New Year's contests for adults for the year. Competitions for children for the new year. New Year's contests for teens

New Year- first of all family celebration and if you plan to mark it in adult company, it would be nice if you mark with children first. New Year contests 2017 should certainly bring into the game all the participants in the celebration.

So, first, contests and entertainment for children, and after they go to bed, adults can have fun, celebrating the main holiday.

Competitions and entertainment for children on New Year's Eve

It does not matter how old the children are, they will all be happy to play games with you, laugh and rejoice. Games with parents should remain in their memory, and they will carry this feeling of a holiday through the years and present it to their children.

New Year's Eve in the style of "Spy Games"

Children from 6 to 16 years old will be happy to take part in the plot of this game. And if you come up with costumes for spy children, then the immersion in the topic will be maximum. Prepare background music appropriate to the theme, accessories such as clocks, flash cameras, hats, long raincoats, and distribute to the children. Let them know that they are at a spy school where the very best are being tested. Prepare tokens that you will distribute for completing each competition. Arrange a photo session and start contests.

The first competition is accuracy!

This requires a dart board. Children take turns throwing darts, it is better to use a game with magnets - safety first. The most accurate one is given a token.

The second competition is to find the trail of the criminal!

Come up with a plot where the culprit is one of the adults, he robbed a bank and left behind evidence. These can be personal belongings of a person. Further, following the traces left behind, a pocket full of money, they must find the culprit. The winner receives a token.

The third competition is disguise!

Children are divided into two groups. With the help of the parents' clothes, cosmetics and wigs, shawls, scarves, they dress up one of the group. And two disguised spies enter the room with the adults. They have to guess which of the children is standing in front of them under makeup and a pile of clothes. The one who is recognized the longest is the winner, and therefore the whole group gets tokens.

The fourth contest is a secret weapon that the bandits have hidden!

This is a contest - an adventure quest, where finding one clue leads to the next. Let's say each team is given a letter, which describes that the key to the solution lies in the wettest place of the house. This can be a bathroom, an aquarium, a kitchen sink. There, they can find candy, unfold the wrapper and discover the next note, which says that the next key is the coldest place in the house. Without a doubt, this is a refrigerator or a balcony. Etc. As a result, the weapon can be a cake that they must eat, thereby disabling the weapon.

At the end of the game, in which there can be an unlimited number of contests, all participants are given diplomas and a spy card with a personal photo. You can look for New Year's gifts, a cat that was stolen by intruders, or mom's magic glove.

Honest answers

This is a game that will make even the smallest but already confident children laugh. All you need is paper and imagination. On half of the pieces of paper, write questions like:

· Is it true that you still wear diapers?

· Do you have five dogs at home?

· Do you walk with Carlson at night?

Is there Narnia in your closet?

· Is Harry Potter your second person?

The answers should be generalized to fit any question. Write them down and put them separately. Such answers will make even adults laugh:

· Yes, but the parents are not aware of it;

· No, I am still too young for this;

· What are you, I am already an adult, and I have completely different interests;

· Yes, but this is strictly between us;

Subjects can be from films, cartoons, books. Children will want to answer several of these questions, so do three times as much as the participants - this will make them sit quietly throughout the competition.

New Year's games with children on the street

There is nothing better than the opportunity to spend a holiday in nature. And if you have a summer cottage or a country house, children will appreciate the quests in nature. Searching for treasures, gifts, lost ski, scary yeti - this will bring a lot of joy to both adults and children.

Competition of snowmen, similar to parents, competition of the fastest sleds, and colorful ice.

Multicolored ice- a wonderful children's fun that will develop creativity in the child and decorate the winter yard. Stock up on food coloring, juice and milk tetra packs. At home with children in different containers, dilute the paint different colors in water, pour it into packages of juice and take it out in the cold for a day.

The next day, unwrap the packages and put on an ice show. Ask dad to hold the garlands and place them behind the colored ice cubes. Children who participate in this process remember for a long time the beauty that they have done personally!

New Year's entertainment for adults

New Year's Eve is a great opportunity to realize your fantasies, merge with a fairy tale, because adults, like children, are waiting for miracles and reincarnations. Competitions and entertainment for the New Year 2017 can be in the same topic, like clothes and gifts. Themed holidays with interesting stories can be held both at home and at a corporate party.

Thousand and One Nights

This theme is wonderful, because after such a holiday there will be good memories and photos. The oriental theme is easily decorated, costumes and contests for the evening are easily selected.

It is necessary to warn guests about the form of clothing, a new name and prepare various contests.

Padishah's choice

This competition will select the main male of the competition. Better if the owner of the house or the director of the company wins. It is necessary to turn the plot in such a way that the other participants do not remain offended, and endow Padishah with responsibilities in the future, for his high position.

Men come out to the middle of the hall, and they are asked to compose a quatrain or dance an oriental dance. The women choose two winners. And they are competing for the title. Since Padishah, in addition to wisdom, must be sexy, they are offered the following:

The potatoes tied with thread are tied by the belt of the trousers or around the waist. They should hang in front and not reach the floor by 10 centimeters. A box of matches is placed in front of each one, and after two meters a strip is drawn behind which you need to drive a matchbox, using only swinging potatoes. Musical accompaniment in the form of the song "Sex bomb", will blow up the audience with applause and laughter.

Padishah will participate in the selection of Scheherazade.

Scheherazade's Choice

Scheherazade, in addition to beauty, must have wisdom and imagination, so the competition for her will be creative. Women within three minutes must come up with an oriental language, write down five sentences where they describe their charms. When they prepare the recording, the host calls them one by one to the middle of the hall, reads this unknown set of letters, and the woman shows what she described in her letter.

Padishah chooses two and asks to compete with each other in the ability to dress beautifully. Women are given several A4 sheets, a stapler - from this they must make a crown. The woman chooses an assistant from the audience. She makes herself a dress from a roll of toilet paper.

As soon as they finish, and given 2-3 minutes for this, the presenter asks to dance in front of Padishah in this costume. To the song "Well, you are so ugly ..." the audience applauds while standing.

The topic can be developed to an incredible scale.

Modern deaf phones

This game, although as old as the world, carries a lot of positives. Prepare toilet paper, where everyone will take turns texting the director or husband, depending on where you celebrate the holiday. You need to write three words. This ends the connection, and the next one sees only the last word. He must continue the sentence. It is better if the presenter writes the beginning. "Dear, I have today ... .." or similar. The paper is folded down to the last word and the next one writes a sequel. At the end, this scroll is solemnly read out.

You can also spend a fun and active holiday on the street, if you celebrate the New Year outside the city, the new New Year's contests in 2017 will become even wider and more interesting.

Competition "Shashlik"

Participants on the street are divided into two teams, they appoint a commander, he will be the main cook. All the rest stand in a row near their chef, symbolizing a kebab on a skewer. They agree in advance how they will roll over, hiss over the lights and remove from the skewer. The presenter commands to turn the shish kebab, and both teams play the role, amicably and harmoniously, the presenter commands to blow the coals, the host asks to show how the shish kebab hisses, and so on. The group's behavior and artistry are assessed by outside observers.

The main thing is team play, good mood and activity. On the street with a hot cup of mulled wine, aromatic meat, or at home, at a laid table, you can create a holiday mood, you just have to!

Hurray - the new 2017 is coming! everyone has already prepared gifts, dressed up a Christmas tree and are waiting. Waiting for the new year is the best thing there is on this New Year's Eve. And to make the waiting more interesting, you can play funny and new contests for the new year 2017. It's not at all difficult for children to come up with contests that they will like. After all, children usually play everything that adults offer them. We already have ideas for children's contests, and we are happy to share them with you. And so, record and play.

Competition - palm or rooster?
This competition is for children who love to fantasize and love to paint. The competition is held in two stages, and each of them is interesting. First, children should outline their palms on paper. For example, like this:

Then having a drawing of his palm. Children should draw a cockerel1 yes, make a cockerel out of the palm of the hand! Do you think it's difficult? Take a look. it turns out like this:

See, everything is simple and beautiful. As we already wrote, the main thing here is to turn on the fantasy and then everything will work out.

Competition - oh, frost, frost!
New Year is winter. And winter is frost! Let's play a little frosty game?
All children stand in one line. The presenter says how many degrees of frost, and the children make certain movements for each degree.
Minus ten - children rub hand in hand.
Minus twenty - children shift their legs.
Minus thirty - children jump.
Minus forty - the children are hiding in the house.
The facilitator must confuse the children so that they show the wrong movements. For example, first try and say everything to degrees in order. And then alternate: minus ten, and immediately minus forty! Whoever of the children made the wrong move is eliminated. And the winner is the one who did everything right and did not freeze.

Competition - tell the Snow Maiden, where was she?
The next competition based on the song from the cartoon "Well, you wait"! remember, there the wolf and the hare sang a song with lines - tell the Snow Maiden, where was she? You need this song and this particular piece. And you also need a Snow Maiden who will show the actions.
The song turns on, and the Snow Maiden shows the actions where she was. And the children must then guess where the Snow Maiden was. For example, the Snow Maiden shows that she was swimming. Or that she was sleeping. Or what decorated the tree and so on. Who of the children guesses the most, he gets a prize.

Competition - trompe l'oeil puzzles for children
Children like this competition very much. And it's easy to play it - you guess the trick riddles, and the children guess. And since they are tricks, the first answers are very funny and out of topic. And whoever is more attentive will guess and get a prize.

New Year's contests can be safely "diluted" with outdoor games. Here you can find games for entertainment, both for an adult company and for a family. Good, fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve! Happy New Year 2020!

New New Year's competition for the "Touch" company (new)

Armed with thick mittens, you need to feel what kind of person from the company is in front of you. Young people guess girls, girls - boys. Feeling areas can be negotiated in advance. 🙂

New Year's competition for a corporate party "What to do if ..."(new)

The competition is very good for a corporate evening, for creative and resourceful employees.) Participants need to consider difficult situations from which they need to find a non-standard way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer, receives a prize point.

Examples of situations:

  • What if you lost your employees' salary or public money at the casino?
  • What if you are accidentally locked in your office late at night?
  • What if your dog has eaten important reports that you must submit to the director in the morning?

Space New Year competition "Lunokhod"

The best outdoor game for adults who are not quite sober. Everyone stands in a circle, the first one is selected according to the counting, and inside the circle he crouches and says seriously: “I am Lunokhod 1”. Whoever laughed next - gets up in a circle on his haunches and walks, seriously saying: "I am Lunokhod 2". Etc…

Merry New Year's competition "Who is longer"

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off whatever it pleases. Whoever has the longest chain, that team won. If the game is not held in the company of a house, but for example on a square or in a club, then first two participants are selected, and when they do not have enough clothes for the chain (after all, taking off their clothes, it is necessary to remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is invited to help the participants, and anyone who wants to can continue the chain of the player he likes.

New competition "Who is cooler"

The game is played by men. Eggs are laid on the plate according to the number of participants. The host announces that the players must take turns smashing one egg on their foreheads, but one of them is raw, the rest are boiled, although in fact all the eggs are boiled. The tension builds with each next egg. But it is desirable that there are no more than five participants (they begin to guess that the eggs are all boiled). It turns out very funny.

Competition for the new year "Who is superfluous" "

(From reader Alexander)
Participants sit in a circle, the presenter announces that they are in a balloon that is crashing; to avoid a crash, one player must be thrown off the balloon. Participants begin to argue in turn, based on their profession and skills, why it should be left, after which a vote takes place. Those who are thrown off need to drink a glass of vodka or brandy in one gulp, but it is better to prepare water, the main thing is that no one will guess!

Competition for the new year "I blinded you from what was"(new)

Each Snow Maiden chooses Santa Claus for herself, and dresses him up with everyone possible ways using any available means: from Christmas tree decorations to cosmetics. Your Santa Claus must be presented to the public with the help of advertising, songs, proverbs, poems, etc.

Contest "Congratulations"(new)

A workpiece is made of the type:
In one ___________ country in _____________ city, there were _____________________ boys and at least ______________ girls. They lived ____________ and ____________ and communicated with one ________________ and ___________ company. And then one __________ day they gathered in this _____________ place to celebrate this ____________ and __________ New Year's holiday. So let only __________ toasts sound today, _____________ glasses are filled with _____________ drinks, the table is bursting with ________________ food, there will be ____________ smiles on the faces of those present. I wish you that the new year was ______________, you were surrounded by _______________ friends, ______________ dreams come true, your job was ______________ and that your very _______________ other halves give you only ___________ joy, _____________ love and ____________ care.

All guests name adjectives, better compound type indigestible or sparkling hot and in a row insert into the gaps. The text is very funny.

Competition - game "Sector Prize"(new)

(from reader Maria)
The essence of the game: a box is being prepared, which contains either the prize itself or a part of this prize. Only one player is selected, who is offered to choose: a prize or N amount of money (if there is no real money, money from a joke store, i.e. not real money, is perfect for substitutions). And then it starts like on the TV program "Field of Miracles", sitting next to guests, friends, relatives, etc., shouting "... a prize", and the presenter offers to take the money the prize will be taken away very quickly and it will not be interesting to play). The task of the presenter is to keep the intrigue and hint that the gift is very chic, but the money has not bothered anyone yet that they need to be taken. The choice of a player can be made in different ways, be it a children's rhyme or according to some specific criteria. In order to make it interesting for all guests, so that no one is offended (why they chose this or that player), you can play several prizes like this, but you will have to stock up on a large amount of money (even as mentioned earlier, you can not real money).

Competition for the company of adults

Hit the target!

Proven competition - bursting laughter and fun are guaranteed. The competition is more suitable for men-) Required for the competition: empty bottles, rope (about 1 meter for each participant) and pencil pens.
A pencil or pen is tied at one end of the rope, and the other end of the rope is tucked into the belt. An empty bottle is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The goal is to hit the bottle with a pen.

Cheerful competition for the family "New Year" Turnip "

(This contest is time-tested, great for the New Year, fun is guaranteed!)

The number of participants - according to the number of characters in this famous fairy tale, plus 1 presenter. New actors need to remember their role:
Turnip - alternately hits his knees with his palms, claps his hands, simultaneously says: "Oba!"
Grandfather - rubs his hands: "Tek-s".
The grandmother threatens her grandfather with her fist, says: "I would kill!"
The granddaughter - (for a super-effect, choose an impressive-sized man for this role) - twitches her shoulders, says "I'm ready."
A bug - scratches behind the ear, says: "Fleas tortured"
Cat - shakes her hips "And I am on my own"
Mouse - shakes his head "Got it!"
The presenter reads the classic text "Turnip", and the heroes, having heard the mention of themselves, play their part:
"Grandfather (" Tek-s ") planted a Turnip (" Oba-na "). Turnip has grown ("Oba-na!") Big, big. Grandfather ("Tek-s") began to pull the Turnip ("Oba-na!"). Pulls-pulls, cannot pull. Grandfather ("Tek-s") called Grandma ("I would kill") ... "and so on.
The most fun begins after the words of the presenter "Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather ..." First, conduct a rehearsal, and then directly "performance". Explosions of laughter and excellent mood are guaranteed!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest (musical scene, readers recommend)

We turn on the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", just as in "Turnip" to distribute roles to the participants (it is recommended to write the roles in advance on pieces of paper and so that the participants randomly choose a role for themselves: "Christmas tree", "Frost", etc. ) and play this children's song to the music.
It looks very funny when adults get used to a children's song.


The host reminds that New Year's Eve is in full swing, and some can hardly remember the last letter of the alphabet. Guests are invited to fill their glasses and make a New Year's toast, but with one condition. Each person present begins a congratulation phrase with the letter A, and then alphabetically.
For example:
A - I am absolutely happy to have a drink for the New Year!
B - Be careful, New Year is coming soon!
B - Let's drink to the ladies!
It is especially fun when the game comes to G, F, P, S, L, B. The prize goes to the one who comes up with the funniest phrase.

New Year's competition - a fairy tale for a corporate party

From the reader Natalia: “I offer another version of the fairy tale, we played it at a corporate party last year. For actors used the following attributes: Tsarevich - crown and mustache, Horse - drawing of a horse in the form of a mask (as in kindergarten did, Tsar-Father - a wig with a bald head, Mother - a crown + an apron, Princess - a crown with an elastic band, Swat Kuzma - an apron with a man's XXX, bought in this ... shop. There were all tipsy and lying about with laughter, especially from Matchmaker Kuzma. "
Tale by roles
Curtain (converge-diverge) - Zipper-zipper
Tsarevich (stroking his mustache) - Eh! I'm getting married!
Horse (galloping) - Tygy melons, tygy melons, I-ho!
Cart (hand movement) - Watch out!
Matchmaker Kuzma (hands to the side, feet forward) - That's nice!
Tsar-Father (protests, shakes his fist) - Don't push-shu !!!
Mother (stroking Father on the shoulder) - Don't hold it, Father! The girls will stay!
Princess (lifts the hem of her skirt) - I'm ready! Clever, beautiful, and just for marriage.
One half of the guests Wind: UUUUUUUUU!
The other half of the Bird: Chick-chirp!
A curtain!
In the Far-Away Kingdom, in the Thirty-tenth State, let Tsarevich Alexander live.
Now the time has come for Tsarevich Alexander to marry.
And he heard that Princess Victoria lives in a neighboring state.
And without hesitation, the Tsarevich saddled the Horse.
Harnesses the Horse to the Cart.
Jumping into the Cart Swat Kuzma.
And they galloped off to Princess Victoria.
They jump in the fields, they jump in the meadows, and the wind is noisy around. Birds are singing. Drive up!
And the Tsar-Father comes out on the threshold.
The Tsarevich opened the Horse. Unfolded the Cart, and in the Cart is Swat Kuzma. And we went back through the forests and fields!

The Tsarevich did not despair.
And the next morning he harnesses the Horse again. Harnesses the Cart. And in the cart is Swat Kuzma. And again fields, again meadows ...
And around the wind is rustling. Birds are singing.
Drive up!
And Batiushka comes out on the threshold.
And here is Mother.
And here is Princess Victoria.
The Tsarevich put the Princess on the Horse. And they galloped to the Thirtieth Kingdom to the Far Away State!
And again fields, again meadows, and the wind is rustling around. Birds are singing.
And the Princess is in her arms.
And matchmaker Kuzma is happy.
And the cart.
And the Horse is harnessed.
And Alexander Tsarevich.
He said I'll marry - and got married!
Applause from the audience! A curtain!

"Drunken checkers"

A real board for checkers is used, and instead of checkers - stacks. On one side, red wine is poured into the glasses, and on the other side, white wine.
Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. Chopped down an enemy shot - drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway.
For those who are especially strong, cognac and vodka can be poured into glasses. In this situation, three games in a row are won only by international masters of sports. 🙂

The game "Baba Yaga"

Players are divided into several teams, depending on the number. The first player is given a mop in his hand, with one foot he stands in the bucket (with one hand he holds the bucket, and the other - for the mop). In this position, the player must run a certain distance and pass the equipment to the next. Fun provided-)

Game "Situations"

To the teams, to the judgment of the audience or Santa Claus, to offer a way out of the situation.
1. An aircraft without a pilot.
2. During the cruise on the ship, you were forgotten in the French port.
3. You woke up alone in the city.
4. On the island with cannibals, there are cigarettes, matches, flashlight, compass, skates.
And opponents ask tricky questions.

Competition for the new year for youth


First, the bottle is passed in a circle to each other.
-shoulder to head
-under the mouse
-between the ankles
-between the knees
-between the legs
It's a lot of fun, the main thing is that the bottle is not empty, or partially filled. Anyone who drops the bottle is eliminated.

New Year 2020 - what to give?

The most sensitive

Only women participate in the competition. Participants face the audience. There is a chair behind each. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all the participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Watching or using your hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins. You can guess the number of identical items (caramels, tangerines) put on the chair.


The competition is being prepared in advance. We take the most ordinary balloons. We write tasks on pieces of paper. The tasks can be different. We put the notes inside the balloon and inflate. The player bursts any ball without using his hands and receives a task that must be completed!
For example:
1. Play the chimes on New Year's Eve.
2. Get on a chair and inform the whole world that Santa Claus is coming to us.
3. Sing the Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
4. Do rock and roll.
5. Guess the riddle.
6. Eat a few slices of sugar-free lemon.


All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with some clever word, and then speaks it to one of the players on the opposite team. The task of the chosen one is without uttering a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements to depict the hidden word, so that his team could guess what was conceived. After successful guessing, the teams switch roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made an order of magnitude more interesting, thinking not words, but phrases.

Lung volume

The task of the players is to inflate the balloons within the allotted time without using hands.


All stand in a circle and join hands. It is desirable that there are no beating, sharp, etc. nearby. items. The host speaks in the ear of each player the names of two animals. And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names any animal, then the person who was told this animal in his ear should sit down sharply, and his neighbors on the right and left, on the contrary, when they feel that their neighbor is squatting, should not allow this, supporting the neighbor by the arms ... All this should be done at a fairly fast pace, without giving a break. The joke lies in the fact that the second animal, which the presenter speaks to the players in the ear, is the same for all - "KIT". And when, a minute or two after the start of the game, the presenter suddenly says: "Kit", then everyone must inevitably sit down abruptly - which leads to prolonged wallowing on the floor. :-))


Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimwear, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). The DJ is selected. He turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music began to play, the participants began to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has a bag in his hands, he pulls out one thing and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. As a result, everyone looks very funny.

"What do you like about your neighbor"

Everyone sits in a circle and the presenter says that now everyone should say what he likes about his neighbor on the right. When everyone tells these intimate details, the presenter joyfully announces that now everyone should kiss their neighbor on the right exactly in the place that he liked the most.

New Year's prediction

On a large, beautiful tray, there is a sheet of thick paper beautifully painted like a cake, which consists of small squares - pieces of cake. On the inside of the square there are drawings, what the participants expect:
heart is love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
the key is a new apartment,
the sun is success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person's face is a new acquaintance,
arrow - goal achievement,
clock - changes in life,
road - trip,
a gift - a surprise,
lightning - tests,
glass - holidays, etc.
Everyone present "eats" their piece of the pie and finds out their future. You can replace a fake cake with a real one.

Agility competition!

2 pairs (man and woman) take part, it is necessary to wear men's shirts, and, at the command of the girl, men's gloves, must button up the buttons on the sleeves and on the shirt (the number is the same, 5 each). Whoever copes with the task faster - that pair is the winner! Prize for a couple!

Guess what it was!

The participants of the game are given leaflets with the text of Nekrasov's poem
Once upon a time in the cold winter time,
I went out of the forest; there was a bitter frost.
I look, slowly rises up the hill
A horse carrying brushwood.
And, marching importantly, in a calm calm,
A little man leads the horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a sheepskin sheepskin coat,
In big mittens ... and with a fingernail himself!
The participants' task is to read a poem with an intonation inherent in one of the following monologues:
- Declaration of love;
- Commenting on a football match;
- The verdict of the court;
- Affection from the contemplation of a baby;
- Congratulations to the hero of the day;
Director's notation to the student who broke the window.

New Year's wall newspaper

A newspaper is hung in a conspicuous place on which, any of the guests,
can write what was good and bad in the past year.

Here it is - the pre-New Year excitement. Everyone is in a hurry, buys something and does something. These minutes cannot be compared with anything. Even the air on these New Year's Eve days is special, some kind of festive and seemingly not earthly. And after all this fuss, the holiday itself will come - a cheerful and bright New Year. it will be even brighter and more fun if you hold new contests for the new year 2017 for a fun company. The most cool contests and the most unusual games will help you arrange an unforgettable new year for your whole company. Our selection of contests includes sweepstakes, dance and sit-down contests, and more. interesting ideas... In general, watch and use!

Competition - which New Year characters are you?
Everyone associates the New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman and so on. And our first competition is about this.
Call 4 people for a competition. They sit on chairs with their backs to the rest of the guests. We glue signs on their backs with the words who they are. For example, a guy is Santa Claus. The second guy has a tree. The girl is a Snow Maiden. The second girl is a snowman. We repeat - only guests can see the signs and that's it. The host asks the participants of the competition questions, and they answer them.
Examples of questions:
- is it convenient for you to be in this role?
- what bothers you (or what suits you the most)
- what qualities do you have the most positive?
- what is bad about you?
- where do you usually go in this outfit?
- what is your motto for life?
Etc. The participants answer and the guests laugh. Since they know what kind of images, and the participants do not know their images.

Competition - guess the chicken, that is, the movie.

And this is a video competition. In it, guests will have to guess a movie or a TV series from a still frame. Everything seems to be simple, but not everything is so obvious! And all because the faces of the actors will be hidden under the masks of cockerels and chickens. When all the guests have made their assumptions. Then the next freeze frame is shown, where the masks are no longer there, and everyone can see what kind of film it is.
Here is a video for the competition:

Competition - music connected us ...
Yes, we love listening to music and often sing ourselves. And in this competition we also have to sing!
Five people are involved. They go on stage, and their task is to sing a song: a Christmas tree was born in the forest. Just? Yes, only they will sing this song in a different style: in the style of rap, in the style of chanson, in the style of rock. In the style of Russian folk song, and in the style of an opera! We determine by lot who sings how and for the cause!

Competition - roosters actors.
Have you ever watched roosters walking? Have you seen how they behave? If yes, then it will be easy for you in this competition, if not, then you need to imagine a rooster in different situations.
And so, 3-5 people are needed for the competition. The task here is simple - to show the rooster in different situations. For example:
- the rooster is frozen
- the rooster is hoarse
- the rooster saw how grilled chickens were spinning on a spit
- the rooster saw the owner walking with an ax
- the rooster saw a new rooster in the barn
We determine by lot who shows what and forward. Whoever gets it funnier is the winner.

New Year's forfeits.
Do you like to play forfeits? Then this competition will definitely suit you.
It's easy to play them: take turns out taking out the cards with tasks and completing these tasks.
Here's an example of what you can accomplish.

Contest - New Year Selfie.
Everyone knows what a selfie is. And everyone does it several times a day every day. And today your skills will be useful to you.
So. 3-7 people are involved. They must have phones with cameras in the front to take selfies. Although it is possible with cameras on the back, but this is not very convenient. At the command of the host, they begin to run and take selfies. But not just like that, but with what the presenter said.
For example:
- take a selfie with a salad under a fur coat.
- take a selfie with an icicle on a Christmas tree.
- take a selfie with a spoon in your teeth.
- take a selfie with something blue.
- take a selfie with (guest name)
- take a selfie with each other (all together)
There is no need to determine the winner, because everyone will have bright New Year's photos as a keepsake.

On New Year's Eve, many are waiting for miracles and magic. To remember the holiday for a long time, you need to spend it cheerfully, there are many contests that can be held with relatives and friends. Competitions for the New Year 2017 will delight you in great company and diversify the holiday on a fabulous night. At this moment, adults become children and create an atmosphere of a forgotten past.

Alphabet toast, new year games and entertainment

To stretch, let each person present in turn make a toast. A beginner should start with the letter "A", the next with "B" and so on. Let's give an example: "A fragrant orange New Year in 2017!" ". The winner is the one who makes the best toast.

Diving company

This is a rather funny competition that helps to develop coordination of movements, teaches you to navigate in space. On the floor, we lay a small path, but more intricate and winding, we put on a swimming mask for the player and go! The point is to easily go all the way, because in a mask it is not very easy. She changes the picture, and if you put on more flippers, the fun is guaranteed.

Crocodile for new year

The competition is suitable for all ages and is completely simple: without resorting to words and sounds, you need to show with your hands some kind of New Year's accessory or image. You can even say whole proverbs, you have to split into two teams.
Let's drink some tea

Now it's time to take a break and have some tea. Each person present is given three cookies, no need to rush and eat. We must send them all into the mouth and try to whistle. Who managed to whistle perfectly, you can give him more baked goods and a large mug of drink!

Romantic tailor

This romantic entertainment is designed for couples or couples in love. The essence of the competition is to find five pins that are pinned in different places on the players' clothes. You will have to do this blindfolded. Since the tailor is forgetful, there may be four pins instead of five. Someone will look for a non-existent pin for a very long time! Whoever guesses first won!

Contest "Sweetie"

The most delicious contest "Sweetie", held for children and adults. You need to take a large bowl of flour and hide the candies there, leaving the tails on top. The problem is to fish out the candy and not get dirty with flour. Do not use your hands in this situation, only with your mouth you can get sweets. The winner will be the one with the most sweets. Well, of course, in the end, the winner will share with the sweets, of which he has a lot!

Tower clock

This playful competition should be started early. When all the guests have just gathered, you need to distribute notes to them, where a temporary task will be written that will need to be completed. It will be funny when, at the peak of the fun, the guests will perform the task, while doing ridiculous things, such as meowing, hugging someone sitting next to you, or quoting prose.

Competition "Your name"

On the most fabulous night, all guests will have to forget their real name. Everyone present will receive a new New Year's name. For example: a needle, a snowman, chimes, a bump. The competitor asks questions, for example:

Your name?


gift, where did you find it?

In a snowman

Summer vacations, where will you spend?

In a snowman

Who could not restrain himself and laughed, he loses the phantom and leaves the game.

Prediction Contest

On New Year's Eve, everyone dreams of fulfilling their deepest desires. With this competition, you can open the mysterious veil and look ahead. In the balloons prepared in advance, we send notes with predictions, fill them with air and hang them all over the room. We blindfold the guests, hand them scissors and send them for pieces of paper that are hidden in the balls. Naturally, all predictions must be good and gentle, let every guest be satisfied.

Fishing in the new year

Prepare cotton wool for this competition Christmas decorations and a fishing rod with a large hook. In turn, each guest should hang Christmas toys on the tree, and then remove them with a fishing rod. Whoever copes faster is the winner.

Competition for creative people

We take a large sheet of paper, make two holes for the hands. The task is to draw, using a brush, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus blindly. The one with the luckier drawing wins.

Fresh breath

A large snowflake, which is cut out of paper, falls on the table in front of each player. You need to blow the snowflake to the other end of the table for it to fall. The winner is the one whose snowflake is blown away more slowly, since its frosty breath freezes the snowflake.

Crown dish

Lovely ladies who are present at the table can take part in this competition. The challenge is to prepare several dishes by choosing the foods that are on the table. It can be a salad or an extraordinary sandwich. The men are blindfolded and they begin to taste the dishes prepared by the hostess. The winner is the one who quickly feeds her dish to the man.

New Year's march

Bottles are displayed on the table, spoons are handed out to the players. It is necessary to reproduce the melody, knocking on the bottles. Whoever gets the melody best wins.

The image of the modern Snow Maiden

For this competition, men are needed who, with the help of the ladies, will create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use cosmetics, jewelry, New Year's accessories, which will make the Snow Maiden the most fashionable and modern. The one that provides the brightest image wins.

New Year's contests for 2017 of the Rooster will not only help to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, but will also bring a lot of impressions to the guests. If you have a lot of imagination, you can come up with contests that can make players and spectators smile.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 will bring a fun time at the table, and dance breaks will help create a festive atmosphere. Games and contests will entertain not only an adult audience, but also a children's one.

New Year's contests for 2017 of the rooster can be held with fun company, relatives and children. At good mood, you can create masterpieces that will appeal to many people. Positively minded people will create the right atmosphere, and contests will be just in time. Even the most straightforward game will seem fun in the circle of a friendly company. To continue the fun, we offer some more exciting contests that many will like.