Pechkin's words of congratulations on the anniversary. Scene-congratulations from the postman Pechkin on the anniversary. Congratulation Little Pay

Good evening! How beautiful you are! Everyone is poured, everyone is drinking ... At least swallow your saliva. And I would have poured from the road.
(Pechkin is poured a shot)
Thank you respected .... Congratulations, hostess! I want to bloom and look younger! And I didn't come empty-handed. I have for you congratulatory telegram available.
But while the telegram was going on, in some places the words were erased.
(Pechkin invites guests to name any adjectives that come to mind, Pechkin writes them down in turn, filling in all the empty spaces. When the congratulation is ready, he reads the telegram .....

And I also have a parcel for your hero of the day, but first you have to show me the documents, and if there are no documents, then I won’t give them to you, I’m not a fool for you, give parcels without documents
How can you not give up? If the parcel is addressed to Margarita, they must hand it over.
You never know what I owe. I won’t just give this package away, since you don’t have documents
All clear. Or maybe we’ll sing a song or dance for you.
What am I, some kind of Santa Claus? I can sing and dance myself.
Then tell me, please, dear postman Pechkin, what needs to be done in order for you to give us this parcel?
I love cultural treatment and hospitality, pour me another drink from that bottle
(Pechkin is poured, served, and the host takes the poured pile)
Postman Pechkin, we will pour you a drink, but where is the guarantee that you will give us the parcel? .
We saw (addressing the guests), there are people who are greedy for someone else's good ....
Pechkin is given a stack
Don't worry, I'm kind today....
Thanks for the meal!
(takes a glass and makes a toast, everyone drinks)
A fool will not drink if there is a birthday boy!
Please complete the mission.
Let's fill our glasses. Ritulya, for your fifty kopecks!
Men standing, women to the bottom!!!

Well, now it's time for the parcel, I ask the birthday girl to sign and receive it.
(Pass the parcel)

The hero of the day opens the parcel, balls fly out, they take out a money machine, demonstrate it, then hand it to the birthday man.
Master class on making a typewriter

Holiday script


(senior group)

Music sounds. Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Presenter: Our dear guests!

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And happy New Year!

Children: 1. Hello, Elka! How beautiful

You lit your fires.

How many happy children are you

I called to the hall today.

2. Our tree is just a miracle,

Green, slim, beautiful,

All hung with balls

Multicolored lights.

Hello New Year's Eve

All children: Hello beautiful Christmas tree!

Round dance "New Year's dance"

Children sit on chairs. Sounds like magical music. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: How many people are in the room.

A glorious holiday will be here.

So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Snow Maiden: You know, the New Year just won't come. And the magic clock hangs here not for beauty.

There is a knock. Included Pechkin.

Pechkin: Hello to you all!

Snow Maiden: Hello! Have you come to celebrate the New Year?

Pechkin: This is your New Year, and we have a lot of work to do. Pechkin I! Postman here. And you, I'm sorry, who would you be?

Snow Maiden: I am a Snow Maiden. Did I receive a letter?

Pechkin: No, they still write to you. We need a grandfather named Frost. Strange surname. Foreigner, probably. Here is the notification for the parcel. Get urgent!

Snow Maiden: Dear Pechkin! Santa Claus is my grandfather, you can give the notice to me.

Pechkin: Not so fast! Do you have documents? ( The Snow Maiden was confused). Not? And no, there is no trial! Well, for now, goodbye. Let your grandfather by the name of Frost himself come to our post office with documents.

Snow Maiden: Dear Pechkin! Santa Claus is coming! I'll run to meet him, hurry up. Ouch! And the children will be left alone! Dear Pechkin, stay with the children, okay? And watch the magic clock.

Pechkin: And what are they to watch? Hours are like hours.

Snow Maiden: Well no. These are magical hours.

You know, it's New Year's

It just won't come to us.

And magic hours

Hanging here is not for beauty.

But how do the arrows match,

The clock slows down a bit...

Then - they will strike twelve times,

Then the New Year will come!

Pechkin: I doubt it. We never stood on the clock. We are more on parcels there, letters.

Snow Maiden: Don't worry, it's not difficult. But if something happens, here's a pipe for you. She is magical. It is enough to play and say these words:

Oh, you are a pipe-duda

Take me there

Where is the Christmas tree

The Snow Maiden is always waiting.

And I will immediately appear, wherever I am. I quickly ( runs away).

Pechkin: There was no sadness! Watch the children, watch the clock! ( children) And so that I have quiet! A magic pipe ... I doubt it. What did the Snow Maiden say? I'll try now blowing):

Oh, you are a pipe-duda

Take me there

Where… I don’t remember this place…

Waiting for us hits himself in the forehead) is a real disaster!

The light goes out. Song sounds are heard. The light turns on, the Atamansha appears with the robbers, she sings, dancing, not noticing Pechkin.

Pechkin: So dance - you won’t get enough boots. There is no Snow Maiden here, but there are unknown dark personalities. ( Appeals to Atamansha) Excuse me, who are you? Do you have documents?

Atamansha: Who is blathering here, I don't understand? Do you want to ask Atamansha herself, the queen of forest roads, for documents? Daddy, you're in vain! Did you see it? ( Pulls out a gun and a rope). Here are my papers! Hey helpers, go ahead!

Atamansha: A great change is coming up! Well, for the cause connects Pechkin).

Pechkin (with dignity): And what did you run into ... It is impossible for a peaceful person to pass by! You can't bind everyone! Look how many kids I have! Now how will they fly ...

Atamansha: Hush! Dad, cover you. Robber brothers! We should discuss what to do with this…. I have a plan. Behind me… ( go away).

Pechkin (in a whisper): Baby. Untie me quickly, otherwise you can’t get the pipe ( freed with the help of children, takes out a pipe, blows, stuttering). Oh, you doo-doo-doo-doo-doo

You me tu-doo-doo-doo,

Take me there

I don't know where...

The light goes out. In the darkness, Pechkin stumbles upon empty cans, stumbles, grumbles. Clapperboard. The light is on. There is a pillar with an inscription "Field of Wonders" and "Country of Fools".

Pechkin (reads the inscription): Field of Dreams! This, what is the Field of Miracles? This is where prizes are given for letters? Let's go to this wonderful Field at least for a minute, you see, and I will win a prize - a new hat or a bicycle with a motor. And the Snow Maiden, nothing, will wait. Once in a lifetime, a person gets such a chance. Where would you like to find out more precisely the way?

The music sounds "What a blue sky ...". Enter Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox.

Pechkin: Uh! Dear citizens! Can you tell me how to get to the Field of Miracles? Is this a game where new caps are given for letters?

Alice: Hooray! Basilio! We have new players who have reached the festive finals. And super prizes are waiting for you. ( Alice takes Basilio aside and explains how they will outwit everyone.).

Fox and Cat: I - Fox Alice and my colleague - Cat Basilio are appointed leaders, which means we are in charge here. You are admitted to the first game, but for this you need to make a small deposit - 5 gold. Well, where are your wallets, get them?

Pechkin: Dear! Do you have documents? Where do the kids get money from? Something is suspicious here...

Fox and cat (whispering): Oh, sorry, sorry! You have heard. All games today are just for the joy of children.

Games: 1. Cut off the prize with your eyes closed.

2. Get the candy out of the flour.

3. Guess the riddle.

Cat and Fox instead of prizes give children empty candy wrappers.

Pechkin: This is what happens? This is a complete deception and swindle, not a Field of Miracles! Guys! Let's get them out of the water! I can't cope without your help.

Child: I advise everyone to be friends,

Do not dare to quarrel!

We can't live without friends

No way.

Fox Alice: Everything! Prizes are over. The field of miracles is closed. We've been bitten. Basilio, let's go.

Dance "Friendly couples".

Pechkin: Well, the Snow Maiden has been waiting for us (turns to the pipe).

Oh, you are a pipe-duda

Take me there

Where there is kindness in people

And there is beauty in nature.

The light goes out. Music sounds. The light turns on. Clapperboard.

Dance of the Firebird.

Firebird: I live in the world for many centuries,

Because I do good to people.

I fly into fairy tales and throw from heaven,

From myself I throw a magic pen!

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing

Good people live everywhere.

If evil accidentally triumphs,

I'll share the magic pen!

Pechkin: Hello dear Firebird! Something I'm completely confused. So tired, I have no more strength. Share a pen with me, otherwise the pipe stopped listening to me.

Firebird: Give me a magic pen!

To protect good.

Wave your pen harder

Evil will turn into good

What will make me happy?

Pechkin: Good verses

Yes, a wonderful song.


Live, fir-tree!

They bought me a tree! They bought me a tree!
In the forest at the edge of the forest, they did not cut it.
And they made a Christmas tree at a good factory
Good uncles, funny aunts.

Come quickly, take a look
On a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:
All in needles shaggy, shiny and lush,
Zaden - and she will ring out barely audibly.

And the forest tree remained alive,
He stands on the edge, nodding his head.
To whom? Nobody! Just the wind, blizzards,
The same beautiful uncut spruce!

The song "The Christmas tree is not cold in winter" (girls)

The Firebird praises the children and hands them a feather.

Pechkin: Thank you, kind Firebird,

I need your pen.

Waves his pen. Clapperboard. Light effects.

Pechkin: Hooray! Thank you wonderful bird! Didn't cheat. Not like some.

Music sounds. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka enter the hall.

Father Frost: Hello my friends!

Oh, I'm bored.

Time to finish the story

Time for the holiday to continue!

Pechkin: I'm sorry, of course, but who are you? Do you have documents? I apologize why I ask, my profession is this, I am a postman.

Father Frost: I left my passport at home

But the guys all know me.

Answer the question:

Am I Frost or not Frost?

The children answer.

Pechkin: Now everything is clear to me. This is Santa Claus. This is the Snow Maiden. And this is your pipe, I personally checked it, it works. Your watch also works. And to you, dear Santa Claus, a notice for the parcel. Get it in the mail immediately.

Father Frost: How can I go to the post office if we have a holiday? Dear Pechkin, could you deliver this parcel right here?

Pechkin: So your parcel is so big, it turns out a whole container transportation. Yes, okay, I'll help you, friends. See you

Pechkin leaves. The clock strikes.

Father Frost: Friends let's get together

We will celebrate the New Year!

Cheerful, sonorous song

Let's start our round dance.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, and the Christmas tree is gloomy with us, the lights on it do not burn.

Father Frost: We will fix this now.

Let's make all the fires burn

Come on, tree, one, two, three!

Burn with the light of joy!

Children help Santa Claus light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: We have not tried in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames.

Santa Claus is calling you all

In the New Year's round dance

Round dance "Top-top-top, chok, chok."

Father Frost: Guys, are you afraid of the cold?

Child: We don't care about the cold

We are not afraid of the cold.

We dance and sing

We have a lot of fun.

Dance "Three White Horses"

Snow Maiden: Oh yeah holiday! Well done boys!

Father Frost: So, so, so, so don't be afraid of the cold. And here I will check.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, why are you scared,

Do you grab your ears, noses?

Games "Ice figures", "Hockey players".

Snow Maiden: Grandfather got tired, tired,

He played with the guys.

You sit by the tree

Look at the guys.

Riddle and poem about winter.

1. She is a forest sorceress,

Spruce covers with snow,

Covers all fields

This…. Zimushka-winter.

2. Winter has come to us again,

Snow brought frost

Children's Christmas tree holiday

Fun kindergarten.

Song "Music of winter" (with musical instruments)

Father Frost: Well done my friends!

I am happy with the holiday.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Musical gifts from children do not end there.

Children (read poetry):

1. Meet the holiday - New Year

Gathered today

Let the lights sparkle

Christmas trees.

We invite friends to the carnival

From all over the earth, from the whole planet

No wonder we started a holiday,

Dance at our carnival.

Dance "Carnival".

Father Frost: Well thanks kids

The holiday turned out bright.

And now it's time

Children receive…

Children: Presents!

Snow Maiden: Don't rush, grandpa! And about you, and about gifts, the children will now perform a comic song.

Song "Valenki"

The music sounds "If there was no winter ...". Pechkin enters.

Pechkin: Receive your parcel. Home delivery as agreed. Sign Grandfather by the name of Frost ( Santa Claus signs and takes out a bag with gifts).

Snow Maiden: We wish you success in the New Year,

More cheerful, sonorous laughter!

Father Frost: So that you are not afraid of Santa Claus,

More often skiing and sledding.

Goodbye! ( go away).

Music sounds.

Anniversaries are a big holiday. Many try to celebrate it on a large scale. It implies a wide feast and many guests. Here are not only relatives, but also friends of the hero of the day with children and spouses, his colleagues, colleagues, superiors. It turns out a very diverse company - by age, hobbies, interests. So that guests do not get bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment can be offered to them. Scenes are best suited for this, which will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day himself. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one "actor" and more ambitious. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will do, from already existing books, films and mini-productions that have been spied somewhere, to those invented by yourself. However, they all have to have one thing in common - to be funny.

Costumed productions

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participants-actors are dressed for plausibility. Usually the actors themselves are the guests. Their participation is coordinated in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to make an additional gift.

traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are involved. You need to pick up the appropriate costumes - the form of a traffic police officer for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. "Hunters" can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Scene progress

Two friends-hunters, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they broke the rules. traffic and were stopped by the inspector. They explained the situation to him - well, you can’t help but congratulate good man! Of course, the inspector agreed to deliver them to the place of celebration. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and joins in the congratulations himself. He reads out, and then hands the spouse of the hero of the day a certificate of passing the technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday man himself (his last name and first name are voiced) on the occasion of the 50th birthday (the figure can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.


Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. Condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle is still rideable and rideable.
  1. Refueling only with high-quality fuel - an octane number of at least 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is shown: on vacation, after hunting and baths, on birthdays, and so on.
  3. It is not allowed to use a vehicle by proxy.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation, the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also needs three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple, you don’t even have to completely change the actors, but just pick up the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, hats with a brim. For the translator - eyeglasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. In the midst of fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head to the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravigilento jubelento and druzente - lubente alcoholento pipivento! translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Arrive at the devil on Kulichkent tell at least something totent! translator: We came to your wonderful city to join in the general congratulations. 1st guest: It is desirable not to glotanto tabletanto and not to know the doctor! translator: We wish you the best of health. 2nd guest: Let there be a lot of money in the wallet and the stomach was always full! translator: May financial well-being and enduring happiness accompany you through life. 1st guest: Let's druzilento nikogdento on krysento! translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We gave hotetto figinetto and jurundento! translator: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you. 1st guest: Do not overeat and do not blivante, the puzento is not bursting. translator: Eat healthy and enjoy. 2nd guest: Reminiscent of our arrival, Italian gift. translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Weird salaries

A small costume scene, which should accompany, and, possibly, open the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is desirable that they be women - thin, short and tall dense:

  • A small one is "weighed" with a small amount of money - it can be both coins and banknotes of small denominations. They can simply be drawn on large sheets to be clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed richer - there are no coins at all, but there are many large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulation Little Pay

Do not look, dear birthday boy, that I am still so small. I wish you all the best in the world. May you, with my help, secure a life worthy of a king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Big Pay Congratulation

Maybe I’m not very similar to a lucky lottery win, but together with my little sister, we are the best gift that will come in handy in any situation, take you on vacation and bring many pleasant moments! Congratulations! After this performance, all the guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift hand them to the birthday man. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.

Mini productions

Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day with his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man, fully dressed as a doctor, enters the room. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small "medical suitcase". Doctor: Let me, let me! Before congratulations sound, I have to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins the examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical manipulations. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let's see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “I thought so,” and the like. After that, he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have performed a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Anniversary (surname, name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is like a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red bodies, sometimes there are white ones (in a strictly measured amount). This is real "blood with milk"!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on one's own anniversary - either skips, or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vitality is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Rumor is truly universal, which is a rarity.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a 3% error probability it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases - an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious dinner, a dinner cooked with love. Most often this manifests itself next to a working TV.
  • The regime of the day is mixed: walking-sitting-lying.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of this organism. It is recommended to take from life everything that you want, and that was not received.

urgent telegram

A man enters the hall with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache. He portrays a well-known character - the postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me - the postman Pechkin. Brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I need to wet my throat. Demands a filled glass, drinks, then reads a telegram. It can be written on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming period I couldn’t tour period I cordially congratulate you zap I wish you well period I dream of being there period your Alla Pugacheva This scene can be staged instead of another toast. And in conclusion, you will find one cool scene-tale about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video:


It often happens that the hero of the day was born in the village, and then moved to the city. Or maybe he just has relatives in the village. The main thing for the presenter is to find out the name of the village and the region in order to correctly sign the address on the sealed box.

The package is prepared in advance. You will need:

4. Cigarettes

6. Salo (3 pcs)

8. Broom (can be a bunch of grass)

If there is someone to dress up the postman Pechkin - very good!
The parcel is handed over, the presenter helps to open it and reads the letter from the parcel himself.

Hello dear woman, you are good as a girl.
Though not 25 years old, vigorous mother,
We send you, my dear, a parcel for your birthday.
A little bit from the whole village, take it, don't blame me.

If CANDLES not in the house, here she is, if the lights go out.
MATCHES and SOAP to wash your face,
But A PACK OF CIGARETTES, suddenly you smoke, but maybe not.
We have life, well, you’ll understand, you’ll smoke and drink here.
Here PIVASIK for order after the bath, al from the ustku.
We all blow it ourselves and recommend it to you.
SALA here is a piece 3, so eat or cook,
Stretch them until the summer, now it's a jewel.
Yes, look, do not get fat, it is better to feed the guests.
Let your foolish friends eat
Kohl do not feel sorry for them figure.
VIAL WITH HOLY WATER, drop by mouth before meals.
So as not to give to anyone, say: "Itself, they say, is not enough."
And the back suddenly hurts, rub it with sciatica.
If you get sick, lie down, period. There are wonderful daughters.

(Option - son and daughter)
Let them wash, wash themselves, let Mom not be disturbed.
As soon as you receive the package, take the bottle as soon as possible,
and write the answer as soon as possible, what you like, what you don't.
If there is no money in the house, tie our BROOM,
You need to wave a broom, collect money in a pile.
That's all goodbye girl, you are for us - well, like a sister,
Pour vodka into glasses, invite guests to drink.

This drawing is carried out by relatives: it will take two or three walkers in peasant clothes, reading poetry, they take out gifts from the bag and give them to the birthday man for the anniversary.

Required: a bag, dried berries, carrots, beets, bunches of onions, garlic, a collection of herbs (can be pharmacy), a bottle of moonshine, a jar of pickle (you can also have cucumbers in it)

Our dear hero of the day...!
We are from the village, dear. remember there about your anniversary!
They collected some things, they sent walkers to you.

This is tea from different berries - there are raspberries, blackberries,

Delicious, just like jam!
It doesn't look like Ceylon
But what a delight! (Gift: dried berries)

All the vitamins in vegetables
These are ahead
Get back on your feet quickly
And they will put things in order. (Gift: beets, carrots)

We collected an old collection -
The recipe is important here.
Even though he's not feisty,
Viagra is not needed here. (Gift: any collection of herbs)

They are always your friends
And they are famous for their fragrance.
You are firmly friends with them,
Revive your tone. (Gift: bunches of garlic, onions)

Although life is not easy and glimpses are not visible,
But this potion will save everyone, obviously.
Smear boldly with them painful places, -
That will ensure your life up to a hundred. (Gift: mustard)

The feast sometimes lasts until night,
And in the morning you wake up sick.
Remember - to get better -
Take his glass - another. (Gift: pickle)

miraculous drink,
What is famous in the village
You can drink anytime
With lard, onion, cucumber,
Maybe with herring!

And you will be great! (Gift: a bottle of moonshine)

Do not confuse our village with another
A stranger will never help you!
Walk together with your family
Never count your years!

And now for the anniversary
Pour us delicious vodka!
To burn in our chest,
And it immediately became fun!

For a woman, the most important anniversary is 55 years. After all, it is at this age that they retire, and they begin to new life. Do you also think so? Then what we offer you next will interest you one hundred percent. After all, here you will find the newest and most modern scenes for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman. Funny and with dressing up - skits will be a hit on your festive evening. So rather study them all to arrange an unforgettable holiday, and your hero of the day was satisfied!

Scene 1.
One guest sits in the garden cart, and the second takes the cart and carries it along with the guests. They go to the guests, and then a policeman appears and a whistle is blown. The cart stops near the policeman.

Good evening! Captain of the traffic police - Nalivaykin! Where are we in such a hurry? Why vehicle no numbers?

Guest in cart:
Captain, is there no traffic police now?

How not? This is not the traffic police, but our traffic police has always worked, is working and will continue to work. After all, we are the State Alcohol Inspectorate!

Guest near cart:
Alcoholic? Inspection?! So it's good that we met you1 we just have a holiday, we are in a hurry for the anniversary.

For an anniversary?! It's tempting. But I still have a 7-hour shift, then turn in the shift, write outfits, fill out protocols ... in general, I agree, let's go!

And they all go to the guests together.

Guest in cart:
Oops - they've arrived!

Guest at the cart:
Well, fellow policeman. Look, can someone break?

The policeman looking around the guests:
And how long have you been sitting? Three hours? And you can’t tell from you, it’s like they just sat down. So the first penalty for raising toasts too slowly1

Guest in carts:
Is there any way to avoid this penalty?

Can! Pour, drink and avoid fines.

All guests pour and drink.

Yes, let's look further. Are you our hero of the day? Let me congratulate you. And on behalf of the traffic police to hand you (looking around) this garden cart (throws the guest off the cart). As I understand it, you are retired, which means there is a lot of time, you need to go to the garden, Agriculture lift up!
So, since there is a gift, then another reason to drink

Guests pour and drink.

Oh, and time flies! I have to go, my shift is over. But first, one more gift.
(referring to the hero of the day)
Is this your husband? Fine. On behalf of the traffic police and the power given to me by law, I allow you to use your husband free of charge, that is, for nothing!
And now I beg your pardon - it's time!

Scene 2
Excellent and even good to spend a fairy tale on anniversaries. Only not real, but remade in a new way.
For example, the following video is a scene in which a fairy tale called Three Little Pigs takes place. Watch the video and you can stage such a scene at your holiday. We assure you - the guests will laugh until they drop!

Scene 3
And here we offer just to play with all the guests and give the hero of the day original gifts.
To do this, you need to prepare a parcel, and put the following gifts in it: horseradish (grows in the garden), herbs (you can buy at the pharmacy), garlic and onions, brine and moonshine. And then everything is in the text below. Read and you will understand everything yourself how to play and give:

Scene 4
And one more scene with the postman Pechkin. He will also present a gift to the hero of the day at the end.

Knock-Knock. Is it an anniversary here?

Yes, and who are you?

I am the postman Pechkin. I brought telegrams for the hero of the day from (points up) Putin himself.

Great, give it a go!

E no. So mail doesn't work. First you need to check your documents. But, I see that you are drunk, so I will not check your documents, let the police deal with it. I will visit you tomorrow.

Wait, Pechkin. Why tomorrow? Come sit with us - eat, drink. I hope workers can drink mail?

And you can eat and drink. Well, let me sit with you.

Pechkin sits down at the table and they treat him - they pour a glass and give him a bite to eat.

Okay, I've become kind. I like you. I will send you a telegram.

The host reads the text of the telegram. After that, everyone drinks for such an unusual gift.