Types of marketing depending on demand. Conversion, incentive, support marketing. Types of demand and marketing tasks. Supply and demand What kind of demand does not happen

Demand is one of the most important concepts in the economy in general and in marketing in particular. It is demand that determines whether a product will be purchased, and if so, how often?

Demand is the need of the consumer, which he presents to the market. However, for a buying need to become a demand, the buyer must be able to pay for his want. That is, demand can be characterized as the desire and ability of the consumer to purchase a product at a certain time and in a certain place.

Demand is made up of many smaller elements, each of which has its own characteristics, which have arisen under the influence of economic, political, social, demographic and other factors. It is for this reason that there are a huge number of classifications of demand (by market size, by form of education, by trends, and so on). We will consider the classification of demand, which is used to solve various marketing problems.

In marketing, demand is divided into eight types:

  1. Negative
  2. Missing
  3. Hidden
  4. Falling
  5. Irregular
  6. Complete
  7. Excessive
  8. Irrational

Each of these types has its own characteristics and features and dictates certain marketing behavior for the company.

Negative demand- it occurs when the bulk of consumers have no desire to purchase a product, but has every opportunity to do so. Consumers may even incur some losses (both direct and indirect), but still tend to avoid buying.

For example, it may be a refusal to purchase goods from a certain country if there is a political conflict with it. Negative demand can be observed in separate group consumers, for example, in the vegan group, products from natural fur and leather will be in negative demand.

For this case, the conversion type of marketing is used. The specialist must analyze the reasons for the rejection of the product, as well as find opportunities to correct the situation (for example, improving the quality of the final product, reducing the price, active promotion).

Missing. Buyers are not interested in purchasing products, they are indifferent to them.
With this type of demand, buyers simply do not show interest in the product. There are many reasons for this buying behavior. For example, small businesses are not interested in buying the most powerful equipment, since their needs are much smaller and allow them to manage with less powerful, but cheaper counterparts, and vice versa, a large agro-industrial complex is not interested in buying household walk-behind tractors, as it needs more productive equipment.
In this demand, promotional marketing is applied. The main task is to determine the needs of the consumer and offer him the appropriate product.
Hidden. Paying consumers have a desire, but no opportunity to purchase the product or service they are interested in.
In this case, the goods existing on the market may not satisfy the consumer for any reason. Often the cause of latent demand is a shortage in the market for goods and services. For example, neo-paganism that came into fashion not so long ago gave rise to a demand for various natural goods (wooden utensils, herbal preparations, beekeeping products), the demand for which was not satisfied for some time, however, this niche was filled over time.
In this case, developmental marketing is applicable, in which hidden needs are identified and appropriate offers for consumers are created.
Falling. Falling demand is characterized by a steady downward trend in the number of products sold. Every entrepreneur faces this type of demand sooner or later.
In case of falling demand, remarketing is an effective tool. It allows you to update the offer, making it more interesting and modern.
Irregular. Very many goods have seasonal fluctuations in demand, which can be very, very significant. Few people buy New Year's toys in May. Synchromarketing helps to smooth out such fluctuations by introducing new offers, flexible prices, promotions, etc. For instance, travel agencies offer travel on interesting terms in unpopular months.
Full. This kind of demand perfectly matches the supply. The product fully meets the expectations of buyers. In this case, only supportive marketing is required, which does not allow competitors to win back market share. As well as marketing tools in this case are used to quickly respond to changes in the market and consumer behavior.
Excessive. Demand exceeds supply and cannot be met. In this case, demarketing is carried out to reduce the hype. To reduce the level of demand (temporarily or permanently) raise prices and reduce incentives.
Irrational. The desire of consumers to purchase a product that can harm health, the environment, etc. In this case, counter-marketing is used to reduce demand. An example of such opposition is the fight against drugs.

What is demand? This is the most important characteristic of the market. In marketing, this is the main object of continuous observation, detailed study and influence on people.
Demand (by definition) is a need presented in the market and constantly supported by money. It is impossible to talk about its solvency, because demand of any kind is, by definition, solvent, otherwise it is just a need. This concept can also be defined as the ability and intention of the consumer to purchase a specific product in a specific place and at a specific time. Demand pitches are different.

Purchasing is a complex phenomenon that consists of different elements that have certain social, economic, demographic, and regional characteristics. Such components make it possible to differentiate the types of consumer demand according to various criteria. These actions make it easy to adjust. Today there are the following types of demand:

1. Negative (for goods or services). The market does not accept the product or service. in this case, it is to study the source of resistance and determine the ability of the marketing program to change negative attitudes to positive ones by upgrading the product and even more actively stimulating buyers.

2. Lack of demand. It happens that consumers are not attracted to the product or they are indifferent to it. What to do? How to act? We need to find ways to link the main properties of the product with natural (daily) and its interests.

3. Hidden. This is which is not. Many people dream of having a product that does not exist at all. In this case, the task of marketing will be to determine the size of the potential market and create effective products and services that can satisfy this demand.

4. What other types of demand exist? We analyze further: falling. When saturated with goods, it falls lower and lower. Marketers need to conduct a deep analysis of the reasons for its decline, and also to find out whether it is possible to stimulate the sale of goods (services) again by searching for new markets and modifying goods.

5. Irregular. Depending on the season and even the day, the sale of goods may fluctuate. We need to look for ways to smooth out such fluctuations and distribute demand over time using flexible prices, various measures incentives and other methods of encouraging consumers.

6. Maintained. Usually in such a situation, the company is satisfied with its own turnover. Types of demand are characterized by its shortage, and in the case when demand is constantly maintained, this is the most pleasant situation. The task of marketing is to maintain the existing level, despite the constantly changing preferences and tastes of consumers, growing competition. The product must be of high quality, and the company's employees constantly evaluate the level of customer satisfaction in order to analyze the correctness of their own actions later.

7. Demand is excessive. In this state of affairs, he is above supply, the firm cannot (or does not want to) satisfy him. It is necessary to look for ways to permanently or temporarily reduce such high demand. This can be done by raising prices or reducing service. This company policy is called demarketing.

8. Unwanted. for a product that has proven to be harmful to health. In this case, it is necessary to convince consumers of "bad" goods to give up bad habits; disseminate intimidating information, provide statistical data; drastically raise prices and limit the availability of this product.

So we looked at the types of demand in marketing.

Topic 13.1. The concept and classification of demand The level of demand is one of the main characteristics of the market.
For marketing, demand is the main object of constant observation, detailed study and influence.
Topic 1 3.1. The concept and classification of demandDemand - a need presented in the market and supported by money. In this regard, one cannot speak of solvent demand, since any demand is solvent by definition, otherwise it is a need. Demand can also be defined as the desire and ability of the consumer to buy a product at a certain time and in a certain place. Not every desire to have a product is a demand. Only that desire turns into demand, which is supported by the financial capabilities of the buyer. We can say that the market is presented not with the need itself, but with its solvent representative - consumer demand. customer demand is a complex phenomenon, consisting of various elements having certain economic, social, demographic and regional features. This makes it possible to differentiate demand according to a number of characteristics, which facilitates its regulation. Demand classification.1. By the number of objects of demand: macro-demand - the demand of the entire population for a commodity group or set of goods;
micro-demand - the demand of the target market for a particular product or its assortment variety; 2. According to the state of the market: negative,
· complete. The classification of demand by market conditions helps the marketing firm to assess the demand in order to develop a specific market strategy. 3. By forms of education: potential (closed),
irregular: seasonal, recreational, daytime, hourly,
deferred (accumulated),
panic (anxiety). 4. By trends: growing (intense),
fading (decreasing, decline in demand). The classification of demand by trends is directly related to the stages life cycle goods. 5. By purchasing intentions: hard-formulated (hard),
alternative (soft, compromise),
Spontaneous (impulsive). The classification of demand according to purchasing intentions opens up ample opportunities for the seller to influence the buyer both by means of advertising and by methods of direct influence. A certain part of buyers (according to some estimates, about a quarter) gives in to psychological pressure, actively responds to store demonstrations of goods. This implies the need for optimal placement of goods in the store, ensuring the availability of goods for inspection and testing, originality and colorfulness of the exposition, its information content (merchandising). 6. By socio-demographic groups of consumers: the demand of individuals (families),
Demand of sex and age groups of the population. Identification of differences in demand by socio-demographic groups of consumers is crucial for market segmentation and determining its capacity. 7. Place of purchase: global,
mobile. The sign of demand differentiation at the place of purchase is of interest to firms engaged in regional marketing. In a certain part, mobile demand is recreational, related to tourism and holiday trips. Identification of such demand is very important for firms specializing in servicing tourists and holidaymakers. It is necessary to know not only the size of recreational mobile demand, but also its geography and routes. In addition, information on the territorial differentiation of demand is necessary for regional and municipal authorities in order to control the consumer market and develop their own product policy. 8. According to the degree of satisfaction:· Satisfied
Conditionally Satisfied
dissatisfied. Demand analysis according to the degree of satisfaction will allow the company to adjust its assortment and service policy, to find additional reserves for sales and sales growth. 9. By the time of formation and presentation on the market: past,
· real,
· future. In order to control and forecast demand, the types of demand are also distinguished by the time of formation and presentation on the market. Past demand - this is demand, realized or unsatisfied for some past period of time, its assessment is necessary to identify trends and patterns, as well as the implementation of implementation plans. Current demand - demand in currently, knowledge of the size of which allows you to quickly make adjustments to the planned marketing activities, is an element of market conditions. Future demand - demand for the subsequent period, it is necessary to predict its volume and structure, taking into account the possibilities of production and the market. The classification of demand according to these criteria orients marketing towards the application of a specific product and price policy, the choice of an appropriate competitive strategy, the organization of targeted advertising events, allows for multi-parameter market segmentation and requires the firm to carry out the necessary differentiated actions to regulate demand.

Modern marketing is nothing more than one of the main disciplines for professional participants in market relations, among which are employees of the advertising field, retailers, production managers of branded and new marketable products, marketing researchers and so on. One way or another, they need knowledge about the description of the market and its classification into segments; assessment of the needs, requests and preferences of consumers within the target market; designs and tests of commercial products in order to identify consumer properties necessary for the market: conveying to consumers through the price of the main idea of ​​​​the value of a commercial product; selection of skilled intermediaries in order to achieve wide availability of goods; advertising and selling commercial products in such a way that consumers want to buy them.

Types of marketing depending on demand

The nature of the demand is an explicit criterion for classifying the marketing system into the following groups:

  • Developing.
  • Conversion .
  • Synchromarketing.
  • Remarketing.
  • promotional marketing.
  • Demarketing.
  • Counter marketing.
  • Supportive marketing.

Examples of each of the presented types of marketing can be considered in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.


To begin with, it would be advisable to study the conversion type of marketing as an independent category in marketing system. It is important to note what is used in case of negative or negative demand. The market is in a state of negative demand when a significant proportion of potential consumers do not like marketable products. Thus, society agrees to costs only in order to avoid its acquisition. A striking example in this case is low-quality commercial products or the services of an unscrupulous dentist). Among the reasons negative demand in marketing the following points stand out:

  • Harmfulness of commercial products for human health.
  • Commodity going out of fashion.
  • The presence of discomfort in the case of consumption of a commercial product.
  • Negative image inherent in the company-manufacturer of marketable products.

The main task of marketing in this case is to analyze the situation and answer the question: for what reasons the market cannot overcome hostility to commercial products and is the development of a new one capable of marketing plan or programs to change negative market attitudes, for example, through product improvements, price cuts, more promotions and advertising?


Among the currently relevant, an important role is played by the stimulating option. It is important to note that it is used under the condition of an absolute absence of demand from consumers. Under such circumstances, the latter may not show interest in marketable products or feel indifferent to them. Among the reasons for the lack of demand, it would be appropriate to highlight the following provisions:

  • Lack of product information.
  • Novelty of commercial products.
  • A complete mismatch of the sales market.
  • Loss of product value.

task promotional marketing in this case, it is the identification of methods for linking the benefits inherent in commercial products with the natural needs and interests of a person. It is important to note that the following elements are the main tools of the type of marketing under consideration here: a rather sharp decrease in current prices, increased advertising campaign and other ways to promote a commercial product.

Remarketing and developmental marketing

When analyzing types of marketing depending on demand Not to mention remarketing. It is used in case of declining demand for the product. The reasons for such a serious situation are the following points:

  • Reducing the quality characteristics of commercial products.
  • The emergence of substitute products on the market.
  • Moral obsolescence of commercial products.
  • Decrease in the prestige of the product.

The demand curve in this case has a negative slope, and the task of marketing is nothing more than an analysis of the reasons for the fall in demand from consumers, an assessment of the prospects for its recovery, and the development of a set of measures related to the revival of demand.

Developmental marketing is used in the case of latent demand, which occurs when a consumer desire appears that cannot be satisfied with commercial products available on the market. The task of the presented type of marketing is the timely identification product demand, assessment of the size of the future (potential) market, as well as the formation of effective commercial products (services, works) at a new, maximum quality level. Such a product must fully satisfy consumer demand, in other words, it must be turned from an imaginary (potential) into a real (real). Among the tools of developmental marketing, it is important to note the following points:

  • Development of products that meet new consumer desires (needs).
  • Application of advertising.
  • The transition to a new level in terms of product quality in order to fully satisfy consumer demand.
  • Formation of the image of the product, focused on certain groups of consumers.

Synchromarketing and supportive marketing

In addition to the above categories, the system types of marketing depending on demand contains synchromarketing. It should be noted that it is used for fluctuating or irregular demand. In this case, sales fluctuate on an hourly, daily and seasonal basis. The main task of synchromarketing is nothing more than finding methods for smoothing out fluctuations in time in the distribution of demand through flexible prices. It is important to add that the most effective tool that one way or another belongs to the presented category is the successive transition to different market segments, for example, in accordance with the geographical factor.

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1. Negative demand. The market does not like the product. And here the task of marketing is to analyze why the market dislikes this product and whether the use of marketing tools can change the negative attitudes of the market by changing the consumer properties of the product, reducing the price of the product and more actively stimulating the sale of the product.

2. Lack of demand. In this case, consumers are not interested in our product or are completely indifferent to it. The task of marketing in this case is to find ways to translate the consumer properties of the product into for a particular consumer.

3. Hidden demand. Many consumers have needs that cannot be met with the products and services available on the market. There is a great hidden demand for organic food, safe medicines, or at least those with minimal side effects. The task of marketing in this case is to assess the size of the potential market and create effective goods and services that can satisfy demand (organic vegetables and products, medicines with a minimum of side effects).

4. Falling demand. Over time, the demand for the product decreases. The task of marketing in this case is to reverse the trend of falling demand through a creative rethinking of the approach to offering a product or changing any consumer properties of the product.

5. Irregular demand. For many pharmaceutical products (drugs), sales fluctuate on a seasonal, daily, and even hourly basis, causing problems of underload and overload. Seasonal diseases (influenza in winter or autumn) are a seasonal commodity. Transport - overload during peak hours, etc.

6. Full demand. Businesses meet their demand. The task of marketing is to maintain the existing level of demand (to take care of the quality of goods, service, etc.).

7. Excessive demand. The level of demand is much higher than the organization can meet. The task of marketing in this case is demarketing - to look for ways to temporarily or permanent decline demand (raise prices, reduce service).

Required for this stage not to eliminate demand, but to reduce its level.

8. Irrational demand. Countering the demand for goods that are unhealthy requires a focused effort. A campaign is being carried out against the distribution of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, firearms, and porn films. The goal of marketing in this case is to convince people to give up their bad habits by spreading fearsome information, drastically raising prices and limiting the availability of goods.