Nizhnekamskneftekhim shareholders meeting. Center of disclosure. Growth in the volume of commercial products and large investment projects

Statement of material fact
"On holding a general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer
and the decisions he made "

1. General information
1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer
Public Joint Stock Company "Nizhnekamskneftekhim"
1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer
PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim"
1.3. Location of the issuer
Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, 423570
1.4. OGRN of the issuer
1.5. TIN of the issuer
1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the registration authority
1.7. Internet page address used by the issuer to disclose information
http: // id = 197),

2.2. Form of the General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer:
Meeting (joint attendance of shareholders to discuss agenda items and make decisions on issues put to vote) with preliminary submission (delivery) of voting ballots.

2.3. Date, place, time of the General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the issuer:
April 05, 2017, assembly hall of the building A-12 of the management of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.
Opening time of the General Meeting held in the form of a meeting: 09 h. 00 min. (by Moscow time).
Closing time of the General Meeting held in the form of a meeting: 09 hours 55 minutes. (by Moscow time).

2.4. Quorum of the General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer:
As of the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim - March 13, 2017, 1,611,256,000 ordinary (voting) shares with a par value of 1 (One) ruble were registered in the register of shareholders of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim each accepted for the definition of a quorum.
The owners of 1,448,441,210 ordinary (voting) shares of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim took part in the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, which is 89.8952% of the total number of outstanding ordinary (voting) shares of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim.
The quorum of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders is determined in accordance with clause 4.20 of the Regulation on Additional Requirements for the Procedure for Preparing, Convocating and Holding a General Meeting of Shareholders, approved by Order of the FFMS of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, based on the number of placed ordinary (voting) shares of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" as of the date of compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 58 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim” is competent (has a quorum) if it is attended by shareholders holding in aggregate more than half of the votes of the outstanding voting shares of PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim”, which is at least 805 628 001 votes. There was a quorum, the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" is competent to make decisions on all issues on the agenda.

2.5. The agenda of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer:
1 item on the agenda:
On approval of the annual report, annual accounting (financial) statements of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" for 2016.
Item 2 on the agenda:
On the distribution of profits of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim", including the payment (declaration) of dividends, based on the results of 2016.
Agenda item 3:
Payment of remuneration and compensation to members of the Board of Directors, including members of committees of the Board of Directors, and members of the Audit Commission of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".
Agenda item 4:
Election of the Board of Directors of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".
Item 5 on the agenda:
On the election of the Audit Commission of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".
Item 6 on the agenda:
On the approval of the auditor of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".
Item 7 on the agenda:
On amendments and additions to the Charter of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and its approval in the new edition.
Item 8 on the agenda:
On amendments and additions to the Regulation on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and its approval in a new version.

2.6. Results of voting on the agenda items of the General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer, for which there was a quorum, and the wording of decisions adopted by the General Meeting of Participants (Shareholders) of the Issuer on these issues:

On the first item on the agenda:

The number of votes cast for the voting option "For" - 1 448 006 448,
The number of votes cast for the voting option "Against" - 147 350,
The number of votes cast for the "Abstained" voting option - 276,912.

To approve the annual report, annual accounting (financial) statements of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" for 2016.

On the second item on the agenda:
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting on this agenda item - 1,611,256,000,
The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1,611,256,000,

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
1. To approve the distribution of profit of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" based on the results of 2016, recommended by the Board of Directors of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim".

2. Not to declare and not to pay dividends on shares of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" based on the results of 2016.

On the third item on the agenda:
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting on this agenda item - 1,611,256,000,

The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1,611,256,000,

The quorum on this issue is 805 628 001 votes. There was a quorum.
The number of votes cast for the voting option "For" - 1,437,420,509,
The number of votes cast for the voting option "Against" - 8 879 146,
The number of votes cast for the “Abstained” voting option is 2,131,055.

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
Establish the total amount of remuneration and compensation for members of the Board of Directors, including members of committees of the Board of Directors, and members of the Audit Commission of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim in the amount recommended by the Board of Directors of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

On the fourth item on the agenda:
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting on this agenda item put to the cumulative vote - 16,112,560,000 votes,

The number of votes attributable to the company's voting shares, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the FFMS of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this agenda item put to the cumulative vote - 16 112 560 000

The quorum on this issue is 8,056,280,001 votes. There was a quorum.

The number of votes cast for the voting option "For the proposed candidates" - 14,477,164,080, including the number of votes cast for each of the proposed candidates:
Bikmurzin Azat Shaukatovich - 1 452 912 490,
Busygin Vladimir Mikhailovich - 2 256 692 620,
Gaizatullin Radik Raufovich - 1 453 231 555,
Latypov Albert Nailevich - 1 266 847 255,
Nail Ulfatovich Maganov - 973 617 375,
Mujichić Naim - 1 266 805 405,
Presnyakov Vladimir Vasilievich - 1 511 065 715,
Safina Guzeliya Mukharyamovna - 1 518 795 055,
Subramanian Anand Viswanathan - 1 266 538 705,
Shigabutdinov Ruslan Albertovich - 1 510 657 905.

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
To elect the proposed candidates to the Board of Directors of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim":
- Bikmurzin Azat Shaukatovich,
- Vladimir Mikhailovich Busygin,
- Radik Raufovich Gaizatullin,
- Latypov Albert Nailevich,
- Nail Ulfatovich Maganov,
- Mujicic Naim,
- Presnyakov Vladimir Vasilievich,
- Safina Guzelia Mukharyamovna,
- Syubaev Nurislam Zinatulovich,
- Subramanian Anand Viswanathan,
- Shigabutdinov Ruslan Albertovich.

On the fifth item on the agenda:
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders on this agenda item (except for votes held by members of the Board of Directors, as well as members of the Management Board of Nizhnekamskneftekhim, who cannot participate in voting on this agenda item - 281 950) - 1 610 974 050,

The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the FFMS of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1 610 974 050,

The number of votes held by the persons who participated in the General Meeting on this agenda item (voting shares owned by members of the Board of Directors or members of the Management Board of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim did not participate in voting on this issue) - 1,448,169,010,

The number of votes cast for each of the voting options:
Ignatovskaya Olga Vladimirovna:
“For” - 1 446 978 243, “Against” - 593 346, “Abstained” - 534 671;
Kuznetsova Natalia Viktorovna:
“For” - 1 447 646 239, “Against” - 157 600, “Abstained” - 317 171;
Sulteeva Lilia Firgatovna:
“For” - 1 446 742 743, “Against” - 682 021, “Abstained” - 661 746;
Khasanshin Aydar Anasovich:
“For” - 1 446 862 418, “Against” - 624 846, “Abstained” 599 246.

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
Elect the proposed candidates to the Audit Commission of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim":
- Olga Ignatovskaya,
- Natalia Kuznetsova,
- Sulteeva Lilia Firgatovna,
- Khasanshin Aydar Anasovich.

On the sixth item on the agenda:

The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1,611,256,000,

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
To approve the auditor of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim - JSC PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit.

On the seventh item on the agenda:

The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1,611,256,000,

Change and addition number 1:
“For” - 1 416 730 202, “Against” - 2 141 500, “Abstained” - 2 970 758;
Change and addition number 2:
“For” - 1 416 719 777, “Against” - 2 144 675, “Abstained” - 2 978 008;

Change and addition number 3:
“For” - 1 416 713 452, “Against” - 2 148 750, “Abstained” - 2 980 258;
Change and addition No. 4:
“For” - 1 416 435 527, “Against” - 2 428 500, “Abstained” - 2 978 433;
Change and addition No. 5:
“For” - 1 416 676 952, “Against” - 2 180 250, “Abstained” - 2 985 258;
Change and addition number 6:
“For” - 1 416 474 027, “Against” - 2 390 750, “Abstained” - 2 977 683;
Change and addition No. 7:
“For” - 1 416 671 202, “Against” - 2 125 500, “Abstained” - 3 045 758;
Change and addition number 8:
“For” - 1 416 717 277, “Against” - 2 157 175, “Abstained” - 2 968 008;
Change and addition No. 9:
“For” - 1 416 736 952, “Against” - 2 131 250, “Abstained” - 2 974 258;
Change and addition number 10:
“For” - 1 416 751 277, “Against” - 2 095 250, “Abstained” - 2 995 933;
Change and addition number 11:
“For” - 1 416 802 277, “Against” - 2 063 175, “Abstained” - 2 977 008;
Change and addition number 12:
“For” - 1 416 750 702, “Against” - 2 079 000, “Abstained” - 3 012 758;
Change and addition No. 13:
“For” - 1 346 025 080, “Against” - 72 797 872, “Abstained” - 3 019 508;
Change and addition number 14:
“For” - 1 416 594 777, “Against” - 2 026 000, “Abstained” - 3 221 683;
Change and addition No. 15:
“For” - 1 416 427 602, “Against” - 2 191 425, “Abstained” - 3 223 433;
Amendment and addition number 16:
“For” - 1 416 550 852, “Against” - 2 049 425, “Abstained” - 3 242 183;
Amendment and addition number 17:
“For” - 1,416,574,777, “Against” - 2,046,000, “Abstained” - 3,221,683;
Change and addition number 18:
“For” - 1 416 497 852, “Against” - 2 061 000, “Abstained” - 3 283 608;
Change and addition No. 19:
“For” - 1 416 561 402, “Against” - 2 041 000, “Abstained” - 3 236 933;
Amendment and addition number 20:
“For” - 1 416 579 352, “Against” - 2 047 675, “Abstained” - 3 215 433;
Amendment and addition number 21:
“For” - 1 416 482 777, “Against” - 2 131 250, “Abstained” - 3 228 433;
Amendment and addition number 22:
“For” - 1 416 514 777, “Against” - 2 064 750, “Abstained” - 3 262 933;
Amendment and addition No. 23:
“For” - 1 416 474 777, “Against” - 2 080 250, “Abstained” - 3 287 433;
Change and addition No. 24:
“For” - 1 416 533 227, “Against” - 2 028 925, “Abstained” - 3 280 308;
Amendment and addition No. 25:
“For” - 1 416 565 502, “Against” - 2 026 000, “Abstained” - 3 250 958.

2. Introduce the adopted amendments and additions to the Charter of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and approve it in a new edition:
“For” - 1 442 975 527, “Against” - 2 057 750, “Abstained” - 2 939 008;

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
1. To make changes and additions to the Charter of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim":
 Change and addition No. 1;
 Change and addition No. 2;
 Change and addition No. 3;
 Change and addition No. 4;
 Change and addition No. 5;
 Change and addition No. 6;
 Change and addition No. 7;
 Amendment and addition No. 8;
 Amendment and addition No. 9;
 Change and addition No. 10;

 Amendment and addition No. 25.

2. Introduce the adopted amendments and additions to the Charter of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and approve it in the new edition.

On the eighth item on the agenda:
The number of votes held by the persons included in the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting on this agenda item is 1,611,256,000,

The number of votes attributable to voting shares of the company, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulation on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders, approved by Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated February 02, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n, on this issue of the agenda - 1,611,256,000,

1. To introduce amendments and additions to the Regulation on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim":

Change and addition number 1:
“For” - 1 416 597 752, “Against” - 2 118 425, “Abstained” - 3 071 283;
Change and addition number 2:
“For” - 1 416 573 502, “Against” - 2 118 425, “Abstained” - 3 095 533;
Change and addition number 3:
“For” - 1 416 576 752, “Against” - 2 134 250, “Abstained” - 3 076 458;
Change and addition No. 4:
“For” - 1 416 391 427, “Against” - 2 290 250, “Abstained” - 3 105 783;
Change and addition No. 5:
“For” - 1 416 522 252, “Against” - 2 148 425, “Abstained” - 3 116 783;
Change and addition number 6:
“For” - 1 416 560 002, “Against” - 2 129 000, “Abstained” - 3 098 458;
Change and addition No. 7:
“For” - 1 416 543 427, “Against” - 2 161 000, “Abstained” - 3 083 033;
Change and addition number 8:
“For” - 1 416 532 427, “Against” - 2 174 750, “Abstained” - 3 080 283;
Change and addition No. 9:
“For” - 1 416 266 002, “Against” - 2 333 675, “Abstained” - 3 187 783;
Change and addition number 10:
“For” - 1 416 195 752, “Against” - 2 342 250, “Abstained” - 3 249 458;
Change and addition number 11:
“For” - 1 416 578 002, “Against” - 2 132 675, “Abstained” - 3 076 783;
Change and addition number 12:
“For” - 1 416 611 502, “Against” - 2 101 550, “Abstained” - 3 074 408;
Change and addition No. 13:
“For” - 1 416 390 752, “Against” - 2 218 675, “Abstained” - 3 102 533;
Change and addition number 14:
“For” - 1 416 574 927, “Against” - 2 095 500, “Abstained” - 3 117 033;
Change and addition No. 15:
“For” - 1 416 397 502, “Against” - 2 279 000, “Abstained” - 3 110 958;
Amendment and addition number 16:
“For” - 1 416 542 227, “Against” - 2 126 750, “Abstained” - 3 132 233;
Amendment and addition number 17:
“For” - 1 416 425 052, “Against” - 2 259 425, “Abstained” - 3 116 733;
Change and addition number 18:
“For” - 1 416 567 677, “Against” - 2 133 175, “Abstained” - 3 100 358;
Change and addition No. 19:
“For” - 1 416 388 602, “Against” - 2 239 000, “Abstained” - 3 173 608;
Amendment and addition number 20:
“For” - 1 416 574 602, “Against” - 2 114 250, “Abstained” - 3 112 358;
Amendment and addition number 21:
“For” - 1 416 467 852, “Against” - 2 194 750, “Abstained” - 3 138 608;
Amendment and addition number 22:
“For” - 1 416 513 677, “Against” - 2 171 425, “Abstained” - 3 116 108;
Amendment and addition No. 23:
“For” - 1 416 542 852, “Against” - 2 151 500, “Abstained” - 3 106 858;
Change and addition No. 24:
“For” - 1 416 479 427, “Against” - 2 171 425, “Abstained” - 3 150 358;
Amendment and addition No. 25:
For "- 1 416 468 927," Against "- 2 150 000," Abstained "- 3 182 283;
Amendment and addition number 26:
“For” - 1 416 503 352, “Against” - 2 153 250, “Abstained” - 3 144 608;
Amendment and addition number 27:
“For” - 1 416 576 427, “Against” - 2 098 425, “Abstained” - 3 126 358;
Amendment and addition number 28:
“For” - 1 416 564 177, “Against” - 2 119 425, “Abstained” - 3 117 608;
Amendment and addition number 29:
“For” - 1 416 584 352, “Against” - 2 114 250, “Abstained” - 3 102 608.

2. To introduce the adopted amendments and additions to the Regulation on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" and approve it in a new version:

“For” - 1 442 973 602, “Against” - 2 095 500, “Abstained” - 3 092 358;

The wording of the adopted decision on the issue put to the vote:
2. To make changes and additions to the Regulation on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim":
 Change and addition No. 1;
 Change and addition No. 2;
 Change and addition No. 3;
 Change and addition No. 4;
 Change and addition No. 5;
 Change and addition No. 6;
 Change and addition No. 7;
 Amendment and addition No. 8;
 Amendment and addition No. 9;
 Change and addition No. 10.
 Amendment and addition No. 11;
 Amendment and addition No. 12;
 Amendment and addition No. 13;
 Amendment and addition No. 14;
 Amendment and addition No. 15;
 Amendment and addition No. 16;
 Amendment and addition No. 17;
 Amendment and addition No. 18;
 Amendment and addition No. 19;
 Amendment and addition No. 20;
 Amendment and addition No. 21;
 Amendment and addition No. 22;
 Amendment and addition No. 23;
 Amendment and addition No. 24;
 Amendment and addition No. 25;
 Amendment and addition No. 26;
 Amendment and addition No. 27;
 Amendment and addition No. 28;
 Amendment and addition No. 29.

2. To introduce the adopted amendments and additions to the Regulation on the General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim” and approve it in a new version.

2.7. Date and number of the minutes of the General meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer:
Date of drawing up the protocol April 10, 2017, protocol w / n.

2.8. Identification signs of shares, the owners of which are entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
ordinary registered uncertified shares 1-02-00096-A, the date of state registration is August 15, 2003; ISIN code: RU0009100507.

3. Signature
3.1. Deputy General Director -
Head of the Department for Corporate
property and strategic development
PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" __________________________ I.V. Larionov
(acting on the basis
Power of attorney No. 51-Dov. dated 01.02.2017)

This message is provided directly by the subject of information disclosure and published in accordance with the Regulations on Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Equity Securities or the Regulations on Requirements for the Procedure and Timing of Disclosure of Information Related to the Activities of Joint Stock Investment Funds and Management Companies of Unit Investment Funds, as well as the content of the disclosed information ... Interfax is not responsible for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

The board of directors of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" recommended to the annual meeting of shareholders to refuse to pay dividends for 2016, stated in the company's message on the information disclosure website. The 2016 meeting will take place in early April 2017.

In 2016, more than 7.9 billion rubles were allocated for payments to shareholders. 6.99 billion rubles were paid for ordinary shares. The owners of preferred shares received RUB 950.39 million.

The refusal to pay dividends on shares for 2016 will not come as a surprise. Back in the summer, the top management of the enterprise, which is part of the TAIF Group, warned about the prospect of their reduction to the minimum level. NKNKh announced the construction of a new ethylene complex. The head of TAIF Albert Shigabutdinov announced the cost of the project in the amount of $ 7.8 billion.

It is planned to resume the payment of dividends in this regard no earlier than 2020. After that, NKNK promised to direct at least 30% of its net profit for payments to shareholders.

According to forecasts, Nizhnekamsneftekhim will generate negative financial results due to the construction of the ethylene complex. In 2016, the company reduced its profit by 1.43 billion rubles, to 25.05 billion rubles. NKNK's revenue last year increased by almost 3 billion rubles, to 153.41 billion rubles.

The leading petrochemical company of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the results of 2016 at the meeting of shareholders

Today, the shareholders of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" at the annual meeting for the first time in the history of the company's existence as a joint-stock company were recommended to abandon the decision to pay dividends, to which in previous years a third of the net profit was spent. This time, from the received 25.5 billion rubles. it was decided to use the fifth part to finance the strategic program, and the company decided to leave the remaining 20.5 billion of profits unallocated. Traditionally, the final event was held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, who, assessing the results of the NKNKH activity, called the enterprise “the pride of the whole republic”.

"Residents of settlements will no longer express any claims"

Before the start of the shareholders' meeting, as has been the custom since the early 2000s, Nizhnekamsk petrochemists demonstrated a new facility to the head of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov. True, this time it was not a production unit, but biological treatment facilities (BOS), where at the end of last year, Nizhnekamskneftekhim completed the first stage of a large-scale modernization project. It was not yet 8 am when the government motorcade drove into the territory of the sewage treatment plant.

These sewage treatment plants are, in fact, the same age as Nizhnekamsk, which turned 50 last year. Moreover, they were built not only for the needs of the chemical plant, but the entire city, and later they began to be used by the enterprises of the entire industrial zone - until they began to build their own biofeedback systems. Today, 190 thousand cubic meters of industrial and municipal wastewater pass through the purification and filtration system before entering the Kama every day. Throughout the history of the existence of this nature protection facility, the treatment facilities were reconstructed once - in 1980 - in order to increase their capacity.

The high load on the purification systems and obsolete structures have long made themselves felt: residents of the city and nearby villages often complained about unpleasant odors coming from the biofeedback system. Moreover, the composition of the effluents themselves has radically changed: more phosphates and other chemicals used in everyday life began to come from the city, and industrialists also began to use new products. So the bacteria in the treatment aeration tanks, which previously easily “devoured” the organic matter in the effluent, now, despite all their diversity - there are more than 40 types of them - could not cope with their main task.

Nizhnekamsk petrochemists demonstrated a new facility to the head of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov. True, this time it was not a production facility, but a biological treatment plant.

It is these reasons, as well as the tightening of environmental legislation in the country, that led to the decision of the NKNKh leadership to modernize the ecological complex. According to estimates, the construction of new treatment facilities on the territory and reconstruction of existing facilities will cost the company 3.4 billion rubles. So, in the first stage - in the construction and modernization of the mechanical treatment unit, the building of gratings, aerated sand traps, a mixer for household and chemically contaminated waste water and a transformer substation, the installation of three gas-plasma plants "Yatagan" and other facilities - more than 660 million rubles have already been invested.

The expected effect of these innovations is quite impressive: according to calculations, the new purification technology will improve the quality of both atmospheric air and treated effluents discharged into the Kama. For example, the mass of phosphates will decrease by almost 90%, ammonium ions - by 36%, and oil products - by more than half.

Here we are, there are no smells, and residents of settlements will not express any claims due to the fact that there are any smells. And emissions, which we cannot see with our eyes, are much better here than today's standards.

In turn, the mayor of Nizhnekamsk Aydar Metshin also emphasized that "the reconstruction of sewage treatment plants has become an important event, this facility is of strategic importance not only for industry, but is also an important component of the city's engineering infrastructure, it is aimed at improving the environmental situation in the city."

After pressing the symbolic start-up button for the treatment plant, a large delegation led by the president, which included the mayor of Nizhnekamsk Aydar Metshin, head of TAIF Albert Shigabutdinov, chairman of the board of directors of NKNKH Vladimir Busygin, and others, quickly examined the new biofeedback facility - a mechanical cleaning unit. Speaking about further work on the project during the presentation, the general director of Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Azat Bikmurzin, noted that within the second stage, a collector will be built, going from the industrial zone directly to the treatment plant, and after the completion of all work in 2019, the water quality after treatment at biofeedback treatment will be brought to the standards that apply to fishery water bodies.

Pressing the symbolic start-up button for the treatment plant, a large delegation headed by the president quickly inspected the new biofeedback facility - a mechanical cleaning unit

Growth in the volume of commercial products and large investment projects

Meanwhile, the shareholders of the enterprise have already gathered at the central office of NKNK. The agenda of the meeting included eight issues, among which one of the most important was summing up the results of the company's activities for 2016, which was reported by the head of the company Azat Bikmurzin.

Speaking about the results, he noted that the main production and financial indicators for the last year demonstrate the stability and reliability of the enterprise: “In 2016, we increased the volume of production and achieved sales proceeds of more than 153 billion rubles, and the net profit amounted to 25.1 billion rubles. The industrial production growth rate was 102%. We have produced more than 670 thousand tons of rubbers, 725 thousand tons of plastics. More than 88% of the produced rubbers were shipped to the foreign market ”.

The company has also implemented a number of investment projects. The head of NKNKh especially noted the program to increase the production capacity of SKI-3, during which a large-scale modernization of the production of monomers was carried out: isobutylene, formaldehyde and isoprene. To date, all general construction work has been completed at the plants for their production, underground communications networks have been laid, work is underway to install technological equipment and pipelines. The expected result from the implementation of this project should be an annual production of isoprene rubber that has grown to 330 thousand tons.

In addition, the company's specialists worked on another big task - this is a new type of DSSK - the so-called new generation rubber. Its experimental batches are already in the process of approbation by Russian and foreign consumers. The plant for the production of butyl and halobutyl rubbers also achieved significant growth. Now this production of NKNKh will be able to send consumers up to 220 thousand tons per year of one of the most demanded elastomers.

The second most important product that brings Nizhnekamskneftekhim more than a third of its revenue is plastics. In this segment, judging by the data announced by the head of the company, there is also active development. So, for 2 years the company increased the sales volume of linear low density polyethylene - from 19 thousand tons to 62 thousand tons. The plans for the current year are to increase this figure to 100 thousand tons per year. Thus, the company is successfully implementing the import substitution program, since 70-75% of such polyethylene is now imported to Russia from abroad.

Speaking about the tasks for this year, Bikmurzin especially noted the construction of two new pyrolysis furnaces and a benzene extraction unit using GTC technology at the ethylene plant

In his report, Azat Bikmurzin emphasized the importance in terms of the raw material supply of the enterprise, the installation launched in August last year for the production of linear alpha-olefins using the alpha-Sablin technology with a capacity of 37.5 thousand tons per year. It allowed NKNKH to completely abandon the purchase of imported raw materials, since it is able to fully provide the plastics plant with fractions of butene and hexene that are so necessary in technology.

Speaking about the tasks for this year, Bikmurzin especially noted the construction of two new pyrolysis furnaces and a benzene extraction unit using GTC technology at the ethylene plant. These technical solutions, according to him, will increase the production of benzene by 50 thousand tons per year and exclude its purchase from other manufacturers. The company also plans to complete construction and start production of a microspherical alumino-chromium catalyst for the dehydrogenation of isoparaffins KDI-M.

The most ambitious project - the olefin complex - was discussed in more detail at a press conference, and here the general director said that “for the EP-600 project, we have entered the final stage of selecting companies for the design and supply of equipment, and by the end of April the contracts will be ready for signing ".

The results of the annual financial statements were announced by the chief accountant of the company Ilfar Yakhin. According to the data he announced, annual revenue amounted to 153.4 billion rubles, profit before tax was almost 32 billion rubles, and profit from sales amounted to 22.7 billion rubles, equity capital by the end of the year increased to 128.3 billion rubles. During 2016, NKNK transferred 16.3 billion rubles to the budgets of all levels, of which about 9 billion rubles. entered the republican treasury.

The next item on the agenda of the meeting concerned the distribution of profits and payment of dividends. As Realnoe Vremya wrote, at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 3, it was decided to recommend shareholders not to pay dividends on shares for 2016. Rustam Akhmetov, deputy general director of NKNK for economics, announced to shareholders a proposal for the distribution of net profit in the amount of 25.5 billion rubles. as follows: allocate 5 billion rubles. to finance the strategic development program of Nizhnekamskneftekhim, 20.52 billion rubles. - to leave unallocated, and not to declare or pay dividends on the company's shares based on the results of the financial year.

The shareholders were voiced a proposal for the distribution of net profit in the amount of 25.5 billion rubles.

A representative of the auditing company PricewaterhouseCoopers and the chairman of the audit committee expressed their assessment of the accuracy of these indicators. In their opinion, the accounting records "reliably reflect, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company."

It came to the point of election by the shareholders of the board of directors of Nizhnekamskneftekhim for the current year. There have been minor changes in its composition: Sergey Alekseev, the first deputy general director of Svyazinvestneftekhim, and Nurislam Syubaev, the deputy general director for strategic development of Tatneft, left the composition. Instead of them, strategically important decisions in the activities of the board will now be made by Ruslan Shigabutdinov, who is the Deputy General Director for Corporate Property Management and Investments of TAIF, in addition, who heads the Board of Directors of Kazanorgsintez, and Subramanian Visvanatan Anand, Advisor to the General Director of OJSC TAIF. Rinat Sabirov, assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, still retained the right of the “golden share” as a representative of the state on the NKNK board of directors.

Those who left the board of directors, its chairman Vladimir Busygin and the general director of TAIF, Albert Shigabutdinov, presented memorable gifts and expressed gratitude for their many years of work.

Decent results of the petrochemists of Nizhnekamsk

While the votes were being counted on the previously voiced issues, the Mayor of Nizhnekamsk took the floor. Aydar Metshin expressed gratitude for the contribution of the Nizhnekamsk enterprises of TAIF Group to the preparation and celebration of the 50th anniversary of the city. He noted that the funds allocated by Nizhnekamskneftekhim made it possible "to implement a number of large-scale projects for the improvement of public spaces and to start solving such an important issue for all Nizhnekamsk residents as the repair of roads in courtyards."

Then the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov came to the podium. According to him, the very first meeting of shareholders held by NKNK, in a series of subsequent similar events, is a significant event for the Republic of Tatarstan and its industry. First of all, he again noted the successful contribution of NKNK to the start of the Year of Ecology. In his opinion, the reconstructed biological wastewater treatment plants are a gift, this is a site where "the most modern technologies are used and everything is very well thought out." According to the head of the republic, the production results of the petrochemists of Nizhnekamsk are also decent: production volumes increased by 2% compared to rather high indicators in 2015, historical maximums were reached in the production of rubbers - more than 665 thousand tons and plastics - over 725 thousand tons. He especially noted labor productivity, which since 2003 has grown more than 10 times against the background of a 22% reduction in personnel.

Thanks to such stably operating enterprises as NKNKH, the republic has maintained positive economic growth rates, although the overall situation in the country is different.

The head of Tatarstan called the main industry project "Ethylene-1 200" and related production facilities for the processing of pyrolysis products

Among the strategically important tasks facing Nizhnekamskneftekhim in this and in subsequent years, the President named projects to expand existing monomer production facilities and increase the production of synthetic rubbers. Towards achieving the goal, “in the middle of the second quarter of 2017, as a result of the reconstruction, the volume of rubber production will increase by more than 200 tons per day,” Rustam Minnikhanov noted.

The head of Tatarstan called the main industry project "Ethylene-1 200" and related production facilities for the processing of pyrolysis products. In general, as part of the development strategy, Nizhnekamskneftekhim is tasked with bringing the production of rubbers to 1 million tons, ethylene - up to 1.2 million tons, and plastics - up to 1.5 million tons by 2021.

Thanking the staff and management of NKNKH and TAIF for their contribution to the development of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov noted: "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" is the flagship of the country's petrochemical industry and the pride of the entire republic. "

It was the turn of the announcement of the voting results. According to the commission's calculations, by a majority of votes, the shareholders voted in the affirmative for changes in the composition of the board of directors, minor changes in the company's Charter, on the issue of refusal to pay dividends and the election of PWC as auditor for 2016.

Immediately in the presence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and shareholders, the newly elected composition of the Board of Directors, at the suggestion of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, unanimously elected Vladimir Busygin as its chairman and confirmed Azat Bikmurzin's powers as CEO of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

Rustam Minnikhanov, the leadership of NKNKH and TAIF traditionally answered journalists' questions

Plans for 2017: growth of marketable products by 2% and profit at the level of 28 billion rubles.

After the meeting of shareholders, President Rustam Minnikhanov, the leadership of NKNKH and TAIF traditionally answered journalists' questions.

First of all, the President of the Republic was asked to evaluate the activities of NKNKH on import substitution in terms of the plan to increase the production of polyethylene. As Minnikhanov noted, the enterprise is actively developing new products and new markets. Thanks to the large program of import substitution of NKNK for linear polyethylene, imports decreased by 20%.

The company has great success in the production of rubbers - 90% is exported, in this direction and this year it will continue to move forward, there are big plans to expand in the direction of rubber production.

The president also emphasized the fact that the company today is aimed not only at expanding its production capacities.

You know what a huge program TAIF is carrying out to provide housing. I looked at the certificate showing how many were delivered in a year - 450 apartments - this is a huge support of the labor collective, this is a huge contribution of the company to the development of the urban environment. It was the anniversary of the city, NKNKH, TAIF group of companies invested well in the urban environment. I think that this year, also a jubilee - the 50th anniversary of NKNK, we should celebrate with dignity. Albert Kashafovich is also ready to fork out, we are also ready to help make the city even more beautiful, even more convenient, because the people who create these products live in this city. And if there are no such specialists, if the city is not so comfortable, safe, environmentally friendly, of course, it will be difficult to achieve such success. Therefore, we invite all journalists to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nizhnekamskneftekhim in September.

Addressing the chairman of the board of directors Vladimir Busygin, the journalists asked him to name the volume of the company's investments in 2016 and what the main investments will be directed to this year.

According to him, this year NKNK is completing a large investment program for the development of isoprene rubber - this is not only an increase in capacity to 330 thousand tons per year, but also an expansion of the raw material base for this type of rubber and for others. These are isobutylene production with a capacity of 160 thousand tons and a formaldehyde production with a capacity of 100 thousand tons. This project alone, Busygin emphasized, is estimated at almost 30 billion rubles.

According to Albert Shigabutdinov, contracts for the implementation of the EP-1200 project will be signed in the first half of the year.

In addition, as part of the program to expand the range of commercial products, we are also planning a number of new capacities based on ethylene oxide - this is the creation of PEGs and MPEGs (polyethylene glycols and monoethylene glycols). The topic of environmental safety remains, as you already heard at the opening, - this is the second stage of the biofeedback treatment, first of all, it is the implementation of design work, and we plan to complete the project somewhere in 2019. This will make it possible today to mix all biological effluents that come from the city, and at the same time hydrocarbon ones that come from the installation. The capacity of this waste treatment plant will be about 140 million cubic meters per year. And the most important priority project for us was and remains the construction of an ethylene complex with a capacity of 1.2 million tons, its first stage with a capacity of 600 thousand tons. A huge amount of work has been done. We plan to sign contracts for the design and supply of equipment in April.

The question to the head of NKNKh concerned the company's plans for 2017 in terms of revenue and net profit. To which Azat Bikmurzin replied that this year the expected revenue will be at the level of 157 billion, which is about 3.6 billion rubles higher than the result of 2016. The enterprise intends to achieve it by increasing the volume of production, having received the effect of various modernizations of production.

We have planned a 2% increase in marketable output compared to last year. In terms of net profit, at least 28 billion rubles.

Realnoe Vremya's question to the head of TAIF Albert Shigabutdinov concerned the stages of implementation of the EP-1200 project - whether the general contractor and funding sources have been identified, as well as the timing of the start of construction and installation works. As he noted, the contracts will be signed in the first half of the year. As for the contractor, he is selected during the tender, and the tender is not over yet.

In parallel, various issues are being resolved: some insist on increasing the authorized capital, negotiations are underway, there are already options that will provide 100% financing. The financing issue will be closed sometime in November this year.

On April 5, 2017, PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" hosted an annual general meeting of shareholders. The event dedicated to summing up the results of 2016 was also attended by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The main report was made by the General Director of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" Azat Bikmurzin. The company's revenue from product sales in 2016 exceeded 153 billion rubles, and its net profit exceeded 25.1 billion rubles. The growth rates of industrial production of PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" amounted to 102% against the level of 2015.

Produced 670 thousand tons of rubbers, 725 thousand tons of plastics. In 2016, the 10 millionth ton of isprene rubber and the 3 millionth ton of butyl rubber were produced. More than 88% of the produced rubbers were shipped to the foreign market. By 2020, it is planned to further increase the volume of rubber production - up to 1 million tons per year. This will happen due to an increase in the production of isoprene and butyl rubbers and the development of industrial production of functionalized divinyl-styrene rubber, said Azat Bikmurzin, General Director of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC.

He also spoke about the implementation of plans to increase the production capacity of monomers: isobutylene, formaldehyde and isoprene. “All general construction works have been completed at the plants for their production, and the networks of underground communications have been laid. Currently, work is underway to install technological equipment and pipelines, ”said Azat Bikmurzin.

According to him, all this will increase the production of isoprene rubber to 330 thousand tons per year. In 2016, the enterprise installed a unit for the production of synthetic rubbers at the existing plant. A pilot batch of styrene-divinyl rubber is already being tested by Russian and foreign consumers. “On April 1, a project was completed to increase the production capacity of butyl rubbers to 220 thousand tons per year,” the General Director of PJSC also said.

Further development of Nizhnekamskneftekhim is planned in the field of plastics production. First of all, we are talking about expanding the brand assortment. “One of the priority areas is the linear low density polyethylene market. Currently, 70 - 75 percent of such polyethylene is imported from abroad, ”Azat Bikmurzin emphasized.

According to him, already now Nizhnekamskneftekhim is able to replace most of the imported goods. The enterprise is capable of producing and selling up to 100 thousand tons per year. Large-scale work was carried out to improve the quality and study of new grades of high density polyethylene produced by Nizhnekamskneftekhim. At the same time, the issue of full provision of plants for the production of linear polyethylene of low and high density with the necessary components of its own production was resolved. Together with KFU, a catalyst for the production of butadiene was synthesized, which is not inferior to the imported one. A number of other programs aimed at import substitution are being implemented.

The ethylene complex remains one of the promising areas for PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim. According to the EP-600 project, the enterprise entered the final stage of choosing a company for the design and supply of equipment. By the end of April, it is planned that the contracts will be ready for signing.

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