How to paint with wax on eggs. Easter eggs. Wax painting. Master class with step by step photos. We paint wooden eggs in stages with our own hands


Before you start painting an Easter egg, you need to paint it in any traditional way you know, of which there are a lot. Eggs are dyed in onion skins, food colors, beets and so on. In order for the egg to color well and evenly, it must first be washed well and degreased. Vinegar is usually used for degreasing, eggs are wiped with a piece of gauze or a cloth dipped in vinegar - using food coloring. When stained with a decoction of onion peels, you can add vinegar while boiling eggs - 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and a pinch of salt per liter of water.

For painting easter eggs copper wire is used with wax (in the absence of copper wire, you can use a long needle, a crochet hook, an awl). You can take a round wooden stick and insert a copper wire into it, leaving a copper tip about 2 cm long. The thinner the tip, the thinner the lines can be drawn on the egg. For painting with hot wax, it is copper that is used, since by its properties it retains temperature for a long time, wax on copper wire does not quickly freeze and you can draw rather long lines.

Work process

Wax or wax crayons (you can also use ordinary colorless paraffin candles) are melted in a small metal container (you can take a tablespoon) over the flame (over a burning candle, burner or in a water bath on the stove), heat to a temperature of 65 ° C (do not bring until the wax boils), we maintain the temperature of a certain color of the wax throughout the painting.

We grab a small amount of wax with a copper tip and paint the egg, putting dots or drawing lines. The combination of lines and dots makes it possible to create a variety of patterns.

An egg, chicken or goose, during painting should be at least room temperature, not cold !, since our wax is hot and can freeze immediately after it hits the egg. As for the wax - it should not be too hot or cold when painting. For a satisfactory result, use one test egg to see which wax temperature is best for a particular pattern. If you want to paint an egg with different colors of wax, then do not paint it all at once with all the colors of the rainbow. First paint the whole egg in one color, then wipe the egg with a dry cloth, which will remove any excess wax, if any. Then you can already move on to using a different color of wax.

Upon completion of painting with hot wax, for the best effect, Easter eggs are greased with fat or sunflower oil, which gives them a shine.

To paint an Easter egg, you can use the templates below, or you can come up with something of your own. Experiment and you will succeed! See more Easter Eggs Patterns.

If everything described above is not entirely clear, I suggest watching this video clip, in which a Czech craftswoman paints an Easter egg with hot wax. Video clip without comments, which are not needed at all. The main thing is to see once and everything will immediately become clear)

And now I propose to look through the beautiful ideas for painting Easter eggs that can inspire creativity, for handmade for Easter.

See more Easter eggs decor with sweet roses.

In order to paint Easter eggs, it is not at all necessary to masterfully own a brush. In addition to traditional painting with an artistic brush, there are simpler techniques, in some of which this tool is not needed at all. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Stucco painting

To paint Easter eggs using this technique, you will need:

  • cotton swabs (pokes);
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponge;
  • cotton pads;
  • sunflower oil or furniture varnish.


1. Boil a hard-boiled egg, dry and chill. If you want to make a real Easter souvenir, carefully remove the contents of the raw egg through the small holes in the bottom and top and paint on the dried shells.

2. Using a foam sponge, paint the entire surface of the egg with white acrylic paint. Let it dry for a few minutes. If the coating is not thick enough, apply another coat.

3. Start painting your Easter egg. We suggest you decorate the shell with rowan bunches. Dip a poke (cotton swab) into the red paint and, applying it in perpendicular movements to the shell, draw 10-15 large berries that form a bunch.

4. The second element of our Easter eggs painting will be rowan leaves. First, with a cotton swab, draw with green paint the lines - the base of the leaves. To liven up the painting, apply a thicker brush stroke over each green line with a thin brush.

5. Yellow strokes made on the leaves with a thin brush will liven up the painting even more, make it more voluminous.

6. Draw highlights on the berries and leaves by applying a few white strokes with a brush or cotton swab.

7. Add some black dots to the base of the berries to create contrast.

8. After the painting on the Easter egg is dry, cover it with furniture varnish. A boiled egg can be treated for shine with vegetable oil using a cotton pad.

Easter egg painting with wax

Easter eggs painted with wax are called Easter eggs. This technique is traditionally popular in Ukraine and allows you to create both simple souvenirs and genuine artistic masterpieces.

To paint eggs using the wax technique, you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • scribbler - a device for applying hot wax to the shell. You can make a little scribbler yourself by twisting a small piece of foil into a funnel and fixing it on a wooden stick. Wax is placed in the foil, heated over a flame to a liquid state and applied to the shell through a hole in the funnel;
  • candle;
  • vinegar;
  • cotton pads.


1. From a raw egg at room temperature (not cold!) Remove the contents through the small holes at the bottom and top. Wipe the shells with a cotton pad dipped in vinegar.

2. Prepare dye for eggs - it can be natural or artificial dye.

4. Immerse the scribe in the melted wax and once again heat the contents of the funnel over the flame.

5. Apply the wax by rotating the egg, but not moving the scribblers.

6. After the wax has set, dip the egg in the dye and let the paint dry.

7. Heating wax painting over the flame of a candle, gradually remove the wax mark from the surface of the shell with a woolen cloth. The spots where the wax has been applied will remain unpainted, and you will have a light ornament on a colored background.

Working with a scribbler

The traditional color of Easter eggs is red.

The Easter egg is a model of the world, so eggs are often painted with belts.
(heaven, earth and the underworld) and draw animals and plants on them

On the painting - birds, flowers and ornaments with waves

Color and variety of styles

And this is how Lusatian painting Easter eggs with wax looks like

Easter egg painting engraving

Easter eggs painted in this original technique are called "shkryabankas". To create a painting-engraving you will need:

  • chicken, duck or ostrich eggs, peeled from the contents;
  • sharp and thin engraving tool, for example stationery knife;
  • paint for Easter eggs.


1. Dye the eggs of your choice using natural or artificial dye.

2. Dry the shells within 24 hours so that the dye hardens well.

3. Using a sharp tool, "scrape" the eggshell the selected ornament (a stencil can be used).

Modern shkryabanki

Even a simple shkryabanka can be performed masterly

Ornaments for painting eggs

Browse through our selection of Easter egg ornaments to see if one of them will inspire you to experiment.

Simple pattern for bonding painting and painting with traditional solstice

Traditional painting

Ornament "Intercessor"

By the way, you can decorate not only ordinary chicken eggs, but also wooden models - they definitely won't crack, and a particularly beautiful pattern can be preserved for years. If it is customary in your family to exchange Easter souvenirs, do it.

One of the biggest and most important holidays for Christians is approaching - Easter. She personifies not only rebirth and the beginning of a new life, but also spring and the awakening of nature from hibernation. Eggs are an integral sacred attribute of Easter, which are often covered with elaborate patterns and images. There are various techniques and varieties of painting eggs for Easter. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Easter egg painting techniques

Easter eggs symbolize rebirth and the creation of new life. They are covered with special sacred signs in order to attract prosperity to your home for the next year.

Previously, many different rituals were associated with Easter eggs, most of which are completely forgotten today. For example, young girls took eggs skillfully painted with certain symbols and images, danced around the fire, and then beat them against each other in a dance. Then they were buried in the ground, thereby attracting the goddess of fertility.

Today, it is customary to distinguish between the following techniques for painting Easter eggs:

The meaning of sacred symbols in painting

Traditionally, in the painting of Easter eggs, various sacred symbols and images of animals are used. Each of them has a specific meaning.

Let's look at the meanings of the most used symbols in painting:

Quite often, in addition to patterns and images, the inscriptions are applied to Easter eggs: "Christ is Risen!" or just "XB".

How can you paint eggs for Easter?

Today there are 4 main types of painting eggs for Easter. Among them:

  • Pysanka is one of the most complex paintings made with hot wax.
  • Krashanka - coloring the egg in one color.
  • Drapanka - drawing a pattern by scratching it out on a pre-painted surface of an egg.
  • Krapanka - painting, as well as for Easter eggs, is carried out using paint and hot wax. However, in this case, those places that cannot be stained are covered with wax.



In addition, there are many other types of Easter egg painting. Let's take a look at the most interesting ones:

Pysanka: features and technique

The oldest tradition of ritual painting is the Easter egg. It is the application of patterns and images sacred in their meaning with the help of hot wax, paints and a special tool.

The technique for painting Easter eggs has the following sequence:

As a rule, a similar painting is applied to a raw chicken egg. You can find interesting patterns for painting Easter eggs on the Internet at specialized sites.

Slavic pysanka: how to paint an egg beautifully - video

Krashanki: features of execution

This is the easiest and fastest way to decorate Easter eggs. Most often they are painted red, which is a symbol of love, eternal life, solar warmth, fertility and beauty. Coloring is carried out using special paints or natural dyes.

Natural paints are completely composed of natural ingredients and do not contain harmful chemical elements. In addition, they do not spread or smudge during the application of a pattern or pattern to the surface of the shell, which cannot be said about artificial colors.

Let's take a look at how you can get a specific color using natural dyes:

Please note that natural dyes, as opposed to artificial ones, have a lower degree of persistence. Over time, their color becomes dull, and then almost completely disappears. Therefore, such dyes are used exclusively for natural eggs, which are intended for a festive Easter table.

Drapanki: features and execution technique

This is one of the varieties of Easter painting, which is used to decorate natural or artificial Easter eggs. The drawing and patterns are applied using the engraving technique. With the proper skill, they turn out beautiful and neat.

The technology for making drapanok is interesting primarily because it does not require special tools and a set of paints. For her, you can choose an egg of a dark color and tint it with a darker dye (natural or artificial). The ornament is applied with a simple pencil, and then scratched onto the surface of the shell using a regular sewing needle, knife or awl.

To make drapani, you can use a goose, chicken or duck egg. The strongest are the goose. Therefore, they are often preferred for performing engraving techniques.

Before dyeing, a fresh egg is washed well in warm water with the addition of a small amount of ordinary kitchen salt. Then it is wiped off with a soft cloth and the contents are blown out of it.

To blow out the contents, you need to make 2 holes in the shell on opposite sides from each other. The hole diameter is about 3 mm. Then, holding the egg over the glass, blow into one of its holes, as a result, its contents flow out through the other. Before painting, the holes are well covered with paraffin or wax so that the paint does not get inside.

Drapunk egg decor - video

Krapanki: features and technique

Compared to Easter eggs, the technique of making speckles is quite simple, although it is performed using hot wax and a piper with a sharp metal tip. To make pruning, the following procedure should be followed:

Some interesting ideas on how to paint eggs

With the painting of Easter eggs, you can safely experiment and fully express your imagination. This is your creativity, so you don't have to stick to traditional options.

There are many ways to decorate Easter eggs. Traditionally, they were dyed with onion skins, which were carefully collected in a bag beforehand. Eggs colored in this way take on a natural reddish brown color. Later, bright food colors appeared, allowing you to paint the shell in the most different colours... And recently, thermal stickers have become popular, allowing you to easily glue any pattern in the form of a durable film. In addition, decorative elements are often used: lace, threads, sequins. So let's make a beautiful step-by-step painting of eggs using wax in the master class!

Painting Easter eggs with wax is another fun way. For him you will need ordinary wax crayons, which are bought for children's creativity. They melt well and have a bright color. Of course, they can be replaced with natural wax or paraffin wax (from candles), but in this case, the mass will have to be tinted additionally. We also offer you to try painting eggs with wax - a step-by-step master class will allow you to master this lesson even for beginners.

Learn the technique of painting eggs with wax in a step-by-step master class

To paint eggs with wax you will need:
  • chicken or goose eggs
  • wax crayons
  • unnecessary aluminum spoons
  • copper wire (it is copper that retains the temperature for the longest time - long and thin lines can be drawn with the help of wire from this material)
  • vegetable oil and napkin
Master class "Painting eggs with hot wax":

1) First of all, you need to paint the eggs - you can use any method and color of your choice. In order for the color to be uniform, the shell must be thoroughly washed and degreased before painting. To make the paint brighter, you can add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and a little salt when staining.

2) We gradually melt the wax crayons in neatly bent aluminum spoons (in turn, each color is in its own spoon). In order for the wax to remain liquid, you need to constantly maintain a heating temperature of 65 degrees.

3) With a copper wire we collect a small amount of wax and carefully draw with hot wax a pattern on the surface of the egg. In this case, the egg should not be too cold, otherwise the wax will cool down too quickly. Better if it is at least room temperature. You can choose any patterns to your taste: lines, nets, flowers. Below are approximate schemes for painting Easter eggs in order to make it easier to navigate.

4) If you want to use several colors for painting, then do it one by one: apply one color with hot wax, wait for it to dry, and only then apply the next one. Otherwise, the pattern may be smeared.

5) To make the egg brighter, wipe it with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil. So the testicle is ready, painted with your own hands.

However, this is not the only way to decorate eggs with wax.

To paint eggs with wax (method number 2) you will need:
  • chicken or goose eggs
  • any color (special food coloring for eggs or common onion peel)
  • any wax or paraffin, even an ordinary candle will do
  • unnecessary aluminum spoons (if crayons are used)
  • copper wire for drawing a pattern. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made tools in art stores. For example, a special "scribbler".
  • vegetable oil and napkin
Master class "Painting eggs with hot wax" (option number 2):

1) Thoroughly wash and degrease the egg.

2) Using copper wire, carefully apply any pictures to the surface of the shell. These can be patterns, stripes, some kind of images, or the name of the person to whom you are going to give the Easter gift.

3) After the wax has dried, the egg must be painted in any way - food paints or onion peels.

4) After the paint is dry, gently scrape off the wax patterns from the shell surface. We've got white stripes on the painted surface.

5) It remains to wipe the finished egg with vegetable oil and - it's done!

How to make an egg painting tool yourself?

If you plan to paint only a few eggs, then you can get by with simple wire. But for a large number of products, it is better to use special devices. One of them is called "scribblers" and even has a special hole for wax insertion. The photo below shows how to make such a tool yourself.

Batik lovers can use "watering cans" for painting on silk, they have a similar design. At home, you can also use a simplified version - you can disassemble a mechanical pencil and put its metal nose on a stick using a wire

Related videos

For more clarity, we suggest watching the following videos, in which the process of painting Easter eggs is demonstrated in stages.