The main social problems of servicemen and their families. Social Work Technologies in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Servicemen as a Special Social Group

Social work, as already mentioned, is helping individuals or social groups who are in a difficult life situation, a vulnerable position, cannot cope with their difficulties on their own and therefore need the assistance of specialists. At first glance, servicemen who are in normal social circumstances, by the very nature of their activities, the set of personal qualities corresponding to this activity, cannot relate to vulnerable groups of the population: these are, as a rule, middle-aged people who are considered the most favorable, their state of health is finally, under vigilant professional supervision, representatives of the Armed Forces, one of the most respected social institutions, have a high social status, and their financial situation is very stable.

However, the very specificity of professional activities related to military service contains certain objective factors that negatively affect servicemen and their performance of certain functions. This is typical for the armed forces of any modern society, but the peculiarities of the position of servicemen in the Russian Federation determine the particular complexity of their social situation, and this cannot but affect their well-being and activities.

Before considering the complex of problems of people performing military service, it is necessary to give some definitions, which, in accordance with the current legislation, establish the status of the defined phenomena.

A citizen doing military service is a military man and has a legal status determined by law.

Military service is a special type of civil service in the Armed Forces. Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops; internal troops; government communications troops providing communication with military command bodies; railway troops of the Russian Federation; civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal state security agencies(Law of the Russian Federation "On conscription and military service", Section VI, Art. 35).

For those undergoing military service, the composition of the military is established: soldiers and sailors; sergeants and foremen; warrant officers and warrant officers; as well as officers: junior, senior, senior. The status of a serviceman, his subordinate position, financial situation, indirectly - health status, family circumstances, etc. depend on belonging to a particular composition. Therefore, the social problems of military personnel can to a certain extent be grouped depending on their belonging to a particular composition.

Military service can be carried out by conscription (for soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen) or by contract - for all military personnel. In the Russian Federation, the soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces are recruited mainly by conscription, on the basis of universal conscription, although in recent years certain actions have been taken to form a professional army and organize the military service of soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen on a voluntary contract basis.

In peacetime, male citizens, aged 18 to 27, who do not have the right to be exempt or deferred from conscription, are subject to conscription for military service. The following are exempted from the call:

Recognized as unfit or partially fit for health reasons;

Undergoing or past military or alternative service;

Those who have completed military service in the armed forces of another state;

Have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a serious crime;

A citizen whose sibling was killed or died while undergoing conscript military service.

Some categories of conscripts are subject to a deferral from conscription (for example, for the period of study at the full-time department of a higher educational institution and in other cases); the terms and conditions of such deferrals are set by federal legislators and are subject to change.

The terms of conscription military service are established by the legislator, for those performing military service under the contract - by contract.

The problems of servicemen (and their families) are due to the responsibilities assigned to them for the armed protection of the state, which provides for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks in any conditions, including with a possible risk to life. This determines the characteristics of the social-role system in which they operate. The functional responsibilities of servicemen are strictly regulated, and the subordinate structure is strictly hierarchical. Orders of superior persons are not discussed and are subject to strict implementation, regardless of the attitude of the person who receives it to the order. In addition, a serviceman (and in a number cases his family) there is no choice of occupation and place of residence. A person doing military service is often exposed to adverse factors: emotional and physical overload, exposure to noise, vibration, chemicals, confined spaces, monotony, sensory deprivation, constant forced contact with other military personnel, lack of privacy, interpersonal tension, interpersonal conflicts,

All the problems and crises of Russian society are reflected in the Armed Forces, one of the country's social institutions. So, a decrease in the quality of health and intelligence of the population leads to the fact that persons with serious somatic or mental illnesses enter the military service (on the other hand, unbearable army loads, poor-quality nutrition with a pronounced protein-vitamin deficiency lead to the appearance or aggravation of various diseases in servicemen. ); the growth of crime in society, an increase in the scale of drug addiction and alcoholism cause an increase in the number of crimes committed by servicemen, the danger for servicemen themselves to become a victim of crime on the part of their colleagues.

One of the acute problems of the modern Russian Armed Forces is the presence of several status systems in its ranks: the official (formal) "statutory" system of relationships, determined by general legislation and departmental documents (charters, instructions, etc.); “Grandfather's” system, i.e. informal, but nevertheless, widespread priority of senior soldiers, imposed by them, and oppression, humiliation of recruits; "Compatriot" status system, according to which power and influence in military collectives are distributed depending on the belonging to a particular territorial or national grouping. The presence of several status systems is a reflection of the anomie characteristic of modern society, i.e. the collapse of the former value systems, and a symptom of a general social moral and psychological crisis. The consequence of this situation is a decrease in the controllability of military collectives, a drop in discipline, violence to which military personnel are often subjected, the spread of suicide in the Armed Forces, and not only among the rank and file and sergeants, which, as a rule, is due to "informal" relations in military collectives, but also among the officers.

Due to the socio-economic difficulties that the country is experiencing, the payment of salaries to servicemen is delayed, the system of material and technical supply collapses, equipment and weapons become obsolete. The collapse of the old ideological system, in which the Armed Forces occupied one of the leading places as a symbol of statehood, patriotism, the sacred duty of defending the Fatherland from external enemies, the absence of other values ​​that were supposed to replace the old, are the cause of the moral and psychological crisis of many servicemen, feelings by them the aimlessness of their activities, the decline in the prestige of military service, the massive evasion of conscription into the army, the lack of confidence of servicemen in the stability of their existence and their future.

The generality of military service does not seem justified to society: the majority of the population supports the transition of the Armed Forces to the contract principle of formation and exclusively voluntary military service by citizens. The absence of the constitutionally guaranteed right to alternative military service, weak legal and social protection of all categories of servicemen, economic and everyday difficulties - all this aggravates the moral and psychological well-being of servicemen.

The ambiguity of plans for military reform, personnel prospects of servicemen, mass layoffs of officers without providing them with housing and payments required by law, difficulties in finding a job at the end of military service create another problematic complex of the "transition" period - between the end of military service and adaptation to civilian reality.

A special group is made up of the problems of participants in wars and armed conflicts, and their re-adaptation to a peaceful life. First, persons who have been injured or, moreover, who have completely lost their health, ability to work, the ability to socially function, do not currently enjoy an adequate level of social security; they and their families have a number of material, financial, housing, medical and social problems, for the solution of which neither they themselves nor the state currently have enough resources.

Secondly, these soldiers, even those who were not injured in such armed conflicts, are carriers of the so-called "post-traumatic stress syndrome."

For the first time, such a condition was diagnosed in American veterans of the Vietnam War, and later in many participants in "strange" armed conflicts. Its main symptoms are: mental weakness, in which minor problems are perceived as insurmountable obstacles that push people to show aggression or suicide, a sense of guilt before the dead (for being alive), negative or disdainful attitude towards social institutions. Moreover, such phenomena do not disappear over time: the psychological problems of the former "Vietnamese" worsened 15-20 years after the end of the war; among them there are one third more suicides and divorces and half more alcohol and drug addicts than the national average.

Psychological stress leads to the development of psychosomatic diseases such as ulcers, hypertension, asthma, etc. The most painful effect on the participants in such wars is the alienation of society, the debunking of the goals and methods of war.

Unfortunately, in the history of our country there are a lot of "strange" wars and conflicts. In addition, a number of actions by representatives of the Armed Forces did not receive public recognition, and their participants, who risked their lives and lost their health, do not have adequate social security - for example, participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This is a serious social problem, and its solution can only be complex: the adoption of social measures, the use of all types of rehabilitation of persons injured during military service, the development of prosthetic services, the formation of an accessible environment for the disabled, the organization of psychological support, a change in the attitude of society towards persons who fulfilled their duty to the state and therefore deserve help and support.

The families of the military have all the problems common to all families, but they also have their own difficulties. Thus, the family of a conscript is deprived of his earnings - often the main source of income, which in the presence of a child puts the family in a difficult financial situation; the allowance paid in this case does not cover the needs of the child.

The resources of the family of a contract soldier are involved in maintaining the defense capability along with the personal resources of the soldier himself, ensuring to a large extent his health and efficiency. However, the family does not receive adequate compensation for these resources. The family follows the serviceman to their destination, where very often there are difficulties with housing, there is no opportunity for the wife to find a job, and the climate is often unfavorable for children. Repeated relocations of a soldier's family to a new place of service force children to adapt each time to a new school and a new team. Existence in a military town, fenced off from the outside world, can give rise to a syndrome of social and psychological deprivation of servicemen and their families.

Another problem of the family of a serviceman is poverty, since his salary lags behind the growth in the cost of living, especially from the specific needs of existence in the conditions of military service, and additional earnings are prohibited by law. The wives of military personnel, even though they have higher education, as already mentioned, often cannot get a job due to the limited number of jobs, and only a small part of them are paid unemployment benefits. Everything this often leads to the fact that the families of military personnel find themselves in a situation of social disaster.

The sphere of activity of the RF Armed Forces is characterized by certain peculiarities. The following spheres of life of servicemen can be distinguished: military service, socio-political, family and household, cultural and leisure, socio-psychological.

Military service sphere- this is the area where their main subject-target function, related to the performance of official duties, is realized. In the functioning of this sphere, the organization of such types of activities as combat, public-state and special training is of paramount importance.

Social and political sphere associated with the implementation of a set of civil, personal, political and socio-economic rights and freedoms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Family and household sphere associated with meeting the needs of servicemen in the family and everyday life. The main factors are housing and living conditions, provision of all types of allowances, etc.

Cultural and leisure sphere connected with the satisfaction of the spiritual needs of servicemen and the organization of their free time.

Socio-psychological sphere is associated with the interaction of military personnel at the formal and informal levels. They cover the process of their entry into a new social environment, into the system of social ties and relations with each other, with family members and the environment, as well as with command and subordinate personnel.

What social problems can be identified in the life of servicemen?

At the end of the 20th century, in the context of the reforming of society, the socio-economic situation of military personnel deteriorated significantly. The profession of defender of the fatherland from a highly paid and respected one has turned into a low-prestige one with low material wealth. The consequence of this was a significant outflow of officers from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a decrease in the level of professional training of military personnel.

The country's socio-economic problems also influenced the allocation of housing for military personnel and their families. Many of them continued to live in barracks, unsuitable living conditions without hot water supply; the norms of living space per person were not kept.

The most painful for servicemen, military pensioners and members of their families was the abolition of a number of allowances and benefits. Thus, the pension allowance for servicemen who have served 20 years or more, as well as compensation in return for withholding income tax, have been canceled. In addition, benefits for housing, utilities, for the use of collective TV antennas and radio broadcasting points, for the purchase of fuel, for the installation of apartment telephones and the use of them were canceled. To replace the canceled payments and benefits, the monthly allowance for complexity and stress was increased from 50 to 70%, and the seniority bonus was increased to a maximum of 70%. Rapidly rising inflation, however, quickly reversed these increases.

The low level of pay for the families of servicemen is the reason that over the past two decades, the unofficial practice of unofficial part-time jobs of servicemen in various spheres of activity outside of service time has taken root, which reduces the effectiveness of service and combat activities. This is primarily about duty stations located in settlements, where there is an opportunity to find additional income. In remote garrisons, where such an opportunity is not available, servicemen and their families are forced to make do with the available material resources. All this negatively affects the restoration of the strength of a serviceman, spending the resources of his health, and also causes significant damage to his moral and psychological state, since this state of affairs is a mismatch of the principles declared by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the ideology of the state, and reality.

The poor families of servicemen exacerbate many social problems. The families of servicemen live in military camps, where the infrastructure is not developed, there are no preschool institutions, schools, clinics. Due to the lack of jobs, the employment of members of the soldier's family has not been organized. For 10-15 years of service, a soldier's family moves up to 4-5 times to a new place of service, where it finds itself in a new social environment to which it is necessary to adapt. Moving leads to the inevitable loss of property, additional waste of resources, etc.

Serious problems also arise with the dismissal of military personnel. First of all, these are the problems of employment, housing, adaptation to the civil way of life. Some, not finding work, fall into despair and take the path of alcoholism, resort to suicide.

Especially acute problems arise for disabled people in military operations and military service. These problems acquired particular urgency in our country in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which was facilitated by a number of factors. Firstly, the end of hostilities in the Republic of Afghanistan (the largest local military conflict outside the country in the 20th century, in which hundreds of thousands of our compatriots, willingly or unwittingly, were involved) marked a number of problems faced by former servicemen of the 40th Army - “warriors-internationalists” when returning home. Secondly, the emergence on the political map of the country of many hotbeds of military tension - the so-called hot spots (Nagorno-Karabakh, Sumgait, Osh, Fergana, etc.) and the participation of the RF Armed Forces in these conflicts. Thirdly, it was during these years that previously confidential information about the participation of our compatriots in military conflicts outside the USSR (in Egypt, Algeria, Mozambique, Vietnam, etc.) began to emerge as part of various “special teams” or as military advisers.

Disabled persons of local armed conflicts (LACI) are distinguished by significant medico-demographic and socio-psychological characteristics. Military doctors are increasingly using terminological designations such as "Vietnamese", "Afghan", "Chechen" syndrome, which are defined primarily:

  • a high level of neuropsychological disorders of psychogenic and post-traumatic genesis, chronic alcoholism and drug addiction among combatants;
  • problems of polypathology, that is, the presence of combinations of pathologies of various diseases in the same patient;
  • an increase in complications from front-line wounds, contusions, diseases, deepening mental disorders, leading to a decrease in working capacity and early disability;
  • the frequency of neuroses and neurosis-like states in family members of the ILCI, as well as the manifestation of cerebral-organic insufficiency and neurotic development in their children.

In our country, the consequences of traumatic events associated with the participation of people in local armed conflicts are still poorly understood, but there is some data on the participants in the Afghan war.

According to the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation S.V. Litvintsev, 15-20% of servicemen who took part in the war in Afghanistan, in hostilities in Abkhazia, Tajikistan, Chechnya, have chronic post-traumatic conditions.

In the Russian Federation, there is no uniform registration of disabled persons in military service, which makes it difficult to obtain information on the total contingent of these persons. According to the Main Financial and Economic Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, materials of scientific research of the Federal Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation of the Disabled, the total number of disabled people in military service is about 600 thousand people, including disabled people due to military trauma. number of which was

241.2 thousand (40.2%).

The largest number of disabled people was observed in 1994-1995, which was caused by the military actions in Chechnya. The average annual number of disabled military personnel over the past five years amounted to 92 thousand people, including due to military trauma

49.2 thousand, or 53.1% of the total number of disabled people in military service.

Study of the general contingent of disabled people in military service with

Taking into account nosology, it showed that the first place is occupied by people with disabilities due to diseases of the circulatory system (33%), the second - by people with disabilities due to malignant neoplasms (16%), the third - by people with disabilities due to trauma (15.8%), the fourth - by people with disabilities due to mental disorders (8, 7%), fifth - people with disabilities due to diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs (5.2% of the total).

In the structure of disability due to military trauma, craniocerebral trauma is ranked first, musculoskeletal injuries ranked second, visual organ injuries ranked third, peripheral nervous system injuries ranked fourth, and abdominal injuries ranked fifth.

The study of the age structure of disabled people in military service revealed the following features. The number of persons aged 20-24 was 9.3%, at the age of 25-29 - 7.6%, that is, young people with disabilities accounted for 16.9% of the total. Most of the disabled are at the age of 30-44 - 39.8%. A study of the employment of disabled people in military service revealed a very unfavorable situation. In general, only 24% of disabled people in military service work in Russia.

Thus, the number and scale of social problems in the military-social sphere require their prompt solution.

In recent years, there have been positive developments in this direction. More housing began to be built, salaries increased significantly, especially in 2012, public opinion is changing regarding the return of the country's population to the military. Nevertheless, the state still has a lot to do to increase the prestige and level of this sphere.

The goal of social work in helping servicemen in its most general form is to restore the physical and mental strength of servicemen, to adjust their personal attitudes, teaching them to tolerate forced communication with others; to introduce elements of social justice into the subordinate relations characteristic of military service. Social work with servicemen is carried out both directly in the conditions of the Armed Forces and in society as a whole. It would be wrong to think that in the army it is only the responsibility of deputy commanders for work with personnel. Of course, it is they who are primarily obliged to deal with the social protection of servicemen, as well as military psychologists, lawyers, and specialists in military medical institutions. However, combat commanders and leaders of any rank must also ensure, within the limits of their competence, the social security of their subordinate military personnel and their families. One of the tasks is the observance of all the rights and benefits that are granted to servicemen in accordance with the current legislation, the provision of such social and living conditions that do not destroy the health and performance of people in military service. The tasks of social work with contract servicemen are social and legal advice on all issues related to their rights, opportunities before and after dismissal, the rights of their family members, protecting their interests before the command of the unit, higher authorities, and local authorities. In case of violation of such rights, the officer carrying out social work sends information about this in the order of subordination and promotes the restoration of rights. His duties include explaining to servicemen and members of their families the regulatory framework for resolving conflict situations, providing assistance in contacting authorities competent to resolve the conflict. An important role is played by social and pedagogical assistance to children of military personnel, pedagogical correction in order to eliminate learning difficulties, eliminate educational defects, and social re-adaptation of children and adolescents with problems. The system of children's military sports camps, clubs and hobby groups has considerable educational potential, which helps to revive in adolescents the idea of ​​the high social status of military service and respect for the work of parents. One of the functions of social work in the Armed Forces is to ensure favorable social and social and environmental conditions for servicemen. Improving the working and living conditions of servicemen, eliminating anthropogenic pollution of the environment will undoubtedly help to increase the working capacity of servicemen and their abilities for social functioning. One of the important functions of social work is the development of social communications, the elimination of interpersonal tension, conflict, and the rallying of military teams. For this purpose, conflict management procedures, mediation technologies, methods of group therapy in the form of conversations, games, communication trainings and teaching communication skills are used, the identification of psychological compatibility or incompatibility of disabled people in order to recruit the most viable or stable teams. Thus, it should be noted that socio-economic work, the organization of self-help and mutual assistance of the families of military personnel, the development of elements of small-scale production, and cooperative forms of labor can make a certain contribution to improving the situation of servicemen and their families. Organizers of social work can act as consultants and managers, intermediaries in contacts of associations and unions of wives of military personnel with social welfare authorities, medical institutions, other bodies and institutions. To mitigate tensions in the families of military personnel, to prevent conflicts or crisis situations, the development of a special system of family counseling and family therapy is of great importance. In cases of living far from big cities, the availability of such a service will be the only opportunity for families of military personnel to receive professional assistance in family stabilization. Cultural and leisure activities in the Armed Forces may be of much greater importance than in other spheres of life. It provides an opportunity not only for recreation, restoration of lost strength, but also for team building, violation of the monotony of military service, and the manifestation of freedom. The social worker monitors the regularity and equal access of all to cultural and leisure activities, promotes wider involvement of all comers to it, the provision of appropriate equipment and supplies.

Work description

The purpose of this work is to identify the main social problems of servicemen and their families.
1. Study the literature on the research problem.
2. Identify the main problems of military personnel and their families.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .. ……… .3
Chapter I. Servicemen and their families as a special social group.
1.1 Military service and its specificity ...... ……………………………… ... 6
1.2. The decline in the prestige of the army and the deterioration of the social stability of servicemen ..... ……………… .. …………………………………. …… 8
1.3. The peculiarity of the relationship in the family of a serviceman ... ... ... ..9
Chapter II. The main social problems of servicemen and their families.
2.1 Specificity of social problems of servicemen ..................... 14
2.2 Research data on some of the social problems of military personnel and their families ... ... ... .. ............................................................................................. 22
2.3. Technology of social work with servicemen and members of their families …………………………………………………………………… .29
2.4. Basic methods of social work with military personnel and members of their families …………………………………………………… .... 34
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .39

Conditions of Russian society and the main social problems of servicemen

Lecture plan

1. Social portrait of the Russian Armed Forces at the present stage.

2. Two main groups of social problems of servicemen:

Arising from the specifics of professional military activity and associated with the socio-psychological factors of the military environment;

Associated with negative trends characteristic of the current stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. The presence in the Armed Forces of several status systems as one of the most acute social problems of the army and navy.

4. Social problems of various categories of military personnel.

Challenges for discussion and questions for self-control:

1. What can be singled out as the main social problem of servicemen?

2. Reasons for bullying in the Russian Armed Forces. Possibilities for its eradication.

  1. "Hazing" in the army // Collection of sociological materials. / Under the editorship of S.A. Belanovsky. - M., 1991.

  2. Korolev S.A. The origins of bullying: a two-mass system as a technological model // Philosophical Sciences. - 003. - No. 8. - P.87-93.

  3. Lemeshev S.V. Problems of ensuring social justice in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. - M., 1996.

  4. Peven L.V., Shishkanov A.I. The state and prospects of solving the social problems of military personnel // Sotsis. - 2002. - No. 5 - P.88-95.

  5. Dictionary-reference book on social work. - M., 1997.

  6. Social guarantees and benefits. - M. - 2005.

  7. Technologies of social work with military personnel and members of their families // Technologies of social work: Textbook under the general editorship of Prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2001. - S. 388-393.

Lecture plan

1. Military-social work as the most important component of educational work in the Armed Forces

2. The goals of social work with military personnel:

Protection of rights;

Carrying out educational, adaptation and cultural events.

3. The main directions of military-social work.

4. Using the educational potential of various religious denominations.

  1. How effective can the military-social work in the Armed Forces be considered at the present stage?

  2. Please comment on the ambiguous attitude in society towards attempts to introduce the institution of military chaplains.


  1. Evsyuk A. Rights of believers in the army // Law and army. - 1996. - No. 2. - P.6-9.

  2. Emelyanova N. Islamophobia - the road to nowhere: Army and religion // Independent military review. - 1999. - No. 35. - P.4.

  3. A.V. Korovnikov Social protection of military personnel. - M., 1997.

  4. Korshunov V. Historical and legal aspects of Orthodoxy in the fleet // Marine collection. - 2004. - No. 12. - P.51-58.

  5. Lukichev B., Protopopov A. Interaction between the army and the church: on the question of the implementation in the army of the right to freedom of conscience and religion // Nezavisimaya gazeta. - 1999 .-- October 6. - P.10.

SECTION II. Working with families of servicemen as a priority area of ​​military-social work.
Topic 5. The essence and content of social work with families of military personnel

Lecture plan

1. Features of the functioning of social work with families of servicemen at various stages of development of the Russian army and navy (in the 1920s, in the mid-1950s and early 1960s, in the 1990s).

2. The system of social services in the army and navy.

3. The goals of social work with the family in the military society.

Challenges for discussion and questions for self-control:

What are the reasons for the aggravation of the need for the development of social work with families of servicemen at the present stage?

  1. Lipsky I.A. Military-social work at the human level // Army and Society. - 1998. - No. 3. - P.84-95.

Topic 6. General problems of social work with families of military personnel.

Lecture plan

1. Features of social work with various categories of families of military personnel:

With the families of cadre officers (the officer's family as an object of social work);

With the families of reserve officers and military pensioners (the status of the family of a reserve officer and military pensioner in modern society);

With families of conscripts and contract military servicemen.

With families of military personnel in special situations of military service;

With the families of the fallen soldiers.

2. Particular problems of social work with the family of military personnel.
Challenges for discussion and questions for self-control:

Generalities and differences in social work with different categories of families of military personnel.


  1. Some aspects of ensuring social security of military personnel // Civil protection. - 2005. - No. 9. - P.32-33.

  2. Technologies of social work with military personnel and members of their families // Technologies of social work: Textbook under the general editorship of Prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2001. - S. 388-393.

  3. Torokhtiy V.S. Social work with the family of a serviceman // Teaching social work in Russia. Programs and technologies. H. YI. Methodology and practice of social work / Ed. M.P. Guryanova. - M., 1998. - S. 155-173.

SECTION IV. Glossary of terms.
Topic 1. Servicemen as a social group and as an object of social work
Serviceman - a citizen doing military service. Has a legal status determined by law.

Military service - a special type of civil service for citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops (border troops, internal troops, government communications troops that provide communication with military control bodies, railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops), foreign intelligence agencies and federal state security agencies (RF Law "On Military Duty and Military Service." Section 6. Article 35).
Military society - the social space of the life of servicemen, members of their families, the civilian population of military garrisons, towns and military units; their stable social community, united by the place and conditions of life, conditioned by the specifics of military labor and everyday life.
Social military environment - these are the conditions of life surrounding the soldier. The social military macroenvironment includes all the surrounding social, material and spiritual conditions of existence, formation and activity. The social military microenvironment is the immediate social environment of a particular serviceman, which has a decisive influence on his activities, behavior and communication, on development as a whole.
Topic 2. Fundamentals of the theory of military social work

The object of military-social work - a specific person included in the social military environment.
The subject of military social work - practical activities of relevant institutions and organizations, as well as individuals to ensure the relationship between man and his environment.
Social protection of military personnel - the activities of the competent state authorities, military administration and local self-government to create conditions for the realization of rights and legitimate interests, freedoms and obligations, as well as compensation and benefits arising from the characteristics of military service.
Social security of a serviceman - the result of the action of social protection mechanisms, when a person who, due to reasons of an objective or subjective nature, is in an unfavorable position, has, in his own opinion, the opportunity to use a certain minimum of state-guaranteed benefits.

Topic 3. Relevance of social work with military personnel in modern conditions of Russian society and the main social problems of military personnel
"Grandfather's" system of relationships in the military environment - an informal, but, nevertheless, widespread priority of old-time soldiers, imposed by them, and oppression, humiliation of recruits.
"Compatriotic" status system of relationships in the military environment - a system according to which power and influence in military collectives are distributed depending on belonging to a particular territorial or national group.
"Statutory" system of relationships in the military environment - a system determined by general legislation and departmental documents.

Topic 4. The practice of social work with military personnel

Military-social work as practice a dynamically developing complex (in the long term - a system) of types of professional activity, the essence of which is to meet the various needs of military personnel, citizens dismissed from military service, and their families, arising in the process of their interaction with the social military environment, a specific military society.

SECTION VI. Changes in the work program that occurred after the approval of the program

SECTION VII. Training sessions in the discipline are conducted by:

Full name, academic title and teacher's degree

Academic year




pedagogy and psychology

social work

Ruban M.V.


social and humanitarian

social work

Grashevskaya O.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences

2009 - 2010

social and humanitarian

social work

Grashevskaya O.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences

2011 - 2012


040101.65 Social work