Competence of the head of the logistics department. Typical job description of the head (chief) of the logistics department. Job description of the head of the transport department of the logistics service of BetomixLo LLC

V last years there was a need for specialists in the field of logistics. This is a new profession that seems strange to some. But in fact, there is nothing difficult in the work of a logistician. This and the number of vacancies at labor exchanges takes from 2 to 10 percent of the total. Almost every company in any field of activity requires a logistics department. It can perform various functions depending on the specialization.

Large companies usually have a logistics department as an independent unit. All specialists in this field are represented in it. It can include drivers, dispatchers, logisticians and logistics directors. Smaller organizations are limited to small divisions or individual employees who perform the functions of logisticians and are listed in a department close to their destination (transport department, warehouse, etc.)

Sometimes the logistics department can carry out external relations or deal with customs clearance.

The sales manager deals with the document flow related to the implementation or deliveries, establishes relations with transport companies, suppliers, insurance companies, banks, etc. Therefore, this position is called "manager of logistics and external economic relations."

The logistics department cannot be considered an auxiliary structure. This is one of the activities of any company. There are firms that provide services in this area. They are involved in organizing logistics activities in other companies.

The logistics department has a certain structure. Usually, each of them is headed by a leader who belongs to the highest level of management. These are directors, vice presidents, bosses, etc. They are engaged in the organization and control over the work of departments, the formation of the company's policy, which corresponds to the functions and criteria of logistics.

Logistics managers follow. They are divided into two links. Logistics-system specialists are engaged in the development of routes for the movement of goods, work out operations for storing products with minimal costs. Logistics-users are directly involved in solving problems using the developed programs.

The next category of workers in the department in question is dispatchers, drivers and workers. transport department and warehouses. They are engaged in the shipment of products or the receipt of raw materials and materials, as well as the delivery of goods to customers.

Having analyzed the concept of "logistics", what kind of structure it is and what are its functions, it is necessary to dwell on the responsibilities of the employees of this department.

The logistics director, who can act as the head of the transport department, is in charge of general management, control over the implementation of assigned tasks, and the search for optimal route schemes.

Mid-level employees analyze schemes and routes, choosing the most profitable one. They organize and manage within the warehouse and other divisions of the department. These specialists should develop new schemes and propose them to superiors for review.

The Lead Logistics Manager deals with planning the procurement and sale of goods required for a continuous production process. His responsibilities include analysis of the sales market, development pricing policy, preparation of reporting documentation.

Dispatchers are involved in organizing a permanent schedule of transport, drawing up documentation for the transportation of goods, taking into account fuels and lubricants and working hours of freight forwarders.

This is all that the logistician does to ensure uninterrupted manufacturing process and uninterrupted delivery of products to customers.

Each person with a certain set of ambitions wants to build successful career in the selected area. Logistics is no exception. Even a novice dispatcher wants to become a boss someday. After all, this means not only the presence of a prestigious position, but also a significant increase in income. However, you should find out in advance what items the job description of the head of the logistics department contains. After all, this is almost the main document that will have to be guided in work ahead.

What is logistics?

In simple words, this is the organization of the delivery of goods with minimal costs. Curiously, the true value of logistics is often underestimated. However, this is no less important division in the entire company than everyone else. In particular, sales.

Professional logisticians perform a huge chain of actions:

  • find transport;
  • negotiate with the driver;
  • monitor the safety of goods or raw materials;
  • try to minimize costs.

Fulfilling this entire volume is not much easier than finding a potential buyer. In addition, without well-organized logistics, a company cannot count on high profits. If the warehouse is empty and there are no goods on it, then there is nothing to sell. Accordingly, one cannot count on receiving income.

Now you know how to answer the question, what is logistics, in simple words.

What is the job description for?

The importance of this document is often underestimated. For this reason, the management very formally refers to the preparation of the job description or completely neglects this action.

Often, the head of the logistics department learns responsibilities through oral communication with higher management. This is fundamentally wrong. On the one hand, in this way they try to avoid bureaucratic delays. On the other hand, this is a direct path to conflicts. The employee must clearly understand their responsibilities. This will avoid conflict situations with the leadership.


Job description The head of the logistics department attributes to him the fulfillment of the following labor tasks.

  • Control over the work of the entire department.
  • Organization of actions related to the reception and distribution of incoming goods.
  • Processing of documents and other correspondence. And if necessary, their delivery to addressees.
  • Drawing up instructions that are necessary for escorting goods.
  • Control of the safety of packaging and contents. If violations are detected, the head-logistician must draw up acts that describe the shortage or damaged goods.
  • The job description of the head of the logistics department obliges to provide forwarders with the necessary working conditions. More specifically, it issues special equipment, and then monitors its safety and proper operation.
  • Monitors the availability of transport. And also controls the correct transportation and handling.
  • Organizes reporting.
  • Monitors the safety of goods, as well as accompanying documents.

The job description of the head of the logistics department may include a clause about overtime work if the situation calls for it. Also, if necessary, it is possible business trips.


The chief logistician has more than just a set of responsibilities. This position provides for some powers. The rights of the head of the logistics department give him a whole range of additional functions.

  • Give instructions to your subordinates, including forwarders, managers, drivers, dispatchers.
  • Control the quality and timeliness of work.
  • Establish partnerships with representatives of other organizations, if this allows you to perform tasks related to the logistics of the enterprise.
  • To represent the interests of your company on issues that are in the competence of the head-logistician.

A responsibility

Occupying leadership position, you have to have a fairly wide range of responsibilities. In addition, the responsibility of the head of the logistics department includes several varieties.

  • Disciplinary.
  • Administrative.
  • Material.

In addition, there are a number of other cases in which the chief logistician is responsible.

  • Failure to follow the instructions in the manual.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations. This is quite reasonable. After all, a specialist is hired so that he performs certain functions in a quality manner that ensure the functioning of the enterprise.
  • The chief logistician should not use the authority given to him for personal purposes. As in other professions, this is unacceptable.
  • Reporting inaccurate information that can misinform management about the progress of logistics work.

Responsibility for the chief logistician also occurs in those cases if he did not take action when detecting violations that could harm employees or the company.

Competence of the head of the logistics department

Any management wants all positions to be occupied only by qualified employees. That is why the competence of the chief logistician is checked periodically. The following units can carry out it.

  • The immediate supervisor can carry out control on a daily basis in the process of performing official tasks.
  • Certifying commission checks periodically. The minimum amount is once every two years. For the assessment, documents are used that allow you to check the final performance of the chief logistician for a certain period.

Great importance is attached to the quality and timeliness of the tasks stipulated by the job description.

Who can become the head of the logistics department?

Upon admission to this position, some requirements are put forward for the education of applicants. Therefore, not every candidate will be able to take the desired position.


  • secondary education in the specialty or
  • general average and at least three years of experience in the field of logistics.


It so happened that logistics affects almost all areas of the enterprise. That is why it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what the head of the logistics department should know.

Of course, he needs to be perfectly versed in the chosen field. However, it also does not hurt to have knowledge in the field of marketing and accounting. Knowledge of some legal subtleties will be useful.

In his work, the chief logistician has to deal with a variety of situations. Therefore, the more he knows, the less he depends on other specialists.

In addition, it is important to constantly improve your skills. The market is constantly replenished with new technologies. By being in the know, the chief logistician will be able to introduce innovations earlier than competitors, calculate the benefits and bring more profit to his enterprise. Careful management should certainly notice and thank such an employee who is doing his best for the good of the company.

Team relations

The chief logistician will have at least several employees in his subordination. And this is already a team. That is why it is important to be able to establish contacts with subordinates, avoiding possible conflicts.

A good boss must be able to work with people. Do not shout at subordinates, but show professionalism. In difficult situations, take responsibility for yourself, and not transfer to those who are lower in rank, as many pseudo-leaders usually like to do.

A good logistician boss knows how to build close-knit relationships in a team, when all employees turn into a single team. Subordinates should not be afraid, but respect their leader. There is nothing good in a situation where, instead of competent advice, they get the go-ahead. This is demoralizing and depressing, without improving the quality of the work performed. In this situation, both lose: both the employee and the head-logistician, who, due to his own incompetence, is not able to organize the high-quality work of the department entrusted to him.

Job description for the head of the logistics department

I. General Provisions

  1. This Job Description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head (head) of the logistics department.
  2. The head (head) of the logistics department is the organizer of the tactics of the Enterprise in the field of logistics.
  3. The head (head) of the logistics department is appointed and dismissed from the position, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation, by order of _______.
  4. He is selected from among qualified specialists with good organizational skills, who have worked in a similar position for at least 3 years.
  5. Reports directly to _______.
  6. In his work, the Head (head) of the logistics department is guided by:
  • regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials in the field of transport, storage facilities;
  • standards and specifications for the storage of inventory, procurement organizations;
  • current customs legislation;
  • Job description;
  • provisions governing intra-company relations;
  • by the instructions of the Director;
  • the charter of the enterprise.
  1. Education: higher technical (economic, technical and economic).
  2. Skills and skills: ability to analyze, plan and manage. Building a logistics system at the enterprise. Design and organization of information flows in the logistics system.

II. Job responsibilities

Organization and control of the continuity and productivity of the daily work of the logistics department.

  1. Assessment and analysis of the costs associated with the execution of logistics operations.
  2. Evaluation and analysis of the performance of logistics operations.
  3. Assessment and analysis of the cost of working time to perform operations.
  4. Development of proposals for optimizing the cost of purchased raw materials, equipment and shipped goods.
  5. Compliance with the approved cost estimate, budget items.
  6. Improvement of the department's work, development and implementation of new systems aimed at increasing the efficiency of using working capital.
  7. Analysis, planning, organization, coordination and management (including organization of control over execution) logistic processes enterprises.
  8. Design and development of new logistics systems as well as optimization of existing logistics systems.
  9. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, definition of functions and operations. Control over the application of the developed methodological and regulatory materials.
  10. Organization of work on the development of forms and methods of reporting.
  11. Controlling the correctness and timeliness of the execution of the assigned tasks by the employees of the department.
  12. Coordination of internal and external relations of the company.
  13. Acquaintance of staff with the basics of logistics.
  14. Budgeting for logistics. Analysis of logistics costs and logistics costs.
  15. Optimization of the cost and efficiency of the company's logistics operations.
  16. Coordination and direction financial flows related to logistics processes.
  17. Optimization of the workflow of all logistics processes.
  18. Coordination of the interaction of the department with other divisions of the Enterprise in accordance with the developed and approved technological schemes.

III. Rights

The head of the logistics department has the right to:

  1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
  2. Require the heads of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the planned work of the department.
  3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities, subordinate services and units.
  4. To act as a representative on behalf of the Company in other organizations and institutions on issues within the competence of the department.
  5. Make proposals for the selection and placement of personnel in the supply chain.
  6. Conduct meetings to discuss issues within the competence of the department.
  7. Issue an order for the department to reward employees who distinguished themselves in work, and to impose penalties on employees of the department who violated labor discipline and job duties in accordance with the "Regulations on motivation".
  8. Recommend the personnel of the Enterprise for recruitment and dismissal.
  9. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

IV. A responsibility

The head of the logistics department is responsible for:

  1. The results and efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise.
  2. Failure to enforce their functional responsibilities and the responsibilities of the subordinate services of the enterprise on production activities.
  3. Inaccurate information about the status of execution of production orders by subordinate services.
  4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director.
  5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the normal (safe) activities of the enterprise, its employees.
  6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of the subordinate service and personnel under its subordination.
  7. Violation of the internal order of the enterprise.

V. Mode of operation

  1. The mode of work of the Head of the Logistics Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
  2. To resolve issues related to production needs, the head of the logistics department can go on business trips (including local ones).
  3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities, the Head of the Logistics Department may be assigned company vehicles.

Relatively recently, the labor market was exploded by the direction of logistics. Vacancies in this area occupy 2-10%. Businesses are actively looking for logistics specialists. Many people today need not just individual specialists, but the creation of a whole specialized logistics department.

Globally, logistics includes two main sections - distribution and management. material resources.

Material resources are understood as basic and auxiliary, primary and secondary materials, components, semi-finished products, finished products, spare parts, packaging and stocks.

The allocation of resources is done by moving the intermediate and finished products in two directions.

  1. A direct distribution channel assumes the movement of resources directly to an intermediate or final consumer.
  2. An indirect distribution channel assumes movement to the consumer through a complex system of intermediaries - small, medium or large volumes of supplies.

Most often, representatives of the middle and big business the logistics department is allocated to separate subdivision consisting of various professionals in this field of activity (chiefs of logistics, ordinary employees of the logistics department, dispatchers and drivers). Small business most often has small departments in its structure or does it entirely by the efforts of individual specialists, who are often assigned to departments with related functionality, for example, a warehouse or a transport department.

It happens that the logistics department is assigned the functionality of customs clearance with the maintenance of relevant documentation or responsibilities for managing external relations.

The manager for logistics and external economic relations, as the name implies, maintains documentation on supplies or sales, establishes and maintains relations with transport and insurance companies, suppliers, the banking sector, etc.

In the activities of all enterprises there is a logistics direction. In addition, there are companies that provide services for the conduct of this type of activity for other enterprises. In any case, the logistics activity in the company is divided into internal and external and depends on the direction of the company.

Internal logistics is focused on the fulfillment of production tasks in the company itself. In this case, the employees of the logistics department solve the issues of management and material and technical support with the resources of the enterprise. So the tasks of internal logistics include inventory control (raw materials, components, semi-finished products, materials), the purchase of materials and raw materials, their storage, storage and movement from suppliers and within the enterprise.

External logistics deals with issues of movement of goods to the market to intermediaries or directly to consumers. External logistics uses different distribution channels to perform their functions. The main tasks of external logistics are as follows:

  • analysis of demand for manufactured products and changes in output volumes in sync with market demands;
  • analysis of stocks, taking into account their availability in the warehouses of the enterprise, intermediate logistics platforms and at end users;
  • responsibility for storage, packaging and collection of orders for all types of manufactured products;
  • provision and control of the transportation of the company's products to the consumer (intermediate or final)

Logistics department structure

Due to the need for the logistics department to carry out various specific functions, it is advisable for large departments to divide the department into working groups. The simplest and most common example of division with functional is shown below.

Department procurement performs the following functions:

  1. Management and control of warehouse activities, in particular the provision of transport, equipment, packaging materials, workwear and office equipment
  2. Provision of other divisions of the company with the necessary for the implementation of activities is similar to the provision of a warehouse.
  3. Management of supplies and storage of stocks of materials, raw materials and components.
  4. Management of purchases of imported goods and raw materials, their customs clearance.
  5. Management of purchases and stocks for the implementation of work at third-party production facilities.

Production logistics deals with the following tasks:

  1. Drawing up plans for production and monitoring their implementation
  2. Drawing up plans and making purchases necessary for production (raw materials, materials, etc.)
  3. Coordination of the production process.

Department inventory and assortment management is engaged in analytical activities and, on its basis, manages the stocks and assortment of goods produced at the enterprise.

Department control over the supply of finished goods performs the following tasks:

  1. Acceptance and registration of orders, including orders received via the Internet.
  2. Territorial warehouse management and control over the transportation of goods to end or intermediate consumers.
  3. Control over distribution activities and warehouses.
  4. Audit of the quality of service and partnerships.

How to evaluate the performance of the logistics department using the BSC method

Using the BSC method to assess the logistics direction of a company's activities allows us to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the opinion of external and internal consumers about the logistics activities of the company?
  2. What are the best processes to use to implement a logistics strategy?
  3. What needs to be done to improve the logistics system?
  4. What is the assessment of the activities of the logistics service from the point of view of owners and top-level managers?

To define the main criteria and bring them into one general structure, the company must go through 6 steps. You will find their description in the instruction article of the magazine "General Director".

Logistics department employees

Structural organization the logistics department at the enterprise depends on the specifics and scale of the enterprise, however, in general view includes the following elements:

  1. Logistics Manager. There may be several directors and chiefs, while each will lead the departments, influence the strategy of the enterprise, which corresponds to the functionality of logistics activities.
  2. The next element is managers. Logistics managers can be divided into two tiers. Logistic systems engineers design traffic routes and storage systems so as to ensure cost minimization. Logistic users carry out the solution of operational tasks and control the very use of the systems and routes developed by the system specialists.
  3. Dispatchers, drivers and employees of the transport department and warehouses are the next element of the logistics department. This part of the structure of the logistics department carries out the direct implementation of activities, that is, employees receive materials and raw materials, ship them and deliver products to intermediate or end consumers.

The head of logistic department often fulfills the duties of the head of the transport department. He also carries out general management, monitors execution and determines the optimal route schemes.

Middle-level employees. The mid-level specialists of the logistics department carry out analytical activities in order to determine the optimal routes. They are also involved in organizing and managing logistics processes in the warehouse and in other parts of the logistics department. This link in the department structure prepares new systems and routes and submits them for approval to the head of the logistics department.

Top manager Logistics department: This specialist in the logistics department prepares purchasing and sales plans while maintaining the continuity of the production process. The tasks of the lead manager include sales analytics, maintaining the company's pricing policy and drawing up reports on activities and analyzes performed.

Dispatchers of the transport department. They carry out operational activities on the work of transport, keep records of fuels and lubricants and working hours of drivers, prepare documents for the carriage of goods.

Implementation groups individual logistics projects. Groups created for the implementation of individual projects perform the following functions:

  • development and expansion of existing logistics platforms
  • planning and commissioning of new logistics platforms
  • organization of new distribution points for finished products
  • design information systems logistics

Organization of sales groups in a company is possible both by separate departments and within the logistics department. There are several options for creating such project teams:

  1. Implementation groups are formed as a permanent element of the logistics department, an example of the functions of such structural units are engineering in information systems, project management, etc.
  2. Sales departments carry out their activities as separate structural units, while they are assigned certain functional responsibilities within the framework of logistics activities. An example is the organization of logistics platforms and the management of the delivery of material and technical resources.
  3. The formation of sales teams occurs from the number of employees from different areas of the company's logistics activities. In this case, the group carries out its activities to perform certain functions during the work on a specific project, after the implementation of which, employees return to their normal duties.

This is the CEO speaking

Andrey Yanovsky, General Director of OJSC "Nidan Juices", Moscow

When it became necessary to find the head of the logistics department, I focused my attention on making the employee especially proactive. Often, logistics specialists do not show any initiative at all and do not even put forward apparently useful and simple proposals for improving business processes. Of course, with this attitude to work, there is no question of potential savings. As an example, you can use the proposal on the need to regulate the tasks of selecting a service provider with a mandatory quarterly tender.

I set high, but quite realizable tasks. To solve them, the specialist of the logistics department must be purposeful. Simply put, you need a proactive employee who really loves his job.

Organization of the logistics department

Despite the obvious importance of creating an effective logistics service, unfortunately, specific principles and rules for its organization have not been developed. But thanks to the experience gained by many companies, it is possible to build quite effective work logistics department.

Principles of creating a logistics department

Of course, organizing a logistics department is not a simple process if it did not exist before, but when restructuring existing business processes, it is even more difficult to do without resistance from already traditional, albeit often ineffective, work schemes.

  1. The formation of a logistics service allows us to ensure a truly efficient logistics activity of the company.
  2. It is better to devote the first stage of organizing a new department to the drafting of the "Regulations on the logistics department" with a detailed description of all the functionality in the field of logistics.
  3. The next step is to describe in detail the supply processes that the department will deal with. This step makes it possible to determine in advance potential difficulties and those moments of the work, for which it is better to put highly qualified specialists.

What to outsource?

  1. After describing the processes, it is necessary to highlight the logistics functionality that can be transferred to a third-party organization. Usually, warehousing, work with customs and transport are transferred to outsourcing.
  2. It is important to remember that outsourcing does not imply a complete rejection of functions. The company should have one or more coordinators who will keep records and control of the outsourced functions. This approach will make it possible to establish a constant flow of information from the outsourcer to the company and vice versa. In addition, additional control over compliance with the terms of the contract will allow, if necessary, to find another or one more contractor.
  3. In cases when it comes to an enterprise that is part of foreign companies, outsourcing has some peculiarities. One of critical aspects there are increased requirements for the implementation of activities in accordance with corporate standards. In addition, often the parent organization sets out a list of tasks that can be given outside organizations, also sets out its own criteria for the selection of partners. For example, western companies often require an ISO certificate from the organization to which the logistics functions will be transferred.

Practitioner tells

Yuri Igumov, Head of Logistics Department, OJSC "NPG" Sady Pridonya ", Volgograd

In our deliveries of goods across the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, we use the services of a freight forwarding operator. Trucking accounts for the bulk of transportation. About twenty-five percent of cargo is sent by railway transport, for the implementation of this option, our company turns to customs forwarders and brokers.

The decision to outsource these functions of the logistics department was made based on a comparison of potential costs. Outsourcing is much more economical than organizing and managing your own fleet of vehicles and a large logistics service. Moreover, the difference today is simply huge, so we, of course, will use outsourcing. Our company has a small fleet of vehicles, but it is used only for deliveries over short distances or in unforeseen cases.

Optimal department model

  1. After determining the functionality, you need to choose the model that is optimal for the company. Most often, the most successful option is the division by geography or by individual product groups.
  2. In addition, it is important to determine the criteria for determining the effectiveness of the future logistics service, in particular to highlight indicators and coefficients for an objective assessment of activities. Expressing efficiency in numbers also increases staff motivation. At this step, the company already has a rough view of the future logistics department.
  3. This is followed by the placement of personnel with a detailed description of the functionality of each employee and his need in the department. It is also important to define the eligibility requirements for each position.
  4. After determining the positions required for the department, you need to register the job descriptions of the logistics department. Moreover, they should be drawn up for all employees, both for ordinary specialists and for the heads of the logistics department. It will be useful during the preparation of instructions to represent the movement of resources and goods along the entire chain, so as not to miss the functions and responsibilities of employees and to prevent a situation of double responsibility or the complete absence of someone responsible for any task.
  5. Next, it is important to describe the procedure for the interaction of the logistics department with other divisions of the company, partners, consumers and government agencies.

System of responsibilities and subordination

  1. In addition to the fact that it is important to define the functions of employees themselves and the boundaries of their responsibility, it is important to include clear norms of subordination and levels of management in the job descriptions of the logistics department. It is also important to determine the procedures and rules for replacing employees at the stage of preparing the organization of the logistics department. This approach will avoid problems with the implementation of activities in the absence of one or more specialists due to vacation, sick leave or dismissal.
  2. At the preliminary stage, it is also important to formulate regulations for the interaction of the company's departments with each other. It is optimal to draw up such communication rules on paper so that the logistics service clearly understands what it may require from other divisions of the enterprise and what it must do for them. Not only information communications and functional duties lend themselves to regulation, but also the system of the activity process itself.

The specifics of personnel policy

After the creation of a prototype of the future logistics department, the search stage follows in writing. suitable personnel... You can engage in hiring strictly for the organization of a new unit, or you can transfer this responsibility to the personnel department. When choosing an approach, it is worth considering the company's standards, the position of the labor market and opportunities human resources specialists middle management. However, you need to understand that finding candidates who fully meet the requirements of the prepared instructions for the logistics department will not work out quickly.

At this stage, it is important to realize that the prototype is not a one-way strict requirement. Sometimes, in the process of recruiting the staff, professionals appear who do not quite fit into the drawn up scheme, but their experience and skills may be so necessary the unit being created that deviations from the original system and even introducing changes into it become highly justified.

A separate criterion for the selection of specialists is the ownership foreign languages in particular, proficiency in English is a common requirement. This point is explained by the fact that many foreign companies have made English language corporate management and accept documents only in this language. In the case when the company is part of a foreign company, then the mandatory use of English as a second working language entails the complication of business processes. Some of the documents are drawn up in the language of the main company, while large foreign organizations are able to independently purchase services transportation... In addition, transport companies are often located in the same country as the seller, which means that for them English is additional, not the main one. As a result, situations are quite common when communications are very difficult and provoke various problems, which is understandable and predictable - after all, the communication language is often not native and basic for all participants in the logistics process. Logistics specialists with good command of English will be a big plus in the work of any organization. At the same time, the management of subsidiaries is simply obliged to make sure that there is at least one specialist who speaks the language, which is the main one for the main company.

In addition, it should be remembered in the process of hiring employees that the culture and ethics of business in the Russian Federation in the logistics market is very poorly developed. Unfortunately, workflow compliance is not routine for most businesses. In particular, even very prosperous organizations, in order to minimize the costs of transporting goods, sin by the lack of required documents when sending goods.

3 levels of effective management of the logistics department

Most often, enterprises have logistics departments, consisting of three levels of management.

First level: general management (setting plans).

This step is occupied by the director of logistics, depending on the company, this post can be called differently. Regardless of the difference in names, the functionality of the highest level remains unchanged.

  1. Setting plans, monitoring their implementation and making changes if necessary, monitoring and adjusting the structure, assessing the effectiveness of activities selected groups and the system as a whole.
  2. Management of the policy of the logistics department, its interaction with other departments of the company, approval of costs and service standards

The input data of this system are external conditions (for example, the level of competition), general difficulties and issues of subsystems and activities in general. This data is studied, analyzed and evaluated. At the "exit" they get management decisions on changing the activities of individual elements or the logistics department as a whole, proposals for adjusting the policy and strategy of the company or individual areas of its activities.

Second level: program management (program planning).

This tier of management is represented by one or more employees who oversee at least two separate subsystems.

Functions of program management:

  1. Warehouse management, work with orders, as well as control of actions with materials (for example, shipment).
  2. Implementation of the policy for resource management of subsystems.
  3. Elimination of inconsistencies that may arise between individual elements of subsystems.
  4. Drawing up reports and providing the necessary information to the highest level of management.

Management decisions of this stage have the initiative and skills of the employees in management as boundaries. Managers rely on the approved standards for profit, costs and service. In the event of difficulties with one or more subsystems, the employee should first of all identify the reasons for their occurrence, and then develop best option solutions.

When necessary, the manager can make adjustments to the activities of the system elements. In addition, the manager of this stage of management oversees and directs the interconnected functionality of the subsystems. He also has the ability to use analytical research to find ways to improve the work of subsystems. The manager has the right to attract additional employees to carry out inspections.

A special place in monitoring the efficiency of the logistics department is given to the audit, which is based on data about the service for customers. The audit has an impact on incoming information on the formation of transport activities, inventory management, warehouse operation and shipment of goods to customers.

Third level: operational management (operational components).

This level works with suppliers for which deadlines and schedules have been violated. Employees at this level prepare and transmit violation data to program management managers. In addition, at this stage, management is carried out within certain limits of time and costs. And of course, the third level also leads reporting activities about their work.

All subsystems of operational management fulfill one or several goals, which have a fairly strict framework.

At this stage of management, each possible difficulty already has a regulated procedure for solving, therefore, the activities of managers are rather monotonous and consist of special control and administrative functions.

  • Logistics interview: 3 tasks for logic, thinking and resourcefulness

Information systems - the basis of logistics department management

Information systems play an important role in the three-stage system of organizing the logistics department. With a three-level structure of the department, the use of information systems has 4 levels, at which the data flow has clearly limited functionality.

Operational level... At this level, the data stream is very large. This is due to the fact that making operational decisions is possible only on the basis of a large amount of data, in particular, it is analytical, reference and regulatory information.

Control level... Data volumes at this level also have a fairly wide range. The data of this level are used to formulate operational plans for various areas of the logistics department. In addition, at this level of information systems, decisions are monitored that are made at the stage of operational management.

Average level. At the middle level, the data flow is not as wide as at the first two levels, but the data is already processed and divided into groups. This data is used for the tactical formulation of plans, as well as for the development of management decisions in the field of the company's production.

Highest level... At this stage, the entire initial volume of information is presented in a very concentrated form. The data is used to develop strategies and formulate long-term plans for the enterprise. It is on the basis of the information flow of this level that management decisions are developed for the life of the company as a whole, as well as for its further long-term development.

Obviously, all flows of information received at various levels are necessary for one goal - making the right management decisions.

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head (head) of the logistics department
1.2. The head (head) of the logistics department is the organizer of the tactics of the Enterprise in the field of logistics.
1.3. The head (head) of the logistics department is appointed and dismissed, in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation, by order of the Head (director, general director, president, director of logistics) of the enterprise.
1.4. He is selected from among qualified specialists with good organizational skills, who have worked in a similar position for at least 3 years.
1.5. Reports directly to the Head (director, to CEO, President, Logistics Director).
1.6 In his work, the Head (Head) of the Logistics Department is guided by: regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials in the field of transport, warehousing; standards and specifications for the storage of inventory, procurement organizations, current customs legislation, "Job description", "Regulations governing intra-company relations", instructions of the Director, the charter of the enterprise.
1.7 Education: higher technical (economic, technical and economic)
1.8 Skills and skills: ability to analyze, plan and manage. Building a logistics system at the enterprise. Design and organization of information flows in the logistics system.
1.9. During the temporary absence of the Head of the Logistics Department, his duties are assigned to _______________.

2. Targets and goals

2.1. The purpose of the work The head of the logistics department is to optimize the costs of providing the logistics component of the enterprise's work.
2.2. The main tasks The head of the logistics department are:
2.3. organization and control of the continuity and productivity of the daily work of the logistics department
2.4. assessment and analysis of the costs associated with the execution of logistics operations
2.5. evaluation and analysis of the performance of logistics operations.
2.6. assessment and analysis of the cost of working time to perform operations
2.7. development of proposals for optimizing the cost of purchased raw materials, equipment and shipped goods;
2.8. compliance with the approved cost estimates, budget items;
2.9. improvement of the department's work, development and implementation of new systems aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of working capital.
2.10. Analysis, planning, organization, coordination and management (including the organization of control over execution) of the logistics processes of the enterprise.

3. Functional responsibilities

3.1. Design and development of new logistics systems as well as optimization of existing logistics systems.
3.2. Development and implementation of methodological and regulatory materials on logistics for specific departments, definition of functions and operations. Control over the application of the developed methodological and regulatory materials.
3.3. Organization of work on the development of forms and methods of reporting.
3.4. Controlling the correctness and timeliness of the execution of the assigned tasks by the employees of the department.
3.5. Coordination of internal and external relations of the company.
3.6. Acquaintance of staff with the basics of logistics.
3.7. Budgeting for logistics. Analysis of logistics costs and logistics costs.
3.8. Optimization of the cost and efficiency of the company's logistics operations.
3.9. Coordination and direction of financial flows associated with logistics processes.
3.10. Optimization of the workflow of all logistics processes.
3.11. Coordination of the interaction of the department with other divisions of the Enterprise in accordance with the developed and approved technological schemes.

4. The rights of the head of the logistics department

The head of the logistics department has the right to:

4.1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
4.2. Require the heads of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the planned work of the department.
4.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities, subordinate services and units.
4.4. To act as a representative on behalf of the Company in other organizations and institutions on issues within the competence of the department.
4.5. Make proposals for the selection and placement of personnel in the supply chain.
4.6. Conduct meetings to discuss issues within the competence of the department.
4.7. Issue an order for the department on the encouragement of employees who distinguished themselves in their work, and on the imposition of penalties on the employees of the department who have violated labor discipline and official duties in accordance with the "Regulations on motivation".
4.8. Recommend the personnel of the Enterprise for recruitment and dismissal.
4.9. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

5. The head of the logistics department is responsible for:

5.1. The results and efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise.
5.2. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties and responsibilities, subordinate services of the enterprise on production activities.
5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of execution of production orders by subordinate services.
5.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director.
5.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the normal (safe) activities of the enterprise, its employees.
5.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of the subordinate service and personnel under its subordination.
5.7. Violation of the internal order of the enterprise.

6. Working hours

6.1. The mode of work of the Head of the Logistics Department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
6.2. To resolve issues related to production needs, the head of the logistics department can go on business trips (including local ones).
6.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities, the Head of the Logistics Department may be assigned company vehicles.