Polymer clay mice. MK. Clay mouse bell Polymer clay mouse

This unusual souvenir. The bell in the shape of a cute mouse will be a wonderful gift for any age. You can give such a bell to a person born in the year of the mouse. Blinding him will not be difficult at all.

Materials and tools
- Natural clay
- Slip (clay diluted with water to the state of sour cream)
- Stacks
- Thin satin ribbon
- Spoke
- Ceramic paint and brush

Step 1. We take a piece of clay and sculpt a cylinder from it, rolling it on one side on a flat surface. With the back of the stack or with a felt-tip pen, make a recess, as shown in the photo. We iron out all the irregularities with a slip. We put it on a flat surface and make sure that the cylinder is level.

Step 2. From a small piece of clay we make a mouse head. Pull it out on one side so that you get a spout. We glue the head to the body on the slip.

Step 3. To make the legs, we roll the clay rope. They should be pointed on one side and rounded on the other. We glue the legs to the body on the slip. Let's make small strips in a stack on the legs - fingers. Let's give the mouse a piece of cheese in its paws. We form a piece of clay in a semicircle on one side, and make it pointed on the other side, like a real piece of cheese. Using the sulfur head of the match, we make indentations - holes in the cheese, and glue the cheese to the paws on the slip.

Step 4. We make notches in a stack - folds on the dress of the mouse.

We make hair for a mouse from thin clay sausages. We glue them to the entire surface of the head. You can make your mouse an interesting hairstyle or braid it.

To make the ears, you need to make indentations on two clay cakes with your finger, make the cakes slightly pointed on one side and glue them on a slip to the mouse's head between the strands of hair.

Let's add a nose, eyes - clay balls. Cut out the mouth with a stack. Glue a bow on the head of the mouse. You can mold it from two clay balls. We make small notches on the bow. When the bow is glued, make a hole between the two clay balls with a knitting needle. To prevent the figure from cracking, we press very carefully, screwing in the knitting needle. We also make a hole from the inside of the bell to relieve pressure. The result will be one through hole, through which, after baking, we will tie a bead. It remains to mold a small bead with a hole in the center to make a bell. To make a tail for the mouse, roll out a thin clay rope. It should be thinner on top. We glue it to the dress of the mouse on a slip, slightly bending it.

Step 5. We fire the clay. It is best to use a special furnace, for example a muffle, you can burn it on a fire. Or you may not burn at all. Only in this case, the clay cannot be wetted.

Step 6. After firing, the clay changes color. The color of the clay varies depending on the type of clay. Let's paint the figurine with paints. Special ceramic paints are best suited for this purpose. If there are no such paints, you can use acrylic, but they are not very convenient to work with, since they are absorbed too quickly into the surface of the figure and it will be impossible to fix the failed drawing. You can color the figure in whole or in part. We paint the cheese yellow, the dress, the hair, the bow on the mouse's head, the nose and the eyes with the colors that you like. You can paint eyebrows and eyelashes with paints.

Step 7. Some ceramic paints need to be baked. As a rule, the baking temperature of such paints is low - about 150 degrees. You can bake in your home oven.

Step 8. Take a thin satin ribbon and cut off about 50 centimeters. It is better to match the color of the ribbon with the color of the figurine. A green or red ribbon is suitable for this figurine. Insert the tape into the hole of the bead. The bead should be located in the middle of the ribbon. We pass the tape through the hole in the figure. This is most conveniently done with a knitting needle. When both ends of the ribbon are drawn through the figurine, they will be near the clay bow. You can tie a knot or a bow. Do not forget to melt the ends of the tape, otherwise it will crumble.

Ceramic bell in the shape of a cute mouse is ready!

Suitable for MK:

Polymer clay (plastic) unique material for crafts

Mouse out polymer clay... MK

Mice MK

Apparently it's time for another modeling lesson. More precisely, I spent it last week. I was satisfied with the result myself (because the children did it), the children and their parents are happy. There are a lot of such mice in the internet, but I think step by step will be interesting for beginners.

To create a mouse, we need three dough colors: gray, yellow and white; orange or red paint, water, brush, knife or stack (my Timur touched (((() 3 peas of black pepper or buckwheat (safer), a wire for a mustache).

First, roll a yellow ball (about the size of a yolk)

Let's make a carrot out of it and stick it on a cardboard on which our craft will dry (I have a piece from a tetrapak box)

Slap the carrots with your palm to make a triangular pancake. Well, what kind of cheese is it without holes? Make holes with the back of the brush

Paint the crust on the cheese.

Now we need a gray dough, the same size as the yellow dough was taken before.

Cut off a small piece as in the photo

Roll a carrot from a large piece and glue it onto the cheese.

Divide the small piece into three parts.

Let's roll three balls. Mark the place for the ears (approximately in the middle of the back)

We glue the ears (two balls) on the holes (with the help of water - wherever I say we glue)

we will make holes in the ears, with the back of the brush, so that the mouse would hear

Roll the tail from the third ball

now glue it so that it does not hang from the cheese

We outline a place for the peephole, make two small balls of white dough and glue

And here I have already stuck peppercorns, immediately without a basting.

We glue the spout

And so the mouse went to get acquainted with her fellows, only I could not stick the antennae into her, tk. I forgot the wire at work ((((((((I hope you can handle this yourself

Polymer clay is one of the best materials for children's and adult creativity. Today we will tell you how to make a cute mouse out of it with your own hands. This toy can be a decoration for your home or desktop, a personal talisman, a gift for a friend, a collectible, a souvenir or just a replenishment of a child's puppet park.

This simple step by step master class for working with polymer clay is suitable for people of any age. It will appeal to children who have already learned how to work with plasticine and want to preserve their creations for a long time. It will also appeal to those who want to create pleasant unique crafts from polymer clay with their own hands. Sculpting a mouse is a great idea for creativity with your child, because creating an animal can turn into a little game.

What do we need?

  • polymer clay of several colors
  • special knife or thick needle
  • wooden or plastic skewer
  • rolling pin or any other object for rolling

If you do not have clay of two, three or more colors, but only some basic color (gray, white, etc.) is available, then after baking you can simply paint the toy in the desired color. For this you need acrylic paints. In this case, it is also helpful to have a craft varnish to set the color.

If you only have two colors of clay, then you will need to use beads to make the eyes. It is a convenient alternative when colored material is not available.


First you need to take a large piece of polymer clay of the base color and roll a perfectly even ball out of it. Next, carefully draw out this ball into a pear shape. We put it on the table so that we have a flat, stable bottom. Using a skewer, carefully draw vertical stripes along the most protruding part to form the base for the toy's legs.

We take clay of a different color and roll it into a very thin layer (2-3 mm). Using a knife or skewer, cut out a droplet shape from it. We put the resulting detail on the base: we have a mouse breast.

Roll two balls from polymer clay of the same color - a blank for the legs. They should be about the size of a pea, no longer needed. We flatten the balls and use a needle to press in the mass so as to form the legs. The mouse has four fingers.

In a similar way, we will roll out the balls for the hind legs of our mouse. This time we will flatten them a little differently - into a pear-shaped shape. We will form three fingers and immediately attach to the body: in the place where the part for the legs was previously separated.

The tail of the toy should be long enough. To create it, we take a piece of clay and start rolling it by hand into a sausage. The tail will thin out on its own if you do not move your hand while rolling. We attach it to the mouse.

Then we roll two small sausages out of the clay to make the front legs. We attach them on the sides at the top of the future toy. After that we attach the formed palms.

We begin to roll the head with a ball. We form a small perfectly smooth ball, and then carefully pull out one of its sides. We turn the mass up a little to lift the nose of the mouse. You can even wrinkle the clay a little for realism. With the help of a skewer, we make the mouse a slightly open mouth. We attach the head to the body.

We form the ears from two colors of clay. First, we roll out a small ball into a layer, then we take a ball of a different color (smaller) and repeat the procedure, and then we fasten them together. Let's put the ears on the mouse's head.

We form the eyes from two balls of the same color rolled into a layer, and then add a tiny flattened ball of contrasting clay. Further - a ball of even smaller size in black. Let's make eyebrows for the mouse with a needle.

Ready! It remains only to bake our toy in the oven. The baking time should be indicated on the packaging with your polymer clay: it may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

If you haven't used clay different colors... Color the mouse after baking and cooling completely - better the next day. Acrylic paints work best. You can even use nail polish to paint fine details.

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I propose to mold such a funny little mouse from polymer clay. Written by Zaya.
Required materials and tools for sculpting:

Pink polymer clay
- polymer clay beige, black and white
- paints
- stacks
- sculpting board

Step-by-step master class

1. Crush the clay, roll the ball into a head shape (Fig. 1-2).
2. The ears consist of two parts, inner and outer. Blind the round pieces in beige clay and the slightly smaller interior in pink (Figure 3-4).
3. Blind the eyes and nose. The eyes are composed of two parts (Fig. 5).
4. Glue the nose, whites of the eyes and black pupils to the fashion. Also the curbs (fig. 6-8)
5. Attach the ears to the head, make teeth (Fig. 9-10).

6. Now we sculpt the torso and the white tummy (fig. 11-12).
7. Next, make two legs and two handles (fig. 13-15).
8. Don't forget about the long tail (fig. 16).
9. Now it remains to collect the mouse. Glue all the details to the body, make folds and curves.
10. Complete the face with the colors you want. On the cheeks, blush, dots, shadows, you can draw all this after. a source

Elena Gusarova

My baby mice made of polymer clay.

We made such cute mice who love cheese with the girls from senior group... A hedgehog came to visit the mice. He also loves cheese. And smelling the smell hurried to meet! To Work with polymer clay always fun and interesting! Children love to sculpt from polymer clay little animals and more! We also sculpt various vegetables and fruits, cakes, and even jewelry, in the form of earrings, pendants, bracelets. We also make souvenirs on magnets. It is beautiful and you can admire it yourself on your refrigerator, for example, or give it to someone. Girls are interested in everything that is offered, since this process itself is very exciting! And when you see the finished result, your interest only grows and you want to make something new with your pens every time! We are mastering new technologies, of course, we do not forget about safety precautions.

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