How to preserve game in the field. Feathered game. What and how to get How to get game

Drake is a welcome trophy

When you finally decide to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, go somewhere far away to hunt for a few days, one very serious problem arises: how to preserve the trophies until you return home or how to cook them in the field. Now we will dwell in detail on how to properly preserve game meat, how to peel and cook it over a fire.

You have got an excellent hunting trophy - what to do next with it?

Freshly caught game birds are not immediately plucked - they must be allowed to cool. It will stay fresh longer if you hang the carcass so that the wind blows on it. Do not store your bird in a plastic bag, bag or backpack. In such conditions, it will deteriorate twice as fast. It is better to hang it on a game bag on a belt or on a tree at a halt. It should be borne in mind that in warm weather, in this way, you can keep a hunted pheasant, goose, duck unpeeled for no more than 6-8 hours, and in the summer heat - no more than 4. Small bird- twice smaller.

If you are out on a long hunt far from home, there is a way to preserve the meat for a whole week.

To do this, you need to take an ordinary 10-20 cubic meter syringe and a pack of purified salt with you. On the spot, you need to prepare a strong solution (for 100 ml of pure boiled water, a full tablespoon of salt) and inject it with a syringe into the muscles of the legs, chest, shoulders, neck, back, around the tail. About 200 ml of solution is used for one goose and wood grouse, 100 ml for a large duck, and about 40 ml for a small teal-type bird. It is not necessary to overdo it, otherwise the game will be heavily relocated.

Another way is to pluck, gut the bird and rub it with salt on the outside and inside (100 salt per kilogram of weight). If there is a lot of game, then you can put them in an enamel container, and smoke it after 5-6 days.

Meat spoils very quickly in places where shot and entrails get in. To preserve the fowl for 24 hours - gut it, but do not pluck, wash or salt (inside you can get wet with a dry napkin).

If you put inside, spruce, pine needles, then the freshness will be preserved for 2 days.

You can also use nettle or dry mustard. Powder it should be generously sprinkled on the head, under the feathers, especially in the area of ​​the tail and under the wings, and everything inside.

You can also use onions or garlic - cut into slices, push a part into the esophagus and fill the abdomen.

If the hunting is somewhere on the hunting base and there is a freezer, the bird can be frozen gutted.

How easy it is to pluck game - a few secrets

If the carcass was stored in the refrigerator, pour over it with boiling water. All feathers must be removed. Of course, small undeveloped feathers and down will remain. Such a simple procedure will facilitate cleaning - rub the carcass with flour and let it dry for 10 minutes. The remains of feathers and down will rise - they must be singed. So well you can clean almost all the bird, except - its fluff is very strong and you have to either grease it or remove it from the skin. In the latter case, the yellow subcutaneous fat should be carefully removed - it is very valuable. The broth and other dishes add flavor to the game.

In ancient times, they used this method - they carried with them a piece of salted bacon in a thin canvas and rubbed a plucked carcass with it.

Another effective way to get rid of the cannon (and not everyone loves a singed bird because of the smell) is to dip the bird with feathers completely in cold water (1 tablespoon of baking soda per liter) and stand for 30 minutes. Then scald with boiling water several (3-4) times - everything will be removed very easily, and the skin will be perfectly clean.

To gut a bird without an incision, make a small incision in the abdomen at the anus and gently pull out the intestines and stomach. Be sure to make sure the gallbladder is selected. Do not rinse, but pour a few tablespoons of salt through the incision and shake the carcass well. Then push juniper twigs or nettles into the cut.

Juniper is a great way to keep game fresh

An old folk way of keeping poultry and game

It is good to pluck, rinse and dry the carcasses, put them backs down in a saucepan and top with yogurt or kvass. Close the dishes tightly with a lid and tie them with gauze so that insects do not make their way. Meat can be stored in this way for up to 7 days. Rinse well before use, and then soak for an hour in a weak solution of baking soda.

Cooking game meat in a pot over a fire

After, wood grouse, goose, duck, first of all, you need to use the game, the carcass of which is most severely damaged, since such meat spoils faster.

The bird is plucked, gutted, legs, wingtips, mainly the head are cut off. Diving ducks and coots are not plucked, but the feather is removed along with the skin. Then they are thoroughly washed, trying to extract as much as possible all the fraction. Most of the game is cooked on a fire by boiling - this is broth, shurpa, roast. Be sure to remove the foam. To prepare the shurpa, they take a little more water so that it covers the meat. Only after boiling the meat until tender, you need to add potatoes, spices, salt.

Delicious Hungarian dish - bograch

Initially, frying is done in a pot - about 200 fresh or smoked bacon is melted, then onions and carrots are added in slices, slightly fried. Be sure to add a little paprika and immediately pour water, put chopped game and a glass of beans in it. When they are almost ready, potatoes are added in large cubes, a little tomato (ketchup is possible), spices, salt and everything is cooked until the potatoes are completely boiled. For spicy lovers, you can add hot peppers.

At the end of cooking, a branch of a fruit tree, preferably cherries, is set on fire in the fire and stewed right in the pot. This gives the dish a unique flavor. It turns out to be an extremely tasty and rich dish, something between a thick soup and a stew.

Next time we will tell you how to cook a bird on a spit, bake in a fire, in clay, in ash and hot earth.

Wild meat has high nutritional value and excellent taste. Elk meat contains from 3 to 5% fat, 20% protein and 1 - 1.5% carbohydrates. The amount of vitamins in 100 g of wild ungulate meat is sufficient to meet the daily needs of the human body. When cooked, it exudes the aroma of forest, mushrooms, leaves. Swamp game, especially great snipe and snipe, are valued for their delicate taste and low-melting, well-digestible fat. Boar game is considered a delicacy, first of all, for a kind of "forest" taste and aroma caused by feeding on birch buds and needles, quail and pheasant meat is distinguished by very thin layers of the most delicate fat.

Unfortunately, the properties of the game are such that it is prone to rapid spoilage, especially on warm days and in the absence of proper pretreatment. Game, severely beaten by a shot, soon becomes generally unsuitable for human consumption; moreover, in hunting conditions, it is not always possible to pay attention to the captured trophy in time.

For every hunter, it is important not only to get the game, but also to save it. This is extremely problematic during the period of hunting for birds. In summer, poultry, especially a duck taken in the evening dawn, becomes completely spoiled overnight and is not suitable for cooking. To avoid this, the birds must be gutted.

Gutting birds with a flyer (sticks with a knot at one end) through the anus is out of the question. This method has long been thoroughly criticized not only by many hunters, but also in hunting literature. The use of a flyer only aggravates the process of meat spoilage, since the intestines are only partially removed, often breaks, contaminating the abdominal cavity and contributing to meat decay. It is much easier and more convenient to carry out evisceration by making a small incision from the anus and through it to extract the entire intestine, leaving only giblets (heart, liver and lungs).

In no case should you put freshly caught ducks in a backpack or dump them in a heap, especially when their plumage is still wet. The broken bird is first suspended from a game bag or strap with a strap and gutted at the first opportunity. It is best to do this at the first rest or, in extreme cases, at the end of the day.

After evisceration, two or three pinches of coarse salt are poured into the abdominal cavity of the bird and shaken for its better penetration. Then the inner space of the carcass is filled with needles, juniper or, preferably, nettles. Dry mustard is a good preservative. She is used to powder the mouth, the wounds from the shot and the gutted cavity. Mustard protects meat from spoilage better than salt, is easily washed off and does not spoil the taste of the meat. In addition, mustard powder is incomparably lighter than salt, it is convenient to carry it in the pocket of a jacket or backpack.

Poultry treated in this way is stored for two to three days. For a longer storage in the plumage, it is necessary to change the "filling" by sprinkling the inside with new portions of salt or mustard and add pieces of garlic. It is necessary to transport birds in a hanging position: gutted head downward, unbroken - upward, hanging it with needles or nettles, which are a good antiseptic and a means of protecting against flies.

There are also more reliable ways of preserving game birds, but they require additional processing. So, for storage for five to seven days, the carcass must be gutted, plucked and be sure to cool. Then it is salted and put belly up in a tightly closed dish. If there is sour milk, yogurt or bread kvass, then they (with one or more of them) pour the game to the top, tightly closing the lid. You can also prepare a special solution for this purpose yourself. For one liter of boiled chilled water, add crushed garlic - three medium-sized heads, two teaspoons of vinegar essence and leave for 2 - 3 hours, after which the solution is ready for use. After storage in such a solution, the carcass is thoroughly washed and dipped for 1 hour in a weak solution of baking soda, after which it is washed well again.

For long-term storage of game, salting, smoking in a smoking pit, frying followed by filling with fat, or, in extreme cases, freezing are also used. The latter method is undesirable, since game birds and wild ungulate meat retain their amazing taste, being only chilled, but not frozen. Frozen game loses much of its quality, although hazel grouse, black grouse, quail, pheasants, and swamp game are highly prized in prestigious restaurants and after long-term refrigeration. However, gourmets who order such dishes in a restaurant can only guess about its true taste, content with only the "remnants of the former luxury."

If freezing of the game still cannot be avoided, it is recommended to quickly and deeply freeze it, followed by storage, which excludes thawing it before cooking. Meat is much better preserved if it is immersed in cold water for a moment in front of the freezer. The ice crust formed in this case contributes to the better preservation of its qualities.

In the numerous tips for the conservation of wild ungulate meat in the specialized literature, the first requirement to prevent spoilage of the game is to cut the carcass and then remove the internal organs. The usefulness of this operation is in no way questionable, but there is one significant nuance that needs to be paid special attention to. This nuance is the half of your trophy. When shooting a male of any kind of ungulates, especially a wild boar, the first step of the hunter, after he is convinced that the game is already dead, should be the removal of the genitals of the animal. If this is not done immediately, or if it is removed only after a while, all the meat can be thrown away - it will be impossible to eat it. This is especially true for older animals. Organs should not be removed all, but only the scrotum with its contents, also cutting out part of the adjacent skin. It should be noted that the meat of a seasoned cleaver can hardly be considered a delicacy. Even with timely processing of the scrotum with its contents, it has a pungent unpleasant odor.

Elk carcasses must be gutted and butchered immediately after shooting, even in the coldest weather, because the internal organs of large animals do not freeze even in severe frost, and the legs, on the contrary, freeze so that skinning can be very difficult. In a non-gutted elk, the meat in the abdominal cavity deteriorates overnight. Therefore, it is impossible to leave the wounded animals at night, if they die in the evening, by the morning their meat, most often, has already deteriorated.

To gut an ungulate, its carcass must be laid on its back and put logs or something else on both sides as a support. The first incision is made along the throat to the chest bones (the boar is cut across the throat), after which the esophagus is released with the fingers, pulled back and cut off from the head. After bandaging the esophagus, it is pushed deep into the chest.

After that, with special care, an incision is made along the center line of the abdomen from the anus to the chest, lifting the skin with two fingers and holding the knife with the blade up. For this operation, it is advisable to use a special knife with a rounded tip to prevent accidental "piercing" of the entrails. The "lock" between the hind legs is best cut with a knife or a special saw. The use of an ax for cutting is extremely undesirable, since after it small pieces of bones remain in the meat, which are simply impossible to wash or remove. The rectum, after being removed from the "lock", must also be tied with a cord. After opening the abdominal cavity, the stomach with intestines is slightly raised and the diaphragm is cut off, making an undercut as close as possible to the ribs. Since the diaphragm deteriorates very quickly, it must be removed completely.

Extra care should be taken when removing the bladder so that its contents do not spill onto the meat. If the abdominal cavity is contaminated with bile, intestinal or bladder contents, which often occurs with an unsuccessful shot, it must be cleaned as soon as possible, then treated with salt or vinegar. This will not improve the quality of the meat, but it will prevent it from spoiling.

The liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and spleen are used primarily, they are usually the "highlight" of the hunting feast after the successful completion of the hunt. It should be remembered that the liver of ungulates, with the exception of wild boar and mouflon, does not have a gallbladder. It often happens that the liver of some animals has "sore" spots in the form of spots, dots. They must be cut out, but the entire liver should not be thrown away.

It is best to hang the gutted carcass to drain the blood, which significantly improves the quality of the meat and prolongs its shelf life. Washing the game with water is excluded - this accelerates the process of meat decomposition. If the meat needs to be cleaned, then this should be done mechanically: with grass, pine needles or a clean cloth. The game is washed and soaked just before cooking.

Then the carcass of the animal must be cooled. This is best done by hanging it in a well-ventilated place and placing it inside the spacers. The meat of wild ungulates is preserved for a long time, if it is separated from the bones, salt and tamped in a barrel or enamel bowl, placing a weight on top.

The hare hunting season takes place in the cold autumn-winter months and it is not advisable to gut the animals that have been caught on the spot. The only thing to do after a successful shot is to remove the urine from the hare, this will protect the meat from an unpleasant odor. For such a procedure, you need to take it by the front paws and several times run your palm from top to bottom along the abdomen to the anus. The trophy should not be placed in a backpack or in the bottom of the trunk. The hare must be transported or kept hanging. They carry it, usually on the shoulder, tied with a cord or strap from a gun by the front and hind legs.

As a rule, game, except perhaps for the internal organs, is not cooked immediately after cutting. Wild meat, if cooked immediately, will be hard and tasteless. After some time has passed, it is customary to say that the meat is aged, the content of lactic acid rises in it, an acidic environment is formed, which helps to suppress microorganisms. In the process of aging meat, under the influence of tissue enzymes, complex proteins are decomposed into simple ones, the meat becomes soft, acquires a pleasant smell and lends itself better to culinary processing. A dried crust appears on the surface of the matured game, protecting it from damage. Properly preserved meat produces juice when cut. It has the usual smell and remains firm and elastic. The minimum period for holding small game is three to four days in winter and two days in summer. For big game - six to eight days in winter and two to four in summer.

For cooking, first of all, game is used that is badly damaged by a shot. Ungulate meat, as well as hare carcasses, are soaked for 5 - 8 hours in cold water before cooking, changing it at least several times. It is also recommended to marinate the game before cooking.

The simplest and most common way to cook game directly on the hunt is cooking. Moreover, it does not require preliminary marinating of meat, the result is two dishes: broth and boiled meat.

Feathered game can be cooked right in the fire, having coated it with clay beforehand and not even plucked it (all plumage will remain on the dried clay). If desired, the poultry carcass is filled with cereals. Cracks appearing on the clay are a sign of the readiness of the dish.

In connection with the opening of the hunting season for marsh-meadow, waterfowl, field and upland game Rosselkhoznadzor employees urge hunters to observe a number of necessary rules for the prevention of a dangerous disease.

In particular, you cannot gut the game you have caught in your backyard. Local residents should avoid contact of poultry with wild waterfowl.

In addition, giblets, feathers should be destroyed and the waste should not be fed to pets.

If a dead bird is found in forest lands, on water bodies, representatives of the hunting supervision and veterinary services must be immediately informed about this.

How to keep game hunting

The methods of primary processing of game and the conditions of its storage during hunting have a great influence on the quality of meat. The primary processing of the game should be carried out immediately after the catch and in the following sequence: evisceration, treatment with preservatives, mandrel and cooling.

You should not pinch the bird, as precious time will be spent, and the skin without feathers is more injured and gets wet during storage and carrying. In addition, the game is more beautiful in plumage, which is of no small importance. However, it should be borne in mind that in the warm season, plucked carcasses cool down much faster and the meat does not sour. This is especially true for waterfowl covered with thick down, which retains heat well.

After shooting, the guts of the bird must be removed. Full and partial evisceration is used. In the warm season, waterfowl must be gutted no later than 1–2 hours after shooting, and in the cold - “incision 5–6 hours. Only in frosty weather, when the air temperature is below -15 ° C, can the carcasses be left completely unpeeled, but they should be immediately straightened and frozen. To do this, you need to spread the branches on the snow and spread the birds on them so that they do not come into contact with the snow and with each other. When tapping on a well-frozen carcass, a sharp dry sound is heard. Weakly frozen game thaws and spoils easily. For subsequent long-term storage, complete evisceration is better. To do this, you need to cut the abdominal cavity of the bird, make an annular incision around the anus and remove all the insides. Heart, liver and fat can be put back. Very small game such as quail, snipe are not gutted. It is noticed that if the stomach is not removed from the bird for a long time after slaughter, the resinous substances of the food soak the meat and give it a too pungent smell. If the goiter and intestines are clogged with ripe berries, the meat quickly deteriorates.

It should be noted that with complete gutting, it is necessary to cut the abdomen, which contributes to the penetration of microorganisms from the air into the internal cavity of the bird. In this regard, there is an opinion that complete evisceration accelerates the spoilage of meat and it is more expedient to carry out partial evisceration, that is, to remove only the intestines.

The meat of young black grouse spoils especially quickly. Therefore, they must be gutted immediately after the end of the hunt.

For partial evisceration, you can make a neat annular cut around the anus or, without even making one, carefully remove the intestines with a wooden hook cut from a branch. The hook must be inserted into the anus for about ten centimeters and, turning it in one direction two or three times, pull out along with part of the intestine, and then carefully pull out the entire intestine by the end of the intestine, which is torn off at the stomach itself. In this case, the external appearance of the carcass is completely preserved, and only in the abdominal region, dropping is noticeable.

Then the carcasses are treated with salt and plants containing phytoncides. Phytoncides are volatile substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms. Phytoncides are found in the needles of pine, spruce, fir, cedar, juniper, in the leaves of bird cherry and black currant, in wild garlic, onion and garlic, in mustard powder, etc. In addition, wormwood, nettle and those plants that scare away flies and other insects.

Clean the inner surface of the carcass over from blood and rub salt, pour it into the oral cavity Salt is a good preservative and for one large carcass of a bird (goose, wood grouse) it should be consumed no more than 20 g, and for adding medium-sized game ( black grouse, partridge, duck) - no more than 10 g. You can grate the inner surface of the carcass, pour it into the mouth, sprinkle the eyes and bloody areas with mustard powder or ground black pepper. There is evidence that game treated with mustard powder can be stored at room temperature for up to seven days. You can tightly fill the abdomen and mouth with needles, nettles or branches of other plants containing phytoncides. Some hunters recommend using crushed charcoal... It is better not to fill the abdominal cavity of a waterfowl with needles or grass, but to wipe it with 5-10% table vinegar or salt it.

Immediately after shooting, during the initial processing and transport of the game, try to cool it down. At a halt, keep the game in the shade, in a well-blown place where there are no flies. It is better to hang the birds by their legs on a branch, head down, so that they do not come into contact with the branches and with each other. We need to spread their wings, and ruffle their feathers so that the carcasses dry out. For food on the hunt, it is better first of all to use game heavily damaged by the charge, since it is more difficult to take it home.

The primary processing of game for hunting includes its mandrel. This is very important point, since it was found that a carelessly framed carcass deteriorates faster. In addition, the mandrel gives it an attractive appearance and compact shape for easy transportation. The legs and head are often broken off in the game, frozen in an unsettled form. During the mandrel, it is necessary to carefully remove the blood from the wounds and from the feathers with a rag, paper or moss, smooth the feathers, press the legs to the abdomen and slightly stretch them to the tail. If, after the mandrel, the game is immediately frozen, the head must be tucked under the wing, and if only cooled, the head does not need to be tucked, since it will rot there, and the blood escaping from the nose will stain the plumage. The wings should be pressed to the body, placing twigs of juniper or wormwood under them, and then tying the carcass with twine. Known different ways storage of game during hunting for several days. You can dig a hole in the sand, in a cool place near the spring, put a bird there, wrap it with branches of plants containing phytoncides, cover the game with burlap, fill the hole with earth and cover it with sackcloth or tarpaulin.

It is difficult to preserve game during the warmer months. Birds that are badly damaged by a shot deteriorate especially quickly, since microorganisms easily penetrate into the carcass through open wounds. The meat of game caught by traps spoils even faster and its quality is worse, since the bird beats for a long time before death. In the warm season, it is better to bring the game to the place for freezing or processing no later than 12 hours after extraction.

To carry the game during the hunt, do not use bags and backpacks, as they have poor ventilation, the game is crumpled and even flattened. It is better to use various game bags with a net or with a belt for carrying game, a net for carrying on the back and hangers for carrying game, a basket, a box, a box with gaps. The game should be laid belly up, loosely, so that there is ventilation, shifted with branches of pine, spruce, juniper, wormwood or nettle, etc. If the game is not frozen, the bird's nose should be lowered. Cover it with a tarpaulin. Cool time of the day is more favorable for transportation.

In industrial harvesting, game is frozen un-plucked and in this form it enters trading network... If you bring a bird home, you should first pluck it and then put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. This way it will be better preserved. If there is no refrigerator, there are various ways of preserving game meat to preserve it: pickling, pouring with fat, salting, smoking, drying.

Poklad A. Poklad S.
Based on materials from the magazine Hunting and hunting economy

This means that in many families, fridges will be filled with a rare product - game. And even if you have no hunters in your family, you can hunt the hunters themselves - among your friends you will surely find someone from whom you can lure out the meat of a hare, roe deer, wild boar or bird.

After all, we have no other way to cook game: very strict sanitary and epidemiological laws apply to the meat of wild animals in our country, so it is almost impossible to find it in supermarkets. But in some restaurants, especially those specializing in meat cuisine, you can still get a tasting plate - in order to understand why this product is valued.

Valuable loot

Game meat is high in calories, nutritious and has dietary properties. In civilized countries, game is very expensive and is considered a delicacy. Experts in Western Europe appreciate the meat of the ptarmigan, which feeds on the buds of the willow (vine) and its meat has a bitter taste.

According to nutritionists, game is a very valuable meat useful for human health. This is due to the fact that its quality is not spoiled by either the remnants of drugs or the remnants of artificial hormones.

Wild animals and birds are mobile, so their meat is quite dense and not particularly fat, even in autumn. Therefore, before preparing dishes from such meat, it is recommended to keep it in the marinade, stuff with lard and use more fat.

Seasonal product

Game is cooked according to the season. This is a fundamental difference from other dishes. Every game has its own season. Overwintered animals and birds grow thin by the spring, hatch in summer - hunting is prohibited. By the end of summer, from the second half of August, hunting is allowed: the young have grown up, the rest have gained fat. Game meat is especially tasty at this time.

All game dishes of Russian cuisine are usually less fatty and more flavorful than dishes made from meat from domestic animals.

Preparation secrets

Many hunters know the rule: it is not recommended to immediately cook dishes from a broken bird, you should keep it in the cellar for two or three days, no less. The game is kept on the glacier, slightly frozen. Wild poultry is darker, tougher than poultry, contains more extractives, and is considered a delicacy if cooked properly.

Feathers of game birds are removed together with the skin. The legs and breasts are separated, the spine is removed. In addition, the legs and breasts of all birds are always prepared separately. In dives, herons, drink, loons, coots, not only skin is removed, but also fat and spine are removed.

The gland on the tailbone of a bird is generally enemy No. 1 for the cook, and the glands that are located in the skin give a specific taste to the game.

Pluck great snipe, snipe, quail, woodcock, gray partridge, black grouse, wood grouse, mallard, teal, pheasant. For all the rest, and especially for a species of birds unknown to you, it is better to remove the feathers along with the skin.

To fight off the unpleasant fishy smell of a waterfowl, it is blanched in boiling water for about 10 minutes, the water is poured out, the carcass is washed and prepared according to the corresponding recipe. The main secret of cooking poultry, whose meat has a specific fishy smell, is to cook it with the addition of fresh tomatoes or tomato paste. If you add grated garlic to the resulting sauce 10 minutes before serving, then even vegetarians will not resist such a dish.

Elk, wild boar, roe (liver, most often) - can be cooked right by the fire, fresh.

"Wild" menu

Whole carcasses are prepared: you can stuff them with mushrooms, rice, apples, offal, minced meat. Game soups are not cooked.

You can chop the carcass into pieces and cook in a pot with vegetables, potatoes, roots. The famous French dish - partridge with cabbage - takes several hours to cook.

Hares and rabbits are often stewed with us, chopping the carcass into small pieces, and served with gravy in which the meat was stewed. But the French prepare hares like this. They divide the carcass into two parts, prepare a fried saddle of a hare from the back with legs, and prepare a delicious pate from the front of the carcass.

In Russia, in taiga villages, they always knew how to cook the meat of large wild animals - elk, deer, wild boar, bear. Nowadays, such coarse meat is more often used for cutlet mass, but in those places where traditions have not been lost, as well as in branded restaurants, they know how to properly withstand, marinate such meat and prepare delicious dishes (carbonade, hunting meat in red wine, smoked meat) ...

The best accompaniment to game dishes is sauces and marinades with aromatic herbs and berries: cranberries, lingonberries, junipers, gooseberries, rowan berries, elderberries, currants.

Marinade for marsh and small youngbirds(when preparing them)

Ingredients: for 1 kg of meat: 1.5 cups of vinegar, 1 cup of dry wine, a set of aromatic roots, 1 head onions, 2 bay leaves, ground allspice and black pepper, grated lemon zest, salt.

Preparation: Peel the onion and aromatic roots, finely chop, add a mixture of vinegar and wine, salt and cook over low heat for about 1/2 hour. Add seasoning at the end. Remove from heat and refrigerate under the lid. Accordingly prepared game meat - peeled, soaked and strained - pour marinade over, keep in the cold for at least 24 hours. Add the marinade pre-wiped through a sieve when stewing meat> The taste of the dish should not be too spicy. Add cream or sour cream to soften the pungency.

Game roasting time: roasting wood grouses lasts 1.5 hours, black grouses - 1 hour, partridges - up to 40 minutes, hazel grouses - about 30 minutes. For snipe and quail, 15 - 20 minutes is enough, for small game - 15 minutes.

Pickling: Pieces of big game are pre-marinated. Large wild game is marinated in either vinegar or red wine, such as fillets of elk or wild goat. If table vinegar is used for the marinade, then two parts of water are taken for one part of the vinegar; then spices are added to the diluted vinegar: allspice, bay leaf, onion and sometimes garlic (for 600 ml of a mixture of 15 g of pepper and bay leaf and a medium-sized onion).

The marinade with spices is put on the fire and allowed to boil several times, cooled and poured with pieces of game, packed tightly in a bowl so that they are covered with marinade. The dishes are closed tightly with a lid, taken out into the cold, the marinade is stirred daily.

Frying game dishes: During roasting, medium and small game are always placed on the back, and only when the latter is browned, are they turned on their side. This is done so that the bitter juice contained in the back of the game does not drip onto the fillet, which may cause the fillet to taste bitter. When the back is fried, the juice will curl up in the form of flakes when heated. The game is not deep-fried, as it becomes very dry.

Sour cream application: the sour cream with which the game is stewed should be added after the game has been roasted, otherwise the latter gets an ugly gray color and becomes steamed. In addition, if sour cream was added to the dish very early, then this results in a very fatty sauce, since the sour cream turns into butter.

Quenching: large game should be wrapped in strips of bacon, you can stuff them. Other game is advised to fry in its own fat (with vegetable oil). Fried onions are added. The tougher old game is stewed or baked and used for filling for pies and pates.

Feathered game. What and how to get it.

Here are some tips for aspiring hunters. The production of game (if left) with BP is quite an important matter. And I’ll tell you how to target and shoot correctly.
When shooting at a moving target, you need to take a lead both horizontally and vertically. Measurement of the lead in the horizontal plane is practiced by hunters by the size of the body of the game or by the width of the muzzle of the trunks.

In hunting practice, there are several ways to shoot at a moving target. The most common of these are sniper shooting and leash shooting. When shooting offhand, the hunter fires a shot at the moment of inserting the butt plate into the shoulder. In this case, the hunter must outline an imaginary aiming point and throw a gun into it.

More effective is shooting with a leash, when the shooter, having raised the gun for some time, smoothly leads the trunks, following the target and determining the necessary lead.

Muzzle width lead barrels

Leading the body of a flying bird.

Aiming a bird coming from a high bank to land

Targeting an oncoming bird whose flight is increasing

Aiming a bird that is going to land (for a hunter)

Aiming a bird rising steeply in front of a hunter

Aiming point on a stationary target:

Aiming with a rifle above the center of the scree above the aiming point
Aiming with a rifle whose center of shot is below the aiming point

Aiming with a rifle exceeding the center of the scree of which coincides with the aiming point

Aiming a bird flying at the height of a hunter

Aiming a high flying bird of the carnivore

Aiming the hijacked rabbit

Aiming the oncoming hare.

Approximate table of lead in the size of the body of the game moving at an angle of 90 degrees to the firing plane.
Game. \ Speed ​​of movement, m / s \. Length, see \ Advance on the body \ Number of fraction. \

  1. Woodcock:
  2. in spring on a pull - 7 \ 28 \ 3.5 \ 7-8
  3. in the fall, multiply by two.
  4. Quail 11 \ 15 \ 9 \ 8-10
  5. Goose 22 \ 90 \ 3.5 \ 1-2 / 0
  6. Mallard duck 16 \ 63 \ 3.5 \ 4-6
  7. Snipe 17 \ 28 \ 8 \ 8-10
  8. Hare 9 \ 60 \ 2 \ 2-3
  9. Fox 3 \ 80 \ 0.5 \ 2-0

VALDSHNEP.Large forest sandpiper. Male weight 300-430 g. Breeds in mixed forests with moist soil. Inhabits from Karelia to Primorye and Sakhalin

GRAY DUCK Medium size duck. Weight up to 1 kg. Distributed unevenly. Breeds mainly in the middle zone and in the south of the country.

PRUNERWOOD Quite a large duck. Weight 1-1.2 kg. On the territory of Russia, it nests almost everywhere, except for the northernmost and southernmost regions.

QUAIL The smallest representative of the field game. Weight 140-150 g. Inhabitant of floodplain meadows, forb steppes, clover and alfalfa fields.

LYSUKH: Quite a large bird. Weight 800-1000 g. A distinctive feature is a light leathery plaque on the forehead

GRAY KUROPATKA. Medium-sized bird. Weight 400-500 g. Inhabits the outskirts of fields, in forest shelter belts, in ravines between fields.

KRYAKVA. The largest river ducks living in Russia. The weight of the male reaches 1.5 kg, the female - 1.2 kg. Breeds from western borders to Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

GUM-GUMENNIK. The largest goose living in our country. Male weight 3.5-5.4 kg. Breeds on tundra and taiga water bodies from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka.

PISKULKA'S GOose. The smallest goose allowed for shooting. Male weight 1.5-1.7 kg. Breeds throughout the tundra zone of Russia.

GRAY GOose.Large goose. The weight of the male is about 4 kg. Breeds on large lakes in the Volga delta, Kazakhstan and Western Siberia.

WHITE GOose. Smaller than the gray goose. Male weight 2.5-3.3 kg. Breeds in tundra from Kanin Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya Island to Chukotka.

CHIROK-SWISTUNOK ... The smallest living in Russia. Weight about 350 g. Inhabits and nests everywhere, with the exception of the Far North and Central Asia.

CHIROK-COD. Small duck. Weight about 400 g. Nests on the territory of Russia almost everywhere, except for the north of Siberia, the south of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

GARSHNEP The smallest of the Kuliks. Weight is only 50-60 g. Inhabits swamps of taiga and forest zone from the Kola Peninsula to Yakutia.

DUPLE.Kulik medium size. Weight 180-300 g. Distributed in the forest-steppe, forest and tundra zones from the western borders of the country to the Yenisei.

BEKAS: The most common type of swamp game. Sandpiper of medium size. Weight 120-200 g. Breeds in small swamps of all landscape zones, except for desert and tundra.

VALDSHNEP… Large forest sandpiper. Male weight 300-430 g. Breeds in mixed forests with moist soil. Inhabits from Karelia to Primorye and Sakhalin.