From November 1, salary increase. Increase of wages for state employees. How much do employees of the public sector receive. Budget employees under the May decrees

99 people receive 15,000 rubles each, for a total of 1,485,000 rubles.

1 person (Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation) 1,730,000 rubles each, a total of 1,730,000 rubles.

SUM = 3185000


Note: Nobody is lying about the average salary !!!
And there are even some who receive 1,730,000 rubles a day. Then 40,000 rubles. real figure!

NEW PROMISES: Increase in public sector salaries 2019 - 2020

How salaries will increase in 2019

The salaries of state employees will be indexed from October 1, 2019 by 4.3%, said the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin.

“Nobody canceled the requirements for the ratio of salaries of state employees from the“ May ”decrees - doctors, teachers, social and researchers- to the average for the economy in the region. And we strictly monitor the preservation of the ratio. At the same time, in 2019, the regions from the federal budget will receive an additional 100 billion rubles to maintain this balance. As far as the average salary in the region will grow, so the regional authorities will have to increase the salaries of these categories of workers, "- quotes the" Rossiyskaya Gazeta "as saying Topilin.

Budget employees will have salaries indexed from October 1, 2019

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a government decree on the indexation of public sector wages from October 1, 2019 at 4,3% .

The increase will affect employees of federal government, budgetary and autonomous institutions.

The salaries of federal workers will be indexed state bodies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive bodies, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, the remuneration of which is carried out in accordance with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583 "On the introduction new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and state institutions and federal state bodies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and subdivisions of federal executive bodies, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, remuneration of which is carried out on the basis of the Unified the wage scale for employees of federal government agencies ”.

How much will salaries grow after the minimum wage increase?

The increase in the minimum wage (minimum wage) to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 will raise the salaries of low-paid categories of workers, which, in particular, include people working in budgetary structures. That is, to all those people who are paid exactly at the level of the minimum wage. These are, for example, nannies, nurses, watchmen, canteen staff, and so on.

Note: A fairy tale for the gullible: they increase salary, but decrease allowances and bonuses, harm, because no money left. It will be lucky if the final salary remains no less than it was.

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What the President promises

The President of the Russian Federation plans to increase wages in relation to public sector employees. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated 05/07/2012 No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy"by 2018, their salaries should be increased by one and a half times.

Also, by the same period, it was planned to increase the wages of cultural workers, masters of industrial training of vocational schools and technical colleges. And the incomes of doctors, researchers, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions by 2018 should exceed the average salary in the region by at least 1.5 times.

The salary of nursing and junior medical personnel, as well as social workers for the presidential elections (which will be held in 2018) should be equal to the regional average. But medical personnel with higher education can count on salaries twice as high as the average for the region.

In order to increase wages for the period from 2014 to 2018, the government of the Russian Federation has developed regulations, which will regulate these actions. To achieve the set tasks, reforms will be carried out to increase labor productivity and its efficiency. Budget spending will become more controllable, and managers will have to submit reports on their income and assets.

Vladimir Putin raised the salaries of public sector employees and officials by 4% in 2018

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decree No. 594 of 12-12-2017 on increasing the salaries of diplomatic workers, civil servants and employees of the justice sector. From January 1, “the monthly salaries of diplomatic workers of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the RF will increase by 4%, territorial bodies- representations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the diplomatic ranks assigned to them; monthly salaries of federal government civil servants; the size of the monthly salaries of federal government civil servants in accordance with their assigned classy ranks justice ”, according to the document on the portal of legal information.

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The Ministry of Finance will take into account the indexation of public sector salaries in the 2018 budget

President Vladimir Putin has proposed an indexation of salaries for public sector employees, which are not included in the categories noted in the May decrees. According to the calculations of the Ministry of Labor, this is 5.8 million people.

The Ministry of Finance has already calculated the amount of funds required for indexing public sector employees, they will be included in the 2018 budget. And in accordance with the instructions of the President, the corresponding amount will be taken into account when preparing the budget for the next year. "

The size of the index will depend on various factors. There is still no final decision on how much to index, when the government decides on specific parameters, because now the president has said that it is necessary to take into account both inflation and the state of the budget. We need to take these two main factors into account, which the President noted, decide what kind of indexation at the government level and then calculate everything.

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Stages of wage increases for public sector employees

It is planned to carry out a consistent increase in wages for employees of budgetary sectors in two stages. The first covers the period from 2012 to 2014, and the second from 2015 to 2018.

At first glance, it may seem that all this procedure is overly stretched, after all, it is 6 years old. But these, so to speak, "unhurried" actions can be explained by the scale of the project, since the program covers as much as one fifth of the workers. At the beginning of 2012, it was counted 14.4 million state employees, including health workers - 3.93 million people, education workers - 5.23 million people.

For the period from 2014 to 2015, about 200 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget to increase wages for public sector employees, and more than 900 billion rubles from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As you know, the indexation of wages is carried out annually. Decisions on wage increases are made by various executive authorities. This factor directly depends on the level of the state institution.

Thus, if a citizen works in a federal structure, then the decision of this issue (concerning an increase in wages and the timing of this task) is subject to the Government of the Russian Federation. If the employee works in a municipal government structure, then the above conditions are regulated by the local authorities.

It should be noted that in addition to planned indexation, certain categories of public sector workers will be able to count on an increase in wages. This applies to teachers of higher educational institutions and schools, workers preschool institutions as well as citizens working in art schools and sports schools.

All these actions are justified by the aim of increasing the prestige of work in the public sector. An increase in wages should motivate citizens to improve the quality of work, as well as help attract young qualified personnel.

The size of wages will grow annually, however, the requirements for public sector employees will increase significantly. Namely, a quantitative and qualitative improvement in the services they provide is expected.

It is also planned to receive additional funds through the reorganization of budgetary organizations, whose activities are recognized as ineffective.

The legislation established the ratio between the level of salary of the manager and other employees, which allows monitoring whether the salary of the management is being raised excessively.

Deputy Head of the FSGS ( Federal Service state statistics) K. Laikam announced the following data, concerns salaries of public sector employees in 2013:

  1. The average salary of researchers is 37 thousand rubles.
  2. The average salary of workers in cultural institutions is 19 thousand rubles per month.
  3. average salary social workers is equal to 14 thousand rubles.
  4. The average salary of doctors with higher education is 39.5 thousand rubles.
  5. The average salary of nurses is 22.7 thousand rubles per month.
  6. The average salary of junior medical staff is only 13.2 thousand rubles.
  7. The average salary of teachers and social workers is about 30 thousand rubles. During the specified period, it increased by 10%.

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Golodets: In 2018, the salary of doctors will be 200% of the national average

From 2018, the salary of doctors will be 200 percent of the average in Russia, said Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. According to her, the money is included in the budget. "This is a rigorous position that no one can revise, and which we will adhere to unswervingly," she said.

In the second half of 2017, it is planned to increase the wages of state employees. This was stated by the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova at the "Business Breakfast" in the "RG"

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Salary increase for state employees in 2019 - 2020

Increase of salaries for teachers 2019 - 2020

Note, however, that the level of wages of educators is not uniform. Thus, teachers of higher educational institutions earn about 35.8 thousand rubles a month, school teachers receive a salary of approximately 27.5 thousand rubles, teachers working in the field additional education have a salary of about 19.8 thousand rubles, teachers in kindergartens earn about 21.8 thousand rubles, and industrial training foremen about 23.6 thousand rubles.

In the second half of 2014, Rosstat published data that the average salary of teachers for the first half of this year was 33,924 rubles. And compared to 2013, it increased by 4,886 rubles.

It is known that in municipal educational institutions teachers get lowest salary in comparison with teachers of federal and regional schools. For comparison:
A teacher in a regional school earns 44,880 rubles a month, in a federal school - 54,855 rubles, and in a municipal school only 31,462 rubles.

The indicators are not the same by region. For example, teachers from the Far East can boast of the highest salaries. They receive 51 855 rubles monthly. The lowest salary is paid to teachers North Caucasus, only 20 938 rubles. But nevertheless, the level of their wages exceeds the average earnings in the region. In the Far East, this difference is 12,386 rubles, in the Southern Federal District, 4,588 rubles, and in the Urals, 5,735 rubles.

The teachers themselves say that the increase in their salaries depends mainly on the increase in the study load, and not only from the increase in funding and wage increases for public sector employees.

It should be noted that compared to 2011, the average salary of teachers increased by 76%, which amounts to more than 12 thousand rubles.

More clearly it looks like this:

At the beginning of 2011, teachers' salaries were equal to 15.9 thousand rubles, which was 70% of the average salary in Russia. In 2013, the salary of teachers of general education was already more than 28 thousand rubles and was already equal to 95% of the average salary in Russia.

The salary of labor teachers in Moscow has grown noticeably. At the moment it is about 69 thousand rubles. Whereas in 2011 their salary was equal to 42.7 thousand rubles. In 2013 alone, the salary of teachers of general education increased by more than 20%.

In St. Petersburg, the salary of this category of workers is approximately 37.6 thousand rubles. But medical workers are forced to be content with amounts of about 23 thousand rubles.

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Increase of salaries of civil servants of federal budget employees 2019 - 2020

In 2014, the federal budget provides for subsidies in the amount of 20 billion rubles to increase the level of wages of state employees, whose purpose is to increase the wages of public sector employees. According to the statement of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, the amount of budget lending is planned to be increased by 100 billion rubles.

Also, by 2018, it is planned to increase the salaries of officials. The Ministry of Finance published the Draft "Main Directions of Budgetary Policy", according to which the salaries of officials will be increased by at least 2 times (for this, the amount of 460 billion rubles has been budgeted for).

According to Rosstat data, at the end of March 2014 in the central offices of departments 39,200 federal civil servants were counted, the average salary of which is at least 75 thousand rubles. At the specified moment in regional divisions of federal departments there were 505,200 civil servants with an average wages more than 26,000 rubles.

For the period from 2015 to 2017, a gradual increase in salaries is planned for such categories of employees as senators, judges, ministers, auditors, prosecutors general, and deputies. For this, the ministry decided to allocate 81.5 billion rubles. To be more precise, in 2015 - 12.7 billion rubles, in 2016 - 21.3 billion rubles, and in 2017 - 47.5 billion rubles. Thus, every month top officials will receive an additional payment of 40.7 thousand rubles. The only exception will be governors, since they do not receive salaries from the federal budget.

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy"
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In order to further improve the state social policy, I decide:

1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) provide:

increase by 2018 in the size of real wages by 1.4-1.5 times; bringing the average salary in 2012 teaching staff educational institutions general education up to the average wage in the respective region; bringing by 2013 the average salary of teachers of preschool educational institutions to the average salary in the field of general education in the corresponding region; bringing by 2018 the average salary of teachers and masters of industrial training of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, employees of cultural institutions up to the average wage in the respective region; increase by 2018 of the average salary of doctors, teachers of educational institutions of higher professional education and research staff to 200 percent of the average salary in the respective region; increasing the number of highly skilled workers by 2020 so that it constitutes at least one third of the number of skilled workers; the creation of up to 14.2 thousand special jobs for people with disabilities annually in the period from 2013 to 2015;

b) prepare and submit by September 1, 2012 in The State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation draft federal law on introducing amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the development, approval and application of professional standards;

d) develop by 2015 and approve at least 800 professional standards;

e) in order to develop uniform assessment principles vocational training working personnel:

to prepare and submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by August 1, 2014 a draft federal law on amending the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for accrediting organizations carrying out activities to increase professional level working personnel; create in established order until December 1, 2015, the basic center for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers;

f) in order to preserve human resources, increase the prestige and attractiveness of professions in the public sector of the economy, by December 1, 2012, adopt a program for the gradual improvement of the system of remuneration of workers in the public sector of the economy, subjecting the increase in remuneration to the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of services provided and providing:

increase by 2018 of the average salary of social workers, including social workers medical organizations, junior medical personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services), nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel (personnel providing conditions for the provision of medical services) - up to 100 percent of the average salary in the relevant region, employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other higher education, providing medical services (providing provision of medical services), - up to 200 percent of the average salary in the relevant region; setting base salaries for professional qualification groups; an increase in the wages of workers in the budgetary sector of the economy with the possible attraction for these purposes of at least a third of the funds received through the reorganization of ineffective organizations;

g) create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of the heads of organizations financed from budget allocations from the federal budget, establishing the ratio of the average wages of managers and employees of these organizations and providing for the presentation by the heads of these organizations of information on income, property and property obligations;

h) in order to expand the participation of employees in the management of organizations:

prepare, by December 1, 2012, proposals for introducing amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the creation of production councils in organizations, as well as the definition of their powers; to develop a set of measures for the development of self-government institutions and the adoption of codes of professional ethics;

i) submit by March 1, 2013 proposals on the use of the mechanism of normative per capita financing in certain sectors of the budgetary sector of the economy;

j) together with public organizations by April 1, 2013, ensure the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of the work of organizations that provide social services, including the definition of criteria for the effectiveness of such organizations and the introduction of public ratings of their activities;

k) provide, starting from 2013, measures aimed at increasing support for socially oriented non-profit organizations;

m) develop a draft Strategy by October 1, 2012 long-term development the pension system, providing in it a mechanism for increasing the amount of pensions to citizens who have expressed their intention to continue working after reaching retirement age and who have decided to postpone the appointment of a pension, as well as defining measures to guarantee the safety of pension savings and ensure a return on investment;

m) in order to further preserve and develop Russian culture:

to create by 2015 in small towns at least five centers of cultural development; to include annually in the National Electronic Library at least 10 percent of the titles of books published in the Russian Federation; provide support for the creation of public electronic libraries, sites of museums and theaters in the information and telecommunication network of the Internet, as well as posting in free free access to the Internet of films and performances of prominent directors of cinema and theater; to ensure an increase by October 1, 2012 of budgetary allocations of the federal budget for the payment of scholarships for workers of culture and art, creative youth, as well as for the provision of grants to support creative projects of national importance in the field of culture and art; ensure the creation by March 1, 2013 of a mobile fund of leading Russian museums for exhibiting works of art in museums and galleries of small and medium-sized cities, as well as create 27 virtual museums by 2018;

to double the number of exhibition projects carried out in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; to increase by 2015 to 4 thousand the number of state scholarships for outstanding cultural and art workers and young talented authors; increase the number of children involved in creative activities to 8 per cent of all children by 2018 to identify and support young talents.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation, together with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

a) ensure, by August 1, 2012, the development of regulatory legal acts providing for the implementation of measures to gradually increase the wages of cultural workers;

b) to develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures to expand the practice of exchange of exhibitions between museums of the Russian Federation, on the work of museums in the evening and at night and ensure their implementation;

c) to develop, by November 1, 2012, a set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of persons with disabilities, to ensure the availability of vocational education, including improving methods of vocational guidance for children with disabilities and persons with disabilities, to prepare specialized vocational training programs disabled people, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities, as well as individual programs rehabilitation of disabled people, to create conditions for increasing the level of employment of disabled people, including in equipped (equipped) workplaces for them.

3. The Government of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when forming the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 2013 and for the planning period of 2014 and 2015, shall provide for budgetary allocations for the implementation of the measures provided for by this Decree.

4. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

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Salaries of certain categories of workers in the social sphere and science according to ROSstat

Federal State Statistics Service

Note: Official statistics: Labor market, employment and wages

In Russia, for 4 years in a row, the real wages and incomes of the population continue to decline

40% of Russians are not able to survive the crisis without losses

They lack the resources to adapt to the crisis, according to a 2017 survey of 3,000 people by analysts from INSAP RANEPA. They are still at risk, says a research lab employee. social development INSAP RANEPA Dmitry Loginov: if the situation in the economy does not improve, their welfare will continue to deteriorate, poverty will expand. These are, first of all, elderly people, residents of villages and small towns, people without higher education, workers of various qualifications, ordinary workers of trade and consumer services, as well as the unemployed. A source...

Real disposable cash income of the population of Russia in January 2018 decreased by 7% in annual terms

This, taking into account the lump sum payment to pensioners in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, which was made in January 2017, follows from the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

A lump sum payment to pension in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017 added 0.4 percentage points to the dynamics of the incomes of the population of the Russian Federation over the past year.

Over the past year, the figure dropped by 1.7%, after falling by 5.8% in 2016. Thus, the real incomes of Russians have been declining for the fourth year in a row - in 2015 they decreased by 3.2%, and a year earlier - by 0.7%.


Nurses in kindergartens, personnel officers, lawyers, accountants working in budgetary institutions, and all other "public sector employees" not covered by the presidential decrees in May will have their salaries increased by four percent next year. This was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

"The draft federal budget provides for the indexation of their salaries by 4 percent from January 1 of next year. In the future, in 2019-2020, the indexation will also be by 4 percent," the minister said. come back, let's see how the minimum wage line will work. " The fact is that from January 1, 2018, the minimum size wages (minimum wages) - by 21.7 percent, up to 9489 rubles. This means that people who work full-time 40 hours a week cannot be paid less than this amount. In a year, the minimum wage will rise again. How much is not yet known, since from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage should be equal to the subsistence minimum, and what its size will be in a year, no one knows now. We can only say that in currently the living wage in Russia is 10.3 thousand rubles. And it is unlikely that this amount will decrease in a year.

As for the state employees who were included in the May decrees, all obligations to increase their salaries must be fulfilled, Topilin promised. Moreover, the federal budget also includes money for this - the regions will receive 80 billion rubles, which is twice as much as this year. According to presidential decrees in 2018, the salary of many categories of state employees should be a multiple of the average in the region. For example, the salaries of doctors, university professors, and research workers should be twice as high as the average for the region. This means that if the average salary in the region is set at 35 thousand rubles a month, then doctors and scientists should earn an average of 70 thousand rubles.

The indexation of salaries of state employees who were not included in the May presidential decrees will take place on January 1, 2018, the next increase is possible on October 1, 2019. This was announced by the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin at a meeting of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

"It is also envisaged to index non-specified state employees by 4% from January 1, 2018. And then in 2019 and 2020 by 4%, while - from October 1," he said.

Earlier it was reported that from January 1, 2018, it is planned to index salaries of state employees at the level of 4%. According to the Ministry of Labor, this indexation will affect about 4 million public sector employees.

The salary of doctors from January 1, 2018 will be 200 percent of the national average. This sensational promise was made by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, referring to the May decrees of President Vladimir Putin.

From her speech, it became clear that the money for raising the salaries of doctors was included in the budget. "This is a strict position that no one can revise, and which we will unswervingly follow," the Deputy Prime Minister promised and noted that doctors must receive a decent salary in order to work effectively.

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The economic situation of Russians is aggravated by both outside pressure in the form of sanctions and the internal unstable situation in the economy, because many social. payments, as well as the amount of earnings, began to not correspond to the purchasing power established by the minimum wage. And it is already known that the minimum wage from April 1, 2018 will be increased by no less than up to 85% of another important indicator, namely the subsistence minimum.

Therefore, on average across all regions The minimum wage should be within 9 and a half thousand rubles. Although if we take specific regions, this size will differ and, moreover, significantly. Take, for example, Moscow, where the minimum wage is 18 thousand, and in a city like Perm the minimum wage is only 7 thousand 700 odd rubles. And all this is the result of government policy, which has given local authority to establish premiums from their own budgets.

And here there are fair questions that the budget of Moscow is formed largely not due to the quickness or efficiency of the work of Moscow officials, but due to the fact that this megalopolis is the capital. It would be the right decision to put all regions on a level playing field by applying government regulation through budgetary equalization.

April salary increase

The fact that there will be an increase in wages in April 2018 became known back in December 2017, when the powers that be reported about the record low inflation rates in the new Russian history. And they also said that there will be an increase, firstly, from January by a factor of 1.04 (neither more - nor less, but by a ridiculous 4%) for all employees who have not been promoted at one time, and, secondly, that from April the minimum wage will increase.

Although before that Minister Topilin talked about increasing the salaries of state employees and, moreover, by 1-2 times and entrusting the fulfillment of this condition to the local authorities. But this initiative was drowned in the indignant comments of the local bureaucratic fraternity, which, without fear of harsh expressions, began to speak in the spirit of the prime minister's statement, they say, there is no money and to stay afloat, i.e. there is no way to raise wages either.

Although some regions in December took the initiative, as they say, under the hood. For example, the Tambov authorities decided to set the minimum wage in 2018 at more than 200 rubles higher than the average Russian minimum wage, namely, 2 thousand 700 rubles.

Minimum wage: April

Whether there will be a salary increase in April, the question is largely rhetorical, because you want it or not, but the liberal part of the government, despite all their excuses in the spirit of the already mentioned Prime Minister's statement that there is no money, they say, but you, they say, hold on, however, it is still necessary to comply with the December 2017 law, which was initiated by V. Putin on equalizing the minimum wage with such economic indicator as a living wage.

Later, at a meeting with workers in Tver, Putin reiterated the government's intention to change the federal minimum wage, but as he put it on May 1. This was probably a slip of the tongue, and he was referring to the date of April 1st. But as we can see, since April 1, there has not yet been an increase in salaries for public sector employees. Most likely, there will really be an increase from May 1.

However, recalculation The minimum wage will be made retroactively from April 1. Since all expenses, taking into account the change in the federal minimum wage in 2018, have already been included, and appear in the budget items.

Salaries of state employees from April 1, 2018

The fact that the salaries of civil servants should increase from April 1, some critics of the current government from among the liberals are portrayed as a traditional April Fool's Day divorce of citizens and it looks especially cynical, in their opinion, after the record number of voters who supported Putin with votes at the ballot boxes. Moreover, they regard this as yet unfulfilled increase as a bribe to voters from among civil servants, although they do not doubt that it (the increase) will take place on May 1.

Will April be included in the period when the increased salaries to public sector employees should be paid, as they say, wait and see, especially since there is nothing left to wait.

In the meantime, we will define ourselves with such a concept as state employees and indicate that the legislator divides them into the following categories:

  • employees in government agencies or government agencies;
  • persons whose salaries come from the budget. And these are teachers of schools and kindergartens, doctors, social workers. spheres that are not in the civil service, etc.

In total, according to some sources, there are at least 30 million people in Russia, in other words, one third of the total population is capable of work. And therefore, not only the target group of state employees themselves are interested in increasing salaries, but also commercial organizations that serve this population group. Moreover, some economists, such as Delyagin and Glazyev, recommend that the government increase the salaries of state employees by several times.

And for this there are all the financial possibilities, which will not only allow not to unwind inflation, but will contribute to economic growth by increasing consumer demand, at least a third of the population, and taking into account the family environment of state employees, then half of Russian residents.

Salaries of medical specialists in April

The intentions of the country's leadership remain unchanged - the salary of doctors from April 2018 should be increased. In any case, from May 1, this increase will surely take place and so far there have been no statements about changing plans to increase the monetary allowance of nurses by at least twice, and the salaries of doctors - three times.

Thus, Putin's promises to improve the standard of living of health workers still remain in force, including by increasing the minimum wage to the minimum wage. At the same time, given the scale of growth in salaries for doctors, most likely this will happen in stages.

Teacher salaries from April 1

In addition to the fact that at the beginning of this year, a 4 percent indexation of payments to state employees was made, it was also said from the high tribunes, including the electoral ones, that there would be an increase in teachers' salaries in April 2018. However, April has already arrived, and there is still no talk about the increase, but there is still confidence that Putin will fulfill his promise from May 1, including education workers, will receive significant increases in salaries, and the increase in these payments will be recalculated from April ...

Who will receive a salary increase from April 1?

As for the answer to the question posed in the title of this section, it is most likely that after the recalculation of the minimum wage, which should be brought in line with the Federal Law adopted on March 7, 2018, everyone who has less than the PM will have a salary increase. Moreover, the minimum wage for 2018 will be equal to more than 11,160 rubles. And for the implementation of the increase in wages, it is already planned to allocate 20 billion rubles for budget equalization in the regions, in order to increase the salaries of public sector employees.

Whether, for example, there will be an increase in police salaries in April 2018 is not yet clear, although this category of workers also applies to state employees.

The indexation of salaries of state employees, who are not subject to the "May decrees" of the president, will be carried out from January 1, 2018. But what the size of the increase will be is not yet clear. The Ministry of Labor suggests that the increase should be no less than the inflation rate, and they call a preliminary figure: at least 4%. The exact data will appear in the fall, when the federal and regional budgets are drawn up.

The president himself recalled the categories of state employees who remained outside the framework of presidential decrees. At one of the meetings with members of the government, they discussed how the execution of his "May" decrees was going on, but at the same time they also talked about those state employees who were not subject to these decrees. As it turned out, there are quite a few of them: 5.8 million people, including 1.9 million in federal institutions and 3.9 million in regional and municipal institutions.

We are talking about social sectors - health care, education, culture. In addition, the public sector includes state and municipal institutions forestry, hydrometeorological service, veterinary medicine, employment services. As for a specific list of specialists, these are mainly personnel who provide work budgetary institutions: administration, engineering and support services for buildings and equipment reported " Russian newspaper"in the Ministry of Labor.

How the salaries of this entire motley army were indexed is now being investigated by the ministry. In different regions, the authorities acted differently, depending on the financial situation. "The increase in salaries for workers who did not fall under the decrees, the regions were carried out based on the possibilities of their consolidated budgets," the Ministry of Labor clarified. work to identify all categories of state employees who were not subject to the decrees in order to increase their salaries in 2018 ".

The indexing parameters in the Ministry of Labor promise to be clarified later, after the federal budget for 2018-2020 and regional budgets. According to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, indexation of at least 4% is being discussed, based on the inflation forecast in 2017. "The decision was made in principle, indexation will be from January 1, 2018, at least to the inflation rate," the minister said.

Help "RG"

Which of the public sector employees is getting higher salaries in connection with the "May" decrees?

  • Kindergarten teachers.
  • General education teachers.
  • Teachers of institutions of additional education.
  • Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education.
  • University teachers.
  • Doctors.
  • Nursing and junior medical personnel.
  • Social workers.
  • Cultural workers.
  • Researchers.
  • Teachers of educational, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and children left without parental care.
  • Administrative workers: economists, lawyers, accountants, personnel officers.
  • Engineering and technical and auxiliary workers serving buildings and equipment: engineers, programmers, technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, office cleaners.
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation specialists, social psychologists.

The Cabinet of Ministers approved an increase in the salaries of employees of federal institutions by 4% in 2018 This was reported on the portal of legal information.

"To increase from January 1, 2018 by 1.04 times the official salaries of employees of federal state bodies who fill positions that are not federal state civil service", - said in the resolution.

The increase in wages will affect employees of federal government agencies, civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal authorities, which provide for military and equivalent service.

The increase in public sector wages by 4% exceeds the expected inflation rate expected at the end of the year.

In particular, the Prime Minister of Russia, during a teleconference held on November 30, said that at the end of 2017, inflation will be below 3%. “This year we will have record low inflation. In all likelihood, it will be below 3%, ”Medvedev said.

The prime minister also added that over the entire period of development of modern Russia, inflation has never dropped so low. In addition, the Prime Minister said that the growth in real wages of Russians will be 3%. The nominal growth is 7%.

He noted that this indicator will be assessed in accordance with the forecast for the average monthly income from labor activity in the region for the whole of 2018, highlighting that salaries for each category will be tracked monthly.

Also during the meeting, the issue of wage arrears was considered. According to Rosstat, as of November 1, the total debt is over 3.5 billion rubles. Operational data indicate that the number of citizens' appeals on this issue has not decreased. Topilin urged the regions to pay close attention to this situation and promptly take measures to normalize it.