An increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs per year. When will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased. Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Over the past few years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been carrying out purposeful work related to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Changes occur constantly, and relate to a variety of areas of activity of the department - from its name (there was the Militia - it became the Police), to the staffing, rights and duties. With all these changes, it was extremely rare for a single question to be considered and resolved positively - the amount of monetary allowance.

Current state of affairs

Over the past five years, the financing of this item of expenditure for the police has not changed. Despite loud statements by officials of various ranks, these indicators (unlike inflation, rising prices, etc.) did not change. Naturally, promises to increase the salaries of department employees by 50, 100, 150% remained just simple populist statements. And only in 2018, the long-awaited change finally happened. It was decided to increase the monetary allowance by the amount of inflation. According to the Government, this figure did not exceed 4%. That's how much wages were indexed. Did she solve the accumulated problems? Has it made it possible to compensate for losses, a decrease in the standard of living for people in uniform? An answer to this question is not required. It is enough just to look at how much rent and utility bills have grown over the same period of time!

Forecasts of salary increases in the police in 2019

Significant practical changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will nevertheless begin. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, first of all, a significant restructuring of the organizational and staffing structure will be carried out. Already at the end of 2018, the Department for Ensuring the Security of DD will be abolished. Further, divisions of fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be introduced into the staff of the department, and the merger of the teaching staff and the traffic police will take place.

Finally, from sources close to the Government, it became known about the beginning of the implementation of a number of social issues that affect all employees of the ministry. The most anticipated of these issues is the salary increase in 2019. In the May decrees of the President, the task was set to increase by 150% the monetary allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs compared to 2012. Most likely, the gradual implementation of this requirement will begin in the New Year.

How police salaries can change in 2019, some numbers

The state, continuing its internal policy aimed at strengthening power, is starting in the coming year to plan, the gradual implementation of plans to increase police salaries in 2019. To assess the scale of the upcoming changes, you need to know how much certain employees currently receive, after the 4 percent indexation. Here are the metrics:

  • Investigator (detective officer) 17 thousand rubles.
  • Senior investigator 18.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 20.3 thousand rubles
  • Head of department 23 thousand rubles
  • Head of department 26 thousand rubles.

It is obvious that, as in many other departments, law enforcement agencies and organizations of state subordination, there are other sections to official salaries that affect the final amount of money received by a police officer. It:

  1. The allowance for military rank (taking into account the qualifications of the employee can reach 30% of the official salary).
  2. Experience supplement. The longer the term of service in the department, the greater the amount of DD you can count on.
  3. Bonus for special conditions of service (coefficient set depending on the region of service).

It is obvious that the salary increase for police officers in 2019, if it does begin, will include not only a change in official salary, but also an increase in additional payments.

The latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

One of the most important conditions for the successful reform of the department, along with an increase in the salaries of police officers from January 1, 2019, will also be significant structural changes. We have already talked about some of them, but these are far from all the changes. With a high degree of probability, we can say that a division of the Ministry of State Security will start working as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the New Year. If we believe the information coming from some media, this body will consist of several divisions of the FSB and will be endowed with the most significant powers. This structure is not formed from a "clean slate", but is created on the basis of the previously existing FSO. According to the new state, the federal security service will remain, but its functions and responsibilities will be optimized and specified as much as possible.

The upcoming changes in the structure of the traffic police and the traffic police will lead not only to functional changes, the innovation will directly affect each employee, because a significant part of them will be transferred to civilian positions.

What do the authorities, police and citizens expect from the changes? Summing up

It is obvious that the priority tasks that the President and the Government are striving to solve are to increase the efficiency of the department as a whole by optimizing the number, reforming taking into account the current situation, as well as increasing the prestige of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hence, we expect an increase in the salary of police officers in 2019, albeit not sharp, but still. Important attention is also paid to the ability of the police, if necessary, to take any tough measures to maintain law and order and counter any attempts of public pressure on the authorities.

For the rank and file of the ministry, the priorities are also clear. These are decent working conditions and normal monetary allowance. Officers will strive to make a career, and for civilian personnel it is important to create working conditions with a normal working day, decent wages and the possibility of obtaining additional privileges.

Well, the people, as always, are waiting for changes for the better and hope that someday the famous character from Mikhalkov's famous poem, "Uncle Styopa" will return! There will come a time when it will again be possible to turn to the police on the street for almost any help and be sure that every citizen will be reliably protected in the legal field.

As it will be in reality - time will tell!

One of the topical and discussed topics in the government apparatus and among the police is will there be a salary increase for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018? This is interesting to know not only for employees in this structure, but also for young people choosing a profession, as well as potential applicants and their families. For this year, with the remuneration of employees in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everything has been decided, the issue of the next period is still open. But there are certain prerequisites.

Prich other wage increases

Most often, income depends on a number of features in each professional environment, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs these are:

  • the amount of the salary itself (established and prescribed by law);
  • Each employee is entitled to a bonus in connection with the assigned military rank, respectively, in one structure, the income of employees is different, for example, a colonel receives a larger bonus than a sergeant or lieutenant; with career growth, the salary of employees also increases;
  • MIA employees often face dangers at work, so they are rewarded and given a bonus for their professional activities in situations where their lives are in danger. It happens that bonuses are equal to official salaries;
  • Significant and seniority; this professional activity involves earlier retirement than in other budgetary areas;
  • Sometimes employees of the department are paid a 10 - and a percentage bonus for non-disclosure of secret information.

Salary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 again, it is made dependent on the willingness of the employees of the structure to grow professionally and personally. Managers can increase the pay for the work of those subordinates who have mastered or strive for new knowledge suitable for work, for example, knowledge of foreign languages, possession of wrestling techniques, etc.

Maybe but is it possible to talk about an increase in the income of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

According to recent announcements from the Government, the income of workers in the public sector will increase, subject to a change in economic indicators for the better. But since the country's economy is not in a prosperous state, one should not count on a large increase in salaries.

It must be said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is undergoing a number of changes in accordance with certain reformist provisions, innovations are being introduced gradually, for 5 years now there has been a police instead of the usual police, and in order to get into the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, young cadres are certified according to more stringent rules. Over the entire period of the reform, the salaries of valiant workers have not increased much. The workload on each employee and on departments as a whole has increased, now the fair desire is to see higher incomes.

How much will the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be raised in 2018, will be seen by the end of this year. In the meantime, the earnings of low- and middle-ranking police officers are as follows:

  • Those working in the police for 5 years and above have an average monthly salary of 25,000 rubles.
  • Employees over 10 years earn about 28 thousand rubles. monthly.
  • With a length of service of 15 years, they receive a rate of 30 thousand rubles.
  • Junior officers with five years of experience work for 32,000 rubles. monthly salary.
  • For majors with more than 15 years of service, earnings range from 39 to 44 rubles a month.

Employees are also entitled to certain allowances:

  1. Work with secret documentation is paid separately, and, operational workers receive a solid remuneration, district inspectors receive small amounts.
  2. Difficult and stressful conditions for any work operation are also rewarded.
  3. Financial assistance and other bonuses.
  4. Police officers in Moscow are given 10 percent of their salary.

But some of the previously existing benefits have been canceled today:

  • "cut" the 13th salary,
  • eliminated compensation payments for the nutrition of children in kindergartens,
  • canceled preferential travel by rail,
  • Financial assistance can only be received once a year.

Medical assistance is also a benefit, for which the policeman does not have to pay out of his own pocket, but this is only in case of health damage in the service. The main leave can be extended if the person served in difficult conditions.

is planned to be full, corresponding to the inflation level. The authorities plan to carry out indexation due to the rise in price to 50 - and dollars per unit of oil (barrel). True, economic forecasts for next year regarding the prices of "black gold" differ, but, with all this, the general opinion about the rise in GDP and other economic indicators is favorable. This gives hope to every citizen of Russia for an increase in the well-being of both the Motherland and each resident individually. Moreover, the Government undertook until 2018 - about a year to reorganize the municipal sphere and raise the salaries of state employees. But the final figure of the salary of a policeman depends on the budget calculated and adopted for the next year, approved by law.

hung up The value of the income of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from various components

On the earnings of the police are of great importance:

Salary increase for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018 the country's authorities are already planning, and although at the end of the year everything may change, the budget has already been credited with an amount equal to the indexation level of 5%. This value is not so large that our state could not allow the planned increase in the income of the police. Moreover, although we are still living in crisis conditions, it is still receding and life processes are getting better. It is planned to constantly replenish the country's monetary fund, that is, there will be where to get finance for various social needs, which include salary increases for civil servants.

There is also information on the reduction of employees of the department, which frightens many. It should be noted that actions to optimize law enforcement and law enforcement structures will be directed to the administrative departmental zone. Simple ordinary conscientious employees will not fall under the reduction. Operatives, persons working in patrol and search services must remain in their places in full force.

According to some forecasts, more people under contract will work in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this and next years. Pension payments to those who have retired on a well-deserved rest will be increased. So this service, although not very highly paid, but the salary is stable, and work in the structure can be proud of, because thanks to the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we can easily move around the country and each individual locality, look for lost loved ones, things, and most importantly, practically not be afraid for their lives. Draft law on regional additional payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 provided with a wide list, I want the dangerous and important work of a person to be rewarded at its true worth.

Economist. Over 15 years of experience in finance. The date: September 25, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

In 2018, Russian police officers earn an average of 36,000 rubles. including all allowances. The average monetary allowance of an operative officer is 18,000 rubles. without allowances. With a long service, a policeman is entitled to a monthly bonus in the amount of 5-40% of the salary.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia is considered one of the most important power structures. In difficult times, citizens count on the help of the police. But how much do law enforcement officers get for their difficult work, what is the salary of the police at the present time?

Table 1. Average salary of a police officer

Period Income
Year RUB 432,000
Month 36 000 rub.
Day RUB 1,183
Hour 49.2 rubles
Minute 0.82 rub.
Second 0.013 RUB

Source: proprof

Police salary

To find out how much police officers earn, you need to understand the payment scheme. The amount you receive depends on many factors:

  • region;
  • position held;
  • qualifications;
  • length of service;
  • bonuses for strenuous activity;
  • work with classified materials;
  • premiums;
  • various types of financial assistance;
  • 10% bonus for employees of the capital.

Recently, police benefits have been systematically reduced. They removed 13 salaries, they no longer reimburse payment for kindergarten and reduced financial assistance. But the state is trying to find an individual approach to everyone. For solving a crime, an operative can receive a 40% bonus to his salary. A regional coefficient of 20% is also charged for employees of hard-to-reach and northern areas.

But do not forget about the system of fines: for leaving work without an important reason or 4 hours before the end of the working day, the employee loses the bonus. And unscrupulous police officers will be forced to re-attest, and those who could not pass it will be fired.

Salary by region

With regards to the salary of a police officer in the regions, on average for 2017 it was approximately 40,000 rubles.

The highest salary of a police officer in Kamchatka is 73,000 rubles.

Table 2. Salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by regions

Source: visasam

Depending on the region and field of activity, a police officer is charged a bonus for special working conditions. For example, only Moscow criminal investigation officers and riot police can count on a 60% increase in salary, while ordinary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital receive only a 25% bonus.

Salary by position

The fee of a police officer also strongly depends on the position held. For example, a cynologist receives 20,000 rubles. without allowances, while the salary of the detective is 18,000 rubles, the patrol officer - 16,000 rubles, and the duty officer - 13,000 rubles.

For the rank, police officers receive increased pay. In addition, the staff additionally counts an allowance for seniority. A person who has worked in the bodies from 3 to 25 years is charged from 5 to 40% of the salary.

Information about the earnings of employees of bodies:

  1. A military police investigator, excluding bonuses, earns 22,000 rubles.
  2. Employees of the transport police unit earn on average up to 45,000 rubles, taking into account all allowances. The largest earnings in the North Caucasus region - 65,000 rubles.
  3. The salary of an escort is on average 21,000 rubles. The head of security receives up to 42,000 rubles.

Reference! An escort is a subdivision involved in the escort and protection of valuable cargo or prisoners.

  1. The new unit is the Mounted Police. Many employees think that such a profession is saturated with romance. But in fact, this is an ordinary job with an irregular schedule and a salary of 40,000 rubles. plus the benefits due to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Almost all students who graduated from a law school are eager to get into criminologists. Now the salary of an ordinary criminologist is from 46,000 to 56,000 rubles.

Table 3. Average salary of police officers by rank

Title/position Average monthly salary Rs.
Private 5 800
Sergeant 6 900
Lance Sergeant 7 200
Staff Sergeant 7 800
foreman 7 900
Ensign 8 300
Senior Warrant Officer 8 400
Ensign 9 600
Senior Lieutenant 10 700
Lieutenant 11 000
Captain 12 000
Major 12 500
Colonel 13 000
Major General 21 200
Lieutenant General 23 800
Senior investigator 25 000
Colonel General 25 500
General 28 500
Deputy Department head 31 000
Head of department 41 000
Deputy Minister 45 300
Minister 50 000

Source: visasam

Compared to other similar professions, the salary of police officers is not in the first place:

  1. Personal bodyguard - 72,500 rubles.
  2. Ministry of Emergency Situations - 58,500 rubles.
  3. Deputy Director for Security - 55,000 rubles.
  4. Police officer - 40,000 rubles.
  5. District commissioner - 35,000 rubles.
  6. Police driver - 26,000 rubles.
  7. Military police - 20,000 rubles.

Police internship

A trainee in the bodies receives much less than the rest of the employees, since he has neither seniority nor any merit. For the internship period, payment depends only on the region - it can range from 9,000 to 16,000 rubles. per month.

Rice. 3. Police internship

The employee is trained usually from 1 to 3 months. For the duration of the training, a full-time police officer is attached to him, who monitors the work of a young employee and gives orders. At the end of the internship, they look at the results of the work done by the future policeman. If he was able to prove himself, then a probationary period is assigned. At the end of this period, the employee is waiting for the approval of the head of the department. Only after all these steps can the trainee consider himself a police officer.

How much did the guardians of the law earn in the last 5 years

Much to our regret, Russian police officers receive much less than their counterparts in Europe or the USA. But recently laws have been passed, on the basis of which the police are provided with:

  • additional 10 days of vacation;
  • free corporate housing;
  • free medical care.

The increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs over the past 5 years has happened twice - the salaries of law enforcement officers were indexed at the end of 2017 - by 7%, in 2018 - by 5.5%.

Table 4. Salaries of law enforcement officers for 2014-2018

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. The date: October 10, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

Police salaries will increase in October 2019 by 4.3%. The change will affect official salaries and allowances by rank, but will not affect the relative expression of bonuses. As a result, the average salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 will be 39,000 rubles.

Will there be a salary increase for police officers in 2019?

Law enforcement officers have experienced firsthand what reforms are. To strengthen the power structures, the requirements for the work of the police were adjusted, the personnel and structure of law enforcement agencies were optimized, and recertification was carried out.

Everything changed, except wages. In fact, since 2012, when salaries were increased by 2-3 times, the income of police officers has remained unchanged. The increase in average wages was due to an increase in length of service and other allowances.

A 4% increase in salaries at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in January 2018 actually leveled the current price increase, but could not restore purchasing power, since over the past 5 years the income of police officers has depreciated by 46%.

Not surprisingly, news of a phased increase in salaries for law enforcement officers up to 150% compared to 2012 was received with caution. And, indeed, according to the May Decree of the President, such a significant increase in salaries is planned, but it will take place in stages until 2024. But the new reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start from the beginning of 2019 - preparations began in the last quarter of 2018. According to the new law, the following will happen:

  • merger of some structures;
  • transfer of part of the powers to other law enforcement agencies;
  • staff reduction;
  • refusal to release work units after the employee retires;
  • new certification.

Reference! It is not planned to raise the retirement age for military personnel and persons equated to them at this stage. However will increase to 25 years from 2019.

Will the new stage of reform again affect most aspects, except for monetary allowance? Definitely, in the coming months, salaries will not increase overnight by 1.5 times. But the draft budget already includes an increase in police salaries in 2019 and the next 2 years.

Moreover, not only the monetary allowance of the policemen will grow, but also the pensions of former employees.

The latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the ongoing reform and salary increase in the video:

By how much will the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased

Initially, it was planned to index the salaries of police officers by 4% annually, which was supposed to cover the depreciation of salaries due to inflation. In August 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development gave a clarifying forecast for annual inflation. A level no higher than 3.4% was indicated, which is 0.3 bp. higher than initial forecasts. It is these indications that the Ministry is guided by when drafting the budget. How will the deterioration of the economic situation affect the salaries of the security forces? Will the government lower the indicators to the level of inflation, or, on the contrary, will it increase against the backdrop of depreciation of income?

The exact plans became known from official sources after the draft federal budget of the country was submitted for consideration. It reflects that military personnel and persons equated to them, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are scheduled to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages in 2019 by 4.3%.

If the draft budget is approved in this version, the salary of police officers will increase by 4.3% in 2019.

For reference! The budget includes an increase in wages for law enforcement officers for 2020 in the amount of 3.8%, for 2021 - 4%.

Similar innovations are planned for the salaries of employees of federal government agencies and.

Terms of increase

Ambiguous information is also being circulated in the press about the timing of the increase in monetary allowance - January, May and October appear. When and to whom will payments be raised in 2019?

In January, only those police officers whose salary level is less than the minimum wage can apply for an increase in payments. Since the beginning of the year, this figure will increase by 1% to 11,280 rubles. Therefore, ordinary novice employees, as well as interns who receive less than the minimum wage, will receive bonuses up to this level automatically. In fact, for them, the allowance will increase by 117 rubles. The rest of the employees, whose salaries are higher than these figures, will not receive any additional payments in January.

For reference! The January increase will affect, first of all, public sector employees, namely , teachers and doctors.

May increase in 2019 is not planned. In the previous year, it was associated with a repeated increase in the minimum wage.

The main wage indexation, which will affect the salaries of all police officers, will be carried out in October 2019. The same terms are indicated in the law for subsequent indexations.

What is the average salary for a police officer?

The increase will affect only official salaries and payments for the title. However, this is only the base part, on which various allowances are charged. It is their indexing will not affect. For example, the seniority allowance will not be indexed, but will grow at the expense of the actual service life.

Table 1. Changes in the salaries of police officers in 2019

Title/position Salary 2018, rub. Salary from October 2019, rub.
Private 5 800 6 050
Sergeant 6 900 7 200
Lance Sergeant 7 200 7 500
Staff Sergeant 7 800 8 130
foreman 7 900 8 240
Ensign 8 300 8 660
Senior Warrant Officer 8 400 8 760
Ensign 9 600 10 010
Senior Lieutenant 10 700 11 160
Lieutenant 11 000 11 470
Captain 12 000 12 520
Major 12 500 13 040
Colonel 13 000 13 560
Major General 21 200 22 110
Lieutenant General 23 800 24 820
Senior investigator 25 000 26 075
Colonel General 25 500 26 600
General 28 500 29 730
Deputy department head 31 000 32 330
Head of department 41 000 42 760
Deputy minister 45 300 47 250
Minister 50 000 52 150

When calculating the new salary of a police officer, not only the salary for the rank will be taken into account, but also the salaries for the position, which are also multiplied by a factor of 1.043. With regard to allowances, they are calculated based on the size of the salary. Therefore, in monetary terms, they will automatically become larger.

The estimated average salary of a police officer in 2019 will increase to 37,500 rubles.

The dynamics of changes in the salary of police officers over the past 10 years

A significant change in the size of the monetary allowance of the police was recorded in 2012.

For 5 years, salaries have not increased, but the average salary has fluctuated, which is associated with the introduction of new allowances and the redistribution of responsibilities. The last 4% indexation also slightly affected the salaries of law enforcement officers.

Table 1. Dynamics of police salaries in 2011-2019

Year Amount of salary, rub.
2010 14 000
2011 14 000
2012 35 000
2013 35 000
2014 37 000
2015 35 000
2016 36 000
2017 35 000
2018 36 000
2019 37 500

Considering that the “cost” of police salaries has depreciated by 46% over the past 6 years, and prices in the country have increased by 60%, the total indexation by 8.3% (for 2018-2019) will not provide a decent level of income for the security forces. In fact, wage growth will be only 2.38%, as the current inflation “ate” 5.92% of the increase in 2 years.

As a result, over the period from 2018 to 2021, salaries will increase by approximately 16.1%, which is far from the promised 50% salary increase. However, the actual numbers for 2020-2021 will become known only after the approval of the relevant budgets, and it remains to be seen what innovations the Government plans to introduce regarding the salaries of the security forces in 2022-2024.

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
October 10, 2018 .

Bonus for conscientious performance of official duties 25% of the monthly salary (10000 + 15000) X0.25 = 6250.00 25% of the monthly salary (25000 + 37500) X0.25 = 15625.00 25% of the monthly salary (11000 +15500)X0.25 = 6625.00 25% of monthly salary (27500+38750)X0.25 = 16562.60 Total accrued 38750.00 96875.00 43075.00 107687.60 Withholding Personal income tax 13 % 38750X0.13 = 5037.00 96875.00 X0.13 = 12594.00 43075.00 X0.13 = 5600.00 107687.60 X0.13 = 13999.00 To be handed over 33713 84281 37475 93688.60 Dynamics Increase salary increase by 2.5 times Increase in monetary allowance by 2.5 times *Post of police lieutenant - investigator **Post of police captain - senior investigator salary for the job.

Police pay increase in 2018

Most likely next year, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect the following figures:

  • the salary of police officers who have worked for less than 5 years in the authorities will be 26-27 thousand rubles;
  • police officers who have worked for at least 10 years will be able to receive 28-29 thousand rubles;
  • those with more than 15 years of service have the right to count on 32-33 thousand rubles.

Employees in the rank from junior lieutenant to captain are provided with a salary of at least 32 thousand rubles. In managerial positions (from major to general), the monthly salary will be from 40 thousand rubles.
rubles. The return of 13 salaries, as well as free travel in public transport in 2018, should not be expected by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: official representatives of the department have already announced this. However, there are also positive developments.

Police salary in 2018

Not in the table and material assistance, which is calculated from the salary of the monetary content. Will the prestige of service in the police increase With the increase in salaries for police officers in 2018, the predicted 2.5 times will significantly increase the number of people who want to get into such a highly paid job.

The salary of ordinary employees of internal affairs bodies will also more than double. Latest news If you follow the latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on police salaries in 2018, then as the new year approaches, the picture becomes more and more clear in favor of wage increases.


Ultimately, the salary of police officers will depend on the capacity of the country's budget. As for the salaries of civilian police officers, they are also provided with an increase, but in what percentage is still unknown.

So, at a meeting in the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin recalled the May decrees and that some state employees, including the police, were left "overboard" and the situation needs to be corrected, despite all the economic problems in the country. Therefore, there is a very high probability that the increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 will be included in the budget, which means it is guaranteed to happen.
Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Despite the fact that there will be no significant salary increase for police officers in 2018, a number of benefits have been left for the department, which can partly compensate for financial losses.

Police salary (in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) in 2018


At the same time, additional financial remuneration is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, marked with state awards. What are the salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now? The current level of income in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is unlikely to add a desire to join the department for service.

Recently, there have been persistent rumors that the salary of a police officer in 2018 will increase significantly. Before talking about increasing salaries, you should deal with the indicators already achieved.

So, ordinary law enforcement officers (without officer ranks) with a length of service not exceeding 5 years are entitled to 25 thousand rubles as a salary. Officers with the same experience can count on 36 thousand people.

rubles, and 42 thousand rubles after 15 years of service in the department. It should be noted a significant difference in the level of income between officers and heads of departments (divisions). The salary of the latter is at least 80 thousand rubles, and sometimes reaches 100 thousand.
rubles per month.

Salary increase for police officers in 2018: latest news


If we talk about fifteen years of service, then during this time the remuneration for work can rise to 42,000 rubles. Along with such indicators, the monthly income of the heads of departments can be no more than 100,000 rubles.

However, the indicators can vary significantly depending on the region, the coefficient of which significantly affects the final amount of the salary paid. For example, the remuneration for the labor of an ordinary employee in the capital has an average figure of 52,000 rubles, which differs significantly from the all-Russian one.

And how much will be the salary of police officers in 2018? The sad news for the police was the recent cancellation of the annual thirteenth salary and partial privileges. If you look, then the average for the country is 32,000 rubles, while eliminating any risk to life and health.

Official salaries (DO) for police officers in positions of private and junior staff since 2018 according to the draft budget submitted to the State Duma Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions Policeman 13520 Senior policeman 14040 Junior inspector 14560 Deputy platoon commander 15080 Centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people Policeman 11440 Senior policeman 11960 Junior inspector 12480 Deputy platoon commander 13000 Other areas Policeman 9360 Senior policeman 9880 Junior inspector 10400 Deputy platoon commander 10920 Table 5.

Official salaries in the police 2018 table

Х0.25 = 6625.00 25% of monthly salary (27500+38750)Х0.25 = 16562.60 Total accrued 38750.00 96875.00 43075.00 107687.60 Withholding Personal income tax 13% 38750Х0, 13 = 5037.00 96875.00 Х0.13 = 12594.00 43075.00 Х0.13 = 5600.00 107687.60 Х0.13 = 13999.00 Payable 33713 84281 37475 93688.60 2.5 times An increase in salaries by 2.5 times What is the situation with salaries today The situation with salaries today What will be the salary of police officers in 2018, if, according to the data received for the past and current years, the work of a policeman was far from prestigious professions? The reason for this was the relatively low salary, ordinary employees with five years of service received about 25,000 rubles, and the salary of the officers amounted to about 36,000 rubles.

Salary in the police in 2018 table

A) ordinary employees with experience not exceeding 5 years of service - an average of 25,000 r for the country; B) officers - approximately 36,000 rubles; C) increased experience (15 years) will make it possible to become the happy owner of a payment of 42,000 rubles; D) the bosses (starting from the management of departments) will be able to count on salaries as much as 100,000 rubles. per month; Naturally, there are territorial differences (the same regional coefficient works). So, the leader in terms of the absolute level of the average salary of police officers was, remains Moscow with a figure of 52 thousand rubles.

But next year, probably, Irkutsk will become with 55 thousand rubles. But in St. Petersburg, the average salary in the police has been stagnating for several years at the level of 40 thousand rubles.

This list includes:

  • additional days to labor leave (up to 10);
  • placing in a separate queue for service housing;
  • the option of receiving sanatorium treatment for yourself and relatives;
  • the possibility of free qualified medical care, including operations.

In addition, for servants of law enforcement agencies, separate housing is provided in hostels when they enter the service. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a family, the employer, that is, the department, is obliged to provide him with a separate room.

In this regard, nothing has changed since the days of the USSR, when work in the police was perhaps the only reliable way for young guys from the provinces to gain a foothold in Moscow.

Ministry of Internal Affairs) is compiled according to the same principle as the salary in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is composed of:

  • base salary. This component is interesting, first of all, because it is precisely it that is subject to indexation within the framework of various programs and instructions to increase the income of state employees;
  • allowance associated with difficult conditions of service, processing (exceeding the norms of working time), as well as due to the fact that there is a risk to health and life in work.
  • increasing regional coefficient;
  • rank bonus;
  • length of service, defined as another multiplying factor;

As a result, taking the current amount of remuneration in the police as a basis and extrapolating it according to the coefficients of 2017, we can assume that the salary of police officers in 2018 (in the Center.

  • Police officers now have the opportunity to receive free housing according to the queue.
  • The security forces were also given the opportunity to receive free expensive medical care or a unique intervention by a surgeon.
  • An additional ten days were added to their annual leave.
  • Now they have the opportunity to have free rest in a sanatorium with their families.
  • Another positive moment was the government's statement about ensuring the working conditions of police officers by repairing buildings allocated for police stations and providing the required equipment. They also promise to conduct free courses aimed at improving the level of professionalism of employees.