Salary of a contract manager. A contract manager is a sought-after profession of the 21st century. Inclusion of a contract manager in the staff list

What salary can be paid to a contract manager at a school in the staffing table, on the basis of what calculation?


This issue is not regulated at the federal level. The calculation of the salary of the contract manager at the school is the responsibility of the employer.


<…>Regulatory costs for the provision of state (municipal) services are approved in the manner established by the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, in compliance with the general requirements determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.<…>

It is possible that the institution is subject to the Decree of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region dated September 11, 2008 "On the introduction of new wage systems for employees of regional budgetary, autonomous and state institutions and state authorities of the Chelyabinsk Region, whose remuneration is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff scale according to remuneration of employees of regional state institutions", we recommend that you check with the founder. At the same time, this legal act does not provide for the position of a contract manager in a school.

Please note that the salary of a contract manager at school should not be lower than the minimum wage ().

In development of the principle of professionalism of the customer, Article 38 of the Law on the contract system contains provisions regulating the creation and operation of the contract service. Not all customers are required to create a contract service, but only those whose total annual volume of purchases exceeds 100 million rubles. If it is equal to or less than 100 million rubles, then the customer has a choice: to form a contract service or appoint a contract manager.

However, this option is not possible, since the contract manager is an official responsible for the implementation of the procurement or several procurements, including the execution of each contract (part 2 of article 38 of the Law on the contract system).

And an official cannot act on the basis of a civil law contract, he must be connected with the customer by labor relations.

Thus, those employees of the customer who have the appropriate education and experience in accordance with the rules of the previously existing Law on Public Procurement (Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ) may not be trained in accordance with the norms of the Law on the contract system until January 1 2017. The same applies to candidates for a position that involves the performance of functional duties of a contract service employee or contract manager. Although the practice of the first half of 2014 showed that procurement specialists are willing to study new rules and procedures. Moreover, they strive to obtain knowledge, and not just a “crust”, and they are stimulated to this by serious administrative fines (Articles 7.29-7.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

  • provide appropriate guarantees.

3) pay for tuition;

Littleone 2009-2012 > Family matters > Work and education > Who works as a public procurement specialist?

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23.03.2012, 20:28

Hello. Please share your experience about this work. The situation is such that there is an opportunity to go to this vacancy. My worries are related to the fact that now I work in another field and have no experience in this work. On the one hand, I want to try something new, and on the other hand, I'm afraid to leave my current job and not be able to cope with a new one (
Please tell us how much work is a specialist in state. procurement is difficult and what are the pitfalls. I'd be grateful for any feedback.

Work in the Customer's system or in the Contractor's/Supplier's system? In the latter case, I can tell you a little, but I only have experience in construction - there is a specificity here. And Mr. purchases in the same area in which you work now? If so, then it's probably worth a try.

23.03.2012, 22:24

In the customer's system, any work (even a clerk) is seriously different from work in the contractor's system. At one time, I considered an offer to work with a customer in construction, but after weighing all the pros and cons, I refused, although I have been working in construction for 10 years. In the case where the sphere is completely invisible, i.e. for example, they worked in household chemicals - and suddenly in medicine ... I don’t even know. But I am a very cautious person, maybe all my life I was afraid to change the familiar field of activity in vain. I hope that those working in this particular profile will give you detailed, good advice. In any case, it is worth evaluating the ratio of possible risks and benefits from a new job (not only financially, but also in terms of further development). I wish you good luck!!1

23.03.2012, 22:51

Thank you very much. In this situation, I just consider it in terms of development, because at my current job there is no development at all ... (

In this case, go without hesitation - if there is no development in the existing job, there is nothing to lose. Try to get savvy in this area - it’s better, of course, if your friends explain it, or here on the forum professionals catch up and advise. In extreme cases, there are still courses - but they are often taught by those who only theoretically know this topic, and they themselves have never worked in public procurement.

My economist works part-time like this - by God, in practice, he doesn’t understand anything about it. Keep it up, everything will work out!

23.03.2012, 23:20

Thanks for your support :flower:

In the system of the customer in the field of medicine. The work is not in the same area where I work now. I want to change the specifics of the work, so I think it's worth it or not. It's kind of scary.

Public procurement in the pharmaceutical business is handled by the most seasoned salespeople who are ready to do anything for the sake of results. Buyers are even more sophisticated, it’s not so easy to choose from a variety of offers, you can choose depending on some additional factors (who and how zabashlyal). As a rule, both parties have an excellent higher medical education and experience in their field and in sales.

24.03.2012, 14:39

I may not have understood you correctly, but the author asks about the position of a tender manager - you are probably writing about the position of a sales manager in honey. sphere? These are totally different things. The author will have to place tenders (competitions, auctions, request for quotations) on behalf of the state. customer - most likely regional (Author, correct if I'm wrong - because if the customer is municipal - this is a completely different song). Well, check the incoming documentation for compliance with the terms of the tender.
It is unlikely that the author is invited to the position of "passing", this position is fraught with both the possibility of vilification and responsibility for the results of the auction.

As far as I understand, this is exactly what it is.

I have a friend who worked in this profession. I don’t know the subtleties, but she went to work after the post of secretary. Specialist. She had no experience or education. learned everything on the spot. But! she had connections, and this, as I understand it, means a lot. She studied the legislation constantly, as it changed, but this is from her words, and the responsibility seemed to have been up to criminal before. Sob-but I understood one thing: they want, they can substitute. The bosses will say, you will do it, there is no special place to go, but you will do it. how to answer. Therefore: from the point of view of experience, as they say, "a hare can be taught to smoke" (c), from the point of view of responsibility: in my opinion, this is like in a minefield and the salary does not always justify it, because there is a paw - they will, no - in flight...

24.03.2012, 18:31

Moms .. who can substitute it, and even on purpose? The management of the organization (both the customer and the supplier), before the procurement specialist, is interested in not "flying" into the list of unscrupulous or something else. Unless, of course, this is a fictitious sharaga-type_supplier, created specifically to be "taken away" and the one who needs it wins 😉

There will be criminal liability if you violate the criminal code within your competence, so to say. The rest is the responsibility of the person who has the right to sign documents (usually the director).

Example: she made a deal. She was offered a bribe, because the sums were rather big. She then still twitched, which is desirable and prickly. Like everyone takes it, but she never does. Money is spinning big. It was she who was afraid of criminal liability, since she was the organizer of the tender: she drew up the docks, organized everything, chose, again, according to the applications of applicants. She had a very good place, I repeat, she got there through an acquaintance, .. those who went without an acquaintance received a penny. Who by acquaintance - och. good prizes. and those who took kickbacks denied themselves little. Everyone tried to push his own. On the part of the sellers, there are also different instances, someone offended. someone specifically offers bribes.
. They were constantly sent to seminars to study. tk changes were going on and they had to be tracked. Actually, it was a couple of years ago. Based on my latest data from personal experience, little has changed. As you know, you can get anything special and not taking.

24.03.2012, 20:15

Well, you give :)) For you, there is absolutely no difference between "they can set up" and a deliberate violation of the law?
and what prevents to substitute wishful thinking?
I worked in a bank for a couple of years. I know a couple of cases when the authorities (even without being direct) took away documents from a subordinate who, during the check, could face a term. At the same time, he eats, but THAT subordinate was neither a dream nor a spirit. moreover, there was a limited number of people who had access to the object. And the person who took them away was not allowed to this list. The subordinate was not in business at all, honestly did his job and was crystal clear .. But during the check, it would be the subordinate who would be to blame.

25.03.2012, 01:00

25.03.2012, 20:47

I read some reviews and decided that I need to weigh everything carefully ...: 001:

29.03.2012, 17:19

Public procurement in medicine is a very difficult area, full of intrigues, bribes and setups. I am a witness, I work in a related field.
Public procurement in the pharmaceutical business is handled by the most seasoned salespeople who are ready to do anything for the sake of results. Buyers are even more sophisticated, it’s not so easy to choose from a variety of offers, you can choose depending on some additional factors (who and how zabashlyal).

As a rule, both parties have an excellent higher medical education and experience in their field and in sales.
If you are called there only as a pawn for calculations and registrations, this is not a risk. If as someone else, then I would step aside, they will trample on it and they won’t ask for a name, too much money is spinning.
In terms of development, salespeople there develop only by an increase or stagnation of income, as a rule they hold on to their places, sit motionless for years.

Everything is just like that. Although at first glance, it seems that we are talking about sales, but this is all about tenders. Can you share a job? My field of activity (and what to do? :005:

I worked. Gone. It worked from the very beginning, i.e. it also worked on modems. What development are you talking about? the same set of operations. Only before there was a bunch of papers. Now we have switched to email. Some crazy otyaty introduced. From year to year, a list of needs, a plan of procedures, procedures and contracts. It's all! I left and have no regrets.
If it's not a secret, what did they change to?

Responsibility and more responsibility. As a rule, the person who technically launches tenders-auctions is a member of the commission and puts his signature under each final document. A lot of technical work, how to draw up documents, where to find prices, sometimes to persuade suppliers to provide any commercial offers, etc.
Legislation is constantly changing, you will always have to be aware of it.
Of the minuses is the opportunity to visit the FAS, as there are statements from suppliers about the dishonesty of what is happening.
The salary is usually not that high.
Something like this

04.04.2012, 20:25

That is, as I understand that the work is not so hot? (
Or I'm wrong???

no worse than others, you just need to know well and constantly monitor changes in the law on public procurement. usually young people work, so there is someone to ask for advice.

04.04.2012, 22:17

The fact is that I am afraid to change the awl for soap (((I want to change my job for this one. But I don’t know how difficult, interesting and promising it is ...

All budgetary and state organizations work according to the state order system. The system will not go anywhere, changes are only added to the laws. Mostly technical work - connected with the computer. Part of the work can be done at home if you have access to the Internet. The prospect is probably there. The direction is new, in principle, interesting. Having worked in the budget, to gain experience, you can go to the suppliers.
Pitfalls are everywhere, if you have a head, everything is decided.

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O.L. Lobanova
procurement management consultant
Academy of Industrial Management. N.P. Pastukhov, Yaroslavl

The activities of the state in the fight against corruption and for increasing the transparency of budget expenditures require certain sacrifices. The result of such a struggle is the complication of individual business operations. As a result, in order to stay afloat, institutions have to constantly improve the skills of a number of specialists, and, if necessary, introduce new full-time positions.
At the same time, the manager faces the question: what job responsibilities should be assigned to the employee, and is it necessary to create a separate independent unit to implement the norms of the law?

The future belongs to professionals!

The fact that in state and municipal institutions professionals should be engaged in procurement, we have already told on the pages of our magazine.

It's no secret that for most customers, regulated purchases are an additional procedural burden. First of all, this is due to the lack of qualified personnel and the high degree of staff turnover in procurement.
However, having decided to hire a specialist qualified in the field of procurement law, the head of the institution must solve a number of issues:
- how much work to entrust to such a specialist;
- is there enough work for one staff unit or do you need to open several rates;
— how to control the performance of the corresponding amount of work by a specialist/specialists?
Unfortunately, at present there are no recommendations recommended or approved by the relevant executive authorities on establishing the number and determining the complexity and volume of work performed by procurement specialists. Therefore, state and municipal institutions should conduct certain studies in this direction on their own.

Purchasing volume

Such studies should begin, first of all, with determining the volume of purchases of goods (works, services) carried out by a particular customer institution.

The customer, whose total annual volume of purchases exceeds one hundred million rubles, is obliged to create a contract service, while the creation of a separate structural unit as a staff unit is not mandatory. In other cases, the customer is obliged to appoint an official responsible for the implementation of the procurement or several procurements, including the execution of each contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract manager).

Requirements for the education of contract service specialists

One of the principles of the Law on the contract system is the principle of professionalism of customers. It assumes that customers conduct purchases on a professional basis with the involvement of qualified specialists. But there are no uniform standards for training in public procurement. How to confirm the qualifications of employees?

In development of the principle of professionalism of the customer, Article 38 of the Law on the contract system contains provisions regulating the creation and operation of the contract service.

Not all customers are required to create a contract service, but only those whose total annual volume of purchases exceeds 100 million rubles. If it is equal to or less than 100 million rubles, then the customer has a choice: to form a contract service or appoint a contract manager.

Moreover, the contract manager is not the title of the position, but the designation of the functional duties of the official of the customer responsible for the purchase or several purchases, including the execution of each contract (part 2 of article 38 of the Law on the contract system).

The customer has the right to appoint a contract manager in respect of one purchase by his order. That is, this is a specific assignment to perform certain functions.

Often, customers ask themselves whether it is possible to transfer the functionality of a contract service (contract manager) to a third party, in other words, to attract professionals under the contract.

However, this option is not possible, since the contract manager is an official responsible for the implementation of the procurement or several procurements, including the execution of each contract (part 2 of article 38 of the Law on the contract system). And an official cannot act on the basis of a civil law contract, he must be connected with the customer by labor relations.

Employees of the contract service are referred to in the Law on the contract system as employees. Consequently, they are connected with the customer precisely by labor, and not by civil law relations.

Do not forget about the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to Article 56 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee performs a certain labor function. The functional responsibilities of each employee of the contract service, as well as the contract manager, must be established by their job descriptions. Recall also that changes can be made to the job description of the employee only with his written consent.

The creation of a contract service as a separate structural unit is not mandatory (part 1 of article 38 of the Law on the contract system). The customer can "bring" the functions of the contract service to his existing department (structural unit). Therefore, a procurement specialist (contract service employee) may have a different job title. The main thing is to establish the corresponding responsibilities in his job description and issue it with an order. › |

First of all, it should be noted that the Law on the contract system contains a provision for a transitional period. Employees of the contract service (contract manager) who have vocational education or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs are exempted from the need to undergo new training. Such a “delay” is established for them until January 1, 2017 (part 23 of article 112 of the Law on the contract system).

Thus, those employees of the customer who have the appropriate education and experience in accordance with the rules of the previously existing Law on Public Procurement (Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ) may not be trained in accordance with the norms of the Law on the contract system until January 1 2017. The same applies to candidates for a position that involves the performance of functional duties of a contract service employee or contract manager. Although the practice of the first half of 2014 showed that procurement specialists are willing to study new rules and procedures. Moreover, they strive to obtain knowledge, and not just a “crust”, and they are stimulated to this by serious administrative fines (Art.

If a person does not have a professional education or additional professional education in the field of placing orders, then it is necessary to be guided by the norm of paragraph 6 of Article 38 of the Law on the contract system. It reads: "Contract service employees, contract managers must have higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement."

In accordance with Part 10 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education ...”, the improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional vocational education is confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining. Samples of these documents are independently established by educational organizations. Additional vocational education provides for training in advanced training programs and vocational retraining programs. › |

The educational organization has autonomy. Under it, in particular, is understood independence in the conduct of educational activities, the development and adoption of regulations in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the charter of the organization (Article 28 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Forms of training, terms of mastering additional professional programs, as well as the form of final certification are determined by the educational program and (or) the agreement on education.

It should be noted that there are no plans to introduce specific requirements for advanced training in the field of procurement at the level of federal law. All questions are resolved only in the educational program itself, which, in turn, is compiled by the educational organization under the license.

However, work is currently underway to prepare methodological recommendations on the content of additional professional education programs in the field of procurement in order to implement the principle of professionalism of the customer, provided for in Article 9 of the Law on the contract system. But we are not talking about the introduction of an appropriate educational standard, but only about recommendations addressed to educational organizations.

Federal laws may establish cases where vocational training or additional vocational education is a condition for employees to perform certain types of activities. Then the employer is obliged to conduct such training (Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In doing so, trainees need to:

  • create conditions for combining work with education;
  • provide appropriate guarantees. › |

Requirements for contract service workers are just such a case. And if contract service workers or a contract manager need to undergo additional professional training, the institution must:
1) issue an appropriate order;

2) conclude an agreement with an educational organization;

3) pay for tuition;

4) issue a business trip to the employee (if he is studying in another area).

Please note: each educational organization is required to post on its website information about itself and its activities, including a license (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 No. 582). Now there are many precedents when training is carried out by entities (both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) that do not have a license to conduct educational activities. This should be taken into account when choosing an organization where your employees will go to study.

Belyaeva O. A., Leading Researcher, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Yu. n.

O.L. Lobanova
procurement management consultant
Academy of Industrial Management. N.P. Pastukhov, Yaroslavl

The activities of the state in the fight against corruption and for increasing the transparency of budget expenditures require certain sacrifices. The result of such a struggle is the complication of individual business operations. As a result, in order to stay afloat, institutions have to constantly improve the skills of a number of specialists, and, if necessary, introduce new full-time positions.
At the same time, the manager faces the question: what job responsibilities should be assigned to the employee, and is it necessary to create a separate independent unit to implement the norms of the law?

The future belongs to professionals!

The fact that in state and municipal institutions professionals should be engaged in procurement, we have already told on the pages of our magazine. It's no secret that for most customers, regulated purchases are an additional procedural burden. First of all, this is due to the lack of qualified personnel and the high degree of staff turnover in procurement.
However, having decided to hire a specialist qualified in the field of procurement law, the head of the institution must solve a number of issues:
- how much work to entrust to such a specialist;
- Is the amount of work enough for one staff unit or do you need to open several rates;
- how to control the performance of the corresponding amount of work by a specialist/specialists?
Unfortunately, at present there are no recommendations recommended or approved by the relevant executive authorities on establishing the number and determining the complexity and volume of work performed by procurement specialists. Therefore, state and municipal institutions should conduct certain studies in this direction on their own.

Purchasing volume

Such studies should begin, first of all, with determining the volume of purchases of goods (works, services) carried out by a particular customer institution.
The customer, whose total annual volume of purchases exceeds one hundred million rubles, is obliged to create a contract service, while the creation of a separate structural unit as a staff unit is not mandatory. In other cases, the customer is obliged to appoint an official responsible for the implementation of the procurement or several procurements, including the execution of each contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract manager).

Start not with work planning, but with an analysis of the costs of your own time. Not all plans come true. Do not rely on memory: you do not notice where the minutes, hours and days go. Make it a habit to record and analyze your time spending. Take a "photo" of your own working day for a set period, such as three to four weeks, several times a year. Each such sample will serve as the basis for rethinking the work schedule. Such control will reduce overhead costs. So you will learn how to effectively manage your own time, and the freed hours will be able to devote to your personal life.

2. Focus on your own contribution

Strive to make a personal contribution to the activities of your institution. Your thoughts should go beyond formal duties. Direct them to larger goals. Ask yourself how you personally can influence the effective functioning of your organization. You may be able to interest young scientists in your work and make them want to collaborate. This will begin your search for unused reserves in the workplace. And the exemplary performance of their functional duties is often only a pale shadow of what, in principle, can be achieved.

3. Build on the strengths of your employees

When making personnel decisions, rely not on the absence of shortcomings in a person, but on the presence of his merits. Few people are strong in many areas. Focus on the high performance of applicants in one important area, and not on their overall performance. Never ask yourself if you can get along with this employee or what he cannot do. Think about what result you can expect from him and how he can differ. Remember, to use your strengths productively, you often have to put up with your weaknesses.

4. Don't take on everything at once.

Start by addressing the top priorities. At the same time, be consistent: solve each problem separately in a certain period of time. It is unlikely that there will be enough people capable of doing three important things at the same time. Focus your efforts in one direction. There are many problems before you, and overcoming each of them requires a special approach. Alternate decision of those contributes to the speedy achievement of the desired results. The denser the concentration of time, effort and resources, the higher the chance to cope with a large number of a wide variety of tasks.

5. Make responsible decisions

We never have enough time to solve all the important tasks. So take your time and set your priorities. Decide what things can be left for later.

Try to imagine as clearly as possible the meaning of this or that decision and its real effect. Remember that making a decision is choosing the most optimal option from a number of alternatives. Qualitative decisions are usually developed as a result of a clash of views, consideration of different points of view and the choice of one judgment from among many. Therefore, organize a debate, conduct an exchange of views. In addition, this approach develops the imagination of both the leader and subordinates.

6. Engage in self-development

Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, develop skills. The demands you make on yourself determine to a large extent the motivation, direction, and purpose of all other employees. Self-development of the leader to increase his own efficiency is the right way to achieve high results of the work of the entire institution.

The leader does not have to be a genius. He just does his job, like thousands of other people do.

The crux of the issue is that the needs of modern institutions must be met by the most ordinary people who can achieve extraordinary results.

The material was prepared on the basis of the analysis of Peter Drucker's book "The Effective Leader".

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" requires state and municipal customers with annual purchases of more than 100 million rubles to organize a special contract service .

It is impossible to make purchases without a contract service. Customers with smaller volumes of purchases can organize a contract service of several people or limit themselves to the appointment of one contract manager .

The chief manager of budgetary funds may recommend to subordinate budgetary institutions the form of organization of the contract service.

Consider the options for organizing a customer contract service.

Contract service as a structural unit

A structural unit is a dedicated management body in an approved organizational structure with independent tasks, functions and responsibility for the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to it. The number of units is determined by the staffing table.

To create a unit, you will have to work on the documents:

    • It is necessary to make changes to the organizational structure, number of staff and staffing of the institution, issue an order with approximately the following content: From 01.01.2017, create a contract service department in the institution. Establish the headcount of the department for 2017 - 5 positions, including: head of the contract service department - 1 person, ...
    • Approve contract service provision (about the contract service department) in accordance with the standard .
    • Develop job descriptions
    • Hire the right specialists (conclude labor contracts).

The structural unit may not be indicated in the employment contracts of employees. The Labor Code does not oblige to specify in the employment contract the place of work up to the structural unit. This information can be fixed in the employment contract as an additional condition at the request of the parties (part 3 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The condition for employment in a particular unit must be reflected in the order for employment issued on the basis of an employment contract and indicated in the work book of the employee.

Contract service without the formation of a special structural unit

In this case, not the regulation on contract service will be approved, but regulations - the procedure for the work of procurement specialists, their powers and responsibilities, the procedure for coordinating documents, i.e. algorithm of work and interaction of all those involved in procurement activities. The regulation is a description of the entire procurement process, separation of functions, sequence of actions, coordination (who contacts with whom and for what reason), agreement and deadlines for each stage. Based on the regulations, job descriptions are prescribed.

In the staffing table, you can enter several positions without creating a special structural unit.

Purchasing professionals may also perform other functions and be in different departments- accounting, legal service, departments for which the purchase is carried out - or report directly to the head of the institution.

Position of contract manager

There is a similar document flow (in this order):

    • Introduction of a new position, creation of a new staffing table or changes to an existing one
    • Job description (introduced by order of the head)
    • Labor contract.

If the institution already has staff experienced in procurement, the functions of a contract manager may be offered to them. An assignment to an employee to perform work on the position of a contract manager can be carried out:

  • way combination of positions when an employee, along with his main job, stipulated by the employment contract, performs additional work in another profession (position). Article 151 of the Labor Code establishes that the amount of additional payment for combining professions (positions) is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.
  • By transferring to a new position. In this option, you need to prepare a proposal for transfer to the position of contract manager, then issue a transfer order. Taking into account that the employee's labor function and the terms of the employment contract are changing, the additional agreement should provide for the statement of the employment contract in a new edition.

Staffing and professional standards

The staffing table is a document reflecting the structure and staff of the institution. It contains information about all structural divisions, salaries, personal allowances, the total number and payroll of the institution. Establishing the structure of the institution, staffing, distribution of duties are within the competence of the institution itself (for example, for educational institutions this is established by clause 9 of part 2 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). On the one hand, the head of a budgetary institution formally has independence in choosing an organizational structure and drawing up a staffing table, on the other hand, this choice is limited by the amount of funds allocated from the budget (wage fund), the number of positions in a typical staffing table(departmental staffing standards).

On July 1, 2016, the provisions of Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for the application of professional standards by employers came into force. 2 professional procurement standards approved: "Purchasing Specialist" and "Purchasing Expert". A connection has been established between these standards and the CEN (Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees) and OKPDTR (All-Russian Classification of Workers' Occupations, Positions of Employees and Wage Categories).

Qualification characteristics contained in professional standards are mandatory if the relevant qualification requirements are legally established. In the part that is not related to qualifications, professional standards are advisory in nature and can be used to develop job descriptions, conduct certification, and establish a remuneration system.
The professional standard "Specialist in the field of procurement" (qualification level from 5 to 8) has been developed for a group of positions:

    • Procurement Specialist
    • Leading Specialist
    • contract service worker
    • Contract Manager
    • Purchasing Consultant
    • Deputy head of department
    • Department head
    • Advisor
    • Supervisor

Professional standard "Expert in the field of procurement" (qualification level from 6 to 8) - for a group of positions:

    • Purchasing Consultant
    • Senior Purchasing Specialist
    • Purchasing Expert
    • Deputy head/director (department, department, organization
    • Head/Director (department, department, organization)
    • Contract Manager
    • Head of contract service

Are these necessarily job titles included in the staffing? The answer is given by the Labor Code: yes. If there are restrictions on certain positions, then the names of these positions and the qualification requirements for them must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books, professional standards (Article 57). Restrictions include qualification restrictions.
Qualification restrictions are established by Federal Law No. 44-FZ (Article 38 Part 6): contract service employees, a contract manager must have a higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement.
In accordance with professional standards, a procurement specialist should have:

    • Secondary vocational education
    • Additional professional education - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs in the field of procurement;

And the expert:

    • Higher education - specialty, magistracy
    • Additional professional education - advanced training programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement.

For this, the second group of positions, it is mandatory not only to have proper education, but also work experience - at least five years in the field of procurement, including at least three years in managerial positions.

After issuing an order to introduce a new position, draw up a job description in which you designate all the duties of an employee in accordance with 44-FZ. As a result, you will be able to accept a new employee for a position or transfer an employee who is already working in your organization from another position to it.

Irina Kozlova