Family Tree Occupations Research in Dow and. "Professions of my family". And there are so many professions… Each profession is good in its own way. The world of professions is multifaceted, we can’t count all of them, But understand what for. Where does the student get information from?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bushevets NOSH"

"Professions of my family"

Children's creative project

Done by 2nd grade students

Project leader - teacher

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Bologoe 2015

Objective of the project : get to know the professions of their parents.

Project objectives :

  • learn from parents about their profession;
  • issue an album of essays "Professions of our parents."

The relevance of the project.

On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. In life, things are not so simple. In the old days, there were few professions, and all of them could fit on one porch, along with the king.

The first Tsar Ivan appeared in Russia 600 years agoIII, and with him there were professions: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, gardener, fisherman, miller, jeweler, carpenter. In the old days, people were proud of craftsmanship. Now all the professions on one porch will not fit. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time.

A profession is a business that is done every day and that is useful to other people. Professions need special training.

A profession is a type of work that requires a certain training, knowledge and skills from a person.

Every business has its own rules, every profession has its own tools. Some professions require very sophisticated machines. How to choose a profession? It is very important that you enjoy your work. Only then can you become a master of your craft. Do school-age children need to be introduced to professions, or do they learn about them on their own? I think it's necessary. In the life of every person, professional activity occupies an important place. From the first steps of the child, parents think about his future, carefully monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional fate. Professional self-determination is associated with personality development, then the younger age is preparatory.

The child's ideas about professions are limited by his poor life experience. In order to expand knowledge about the diversity of professions, we decided to create a project “Professions of my family” with children.

The project is designed for children of primary school age and their parents; persons of different sexes, different family incomes, social status and religion can equally participate in the project.

Implementation period: 20 days.

Stages of work on the project:

Dive into the project

Organizational stage

Implementation of activities

Processing and registration of the results

Presentation and discussion of the obtained results.

Dive into the project. At this stage, students were surveyed. The students were asked to answer two questions:

1. Can you name the profession of your parents?

2. Can you name what your parents' job is?

Survey results. The survey showed that 33% of students can name the professions of their parents, but 67% of students cannot say what their job is. Thus, there was a need to solve this problem: to find out the features of the work of their parents.

organizational stage. To solve the problem, an action plan was jointly developed:

1. Conduct an excursion to the village library and learn from the literature about various professions.

2. Observation of the work of adults "Cook", "Janitor", "Teacher", "Seller".

3. Find out from parents what their job is.

4. To issue the received results.

Implementation of activities. At this stage, the children collected data: they went on an excursion to the place of work of their parents (in groups), conducted interviews with their parents.

Processing and registration of the results. At this stage, the guys wrote essays, made drawings.

Discussion of the obtained results. A class hour was held in the class, during which the children presented the results of their work. After the presentation of the work, the guys shared their impressions, expressed their opinion about the results. An album of the best compositions "Professions of our parents" was collected.

Dog Ekaterina.

My mother's name is Galya. She works as an accountent. Most of the time she sits at the computer, keeps records and fills out various documents. The company where my mother works is located in St. Petersburg, so she often has to go on business trips. Every three months, my mother submits declarations and reports to the tax office.

Sometimes in the evenings and weekends, my mother moonlights as a manicurist and nail extension. Many clients come to her - young girls, women in order to make themselves beautiful nails.

Shibanova Alexandra.

There are many professions in the world and they are all very different and very important. Almost all of my family members work for the railroad. For example, my mother Lena works as a passenger train conductor. She follows the passengers along the way. If someone needs help, then mom will always help. She will prepare tea, coffee for those who wish, offer cookies or sweets. My grandmother Tanya works as a station attendant. She has a very responsible job. She gives trains the green light to pass. And my uncle Dmitry works as a head of the railway. He directs all the work done. And my dad is a driver. He transports people. And when necessary, various cargoes.

In our country, there are a large number of professions and each is interesting in its own way.

Udarova Victoria

I want to tell you about the profession of my mother Alexandra. She works as a sales assistant in the Megafon Retail salon. It sells phones, tablets, modems, cases, accessories and toys. Mom can tell the buyer which phone or tablet is better to choose. It will tell you which one to choose a favorable tariff for connection. If the clients of the salon have any problems, then the mother tries to help them solve them. I visited my mother several times at work and highlighted how she works. My mom works well.

Sidorova Arina.

I have a big family. In addition to mom and brother, there are also grandparents. I play with them, go to the forest, go fishing. But I want to tell you about my grandmother Valya, because I spend all my free time with her. My grandmother, and her name is Valentina Evgenievna, works as the director of our village club "Cosmos". I am very interested there, because a lot of children from our village go to the club. And my grandmother is engaged with children there: children dance, sing, go to various competitions, rallies, concerts. For adults, grandmother organizes various holidays, evenings. And at anniversary events and weddings, my grandmother works as a toastmaster. In the summer in a birch grove, she spends the Day of the village. She participates in this event. And I also sing and dance with my grandmother. Everyone loves my grandmother, and I love her very much too.

Petrova Anastasia

There are a lot of male jobs in the world. I want to talk about my father's profession. He works at the Bologovsky Valve Plant "BAZ" as a mechanic - repairman. He repairs large machines on which water taps and valves are made. This profession is very responsible, because dad needs to know the design of machine tools well. After all, the work of the machine depends on it. If a machine fails, then dad needs to quickly figure out what's wrong, why the machine stopped working. There are only two such factories in Russia where my dad works. Therefore, the products of the Bologovsky Valves Plant are sold not only in our country, but also abroad.

Kucherenko Karina

I want to tell you a little about my family. We arrived in the village of Bushevets quite recently from Ukraine from the city of Mariupol. My dad immediately found a job at the Bushevets plant. He works as a foreman in the workshop and oversees the work of his workers. My mother is not working anywhere yet. She is a housewife. She has a lot of work at home - cooking, washing, checking my homework, playing with my little brother. And in the evening before going to bed, my mother reads children's books to us.

Arkhipova Ekaterina.

There are many professions in the world. And they are all so different and very necessary. My mother, for example, works in a large supermarket "Devyatochka" as a seller. She works in the meat department. Serves those customers who need sausage, meat or smoked fish. I visited my mother several times at work and watched her work. How she quickly offers goods to customers, tells which sausage is tastier, and which piece of meat is better to buy. Grandma has a completely different profession. When she was young, she worked as a kindergarten teacher. And my grandmother draws well. She helps me make drawings that we are asked at school to participate in competitions. Grandma can help make any craft. And now she works as a janitor in our house management. This is also a very important job. After all, she needs to clear the paths to the entrance in time, sweep away the snow, sprinkle the paths with sand. When a lot of snow falls, then mom helps grandmother. And my grandmother helped our painters to make repairs in the entrances. That's how many professions my grandmother has.

Brigadier Tatiana

I want to talk about my mother's profession. She works on the railroad at the Bushevets station. My mother is a station attendant. Especially about my profession, my mother does not apply. I only know thatstation duty officer is a responsible employee of the traffic service, who manages the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as shunting movements within one separate point.No one, except the station attendant, has the right to give orders for the reception, passage and departure of trains and for the production of maneuvers on the tracks followed by organized trains. The head of the station and superiors can give their orders only through the station attendant.My mother's profession is very responsible. She must know a lot and be aware of all the innovations in documents, orders and telegrams.

One of the most important tasks of educating adolescents aged 12-15 is to develop their ability to make choices. Already in the 9th grade, they, fifteen years old, will have to make a choice that will determine their lives for the next few years. How can you help a teenager? What can parents do? To understand these issues will help the psychologist of the School of Cooperation, candidate of psychological sciences Tatyana Borisovna Kiseleva.

Let's start from afar. Often parents do not realize that their children's life experience is very limited. Adolescents know little about professions and have a poor idea of ​​what specialists do in a particular field.

Where does the student get information from?

Representatives of some professions can be encountered in everyday life: a doctor, a teacher, a salesman. Some professions are quite colorfully shown in films. The modern film industry has especially vividly depicted the work of a killer, a secret agent, a necessarily mad scientist, an investigator for especially important cases who catches a killer, and, of course, again a doctor in the person of Dr. House.

Quite often, a profession is judged by the content of school disciplines, in which only simplified ideas about science are given. And such popular professions as a pharmacist, economist, logistics manager, personnel manager, turn out to be completely empty of content for a modern student. But a child does not grow in a vacuum. Every day at home, he meets with members of his family who are returning from work.

However, often the guys have a bad idea even of what their mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother do at work. As conversations with parents have shown, there are indeed objective difficulties on the way to explaining to a child what an adult does at work. Not everyone has the gift of a storyteller. It is difficult to find understandable words that replace special terms.

Where to begin

Talk about grandparents. And even great-grandparents. How they learned. If there are certificates and diplomas, be sure to consider them together with the teenager.

My colleague allowed me to record her story to her teenage son. “My grandmother, and your great-grandmother, dreamed of becoming a pilot in the 30s, there is a photograph of her in a flight helmet. It was she who took part in training flights. However, the health commission did not let her into the school. Grandmother entered the Pedagogical Institute and became a teacher of physics. She was a very responsible and conscientious person, she was respected by her colleagues and loved by schoolchildren. In our sideboard there is a vase with a dedicatory inscription donated by her students. And my grandmother's father had the ability to teach. He was a teacher at a real school. Documents confirming this were given to me by my grandmother when I was already an adult and taught myself. It turns out that I am a teacher in the 4th generation, and you can become one in the 5th.

Such a story allows a teenager to learn a lot. For example, what is the difference between a profession and a specialty. That there are fashionable professions, but there are demanded ones. Learn that abilities do not always appear early, sometimes you need to change several jobs in order to find the one that will become yours.

Family tree of professions

To help the child navigate the variety of professions and feel their "roots", we advise you to build a family tree of professions, by analogy with a genealogical tree. You will see that unexpected discoveries await you along the way.

“Wow dad, I didn’t know you were an electronics engineer by training! And why have you never worked in your specialty? Mom, and you, it turns out, are twice an expert. What is a patent case? And the grandfather is generally the coolest, except for the university, he graduated from the Higher Party School, and what did they teach there? It's like personnel management, right? Abilities are often inherited, but not always in a straight line. A girl from a family of musicians is fond of chess and mathematics. It turns out that she is following in the footsteps of her grandfather on her father's side, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.

Help your teen feel their roots

You can understand yourself only if you have learned to understand others. The mistakes and discoveries of previous generations will help new generations expand their understanding of the world. It is very important that a teenager is not afraid to make mistakes, understands that it is rarely possible to choose a profession once and for all life. And now you have to constantly learn and change your profile.

Already known professions develop and change. New technologies are constantly emerging that transform the old specialties. The story of what happened a long time ago helps to take a step into the future. The experience of previous generations, like a flashlight, illuminates the path for those who go forward. Good luck to everyone along the way!

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
MY FAMILY TREE OF PROFESSIONS I am an Auto MechanicDaddy Train driverMomHairdresserGrandmother CookGrandfatherBulldozer driverGreat-grandmotherHairdresserGreat-grandfatherTractor driverGrandmaSeamstressGrandfatherMusicianGreat-grandfatherBuilderGreat-grandmotherDoctor MOMMy mother is a hairdresser.Hairdressers work a lot with their hands. But in addition to knowledge of technology and practical skills, one of the main types of labor is creativity. After all, only a creative master can create a new image by simply changing the hairstyle. dad My dad is an electric train driver. The profession of an electric train driver is strictly male. Requires huge physical and mental costs. Harm to the health of an electric train driver is caused by electromagnetic radiation and vibrations, dusty air. So a stable and decent salary is a very modest reward for hard work. The machinists are healthy and physically fit people: each of their working days begins with a medical examination. Shift work. On the mother's line Grandmother, the cook must know for whom which dishes can be harmful and, depending on the characteristics of the body of a particular person, be able to create an individual menu for him, which will not only be tasty, but also have a beneficial effect on health. grandfatherMy grandfather is a bulldozer driver. A bulldozer driver is a fairly common profession in construction. With his direct participation, railways and roads, earthen dams and water channels, as well as trenches for laying various communications are being created. The bulldozer itself is a machine, the design of which is based on a caterpillar or wheeled tractor, equipped with a special knife (blade). great-grandmotherMy great-grandmother is a hairdresser. This profession is suitable for creative and assiduous people. Not everyone can stand for an hour cutting or coloring one client. Communication skills will help to gain regular customers. Stress resistance is the best way to get out of conflict situations. Clients often do not know what they want and call the wrong hairstyles at all. It is important to find common ground and learn to understand customers. great-grandfatherMy great-grandfather is a tractor driver. The profession of a tractor driver is one of the most famous working specialties. At the same time, few are familiar with the specifics of this work. A tractor is not an easy machine, to work with which an employee, in addition to performing a huge list of specific tasks, must be able to repair the tractor, set up its various components, and also assemble and repair electrical appliances. On my father's side Grandmother My grandmother is a seamstress. Seamstress is a woman's profession. Accuracy, taste, strictness to the smallest details and details, the accuracy of each movement, perseverance. A rare man combines these qualities, and in every woman they are always present. Any woman, by definition, is a born seamstress. grandfatherMy grandfather is a musician. The profession of a musician is not an ordinary job, it is an art that involves creativity. One of such people is almost impossible to demand anything, the flight of their imagination is not limited by anything. That is why there are no strict criteria and frameworks for the profession of a musician. Of course, you need to continuously develop your ear, rhythm, recognize a motive without notes. The melody should sound easy and unconstrained, only professionals will understand what a titanic work was spent on its creation. The average listener should just enjoy the music. great-grandmotherMy great-grandmother is a doctor. A doctor is first of all an intelligent person with a good memory. He always strives for excellence and gains new knowledge. After all, medicine does not stand still. It is important that the doctor has a high stress tolerance, especially if you have chosen surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics or psychiatry. The doctor must be honest and be able to make quick decisions in critical situations. After all, delay can cost the patient his life. Also, the physician should be able to explain to the patient the essence of the problem, reassure and interpret the importance of treatment. great-grandfatherMy great-grandfather is a builder. The profession of a builder is very ancient. Thanks to historical architectural buildings, we can learn a lot about the life and culture of our ancestors. Many structures have survived to this day, the age of which is measured in millennia. The craftsmen have passed on their experience from generation to generation. Why did I choose the profession of an auto mechanic? I chose the profession of an auto mechanic, because in my family line in the male line, everyone is connected with the machine business. I really like to study vehicles, the structure of the mechanism, and their brands. In the future, I plan to open a service station. Thank you for watching!

Afanasyeva Xenia

Research work on the topic "My family profession"



"My family profession"


Natural science.

Completed by: Afanasyeva Ksenia,

2nd grade student

Head: Chursina Marina Vasilievna,

primary school teacher


Introduction. 3

Chapter 1

1.1. What is a pedigree. 4

1.2. How to make a pedigree 4

1.3. What is a dynasty. five

Chapter 2. Research part.

2.1. My ancestry. five

2.2. My family profession tree 5

Conclusion. 6

Bibliography. 7

Annex 1 "Types of family tree" 8

Annex 2 "My family tree" 10

Appendix 2 "Family Professions Tree" 11


I became interestedhow many generations are remembered in our family, are there any interesting facts in the history of our family. And most of all I wanted to know if there is a family profession in our family.

Since my grandmother and mother are teachers by educationwe assumed that there was a dynasty in our family.

In this regard, we decided to conduct a study. Target of our study to compile the genealogy of the Afanasyev family and find out if we have a “family profession”.

To do this, we had to solve a series tasks:

1) find out what a pedigree is;

2) find out how you can make your family tree;

3) to compile the genealogy of the Afanasyev family;

4) find out what a “dynasty” is;

5) check if there is a dynasty in our family.

The theme of this project is relevant not only for students, but also for parents. Today, the problem of studying the history of one's family is especially important, because modern families are losing the connection of generations, not only distant, but also close relatives communicate little.

Chapter 1. The main part.

  1. What is a pedigree.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, “pedigree” is interpreted as a series of generations descended from one ancestor.

In a modern encyclopedia, a “pedigree” is a list of generations of the same kind, establishing the origin and degree of kinship.

In A.A. Pleshakov’s textbook “The World Around” it is said that the words “relatives”, “relatives”, “relatives” have a common root. All of them are from the word "genus". From him, the word "pedigree" - the history of the family in several generations. We will use this definition.

The science that studies the history of the origin of childbirth and the systematization of genealogies is called genealogy (from the Greek genos genus, origin and logos word, teaching).

Genealogy has two directions in research: top-down (they start with the most famous ancestor in the past and follow from him to his descendants to the present day) and ascending (information is collected starting from a specific person to his ancestors: to his father, grandfather, etc.)

Ascending and descending lineages can bemale and mixed.

male pedigree - the entire clan of men is indicated, women are only indicated as spouses. mixed genealogy - indicates all generations descended from men and women. Such a genealogy covers several genera in the male and female lines.

  1. How to make a pedigree.

Where to start compiling a pedigree?

The algorithm for compiling a pedigree consists of 2 parts: the first part is a description of relatives living now; the second part is the search for information about ancestors in archives and libraries.

You need to start compiling a pedigree with a survey of relatives, and only then contact archives and libraries.

A pedigree can be arranged in different ways: a family tree, a pedigree table, a horizontal table, genealogical paintings, etc. (Appendix 1)

  1. What is a dynasty.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov's "dynasty" is interpreted as follows: a series of successively ruling monarchs from the same clan: in a figurative sense - about workers who pass on skills and labor traditions from generation to generation.

For us, the second, figurative meaning of this word is important. A dynasty is a series of generations that pass on professional skills, traditions, etc. from generation to generation.

Chapter 2. Research part.

2.1. My ancestry.

The first stage of our research was the compilation of a pedigree.

From the point of view of genealogy, my genealogy can be considered ascending, since we began compiling it with me, Ksenia Maksimovna Afanasyeva, and then recognized and recorded my ancestors. We have a mixed pedigree, as it covers several genera of the male (father's) and female (mother's) lines.

The study of the pedigree, we began with a survey of relatives. My mother helped me with this.We asked our grandparents and looked at photos of our ancestors in family albums. I learned about my ancestors before the sixth generation. We have presented our pedigree in the form of a pedigree table. (Annex 2)

2.2 Occupation tree of my family.

The second stage in the study was to find out the answer to the question: is there a dynasty in our family.

There are many interesting facts in the history of our family, but most of all we were interested in the question of who our grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandfathers worked for. Unfortunately, not much has been learned on this subject. Who my ancestors worked, I managed to find out only in three generations: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents.

There are people of many professions in our family: teachers, drivers and tractor drivers, welders. Great-grandmother - Afanasyeva Vera Sergeevna - was a master of cheese making.(Appendix 3)


Our study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Our family remembers their ancestors. We were able to draw up our pedigree up to the 6th generation.
  2. We can talk about dynasties in our family with confidence. My great-grandmother Ivanova (Ilyinykh) Olga Timofeevna worked as a primary school teacher, my grandmother Smorodskaya (Ivanova) Tatyana Ivanovna is also a primary school teacher, my mother Afanasyeva (Smorodskaya) Natalya Viktorovna is also a primary school and geography teacher. This is in the female line.

And in the male line - great-grandfather Afanasyev Nikolai Ilyich - a tractor driver, grandfather Afanasyev Evgeny Nikolaevich - a driver, dad Afanasyev Maxim Evgenievich - a driver.

Who knows, maybe I will become a teacher or a driver… time will tell.


  • Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: LLC "A Temp", 2010
  • The world. Grade 2 Textbook for general education. institutions. At 2 pm H 2/ A.A. Pleshakov. - M .: Education, 2011

List of Internet resources:

Attachment 1.

"Types of family tree".

Pedigree tree.

Pedigree table.

Horizontal table.

Round table.

Genealogical paintings.

Painting is a verbal retelling of the table. As an example, the genealogy of A.S. Pushkin (a small part).

1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, b. 05/26/1799 in Moscow, died 01/29/1837 in St. Petersburg from a mortal wound received on 01/27/1837 in a duel with cavalry guard J. Dantes

2.6. Cards.

The name of the project:

"Professions of my family" (senior group)

Leaders: teacher of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 of the combined type", Ermakova Valentina Vasilievna

Type of project: educational, creative, playful.

Objective of the project:

expand and systematize children's knowledge about the world of professions on the example of the professions of parents;

generalize the knowledge of children about the professions of their parents in the process of joint and independent activities;

help children gain some social experience.

Speech development:

1. Enrich the dictionary by introducing new concepts of "profession", "professional", "family", the names of professions;

2. Expand your general horizons;

3. Develop coherent speech.

Cognitive development:

1. Expand ideas about different professions; labor activities performed by adults; about the materials needed for work;

2. Awaken in children curiosity and interest in the activities of their parents.

Social and communicative development:

1. Develop communication skills;

2. Raise love and respect for family members;

3. Create conditions for active, independent, creative, play activities of children;

4. Contribute to the enrichment of parent-child relations with the experience of joint creative activity; involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten;

5. To cultivate respect and gratitude for working people, the desire to carry out any assignment conscientiously and responsibly.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

1. Introduce children to different types of creative professions (seamstress, artist, photographer);

2. To acquaint with the works of fiction on the topic of the project, the works of people of creative professions.

Project participants: educators, pupils, parents.


The world of professions in society is a complex, dynamic, constantly evolving system. The attitude to the profession is developed in the process of socialization of the individual, which also covers the preschool period. Acquaintance of children with the work of adults is not only a means of forming systemic knowledge, but also a significant social and emotional means of familiarizing them with the adult world, acquiring children the experience of communicating with people. This project will help, using the example of the immediate social environment, to introduce preschoolers to the world of professions.

Project stages:

I. Preparatory

1. Drawing up an activity plan;

2. Development and accumulation of the necessary material;

3. Development of an action plan;

4. Collection of information from books;

5. Generalization of the accumulated experience.

II. Main (planned activities)

1. Presentation for children "Professions";

2. Lesson "What do I want to be when I grow up?";

3. Drawing "Building a house" (acquaintance with the profession of a builder);

4. Drawing "Fighters with fire" (acquaintance with the profession of a fireman);

5. Application "Mitten - tack" (acquaintance with the profession of a cook);

6. Creative task for children and parents + lesson on speech development

"Professions of my family";

7. Reading fiction on the topic of the project:

- V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?";

− D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”;

− E. Uspensky “About Faith and Anfisa”,

"Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat";

− K. Chukovsky "Aibolit";

− S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa is a policeman";

− A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio";

− poems about labor “They can do everything in the world”;

− Andersen H.-G. Tales ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier",

"The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep" and others);

− Riddles about professions;

- Proverbs about work, skill and professions.

8. Lesson on life safety “Dangers in professions.

Dangerous Professions” (presentation + album with illustrations);

9. Development of speech "Poems about professions" (learning poems about professions);

10. Modeling "Airplane" (acquaintance with the profession of a pilot);

11. Drawing - coloring "All professions are important" (drawing the main details of the costume of people of different professions);

12. Quiz for children "What do we know about professions?";

13. Family leisure "Evening of a friendly family";

14. Creative task for children and parents "Making costumes and props for role-playing games by profession";

15. Making an album of children's and parent's works "Professions of my family";

16. Final presentation with assignments for consolidation "All professions are needed, all professions are important."


1. Preparation and holding of an exhibition of parent-child work;

2. Creation of a photo report on the activities carried out;

3. Design of the project;

4. Preparation of project materials for posting on the educator's website;

5. Show-defile of costumes and attributes of overalls "Parade of professions".


1. Children know and actively use words related to professions in speech;

2. Have an idea about different professions; labor activities performed by adults; about the materials needed for work;

3. They are able to actively, independently apply the acquired knowledge in gaming activities;

4. Children, together with their parents, prepared the proposed tasks using a creative approach; 5. All children are involved in the project, 80% of parents helped the children to draw the professions of the family, 57% made costumes or attributes for role-playing games in the group.

Project products:

1. Designed project;

2. Presentations:  "Professions";

 "Dangerous Professions" ("Military Professions");

 “All professions are needed, all professions are important”;

 "Man is red with work."

3. Summaries of classes;

4. Photo report;

5. Albums:  "Dangerous Professions";

 "Professions of my family" (creative works);

 “Professions in pictures”.

6. Attributes and costumes for role-playing games;

7. Creative works of children made in the process of GCD;

8. Music selection on the theme of the project (songs about representatives of different professions). Equipment:

projector, board, laptop, music center.

Application: photo report


Our drawings on the topic: "Professions of my parents"

We play. How good I am in a postman suit. My girlfriends got wonderful magazines.

It's nice to be needed by someone.

Look at me: "What a handsome man I am!" Our animals came to him for treatment.

I went to the store, now I will cook a delicious lunch. Even a doctor can envy him.

When I grow up, I will teach children. Being a mom isn't easy either.

In the meantime, I teach math to my dolls.

How wonderful! Gives the kids a good mood always!

We went on an excursion. We got acquainted with the work of our manager, Motorina E.V.

We received very interesting information.

How they wash and how they iron, they also learned. Oh, this is not an easy job!

We very much remember visiting the catering department. So many interesting things here. What huge pots! Today we will eat much better!

Thanks for attention!