace must be equipped with a double-sided light and sound signaling... At workplaces, signs with conditional signaling should be posted.

13.2. Moving parts of conveyors (drive, tensioning and deflecting drums, tensioning devices, ropes and tensioning device blocks, belt and other transmissions, couplings, etc., also support rollers of the lower belt branch) should be fenced in areas of permanent workplaces associated with technological process on the conveyor, or along the entire conveyor route, if there is free access or constant passage near the conveyor of persons not associated with the conveyor maintenance.

13.3. In the area of ​​possible presence of people, be fenced and protected:

inspection hatches of transfer chutes of bunkers, crushers, etc., installed at the places of loading and unloading conveyors (periodically cleaned);

passages (driveways) under the conveyors with solid canopies, protruding beyond the dimensions of the conveyors by at least 1m;

sections of the conveyor route (except for overhead conveyors), where the passage of people is prohibited, by installing railings along the route with a height of at least 1.0 m from the floor level.

13.4. Conveyors of short length (up to 10m) in the head and tail sections must be equipped with emergency buttons to stop the conveyor.

Long conveyors must be additionally equipped with shutdown devices to stop the conveyor in emergency situations anywhere.

13.5. An interlock must be provided in the conveyor control circuit, which excludes the possibility of re-enabling the drive until the emergency is eliminated.

13.6. On sections of the conveyor route that are out of the operator's visibility zone from the control panel, a two-way warning sound or light alarm should be installed, which turns on automatically before the conveyor drive is turned on.

Two-way signaling should provide not only notification of the launch of the conveyor to persons who are out of sight from the conveyor control panel, but the return signal to the control panel of the track sections, invisible to the worker, about the readiness of the conveyor for launch. In the absence of permanent jobs on the conveyor route, it is not required to provide a response signal.

13.7. Conveyors intended for the transportation of dusty and dust-generating goods must be equipped with dust suppression or dust-collecting systems for the release of dust.

13.8. In industrial buildings, galleries, tunnels and on overpasses along the route of transport mechanisms, passages for safe service should be provided.

The width of the service passages must be at least:

0.75m - for all types of conveyors (except for plate conveyors);

1.0m - for plate conveyors;

1.0m - between parallel installed conveyors;

1.2m - between parallel-mounted apron conveyors.

The height of the passages must be at least:

2.1m - for conveyors with permanent jobs installed in production facilities;

2.0m - for conveyors that do not have jobs installed in production facilities;

1.9m - for conveyors installed in galleries, tunnels and on overpasses. In this case, the ceiling should not have sharp protruding parts.

13.9. Galleries and overpasses with an angle of inclination of 6-12º at the passage points should be equipped with a flooring with tightly attached strips 0.4-0.6 m apart from one another with handrails. When the gallery and flyover are tilted at an angle of more than 12º, flights of stairs are installed. Passages in overpasses should not be obstructed.

13.10. Platforms for servicing conveyors, cell feeders, screens, etc., located from the floor level at a height of more than 1.3 m, must be fenced from the outside with a railing at least 1.1 m high, with a flanging of at least 0.15 m. decks of bridges and platforms must be solid and non-slip.

13.11. In the places of passage through the cooling trays and conveyors transporting briquettes to the warehouse, walkways with a handrail of at least 1.0 m in height must be installed. The width of the bridges must be at least 1.0m.

14. Before starting work, the transporter must:

tidy up and put on overalls and other personal protective equipment, tie or button the cuffs of the sleeves; tuck in overalls so that there are no hanging ends; remove long hair under the headdress, pull the ends of the scarf in a knot on the head and pick it up;

take the shift.

15. When accepting a shift, a transporter engaged in servicing transport mechanisms must:

familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log on the operation of transport mechanisms and related equipment;

check the technical condition of transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.);

check the serviceability of sound and light alarms;

make sure that the tools and devices necessary for the performance of work are available and in good working order;

check the availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

make sure the workplace is clean. There should be no foreign objects near the serviced transport mechanisms. Passages and platforms must be free and clean;

write down the detected problems in the shift log and sign the shift. If the detected malfunctions impede the further operation of transport mechanisms and related equipment, the worker must immediately inform the immediate supervisor of the work.

16. When checking technical condition of serviced transport mechanisms(conveyors, feeders, etc.), the conveyor must:

make an external examination of units and working bodies of mechanisms;

make sure there are no damage, cracks or other defects;

make sure there is grease;

check the condition, correctness and tension of the load-carrying elements of transport mechanisms;

make sure the presence and serviceability of protective guards for moving parts (drive, tensioning and shut-off drums, tensioning devices, ropes and tensioning device blocks, belt and other transmissions, etc.);

make sure that the dust collection system from technological equipment, mechanisms (screens, conveyors, crushers) is in good working order;

make sure the presence and serviceability of grounding devices; upon completion of the inspection, carry out a test run of the transport mechanism at idle speed, as well as adjust the tension and travel of the working and traction elements.

17. When handing over the shift, the transporter must not leave his workplace until the arrival of the shift, and in case of delay, he must inform the immediate supervisor of the work.

18. It is not allowed to accept or hand over a shift during an accident in the preparatory department or at the site for the production of peat briquettes.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements during work

19. The start-up of transport mechanisms (conveyors, feeders, etc.) should be carried out by the transporter only if they are in good condition after obtaining permission from the direct supervisor of the work.

20. Before starting transport mechanisms, the transporter must:

make sure that no work is being done on the serviced transport mechanisms;

give a warning signal.

21. Start of transport mechanisms is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

the direction of start must be opposite to the direction of movement of the material flow. Failure to comply with this procedure can lead to the supply of raw materials to an inoperative mechanism and to the formation of blockages;

the supply of the load to the transport mechanisms (with the exception of the feeders) should be carried out in the absence of the transported material on the working bodies. Before starting the feeder, it is necessary to check that the lamellar web at the loading point is covered with a bed, i.e. a layer of transported material.

22. When servicing transport mechanisms, the transporter must:

monitor uniform loading, feeders, etc .;

check by external examination the condition of the traction and working bodies;

monitor the tension and speed of the load-carrying elements of transport mechanisms;

control the degree of heating of the bearings;

monitor the condition of the lubricant and replenish it in a timely manner;

check the operation of the drives for vibration;

monitor the noise level during the operation of transport mechanisms;

not to allow loading of transport mechanisms in excess of the calculated norms;

do not allow cargo to fall from the transport mechanism at the places where the transported material is transferred from one conveyor to another or a machine;

in the loading and unloading devices installed on conveyors, prevent jamming and freezing of the transported material, the formation of spills, blockages, etc.;

prevent the formation of blockages between the branch of the working feeder and the floor;

make sure that on inclined conveyors (inclined sections of conveyors) piece goods during transportation are in a stationary state in relation to the plane of the load-carrying element and do not change the accepted one during loading;

prevent spontaneous movement in the opposite direction of the load-carrying element with the transported material when the drive is turned off in conveyors with inclined or vertical sections of the route;

periodically clean the rollers and drums of the conveyor; this can disrupt the normal course of the conveyor and cause an accident;

make sure that the conveyor belt does not slip to the side and does not touch the rest of the conveyor. It is possible to correct its position by adjusting the position of the end drums only after the drums have stopped;

to prevent spillage of the transported material and idle operation of transport mechanisms;

cleaning, maintenance and repair of the serviced transport mechanisms should be performed after a complete stop and disconnection of the electric motor from the network. On the start buttons there should be a poster “Do not turn on - people are working!”;

do not allow stopping of transport mechanisms with loaded working bodies (belts, scrapers, etc.), with the exception of feeders, where a layer of transported material should remain on the canvas even after the feeder stops.

23. The transporter must stop transport mechanisms in the following cases:

upon detection of a malfunction of the transport mechanism (rupture or crack in the chain link, loose or missing nuts and bolts of the conveyor load-carrying mechanism, etc.);

when there is a lot of noise or knocking;

in case of slipping of the belt (the belt is loose or grease has got between the belt and the drum).

In the event of a stop of the transport mechanism, regardless of who stopped it, the worker must inform the immediate supervisor of the work and do not turn on the transport mechanism until the reasons for the stop are eliminated.

In the event of a sudden power outage, the circuit breaker must be disconnected.

24. The transporter is prohibited from:

use the serviced transport mechanisms for other purposes;

operate transport mechanisms with the protective barriers removed;

work without ventilation included;

walk on the belt conveyor and pass through it in places that do not have transition areas;

operate a belt conveyor for supplying raw materials with a faulty electromagnetic separator;

adjust the load on the moving belt;

operate unpressurized scraper conveyors;

while the conveyors are in operation, repair them and apply rosin and resin to the drive drum when the conveyor belts slip;

to allow the presence of unauthorized persons in the area of ​​operation of transport mechanisms;

leave unattended and transfer control of transport mechanisms to other persons.

25. When operating the screen, it is necessary to ensure that:

was not loosened its fastening to metal structures;

the rumble was balanced and the springs were not broken.

In this case, it is prohibited:

to operate a faulty screen, as well as not connected to the dedusting system;

clean the sieves of the screen without special tools. The screens should be cleaned with a special long-handled comb.

26. When operating a crusher, it is prohibited:

operate crushers with open or faulty viewing trays, as well as with an unbalanced rotor;

push peat through the receiving sleeve or clean it, and also regulate the jam between the knife and hammers when the crusher is in operation.

27. When servicing the electromagnetic separator, the following safety requirements must be observed:

lifting force testing of the electromagnetic separator is prohibited by using ferromagnetic objects directly from the hands;

electromagnetic separator must be kept clean, no accumulation of peat dust on it and on the supply cables is allowed;

during inspections and repairs, the electromagnetic separator must be de-energized.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements after the end of work

28. At the end of the work, the transporter is obliged:

to make a stop of the serviced transport mechanisms;

turn off the switch;

make an external examination of the serviced transport mechanisms in order to identify possible malfunctions. To inform the immediate supervisor of the work about all the malfunctions discovered during work, and about the measures taken on them;

clean the workplace;

hand over the shift to the shift, familiarize him with the condition of the serviced transport mechanisms and related equipment;

write down in the shift journal about the delivery of the shift;

take off overalls and other personal protective equipment in a designated area.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

29. The transporter is obliged to make an emergency stop of the serviced transport mechanisms when:

detection of malfunctions of transport mechanisms;

detection of hotbeds;


30. The reasons for stopping transport mechanisms must be recorded in a shift journal.

31. If fires occur in the area of ​​the transporter's serviced transport mechanisms:

turn off the ventilation system;

take measures to de-energize electrical equipment;

report the incident to the immediate supervisor of the work;

take measures to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing means;

if it is impossible to extinguish the fire on your own, call the fire department.

32. Extinguishing minor foci of peat dust ignition should be carried out as follows: pre-clean and moisten the burning dust in a bucket half-filled with water. Do not use a jet of water, as this will swirl the burning dust and cause a fire.

33. When peat dust is burnt in inclined conveyors, open the covers of these conveyors only sequentially, starting from the upper ones towards the lower ones. Simultaneous opening of the upper and lower covers of the conveyor casing is prohibited, as this contributes to the creation of a draft and leads to increased fire.

34. For extinguishing fires in electrical installations under voltage. It is forbidden to use foam fire extinguishers and water.

35. In case of an accident (injury, poisoning, burns, sudden illness), the transporter is obliged to provide first aid to the victim.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».