How to open an attraction in a mall. Business ideas for a recreation park. Instructions for use, or how to implement a business idea in the entertainment industry

Seven topical attractions for small businesses: Electric karting, laser labyrinth, quests, virtual war with caterpillars, sandboxes with gems and others.

What do people save on during a crisis? The Russians admit that they deny themselves a lot. In the TOP-3 list of savings - entertainment (see Fig. 1)

And yet the entertainment industry continues to be in the zone of interest of small and medium-sized businesses. New children's attractions appear in open areas, in separate buildings, in the mall. Analysts are confident that in the near future the pace of development in this area will increase. Here are the main prerequisites that, from the point of view of specialists, contribute to strengthening the position of the entertainment industry in our country.

Interest in the "anchor tenants" of the mall

Despite the crisis and increasing competition, landlords are trying to attract as many visitors as possible to their establishments. Their allies are "anchor tenants" that help increase the number of guests. This category includes the owners of attractions.

According to Colliers International, entertainment operators rank second in the structure of shopping center space (18%), second only to the beauty industry (59%). According to some estimates, in the near future, many shopping centers will give away from 15 to 30% of their space for catering and entertainment, as experts have found that an extensive entertainment zone increases shopping mall traffic by 15-25% (according to the Attractions and Entertainment magazine). , No. 21, 2016)

Availability of ready-made business schemes and low-budget formats

It can be difficult for aspiring entrepreneurs to independently calculate the profitability of a business. Franchisors come to the rescue with ready-made offers for opening attractions.

“A franchise is a ready-made and proven business model. A merchant buys a project on a turnkey basis, knowing exactly what and how to develop: in this way, he bypasses the pitfalls and significantly reduces risks,” notes Anton Shchipachev, Commercial Director of VIA BOWLING/GamePlay.

There are still few ready-made franchises in the amusement segment, mainly children's developing towns and virtual reality attractions, but new ideas are also emerging: for example, an electric kart franchise.

For entrepreneurs who do not have significant start-up capital, low-budget attractions can be a good solution:

  • (the size of the initial investment is from 4 million rubles)
  • laser tags - laser paintball (from 2.5 million rubles),
  • soft play zones Soft Play or developing game modules (from 300 thousand rubles).

The desire of parents to introduce children to useful entertainment

The dream of modern parents is to “tear off” children from gadgets and TVs. Hence the growing need for developing attractions: climbing walls, trampoline and rope parks, freestyle grounds, etc.

There is a shift of interest from slot machines to sports entertainment: moms and dads are more willing to allocate money to children for outdoor activities.

Here are the new rides for kids that experts say will see a rise in demand.

Idea #1 Electrokarting

Today, electric karting is actively developing in the West, but remains exotic in our country. And yet, entertainment industry professionals predict a great future for him, because he is different

  • environmental friendliness: no exhaust, silent, does not require coordination with the Fire Supervision Authority or the creation of an additional ventilation system
  • variability: “does not get bored” (especially if you change the track configuration from time to time)
  • all-season: there are no differences in attendance at different times of the year.

In addition, in our country this is still a free niche, and those who open the first sites for this exciting attraction are doomed to success.

Of course, a large-scale project will require serious investments: a world-class electric karting center will cost about 40 million rubles (excluding renovation or construction costs). Experts estimate the mini-format ("fast drift") for the shopping and entertainment center at the start at 15-18 million rubles.

However, there is also a ready-made solution developed by the Italian manufacturers of electric karts: joining the Branded Network club by acquiring a franchise. At the same time, franchisees receive a ready-made business concept, including the development of related areas (catering), marketing and consulting support.

Membership in a club with a big name gives you the opportunity to attract prestigious advertisers. Reputable firms choose well-known brands as advertising partners, which include the Branded Network. This creates additional income.

The franchise will cost 2.5 million rubles. Annual royalties are 4% of turnover.

Idea #2 Laser maze

Unforgettable adventures for adults and children are promised by the laser labyrinth LASER QUEST. This is a small room (18 m²), pierced by bright rays that form a bizarre pattern of intersecting lines.

The task of the participant of the attraction is to go through the labyrinth without hitting the beams, find the key to the stopwatch mounted on the wall at the entrance, and, upon returning, turn it off. The mission can be completed in three attempts.

The attraction makes it possible for some time to feel like a hero of an action movie or a computer game in reality. Also in it you can compete for the speed of passing the maze.


  • relatively low price of equipment - from 250,000 rubles
  • compactness
  • accessibility for a wide audience (age of visitors starts from 5 years old)
  • democratic prices: the recommended ticket price is 200 rubles
  • availability of additional sources of income: selling videos of their adventures in the labyrinth to those who wish
  • high throughput - up to 30 people per hour and a fast payback period - from 1 month.

Idea No. 3 Quests - exercise for the mind

Another promising idea is quests for children. This is a game in the "leave the room" format. The conditions are simple: a team of players is temporarily locked in a room, from which they can exit by sequentially performing certain actions.

3 components of the success of this attraction, according to the company "iLocked - quests get out of the room", are an unusual idea, an interesting script and a special atmosphere that is created by the theme of the game and the scenery.

If you create a business from scratch, then the initial investment starts from 800,000 rubles and more: the more complex the mechanisms and surroundings of the quest, the greater the cost. Payback period - from 6 months. (in St. Petersburg, on average, from six months to eight months, based on 200 games per month at a cost of 3 - 3.5 thousand rubles per game).

Aspiring entrepreneurs willingly buy turnkey quests under a franchise. Advantages:

  • ready-made scenario, equipment and proven business model
  • support of the franchisor from creation to launch of the attraction
  • advertising for partners on the website of the developer of the idea, etc.
  • most escape rooms for children are designed for playrooms in development centers, which allows you to quickly find the right room.

Idea No. 4 Virtual war with caterpillars

Who would have thought that the developers of attractions will be able to reconcile parents who dream of tearing their heirs away from computers, and children who love to spend their days playing games! The solution was a fun family attraction REALGAME.

It consists of a 4 m² cabin. Instead of a floor, there is a screen on which harmful caterpillars scurry and mercilessly devour cabbage forks. The task of the players is to trample on as many caterpillars as possible (ideally around 200 in 2 minutes). It turned out - the remaining garden pests, turning into butterflies, fly away, and if not, they laugh merrily at the failure of the players.


  • accessible even to kids: simple rules
  • meets the needs of both children and adults
  • economical: low rental cost
  • can be used for outdoor parties and holidays
  • relatively low initial investment - 360,000 rubles on a turnkey basis
  • fast payback period
  • much cheaper than imported analogues.

Idea No. 5 Bumper boats - an attraction on the water

Universal entertainment for children and adults, suitable for both outdoor and indoor areas. An important condition is the presence of a pool or an open reservoir.

The shape of the bumper boat is a miniature model of a real boat. It is designed for 1-2 people, so the attraction is suitable for kids from 3 years old accompanied by their parents. Older kids can manage on their own.


  • safety: the sides of the boat are made of rubber, so collisions are not terrible, even if swimming takes place in a small pool
  • novelty: driving a boat is a novelty for many kids, unlike the usual cars
  • durability: boats are made of durable material that will not fade or deform, they are equipped with a battery-powered electric motor. Most products come with at least 1 year warranty
  • relatively low initial investment: the cost of a domestic-made bumper boat starts at 33,000 rubles.

Idea #6 Sandbox with gems

Those who plan to develop a family entertainment business will love the Pirate's Treasure franchise. The idea was born in 2015 by entrepreneur T. Popova, who purchased gems for her own children to play with. Noticing the interest of the kids in multi-colored pebbles, she came up with a wonderful sandbox with precious filling. Today they are in more than 15 cities.


  • ease of implementation: the attraction is focused on the mall
  • low level of initial investments: 130,000 rubles (without the cost of rent and staff salaries)
  • small rent: sandbox occupies 8 m²
  • the possibility of additional earnings on the sale of stones for collections
  • no royalty
  • entertainment: not a single visitor will calmly pass by the sandbox
  • the opportunity to develop a business with the assistance of a franchisor

With the right business organization, you can get from 120,000 rubles of net profit per month.

Idea No. 7 Flying in a wind tunnel

Feels like this attraction is close to skydiving, but it is much safer and accessible even to children. It consists in the effect of free fall, which is experienced by a person inside the installation.

In general, pleasure is not cheap: an average of 10 million rubles will have to be paid for the purchase of a wind tunnel. Plus a supply of consumables for diesel internal combustion engines (about 150,000 rubles per month), equipment for visitors, wages for a skydiving instructor and equipment for servicing the installation, etc.


  • attraction - a real "magnet" for sports fans
  • attractive to teenagers by the novelty of sensations
  • you can sell gift certificates

Experts say that with a well-built marketing strategy, it is possible to achieve a payback of the pipe in 2 years. However, this attraction is still designed for megacities, where there are more potential visitors and a higher income level of the population.

Idea No. 8 Climbing wall

Recently, among the new children's attractions, the entertainment climbing wall is one of the most popular. The desire of children to climb vertical surfaces, the temptation of walls imitating rocks that can be seen from afar - all this increases the attendance of the climbing wall and makes it the most popular place in the mall.


  • low rent: takes up little space, can be placed in “inconvenient” places for other tenants (on empty space near elevators, near escalators, skating rinks, rollerdromes)
  • does not bother visitors, as it has many route options that can be changed from time to time
  • no consumables and operating costs
  • quickly pays for itself (about 3 months).

Thus, there are enough business ideas in the entertainment market. But in order for the attractions to please visitors for a long time and make a profit, it is recommended to purchase them from trusted suppliers with a good business reputation, as well as check the availability of certificates for materials and safety equipment.

In this material:

Almost any entertainment business can be considered potentially successful if taken seriously and responsibly. Regardless of the target audience, leisure has always been a priority in people's lives. Setting up an amusement ride business is simpler than it might seem at first glance. The main target audience is children and teenagers. But they always come accompanied by adults, 30% of whom visit one or another location. An amusement park business plan is based on an analysis of the market, competition and demand for services in a particular locality.

Description of the business project, relevance and goals

The amusement park is a limited area of ​​150 sq. m. (on average 700-1000), on which carousels, trampolines, trains and other locations for children's pastime are located. A park, a square, a square and any other crowded place visited by citizens is chosen as a location.

The project is relevant for medium and large cities with a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants. In smaller communities, the revenue will not cover the cost of equipment, utilities and wage payments, not to mention the profit. Due to the low population density, there will simply be no one to visit the amusement park on a regular basis. For such towns, business ideas based on the touring type are suitable, when a large number of settlements are visited in a short period of time and the maximum box office is collected everywhere.

The goal of the project is to organize an amusement park and gain profit during the current season. This is achieved by a good location, a marketing campaign to attract visitors, as well as affordable prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The amusement park as a business has its pros and cons.

  1. Relevance - attractions have always been a sought-after business. Every year their popularity does not fade away, and new locations from manufacturers are released on a regular basis.
  2. Prospective - when the success of the current business is achieved, it can always be expanded by increasing the area of ​​​​the park with the addition of new types of entertainment or opening a new point.
  3. The target audience is from primary preschool age to adults 35–40 years old and even older. There are many attractions that are designed specifically for the adult category of people.
  4. Payback - given the high demand and wide target audience, the business brings regular income, due to which the project pays off in the first season.
  5. No additional investments - the amusement park provides for investments only at the initial stage of organizing a business. Subsequently, the expenses represent the minimum values ​​in the form of wages to employees and the allocation of funds for equipment maintenance.
  1. The need for large investments - the cost of equipment depends on its type and volume. For example, a trampoline, also known as a "grasshopper", will cost an entrepreneur 150,000 rubles. The same applies to other small locations - mini-carousels, trains. The cost of larger entertainments starts from 750,000 rubles and more per piece of equipment. As a result, when installing at least 10 locations, it is necessary to invest at least 5 million rubles.
  2. Search for a place - small and medium-sized cities cannot boast of a large list of places for citizens to relax. As a rule, this is a city garden in the city center and several parks in other areas. In most cases, attractions with attractions are already operating in these places, which complicates the task for a novice entrepreneur.
  3. Competition - the situation is typical for large cities in which many branches of this business operate.
  4. Seasonality - the amusement park is located in the open air, which excludes its visit in rainy and especially cold weather. All points work from spring to autumn, closing for the winter period, and this negatively affects profits.

Influence of the seasonality factor on profit

As already mentioned, the amusement park business is a seasonal activity, designed for the summer period, exciting a bit of spring and autumn. Every year, the parks hold a grand opening of the season on May 1st. There is no specific closing date, so everyone works according to the weather and at their own discretion.

At the same time, the grand opening is just a way to attract visitors, because almost all entrepreneurs launch attractions before May 1, namely in April, as soon as the snow melted and the ambient temperature rose to +15 degrees.

Reference. Depending on the region of the country and the level of snowfall during the winter, the parks can start their activities in March, if the organizer deems it necessary. There are no clear boundaries.

Despite their seasonality, amusement parks are also open in winter. This applies to such periods as the celebration of Halloween, New Year, Christmas, Shrovetide. It is worth noting that in winter, due to the lack of street events, people visit the attractions with pleasure, collecting an impressive cash register.

Types of attractions

There are many types of attractions, the most popular of which are the following:

  • Rail - the most common representative is the "Engine", consisting of 3-5 cars for 2 seats. Depending on the age category, rail attractions are intended both for the smallest visitors up to 3-4 years old, when the structure moves along the route at low speed, and for older fans of riding and experiencing adrenaline - in this case, the route is more winding, and the speed of the trip is decreases then increases.
  • Trampolines - this includes individual locations, when the child is fixed with elastic straps on a spring surface. Due to this and his own strength, he pushes off with his feet and jumps high. Another type of trampoline is an inflatable structure with slides, designed for simultaneous use by several children (up to 10-15 people).
  • Carousels are a standard location that is present in any amusement park due to its high popularity. The design and age restrictions may be different, but the mechanism of operation is always the same - visitors are seated in their places and spinning in a circle at a certain speed.
  • The autodrome, or bumper cars, is also a classic type of attraction that is familiar to every child and adult.
  • Impactors - an attraction that works on the principle of a swing, but in more extreme conditions. Depending on the type of equipment, impactors can lift visitors up to 35 meters in height by turning and changing the position of the cabin in the air.
  • Swings - standard for children and extreme for teenagers and adults.
  • The Panic Room is another representative of the classic type of attractions, the principle of which is based on rail equipment and the creation of a creepy room design with frightening elements.
  • Shooting range for children and adults.
  • closed labyrinth.

This is just a small list of what one amusement park can accommodate.

Market and competition analysis, risk assessment

Competition in the entertainment business is quite high, but its level is determined by the type of activity and target audience. An amusement park can be both a classic set of attractions in an open area, and aimed at a narrower target audience. For example, an entertainment complex in a mall, where gaming devices and virtual reality simulators are a priority.

This business plan is focused specifically on the classic format - attractions and locations located in an open space. Such points in cities with a population of up to 500,000 people can be found no more than 4-5 units, which is explained by the lack of optimal places for placement. On the other hand, it is not uncommon to find 2 separate segments of attractions operating in parallel in one perimeter. In this case, the competition is very high, but entrepreneurs solve the problem with diverse locations and focus on different target audiences.

The market and competition analysis is based on the collection of data on similar types of businesses in the project opening area. The study area is the entire city, because the business is large-scale and focused on a wide audience.

The employer will need to collect the following information:

  • the location of each competitor;
  • park area;
  • the number and type of attractions;
  • the cost of visiting each location;
  • demand for each attraction;
  • project attendance on different days of the week and holidays.

Based on the data obtained, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, the success and relevance of projects are determined. The format of your own business is built only on the positive experience of competitors with the addition of its uniqueness (design, locations that others do not have, etc.).

  • Competition - the problem is solved by the location of the project away from competitors. If this is not possible, then the site can be successfully divided with a competitor using different types of attractions.
  • Lack of visitors - the situation is typical for small settlements or for parks with inflated prices, when entrepreneurs plan to return their investments in a short time, but in fact go bankrupt.
  • Poor-quality equipment is the most harmless thing that this risk can entail, it is expensive repairs and simple location. For this reason, the entrepreneur loses part of the potential profit. A more serious problem, which lies behind poor-quality equipment and lack of regular maintenance, is accidents with visitors during the operation of the attraction. An entrepreneur may even face criminal liability, which depends on the severity of the person’s injuries.

Reference. Most of the risks for an amusement park are solvable if you approach business responsibly. Special attention should be paid to the quality of equipment, regular checks before the opening of the park and timely repairs.

Organizational moments

Registration of the type of activity, documents

The amusement park business does not require special licenses and permits, so the project is organized in a standard way.

An individual entrepreneur or LLC is chosen as the format of entrepreneurial activity, which does not affect the workflow in any way. The differences are only in the package of documents and tax reporting. For legal entities, it is somewhat more complicated.

Documents for registration of IP:

  • the passport;
  • statement;
  • paid receipt of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Documents for registration of LLC:

  • passport and TIN of the founder;
  • decision to establish a legal entity;
  • charter of the company;
  • information about the authorized capital - the minimum value is 10,000 rubles;
  • data on the legal address;
  • paid receipt of state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Regardless of the status of entrepreneurial activity, you need to:

  • open a bank account;
  • conclude a land lease agreement;
  • sign an agreement with the municipal service for garbage collection;
  • request quality certificates for existing equipment from the supplier.

OKVED codes:

  • 92.33 - activities related to the organization of fairs and amusement parks;
  • 92.34.3 - other entertainment activities not listed in other groups;
  • 92.72 - other activities related to leisure and entertainment, not specified in other groups.

The optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system.

Selecting an amusement park location

There are not so many places that would be suitable for organizing an open-air amusement park. These include:

  • city ​​park of culture and rest;
  • other parks and squares with high attendance;
  • areas near shopping malls and supermarkets;
  • city ​​squares and places of rest for citizens.


As a rule, most city sites are already ready for this type of business, which is expressed in the main thing - the presence of a hard surface. If the territory does not provide for asphalt, concrete or paving slabs, then the tenant needs to take care of this.

After laying a hard coating on the surface, the area should be fenced off. As a fence, it is best to use portable fences. You can also build a capital fence made of rods so that the park can be viewed from the side.

In addition to equipment, there are cash desks, points for the sale of ice cream, cotton candy, drinks and fast food on the territory. Banners with cartoon and movie characters are used as decor, which correspond to the theme of the location. Full-length figures with the same characters will interest the public from the outside.

Equipment: what attractions to choose?

It is not worth listing all types of equipment, because there are too many of them. It is necessary to remember the main thing - in order to cover a larger target audience, it is necessary to install attractions aimed at different audiences, and divide the park territory into zones:

  • children's;
  • family;
  • extreme.

For younger children, carousels, rail attractions, labyrinths and more are installed.

For a family holiday, the same rail locations are suitable, but with a different speed of movement.

Extreme attractions are designed for teenagers accompanied by adults and other people over 18 years old.


The cost of a ticket for a particular attraction may differ depending on its type and complexity, but the average price varies between 100-150 rubles per person.

It is not recommended to underestimate the fee too much to attract customers, otherwise it will simply not be possible to make a profit. Excessively inflated ticket prices for the fastest payback of the project will also not bring the desired result, because it will only alienate visitors.


The amusement park will require the following number of workers:

  • cashier - 2 people;
  • attraction operator - 1 person for 2-3 locations, depending on the influx of visitors (on weekends it is more expedient to put a separate employee on each attraction so that there are no delays);
  • technician - 1-2 people whose duties include checking equipment and eliminating technical malfunctions;
  • territory cleaner - 1-2 people, depending on the area of ​​the park;
  • watchman - 2 people;
  • accountant - 1 person;
  • administrator - 1 person (for the first time, an entrepreneur can deal with administrative affairs).

The responsibilities of the ride operators include not only launching the equipment, but also instructing visitors on safety precautions.

Advertising and work on the image of the park

  • commercials on television and radio;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • creating your own website with a list of attractions, reviews and ticket prices;
  • advertising in public transport;
  • maintaining groups in social networks, promoting their publics, as well as buying advertising posts in visited groups and forums of the city;
  • advertising on printed media - brochures, booklets, leaflets.

Speakerphone in the amusement park is a great way to attract visitors. Mostly popular music will play, but from time to time you can voice the list of attractions, names of promotions and gifts. This approach works not only on the opening day, but also throughout the life of the project.

Financial part of the business plan

Investment in the project

Investments at the start (in rubles):

  • 5,000 - registration of an IP, production of a seal and preparation of documentation (for an LLC, the amount grows to 20,000, taking into account the authorized capital of 10,000 rubles);
  • 20,000 - market and competition analysis;
  • 5,000,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 150,000 - installation and connection of equipment;
  • 70,000 - advertising;
  • 240,000 - conclusion of a land lease agreement with an advance payment for 2 months.

Result: 5,485,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Costs in the first month:

  • 120,000 - rent;
  • 220,000 - wages (9 employees);
  • 50,000 - utility bills.

Result: 390,000 rubles.

Income and profit calculation

The main profit of the amusement park comes from the sale of tickets for the rides. The advantage is that the time of skiing at one location does not exceed 3-5 minutes, which increases the throughput of the population to the maximum record values.

The average revenue of the amusement park per week is 400,000 rubles. This amount grows to 1.2-1.5 million rubles per month. This is “dirty” income, from which mandatory expenses must be subtracted.

390,000 rubles are deducted from 1.5 million. Net profit - 1.1 million rubles.

At this pace, the project will pay off in 5 months, which is the working season. Even in a worse scenario, namely, with revenues 2 times less, the amusement park will return the invested funds in 2 seasons.

Attractions have always attracted people - both in the past and in the present. Today, people want to get more positive emotions and adrenaline, and amusement park equipment manufacturers are successfully implementing this in practice. Having invested once in a big way in this business, the entrepreneur will receive profit regularly without risks and serious financial losses.

Buy a ready-made business plan

Investments: Investments 290,000 - 700,000 ₽

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  1. Project summary.
  2. Description of the amusement park concept.
  3. Market analysis, including competitors, potential customers.
  4. The project of organizing the territory of the park, erecting buildings and attractions.
  5. Customer Acquisition Plan.
  6. Organization of a marketing strategy, determination of sources of income and their value.
  7. Current cost plan.
  8. Methods for leveling project risks.
  9. Assessment of the feasibility of launching the project.

Why do you need an amusement park business plan?

  1. Business plan - expert assistance in organizing your own amusement park and protection from mistakes.
  2. A business plan is a document that will be of interest to all external users of the project: bankers, investors, etc.
  3. A business plan is an action strategy that will allow you to achieve the expected result in the shortest possible time.

Sample Amusement Park Business Plan

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Extended amusement park business plan with full business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of the amusement park

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Statement of Cash Flow quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


The advanced business plan includes an Excel financial model for the amusement park.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will allow justifying management decisions on investing in the creation and development of an amusement park, predicting its financial results and assessing risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


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  • Bank cards (Russia)
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Business organization

An amusement park is an opportunity to have a good rest with the whole family and get a charge of vivacity and good mood. On the territory of the Russian Federation, such places of rest are not very common, especially for medium and small towns. At the same time, business profitability can be very high even in small areas. The main thing is to plan the project correctly. For this, an indispensable document for you will be an amusement park business plan.

Stages of business organization:

  1. The choice of the most accessible place for the amusement park.
  2. Design stage.
  3. Coordination of the project in the supervisory authorities and obtaining permits.
  4. Erection of structures, buildings, attractions.
  5. Engagement of staff.
  6. Launch of a mass advertising campaign.
  7. Grand opening and start of work.

The main business risk is its seasonality. As a rule, the park is open only during the warm season, that is, no more than 6 months a year. In order to partially compensate for lost profits and maintain at least partially stable staff, it is necessary to consider options for using the park in the winter season. For example, open a skating rink with the possibility of renting skates.

Market analysis and amusement park project description

In recent years, there has been a revival in the amusement park organization market, although their number in Russia is relatively small - about 1000. In addition to children's attractions, park organizers organize entertainment for the whole family, indoor and outdoor restaurants and islands of services (face painting, cotton candy, etc. .). Since the niche is not yet sufficiently occupied, and the demand for services is high, you should enter the market as soon as possible and take a worthy position in it.

Produced goods/services

Amusement services, inventory rental, cafe and restaurant services, etc.

Potential clients


An example of calculations for opening a small amusement park is given in the business plan.

Financial part of the amusement park business plan


AttachmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Organization registration, paperwork

Land lease (for the first 3 months of operation)

Design work

Construction of structures, attractions and premises

Conducting communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Carrying out works on arrangement of the territory

Organization of parking

Landscaping of the park

Other costs

According to the example of an amusement park business plan, investments in the business will amount to at least 120 million rubles.


The average revenue will be about 60 - 80 million rubles annually.


Annual expenses - an average of 50 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 7 years, the profit is on average 15-20 million rubles, and the profitability is 25%.


If in the countries of Western Europe and the USA amusement parks have long become a favorite vacation spot, then in Russia this direction is only developing, but at a very impressive pace. One of the options for organizing a business can be a mobile amusement park, where all equipment is dismantled and transferred to other territories. Regardless of your choice, it is useful to study a good business plan in detail.

Download a business plan template and you will be able to:

  • On your own, calculate the business plan indicators that will allow you to determine the effectiveness of an idea within your business and adjust the concept.
  • Attract the attention of potential investors to the project and get a loan or credit on favorable terms.
  • Monitor the implementation of the project at all stages of its implementation, including the introduction of a system of current financial planning, which will become a guideline for the park employees.
  • Save on third-party business consultants. You can work with the financial model of the template yourself, even if you do not have the education of a financial manager.

To give people a positive, charge them with positive emotions and at the same time earn excellent profits, what could be better? Enter the world of exciting business and become the first in your industry.

Other business plans.

Have you ever wanted to build the perfect amusement park? Missed the good old Roller Coaster Tycoon? Then you will be encouraged planet coaster from Frontier Developments.

Concentrated fun

Planet Coaster provides everyone with the opportunity to open their own amusement park. Everything is in the best traditions: rides, roller coasters, food courts and colorful decorations. You can combine them with one theme or do not limit yourself and build whatever you like.

Your amusement park can become a place where moms and dads will bring their children to ride on pink carousel horses, or ... You can build breathtaking crazy slides where young people will squeal with an excess of adrenaline in their blood! And you can combine both, expanding your target audience.

At the very beginning of the game, you will even be allowed to choose your avatar.

After erecting a monumental creation, be ready to test it. The steeper the turns and the more complex the slide, the higher the chance that the “trailer” will stop on the test run and refuse to go further. Physics and the basics of engineering have not been canceled. Will have to rebuild!

The crazier the better!

Do not forget about the decoration of the park. You can build buildings, plant trees, hang colorful signs and much more. It is in your power to build mountains or dig a pond, lay sand under the feet of visitors or scatter dirt in clods. Nobody can short you. Have fun to your health!

Arrange pirate wars in the middle of the park? Why not!

Harsh working days

But never forget that almost nothing in the world is free. And your own amusement park is not only entertainment, but also a great responsibility, as well as a very difficult way to earn money. The game has three modes: "Career", "Sandbox" and "Test". Unlimited resources will only fall into your hands in the Sandbox, while in the other two modes you will have to sweat.

Each park in Planet Coaster has its own face, its own symbol!

In "Career" you will have to complete the construction of an already existing amusement park with a certain theme: pirate, fairy tale, or, say, space. You will have goals that you will have to achieve in stages, having a starting amount for development. Launch advertising campaigns, explore new attractions, hire attendants. And try not to blow all the money!

You have a huge space for the realization of your ideas.

In the "Test" mode, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. Choose a location, difficulty level and go: build an amusement park from scratch when you have a louse on your lasso in your pocket. Truly a test.

Over time, dozens of settings will become available. Prices for entrance tickets, single and family, the cost of riding on each individual attraction, the duration of the park, and much more are regulated. Everything is in your power.

An insane amount of tabs, and everyone will have to be monitored.

Houston, we have a problem!

Unfortunately, you are not the only person who should like the created park. We have to work, first of all, for visitors. And, believe me, it will be much more difficult to satisfy them than your own sense of beauty.

These little computer people will say their "fi" for any reason: "we are hungry", "we are thirsty", "we need more toilets", "it's too dirty here", "the queue for the carousel is too long"! And as soon as you try to shut up this flow of claims, it will surely burst somewhere else.

Hire more cleaners - and now it is necessary to solve the problem with the staff. Employees simply quit if they don't like the working conditions or the pay. While they were raising the incentive for the broom guys to work, the roller coaster broke down. People are unhappy again, the mechanics are rioting, the rating of the park is falling as rapidly as the income - garbage and gloom are everywhere.

Remember these happy faces, you won't see them that often.

And when you try to understand the current situation by turning to the game itself with a question, you will find that all the training fit into four YouTube videos. No pop-up hints and other in-game helpers - a huge bunch of game functionality will have to be mastered by trial and error. Weird.

* * *

So far, Planet Coaster looks more like a large-scale park editor than the economic strategy that it wants to seem. Carried away by the choice of the width and color of the tracks, you often forget to follow the really important aspects. Sitting down to build an amusement park, be prepared for the fact that everything will work out for you, but ... not the first time.

Opening a children's amusement park is costly, but profitable. If you are not afraid of large financial investments and the expectation of a stable income, we recommend a business idea for opening a country park. This area of ​​business offers a number of advantages, which include:

  • the cost of renting and purchasing a land plot is lower than in the city;
  • territorial choice of location is not limited;
  • demand for out-of-town holidays has recently increased by 30%;
  • interaction with different target audiences.

Instructions for use, or how to implement a business idea in the entertainment industry

Starting a business idea for a health and entertainment complex is not easy. You should adhere to the rules, the exact observance of which will not only facilitate, but also guarantee the profitability of the business:

  • the maximum distance of the recreation park is 20-40 km from the nearby city;
  • ecologically clean area;
  • a reservoir and a forest belt in the park area;
  • availability of an asphalted access road;
  • availability and convenient location of parking spaces;
  • comfortable zoning of the park for recreation of different age groups;
  • entertainment infrastructure.

Segmentation of the commercial area should be given more attention than other areas of the enterprise. It is the content and location of the entertainment infrastructure that to a greater extent contributes to the effective operation of a beginner amusement park.

An open cinema, or an original idea for a leisure business

Today, work in the entertainment industry can hardly be called stable. The viability of the park depends entirely on its entertainment infrastructure. Demand for it, unfortunately, quickly loses its relevance. A mobile cinema is not only a profitable idea for a business, but also a sustainable competitive advantage for a country recreation park.

Firstly, park customers will be able not only to watch an interesting film, but also to relax in the fresh and clean air. Secondly, they will be able to comfortably retire in their vehicle, without burdening themselves with the neighborhood with strangers. Thirdly, the cost of a film show will please fans of companionable rest. Film screening fee is charged for parking space only. To successfully implement a business idea, you need to purchase:

  • computerized equipment;
  • matte screen surface;
  • projection equipment;
  • attachments;
  • audiovisual production;
  • material for the production of printed ballots.

The initial payback of the business idea will appear after 2-3 seasons of stable operation of the summer cinema. The average ticket price can vary from 200 to 800 rubles. for one parking space.

The implementation of the budget version of a summer cinema can cost you 1 million rubles. While the cost of a full-fledged version can reach 15 million rubles.

Climbing wall, or the idea of ​​outdoor activities

A healthy lifestyle has more than a million active adherents. Alpinism and rock climbing is an integral part of the active recreation of young people in the 21st century.

In pursuit of adrenaline, people are ready to study in detail the features of the new route, making it not so much safe as exciting. However, for beginners, this practice is too costly and dangerous. In this connection, the implementation of a business idea for a recreation park today is no less relevant than a climbing expedition. At the startup stage, equipment of the following format should
to be available:

  • simulator for beginners;
  • climbing wall;
  • professional climbing infrastructure;
  • professional equipment.

The mountaineering training center is considered a cost-effective business idea. On its territory, you can conduct classes in the following formats: classes for beginners, advanced training courses and corporate entertainment events.

Climbing infrastructure can be located both outdoors and in a specialized room.

You can calculate the cost of building an Alpine city based on the average cost per 1 sq. meter. According to experts, the minimum price of 1 sq. a meter of high-quality equipment costs about 17,000 rubles, while following international standards can cost you 58,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter.

Laser tag and paintball, or innovative entertainment for children and adults

Today, laser tag is considered not only a fundamentally new format of an entertainment complex, but also a profitable business idea. Innovative tools and protective equipment allow you to master military sports shooting skills without harm to your health.

A laser duel in a recreation park is one of the profitable scenarios for the development of the infrastructure of an entertainment complex. Military sports attractions are very popular among the younger generation of teenagers aged 8 to 16 years. Before opening the club, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment:

  • decorative infrastructure of the playground;
  • protective camouflage equipment for two teams;
  • game sets of shooting equipment;

An equally popular business idea is the opening of a club specializing in aimed paint shooting. Paintball is an approximate version of military-strategic actions. Pain from a dye bullet is close to real.

The game is suitable for people over 16 years old, as the possibility of injury is much higher than the previous type of military sports attractions.

The technical equipment of the paintball playground is similar to its less traumatic equivalent. The difference between the games is only in the shooting equipment. The main distinguishing elements of which are paint balls and equipment for spraying them.

The costs necessary to implement a business idea in the park are most often calculated individually. However, appealing to the experience of successful businessmen, we can assume that the cost of opening a children's military sports club can vary from 500,000 rubles. up to 1,500,000 rubles While the role-playing military sports ground, focused on the older generation, will cost you from 950,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles.