Russian competition for the best in the profession. On holding the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills “The best in profession. "Best Professional HR Specialist"

Organization: GPOU<<ИПТ>>

Locality: Inta

Form of carrying out: contest.


  1. Methodical goal:Improving the quality of training young workers.Formation of students' value attitude to the chosen profession.
  2. Educational goals: organizing the activities of students to implement the knowledge gained in practice in a playful way
  3. Educational goals: the formation of an active life position, the upbringing of initiative and independence in work.

1. To form in students a value attitude to the chosen profession, to work and creativity of a working person.
2. Help to understand the priorities of the moral foundations of work and creativity.
The target audience: students of II and III courses.
Duration: 1 -1.5 hours.

At the entrance to the hall there are tables with pastries. A mercy auction is being held (fundraising for the treatment of a child).

The hall is festively decorated, on the stage there is a poster with the attributes of the profession of a cook (a cap, a saucepan, a ladle ...)

The text reads behind the scenes:

“If you choose the right job and
put your whole soul into it, then
happiness itself will find you ... "(KD Ushinsky)

- A film is shown about working moments in the groups of CCI-13 and PO-7
Lead 1: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome all of you to our competition "The Best Chef by Profession".

To talk about the importance of the profession of a cook, I would like you to listen to one parable.

Lead 2 : Once philosophers got together and argued which profession is more important. One said:

The teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

Lead 1: Without builders, man will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will be deprived of beautiful buildings, - said the second philosopher.

Lead 2: Musicians, artists and poets make our life special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Lead 1: Then the student and at the same time the servant of the master of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

Lead 2: You are not supposed to interfere with our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go prepare dinner, - the owner was angry.

Lead 1: The disciple silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for dinner. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after the meal, the philosophers felt ill and went home.

Lead 2: The owner found himself another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher - the owner of the house, noticed that his friends had stopped visiting him, and he himself, after eating, was not able to think. The philosopher thought, and then he fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: "Cooking is not a craft, but an art."

Lead 1: Soon the learned men began to gather again in the house of the philosopher. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

Cooking is not a craft, but an art, - said the owner after a delicious dinner.

Lead 2: Here is such a beautiful parable.

Lead 1: We go to the hall to test the cooking skills of our guests.

Lead 2: And the question will be the simplest: what is put in the soup. Once the Russian comedian Gennady Khazanov assured that bread. Don't make that mistake.

(The presenters walk up to the audience with a microphone and list the ingredients)

Lead 1: Thank you very much to the viewers. You have done an excellent job.

Lead 2: We are now moving on to our Best Chef by Profession competition.

Lead 1: It is attended by students of the TPP-13 and PO-7 groups. The competition is divided into nominations, in which the children will have to show their love for the culinary business, professional skills, sparkling humor and talents. A culinary specialist should not only be able to cook, but also entertain and invite visitors.

Lead 2: Our competition is judged by a competent jury, these are people who have built a career and achieved heights in the confectionery business ……

Lead 1: We invite teams of participants to the stage. The first nomination is called Team Submission.

Leading 2: Here it is necessary to evaluate the name of the team, the motto, the appearance, the originality of the presentation. Performance time is no more than 5 minutes. The templates with the evaluation criteria are on the jury's table.

Lead 1: The first to be invited to the stage is the team ... ..

Lead 2: And now a word to greet the team ...

Lead 1: The team completes the performance in the first nomination ...

Lead 2: The profession of a cook is unique in its own way. Some people do not perceive it as such, believing that there is nothing difficult in cooking: you just need to combine the ingredients, and the oven will bring the dish to condition itself. Many people reason like this: “Who doesn't know how to cook in our time? Anyone could work as a cook! " However, it is not.

Lead 1:

A good cook is like an artist
With a palette of fruits, cream, roses,
Makes luxurious cakes,
Connoisseur of recipes, tastes, doses.
Lead 2:

He is a musician - a good cook!
Create from a range of flavors
Concert - that's the right word,
Only a big cook is capable.
Lead 1:

Crisp sculptor,
Juggler, artist, sorcerer, sniffer,
Master of Science - Naturalist,
Great magician, stunt ...

Lead 2: Second nomination "Mini-Snacks". These are homework with elements of online design. The design of the dish and its artistic appearance are assessed. The jury will taste the dish in order to appreciate, moreover, the taste of the culinary masterpiece.

Lead 1: In the meantime, the preparation is in progress, we present to your attention the performance of the smallest chefs from the kindergarten "Alyonushka" ... ..

I cooked porridge at home

And she did this:

Porridge crawled like a snake

The cat is in fright, the tail is a pipe.

Mom is "glad": a wonderful cook,

The world has never seen such a thing.


Mom prepares pies

From the oven - a spicy smell,

The barrel is browned

I'll eat a pie.


The chef knows all the secrets:

How to cook soup, cutlets,

Make you okroshka

And a little of the salads.

We eat with appetite,

Thank you to the chefs.


I'm hungry today

And I'm ready to eat an elephant

No, I guess I'll eat some potatoes

And a little salad.


I spread pancakes in a basin,

I will treat you with pancakes

And I cooked borscht,

I have not forgotten about the compote.

I cook everything from sand

I’m little for now.


They feed us deliciously in the kindergarten,

Pies are baked with cabbage,

Noodle soup, delicious pilaf.

Eat, grow, and be healthy!

Lead 1: Agree that there should be a vocation for every profession. A cook, a pastry chef is an artist, a master who creates his own wonderful works. Lead 2: It is certainly impossible to say for sure who the first chefs were - pastry chefs. Perhaps the Mayan Indians, who discovered the amazing properties of chocolate, or maybe the inhabitants of Ancient India, who were able to learn the taste of cane sugar and make sweet sticks from it.
Lead 1: As for our days, the profession of a chef - pastry chef has become quite popular and occupies not the last place among those in demand on the labor market.

Lead 2:

Like bread, like air and like clear water

The work of a cook is always needed.

Simple and discreet in appearance,

And the culinary specialist creates, creates, creates….

Lead 1: The third nomination "Snacks for a youth party". This is homework with elements of mini-snacks from the second nomination.

Concert number.

Lead 2: As they say, a lot of time has passed since the preparation of the first mammoth at the stake ...

Lead 1: The man realized that food affects the stomach, appearance, and mental state. Food has become not only a physiological need, but also an unspeakable pleasure.

Lead 2: Fourth nomination “All the best for guests”. Our guests are students of the city's schools, we hope they are our future students, future professionals in their field. All sorts of goodies are prepared in advance.

Lead 1: We invite guests and jury members to taste pastries. The originality of the design, advertising and taste of the dish are evaluated

Lead 2:

Chef - pastry chef is a wonderful profession,

This is expression in the dessert kitchen:

Do you want a sour cream, but you want a cottage cheese

The designer will help, the artist of the cakes!

Cake on the table will decorate any holiday

Learn to be a chef, no controversy!

Master pastry chef is always up-to-date,

He is developed creatively and intellectually!

Lead 1:

The pastry chef is a friend of both adults and children,

Everyone loves sweets and delicious desserts,

Believe me, this is the key to any heart.

The world will immediately seem brighter to you:

Taste caramel and marmalade

The pastry chef is glad to please you

Will arrange a sweet holiday for the guys!

Concert number.

Lead 2: We all read in childhood V. Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be?", Which ends with the words: "All works are good - choose the taste!"

Lead 1: Where chefs do not work! In huge restaurants and small cafes, in factory canteens and kindergartens, in hospitals and sanatoriums, in tourist centers and polar winter quarters ... They are also needed in restaurant cars on long-distance trains, and also on different ships: on luxury and tourist liners , on fishing seiners, on military ships ... By the way, the kitchen on the ship is called the galley, and the cooks are called the cooks. Everywhere people need this profession - a cook!
Lead 2: With their skills, our students participating in today's competition confirm that they have chosen the right profession.

Lead 1:

Chef Vasya is very clever
Peels a carrot with a knife,
Cheese on a coarse grater rubs:
Back and forth and back and forth.
Lead 2:

Soup interferes with a ladle
And crush potatoes with a crush,
Cuts dill with a knife:
Whack-whack-whack and into a bowl - oops!
It turned out delicious so that
He personally removes samples from the dishes.
Salt everything, pepper,
And it will taste bitter with mustard.

Lead 1: Our competition is coming to its logical conclusion. We ask the jury members to summarize the points for all competitions. And while the jury is working, we will play.

Lead 1:

Who cooks and creates

Who has a great view.

Who will feed you from the heart,

Well, of course it is (the cook).


Lead 2:

Come take a look

I made a cake (pastry chef)


Lead 1:

What goes into your mouth by itself,

Well, of course (sandwich).


Lead 2:

To make guests happy

Make them (salads).


Lead 1:

In spring, autumn and summer,

I eat delicious (cutlets).

Lead 1: Well done! And, let's remember what qualities a cook should have. (Viewers list qualities)

  1. Fantasy. It’s not worth a chef who doesn’t know how to compose new dishes and doesn’t keep the secrets of his recipes.
  2. Ingenuity. Often you have to get out, having only a meager set of products, from which you can make a gorgeous dinner.
  3. Creative imagination. It helps to create real works of art.
  4. Good memory. Only novice housewives cook according to cookbooks.
  5. Taste perception. If not a single person is able to eat your dish, then you have nothing to do in the kitchen.
  6. Sharp vision. A good cook determines the readiness of a dish by eye.
  7. Good sense of smell. A professional chef cannot do without a sensitive nose.

Lead 2: Thanks to the viewers for their knowledge and activity. I think that the jury members have already summed up the results of the competition. We ask the chairman of the jury to announce the results and hold the awarding ceremony.

Announcement of results. Rewarding.

Lead 1:

There are different professions in the world.
Well, let's say an astronaut. And the captain.
But I am responsible for both.
For those who are in space, who went to the ocean.
You can't go into orbit without us,
And do not leave the harbor for the ship,
There are a lot of famous professions,
And I love mine, not loud.
Lead 2:

She is needed like air, like water,
And let it seem inconspicuous
Few or many - it does not matter ...
Who knows the taste of water - simple, transparent!
The person gets tired - and scolds us:
The light on the cook turned like a wedge ...
So they notice the taste of clear water,
When she's not around in abundance.
I'm at the stove - as soon as dawn breaks,
And day after day, like a squirrel in a wheel,
And although "thank you" is hard to get,
Everyone needs me! And everyone knows it!
Lead 1: The competition was developed and prepared by: ... ...

Lead 2: The script included verses by Elena Vasilievna Taran, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Novikova and also from the Internet.

Leading together: Until next time, dear friends!

List of used literature:

1.E.Yu. Pryazhnikkova, N. S. Pryazhnikkov. Career guidance. - M .: Academy. 2005.496 p.
2.G.I. Kruglikov. Educational work of the master of vocational training. - M .: Academy. 2008.160 p.
3. M.O.Savchenko. Career guidance. Personal development. - M.: VAKO. 2005.200 s.

4. Internet - resources.


dated ___.___. 2018 No. ____

On holding the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2011 No. 1011 "On the All-Russian competition of professional skills" The best in the profession ", in order to increase the prestige of highly qualified work of workers of mass professions, to promote their achievements and best practices, to assist in attracting young people for training and employment for working professions I order:

1. To approve the Regulations "On the organization and holding of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills" The best in the profession "(hereinafter - Regulations) (Appendix 1).

2. To approve the composition of the competition committee for the organization and holding of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" in the Republic of Khakassia (Appendix 2).

3. To hold in 2018 the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" in the category "Best confectioner".

4. The Information Policy Department (OV Sosedkina) and the Labor Department (DO Gayek) carry out organizational measures in accordance with the Regulations.

5. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Annex 1

to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia

No. ________ dated __________


On the organization and holding of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

I. General Provisions

1. The regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2011 No. 1011 "On the All-Russian competition of professional skills" Best in profession ".

2. The competition is held by the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Khakassia (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia) together with interested executive authorities of the Republic of Khakassia, territorial associations of trade union organizations and associations of employers.

3. The purpose of the competition is to increase the prestige of highly skilled workers in mass professions, to promote their achievements and best practices, to assist in attracting young people for training and employment in blue-collar professions.

4. The main objectives of the competition:

a) the formation of a positive public opinion regarding the work of workers, the promotion of labor achievements and the dissemination of best practices;

b) attracting young people to the real sector of the economy;

c) identification, dissemination and implementation in the production process of rational techniques and methods aimed at increasing labor productivity, saving material and energy resources;

d) assistance in improving the qualifications of workers in mass professions, their competitiveness in the labor market.

5. The list of nominations from among those approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, for which the competition will be held, is determined by the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia.

Nominations are determined based on the priority tasks of vocational guidance for young people, the popularization of blue-collar occupations, and the improvement of professional skills in the Republic of Khakassia.

The Ministry of Labor of Khakassia carries out:

a) approval of the action plan for the regional stage of the competition;

b) informing about the procedure and conditions of the competition;

c) coordination of work on coverage in the state mass media of materials about the competition and its results;

d) registration and consideration of applications received with the necessary materials and documents for participation in the competition.

To address these issues, the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia may form a working group.

6. For each nomination of the competition, the winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined. For the winners of the competition, one first place is provided, for prize-winners - one second and one third place.

7. Competition tasks for the participants of the competition with the criteria for determining the winners and prize-winners are brought to the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia by the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

8. Participants in the competition can be employees who are citizens of the Russian Federation, whose work experience in the profession is at least three years, nominated by organizations registered in the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership, organizational and legal form, industry affiliation, as well as their branches in agreement with the legal entities that created them.

Participation in the competition is allowed if the quality of the work performed by the competitors is high, there are no violations of labor discipline and labor protection requirements.

II. Procedure and conditions of the competition

9. The regional competition commission, together with the interested executive authorities of the Republic of Khakassia, in accordance with the approved conditions of the competition, develops a plan of measures for holding the competition, determines the timing of the competition. The Ministry of Labor of Khakassia approves a plan of measures for holding a competition and communicates it to organizations, educational institutions, territorial associations of trade union organizations, and industry associations of employers.

10. To assess the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the participants of the competition, the regional competition commission, according to the nominations of the competition, creates appropriate expert groups by profession (hereinafter - expert working groups) with the participation of representatives of employers, trade union organizations, executive authorities of the Republic of Khakassia, state bodies exercising control and supervisory functions.

Expert working groups assess the performance of the competition tasks by the participants of the competition, monitor the compliance by the participants of the competition with the conditions for the fulfillment of the competition tasks, the norms and rules of labor protection.

11. Nomination of nominees for the competition is carried out in professions corresponding to the nominations of the competition, on the basis of competitive selection by employers, taking into account the opinion of primary trade union organizations or other representative bodies of workers, or a primary trade union organization.

12. Replacement of contestants without the consent of the organizer of the competition is not allowed.

13. Organizations have the right to apply for participation in the competition in one or more nominations.

Organizations apply for participation in the competition in the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia, if they are registered or carry out economic activities in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia. Branches of legal entities carrying out economic activities in the territory of Khakassia are also entitled to submit an application to the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia.

14. Applications for participation in the competition are submitted separately for each nominee to the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia within the period determined by the action plan for the competition. Applications for participation in the competition, as well as all correspondence and documentation related to participation in the competition must be written in Russian. Applications for participation in the competition received after the end of the established period are rejected.

15. The application for participation in the competition includes:

a) a statement of the organization with a submission to the participant of the competition (Appendix 1);

b) participant's questionnaire (Appendix 2).

The application for participation in the competition and the participant's questionnaire are certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

Consideration of applications for participation in the competition is carried out by the competition commission (working group) for each nomination.

In the event that not all the documents provided for by this regulation are submitted, as well as if the presence of inaccurate data is established, such an application is rejected.

Taking into account the results of consideration of materials for participation in the competition in the nominations of the competition, lists of competitors are formed (Appendix 3).

16. The Ministry of Labor of Khakassia, in agreement with the competition commission, in accordance with the nominations of the competition, approves the place, determines the procedure and conditions for the competition. Provides, together with the organizations on the basis of which the competition is held, the preparation of workplaces for the implementation of the practical task and the theoretical part of the competition in accordance with labor protection requirements, as well as the organization of living conditions for the participants of the competition.

Workplaces must be equipped in accordance with the labor protection requirement, contain a full set of equipment, fixtures, tools and materials necessary for the competition. The serviceability and compliance with labor protection requirements of equipment, devices, rigging and inventory, as well as the availability and serviceability of existing fences of open openings at the venue of the competition are checked.

17. Organizations that have sent their representatives to participate in the competition provide assistance in organizing and holding the competition in the manner and on the terms determined by agreement of the parties concerned, agreed with the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia. Provide the contestants with overalls, footwear, tools (if the appropriate type of work is performed) and personal protective equipment. To participate in the competition, it is recommended to use overalls with the corporate logo of the organization or a specially prepared uniform.

Travel expenses, meals and accommodation for the competition participants are covered by travel funds.

18. The competition includes the participants' performance of practical and theoretical tasks for each category of the competition. Competition tasks, the criteria for their assessment, sent by the Ministry of Labor of Russia to the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia, are not disclosed before the start of the competition and are communicated to the participants of the competition immediately before its start.

19. Completing the practical task allows you to assess the skills of the competitor, his qualifications, adherence to work technology, labor safety standards and rules, mastery of advanced techniques and methods of labor, the ability to use a tool in a qualified manner, and to exercise self-control of quality when performing work.

20. Practical competition work for all participants in the competition must be the same and may consist of several different works.

21. The practical task is carried out on a single production area. It is allowed to organize the performance of a practical task in several streams and at several sites.

22. Before completing the practical task, the participants of the competition are instructed on labor protection.

23. In order to ensure an independent assessment of the results of the competition, the objectivity of its holding, the chairman or members of the expert working group, before the start of the practical assignment, draws the participants, according to the results of which the sequence of competitors, the number of the workplace and samples of assignments are determined.

24. Each participant of the competition is assigned a personal number (code) based on the results of the drawing, which is recorded in the summary sheet (Appendix 5).

Throughout the competition, all works performed by the participant are registered under this number. The statement with a personal number (code) is kept by the chairman of the expert working group.

25. To complete the practical task, the participants of the competition are provided with equivalent jobs, the participants are provided with the same type of equipment, fixtures, accessories, measuring instruments and inventory.

26. Before completing the practical task, the members of the expert working group acquaint the participants of the competition with the task, the conditions for its conduct, the necessary technical documentation, technological equipment, tools and devices.

27. The participant of the competition is given a practical task (drawing, diagram) and criteria for evaluating the task. A control time is announced for completing the task, established on the basis of the technology for performing work for each profession.

28. Before performing practical work, the contestants are given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the task, as well as the workplace, and check the equipment in working mode for a certain time.

29. By the decision of the expert working group, the use of personal tools and devices by the participants of the competition that increase labor productivity and improve the quality of the product is allowed.

30. The theoretical part of the competition is conducted in the form of testing or control questions simultaneously with all competitors in the relevant nominations and should mainly reflect issues related to the technological process of work performed in the practical part of the competition.

31. In addition, the theoretical task may include questions on the design and technical characteristics of the devices and equipment used, reading drawings (sketches) and diagrams, the application of labor protection rules, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

32. Before the theoretical assignment, the members of the expert working groups explain to the competitors the content of the assignment, the order of its implementation and fix the time of the beginning of the assignment and the time of its completion.

33. In the course of completing the theoretical task, the participants of the competition prepare written answers to the questions posed.

III. Evaluation of the results of the competition tasks. Summing up the results of the competition

35. Evaluation of the results of competitive tasks is carried out by expert working groups based on the results of testing theoretical knowledge and the implementation of a practical task.

36. The Ministry of Labor of Khakassia is responsible for the organizational and technical support of the expert working groups and the coordination of their activities. To this end, before the start of the competition, the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia conducts instructional and methodological meetings with consideration of the rules for the work of expert working groups and the procedure for evaluating competition tasks.

37. Expert working groups in order to assess the level of theoretical training and practical work of the contestants perform the following functions:

a) check the premises and workplaces, equip workplaces with equipment, rigging and tools, blanks and materials, instrumentation;

b) control the correctness of the participants' performance of competitive tasks, labor methods, work technology, the time for completing tasks, compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection;

c) determine the indicator of labor productivity (output);

d) summarize and evaluate the results of the work of each participant in the competition according to controlled parameters (points);

e) determine a preliminary list of applicants for the prize-winning places of the competition for each nomination;

f) consider and resolve possible conflict situations in the preparation and implementation of competitive tasks.

38. The expert working group consists of the chairman, secretary and members of the expert group. The decisions of the expert working group are made by open voting in the absence of the contestants. Controversial issues when summing up the results of the performance of competitive tasks are resolved by a majority vote of the members of the expert working group by open voting.

39. The expert working group has the right to suspend the participants of the competition from the performance of the competition tasks in case of non-compliance with the conditions of the competition, the technology of work performance, gross violations of the rules and regulations of labor protection, which may result in harm to human health, material damage to the property of the organization or educational institution, on on the basis of which the competition is held.

40. The implementation of the practical assignment is assessed by the members of the expert working group, taking into account the relevant assessment criteria. The criteria for evaluating a practical assignment, depending on the competitive profession, should provide for the observance of the technological process by the participants in the competition, the correct organization of labor and workplace, the use of rational techniques and methods of labor, compliance with the requirements and standards of labor protection, take into account the quality of the work performed in accordance with the requirements of the design and technological documentation , labor productivity, fulfillment (overfulfillment) of time norms.

41. To assess labor productivity, an expert working group establishes a standard output per worker per shift. Supervisors can be involved in this work, who, by means of time-keeping observations, determine the volume of work performed, the sequence and duration of operations, as well as the actual production in physical terms.

42. Evaluation of the theoretical knowledge of the contestants must take into account the peculiarities of technological processes, knowledge of advanced techniques and methods of labor, modern technologies, and comply with the requirements and standards of labor protection.

The criteria for assessing the theoretical knowledge of the participants are the correctness and completeness of the answers to the prepared questions (tests).

43. The final results of the theoretical knowledge test are entered in the summary (assessment) statement with the results of the participants in the competition in the column “theoretical assignment assessment” (Appendix 5).

44. Evaluation of practical tasks of the participants of the competition is carried out for each nomination in points in accordance with the approved point system of criteria for evaluating competitive works.

45. The members of the expert working groups, in accordance with the nomination, fill out the assessment sheets of the practical assignment of the participants in the competition (Appendix 4).

46. ​​Each member of the expert working group calculates for each participant the amount of points for completing the practical task (the total number of points in the assessment sheet - Appendix 4). The chairman of the commission sums up these indicators and divides the result by a number equal to the number of members of the commission. The final grade is entered in the summary (assessment) sheet with the results of the participants in the competition in the column "assessment of the practical assignment" (Appendix 5).

47. Applicants for prizes are determined by the total amount of points scored for the theoretical and practical parts of the competition. The first place winner is the contestant who received the highest number of points.

48. If two or more applicants for prize-winning places in a nomination have scored the same number of points, then the winners and / or prize-winners of the competition in this nomination are determined by the results of the practical test task or the introduction of additional criteria for assessing the performance of the test tasks, which is formalized by the decision of the expert working groups.

49. Voting protocols of expert working groups, score sheets with the results of the performance of competitive tasks and a preliminary list of applicants for prizes in each nomination are sent to the competition commission.

50. The Contest Commission considers proposals of expert working groups on applicants for prizes in each nomination, as well as documents and materials submitted by organizations, decides on the winners and prize-winners of the competition in the Republic of Khakassia and on nominating the winners of the regional stage at the federal level.

51. The winners of the regional stage of the competition for the nomination are the applicants for the prize places who have scored the highest number of points based on the results of the competition tasks, provided that the information specified in the applications and documents for participation in the competition is accurate.

52. To participate in the competition at the federal level, only one of the winners of the regional stage of the competition for each nomination may be nominated.

53. The decision of the regional competition commission on the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the competition and on nominating the winners of the regional stage at the federal level is drawn up in a protocol (Appendix 6).

54. After the announcement of the winners, the results of the regional stage of the competition are not revised.

Appendix No. 1

Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Khakassia


to participate in the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"


(name of the legal entity)

declares participation ______________________________________________________

(Name of the participant of the competition)

in the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" in the nomination _____________________________________

I guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information specified in this application and the documents attached to it.

Applicant's details (organization (branch)):

(legal address, office address)

Contact number _____________________________

e-mail __________________________________________

official site _______________________________

"____" _______________2018

Appendix No. 2

Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Khakassia

(name of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation)

participant of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

Full name of the participant ______________________________________________

Place of work, position_________________________________________________

Phone (work, mobile) ____________________________________________

Information about education (educational institution, specialty, year of graduation)


Work experience in the competitive profession _____________________________________

Disciplinary action in the last year (yes, no) ________________

Availability of a valid medical record (yes, no) _________________________

I have read and agree with the conditions and procedure for participation in the regional stage of the competition.

We guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information specified in this application and the documents attached to it.

"____" _______________2018

Appendix No. 3

consideration of applications for participation in the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills

"Best in Profession"

"___" _________ 20__

1. At the meeting of the competition committee (working group) for the consideration of materials from the participants of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) were attended by:

Chairman of the competition committee:


Members of the competition committee:




Secretary of the tender committee ________________________________________

2. As of "___" ____________20__ ____ (_______________) applications were submitted for participation in the competition in the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia.

(number in words)

3. Consideration of applications was carried out by the tender committee with the announcement of the following information in relation to each application:

the name of the organization that submitted materials to the participants in the competition;

nomination of the competition;

surname, name, patronymic of the participant of the competition;

4. The competition committee, in accordance with the requirements and conditions established in the regulation "On the organization and holding of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills" Best in profession ", made a decision:

4.1. Reject applications for participation in the competition for the nomination ______________________________________________

(nomination name)

4.2. Admit to participate in the competition for the nomination ______________________________________________

(nomination name)

the following participants in the competition:


competition commission



Members of the competition committee:










Secretary of the competition committee




Appendix No. 4

Evaluation list of participants of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

by nomination __________________________________________

Practical assignment

Date of completion "___" _______ 20__

Contest participant number

The number of points according to the criteria for evaluating the practical assignment

Total amount

Member of the expert

working group ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Appendix No. 5

Consolidated (estimated) list of the results of the performance of competitive tasks

participants of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

by nomination ________________________________________________________

Chairman of the Expert Working Group ________________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)

Members of the expert working group ________________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)

_________ _______ ______ _____________

(signature) (full name)

Expert Working Group Secretary ________________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)

Appendix No. 6


on the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession"

in the Republic of Khakassia

by nomination ___________________________________________________

(name of the nomination of the competition)

"___" _______ 20___

1. At the meeting of the competition committee to consider the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" were present:


competition commission


Members of the competition committee:






competition commission _________________________________________________

2. To consider the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in Profession", the expert working group on the competitive profession submitted to the competition commission a summary score sheet on the results of the performance of competitive tasks with a list of applicants for prizes, documents and materials submitted by organizations, educational institutions.

3. The competition committee considered the results of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" and made the following decision on the winners and prize-winners of the competition:

___________________________________________________________________________ (full name of employee, student; name of organization, educational institution)

recognized as the winner in the category ______________________________________

(nomination name)

and is nominated for participation in the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" in ____________________________________.

(name of the subject of the Russian Federation)

_____________________________________________________________________________ (full name of employee, student; name of organization, educational institution)

recognized as winners in the nomination ______________________________________.

(nomination name)


competition commission



Members of the competition committee:










Secretary of the competition committee




Appendix 2

to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Khakassia

No. ________ dated __________

the competition commission for organizing and holding the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia

Dmitry Olegovich

Deputy Minister - Head of the Labor Department of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Khakassia;

Sergey Vladimirovich

Director of LLC Production and Commercial Firm "Master", representative of the Non-Commercial Partnership "Association of Builders of Khakassia" (as agreed);

Natalia Victorovna

Head of the Department of Professional Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia (as agreed);

Krivospitskaya Larisa Leonidovna

teacher of special disciplines GBPOU RH "Chernogorsk technical school of trade and service" (as agreed);


Andrey Viktorovich

Counselor of the Labor Department of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Republic of Khakassia, secretary of the competition commission.


Elena Vyacheslavovna

chief technical inspector of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Khakassia (as agreed);


Vera Nikolaevna

master of industrial training GBPOU RH "School (technical school) of the Olympic reserve" (as agreed).

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2014 No. 1250-r and the work plan of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the field of personnel management of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications, a professional skills competition is announced:

"Best Professional HR Specialist"

The competition is announced in 8 nominations:

"Best in the profession - HR Director" (nomination code - 01)
"Best in the profession - Head of a structural unit in the field of personnel management" (nomination code - 02)
"Best in the profession - Specialist in corporate social policy" (nomination code - 03)
"Best in Profession - Compensation and Benefits Specialist" (nomination code - 04)
"Best in Profession - Personnel Development and Training Specialist" (nomination code - 05)
"Best in Profession - Personnel Assessment and Certification Specialist" (nomination code - 06)
"Best in Profession - Recruitment Specialist" (nomination code - 07)
"Best in the profession - HR recordkeeping specialist" (nomination code - 08)

The competition will be held in 3 stages. In December 2016, the nominees and winners will be awarded in the framework of the III OPEN ALL-RUSSIAN CONFERENCE "The practice of introducing professional standards and the prospects for their development in Russia."

Stage 1 of the competition

Providing material for the selection round.

Duration of the 1st stage of the competition: materials must be submitted by May 30, 2016 at the email address: [email protected] marked “Selection round - nomination (nomination code).

The material of the selection round must describe the successful practice that the nominee has implemented in his profession and contain:

Section 1. Description of the company (industry, number of employees, specifics of activities).
Section 2. The problem that needed to be solved (description of the situation, goals, objectives, aggravating factors, etc. - at the discretion of the nominee).
Section 3. Description of the solution to the problem (terms of solution, method of solution, difficulties in implementation, results obtained, etc. - at the discretion of the nominee).
Section 4. Information about the nominee (name, work experience, education, achievements, publications (if any), etc. - at the discretion of the nominee).

Material submission form: free in compliance with the content of the sections.

Design: font - Time New Roman 12, single spacing.

Stage 2 of the competition

All nominees will be admitted to the second stage of the competition, who have sent their works on stage 1 of the competition.
The terms of the second stage will be sent to the nominee by the end of June 2016 and contain practical cases and tasks.
The term of the 2nd stage of the competition: until September 30, 2016.

Stage 3 of the competition

The nominees will be admitted to the third stage of the competition, included in the list of the top 100 in the 1st and 2nd stages of the competition.
Stage 3 of the competition will be held in Moscow in person. Participants will take part in face-to-face professional competitions.
Stage 3 of the competition will take place in November 2016.

What will the nominees get?

1. Access to an overview of successful practices based on the results of the 1st stage of the competition.
2. Possibility of posting your successful practice indicating the nominee's resume on the official website of the Council for Professional Qualifications in Personnel Management of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications (, as well as on the websites of the Council's info-partners.

What will the nominees who are included in the top 100 nominees receive according to the results of the 1st and 2nd stages of the competition?

1. Inclusion of the nominee in the "Golden HR reserve" of the Council for professional qualifications in the field of personnel management of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for professional qualifications.
2. Inclusion of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation as a member of the experts of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the field of personnel management and the opportunity to take part in events held by the Council, and the opportunity to directly influence the formation of the profession in the country.

What will the winners get in the nominations?

1. Valuable prize and winner's cup.
2. The ability to publish an article describing successful practices and a brief summary in leading professional publications in the field of personnel management.
3. Opportunity to speak at the events of the Council and partners, read master classes.
4. All preferences indicated for the nominees.

The competition is annual and takes place in three stages: correspondence, full-time and final on the stage of DK Istra

For the correspondence competition, candidates, this year there were 13 out of 10 municipal institutions, prepared supporting documents for their successful work, video clips of lessons, master classes for teachers and children, as well as self-presentation. Based on the results of the extramural stage, 9 teachers were selected.

The face-to-face stage was held in December, the methodologists of the “Educational-Methodological Center” visited 6 open lessons, where they were convinced with their own eyes that the contestants are really professionals in their field. After counting points for two stages, the following reached the final of the competition:

1. Petrova Vladlena Vyacheslavovna, teacher of history and social studies, MOU "Secondary school named after A.P. Chekhov"

2. Franchuk Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, teacher of the English language of the MOU "Pokrovskaya Secondary School"

3. Andreeva Viktoria Viktorovna, class teacher of the 4th grade of the secondary school No. 2, Istra

4. Podolskaya Olga Vladimirovna, class teacher 8 В class of the Novopetrovskaya secondary school

5. Kryuchkova Natalya Yurievna, primary school teacher of the MOU "Lyceum", Dedovsk

6. Lebedev Maxim Vyacheslavovich, primary school teacher, MOU "Rozhdestvenskaya SOSH"

In the final of the competition, the six best teachers had to demonstrate their artistic abilities, the ability to perform on the big stage, enthusiastically tell about themselves and their students, and certainly prove to the jury and guests of the competition that they are worthy to represent the Istra urban district at the regional level.

The jury consisted of:

Jury President: Nikolaeva Tatiana Nikolaevna - Head of Education Department

Jury members:

Zubova Tatyana Vasilievna - Chairperson of the Trade Union of Educators

Glebova Yulia Olegovna - Deputy Head of the Department of Education

Bosova Anna Yurievna - Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "Training and Methodological Center"

Isupova Galina Ivanovna - Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Head of the Regional Methodological Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

Utkina Galina Sergeevna - Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma

Kozlova Olga Mikhailovna - Head of the Department of Preschool Education

The chairman of the counting commission: Semochkina Anna Leonidovna - Deputy Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "Training and Methodological Center"

Traditionally, a festive concert was prepared for the guests and contestants, in which the pupils of the 22nd kindergarten "Korablik", a student of the school A.P. Chekhova Smolentseva Milana, the collective of modern sports dance "Cassiopeia" and the musical director of 21 kindergartens Berezina Victoria Vladimirovna.

The winner in the nomination "Teacher of the Year" was Vladlena Vyacheslavovna Petrova, teacher of history and social studies of the A.P. Chekhov Secondary School

Olga Vladimirovna Podolskaya, class teacher of the 8th B class of the Novopetrovskaya secondary school

The winner in the nomination "Pedagogical debut" was Maxim Vyacheslavovich Lebedev, primary school teacher of the "Rozhdestvenskaya Secondary School"

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2011 N 1011
"About the All-Russian competition of professional skills" The best in the profession "

With changes and additions from:

In order to increase the prestige of blue-collar professions, improve professional knowledge and work methods, as well as promote the growth of personnel qualifications, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To establish that the All-Russian competition of professional skills "Best in profession" (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held annually, starting in 2012.

The competition is held taking into account the results of competitions held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in 5 nominations.

The prize-winners of the competition in each nomination are paid a monetary incentive in the following amounts:

300 thousand rubles - to the prize-winners of the competition who took the first places;

200 thousand rubles - to the runners-up of the competition;

100 thousand rubles - to the winners of the competition, who took third places.

The procedure for paying cash incentives to the winners of the competition is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

2. An organizing committee is formed to conduct the competition.

The organizing committee includes representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, and other interested federal executive bodies, all-Russian associations of trade unions and all-Russian associations of employers.

3. Organizing committee for the competition:

develops a list of nominations for the competition, based on the priority tasks of vocational guidance for young people, popularizing blue-collar jobs, improving professional skills;

develops the conditions and procedure for the competition, including the criteria for selecting nominees for participation in the competition and determining the winners of the competition, as well as recommendations for organizing the competition;

considers the submitted documents and materials on the results of competitions held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

determines the composition of nominees for participation in the competition at the federal level;

determines the winners of the competition in the corresponding nominations and summarizes the results of the competition;

carries out other activities related to the organization and conduct of the competition.

4. To the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation:

to approve the personal composition of the organizing committee for the competition;

to approve the list of competition nominations developed by the organizing committee for the competition, the conditions and procedure for the competition;

to approve the results of the competition;

provide organizational and technical support for the activities of the organizing committee for the competition.

5. The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation shall provide assistance in publicizing the conditions, procedure and results of the competition, achievements and best practices of its participants in the state mass media.

6. To recommend the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to hold a competition annually at the regional level with the participation of trade unions and employers' associations, to assist in organizing events for the competition at the federal level.

7. Financial support of expenses related to the payment of the monetary incentive provided for by this Resolution shall be carried out within the budgetary allocations of the federal budget provided for the provision of these expenses to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for the corresponding financial year.