Types depending on the sphere. Depending on the spheres of public life. The essence of the law of synergy

The man of modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. In order to describe all types of human activity, it is necessary to list the most important needs for a given person, and the number of needs is very large.

Emergence different types activity is associated with the socio-historical development of a person. The fundamental types of activity in which a person is involved in the process of his individual development are communication, play, study, work.

  • * communication - the interaction of two or more people in the process of exchanging information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature;
  • * play is a type of activity in conditional situations that imitate real ones, in which social experience is assimilated;
  • * learning - the process of systematic mastering of knowledge, skills, abilities necessary to perform labor activity;
  • * labor is an activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material and spiritual needs of people.

Communication is a type of activity that consists in the exchange of information between people. Depending on the age stage of a person's development, the specifics of the activity, the nature of communication changes. Each age stage is characterized by a specific type of communication. In infancy, an adult exchanges an emotional state with a child, helps to navigate in the world around him. At an early age, communication between an adult and a child is carried out in connection with object manipulation, the properties of objects are actively mastered, and the child's speech is formed. In the preschool period of childhood, role-playing game develops the skills of interpersonal communication with peers. The younger student is engaged in educational activities, respectively, and communication is included in this process. In adolescence, in addition to communication, a lot of time is devoted to preparing for professional activity. The specifics of an adult's professional activity leaves an imprint on the nature of communication, demeanor and speech. Communication in professional activity not only organizes, but also enriches it, new connections and relationships between people arise in it.

A game is a type of activity, the result of which is not the production of any material product. She is the leading activity of a preschooler, since through her he accepts the norms of society, learns interpersonal communication with peers. Among the varieties of games can be distinguished individual and group, subject and plot, role-playing and games with rules. Games are of great importance in people's lives: for children they are mainly of a developmental nature, for adults they are a means of communication and recreation.

Teaching is a type of activity, its purpose is to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities. In the process of historical development, knowledge was accumulated in various fields of science and practice, therefore, in order to master this knowledge, teaching was singled out as a special type of activity. Teaching affects the mental development of the individual. It consists of the assimilation of information about the properties of surrounding objects and phenomena (knowledge), the correct choice of techniques and operations in accordance with the goals and conditions of activity (skill).

Labor is historically one of the first types of human activity. The subject of psychological study is not labor itself as a whole, but its psychological components. Usually labor is characterized as a conscious activity that is aimed at achieving the result and is regulated by the will in accordance with its conscious goal. Labor performs an important formative function in the development of a personality, since it affects the formation of its abilities and character.

The attitude to work is formed in early childhood, knowledge and skills are formed in the process of education, special training, and work experience. To work means to show oneself in activity. Labor in a certain area of ​​human activity is associated with a profession.

Thus, each of the types of activity considered above is the most characteristic for certain age stages of personality development. Current view activity prepares the next one, as it develops the corresponding needs, cognitive capabilities and behavioral features.

Depending on the characteristics of a person's attitude to the world around him, activity is divided into practical and spiritual.

Practical activity is aimed at changing the world around. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transforming (changing the structure of society).

Spiritual activity is aimed at changing the individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing a collective life and orienting a person towards solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, well-being.

Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value (determining the norms and principles of life), predictive (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal-setting, planning, the choice of means, etc.

In the spheres of public life - economic, social, political and spiritual.

Traditionally, there are four main spheres of public life:

  • § social (peoples, nations, classes, age and gender groups, etc.)
  • § economic (productive forces, production relations)
  • § political (state, parties, social and political movements)
  • § spiritual (religion, morality, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in different relationships with each other, they are connected with someone, they are isolated from someone when solving their life issues. Therefore, the spheres of social life are not geometric spaces where different people live, but the relations of the same people in connection with different aspects of their life.

The social sphere is the relationship that arises in the production of immediate human life and man as a social being. The social sphere includes various social communities and the relationships between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, is inscribed in various communities: he can be a man, a worker, a father of a family, a city dweller, etc.

The economic sphere is a set of human relations arising from the creation and movement of material goods. The economic sphere is the area of ​​production, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. Production relations and productive forces together constitute the economic sphere of the life of society.

The political sphere is the relationship of people associated with power, which ensures joint security.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented as follows:

  • § political organizations and institutions - social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, parties, citizenship, presidency, etc .;
  • § political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;
  • § political communications - relations, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;
  • § political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relations arising in the production, transmission and development of spiritual values ​​(knowledge, beliefs, norms of behavior, artistic images, etc.).

If a person's material life is associated with the satisfaction of specific daily needs (food, clothing, drink, etc.). then the spiritual sphere of a person's life is aimed at meeting the needs for the development of consciousness, worldview, and various spiritual qualities.

The inclusion of society is massive, collective, individual.

In connection with social forms associations of people in order to carry out activities distinguish collective, mass, individual activities... Collective, mass, individual forms of activity are determined by the essence of the acting subject (person, group of people, social organization, etc.). Depending on the social forms of uniting people for the purpose of performing activities, they establish individual (example: managing a region or country), collective (ship control systems, work in a cllective), mass (for example mass media is the death of Michael Jackson).

Dependence social norms- moral, immoral, legal, illegal.

Conditionality from the compliance of activities with existing general cultural traditions, social norms differentiate between legal and illegal, as well as moral and immoral activities. Illegal activity is everything that is prohibited by law, by the constitution. Take, for example, the manufacture and manufacture of weapons, explosives, the distribution of drugs, all these are illegal activities. Naturally, many try to adhere to moral activity, that is, to learn conscientiously, to be polite, to appreciate relatives, to help the old and homeless. There is a striking example of moral activity - the whole life of Mother Teresa.

The potential of the new in activity is innovative, inventive, creative, routine.

When a person's activity affects the historical course of events, with social growth, then they distribute progressive or reactionary, as well as creative and destructive activities. For example: The progressive role of the industrial activity of Peter I or the progressive activity of Peter Arkadievich Stolypin.

Depending on the absence or presence of any goals, the success of the activity and the ways of its accomplishment, they reveal a monotonous, monotonous, routine activity, which in turn proceeds strictly according to certain requirements, and a new one is most often not given (Manufacturing of any product, substance according to the scheme at the plant or factory). But creative activity, inventive, on the contrary, it carries with it the character of the originality of the new, previously unknown. It is distinguished by its specificity, exclusivity and uniqueness. And the elements of creativity can be applied in any of the activities. An example is dancing, music, painting, there are no rules or instructions, here is the embodiment of fantasy, and its realization.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity refers to the spiritual spheres of human life and society. There are four types of cognitive activity:

  • · Everyday - consists in the exchange of experience and those images that people carry in themselves and share with the outside world;
  • · Scientific - characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. The main goal of scientific cognitive activity is to create an ideal system of the material world;
  • · Artistic cognitive activity consists in the attempt of creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find in it shades of the beautiful and ugly;
  • · Religious. Its subject is the person himself. His actions are judged in terms of pleasing God. This also includes the norms of morality and the moral aspects of actions. Considering that the whole life of a person consists of actions, spiritual activity plays an important role in their formation.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of a person and society corresponds to such activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing about the essence of scientific and religious activity, it is worth considering in more detail the types of human creative activity. This includes art or music, literature and architecture, directing and acting. Every person has the makings of creativity, however, in order to reveal them, you need to work long and hard.

Types of human labor activity

In the process of labor, a person's worldview and his life principles develop. Labor activity requires planning and discipline from the individual. The types of work activities are both mental and physical. There is a stereotype in society that physical labor is much more difficult than mental labor. Although outwardly the work of the intellect does not appear, in fact, these types of work activities are almost equal. Once again, this fact proves the variety of professions existing today.

Types of professional human activity

IN broad sense the concept of a profession means a varied form of activity performed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity boils down to the fact that people work for people and for the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activities.

  • 1. Human nature. The essence of this activity is in interaction with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.
  • 2. Man-man. This type includes professions in one way or another related to interaction with people. The activity here is to educate, guide people, and their information, trade and consumer services.
  • 3. Human technology. A type of activity characterized by the interaction of a person and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.
  • 4. Human - sign systems... The activity of this type is to interact with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.
  • 5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professions related to music, literature, acting, and visual arts.

Views economic activity of people

Human economic activity has recently been fiercely contested by conservationists, since it is based on natural reserves that will soon exhaust themselves. The types of human economic activities include the extraction of minerals such as oil, metals, stones and everything that can benefit people and harm not only nature, but the entire planet.

Types of human information activities

Information is an integral part of human interaction with the outside world. The types of information activities include obtaining, using, distributing and storing information. Information activity often becomes a threat to life, since there are always people who do not want third parties to know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity can be provocative in nature, and also be a means of manipulating the consciousness of society.

Types of human mental activity

Mental activity affects the state of the individual and the productivity of his life. The simplest type of mental activity is a reflex. These are habits and skills established through constant repetition. They are almost imperceptible in comparison with the most difficult type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and originality, originality and uniqueness. Therefore, creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions related to creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents capable of transforming this world and instilling cultural skills in society.

Culture includes all types of transformative human activity. There are only two types of this activity - creation and destruction. The second, unfortunately, is more common. Many years of transformative human activity in nature have led to troubles and catastrophes.

Only creation can come to the rescue here, which means, at least, the restoration of natural resources.

Activity distinguishes us from animals. Some of its types benefit the development and formation of the personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities are inherent in us, we can avoid the dire consequences of our own activities. This will not only benefit the world around us, but will also allow us to do what we love with a clear conscience and consider ourselves people with a capital letter.

Classification of types of marketing

Here is the classification of types of marketing

1. Depending on the purpose of the exchange and the scope of application, there are:

Commercial marketing (marketing of non-profitable organizations) - marketing activities organizations whose goals are to make a profit;
Nonprofit Marketing- this is an activity aimed at creating, supporting or changing the attitude of potential and existing consumers to certain organizations and their professional activities, this is the marketing of non-profitable organizations (schools, hospitals, political parties (I do not agree with parties, they are very profitable)), and social marketing, the purpose of which is to achieve certain public goals.

Social marketing- marketing activities for the development of social programs aimed at certain social groups in order to promote certain social ideas and movements, practical actions of certain social organizations (marketing social services youth, pension fund).
Commercial marketing is subdivided depending on the scope of application, as well as on a territorial basis. Depending on the scope of application, marketing is distinguished: industrial, consumer, service marketing, banking, agricultural, etc.

Consumer Marketing(marketing of consumer goods) is aimed at end users of goods who purchase them for personal, home or family use. Purchase decisions are made either individually or at the family level. Marketing tools: distribution of consumer goods usually takes place through intermediaries, among the forms of promotion, sales promotion advertising is used.

Industrial marketing- buyers of goods on the industrial market are companies, enterprises, organizations, persons who buy goods not for their own consumption, but for use in production, resale or lease. Specificity industrial market determines its features, these are the features of the nature of demand (secondary, not elastic, unstable), the features of buyers and the features of goods. Marketing tools: use personal sales and direct sales channels.

Service Marketing- the type of activity of the company aimed at meeting the needs of consumers in intangible types of goods or in a useful effect with the aim of making a profit for the company (communications, transport services, insurance, tourism). Services cannot be seen or felt before they are purchased.

There are four features of the service:

Intangibility of services;
impossibility of storing the service;
inseparability of the service from the provider or environment;
uniqueness of the service.

2. On a territorial basis, marketing is divided into domestic and international

Internal marketing- the company's marketing activities are aimed at the domestic market. The following forms of internal marketing are defined:

Local marketing - when the company's activities do not go beyond a certain settlement(Retail Stores);
regional marketing - when the company operates within regions, regions;
a national marketing firm in its activities covers the aggregate national market (TV companies, publishing houses).
Recently, the importance of international markets has increased because it is an opportunity to increase sales, as well as achieve economies of scale and use low costs as a significant competitive advantage.

International Marketing Is the marketing activity of the company in foreign markets. International marketing also provides an opportunity to reduce commercial risk and extend life cycle goods. Depending on the degree of internationalization, it usually takes one of the following forms:

Import / export marketing is the marketing activity of an enterprise for the import / export of goods and services;
foreign economic marketing is the marketing activity of an enterprise in the markets of several countries, which provides for the creation of branches, representative offices of enterprises or subsidiaries;
multinational marketing is the marketing activity of a firm operating in different countries(regions) and has a polycentric orientation, that is, proceeds from the fact that each market is unique and the company must adapt as much as possible to the national characteristics of foreign markets, (for example: the animated series The Simpsons is shown in more than 60 countries of the world and in more than 20 languages, for 60 million viewers weekly. Moreover, the Russian translation has a distinct national flavor).
global marketing is the marketing activity of an enterprise with a focus on the global market, the needs of which can be met with a standardized product using similar sales and marketing communications tools. For example, the activities of Toyota, Ford, BMW, a Barbie doll.

3. Depending on the degree of market orientation of the enterprise and the period for which the marketing policy of the enterprise is being developed, there are:

Strategic marketing, which involves regular analysis of consumer needs, market segmentation and selection of a base market, development marketing strategy... Strategic marketing tasks include:

Analysis of consumer needs and definition of the underlying market;
market segmentation;
situational analysis (SWOT analysis);
definition of marketing goals.

Tactical Marketing (Operational), which provides for the process of developing measures and implementing goals in a selected market with a specific product range for a specific period.

The task of tactical marketing includes:

Market research and justification of decisions for the production of goods;
development of a marketing complex;
developing a marketing budget;
implementation of the marketing plan and its control.

4. Depending on the characteristics of the subject, there are:

Micro-marketing marketing activities for a specific type of product are produced.
macromarketing - marketing activities for a wide range of products or areas of activity at the level of an enterprise, industrial and financial group, concern, state.

The tasks of marketing management are to influence the level, nature and timing of demand in such a way that it helps the organization to achieve its goals. Marketing management is demand management.

5. Depending on the types of demand, there are eight types of marketing.

1. The market is in negative demand, if most of him dislike the product and even agree to certain expenses just to avoid it (vaccinations, dental procedures). Applicable conversion marketing, the purpose of which is to change the negative attitude of consumers towards the product to a positive one, that is, create demand, analyze why the market does not like the product and whether the marketing program can change the negative attitude of the market by processing the product, lowering prices or more active incentives. For example, it is used by modern Ukrainian fashion designers to change the attitude of Russian consumers towards their products. Promotional activities emphasize that famous people(the President's wife, singers, actors) are regular customers Russian fashion designers.

2. In the absence of demand, target consumers may not be interested in the product or are indifferent to it (students - study foreign language). Stimulating marketing is used, the purpose of which is to stimulate sales in conditions of indifference of consumers to the product, to find ways to connect the benefits of the product with the natural needs of a person, using such tools: familiarizing consumers with the possibilities of the product, reducing prices, intensifying advertising. Example, mobile operators.

3. With hidden demand, consumers want the impossible, that is, to satisfy with the help of goods the need on the market (harmless cigarettes, fuel-efficient cars). Creative marketing is used, the purpose of which is to transform potential demand into real one, assess the size of the market and create effective products that can meet demand and use existing products in new areas of consumption. For example, there is a latent demand for computer software that would allow the PC to read aloud the text from the electronic version.

Harmless chocolate production started in Belgium

The first chocolate in the world that is NOT harmful to tooth enamel was offered by Belgian chocolatiers Daskalids and Smet. In the production of chocolate products, the Belgians used isomaltulose, which is a type of sugar, instead of regular sugar. "Isomaltulose is made up of a mixture of glucose and fructose, and tastes almost the same as regular sugar, but it is NOT able to kill the bacteria that are in the mouth, so it does NOT release acid that destroys tooth enamel."

4. Falling demand (the number of theatergoers is decreasing)... Remarketing is used - the purpose of which is to restore demand, thanks to a creative rethinking of the approach to product offering, providing the product with market novelty and penetration into new markets. The demand for corn sticks, which had dropped for a while, recovered again, the assortment increased, new flavors, both sweet and salty, were introduced, which attracted more buyers. Some packages write “childhood taste”, which revives the pleasant experience of childhood and encourages purchase.

5. Irregular demand (seasonality - sugar industry, fluctuations on an hourly basis - transport)... Synchromarketing is used, the purpose of which is to find ways to smooth out fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time with the help of more flexible prices, incentive measures and other arousal techniques.

6. Full demand... Supportive marketing is applied, the purpose of which is to maintain the existing level of demand despite changing consumer preferences and competition due to the quality of goods and services, flexible pricing policy and advertising.

7 . Excessive demand, a number of organizations have a higher level of demand than they want or can satisfy. Demarketing is used, the purpose of which is to reduce demand by increasing prices, weakening incentive methods and reducing service, you can sell a license to foreign firms for the right to produce goods under the company's brand name. The goal is not to eliminate demand, but only to reduce its level. The state is trying to reduce the level of fishing and hunting for animals. For this, hunting seasons have been introduced, payment of a monetary contribution for the right to hunt certain animals.

8 . Irrational demand (cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, drugs)... Countervailing marketing is used to convince consumers to give up their bad habits by spreading threatening information, sharply increasing prices and limiting the availability of goods. A product warning must occupy at least 15% of the total advertising space.
The marketer must be good at influencing the level, nature and timing of demand, since the already existing demand may not coincide with the one that the firm expects for itself.

Marketing is one of the functions of management - resource management process

HE ensures that the firm achieves its goals. Marketing management is management activities, which includes analysis, implementation planning and control of activities aimed at generating and intensifying demand for goods or services and increasing profits.

In contact with

I. Depending on the field of activity in the proposed classification distinguish economic, organizational, technical, communicative management decisions.

Economic solutions are designed to answer the questions:

· What to produce?

· How many products will be marketed?

· What level of production costs is optimal?

At what price should be sold finished products?

· What economic benefits will production give to the investor and society as a whole?

Organizational solutions involve solving the problems of organizing the production of products and provide answers to the following questions:

· Where should the production be located geographically?

· what kind industrial premises will be required for the organization of production?

· What are the staffing needs?

At the same time, organizational decisions should contain specific measures to meet the production needs of the enterprise.

Technical management decisions solve the problem of choosing a production technology, technical equipment of the company's production units and their improvement.

Communicative solutions involve measures to establish, maintain and improve the organization's relations with the subjects of the external environment, as well as the organization of connections between the elements organizational structure the enterprise itself.

II. Based on the duration and impact on development prospects, operational, tactical and strategic.

Operational solutions perform a corrective role directly in the course of the production activity of the enterprise, solving sudden problems that do not tolerate delay.

Tactical management decisions, as a rule, are focused on the short and medium term and problems of a production and technical nature. Strategic management decisions are designed to ensure that the organization fulfills its mission and, due to this, its survival in a highly competitive environment.

III. By goals distinguish commercial and non-commercial management decisions. Commercial decisions involve the implementation of actions aimed at achieving a certain economic effect: an increase in turnover, an increase in gross income or profit, etc. Management decisions non-profit character do not directly pursue economic goals. They are usually aimed at creating a social image of the company, social development municipal or regional community, within which the organization operates, solving environmental protection problems, improving working and resting conditions for employees, as well as developing non-commercial activities of the organization.

IV. Depending on the type of decision maker and the organization of production collective or individual(personal). The priority of certain decisions in a particular organization is determined by the style of leadership, the degree of centralization of the organizational structure and management, the available time budget for making and implementing managerial decisions.

V. Degree of uniqueness management decisions allows us to talk about routine(non-creative) and unique(creative) solutions. In the activities of any organization, there are both frequently recurring, standard situations and new non-standard problems. To overcome recurring problems, it is necessary to develop standard procedures, the complex of which makes up the content of routine (non-creative) management decisions. Non-standard problems require, in each case, the identification of the constituent elements, existing limitations, the development and analysis of a variety of acceptable solutions to this problem, which gives the management decision a creative character.

Vi. Completeness of background information involves the division of management decisions into decisions made:

· in conditions of certainty,

· at risk,

· in the face of uncertainty.

The decision is made in conditions of certainty when the manager knows exactly the result of each of the alternative solutions. An example would be investments in certificates of deposit or government bonds.

The decision is considered to be made at risk if the probability of all alternative solutions is known. In this case, the sum of the probabilities of all alternatives must be equal to one.

The decision is made in the face of uncertainty when it is impossible to determine the likelihood of potential results.

Vii. Usually, when making a management decision, management decision makers are based on intuition, judgment, or rational choice. According to the criterion of validity management decisions can be intuitive, judgmental and rational... In turn, management decisions based on judgment, depending on the nature of the people making the decision, are divided into balanced, impulsive, inert and risky.

VIII. By management rank or hierarchy level management decisions are subdivided into solutions of the highest, middle and lower levels... IN modern organizations most decisions are made at the middle level. Often, top-level solutions are prepared and developed at the middle management level.

IX. Depending on the scale management decisions are subdivided into complex- designed to solve multifactorial problems with a complex internal structure, and private, which are used in solving private issues of the organization.

X. Depending on the direction management decisions into objects of the external or internal environment, they are divided into external and internal solutions. In this case, one should proceed from the fact that a managerial decision cannot change the factors of the external environment. An external management decision is designed to adjust the organization's connections with the outside world in the interests of accomplishing the mission or achieving the goals of the organization.


  • Economic. This is a kind of state policy aimed at changing economic processes in the right direction. The subjects of such a policy (they also act as its executors) are the state itself, government bodies at all levels, as well as various unions and associations that are not related to state structures. The implementation of the economic policy of the state is carried out by various branches of government. Submission for discussion and approval of its main directions takes place in the parliament. In turn, the Government is responsible for its implementation, distributing specific tasks on all specialized bodies.
  • Social. This type is aimed at regulating the entire set of relationships in society. Who is the social policy aimed at:
  1. Family members.
  2. Representatives of various nationalities, classes and groups.
  3. Interaction between families, nationalities, groups and classes.

Social policy "follows" from economic policy. In a market economy, it has a goal - to satisfy all the urgent needs of representatives of society. This helps to ensure peace in society. Without economic growth, there will be no opportunity for the functioning of a market economy, as well as for smoothing out conflicts in society.

  • Cultural. Is a component social policy... It is aimed at ensuring that the mechanisms that ensure the continuity of certain actions work. In other words, this is a specific type of activity to influence the personality, which aims to form a certain worldview in her. It is through the prism of the latter that a person perceives and evaluates the surrounding reality.

The main tasks of the cultural state policy:

  1. To develop and introduce into society certain ideals and values ​​that reflect the concept of humanism.
  2. To develop in each citizen the criteria for an adequate assessment of the events taking place around him.
  3. Establish feedback, and based on it, correct decisions already made.
  4. To preserve the peculiarities and specifics of the national culture.
  5. Provide all strata of society with guarantees of a wide choice of cultural values, as well as their availability.
  • Demographic. It is a set of measures implemented by state institutions and non-profit organizations aimed at controlling and / or changing the current situation in the field of demography. It is implemented in three main directions:
  1. To improve the health and, consequently, life expectancy of the population.
  2. Control migration processes and, if necessary, regulate them.
  3. Support and preservation of the social institution of the family, stimulation of the birth rate.
  • National. A special type of state policy, which is a set of measures and tools to ensure dialogue between representatives of different nations and ethnic groups, accounting and implementation national interests... The authorities implementing this type of policy form a certain attitude in society towards the divergence of national interests. There is also a constant search for new solutions on favorable ways of interaction between the subjects of interethnic relations.
  • Military. This area is not independent. It directly depends on the course of foreign and domestic policy. The task of the state here is to ensure the formation and functioning of the military structure. If necessary, mobilization of funds to protect the population and national interests.
  • Youth. This is a set of measures of a different nature (economic, regulatory, legal, personnel, informational, scientific, etc.) to ensure the possibility of self-realization among young people, as well as to increase their level of potential to achieve a certain social status. In other words, this area provides young people with the desire to acquire knowledge, maintain a healthy lifestyle, get a prestigious job, etc. In the process of its implementation, there is continuous interaction with citizens and civil society institutions.
  • Environmental. This area state activities is aimed at establishing an understanding of the current ecological situation in a certain territory and water area, and the associated effects and disadvantages. In a global sense, it is a set of measures and methods for the impact on the environment.
  • Personnel. It is designed to provide the country with qualified employees. For this, a whole strategy of the state's work with workers at all levels is being developed in order to fully and rationally realize the country's human potential.


  • Internal. It is represented by a whole set of directions. Simply put, it is designed to preserve the existing social and political system, or reform it if necessary.
  • Foreign policy. Direction of activities to establish relationships with other countries; political course in international affairs.


  • State policy. This is a general plan of action by various government bodies aimed at solving issues important for the citizens of the country. It includes such elements as the development of a political strategy, the definition of a priority direction for the development of society, etc.
  • Party politics. A party is an organized group of citizens. They are passionate about one idea and pursue goals that meet the interests of certain segments of the population.
  • Politics public organizations and movements. This is also a voluntary association of citizens, but it does not apply to government bodies. Sometimes for such organizations the concept of "third sector" (public) is used, as an addition to the public and private.


  • Modernization policy. This is a process of changing the existing political structure of society due to the fact that each of its members can influence the adoption of certain power decisions. This term is applied to those countries that are making the transition from a traditional society to a modern one.
  • The policy of national reconciliation. It is aimed at finding ways and solutions to eliminate the differences and conflicts that have arisen in society in a peaceful way. Based on peace negotiations.
  • The Great Leap Forward Policy. It implies two directions: industrialization and collectivization. The first involves the accelerated creation of the foundations of heavy industry in order to strengthen defense complex countries. But at the same time, the needs of the population are ignored. The second is based on the same accelerated creation of only peasant economic associations. In post-revolutionary times it was called "dispossession".


  • Local. What is it like? The style that exists in a particular organization or municipality.
  • Regional. Applies to separately taken administrative-territorial divisions (republics, territories, regions). It is called upon to ensure the most rational distribution of forces to equalize the living standards of the population.
  • National. Guidelines for authorities (in particular, this applies to the executive branch). Guides their activities, and ensures the legitimacy and compliance with social customs.
  • International. Its subjects are independent state formations that interact with each other.
  • World (global level). Acts as a factor regulating international relations. They, in turn, change and also change the character and its direction.

a) innovative

b) financial

c) unconventional

d) personnel

e) social

Standards for answers
1 I 1. Pharmaceutical chemistry
001 -v 031-6 061-6 091 -y 121-in
002-d 032 -y 062-6 092-6 122 -v
003 -y 033 -d 063-6 093 -d 123-d
004 -y 034 -a 064 - 6 094 -g 124-6
005 -v 035 -d 065 -v 095-6 125-a
006 -d 036 -a 066-6 096-6 126 -g
007 - b 037 -a 067 -g 097 -y 127 -g
008 -y 038-6 068-6 098 -g 128-6
009 -v 039 -v 069 -y 099-6 129 -g
010-d 040 -a 070 -v 100 -g 130 -v
011-g 041 -g 071 -d 101-a 131-a
012-6 042 -y 072-6 102 -v 132 -v
013-in 043 -d 073-6 103 -v 133-g
014-a 044 -a 074-6 104-6 134 -g
015-d 045 -d 075 -d 105 -g 135 -g
016-in 046-6 076 -d 106 -g 136-in
017-6 047 -v 077 -v 107 -a 137-6
018-in 048 -g 078-6 108 -a 138-a
019-in 049 -d 079 -v 109 -a 139-g
020 -a 050-6 080 -a 110-g 140 -g
021 -g 051-in 081 -v 111-in 141-6
022 -d 052-6 082 -d 112-d 142 -g
023 -g 053 -v 083 -d 113-in 143 -g
024 - in 054 -v 084 -v 114-g 144 -g
025 - in 055 -a 085 -d 115-in 145 -v
026 - a 056-6 086 -y 116-g 146 -v
027 -v 057 -v 087 - 6 117-in 147-6
028 -d 058 -a 088 -v 118-in 148-6
029 -v 059 -a 089 -v 119-a 149 -v
030 -d 060-6 090 -v 120-6 150 g
2. Pharmacognosy 3. Pharmaceutical technology
001 -d 031 -g 061 -v 091 -y 121-in 3.1. Technology dosage forms
002 -d 032-6 062-6 092-6 122 -a 001 -d 041 -v 081 -a 121-in 161-6
003 -d 033 -d 063 -d 093 -v 123 -a 002 -y 042 -v 082 -v 122 -v 162 -v
004 -v 034-6 064-6 094 -g 124-6 003 - in 043 -g 083 -d 123-6 163 -v
005-6 035 -g 065 -v 095-6 125 -a 004 -a 044 -v 084 -v 124-6 164-6
006 -v 036 -g 066 -d 096-6 126-d 005 -d 045 -a 085-6 125 -g 165 -g
007 -v 037 -v 067 -a 097 -v 127-6 006 -a 007 -v 046 -a 047 -v 086 to 087 to 126-6 127 -g 166 -g 167 -v
008-6 038 -v 068 -v 098 -v 128 -a 008 -v 048 -g 088 -y 128-6 168 -v
009 -y 039 -d 069-6 099-6 129-in 009 -d 049 -a 089-6 129-in 169 -v
010-6 040-6 070 - g 100 -g 130 -g 010-c 050 -v 090 -g 130-6 170 -a
011-in 041-6 071-6 101-a 131-a 011-in 051 -v 091 -a 131-6 171-g
012-g 013-6 042 - at 043-6 072-6 073-6 102-6 103-6 132 to 133 to 012-v 013-d 014-d 052 -a 053 -v 054-6 092 -g 093-6 094 -v 132 to 133 to 134 to 172 -g 173 -g 174 -a
014-g 044 -g 074 -v 104 -g 134 -a 015-6 055 -v 095 -v 135-6 175 -v
015-d 045 - g 075 -g 105 -v 135-in 016-g 056-6 096 -y 136-g 176 -g
016-a 046 -d 076 -v 106-6 136 -a 017-6 057 -y 097 -y 137-a 177-6
017-a 018-g 047-6 048 -d 077 -a 078 -d 107-6 108 -v 137-g 138-v 018-6 i 019-g 020-6 058 -v 059 -g 060 -g 098 -a 099-6 100 -v 138-6 139-d 140 -a 178-in 179-6 180-d
019-g 049 -g 079 -v 109 -g 139-g 021-6 061-6 101-6 141-in 181-6
020-6 050 -g 080 -a 110-a 140 -d 022-6 062-6 102 -d 142-6 182-a
021 -a 051-6 081 -v 1N-D 141-a 023 -a 063 -v 103-6 143 -v 183-a
022 -g 023 -v 052 -y 053 -y 082-to 083-6 112-a 113-d 142 -g 143-6 024 -y 025 -y 1 026-6 064-6 065-6 066 -v 104-6 105-6 106 -v 144 -a 145 -a 146 -g 184-a 185-a 186-6
024 -g 054 -y 084 -v 114-g 144 -v 027 -v 067-6 107 -v 147 -g 187-a
025 -d 055 -v 085-6 115-in 145 -d 1 028 -d 068 -v 108 -g 148 -v 188-g
026 -a 056 -v 086-6 116-g 146 -a 029 -v 069 -d 109 -v 149 -v 189-in
027-6 057 -v 087 -d 117-a 147 -v ; ozo - g 070 -a 110-a 150 -v 190 -v
028 -g 058 -y 088 -v 118-6 148 -d ; oz1-g 032 -a 071-to 072 -y 111-6 112-6 151-d 152-a 191 -6 192 -g
029 -y 059 -y 089 -a 119-6 149 -g 033 -v 073-6 113-in 153-g 193 -a
030 -v 060 -v 090 -a 120 -v 150-6 034-6 074 -v 114-in 154-6 194 -g
035 -g 075 -v 115-6 155-d 195-6
036 -a 076 -v 116-in 156-a 196 -a
037 -v 077 -y 117-in 157-6 197 -a
038 -v 078 -y 118-in 158-6 198 -a
I 039 - a 079 -a 119-6 159-in 199-6
040 - in 080-6 120 -a 160 -g
3.2. Technology finished medicinal funds 1 4. Biotechnology
001-6 035 -v 069 -a 103-6 137- d 001- G 021 -g 041 -d 061 -a 081 -v
002 -v 036 -v 070 -a 104 -v 138- but , 002- 022 -v 042 -v 062 -g 082 -v
003 -a 037 -a 071-6 105-6 139- d 003- 023 -g 043 -a 063 -v 083 -v
004-6 038 -g 072 -y 106 -g 140- 004- in 024 -v 044 -g 064-6 084 -a
005 -v 039 -g 073 -v 107-6 141- G 005- in 025 -v 045 -v 065-6 085 -y
006-6 040 -v 074 -d 108 -v 142- but 006- in 026 -a 046-6 066 -v 086 -v
007 -y 041-6 075 -g 109-6 143- in 007- but 027 -v 047 -y 067 -g 087 -v
008-6 042 -v 076 -v 110-6 144- 008- 028 -g 048 -v 068 -g 088-6
009 - in 043 -d 077 -d 111-in 145- in 009- 029 -v 049 -v 069-6 089 -v
010-6 044 -v 078 -v 112-d 146- 010- but 030 -g 050-6 070 -v 090 -v
011-d 045-6 079 -y IZ-d 147- but 011- in 031 -v 051 -a 071 -a 091 -v
012-6 046-6 080 -g 114-d 148- G 012- in 032 -v 052-6 072 -v 092 -y
013-a 047 -d 081-6 115-in 149- but 013- 033 -v 053 -v 073 -v 093 -v
014-in 048 - g 082 -a 116-g 150- but 014- G 034 -a 054 -v 074-6 094 -a
015-d 049 -d 083 -a 117-g 151- G 015- G 035 -g 055 -y 075-6 095 ^ r
016-a 050 -g 084 -v 118-a 152- but 016- G 036 -g 056 -y 076 -v 096 -a
017-a 051-6 085 -v 119-a 153- but 017- G 037 -v 057 -y 077 -v 097 -a
018-6 052 -a 086 -v 120 -v 154- 018- G 038 -v 058 -y 078 -a 098 -v
019-6 053 -a 087 -a 121-d 155- 019- in 039 -v 059-6 079 -v 099 -y
020 -d 054 -a 088 -v 122-6 156- in 020- 040-6 060 -v 080 -v 100 -g
021 -g 055 -d 089 -y 123 -g 157- but
022-6 056 -a 090 - in 124 -a 158-
023 -a 057 -y 091 -v 125-6 159- in
024 -d 058 -d 092 -y 126 -g 160- but
025 -a 059 -d 093 -v 127-d 161-
026 -v 060 - g 094 -a 128 -a 162- G
027-6 061 -d 095 -v 129 -a 163- in
028 -a 062 -d 096 -d 130-in 164- but
029 -a 063 -d 097 -y 131-6 165- in
030 -a 064 -d 098 -v 132 -v 166- but
031 -g 065 -d 099 -a 133-in 167- but
032 -a 066 -a 100 -g 134 -v 168- but
033 -a 067-6 101-g 135 -g 169-
034 -v 068 -a 102-6 136-6 170- in

5. Management and economics of pharmacy - G 213-g 235 -a 257 -a 279-6
- G 214-d 236 -v 258 -v 280-6
001-6 039 -d 077-6 I5-d ~ a 215-d 237 -v 259-6 281 -a
002-6 040-6 078 -a 116-6 -d - but 216-in 238 -v 260-6 282 -g
003 -v 041 -d 079 -d 117-g -6 217-d 239-d 261 -d 283-6
004-6 042-6 080 -g 118-g -d - d 218-g 240 -g 262 -v 284-d
005 -v 043 -v 081-6 119-g -but - d 219-d 241 -g 263 -v 285 -a
006 -a 044 -v 082 -a 120 -g -d 220 -v 242-6 264 -d 286-6
007-6 045 -v 083-6 121-g -but - d 221-6 243 -g 265 -g 287 -v
008-6 046 -a 084 -a 122-6 -6 - d 222 -g 244 -a 266-6 288-6
009-6 047 -a 085 -y 123 -a ~ r - d 223 -d 245 -v 267 -g 289 -v
010-6 048 -a 086 -y 124 -v - G - in 224 -a 246-6 268-6 290 -a
011-in 049-6 087 -a 125 -v -in - G 225 -a 247-6 269 ​​-v 291-6
012-6 050 -g 088 -v 126-6 - in - d 226-6 248 -a 270 -v 292-6
013-in 051-6 089 -a 127 -d -6 - d 227 -d 249 -v 271-6 293 -v
014-a 052-6 090-6 128-6 -6 - d 228-6 250 -v 272 -g 294-6
015-a 053 -y 091 -a 129-in -d 229 -a 251-6 273 -d 295-6
016-6 054 -v 092 -v 130 -v -but - G 230 -g 252-6 274 -g 296 -d
017-6 055-6 093 -v 131-d -6 - d 231-a 253 -d 275 -v 297 -g
018-a 056 -d 094 -d 132-6 -but - G 232-6 254 -d 276 -g 298 -d
019-a 057 -d 095 -y 133-a - in - d 233 -g 255 -a 277-6 299 -v
020-6 058 -v 096 - g 134 -a -G - but 234 -g 256-in 278 -a 300 -v
021-6 059 -v 097 -y 135 -v -but
022 -a 060 -a 098 -v 136-d -d
023-6 061 -a 099 -v 137-in -d
024 -a 062-6 100-6 138-6 -but
025-6 063 -a 101-6 139 -v -d
026 -a 064 -v 102-6 140 -g -G
027 -v 065 -d 103 -a 141 -g -6
028-6 066 -g 104 -a 142 -a -but
029-6 067-6 105 -v 143-6 -6
030-6 068-6 106 -v 144-6 -6
031 -a 069-6 107 -g 145-6 - in
032 -a 070-6 108 -g 146 -g -b
033 -v 071 -y 109-6 147 -d -6
034-6 072 -d 110-g 148 -a -6
035-6 073 -v 111-a 149 -a -d
036 -d 074 -a 112-a 150 -a - in
037 -v 075 -a 113-g 151-g -6
038 -g 076-6 114 -v 152-6 -but

1. Pharmaceutical chemistry .............................................. ................................ 3

2. Pharmacognosy ............................................... .............................................. 35

3. Pharmaceutical technology .............................................. ...................... 68

3.1. Technology of dosage forms ............................................... ......... 68

3.2. Technology of finished medicinal products ................................... 106

4. Biotechnology ............................................... ............................................. 136

5. Management and economics of pharmacy ............................................ ............. 155

Sample answers ................................................ ............................................. 211

1. Pharmaceutical chemistry .............................................. ........................ 211

2. Pharmacognosy ............................................... ........................................ 212

3. Pharmaceutical technology .............................................. ............... 213

3.1. Technology of dosage forms ............................................... ..........

3.2. Finished drug technology .......................................

4. Biotechnology ............................................... ......................................... 215

5. Management and economics of pharmacy ............................................ ......... 216