What is copywriting. Copywriter: work at home - remote vacancy (rewriter) Home work for women copywriter

Good money on the Internet can be earned not only by creating websites. If you are not deprived of the talent to coherently express your thoughts in writing, then you may well try yourself as a copywriter. I myself have never dealt with copywriting professionally, and it is difficult for me to judge all the intricacies of this profession. That is why today I bring to your attention a guest post written by a person who has been professionally engaged in copywriting for several years. I hope you find this article useful to you.

In the article I will talk about a very professional personal experience. I have been copywriting since 2007. Of course, not everything was so rosy when I decided to master the profession. It was necessary to master the basics of skill. It is not easy to write a good article that will be bought, even if you write well, own the style. For those who are interested in the profession: copywriting is the creation of a unique text on a topic and a price agreed by the customer.

There are a number of specific rules that you need to learn and put into practice before you start earning. The forums of copywriters helped me a lot, such forums exist on all the exchanges that I went to in search of information. And, in the end, she settled on the School of Life online magazine, where each novice copywriter was asked to write articles on various topics, post them for general discussion, consult with the editor on text style, article design skills, search for information.

During the year, I studied, my colleagues suggested some things to me, I learned from the mistakes of others, studied the experience of more successful colleagues. Working as a copywriter at home is an interesting profession that gives you freedom of creativity, independence, including financial independence, free time, communication with interesting creative people. But, of course, everything turned out not quite the way I imagined it, or not at all. But first things first.

How much do copywriters earn

If you look at the working conditions on the exchanges, earnings go from 0.5-1 dollar per thousand characters. There may be options - if you have serious customers, your value increases. Independent copywriters, with the right to sign, can receive from $ 20 per thousand characters, but this, of course, is the highest aerobatics. At first, low earnings lead to despondency, but this state must be stepped over. You will have to write a lot. According to my personal experience, at least 8-10 thousand characters a day, then you will feel the result! A novice copywriter will earn only over time, a professional is not paid for the number of characters, but for professionalism, disclosure of the topic, his personal vision of the problem, personal experience in presenting material is always welcome. Study the author's articles on the Internet - you will feel the difference.

Pros and cons of copywriting


  • Market competition. The more experienced always win - they can steal a more winning order from under their noses. The struggle for orders is a necessary evil of the profession. Be ready!
  • Until you are unknown, it will be difficult for you. Customers will choose you, not you customers. Initial earnings are low. Tune in to it.
  • You have to write about what you are bad at


  • The more orders, the easier it is to work. Become a workhorse!
  • Freedom of action, the ability to plan your working day according to own will, lack of bosses, staff, and so on.
  • You work at home, in a familiar environment you receive money quickly, automatically, sometimes every day - as agreed with the customer.
  • The more you write, the better. Every day the level of your professionalism grows.

What you need to know and be able to:

  • You need to be literate so that everything is in order with the style and spelling. The material of the future article should be clear to you. I had to struggle most of all with articles on topics that I did not understand.
  • A responsibility. It is necessary to adhere to schedules, not to let the customer down.
  • If the article was returned to you for revision, fix everything without talking.
  • Complete the order strictly according to the terms of reference, without fantasies.
  • Establish a trusting relationship with the customer

The most important thing is to please the customer, and for him it is important - the timing, the readability of the text + its information content, the uniqueness of the text, the price.

  1. Compliance with agreements is the most important thing in the work of a copywriter. Don't reinvent the wheel. Work carefully, conscientiously, this is the most important thing in working as a copywriter at home.
  2. You need to be able to stand out from the general background with the presentation of material, your own chips, originality of style, because there are fewer orders on each exchange than those who want to earn money. Remember this! It is necessary to identify yourself as a pro, a person with a certain set of skills and qualities who does not fail, constantly working on his portfolio.
  3. Loud awkward "nicknames", stupid avatars - leave all this in your past. Nicknames scare away serious customers. The nickname "agent 007" is perplexing, because the place of the Agent is not on the copywriting exchange, but elsewhere.
  4. Do not steal other people's texts. They fight with such authors, they are banned. If you go astray, the way back is ordered for you, such authors are tracked.
  5. The ability to write well will definitely come in handy in life. Take the profession seriously, this is not a freebie for making quick money.
  6. Organize your workplace best of all, don't let your loved ones disrupt your workflow. At home, you need to create a mini-office, equip it with appliances. And be constantly in touch - email, phone, skype!

There is a certain category of people who prefer to work from home or part time. It can be students, young mothers or those seeking Additional income young people. On the Internet, there are offers for freelancers who write articles for the site.

Work as a copywriter at home

This is one of the types of freelance along with the design / writing of sites, programming. This is the same real work on the Internet, as well as daily trips to the office. The worldwide web is developing very quickly, so there are more and more vacancies with a unique, specific profile - a copywriter. Now everyone can earn money by writing texts on women's topics, about health, sports, mobile technology or medicine.

To work on the Internet at home, it is not necessary to have a diploma, you just need to be able to process information from the network, find it, analyze it and write correctly. There are specific requirements for texts on the Internet:

  • uniqueness (checked by special programs);
  • the presence of keywords (selected independently through the services, or indicated by the customer);
  • well-designed structure.

The task of the author is to make his rewrite or copyright unique on the Internet. You can’t just copy pieces of text and paste them, no one will accept such an article. There are many vacancies for this position on the labor exchanges. As a rule, the employer is looking for an Internet copywriter, rewriter who has knowledge in a specific subject. However, novice copywriters should “practice” and “get their hands on it”. For these purposes, you can start with a special exchange.

The most popular agencies for selling and ordering articles are Advego (Advego) and Etext (Etxt). Any beginner can register in the service and take on one of the tasks. After writing the text, you send it to the customer for verification, and he accepts the task, or sends it for revision with comments. The main disadvantage of these exchanges is the low cost of labor. It will not be possible to make good money on them, especially if distant work just a side job for you.

Upon reaching a certain level on the service, you can write articles on any topic and put them up for sale in the store. Some site owners browse and buy the texts they like. You need to independently determine interesting topics, draw up a structure, select keywords so that a person wants to buy and pay for your work.

Jobs as a copywriter - vacancies

If you have experience in the field of rewriting, you have a competent Russian language, you understand what nausea of ​​text is, uniqueness, and you want to receive constant volumes of work, you should try working with the service. It is very different from the exchanges described above and often requires a copywriter remotely. There will not be training from scratch, people who already know how to write texts come to this site.

One of the main problems of all freelancers is the lack of the necessary amount of work to earn money. Copywriters are paid for the number of characters they write without spaces, the more pages you write today, the more you earn. The bytext service provides tasks in the required quantities, which will help you earn exactly as much as you want. This is a great job for students at home or part-time if you want to earn extra money. To get on the exchange you need:

  • register on the site;
  • write to the administrator on Skype;
  • execute test according to the instructions that you will be given;
  • the editor will check it and tell you if you are accepted or not.

How to become a copywriter

It cannot be said that this work very light. There is a lot of content on the Internet in which you need to be able to navigate, manage to process a large amount of information and isolate the most important thing. On the net, through the search, you can find many articles on the topic of copywriting and the features of this work. All skills come with experience, and the most important thing in a copywriter's resume is a portfolio. The employer will get acquainted with your work and decide if your writing style, literacy level suits him.

Experience as a copywriter

Get ready that at first you will receive "penny" for texts. Few people need a copywriter without experience and beginners are always paid less. Over time, you will begin to understand the terminology, learn how to search for keywords, write texts so that they are unique. After that, you should look for vacancies at the text sales office or register on. With experience, it will be much easier for a copywriter to get a job.

Text copywriting

You need to get ready right away that you will have to write on a variety of topics, often there will be no choice of opportunities and you will have to delve into the field, study it. Writing texts to order is the ability to analyze information from the network and present it in an understandable, accessible language. If you want to work on the stock exchange, then you should be prepared for the following points:

  • the uniqueness of the text must be at least 95% (in rare cases, 92% is allowed);
  • according to the assignment, it will be necessary to enter keywords, anchors, which are indicated in the terms of reference;
  • the text should have nausea 7-8%;
  • the volume of the article - from 3 to 12 thousand characters;
  • you will be given a list of words that cannot be used on assignment;
  • a structure will be drawn up for you, according to which you will write the assignment;
  • There are certain deadlines for writing the text.

It will be difficult for a person who has not previously performed such work to adhere to all these rules. For this reason, only copywriters with experience are accepted to the exchange. The main advantage of this system is the constant workload, the ability to earn money. If you have Internet access at your main place of work, then you can even write in working time. You decide how much you need.

How much do copywriters earn

Earnings depend directly on the amount of work performed. At the very beginning, Bytext pays 50 rubles for 1000 characters, which is the average payment for such a volume. With regular completion of tasks, you will be paid 70 rubles. for 1000 characters. At first, it will not be possible to carry out large volumes, and in a day you will have time to write 5-8 thousand characters. When you fill your hand, you can increase the volume to 15-18 thousand per day. The average salary of a copywriter per week with such a number of characters will be 4.5-6 thousand rubles.

Video: how to make money copywriting

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Greetings, dear readers! In this article I will tell you about what is copywriting and copywriting work.

In order for you to understand the meaning of the entire article, I will explain some basic concepts.

Rewriting- this is, roughly speaking, rewriting someone else's text in your own words. The meaning of the entire text is preserved. Remember how you wrote essays in school? So, it's almost the same, you can only spy 🙂 .

By the word unique, I mean not technical uniqueness, which is checked with the help of special programs, but semantic one. To make it clearer, I will give an example.

You found some article, and then rewrote it so that the meaning remains the same, but the uniqueness checker shows 100%. This is rewriting.

If you created your own unique content, for example, wrote a story or a poem, then this is considered copywriting. Not necessarily poems, stories or other works of art. It can be some kind of scientific or technical article.

Suppose some scientist has been studying something for many years. And then, I wrote a book about this book. This is also considered copyrighted content - copywriting. In practice, it is enough to properly read the material on a particular topic, in order to then write your own work.

Writing is divided into two more types: web writing and again copywriting, only now in a different meaning.

What is the job of a copywriter?

I think this is clear to everyone. The main task is to write texts. For whom? For customers. Where to find them? This is where you need to be independent.

The two most common questions:

  1. Where to look for customers
  2. Is there a job on the Internet for a novice copywriter?

First, I will answer the second: there is work, but if you have just started working as a copywriter at home, you will rarely come across vacancies without work experience. Why? It's simple: customers need high-quality texts, they want to fill their resources with good content in order to get a good result in the future.

Remember, working as a copywriter at home is the same job as, for example, in the office. Experience and professional skills are also important here.

But beginners should not be upset, there will also be orders for them, although not expensive, you just need to go through the thorns. Here we smoothly approach the first question.

Where to look for customers?

Actually, that’s all for me, if you are interested in working as a copywriter, then I also advise you to read this article: ““, I think you can find some more useful information in it.

Anyone who, for whatever reason, should be at home, but needs to earn money, will be helped by part-time work on the Internet. One of these activities is work as a copywriter at home. For young mothers who are on maternity leave, students, and indeed people of any age, writing articles to order can be a good help. How to find such a job as a copywriter at home and easily earn good money, you will learn from this article.

    • How to get started as a copywriter?
    • The best places on the Internet to find part-time jobs as a copywriter
    • Popular exchanges for earnings
    • How to find your first order?
    • What do I need to do to get my first order?
    • What is interesting about working as a copywriter at home?

How to get started as a copywriter?

Usually, to get a job, you do not need a personal contact between the customer and the contractor. Thanks to clear terms of reference and the elementary care of the performer, anyone who needs a side job will be able to master this type of activity.

How to sell your texts through shops and article services?

The first thing to do is to believe in your own strength and go to the website of any freelance exchange that places orders for remote work. Of course, work experience is very good, but for starters, it will be enough just to have a good knowledge of the Russian language and the ability to compose competent sentences. Long-term training, any courses and paid programs are not needed for this. All the basics of the profession can be comprehended in practice, creating text after text.

The best places on the Internet to find part-time jobs as a copywriter

The main places on the Internet where home-based copywriters look for work are:

  • content exchanges;
  • freelance exchanges;
  • webmaster forums and SEO forums;
  • ads on specialized resources;
  • own blog with advertising (description) of the services provided by the copywriter.

Of course, you need to have at least an initial idea of ​​​​what you have to do, so you need to register on the exchange and familiarize yourself with the rules of working on it. Be sure to indicate during registration that you are a performer.

Tips for New Freelancers on the First Steps to Making Money Online

It is also necessary to understand that from the first days of big earnings you will not be able to see. The first articles that begin to come out from the pen of a novice copywriter will not always be excellent, and it will take a lot of time to complete them until you learn how to work productively. Sometimes it takes up to two days to write the first articles. Subsequently, articles with the same volumes will be written in just one or two hours.

Popular exchanges for earnings

The most popular copywriting exchanges on the web are:

  • Etxt.ru is a serious platform for translators and copywriters;
  • Copylancer.ru is one of the largest content exchanges;
  • Text.ru - exchange for rewriters and copywriters;
  • Advego.ru - a platform for the work of copywriters, posters, text authors;
  • Textsale.ru is a very popular freelance exchange.

How to find your first order?

This difficulty is faced by almost all beginners, not yet experienced copywriters, for whom such a side job is a new and unexplored thing. Finding a customer, of course, is not always easy. They treat beginners with a certain degree of wariness, because they all need a high-quality result, and the possibilities of a novice writer are still not particularly known to anyone. But, if you have received the first order and have already made several articles, you will definitely get positive feedback that will help you get through the difficult stage of development.

How to earn big money online?

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

If the copywriter manages to complete the work on time, in accordance with terms of reference, competently and qualified, he will be inundated with orders, and he will already have to choose customers, put them in a queue, and refuse some altogether, since he will not be able to complete all orders successfully and on time.

What do I need to do to get my first order?

As soon as you register on the exchange, letters will begin to arrive at your address, for example, with the following content: "The customer has placed an individual order for you ...". Usually such orders are very low price, because customers know that newcomers have no other choice and are forced to start with low-paying orders. Thus, cunning customers fill their sites with cheap content.

But you do not need to refuse to write such articles at first. After all, the customer, along with payment for the completed order, often promises to write a positive review. If he didn't, write him a message and ask for a review - you have every right to do so. The benefit for both parties is obvious: customers with young low-budget sites fill them with low-cost content, and you earn a reputation for yourself. In addition, such a part-time job will be a good workout.

What topics for copywriting are popular among customers

Once you've been approved by a few clients, you can rest assured that the job will go ahead as you'll begin to inspire confidence in other, larger employers. Accordingly, along with the reputation, the cost of your services will also begin to grow.

The main advantage of working from home is the free schedule. You can work when it is convenient for you. If you have a baby at home, putting him to bed, you can escape from household chores and work a little.

In addition, this work allows:

  • not have bosses;
  • work not only at home - in any place where there is access to the Internet, you can engage in copywriting;
  • combine several activities;
  • develop and improve their intellectual level;
  • achieve a certain skill level and earn a good monthly income.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

Working as a copywriter can bring not only money, but also pleasure. This part-time job will help you take advantage of your free time. There are no age limits in copywriting, social status or other selection criteria. It is suitable for both a pensioner and a nursing mother who is on maternity leave; students and middle-aged people are actively involved in this type of activity.

Do not miss your chance, and if you decide to make money by copywriting - register on the stock exchange right now! Offer your services to customers, start fulfilling simple orders, and gradually you will find yourself in the thick of profitable and interesting offers.

Who among us does not dream of earning decent money without leaving home? It will not be difficult for you to do this if you have a personal computer and access to the Internet. To date, there are many different services that provide Internet users with the opportunity to earn without leaving home. For many, one of the determining factors when looking for a job is the lack of the necessary experience and the fear that you will not be able to earn. And yet, if you have the desire and time to earn extra money, then working as a copywriter at home will be a great option for making money online.

What do you need to start a career as a copywriter?

If you decide to build your career on the Internet as a copywriter, then the first thing you need to do is get your hand in writing texts and gain some experience by completing orders of a very different nature. The next step will be filling your own portfolio with samples of the work you have already completed. Believe in my experience, a portfolio will be very useful for you when looking for customers, as most of them are interested in your experience in a particular topic. And a personal portfolio will be direct proof that you have already had experience writing on this topic and will be able to cope with the tasks.

The next tip - it's best to register on several copywriter exchanges at once. You need to do this in order to expand your opportunities when searching for orders.

After you start earning your first money, your accounts on the exchanges will begin to gain popularity and acquire positive reviews, you can gradually increase the cost of your work. In addition, interaction with customers directly will be relevant, and for this you will need, for example, to create your own website and get groups in in social networks where you can advertise your services and look for new customers. If you do everything correctly and in good faith, then the work of a copywriter is quite capable of becoming not only additional source income, but it is also quite capable of replacing the main job, since the earnings in this profession are quite decent.

People who write articles can be divided into several categories:

  1. Rewriters are people who are engaged in rewriting materials from source codes. There is nothing complicated here, the source materials are often provided by customers, but even if there are none, you can easily find information via the Internet. Naturally, rewriting is considered the easiest way to write articles, and the payment here will be about $0.5 to $2 per thousand characters. I will give a little advice for those who are interested in this spelling. For rewriting, it is best to take several source materials as a basis, working in this way, it will be very difficult to understand that you just reworked some material, and did not write your own.
  2. Copywriters are people who write articles based on their knowledge and personal experience. Such texts are most in demand and the payment for them will be much higher than for a simple rewrite. The average price ranges from $2 to $5 per thousand characters.
  3. SEO copywriters are the most sought after category of copywriters. Here you will be tasked with writing an interesting text not only for site visitors, but also for its correct indexing by search engines. As an example of such a text, you can pay attention to this article. It was written by me for a specific search query - work as a copywriter at home. What is it for? All this is done primarily to ensure that people visit sites through search engines. If I continue to work on this site and do not stop at its development, then it is quite possible that in a few months, if you type this query in Yandex or Google, you will see my site on the first or second page of the search. I hope that the article turns out to be interesting, since I primarily write it for users, and not for search engines)))
  4. Translators are people who translate articles from other languages. Here, of course, you need an excellent knowledge of one or more foreign languages. By the way, this is also a good option for rewriters, since you can take source materials on foreign language, translate into Russian and sell. Such material, most likely, will already be considered copyright.

Whichever method of writing articles you choose, this field of activity requires constant training and education. Next, I propose to move on to highlighting another important issue in this topic.

Where to look for a job as a copywriter?

This question suggests itself, because you will need to sell the written materials somewhere. I already wrote above that it is best to register on several copywriter exchanges, but I have not given a single example of such exchanges, so now I will try to fix this small gap by giving you a few exchanges that I have checked, where you can safely sell your texts.

  • Etxt is quite an interesting exchange. By the way, it was with her that I myself began my journey of making money on the Internet, which is why I put it in first place. I will not go into a detailed description of all the pros and cons of each exchange in this article, since I plan to write a separate article for each of them, so I will simply list those that I personally checked.
  • Advego - this exchange is considered one of the best on the Internet. True, I personally do not like the interface, although you can get used to it.
  • Copylancer - this exchange has been operating since 2007 and is also quite popular.
  • Textsale is a fairly easy-to-use exchange with a good interface.
  • Wmmail is a mail sponsor, but it also runs an article exchange. I recommend that you periodically go to the "gazebo" section to search for customers. I myself took orders there several times at fairly decent prices.

I think that these five exchanges will be enough for you to start working as a copywriter at home. Do not forget about filling your portfolio, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. This will be very useful to you in your future work. So, choose a topic that suits you and try yourself as a copywriter. Based personal experience, I know that writing texts will be a little tiring out of habit, so as an additional part-time job, consider for yourself other ways to earn money presented on our website. For example, to relax, but also make money on it, making money on games is perfect. To get acquainted with this method, you can read the article. All success and big earnings, good luck!