Portal September 1. Subscription to publications of the publishing house “First September. Paper versions of magazines from the catalog of the Russian press

Ninel Khasbulatovna ISMAILOVA:

The new year 1999 will be interesting for the authors and readers of the "Art" supplement, first of all, by joint work on the creation of a course in general history of art for schoolchildren. Synthetic art history - from cave paintings to computer graphics- gives an idea about the development of artistic thinking, about the emergence of styles and trends, about the interaction of arts. Architecture, painting, music do not live a separate, isolated life, and only together they create the face of the era. Such a unique work requires a team of unique authors. This team exists and is already working.

Academic knowledge, exceptional exactingness, talent and a modern look, modern in essence, without regard to fashion, distinguish each participant in this project.

As you know, since September, "World Art Culture" reappeared in the basic curriculum... We reported that the program was published, however, by September it did not have time to reach school, but by January, we believe, the teachers received it. To help those who work on this program in grades 10-11, we are starting to publish specially prepared materials.

We are not only on the threshold of a new year, we are on the threshold of a new century. It is necessary to take a look at the achievements of the outgoing century, especially since in the history of artistic thinking of the twentieth century, a rebel, a provocateur, a pioneer will occupy a special place. We will present to the reader an interesting work by Alexander Yakimovich "From Matisse to the Underground" and "The History of Soviet Cinema", which the famous critic and scientist Neya Zorkaya considers as a phenomenon of the culture of the twentieth century and is completely unconventional.

The editorial portfolio contains a lot of useful and interesting materials. I will name only one new cycle, a musical one, “Popular Classics”.

Of course, not all of our readers, even regular ones, write us letters; And not everyone answered the questionnaire last year, so the image of our reader, perhaps, is sinning with romanticism. But it seems to us that our correspondents - let us unite both those who send lessons and those who write letters - bear the stamp of poetry, generosity and intelligence. These are humble righteous men, ministers in the Temple of Art. I am convinced that the artist would not leave inspiration if he saw our reader in front of him. The question is - who needs it? - would disappear from his head forever. But so far such happiness is only for those who cooperate with our newspaper and on its pages get to know the teachers of the world art culture.

We have formed the image of the reader, and the readers - the image of the editorial board. Errors are possible, of course, but we have a commonality. Community is achieved by communication. The newspaper is our communication. It seems to me that we are people of the same way of life: we do not like those who, in the hope of defeating evil, destroy society.

Probably, we are too serious, we do not have funny stories; but about the sad, perhaps not worth it.

We are pleased with the friendship with the Vologda Regional Library, where there is a wonderful art department, where we are read, where lovers of painting, music and literature gather. We are even going to send a small cultural troop there in the coming year, but for now we have presented the Anthology of World Music to the library - 50 audiocassettes. But you can't name it interesting story- it's just a life in which some people sometimes manage to exchange smiles ..

Sponsor of the publication of the article: Internet portal www.edu-station.ru - free online language learning. By visiting the portal of foreign languages ​​www.edu-station.ru, you will find everything you need to learn English online. At your service is an interactive dictionary, articles, video and photo materials classified according to various topics and categories of difficulty. Using the offer of the portal, you will be able to undergo training according to a convenient schedule, which will allow you to both raise your qualifications and learn languages ​​for the convenience of communicating with foreign friends and traveling abroad.

The foundation of the publishing house "First September" took place in 1992 and is associated with the name of Simon Soloveichik. The information provided by the First September Publishing House is interesting not only for managers, teachers and methodologists, but also for students. Every month the publishing house publishes methodological journals on 21 subjects for educational institutions, as well as an all-Russian educational and methodological newspaper for teachers. When subscribing to absolutely every issue of the illustrated magazine of 64 pages, electronic attachments are sent, which can be used by the teacher during his lessons. These include presentations, training videos and handouts.

The publishing house has its own Internet portal 1september.ru. And in 2003, the educational institution Pedagogical University "September First" was created, which offers advanced training courses for employees of educational institutions and modular courses. The activities of the university are carried out on the basis of a license. All publications, as well as the Internet portal, have registration certificates from Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.

Of course, you can subscribe to the First September newspaper at any post office in Russia using the Russian Post and Rospechat catalogs, but with the development of information technology, other ways of subscribing to the publication have become available to people. Anyone can arrange it on the educational portal of the publishing house "September 1" in your personal account.

Now more about the site. The educational portal "September 1" consists of the following sections: educational programs, news of education, methodology room, periodicals (newspapers). By visiting the email methodical office, teachers can find a lot of useful information for themselves. On the website of the publishing house, everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with absolutely free periodicals and even print them out.

Electronic versions of publications on the educational portal "September 1" are mainly devoted to school topics. Visitors to the resource have the opportunity to read various educational and thematic articles, as well as reference books, learn about the main educational projects Russian Federation... In addition, here everyone can familiarize themselves with official documents, methods, lessons, tasks and other interesting information, which will benefit the teacher, leader, student and will be included in the teacher's methodological piggy bank. A large selection of didactic material, including lesson development, calendar and thematic planning, will help in conducting classes in various school disciplines.

The site contains useful information on the following subject areas: geography, biology, foreign languages, chemistry, computer science and Information Technology, history, mathematics, physics, art and world art culture, Russian language, art culture, literature.

Registration on the 1september.ru resource will give you additional opportunities. By registering on the portal of the publishing house "September 1" in your personal account, you can purchase the released issues and subscribe to the electronic or paper version of the publication.

The latest issue of the newspaper or magazine "September 1" will appear in the personal account on the day the publication is published, that is, on the first day of the month. It can be read on the website or downloaded to your computer. Print the required pages or the complete edition, if desired. All the numbers you have purchased remain in your personal account, and you can read them from any computer that has Internet access. Therefore, you have a great opportunity to read the First of September editions anytime, anywhere. Magazines and newspapers can also be used through the projector.

Another advantage of registration is that visitors to the resource through their personal account can apply for participation in various projects, receive invitations to events.

The registration of a new user is very simple and takes a few minutes. To do this, in the questionnaire, you should indicate the following data: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, contact phone number and email address. To enter your personal account, you must enter your username and password.

The First September magazine is published monthly, and the newspaper is published twice a month. The subscription price for any publication for a period of 6 months is 200 rubles. A preferential subscription can also be ordered through your personal account educational portal... From September 1, 2011, payments can be made by credit cards.

You can subscribe and purchase the released numbers in Personal account in the "Periodicals - Subscription and Purchase" section.

Subscription plans

2nd half of 2019

    Access to the electronic version in the Personal Account - 600

    Paper version - 2 460

    Price for 3 rooms without discounts. Delivery cost is included when subscribing in the Personal Account.

    Discounts apply: for new subscribers - 10%, for regular subscribers - 20%.

    School of the digital age - 0

    For teaching staff educational institutions participating in the All-Russian project "School of the Digital Age". Details are at ds.1sept.ru.

Past years numbers

    Access to the electronic version in the Personal Account - from 100 ₽


Reference numbers of editions

You can view and print them for free.

The full electronic version, in addition to viewing from the Personal Account, includes the ability to save numbers as PDF files, as well as all additional materials for practical work.

The magazines of the publishing house "First September" are offered in the following versions:

  • Paper version: 64 pages, color, delivered by mail, delivery of the electronic version and additional materials to the Personal Account is also included;
  • Electronic version in your personal account: full paper copy in PDF format, additional materials are also included, delivered to your personal account.

Order, payment, delivery

Paper versions of magazines from the catalog of the Russian press


Subscription indices

Online subscription at Russian Post

Magazine " English language» P4560 Subscribe to
Library at School Magazine PR661 Subscribe to
Magazine " Preschool education» PR662 Subscribe to
Art Magazine PR663 Subscribe to
History magazine PR664 Subscribe to
Literature magazine PR665 Subscribe to
Russian language magazine PR667 Subscribe to
School psychologist magazine PR668 Subscribe to

Journal "Mathematics"

The journal "Mathematics" has been published since 2017 by the NOU MCNMO (NOU "Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education"). You can subscribe to the paper version at the Russian Post using the ARZI catalog, subscription index: 80506.

Class: 1

Keywords: September 1 , Knowledge day

Purpose: creation of conditions for quick and painless adaptation of children in school and classrooms.

  • create conditions for the initial acquaintance of children with the teacher and each other.
  • to acquaint children with school rules and basic requirements of a teacher in a playful environment.
  • creating an emotional mood, increasing interest in school, study, class, teacher.


  • at the teacher
: musical arrangement, "Alphabet", children's multi-colored socks on a ribbon, in which leaves with riddles; decorated board. (cm. Annex 1 , Appendix 2 )
  • students
  • : on desks ABC books, one colored magnet each, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, album sheet; on chairs balloons inflated with gel are tied on the back of a chair on a long ribbon; a gift is glued under the chair on scotch tape.

    Holiday progress

    There are various holidays throughout the year
    And today we have a holiday:
    First graders go for the first time
    To your friendly school class.
    And parents are on the sidelines
    And they look at them with excitement,
    As if everyone saw for the first time
    Their grown-up children.

    My first graders are beautiful! Dear mums and dads! Dear grandmothers and grandfathers! Happy brothers and sisters!

    All over the country today it is ringing, the restless bell is spreading. Calls the guys to school. With what envy the younger, preschool children saw you off today. They immediately felt how amazing you matured! As adults, you now have your own serious responsibilities, your own work. She is both joyful and difficult. And very important. After all, you learn to read, write, count, without which no other science can be overcome. So it turns out that grade 1 is the most important at school. And the most important book in school is the alphabet, or primer.

    All of us - teachers and workers, academicians and poets, artists and scientists, mayors and governors, and even ... the president - were taught the ABC book. And this year he will teach ... (take the figure from the newspapers or from the news bulletin) millions of first-graders. And each in his own language. First of all, I want you to learn to respect this great book. Respect and cherish.

    The primer will now be the beginning for you, the first step of your teaching. I want you to learn to love and cherish our beautiful gymnasium, to love our northern land. I really want you to study well. To the delight of yourself, your family, your country. Please try!

    But to become a first grader and a real student of the 1st "B" grade, you need to pass a number of tests. Who is ready and not afraid of difficulties, signal me about this with a raised hand?

    So everyone is ready. Then let's start testing.

    - Let's count how many there will be. (That's right, five.)

    Test No. 1.

    In front of you are colored pencils, felt-tip pens, and an album sheet. This is what you will be working on now. Write on it numbers, letters, and maybe even words that you know, or draw what you can. You will perform this task while beautiful music sounds. But as soon as the music stops, you immediately stop your work. Is the task clear? (Music plays.) The teacher goes through and signs the work of the children.

    Physical education: "Do this - don't do this."

    You passed the first test, so as not to forget it, I will circle the number 1, and we move further along the arrow.

    Test number 2.

    Give me a rhyme, my friend, the answer
    The word "yes" or the word "no".
    But look, take your time
    Don't get hooked!

    Are first graders 10 years old? (Not)
    A padded stool? (Not)
    Does a poet write music? (Not)
    Are the coins round? (Yes)
    Is the chef painting you a portrait? (Not)
    Is borsch a healthy food? (Yes)
    After breakfast, lunch? (Yes)
    Does the wolf live at the bottom of the pond? (Not)
    Do the missiles have wheels? (Not)
    Wires over the tram? (Yes)
    Are there cities on the moon? (Not)
    An iceberg of ice in the sea? (Yes)
    Throw a stone at the cat's trail? (Not)
    Will there be dawn in the evening? (Not)
    Sleep on the sideboard? (Not)

    Are trains racing in the sky? (Not)
    After Friday is Wednesday? (Not)
    Do we need light in the evening? (Yes)
    Are we always funny? (Yes)

    And you passed the second test, now, I will circle the number 2, and we move along the arrow further.

    Test number 3.

    You need to guess what to take with you to school and what not.
    Please raise your hands, who reads fluently?
    Children get riddles out of multi-colored socks that hang on a string and read them aloud.

    If she give a job,
    The pencil worked in vain.
    If you hone it
    Draw whatever you want!
    Sun, sea, mountains, beach ...
    What is this?.. (Pencil)
    In a snowy field along the road
    My one-legged horse is racing.
    And for many, many years
    Leaves blue.
    I'm in a cage
    Then in the line.
    Manage to write on them!
    You can draw ...
    What am I? ..
    How boring, brothers,
    Ride on someone else's back!
    Who would give me a pair of legs,
    So that I myself can run,
    I would have done a dance like that! ..
    Yes, you can’t, I’m a school student ...
    New house carried in hand,
    The doors of the house are locked.
    Here the tenants are paper,
    All are terribly important.
    (Briefcase and tutorials)
    Know, my friend, that straightforwardness -
    My main feature.
    Guess me,
    Who am I? School ... (ruler)
    Colorful pages
    bored without water.
    Uncle is long and thin
    wears water with a beard. (Paint and brush)
    The field is white
    Black sheep.
    (Paper, letters)

    - So which of the above should not be taken to school?
    - What else is needed at school? (Diary, album, plasticine ...)
    And you have successfully passed the third test, now, I will circle the number 3, and we move further along the arrow.

    Physical education

    Let `s have some rest. Stand in a circle. Swap the places
    - who has earrings in their ears;
    - who came to school today with a bouquet of flowers;
    - who has red in their clothes;
    - who happily went to school today;
    - who loves ice cream;
    - who has buttons on their clothes;
    - who has a pet at home;
    - who has the letter "A" in the name or surname;
    - who will now study in grade 1 "A";
    - who will now study in class 1 "B"!

    Test No. 4.

    Each of you has little fireballs on the table. You will need to "light" them. Let me explain what needs to be done for this. Your names are written on the board behind me. Find your name with your eyes. At my signal, you will need to light a small magnet, attaching it to your name on the right. (First the girls, then the boys, calling out their name).

    - See if all the lights are on? Have you lost anyone?

    And you passed the fourth test, now, I will circle the number 4, and we are moving on to the last fifth task.

    Test No. 5.

    We went on a school trip from the word (children who can read, pronounce aloud ) preschooler. Passed (in chorus) the first, second, third, fourth, tests and again came to the word preschooler. How so? Are we preschoolers now? No, who? ( Pupils.) How to turn a preschooler into a schoolchild: this is the fifth task. Maybe someone guessed? (Remove letters d, o). Well done! Now we ( in chorus) PUPILS!

    Everything happens for the first time:
    First tooth and first grade
    Top five
    How the first fights began
    The first bruise caught
    The first castor oil.

    Day after day, year after year
    A man lives, grows,
    Changes its appearance
    And, in old age, he sometimes
    What happened the first time
    He remembers with sadness.
    (S.Ya. Marshak)

    - Children, what is the first thing with you today? (September 1, 1 "B" class, gymnasium number 1, the first teacher, they came to school for the first time, put on a uniform, saw everyone together, etc.)
    - And why, my dear children, did you bring your beautiful and new portfolios today?

    - Well, since you have now turned from preschoolers into real students of the 1st "B" grade, the school has prepared textbooks for you, according to which you will study for a whole year.

    - Well, who guessed what to do with them at home? (With washed hands, you can look at them, leaf through them, wrap them up, sign them, paste in a bookmark). The teacher speaks and shows in his textbooks.

    - After all, other first-graders will study according to them even after you.

    The summer time has died down ...
    With a ringing jolly, cheerful
    A noisy gang of kids
    Will fill the school again in the morning.

    The chalk will crumble in silence
    The satchels will unfasten as usual
    The bunny ray will jump on the wall ...
    On the road, friends, you have excellent ratings!

    - In memory of today - the day of Knowledge, of the day of our acquaintance with you, a badge, a flag, a ball will be presented to you. And from your parents is a small present that is hidden under the seat of your highchair.

    Taking pictures for memory.