Business speech etiquette in business letters study guide. Business speech etiquette in business letters study guide Expresses its respect to you

In the practice of business communication, a special place is given to the observance of the norms and rules of speech etiquette in letters of various contents. The speech etiquette of a business letter is a manifestation of the sender's culture.

The opening address and the final form of politeness are generally accepted standard formulas.

Opening address- this is a way to attract the attention of the addressee, establishing contact with him.

In the practice of domestic correspondence, until recently, the appeal was traditionally used in letters of a semi-official nature; in letters of invitation addressed to specific persons (honored workers of science, art, culture, deputies, persons occupying a high social position, etc.) or a group of persons related to the nature of their activities; in commercial correspondence. In modern official letters, the role of the appeal has increased, it is used in cases where the situation requires a direct appeal to the official or persons.

The appeal is placed in a separate line in the center. The exclamation point gives the letter an emotional character, indicates the special importance attached by the author to the content of the question being posed.

When addressing the addressee, one should take into account his official position, field of activity, the nature of the relationship between the parties, the purpose of the letter, etc.

If a letter is sent to an institution, organization, enterprise, company or is addressed to an official whose name, surname and gender are not known, then the generally accepted addresses are as follows:

- Dear Sirs!

- Lord!

When addressing persons of the same professional circle, it is possible to address:

- Dear colleagues!

- Dear Colleagues!

For Russian speech etiquette, gender leveling is a characteristic feature, since until 1917 there were practically no women in the public service, and in the Soviet period the asexual address “comrade” was common (comrade Ivanova N.S.). In recent years, when addressing a letter to a female official, a masculine noun has been used (investigator, director general, head, etc.).

If the recipient of the letter is a particularly important person: a high official (governor, mayor), an honored worker of science and culture, a well-known public figure, the president (chairman) of a society, campaign, company, etc., then use the following appeals:

- Dear Alexey Petrovich!

- Dear Pavel Anatolyevich!

It is possible to apply with an indication of the position and without a surname:

- Dear Mr. Minister!

- Dear Mr. Governor!

- Dear Mr. Deputy!

- Dear mister publisher!

- Dear Mr Chairman!

When referring to a person with a rank, you can use the following option:

- Dear doctor!

- Dear Professor!

Writers of letters should keep in mind that today, more than ever, a personal appeal is important, which causes the addressee's increased interest in the letter, indicates the sender's attention and respect for the business partner.

The inclusion of the addressee's surname in the address formula gives the text of the document a polite-official character. If the name and patronymic are indicated in the appeal, but the surname is not called, then it acquires a somewhat personal character. Addressing by name and patronymic is allowed in an invitation letter, a message letter, a letter of gratitude and some others. These differences are due to the traditions of Russian speech culture:

- Dear Mr. Petrov!

- Dear Mrs. Petrova!

- Dear Mr. Smirnov!

- Dear Mrs. Demina!

- Dear Mr. Gorsky!

- Dear Mrs. Pronina!

- Mr Martinov.

- Dear Dmitry Ivanovich!

- Dear Ksenia Petrovna!

- Igor Konstantinovich,...

Final form of politeness completes the main text, is placed on the right side on the same vertical with the date at the top, and is separated from the text of the letter by two or three intervals. At the end of the final politeness formula, as a rule, a comma is placed, but its absence is also acceptable. The requisite “Signature” (name of the position of the person who signed the document, personal signature and its transcript) is affixed below the final courtesy formula in accordance with GOST R 6.30-97. In letters drawn up on official forms (as well as in some letters of a private nature), the name of the position and the decoding of the signature are not put.

In business correspondence, there are several options for the final courtesy formula. If the letter begins with the phrase: Dear Sir ..., then it should end with: Sincerely,...

In congratulatory and thank you letters, in letters of a personal nature, the following language formulas are used:

- Sincerely yours); ...

- Sincerely yours,...

- FROM the bestwishes, ...

- Best wishes and greetings, ...

-With cordial regards, ...

- With warm regards and best wishes, ...

-With thanks. Your...

- FROM friendly hello,...

- With friendly greetings, ...

- Our best wishes to Mr. (name).

In a real situation, the sender should be guided not only by the standard, but also by the rules of good manners.

In letters to unfamiliar people or a business partner, official wording should be used:

- Sincerely,...

- With gratitude and respect, ...

- With deep respect, ..


As a rule, such letters have personal addressing.

Words of gratitude are appropriate both at the beginning and at the end of the letter. A letter of gratitude can be different in content, for example: a letter of request, a letter of confirmation, a letter of invitation, a letter of response to an invitation, a cover letter, a letter of inquiry, etc. When choosing one or another wording for expressing gratitude the nature of the business and personal relationship between the sender and the recipient of the letter should be taken into account.

At the beginning of the letter, you can testify your respect, respect for the addressee, recognition of his merits, a positive assessment of the mind of a business partner, etc., or express gratitude for the received correspondence:

-It's very kind of you ...

- I appreciate your kindness...

- Recognizing and appreciating your contribution to...

- We were happy to get...

- This letter - expression of deep gratitude (gratitude) ...

- We acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of your order for...

- Thank you very much for the fax from...

- Thank you for the catalog we received...

- Thank you for your letter of...

- Please accept my sincere (deep) gratitude for...

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for...

I am (sincerely) grateful for your...

- Let me express my gratitude for participating in...

- Let me thank you for...

- Allow me to express my gratitude to you

- We are grateful to you for...

- We express our gratitude on behalf of...

- Thank you for participating...

At the end of the letter you can also use the words of gratitude again, express the hope for a quick answer, for continued cooperation, for possible prospects for business relations, etc.:

FROM thanks for your interest in this matter, I remain, ...

- Thank you in advance for your assistance, I remain, your...

- I will (we will) be very grateful (grateful) for a quick (urgent) answer.

- We would be very grateful (grateful) if wouldYou answered as soon as possible.

- Thank you very much for your (kind) assistance.

- Your assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.

- With heartfelt greetings and gratitude for your action (patience) in this matter.

- I sincerely appreciate your patience and continuing. interest.

- Looking forward to your kind reply.

With best wishes and confidence in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation...


A letter of congratulation is proof of the good disposition of the sender towards the addressee.

Congratulations and wishes are most often the main aspect of a letter, postcard, telegram, but they can also be part of a multifaceted letter. In this case, the words of congratulations and wishes are usually located after the appeal and greeting.

For letters that are written and sent long before a significant date, it is possible to place a congratulation at the end of the letter.

In official congratulatory letters, the most common formulas are:

allow me to congratulate you;

let me congratulate you;

Please accept my (our) congratulations.


with a new assignment.

Happy New Year and coming Christmas.

with your anniversary.

We greet you

on the occasion of the national holiday.

on the occasion of your anniversary.

in connection with the opening of the international conference.

On the occasion of

electing you to...

allow (let) congratulate ....


successful defense of your dissertation

Please accept my (our) congratulations...




I wish you great success, health, prosperity, happiness ...

Good luck with your plans

Please accept our (sincere, warm, cordial, etc.) wishes.

new successes.

great achievements.

health, fulfillment of hopes (desires)


An invitation letter can be addressed to a specific person or several persons, as well as to institutions. An invitation to a specific person should be drawn up taking into account the status of the addressee, the nature of the relationship between the parties, as well as the degree of officiality of the event.

The most common in business correspondence are expressions with the words: allow to invite; let me invite.

Expressions that are neutral in style emphasize the interest of the inviting party. Such expressions are still in the nature of a discussion, that is, a unilateral invitation without the consent of the other side. In the event that the other party agrees, an official invitation is already sent.

- We would be glad to see you at...

- We would greatly appreciate your participation in ...

- We would be grateful to you if you could accept our invitation to...

In the case when the initiator of the invitation is the protrusions of the second party (We would like to take part in your owl shaniya), in the response letter of invitation, the expressions are appropriate:

- We will (with great) pleasure receive (meet) your representatives (your delegation).

- We are glad to invite you...

- We agree to receive your delegation ...

- We can accept your representatives.

- We do not object to your participation in the meeting.

- For our part, we (with joy) are ready to receive (invite, meet) your representatives.

If the first party is particularly interested in consent, then after the actual invitation phrases, the following expressions are used:

- We hope that you will accept our invitation.

- We would like to hope for your consent.

- We express the hope that you will accept our invitation (proposal).


Common formulas for expressing regret are as follows:


- To our great regret, ...

- To my great regret, ...

- Regretfully...

- We are very sorry ...

- We are extremely sorry ...

- I am very sorry that...

- I regret to learn from your letter that ...

- Regret ...

Expressing regret about a failed transaction, late payment, delay in delivery of the ordered goods, etc. is not enough to maintain good relations between both parties and the possibility of further successful cooperation, therefore, it is recommended that business etiquette rules apologize for the inconvenience caused. Letters of apology can accompany requests (Sorry for asking you), failures (Sorry, but unfortunately we cannot fulfill your request) etc.

Typical and most common apology formulas are as follows:


A cover letter is drawn up when sending any material assets to the addressee; a document without an addressing part; documents requiring further clarification. Cover letters are also required in cases where the documents to be sent include several sheets. The cover letters indicate the name of the accompanying document and the purpose of sending it, the deadline for execution, the reason for the delay, etc.

- In response to your letter from...

(at your request, at your request)

With reference to your (our) letter dated ... (to your request, to our agreement, to our

telephone conversation), ...

According to your request

According to our agreement

In accordance with the additional protocol for ... a year (with our agreement, with your request)

Based on an additional protocol for ... a year (your request, our agreement)

In connection with your request (our agreement)

In confirmation of our agreement (our telephone conversation)









    We return

in the application...

with this letter...

separate package...

registered parcel...

today's mail...


by separate mail...

With pleasure

we send we send we send we forward

We're glad

In the application














- (We) apply...

- Submitting an application for ...

- We send (to you) cash on delivery ...

- Submit for approval ...

- We send (to you) for consideration ...

- According to the attached list ...

We are sending you samples along with this letter...

    In response to

Your letter from

Your request

your request





    Referring to

Your request

our agreement

our telephone conversation

    According to

your request

our agreement

    In accordance with

additional protocol

our agreement

Your request

    In connection with

Your request

our agreement

    In confirmation

our agreement

our telephone conversation

Sample texts for a letter of gratitude for cooperation. The style of the letters is official. Design guidelines are at the end of the page.

All names, surnames, names of organizations are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to replace them.

Option number 1

Dear Illarion Ivanovich!

We express to you our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in the outgoing 2019.

We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation in 2020. We wish dynamic development, success and new heights in business.


Director of CJSC "Standard"


Ts. V. Tartaletkin

Option number 2

Travel Agency "Robinson" expresses its sincere gratitude to the law firm "Lawmaking" for fruitful cooperation.

Please accept our deepest gratitude for your assistance in resolving legal issues related to relationships with insurance companies, for the professional legal solution of complex non-standard issues in this area.

We believe in maintaining business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

We wish the law firm "Lawmaking" further prosperity, successful development and new victories in the legal services market.

Sincerely, Director

AP "Robinson"

Yu. M. Piligrimov

Option number 3

Dear Agafon Vavilovich!

Let me, on behalf of our team, thank you for your trust and agreement to cooperate with our young company, which is making its first steps in the market.

We owe much of our dynamic growth to you personally and to the company you lead.

We express the hope that in the future, our relations will be built on a mutually beneficial basis, and your vast experience and authority will serve as our guide and example of how to conduct business.

We wish you and your organization well-being, success and prosperity!


Afanasy Zakharovich Stolyarov

Option number 4

Furniture Factory LLC thanks you for your cooperation and wishes you further prosperity, efficient work, inexhaustible energy in achieving your goals and creative inspiration in solving global problems, as well as healthy competition and good health to maintain your working tone!


OOO "Furniture Factory"

Zh. Yu. Plotnikov

Option number 5

State budget institution

"Integral center of social services for the population

Yamsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don" expresses gratitude

Ptichkina Alevtina Matveevna

Director of the Municipal budgetary institution of culture of the leisure center "Growth"

for cooperation on the issues of children from socially unprotected families attending the Ozerki children's health camp.

At this difficult time, you treat children who find themselves in a difficult life situation with understanding and mercy, and take part in organizing their leisure time.

You bring great happiness and joy!

Director of GBU "ICSON"

F. Zh. Dobryakova

Option number 6

We express our sincere gratitude to "Foundation-Stroy"

for a long and fruitful collaboration.

We highly appreciate the partnership relations and mutual understanding established between us.

We would like to emphasize the high level of professionalism of your staff and thank you for the promptness in resolving issues.

We wish you further success in your work, economic stability and achievement of your goals!



OOO TD "Fit"

Zh. Kh. Tortsov

Option number 7

Tyatkin Ivan Dmitrievich

I express my gratitude for the active cooperation with our Bank!

I wish you further successful creative activity, new ideas and aspirations, joy from the results obtained and the achievement of new heights, the successful implementation of all undertakings!

Director of the Tver branch

OJSC "AK Surok"

T. Yu. Kreditorkin

Option number 8

Dear Albert Alfredovich Fedorov!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for cooperation with city structures.

You have achieved significant success in the field of repair and maintenance of social facilities, having taken a worthy place among the enterprises of the city. Thanks to your active life position, skillful organizational work, we were able to solve a number of economic issues related to the repair and maintenance of the administrative building.

I would especially like to note the high quality and professional level of your team.

Expressing confidence in further cooperation, I wish you well-being, good luck and success in solving social and economic issues of your team and the city as a whole in the new economic conditions.


Head of Administration


U. P. Zakoryukin

Option number 9

Director of CJSC "Art-Service"

Karelin Amadeus Vladimirovich

Please accept our sincere gratitude for the successful cooperation and high professionalism in our joint work!

We sincerely wish you success, new achievements, reliable partners, health and prosperity!



OOO "Fin-Design"

P. R. Kistochkin

Option number 10

Utkina Adelaide Aristarkhovna,

GOU secondary school №118

for fruitful cooperation in order to improve the level of education of young researchers, to involve them in independent research work in various fields of knowledge, to form a new level of language competence within the framework of the scientific and practical symposium of high school students "Linguist-2018".

Organizing committee co-chair

Symposium "Linguist-2019",

director of the Omsk gymnasium No. 644

E. A. Sokratov

Option number 11

Dear Mazurkina Agrippina Valerievna!

On behalf of the entire staff of the Kursk branch of NationalStroyBank

I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the successful cooperation and the trust placed in the Bank.

We highly appreciate your efforts and energy aimed at the development of joint programs, as well as your highly professional and indifferent attitude to each project and, most importantly, to the client.

We firmly believe in the further successful development of our business and friendship relations and look forward to a fruitful partnership in 2020.

For its part, the Bank will make all necessary efforts to achieve common goals and results.

Once again, we thank you for our joint work and wish you successful professional development, career growth and satisfaction with the results of your activities!

Manager of KF OAO NSB

Ts. Ya. Yablochkova

Option number 12

Dear Arkhip Veniaminovich!

LLC "Finance Broker" expresses its gratitude to the company "IT technology" for mutually beneficial cooperation, timeliness, efficiency, responsibility in the execution of instructions.

During the period of our joint work, IT technology has established itself as a reliable contractor capable of performing complex tasks at a high professional level.

We sincerely wish you and your company prosperity and further success in the implementation of new projects.


Vice President, Head

Retail Department

Zh. Kh. Torgashevsky

Option number 13

Director of the Institute of Business and Business Administration

Bogdanov Arnold Galaktionovich

The administration of the Sverdlovsk region expresses its deep gratitude to you and your team for cooperation in the field of training specialists in the field of business administration.

I would especially like to note the high qualification and professionalism of the employees of the Institute of Business, the clear organization of the educational process, the well-chosen teaching staff, and the attentive attitude to the students.

During the training and cooperation with you, employees of the state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region have gained knowledge that has become a serious foundation in their practical activities.

We wish you and your entire team professional success and prosperity!

We hope that in the future our cooperation will only strengthen and become even longer and more fruitful.

Vice Governor -

Deputy Chairman of the Administration

Sverdlovsk region

for financial and economic policy

U. Z. Profits

Option number 14

Director of LLC "Gaspar"

Galaktionov K. R.

Dear Kliment Rubenovich!

The administration and staff of the Regional State Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Blagoveshchensk College of Food Industry" expresses their sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful joint activity.

It is a pleasure to cooperate with a company that works reliably, promptly, and most importantly, in strict accordance with contractual obligations.

We wish you and your team members further success, economic stability, and confidence in the future!

Director of OSU SPO BCCI

E. Ch. Morkovkina

Blagoveshchensk 2019

Option number 15

Jazz Style LLC and National Style LLC express their gratitude to the General Director, as well as to the entire staff of ZOND LLC, for many years of fruitful cooperation.

Throughout the entire period of interaction, the company's products were of high quality, deliveries were on time, and the relationship between our companies was mutually beneficial and trusting.

The team of Jazz Style LLC and National Style LLC hope for further joint development and expansion of the range, wishes the ZOND LLC prosperity and financial well-being.

Head of PRM department

T. Zh. Svetozarov


Option number 16

Electron LLC sincerely thanks RosBazon LLC for the established relationship.

We value honesty, responsibility and decency in fulfilling our obligations, which we noted throughout the entire period of cooperation with your company.

We wish that the relationship between our companies develops and finds more and more common ground.

With thanks,


Electron LLC

H. Z. Novomirov

Option number 17

Service center "T-set" Volgodonsk expresses its sincere gratitude

online store "Concord".

During the period of our cooperation, we noted your competence, efficiency and desire to do your work efficiently and in a timely manner.

Your company has become a model of mutually beneficial cooperation for us. We would like to especially highlight your managers, who promptly provide information about the arrival of new products and provide detailed advice on all emerging issues.

We not only plan further cooperation with you, but also recommend the Concord online store to everyone as a reliable and profitable partner.

Option number 18

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Yenisei State Pedagogical University

expresses gratitude to the director of the MBOU "School No. 73", Yeniseisk

Anisimova Galina Ostapovna

for fruitful cooperation within the framework of a network partnership in the field of higher professional education in the field of sociology and organization of high-level scientific and methodological support for joint experimental activities.

Vice-Rector for Networking

and social partnership

R. T. Ramizov

Yeniseysk 2019

Option number 19

Rector of APO "Russian

University of Business and Finance"

Shch. L. Sabirov

Tais LLC expresses its gratitude to the Russian University of Business and Finance for cooperation in the field of practical training for students of secondary vocational education in the specialty 90802 - "Technique and technology of transport in tourism".

During the period of internship, students have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side, as conscientious, hardworking, disciplined workers and competent trainees who perfectly apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Thank you for the quality training of future specialists.


D. Yu. Faridov

Option number 20

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Zheleznogorsk State University"


LLC "Filosof" and personally to the director Khakimov Aristotle Ernestovich

for cooperation and significant contribution to the development of higher education in Zheleznogorsk.

We are sure that our partnership relations will be further developed and will help to strengthen the connection between business and education, which are important components of training highly qualified specialists for the real sector of the economy.


Yu. Y. Yakimov

  • At the top of the page (in the header) should be indicated - "Letter of thanks"
  • Immediately under the heading (on the right or in the center) indicate from whom the letter is from. However, this optional condition can be specified directly in the body of the letter.
  • This is followed by an appeal, that is, a mention to whom exactly the words in the text are addressed.
  • The word “awarded” is not entirely correct to write, since they are usually awarded with a diploma, and not a letter or gratitude. Look in the samples, there - correctly framed.
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page.
  • After the main text, at the end (indenting one or more lines), the position of the author of the letter is placed on the left side (see the examples above) and opposite (on the right side) - the surname and initials.
  • In the middle between the position and full name. put a personal signature.
  • The seal of the organization is put on the signature (or near it).
  • The last entry on the pages will be the date (you can enter in full, but it is permissible to leave only the month and year or only the year). Optionally, enter the name of the settlement.
  • The name (or name of the organization) of the person to whom the letter is addressed can be bolded.



noun, With., use comp. often

Morphology: (no) what? reverence, what? reverence, (see) what? reverence, how? reverence, about what? about respect

1. reverence refers to someone's feeling of deep respect for someone.

To experience humble respect for someone. | Express your respect to someone. | Give respect to your neighbor. | Give deep respect. | Show respect to someone. | Treat parents with respect. | Talk to someone without due respect. | Happy is he who shows due respect to others and does not expect such respect for himself. | He earned by his behavior the love and respect of all his comrades.

2. If anyone transmits (testifies) to anyone respect, then this means that this person ceremoniously sends greetings to someone, expresses his respect through someone.

I had the honor to pay my respects to her.

3. Phrase My regards sounds like a greeting when meeting or parting with someone.

My respect to society! | Ladies and Gentlemen! My regards.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "respect" is in other dictionaries:

    HONOR, respect, pl. no, cf. (book). Deep respect for someone. To treat someone with respect, without any respect. Show respect. Feel respect. The lowest respect (polite obsequious ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Respect, reverence, attention, adoration, worship, worship, subservience, reverence, honor, honour. Enter in honor, inspire respect, impress. He managed to put himself well. .. Prot. contempt. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    Reverence- Reverence ♦ Estime A special kind of respect; not that respect with which we treat every human being, but that which we show to those whom we consider the best, if their valuable qualities do not exceed the average or our own standard (in ... ... Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    HONOR, I, cf. Deep respect. Relate to someone. respectfully. With perfect respect (polite final formula of the letter; obsolete). My p.! (greeting at a meeting or parting; in the speech of men; colloquial). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    reverence- great reverence great reverence greatest reverence deep reverence perfect reverence ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    reverence- My respect (colloquial fam.) 1) greeting when meeting or (less often) when parting with someone n. Ah, my respect... said Rshikov. Chekhov. 2) in value predicate, usually in combination with a word just about what n. very unpleasant, unacceptable or… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    reverence- me, cf. Deep respect. In speech etiquette, a form of expression of friendly disposition and greetings; an exclamation about something amazing. The visitor went to pay visits to all city dignitaries. Was with respect to the governor. // ... Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from the works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

    To give / give respect to someone. Mord. Greet someone. SRGM 1980, 11. To release with our respect someone. Jarg. corner., arrest., mil. Release someone. out of custody, but remain under observation. Baldaev 1, 298; Baldaev 2, 48; TSUZH, 125 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Reverence- (related to the word honor, honor) - deep respect. A possible manifestation is the removal of a headdress, bowing, shaking hands with both hands, kissing a hand. Cf .: The vast expanses evoke respect, which implies a beginning feeling of fear ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    reverence- testify perfect deference demonstration ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Masterpieces of Chinese Art, Rhonda Cooper, Geoffrey Cooper. This publication is a magnificent survey of the artistic masterpieces of Chinese civilization from the Neolithic era to the end of the 20th century, which includes works in the field of sculpture, painting, calligraphy and…


In the first part of the letter, which is no more than one paragraph, write who you represent and greet the leadership of the prospective partner on her behalf. Here it is appropriate to use phrases such as “Our company wishes prosperity to your business”, “on behalf of such and such, we express our respect to you”. Be sure to include the name of your organization. Remember that in the form of spam, any company receives more than a dozen letters with a proposal to conclude an agreement, so the addressee must immediately understand whose proposal it is.

In the next part of the letter, remind the potential partner that your companies already had preliminary agreements on a specific contract or service. You can use phrases such as "our negotiations ...", "We have considered your wishes regarding ...". Make it clear to the addressee that this offer is not a template and basic one, as for all clients, but was developed specifically for this company, and takes into account all the features of this particular business.

In the largest part of the offer, indicate exactly what services or goods you offer, what they are, delivery times. The information presented in the tables is easier to perceive. Offer the client several options with different cost, quantity and volume of services provided, so that he can choose the most suitable combination. Highlight the benefits that the client will receive by concluding an agreement with your organization. Here you can indicate discounts, special offers to regular partners, the possibility of concluding contracts for the provision of additional services or the supply of other goods on extra-favorable terms.

Dedicate the last part to wishes and farewell words. Use standard phrases, for example, "We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation ...", "Best wishes ...". Be sure to sign and leave your contact details so that if a positive decision is made, the client does not look for a phone number or email address where you can be contacted.

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Business proposals for cooperation are usually made to representatives of various organizations, enterprises and firms. We are driven by the desire to use the opportunity of mutually beneficial cooperation. If you start with a business letter summarizing the nature of your proposal, an offer letter should be included. A positive response to a proposal for cooperation depends on how you make it.

Useful advice

The fact is that in an ordinary commercial offer, as the main content and semantic component, there is everything necessary for dividing the parties into a seller and a buyer of goods or services. In a business proposal for cooperation, specific positions for market discussion and bargaining can also be presented, but still to a small extent. The text about cooperation should contain an element of persuasion and influence not on the buyer, but on the future partner.


  • business proposals for cooperation
  • Positive response to a letter with a proposal for cooperation
  • How to write a letter of cooperation proposal

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, We highly appreciate the joint work with your company, we strive to meet the needs of guests. We are well aware that we owe our success, first of all, to the companies offering our services, and, in particular, to successful cooperation with you.

We express hope for the continuation of successful cooperation for the benefit of our common interests, as well as for a further increase in the achieved indicators of joint work. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #2: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, On behalf of the company, I would like to thank the Stroy-Service team for the mutually beneficial cooperation and good partnership shown during the construction of the office building.

  • The text of the letter of thanks to the partner for cooperation.
  • Respectable partners!

    We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in 2017.

    We believe in maintaining the existing business and friendly relations, we hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights in business.

    Sincerely, Director of Mayak LLC Petrov Petrov I.I.

    In fact, these are standard texts of a thank you document that are devoid of individuality and soul. If you want to express really sincere gratitude to your partner, then use the letters presented only as a sample, try to write your own text that does not look like a template, so that it contains soul and gratitude.

    We express our respect to you and thank you for your cooperation

    Example #5

    Dear Sergey Stepanovich!

    The Directorate of OAO Istok thanks your company for the study of the quality of our drinking water. Your work has helped us improve the chemical composition of our products and make them safer.

    Our company plans to increase the range of products, so in the future we will again be happy to turn to your expert laboratory for help.

    Ipatov M.N. Quality Director of OAO Istok

    Example #6

    Dear Galina Anatolyevna!

    I, the director of StroyProekt LLC, express my gratitude to you and say thank you for all the years of joint activity.
    During this time, our organizations have been able to go a long way, in which anything has happened.

    You were able to solve a number of economic issues related to the repair and maintenance of the administrative building.

    I would especially like to note the high quality and professional level of your team.

    Expressing confidence in further cooperation, I wish you well-being, good luck and success in solving social and economic issues of your team and the city as a whole in the new economic conditions.


    Head of Administration


    U.P. Zakoryukin

    Option number 9

    Director of CJSC "Art-Service"

    Karelin Amadeus Vladimirovich

    Please accept our sincere gratitude for the successful cooperation and high professionalism in our joint work!

    We sincerely wish you success, new achievements, reliable partners, health and prosperity!



    OOO "Fin-Design"

    We express our respect to you and thank you for your cooperation in English


    We highly appreciate the joint work with your company and look forward to further close cooperation. We wish you and your company success and prosperity! Deputy Director I.S.Sushin Letter No. 2: Dear Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Please accept my gratitude for the professional work carried out at a high level during the construction of the Solnyshko store. I would like to express my gratitude to you personally and to the staff of your organization for their assistance in preparing the documentation.

    Letter of thanks to partners for cooperation

    With gratitude, General Director of Electron LLC Kh.Z.Novomirov Option No. 17 Service center "T-set"

    Volgodonsk expresses its sincere gratitude to the Concord online store.


    Option number 14

    Director of Gaspar LLC Galaktionov K.R.

    Dear Kliment Rubenovich!

    The administration and staff of the Regional State Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Blagoveshchensk College of Food Industry" expresses their sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful joint activity.

    It is a pleasure to cooperate with a company that works reliably, promptly, and most importantly, in strict accordance with contractual obligations.

    We wish you and your team members further success, economic stability, and confidence in the future!

    Director of OSU SPO BCCI

    Stationery is more suitable for everyday business correspondence. It is in it that they will help to express the main idea. In thank you messages, they are best avoided.

    Parts of speech

    Thanking for cooperation in the text can be done in many ways. It is advisable, when compiling a message, to emphasize the importance of interaction with the counterparty, to write about the fruitfulness of joint work.

    In this case, adjectives and verbs will help express your thoughts. There should be a minimum of nouns in letters of this kind. The abundance of these parts of speech will make the text dry and emotionless. It is not worth hoping to achieve this further correspondence with an expression of gratitude.


    It is not enough to compose a message of this type. It also needs to be formatted correctly. In a thank you letter, it is better to use different ways of text formatting.


    An example of an official thank you letter for cooperation to a partner


    LLC "___" represented by the General Director _______ expresses its gratitude to the team and management of LLC ___ for the successful long-term cooperation. Over the years of cooperation, relations between our companies have strengthened, thanks to the common interests, the best results have been achieved in our work. We express hope for the further development of our relations and reaching a new level of cooperation with closer relations.


    The text of a thank you letter to the supplier for cooperation

    SP ___ expresses its gratitude to ___ LLC for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to the warehouses of our company.

    And you did it! Thanks to your common efforts, your collective spirit, our company will enter the new year as one of the most prosperous in the city.

    We appreciate you and sincerely wish you warmth, love, family comfort and high salaries!

    Sincerely, CEO.

    3. An example of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to partners

    Dear partners!

    I express my sincere gratitude to you for our fruitful cooperation! Our joint efforts have led us to a natural business victory! I believe that in the future we will be able to maintain and continue our partnership.

    I wish you health, personal prosperity, new mutually beneficial projects and the conquest of even more impregnable heights in our difficult business.

    In a letter between counterparties, it is customary to “thank”, although the first way of expressing gratitude for the full implementation of a cooperation agreement between legal entities is also quite suitable. The text of the message itself will not change in any way.

    Misses at work

    Collaboration between two companies is rarely perfect. Everyone makes mistakes at work. Still, it is not worth mentioning the shortcomings in joint activities in a letter of thanks.
    The text of the message is compiled for a completely different purpose. It is better to thank your partner once again than to detail your attention on shortcomings.


    The effect of expressing gratitude should not be “killed” with dry clerical phrases. Such a message will not cause due attention. From the side of the counterparty, the letter will more resemble an ordinary circular.
