Anonymous questionnaires for employees. Questioning of employees and research based on them. fair distribution of workloads

Any company, organization, regardless of its field of activity, can successfully use surveys to increase the involvement and motivation of its employees, retain them and reduce staff turnover.

So, how do you make employee surveys effective, workable, and bring real results? And in general, are these surveys necessary?

First, let's answer the question of the need for personnel surveys: WHY?

Why conduct employee surveys

Well, you will ask about their satisfaction, and then what? What will it give you? When you find out that your employees are happy or unhappy or somehow half-satisfied, what can you do with this data? And it is not clear how true their answers are, whether it is possible to base their conclusions on them. And time is spent, people are involved.

To answer these questions, ask yourself the main question: Are you interested in the opinion of your employees? If not, then there is no problem. You just don't have to ask them anything. Let them work for themselves, and if they don't like something, let them go, no one is forcibly holding anyone. So?

If this is your answer, then I hasten to inform you that your company will not last long. The best people will always leave you, and the average ones too. It doesn't matter how much you pay them. One material motivation is not enough today. Especially the new generation. People want to be involved in their professional activities, they want to know why they work, what their overall result will be. They want to participate in the development of the company, improve it, offer ideas and implement them, and solve internal problems. Without feedback from their organization, they don't feel like part of it.

If you are interested in the opinion of your employees, then you are already on the right track, and the best solution is employee surveys.

So why is it worth doing surveys?

The fact is that by conducting surveys, you begin to measure the pulse of your organization, you get the opportunity to notice problem areas and the reasons behind them. Your people tell you what is wrong. You just need to hear them and take appropriate action. You also begin to involve all employees in the life of the company, which increases their involvement. Employees share ideas, make suggestions, discuss important points their working days. They understand that their opinion is important, they are important for their company. Of course, not all surveys will lead to good results. It is necessary to use the most effective methods of interviewing personnel.

It's time to move on to the second question: HOW?

How to conduct employee surveys?

The most common survey system in companies is quarterly or even worse annual surveys. In 3 months and even more so in a year, so many things change that the survey is no longer relevant. You will already lose yours the best people until you are ready to ask their opinion or find out how satisfied they are with their work.

Another problem with infrequent surveys is that you have to ask dozens of questions at once. Answering them is extremely uninteresting. Ask your employees. Many admit that already at the fifth question, they begin to answer less carefully, and then just for the sake of a tick, in order to quickly deal with this. Thus, the data that you end up with has nothing to do with reality. And who needs such data. Is that also just for show.

But even if we imagine that all the data is correct, it will take a very long time to process such a large amount of data and draw some more or less useful conclusions. That is, with rare surveys, you lose more time, make your employees reluctantly answer a large number of questions, and receive not very truthful data.

Therefore, you need to ask more often, much more often.

How often to conduct surveys?

Every week. One work week is optimal. Asking every day is too much. First, the percentage of participation will drop dramatically. Secondly, not much changes in a day, so the answers will often be similar to each other. Asking once a month is not enough. Relevance is lost, you will have to ask more questions at a time, which will again lower the percentage of participation.

It is best to ask in the middle of the week, or rather on Wednesday. It's just the middle of the work week. People are already accustomed to the working regime, they have entered the mainstream of work, but they still do not think about plans for the weekend. The survey is best done in the morning, so to speak, with a fresh mind.

What questions to ask when interviewing employees?

Pulse Poll recommends specific questions that have proven their worth on the basis of a large number of studies (Gallup,, and others), which are already prepared for you for the year ahead.

You can also replace our prepared questions with your own, the most relevant at the moment. Ask about what really worries you. With your questions, try to engage your most engaged employees by asking specific and relevant questions that require their feedback, advice, and opinion. And if you don’t know what to ask, don’t worry, our system will do everything for you.

One question is asked regularly:

How satisfied are you with your work in our company?

This most important question measures the “happy level” of employees, and does it regularly, which gives you a clear graph, called the “pulse” of the company. You can track the health of your company throughout the duration of your participation in pulse surveys.

Each survey contains an optional proposal form. This form is usually very popular, because. allows people to express their ideas and suggestions. Employees often offer good things, so why not systematize this process? With each proposal, we recommend that they also offer solutions, so as not only to express something, but then “not my business”, but also, having enlisted support, to really implement their idea.

We also ask staff about their achievements in the last 7 days. This is important for both the employee and the manager. The answer to this question is not anonymous. At first, people ignore this question, but over time they begin to understand its usefulness and fill this field with their latest achievements, if they, of course, took place. Over time, these weekly achievements become more and more.

Why is this happening? First, there is a domino effect. Everyone sees how someone did it and think about their achievements. Then they decide that it looks like they didn't do anything special compared to those who have already shared their achievements, and start sharing as well. And then they already see the point in this, because more personal and professional achievements, which you can not only be proud of and flaunt, looking back at your history, but also use it to career development, as well as to protect yourself as a valuable specialist of your company. This is useful for the head of the organization and direct managers because their employees begin to work more productively, and their results are visible and tangible. The efficiency of the company is growing.

Pulse Poll has added something else to its surveys - it's a form of gratitude that helps companies create a positive environment. The thank you form is as popular as the other parts of the quick weekly survey, people are pleased to thank a colleague for help in a public way, to acknowledge him or her publicly, and not just directly. And this is doubly pleasant to the one or the one who was thanked. The effect of this is colossal - the rest of the employees also thank each other and begin to help each other more, the atmosphere of mutual assistance becomes a good form, the team becomes more united and friendly, and the company becomes stronger.

Should the survey be anonymous?

Yes. Anonymity helps to know the truth. People are not afraid of being fired for their suggestions or dissatisfaction. They boldly participate in the survey and sincerely share what they really care about. By keeping respondent data private, we open up new opportunities for managers and HR professionals. You find yourself aware of the real state of affairs in your company. You will know the truth, even if it is not very pleasant. You can do something about it, which is much better than being ignorant.

At the same time, the anonymity of surveys does not mean at all that you will receive only negative feedback. Studies show that with the so-called "permissiveness", the degree of trust on the part of the staff, as a rule, on the contrary, increases, which stimulates a constructive approach on their part. Reviews do not take on a negative connotation, and the overall corporate culture improves.

In addition, the anonymity of surveys ensures a high percentage of participation in them, and the more data, the more effective it will be to work with them.

Well, the last.

How to work with survey data reports

The result of any survey is a report with its data. In the report, you see both the big picture and specific details. The overall picture, these are exact figures, they clearly demonstrate what the situation is today, how healthy the company is, is everything in order. And the details (anonymous explanations, answers, suggestions) provide more complete information about the big picture. Carefully study these details, the solutions lie in them. You will see what exactly worries your people, what exactly they offer, what is the climate within the organization.

It is very important that you take action to address the identified problems. The very fact of being able to speak out already makes employees more motivated to work for you, but this is not enough. If their suggestions and feedback are ignored, then do not expect anything good. You don't have to implement every idea of ​​every employee. Everyone understands that this is impossible, and many of the ideas are simply unlikely to be worth it. But even by implementing some of them, you will show your staff that their ideas are important, that the company really cares. Ideas are discussed and turned into reality, criticism is taken seriously, problems are solved. All this is great motivation, and motivated employees are more productive.

Keep your finger on the pulse of your organization, use the Pulse Survey for this - the best employee engagement tool.

The effective activity of the company is impossible without satisfaction from the work of its employees. This parameter is influenced by the culture of the enterprise, and the style of leadership, and the degree of involvement in the work, and freedom of decision-making. To assess these and other factors, the questionnaire of staff satisfaction will help.

From the article you will learn:

Related Documents:

Staff satisfaction survey: why and how to conduct

A loyal employee, satisfied with his work, is motivated to work efficiently and strives for self-development. Employee satisfaction reflects the attitude of the employee to various aspects of work:

  • safety and working conditions;
  • workload;
  • ;
  • status and prestige of work;
  • relationships with colleagues;
  • the adequacy of the evaluation of the results of work by management;
  • relationships between management and subordinates;
  • degree of possible autonomy and area of ​​responsibility;
  • opportunities for growth and development.

It makes sense to conduct a staff satisfaction survey every six months. It is advisable to choose periods of “low” seasons in business so that the assessment procedure does not become an additional annoying factor for employees and does not negatively affect work.

The study should be carried out if the following factors are observed:

  • high performance staff turnover- here it is important to determine the true reasons for the dismissal of employees, to reduce production costs due to layoffs;
  • carry out organizational changes at the enterprise - at the same time, it is necessary to improve the processes for managing changes;
  • low performance - clarify the reasons and find solutions to optimize the organization of the labor process.

Before analyzing satisfaction, the management of the enterprise needs to identify the basic needs of a particular employee, which encourage him to professional activity. For similar studies you can invite external consultants, but with a small staff, you can handle it on your own. However, in this case, you need to have confidence in the honesty of the employees' answers.

Questionnaire for a pulse survey to identify satisfaction with the motivation system

Stages of the study of staff satisfaction with work:

  1. Specify the purpose of the study. Any survey should not be conducted for show. The management, before including this or that question in the questionnaire, needs to clearly define what to do with all this information and how the employer is ready to respond to the information received from the staff.
  2. Prepare questions and write questionnaires.
  3. Conduct a survey among employees, ask them to fill out questionnaires.
  4. Analyze the results of the study. Evaluate the performance of the current motivation system.
  5. Inform management and staff of the results of the study.

How to write a job satisfaction survey

Questionnaire sheets should be compiled by each manager, taking into account the objectives of the study and the features of the structure and activities of the enterprise. In general, you can rely on a few general rules. In the course of the study of employee satisfaction with the work, you need to find out:

  • categories of working conditions;
  • the degree of significance of these categories for employees;
  • how, from the point of view of employees, these categories are satisfied;
  • which categories are the least satisfied, in terms of employees.


Working conditions

Comfortable working conditions

Convenient work schedule

Convenient office location (easy to get to work)

Material incentive system

Adequate and understandable system of remuneration, from the point of view of personnel

Stable pay

An opportunity for an employee to influence the remuneration received due to the availability of material benefits

Complex and interesting job requiring creativity

Autonomy at work

Difficult job with a high degree of responsibility

Stability in work, lack of frequent personnel and organizational changes

Confidence in the future

Fulfillment of obligations of the employer to the staff

Clear goal setting

Improved feedback from the manager

Open discussion of problems and difficulties


Psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the team

Good relationship with leaders

Shared interests and worldview with the manager and colleagues

Recognition, respect for the invested work and merit

Recognition of the value of work by both peers and management

Show approval and respect from the manager

Interest in employee ideas and suggestions

Development opportunities

Opportunity for career growth

Prospects for professional development

Opportunity to acquire new skills, knowledge and skills

Corporate culture of the company

The presence in the company of a developed system of corporate values, rituals and traditions, supported by the vast majority of employees

Communication with colleagues outside the enterprise

Regular corporate events at the enterprise, joint celebration of anniversaries and holidays

In accordance with the specified goal, management from the above categories needs to select those for which you will conduct research.

The main reasons why employees are dissatisfied with their work, and ways to deal with negativity

Sample Questions for Staff Satisfaction Questionnaires

As examples of questions for staff satisfaction questionnaires for the group “ Interaction with management"The following can be cited:

  • Question about the significance of the category:“On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is clear task setting from your manager to you?”
  • Satisfaction question:“Determine the degree of validity of the statement “I have specific tasks before me.”
  • For category " Stability and security factor»:
  • Significance question:“How often do you save money for a rainy day?”
  • Satisfaction question:“How much, in percentage terms, are you currently worried about the prospect of losing your job?”

Each employee is individual and can give the most unexpected answers. Therefore, for each question, you need to offer several options, one of which must be chosen by the worker. This will allow you to calculate the results of the survey, bringing the average values ​​to a common denominator. Answer options can be offered as a percentage, numerical or verbal scale (excellent, good, bad, very bad).

Questions in the questionnaire should be arranged in random order, alternating them from different categories. This will allow you to get the most frank and reliable answers. At the end of each block of mandatory questions with answers, it is desirable to leave space for comments on the initiative of employees, their expression of personal opinion without given options. So after the survey, develop an action plan to correct the situation.

Action plan based on the results of the satisfaction survey

The following template can be used as a basis for compiling a questionnaire at a particular enterprise.

Staff Satisfaction Questionnaire: Standard Template

Download full sample

Each employee must independently complete the questionnaire within the specified time and return it for calculation of results. If possible, the study should be conducted anonymously, as this significantly increases the chances of obtaining reliable results.

Do's and Don'ts of Guaranteeing the Anonymity of a Survey

The data obtained during the survey, the management can use to improve the working conditions of the staff. As a result of such a survey, one can not only clarify weaknesses in communications, but also to identify other factors that hinder well-coordinated work in the company.

In conclusion, it should be added that it is important for employees to see that their participation in the survey was not a formality, but had an impact on the work of the company. Management should really try to solve the identified problems and take appropriate steps to do so.

This test questionnaire identifies the existing, both the most effective and the least desirable methods of stimulation, individually for each employee. It also reveals ways of self-motivation for the employees themselves.

The test questionnaire clarifies what exactly attracts this work what advantages it gives the employee now and what he can get in the future, to get satisfaction from the work itself and better self-realization.

Testing according to this questionnaire will be useful for the manager himself (middle and operational).

Questionnaire for determining the type of labor motivation of an employee. (Tests for managers. Motivation and stimulation of staff):


Carefully read the question and all the answer options that are given for it. Each question has a note on how many answers you can give. Most questions require only one or two answers.

If in such a question you choose one of the options given, circle the number that numbers this answer. If none of the options suits you, write your answer yourself in the “other” field.

test material.

1. Your position in the organization: 1) manager 2) employee 3) worker

2. Your gender: 1) male 2) female

3. Your age: ____ years

4. How long have you been working in this organization? ____ years / ____ months

5. What do you value most in your work? Give one or two answers

1. That I basically decide what to do and how to do it myself.

2. That it gives me the opportunity to show what I know and can do.

3. That I feel useful and needed.

4. That I get paid relatively well for it.

5. I don’t particularly appreciate anything, but this work is well known and familiar to me.

6. Which of the following expressions suits you best?

Give only one answer

1. I can provide a decent income for myself and my family with my work.

2. In my work, I am a complete master.

3. I have enough knowledge and experience to cope with any difficulties in my work.

4. I am a valuable, indispensable employee for the organization.

5. I always do what is required of me.”

6. Other: ______________________

7. How do you prefer to work?

Give one or two answers

1. I prefer to do what is familiar, habitual.

2. It is necessary that something new constantly appears in the work, so as not to stand still.

3. To know exactly what needs to be done and what I will get for it.

4. I prefer to work under full personal responsibility.

5. Willing to do whatever is necessary for the organization.

6. Other: ______________________

8. Let's say that you are offered another job in your organization. Under what conditions would you agree to this?

Give one or two answers

1. If they offer a much higher salary.

2. If another job is more creative and interesting than the current one.

3. If new job give me more independence.

4. If it is very necessary for the organization.

5. Other: ______________________

6. In all cases, I would prefer (prefer) to stay in the job that I'm used to (used to).

9. Try to define what your earnings mean to you?

Give one or two answers

1. Payment for the time and effort spent on doing the work.

2. First of all, this is a payment for my knowledge and qualifications.

3. Payment for my labor contribution to the overall results of the organization.

4. I need a guaranteed income - albeit small, but that it is.

5. Whatever it is, I earned it myself.

6. Other: ______________________

10. How do you feel about the sources of income listed below?

Answer for each line: tick the column that best suits your opinion

Very important

Not very important

It doesn't matter at all

1. Salary and bonuses, pensions, scholarships

2. Additional payments for qualification

3. Surcharges for severe and harmful conditions

4. Social payments and benefits, allowances

5. Income from capital, shares

6. Any additional running-in

7. Extra earnings, but not any, but only in your specialty

8. Income from personal farming, dacha farming

9. Winning the lottery, casino, etc.

11. What principles, in your opinion, should be based on the relationship between the employee and the organization? Give only one answer

1. The employee must treat the organization as his home, give it everything and go through difficulties and upsurges together. The organization must evaluate the dedication and work of the employee accordingly.

2. The worker sells his labor to the organization, and if he is not given a good price, he has the right to find another buyer.

3. An employee comes to the organization for self-realization and treats it as a place for the realization of his abilities. The organization must provide the employee with such an opportunity to benefit from this for himself and develop on this basis.

4. The employee spends his energy on the organization, and the organization must in return guarantee him a salary and social benefits.

5. Other: ________________________

12. In your opinion, why do people take the initiative in the process of work, make various proposals? Give one or two answers

1. Feel special responsibility for their work.

2. Because of the desire to realize their knowledge and experience, to go beyond the framework established by the work.

3. Most often because of the desire to improve the work of their organization.

4. They just want to "stand out" or win the favor of their superiors.

5. They want to make money, because any useful initiative should be rewarded.

13. What judgment about collective work is closer to you? Give one or two answers

1. The team is very important for me, good results cannot be achieved alone.

2. I prefer to work independently, but I also feel good when I work with interesting people.

3. I need freedom of action, and the team most often restricts this freedom.

4. You can work in a team, but you have to pay according to personal results.

5. I like to work in a team, because there I am among my own.

6. Other: ________________________

14. Imagine that you have a chance to become the owner of your organization. Will you take advantage of this opportunity? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, as I will be able to participate in the management of the organization.

2. Yes, because it can increase my income.

3. Yes, since a real employee must be a co-owner.

4. It is unlikely: it will not affect earnings, participation in management does not interest me, but it will interfere with work.

5. No, I don't need extra worries.

6. Other: ________________________

15. Imagine that you are currently looking for a job. You are offered several jobs. Which one will you choose? Give one or two answers

1. The most interesting, creative.

2. The most independent, independent.

3. For which they pay more.

4. So that for not too much money you don’t have to especially “tear yourself”

5. I cannot imagine that I will leave our organization. .

6. Other: ________________________

16. What is the first thing you consider when evaluating the success of another employee in your organization? Give one or two answers

1. His salary, income, financial situation.

2. The level of his professionalism, qualifications.

3. How well he "settled down."

4. How much he is respected in the organization.

5. To what extent he is independent, independent.

6. Other: ________________________

17. If the situation in your organization deteriorates, what changes in your work and position will you agree to in order to stay at work? You can give any number of answers.

1. Learn a new profession.

2. Work part-time or move to a less skilled job and get paid less.

3. Switch to a less convenient mode of operation.

4. Work harder.

5. I agree to just endure because there is nowhere to go.

6. Other: ________________________

7. Most likely, I will just leave the organization.

If you are a MANAGER, what attracts you the most in this position? Give one or two answers

1. Ability to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. Opportunity to bring the greatest benefit to the organization.

3. High level of payment.

4. Ability to organize the work of other people.

5. Opportunity to best apply your knowledge and skills.

6. Other: ________________________

7. Nothing particularly attracts, I don’t hold on to the position of the head.

If you are NOT a MANAGER, would you like to become one? Give one or two answers

1. Yes, because it will make it possible to make independent, responsible decisions.

2. Do not mind, if necessary for the good of the case.

3. Yes, because in doing so I will be able to better apply my knowledge and skills.

4. Yes, if it will be properly paid.

5. No, a professional can only answer for himself.

6. No, management does not attract me, but I can make good money in my place.

7. Yes, why am I worse than others?

9. Other: ________________________

Processing the results of the survey

The test questionnaire consists of 18 questions and contains blocks:

"Passport" (questions 1-4).

The attitude of the employee to his work, work as an activity (questions 5-8)

The ratio of the employee to wages (questions 9-10).

Employee and organization, team (questions 11, 13).

Employee and co-ownership of the organization (question 14);

The employee and his position (questions 12, 15-18).

Manual processing of the test data is carried out using a special table for identifying the types of labor motivation according to the respondents' answers (Table 1).

The results are processed in two stages. At the first stage, each completed questionnaire is processed and the individual motivational profile of the respondent is calculated.

Considering in turn the answer to each question, determine the type of motivation from the key table. It may be the only one for this option, but there are answer options that correspond to several types of motivation.

There are also options that do not correspond to any type of motivation, for example, question 10.1 does not have a corresponding type of motivation for any answer option.

Put next to the answer option the code of the corresponding type or types of motivation, guided by the following examples:

Answer options are given:

2 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PR;

3 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PA.

Only one answer is given:

2 - according to the table, we determine the type of motivation and put it down - PR.

Question 10.5

Answer option given:

3 - according to the table, we determine that this option corresponds to 4 types of motivation, and put down their IN, PR, PA, ST.

No option has been selected. We do not post anything.

Chosen options:

1 - corresponds to three types of motivation - PR, PA, XO;

2 - also three types of motivation - PA, XO, ST;

5 - corresponds to two types - PA, ST.

Test key:

Table 1. Identification of types of work motivation

ST - unambitious type, "wanderer"; IN - instrumental type, "instrumental"; PR - professional type, "professional"; PA - patriotic type, "patriot"; XO - master type, "master".

Types of work motivation,
identified by the respective
options (numbers) of answers

Having put down the motivation codes for all questions and answer options, count how many times the code of each type occurs in the put down codes and fill in the plate directly on the questionnaire, for example: ST - 7 times; IN - 4 times; PR - 2 times; PA - 8 times; XO - 1 time.

Then count the number of responses given. Recall that for many questions the respondent can give not one, but two answers (and more for question 17), and also that for some questions he can choose the “other” option or refuse to answer at all.

Enter the number of answers on the questionnaire. Then, divide the total points scored by the respondent for each of the 5 types of labor motivation by the total number of these answers.

As a result, the structure of labor motivation of the employee interviewed for this test is obtained, expressed by coefficients (motivation indices) less than one.

For applied problems, it can be useful to turn these coefficients into ranks (from 1 to 5), which show what types of motivation prevail among this employee, and which ones are poorly represented in his motivational structure.

Rank 1 means that this type of motivation prevails (in first place), rank 5 means that this type of motivation is in last place. If the indices of two types of motivation are equal, then these types receive the same rank.

As a result, the table on the questionnaire will be supplemented with indices and ranks and will take, for example, the following form: Answers - 31

At the second stage, the statistical processing of the responses is performed.

It can be carried out for each group for each classification feature separately and for the entire team.

Step 1. Select the questionnaires corresponding to the group you are interested in. Sum the indices of each type of motivation for all questionnaires and divide the result by the number of questionnaires in the group. You will get the group average index of this type of motivation.

By doing this for each type of motivation, you will get a table of average indices. For example: group "women": IN - 0.1632, PR - 0.3294, PA - 0.2172, XO - 0.0636, ST - 0.1937.

Step 2. Calculate how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1. Divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

Step 3. Calculate how many questionnaires each type of motivation has a rank of 1 or 2. Also divide the resulting numbers by the number of questionnaires.

As a result of the second and third steps, you will get the structure of the prevailing types of motivation. For instance:

Average incentive indices for a group or average ranks of motivational types show which types of incentive forms are applicable, neutral or prohibited for a given group.

The result of the last calculation shows which stimulation methods are not dominant (they are in second place, but they are common) and can manifest themselves with inadequate stimulation.

The determination of the forms of stimulation corresponding to the results is made on the basis of Table. 2.


Table 2. Correspondence of motivational types and forms of stimulation

Forms of incentives

Motivational type


































Participation in management





Incentive methods, forms of motivation

Negative - displeasure, punishment, the threat of job loss.

Cash - wages, including all types of bonuses and allowances.

Natural - buying or renting a home, providing a car, etc.

Moral - certificates, awards, honors board, etc.

Paternalism (concern for the employee) - additional social and medical insurance, creation of conditions for recreation, etc.

Organizational - working conditions, its content and organization. Involvement in co-ownership and participation in management.


"Basic" - the most effective form of incentives.

"Applicable" - can be used.

"Neutral" will have no effect.

"Forbidden" - not allowed to use.

For example, for the given data, it can be seen that the types of motivation "Professional" (in the first place) and "Patriotic" (in the second place) predominate.

Rating 4.80 (5 Votes)

Russian enterprises have begun to use employee surveys following Western companies. To conduct this marketing research is to find out what they think about the company inside, its own staff. Relationships between employees and management, staff opinion about social package and conditions of remuneration allows you to find out the questioning of employees of the enterprise. You can also find out the attitude of employees to the image of the company, their opinion about its work and prospects.

Obtaining feedback from employees, checking performance personnel service and personnel management, all this can be determined in the course of a survey of employees. It is important for people to be able to convey feedback, to say what each of them is satisfied with and what they would like to change. But for the success of this study, it is very important that the interviewers take them away to establish contact with people, to find a common language with an employee of any character and temperament.

What can a survey of employees of an organization reveal?

To get an opinion and show everyone its importance - these are the two main goals of asking employees about what they think about their company, their boss and colleagues, their work, responsibilities and salary. And at the same time, there is an opportunity to receive very valuable proposals that the employee would not dare to utter to the management in person.

If you conduct a survey of employees, you can find out:

1- Moods labor collective, their morale, the opinion of employees about the culture and competence of the immediate supervisor, about the fairness of the distribution of duties, about satisfaction with their salary and working conditions; 2- The opinion of employees about the organization of work and the fairness of the requirements of the management of the team. About obstacles for more effective work associated with improper organization of technological processes or equipment of workplaces; 3- About the desire or unwillingness to continue working in the company, about the desire to move to another division, make a career, get an education or retrain.

How to conduct employee surveys

You can get high-quality feedback only with the active participation of respondents - employees of your company. First of all, with the help of corporate mail or with the help of announcements, people need to be informed about the future survey, explained so that they understand why the survey will be conducted.

It is important to choose a good time to fill out the questionnaires, optimally a normal working day, when there are no critical situations. During a force majeure or at the end of the working day, few people will be interested in focusing on the answers to the questionnaire. If you want to get honest and reliable answers, you should take care of the trust of the employees of the company in those who will process the results of the survey.

Questions for surveying employees

Practice shows high speed receiving feedback through questionnaires. It is important to correctly compose questions and not exceed their reasonable number. For example, a questionnaire template might include the following questions: 1- Personal information of the employee (gender, marital status, age, personal interests), which will help to process and analyze information in response to basic questions; 2- Interest in their work and satisfaction with salary, intention to quit and its reasons; 3- Evaluation of the head and employees in his unit; 4- Evaluation of the working atmosphere in the team; 5- The opinion of the employee about the correctness and efficiency of the organization of the work process; 6- Suggestions for improving work efficiency, internal processes of the company, quality of customer service. To ensure that respondents feel at ease with the questionnaires, use the conversational style of the language in the questions and do not be overly formal. Employees should not be afraid that they will suffer for their honesty, for this it is necessary to provide people with complete confidence in the anonymity of the survey. Otherwise, you will never get the most valuable data about problems in the company that need to be urgently fixed.

After the necessary information is processed, make a presentation for the whole team on the results of data analysis. Tell what the survey showed, what conclusions were made and decisions made, this will show employees that their opinion is really taken into account. This is a great way to motivate people to get involved in the firm. Having decided to create a questionnaire, remember that people will willingly answer those questions that are important and relevant to them.

Survey of company employees

Both employees in the office and those who interact with customers have a great influence on the reputation of the enterprise among customers and its position in the market. The purpose for which the opinions of employees are collected is to improve work processes within the company, increase labor efficiency, eliminate the causes that can cause conflicts in the team.

A survey of employees, when properly prepared, is an excellent tool for identifying all bottlenecks in the organization of work in the organization. But often it is precisely because of the low level of interest and loyalty of employees that it is not possible to realize the full potential of the company.

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2. Technology for creating a questionnaire





The relevance of the topic of the work is due to the fact that today it is hardly possible to meet a person who at least once has not come across such a concept as sociological research. The results of sociological research are referred to as one of the most powerful arguments in criticizing opponents, in an effort to convince the mass consciousness of the advantages of certain views, ideas, methods of activity, etc., and give rise to doubt or even complete rejection of the positions of the criticized side. In other words, our society is becoming more and more accustomed to the fact that sociological research is becoming an obligatory component in solving certain responsible tasks, not only on a national, but also on a local scale. The management of the company needs to receive objective information about how employees relate to working conditions, how they evaluate corporate policy how loyal they are to the company. This is necessary for the development of a motivation system and the adoption of the right management decisions. Feedback methods with staff help to obtain such information. Questionnaires are among the most popular methods of feedback with staff.

The purpose of this work is to study the procedure for conducting a survey of employees using distribution questionnaires. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks in the work:

Consider the essence, features and scope of distribution questionnaires;

To study the types of questionnaires;

Analyze the structure of the questionnaire and identify the features of its development;

Describe the types and purpose of the questions of the questionnaire;

To characterize the surveyed group and determine the specific goals of the survey;

Develop a questionnaire form and prepare for the survey;

Process the results of the survey;

Make general conclusions based on the results of the survey;

Make specific proposals for improving the processes under study and determine economic efficiency from their implementation.

The object of study in this paper is the bank.

The subject of the study is the process of conducting a survey of bank employees using distributing questionnaires.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The first chapter outlines the essence of the survey, the range of goals and objectives of the survey. The second chapter highlights the requirements for compiling questions in the questionnaire, depending on the goals. In the third chapter, statistical analysis materials from the questionnaires and made conclusions based on the results of the survey.

1. Goals, objectives and requirements for the survey

Questionnaire is one of the most common and effective methods collection of primary sociological and statistical information. This is a survey of employees using a special form with questions (questionnaires). Questioning in comparison with conversation and interviewing is, as it were, the next step in an even more rigidly programmed survey. The purpose of the survey is to quickly and without spending a lot of time and money to get an objective idea of ​​the opinion of employees on a particular issue. Samoukina N. Methods of feedback with personnel // Personnel business No. 2, 2006.

The most effective volume of the questionnaire is 5-12 questions. If there are fewer questions, it will be difficult to get an objective picture of the issue being studied; if there are more, employees will not be able to pay enough attention to filling out the questionnaire, as they will have to be distracted from their main duties for a long time.

The results of the survey are a report that contains the percentage of answers to the questions asked. The length of the survey is very important. To get the maximum effect from the survey (that is, so that as many employees as possible fill out and submit the questionnaires), it is necessary to ask for answers to the questions immediately and collect the questionnaires after 15-30 minutes. If you distribute questionnaires to employees at home, then only 15-20% will be received back.

The algorithm for conducting the survey is as follows:

1. Determination of the objectives of the survey;

2. Choosing the type of survey, compiling a questionnaire;

3. Notification and motivation of employees;

4. Distribution, filling, collection of questionnaires;

5. Analysis of responses and preparation of a report to management;

6. Familiarization of employees with the results of the survey.

The advantages of questionnaires are that this method makes it possible to quickly collect a large amount of information and identify the opinions of company employees on a particular issue. The questionnaire method allows:

Carry out surveys of sufficiently large groups of employees in short term and with the least expenditure of forces and means;

To formalize the survey as much as possible, ensuring sufficient comparability of data, their statistical processing and analysis, including on a computer;

Respect the anonymity of the answers that help reveal the real opinion of the respondents.

Disadvantages of surveys include:

Rigid certainty of questions that do not allow in specific cases to deepen the survey;

Non-return by respondents of a significant part of the questionnaires and the presence of errors and inaccuracies in them;

Possibility of mutual influences on the opinion of respondents in organized surveys in labor collectives.

The main drawback of the survey is the subjective nature of the information received. Therefore, the assessment of their reliability is possible only on the basis of a critical approach and comparison with statistical and other objective indicators. To compensate for these shortcomings, the questionnaire is recommended to be used together with the interview. Pass Yu. Questionnaire through the eyes of a psychologist // Personnel business No. 7, 2004.

Questioning can be continuous (in which all employees of the company are surveyed) or selective (in which one division or a certain category of employees is surveyed).

Selective surveys are carried out if it is necessary to obtain feedback on a specific local issue. For example, employees of one of the company's divisions achieved the highest results for the year, and management plans to reward them for Good work. With the help of a survey of employees of this unit, it is possible to identify expectations regarding the forms of encouragement.

A continuous survey is carried out if it is necessary to analyze the opinion of the staff on important, strategic issues. For example, a company is developing corporate code- a document reflecting the corporate culture. Using the survey, you can get information about how employees see the mission and values ​​of the organization, its position in the market, competitive advantages etc.2. Butenko I.A. Questionnaire as a communication of a sociologist with respondents: Proc. allowance for un-comrade. M.: Higher. school, 1989. p. 124.

Questioning can also be nominal (when each respondent enters his first and last name in the questionnaire) and anonymous (when employees answer the questions posed, but do not indicate their name).

In practice, managers often avoid name surveys of staff. However, with such a survey, employees give more thoughtful, balanced answers. Name survey is necessary when conducting peer review activities of the company, for example, when evaluating innovations, when employees express their opinion on the effectiveness of innovations.

With anonymous surveys, employees answer questions more openly and truthfully, but there is an increase in the number of hasty and ill-conceived answers. However, in most cases it is really recommended to conduct anonymous surveys. For example, when collecting information on the assessment of working conditions in the company, employees' satisfaction with their professional activities, on the presence or absence of a "generational conflict", on the attitude to the managerial style of a particular leader.

2. Technology for creating a questionnaire

questionnaire question report employee

Consider the structure of the questionnaire, which, as a rule, consists of the following sections:

1. Preamble. In the preamble to short form the purpose of the study is stated, the problem is characterized. It must be remembered that knowledge about the problem and the purpose of the study is important for the respondent in order for him to make a decision about his participation or non-participation in the survey. The preamble is informative and formative in nature, the work of the respondent begins with it. The purpose of the study is formulated clearly and clearly; it should be perceived not only unambiguously, but also emotionally.

2. Appeal to the respondent. The purpose of the study develops into an appeal to the respondent, in which one should emphasize the common interests of the respondent and the sociologist in solving the problem under consideration, provide information on the use of the study results, recall the anonymity of the questionnaire and ask to take part in the survey.

3. Instructions for filling out the questionnaire. The instruction is a memo, a guide to filling out the questionnaire. It should be polite, informative, correct, non-categorical, explaining difficult places of work with the questionnaire. These requirements must be observed in order not to cause a feeling of asymmetry and unequal communication. The instruction consists of 2 parts: general, which reports on the degree of complexity of the questionnaire and its features and rules, which, in fact, contain instructions for filling out the questionnaire and working with questions. The degree of suitability of the instruction is determined in a trial survey. If respondents ask a lot of questions to fill out the questionnaire or a lot of questions are omitted, then the instruction is not suitable.

4. Questionnaire. In accordance with the questionnaire development methodology, simple and contact questions, basic and complex questions, and other types that you consider necessary are used. Simple and contact questions are related to adaptation and are aimed at forming a general positive attitude towards the survey. The main and complex questions are aimed at collecting the necessary information related to the objectives of the study. At the end of the questionnaire, questions are posed to help relieve tension. They may be asked to express an opinion on the topic of the survey.

5. Block of socio-demographic data. This is a passport that contains questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. It includes questions of the following content: gender, age, education, profession, position, marital status. Depending on the objectives of the study, the number of questions in the passport can be increased or decreased.

6. Expression of gratitude to the respondent for working with the questionnaire. Noel E. Mass Surveys: An Introduction to Demoscopy Methodology. -- M.: AVA-ESTRA, 1993. p. 42.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the preparation of the questionnaire:

The questionnaire should begin with a greeting, the purpose of the study, "obtaining consent", instructions, i.e. hats;

It is important to ask questions correctly. To do this, you need to understand what you want to receive and what form of the question best fits this;

The language of the questionnaire should be understandable and accessible to the respondents among whom the study is being conducted;

It is necessary to choose the optimal number of questions, sufficient to obtain the necessary information and not to overload the questionnaire (respondents may be afraid of it);

Make the questionnaire as convenient as possible in terms of filling and design.

Questionnaires may contain different types of questions, such as open and closed questions. Open questions require free-form responses from employees, for example:

What other working conditions are important to you (please underline):

Opportunity to combine study with work;

Rewards for good work;

length of service;

Medical service;

Food stamps at the expense of the organization.

For closed questions, several alternative answers are given, and the employee must choose the one that corresponds to his opinion. In particular, closed questions may contain a list of different assessments regarding the question posed, for example:

The company's management decided to hold corporate holidays only for employees, without inviting their family members. Express your opinion on this issue (underline):

Completely agree;

I agree;

Agree, but not with everything;


Completely disagree.

Also, the questions in the questionnaire can be semi-closed or combined, for example:

Which working conditions are important to you (underline):


Operating mode;

Management relationship;

Duration and convenience of the road to work;

Growth and career prospects;

Gaining professional experience.

If important conditions for you are not named here, add:

There are direct and indirect questions. Direct questions are: "Do you know...", "What do you think about...", "What do you think about...", "Are you satisfied with...", "Do you think... ".

Indirect questions usually begin like this: "Some people think that ... What do you think?".

By function, questions can be basic or suggestive, control or clarifying, etc. The type of question can affect the completeness and truthfulness of the answer. As for the wording of questions, the phrases should be as short as possible, clear in meaning, simple, precise and unambiguous.

The following can be distinguished typical mistakes when asking questions:

1) hidden predetermined answer;

2) super-detailedness;

3) ambiguity of questions;

4) insufficient distinctive power of questions.

Good questions should meet the usual criteria for reliability and validity. Paniotto V.I. The quality of sociological information. -- K.: Naukova Dumka, 1986.

3. Marketing Analysis surveys of bank employees

Development of the questionnaire and preparation for the survey.


Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and the HR department conduct a survey of employees in order to reduce staff turnover and identify employee prospects (questionnaires - see Appendix. For the convenience of processing the results of the survey, both questionnaires are summarized in single tables.). After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure. The questionnaire contains ten questions.

Instruction. There are questions in the questionnaire that contain answer options and you need to choose one or more options that best match your opinion, while using the instructions for the question itself. Before answering a question, carefully read the answer options. There are also questions that do not contain answer options. You can answer them in any (free) form. Free-form answers are of great value for research, because in them you can express your opinion in more detail, and your vision of solving the problem. We ask you to try not to skip a single question, the value of the research results largely depends on this.

Table 1

The order and options for answering the questionnaires

Answer order

Answer options

Question Characteristics

Are you satisfied with the work in our bank?

- Yes;

- rather yes;

- find it difficult to answer;

- probably not;

closed, straight

If you were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher salary Would you change jobs?

Underline the answers that match your opinion

- Yes;

- No.

closed, straight

Rank the factors that, in your opinion, can increase your productivity at work (starting with the most important):

- Fixed salary;

- payment according to the results of work (differentiated salary);

- recognition and approval from management;

- complex and difficult work;

Communication with colleagues, partners and clients

open, straight

Rank the factors that, in your opinion, make the job attractive (starting with the most important):

Rate each factor on a 10-point scale

- convenient location of the office;

- flexible work schedule;

Fringe benefits

open, straight

Choose the conditions that you do not like in your work and rate them on a 10-point system:

Rate each factor on a 10-point scale

- the manager treats me unfairly;

- I am often assigned to do less prestigious work than other workers;

- I am not accepted in the team;

- I did not have access to informal channels and additional sources of information necessary for my work;

open, straight

Write what other working conditions are important to you

free answer

open, straight

Are you willing to retrain?

- Yes;

closed, straight

Do you agree to the certification?

Underline answers that match your opinion

- Yes;

closed, straight

Do you agree to perform additional responsibilities no promotion wages?

Underline answers that match your opinion

- Yes;

closed, straight

Do you consider it necessary to corporate holidays?

Underline the answers that coincide with your opinion

- Yes;

closed, straight

Processing of survey results.

It is necessary to start processing the results of the survey of employees of the Office for Accounting for Accounting and Calculations by checking them for completeness, rejecting poor-quality completed questionnaires, calculating the questionnaires and numbering them (Table 2).

table 2

The results of the primary processing of employee questionnaires

Management of the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements

Number of questionnaires collected

Rejected questionnaires

Number of questionnaires suitable for processing

Not all questions answered

Answers are illegible

Lost part of sheets

Missing position and signature of the respondent

Department of the State Budget and Extra-budgetary Funds

Department of organization of interbank settlements

Department of accounting and control of on-farm operations

Next, it is necessary to process the results of the survey of employees. Table 3 reflects the degree of satisfaction of employees with work in the bank.

Table 3

The degree of employee satisfaction with work in the bank



Are you satisfied with the work in our bank

Rather yes

Difficult to answer

Probably not

Department for accounting and payroll calculations

Rice. 1. The degree of employee satisfaction with work in the bank

As the above data show, a significant part of the employees of the Accounting and Settlement Organization Department are satisfied (15 people, or 37.5%) and rather satisfied (10 people, or 25%) with their work in the bank. At the same time, 32.5% (13 people) of the employed are not satisfied with their work. At the same time, if an employee were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher salary, 17 people, or 42.5%, would change their job.

Employees of the Department of the State Budget and extra-budgetary funds are dissatisfied with their work to a large extent (6 people, or 40% of respondents). Among the employees of the department of accounting and control of on-farm transactions, no employees were identified who are not satisfied with the working conditions in the bank. At the same time, 5 employees of the department are completely satisfied with their work.

Table 4

Analysis of the factors affecting the productivity of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements

Total respondents

Factors that can increase productivity

possibility of promotion

Fixed salary

performance-based pay

recognition and approval from management for a job well done

work that creates conditions for self-expression and

makes you develop your skills

complex and difficult work

work that allows you to think for yourself

high degree of responsibility

interesting work that requires creativity

communication with colleagues, partners and clients

Department of the State Budget and Extra-budgetary Funds

Department for the organization of interbank settlements

Department of Accounting and Control of Internal Operations

Department for accounting and payroll calculations

The third question of the questionnaire allowed us to analyze the factors that affect the productivity of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements (Table 4 and Fig. 2). As the study showed, the most important factors for all interviewed employees were receiving a stable income and receiving remuneration based on its results.

Rice. 2. Factors of increasing labor productivity

In addition to these factors, for employees of the State Budget Department and extrabudgetary funds, the possibility of promotion (10 points), as well as recognition and approval from the management of a job well done (10 points) is very important. Important factors were named as the ability to think independently (8 points) and a high degree of responsibility (7 points).

For employees of the department of organization of interbank settlements, such factors as the possibility of career growth (9 points), recognition and approval from the management (9 points), a high degree of responsibility (8 points) were named as important.

Employees of the department of accounting and control of on-farm operations noted such factors for increasing labor productivity as the possibility of promotion (10 points), a high degree of responsibility (9 points) and independent work (7 points).

For employees of the accounting and payroll department, recognition and approval from the management (9 points) and a high degree of responsibility for the work performed (8 points) are also important.

Productivity factors such as interesting work that requires creativity; communication with colleagues, partners, clients, work, conditions for self-expression and opportunities to develop their abilities by all categories of employees were characterized as insignificant. This is due to the specifics of working in a bank: work is strictly regulated and strict requirements are imposed on employees. Consequently, the possibility of a creative approach to work is very limited.

The fourth question of the questionnaire allows us to analyze the factors that make the work of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements attractive (Table 5 and Fig. 3).

All employees rated such factors as particularly important, such as a stable job without the threat of dismissal (40 points), good relations with the immediate supervisor (38 points), obtaining sufficient information about the state of affairs in the bank (36 points).

As insignificant, factors such as flexible work hours (12 points), work without great stress (15 points), cleanliness and absence of noise in the workplace (20 points), and convenient office location (21 points) were characterized as insignificant. For employees of all departments, the attractiveness of work is largely due to the opportunity to work with people they like (10 points), a fair distribution of workloads (9 points), and the provision of additional benefits (8 points).

Table 5

Analysis of the factors that make the work of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements attractive

Worker groups

factors that make the job attractive

Work without much tension, stress

convenient office location

cleanliness and absence of noise in the workplace

work with people you like

good relationship with immediate supervisor

sufficient information about what is happening in the bank

Stable job without threat of dismissal

flexible work schedule

fair distribution of workloads

Fringe benefits

Department of the State Budget and Extra-budgetary Funds

Department for the organization of interbank settlements

Department of Accounting and Control of Internal Operations

Department for accounting and payroll calculations

Rice. 3. Factors of attractiveness of work in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Accounting and Settlements

The employees' answers to the fifth question of the questionnaire made it possible to identify the conditions that employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements most dislike in their work (Table 6).

As can be seen from the above data, almost all employees are not satisfied with the amount of wages (40 points). The majority of employees are dissatisfied with the fact that they have long been not encouraged or allowed to participate in staff training and development programs (38 points). Employees in the Intracompany Accounting and Control Department and the Payroll Department do not like the fact that they are often assigned to do less prestigious work than other employees with similar responsibilities, or to do more work (32 points)

During the survey, it also turned out that almost all employees are satisfied with the attitude of the manager, and there are practically no industrial conflicts in the team.

Table 6

Analysis of the conditions that are most disliked in the work of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements



Conditions you don't like at work

The leader treats me unfairly

My salary is lower than that of other workers doing the same work

I am often assigned to do less prestigious work than other workers with similar responsibilities, or to do more work.

I rarely do work that matches my qualifications

I am not accepted in the team or not invited to participate in joint leisure activities

I was not encouraged or allowed to participate in staff training and development programs

I did not have access to the sources of information I needed for my work

I haven't been promoted for a long time

I haven't had a pay raise in a long time

we have a bad psychological atmosphere in the department

Department of the State Budget and Extra-budgetary Funds

Department for the organization of interbank settlements

Department of Accounting and Control of Internal Operations

Department for accounting and payroll calculations

When answering the question, what other working conditions are important for you, the answers were distributed as follows:

1. Holding corporate holidays - 25 employees, or 62.5%;

2. Installation of more advanced software - 10 employees, or 40.0%;

3. Receiving gifts for holidays or anniversaries - 22 employees, or 55.0% of those surveyed;

4. Possibility of providing one unpaid working day per month - 5 people, or 12.5%.

When analyzing the answers to the question “Do you agree to retraining?” it turned out that 38 employees out of 40 (95%) are ready for training. At the same time, 35 employees (87.5%) agree to the performance appraisal.

An analysis of the answers to the ninth question of the questionnaire showed that only 8 employees, or 20% of all surveyed employees, agree to perform additional duties without increasing wages.

The tenth question of the questionnaire was asked in order to choose the directions for the formation of the bank's corporate culture. At the same time, it turned out that all 40 employees surveyed have a positive attitude towards holding corporate holidays and events.

Conclusions and offers

Based on the results of the survey of employees of the department of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements, it is necessary to draw a number of conclusions and generalizations.

As the study showed, the problem of staff turnover is especially relevant for the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements. It is often difficult to find an equivalent replacement for departing employees. The process of finding worthy candidates for key positions becomes especially painful - sometimes it takes many months and huge amounts of money are spent. And it takes a lot of time before new workers get involved in the work and begin to give the maximum return. A number of positions initially assume that only those who grew up in the bank and passed a number of steps here can take them.

Recruitment of personnel for vacant positions is carried out with the help of recruitment agencies. Often, the price of recruitment services is a certain percentage of the candidate's annual or monthly salary. The cost of services includes the selection of candidates for vacancies, assessment of professionalism (professional testing), verification of recommendations from previous jobs.

Excessive staff turnover brings a very large economic damage to the bank (table 7). So, in 2006, the loss from this phenomenon amounted to about two million rubles.

Table 7

Estimation of economic damage from staff turnover of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements


Average daily output of one employee, rub.

Number of dismissed employees

Damage from a decrease in output due to a decrease in labor productivity among those leaving the job (by 15% during the last 10 days of work), rub.

Number of hired workers

Damage from a decrease in output due to a decrease in labor productivity of hired workers (by 10% within 30 days of work), rub.

Loss of time due to idle vacancies, days

Damage from loss of time due to downtime of vacancies, rub.

Cost of services recruitment agency for recruitment, rub.

Economic damage from excessive staff turnover

Another problem is that employees do not see growth prospects for themselves, and this is especially dangerous for the bank, since we are talking about young and talented employees. At the same time, of all factors, it is the ability to attract and retain talent that has the greatest impact on a bank's financial performance and value.

At the same time, the main reasons for excessive staff turnover are the lack of opportunities for training and professional development, lack of recognition from management, excessive workload and low wages.

As the results of the survey showed, for many employees the opportunity to improve their skills is important, since work in a bank is associated with new, constantly changing technologies. Therefore, in order to reduce excessive staff turnover, the bank needs to organize corporate training and provide for salary increases for employees. Because at present financial condition the bank is very strong, there are opportunities for the implementation of the proposed activities.

Suggestions for improving the processes under study

In order to increase the interest of employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements in work in this department, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve. Work with the personnel reserve must be coordinated with other personnel processes taking place in the organization. For example, the inclusion of employees in the list of candidates and deletion from this list should be carried out based on the results of personnel appraisal; when hiring new employees, it would be prudent to "look ahead", given their ability to replenish the talent pool in the future. Additional costs for the formation of a personnel reserve will not be required, however, according to preliminary estimates based on the questionnaire, this will reduce staff turnover, as a result of which losses from this phenomenon will be reduced by 40% (1994800 rubles x 40% = 797920 rubles)

The most important area of ​​work with the personnel of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements should be the training of employees. In this regard, the personnel of the Department can be divided into four conditional groups:

1. performers,

2. specialists;

3. leading experts;

4. heads of departments;

Each group differs in tasks and activities. The difference between these groups is very noticeable.

Performers belong to the lowest level of personnel with a limited area of ​​responsibility: they themselves do not need to make decisions in a non-standard situation, operations are standardized and repetitive procedures. Therefore, the main training that performers may need is advanced training, the acquisition of practical skills, and the development of technologies. Such training is required to achieve bank stabilization.

Specialists are employees who have a certain professional training and a specific focus of work. As a rule, specialists are not responsible for specific operations, but for technology, methodology for organizing work processes. Specialists are trained for stabilization and professional development.

Department heads are line managers responsible for organizing the process and monitoring its results. It is necessary to train managers in the skills of managing a group of employees when a company grows, when internal communications become more complex and divisions are enlarged. Learning objectives are shifting towards professional and managerial development.

Heads of the Department - senior managers responsible for the overall development strategy of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements, for managing the bank and all its processes. Their training pursues the goal of managerial development.

Depending on the categories of personnel, the following system of personnel training can be proposed. It is proposed to train the chief accountant and the head of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements. Upon completion of the training course, these employees will be able to train their subordinates using the training method.

It is advisable for the chief accountant to take a course on automation of accounting by international standards using Platinum SQL. This program allows you to optimize the workflow and get a package of GAAP reporting (that is, reporting that meets international standards). Table 8 shows the calculation of the cost of training one employee.

Table 8

Calculation of the cost of training one employee using the Platinum SQL system

Training course

Duration, days

Cost, USD

AC Accounting and reporting

Financial Accounting (FI)

External Accounting and Reporting: Introduction

General Ledger Accounting Configuration

Company balance

Special registers

Advanced Financial Accounting Features

Travel data management

Accounting for fixed assets

Budget Management: Processes, Organization, and Configuration

RF-Specific Functions of Financial Accounting

Total for financial accounting:

Financial Management (CO)

Financial management. Overview

Main Functions of Financial Management

cash management

Total for financial management:

Investment Management (CO)

Investment Management/System Configuration

Property Management (CO)

Property management

Controlling (CO)

Cost Management and Controlling

Cost Center Accounting/Internal Orders

Cost accounting for MW. Extended functionality

Process Cost Accounting

Product cost planning

Cost Object Accounting by Product

Cost Object Controlling: Sales Orders

Material Ledger/Actual Cost Estimate

Accounting for results

Transfer prices

Total for controlling:

Enterprise Controlling (EU)

Profit Center Accounting

Management Information System (EIS)

EC-CS Consolidation Features


Total for controlling the activities of the enterprise:


Other blocks



The cost of certification of one specialist for one module of the R / 3 system.

The cost of certification of one specialist in all modules of the R / 3 system (9 modules).

For the head of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements, it is advisable to study banking technologies at the international level. The automated system Oracle Applications is intended for this purpose. Table 9 shows the cost of training one employee for this system.

Table 9

Calculation of the cost of training one employee in the Oracle Applications system.


Duration, days

Cost, USD

Oracle Applications, Financials

Navigating Oracle Applications

Introduction to Oracle Financials

Oracle General Ledger

Oracle Receivables

Oracle Fixed Assets

Oracle Purchasing

Oracle Inventory

Oracle Cash Management

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping R11

Total for Oracle Applications, Financials:

Other blocks

Oracle Applications, Technical Foundation

Oracle Applications, Other

Work with a personnel reserve also involves additional training of employees. This can be attending seminars, trainings, attaching a mentor from among experienced employees of the organization, as well as training in educational institutions for special programs.

Calculate the cost of training employees, taking into account the average exchange rate of the US dollar 25 rubles:

(21450 + 3410 dollars) x 30 rubles. = 621500 rubles.

The economic effect of the proposed measure will be expressed in reducing the damage from staff turnover. So, in fact, in 2006, the loss from mass layoffs of workers amounted to 1,994,800 rubles. With the introduction of the proposed training system, the damage would be reduced by 1,373,300 rubles. (1994800 rubles - 621500 rubles).

The main problem faced by the bank is the dismissal of employees who have undergone expensive training, and the loss of funds spent on them. vocational training. In this regard, the bank's management needs to take into account that labor legislation (Chapter 32 Labor Code RF) gives the employer the right to demand compensation from the employee for the funds spent on his training. But this is only possible if a student contract for retraining on the job is concluded between the organization and the employee.

Such a contract must contain the obligation of the employee to work in the bank after completing training for a certain time (Article 199 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If, before the expiration of the working period established in the contract, the employee decides to quit without good reason, then this may serve as a basis for recovering from him the costs spent on his training.

At present, the issues of wage increase are especially relevant for the employees of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements. Considering the stable financial position of the bank, it is advisable to allocate additional funds to increase the consumption fund. Wage growth cannot be assessed negatively, since wages are a socially significant factor. Therefore, it is not advisable to calculate the damage to the enterprise from the increase in wages to personnel.

It is also advisable to conduct certification of workplaces, assess the amount of work performed by each employee and, if necessary, review the job responsibilities of employees in order to more equitably distribute work.


In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize the materials obtained in this work.

As the study showed, the bank's management is currently worried about the situation in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements. Per last years staff turnover has increased dramatically in this department. The personnel department decided to conduct a survey using handout questionnaires in order to understand what is the satisfaction of employees with work, what factors working life are more important to them and what motivates employees to a greater extent.

The Human Resources Department developed a questionnaire to study the job satisfaction of bank employees and instructions for interviewers on how to conduct a survey. Based on the results of the survey, a report was prepared describing the course of the study, the current situation in the bank, conclusions and recommendations for changing the current situation.

As a result of the survey, the situation with staff turnover in the bank, the reasons for its occurrence, and the role of all parties in its occurrence became clearer. Leading motives have been identified labor activity employees and factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the work of employees, recommendations were also given to change the current situation.

Based on the results of the survey, the following problems were identified that are the cause of excessive staff turnover:

- low salary;

- lack of opportunities for additional training;

- unfair distribution of workload among employees;

- lack of prospects for professional growth.

Based on the results of the survey, the following measures were proposed aimed at reducing staff turnover in the Department of Organization of Accounting, Reporting and Settlements:

- to develop a system of certification of personnel;

- organize on-the-job training for employees;

- revise official duties employees;

- form personnel reserve in order to determine candidates for filling the positions of heads of departments of the Office;

- to consider the possibility of increasing the salaries of the employees of the department of the Office.

The implementation of the proposed measures will allow the bank to reduce the damage from excessive staff turnover of the Department for the organization of accounting, reporting and settlements in the amount of about two million rubles.


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Questionnaire 1

Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and the HR department conduct a survey of employees in order to reduce staff turnover. After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure.

1. Are you satisfied with the work in our bank? Underline those answers that agree with your opinion.

- Yes;

- rather yes;

- find it difficult to answer;

- probably not;

- No.

2. If you were offered a job in a similar institution with a higher salary, would you change jobs?

- Yes;

- No.

3. Rank the factors that, in your opinion, can increase your productivity (starting with the most important):

- the possibility of promotion;

- Fixed salary;

- payment according to the results of work (differentiated wages);

- recognition and approval from the management of a job well done;

- work that creates conditions for self-expression and makes you develop your abilities;

- complex and difficult work;

- work that allows you to think for yourself;

- high degree of responsibility;

- interesting work that requires a creative approach;

- communication with colleagues, partners and clients.

4. Rank the factors that, in your opinion, make the job attractive (starting with the most important):

- work without much tension, stress;

- convenient location of the office;

- cleanliness and lack of noise in the workplace;

- work with people you like;

- good relationship with immediate supervisor;

- sufficient information about what is happening in the company;

- stable job without the threat of dismissal;

- flexible work schedule;

- fair distribution of work volumes;

- additional benefits

5. Select the conditions that you do not like in your work, and rate them on a 10-point system:

- my immediate supervisor treats me unfairly;

- my earnings are lower than those of other workers doing the same job;

- I am often assigned to do less prestigious work than other employees with similar responsibilities, or to do a larger amount of work;

- I rarely do work that matches my qualifications;

- I am not accepted in the team or not invited to participate in joint leisure activities;

- I was not encouraged or allowed to participate in training and development programs for staff;

- I did not have access to informal channels and additional sources information that I need for my work;

- I haven't been promoted for a long time;

- I haven't had a pay raise in a long time;

- We have a bad psychological atmosphere in the department.

Work experience in the company _______________________________________

Position, subdivision ______________________________________

Questionnaire 2

Dear colleagues!

The bank's management and the HR department conduct a survey of employees in order to identify employees' prospects. After analyzing your answers, we will be able to develop a more flexible bonus system and take into account your opinion regarding the organization of work and leisure.

The questionnaire contains five questions and multiple response options. Underline those answers that agree with your opinion.

1. Write what working conditions are important for you:


2. Do you agree to retraining?

- Yes;

- No.

3. Do you agree to the certification?

- Yes;

- No.

4. Will you accept additional duties without a pay increase?

- Yes;

- No.

5. Do you consider it necessary to hold corporate holidays?

- Yes;

- No.

FULL NAME._______________________________________________________



Work experience in the company ______________________________________

Position, subdivision _____________________________________

Thank you for participating in the survey.

Company management, HR department

Hosted on

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