The restaurant and hospitality business is better. Hospitality abroad, hotel management abroad, restaurant business, culinary arts abroad. Career Steps and Prospects

Street food is a promising business that requires a minimum of investment, quickly pays off and actively develops even in times of crisis. In this article, we have collected 15 ideas on how to open a street food outlet.

Every weekend the "Business Weekend" project conducts free trainings for young people who want to become entrepreneurs or already have some experience in this area.

Hot baking is relevant all year round and at any time. To start, 100 thousand rubles and minimal skills are enough. it a good option mini-business for beginners.

In this article, we will not talk about the notorious "passive income" on long-term lease of residential premises, but about ways to turn the lease into a full-fledged business, quite successful and quite profitable.

Franchise of the unique quest show "Jumanji"

Fort Family presents a unique quest show "Jumanji", which has no analogues. Today you can become its owner by joining the professional family of the Fort Family franchisee!

To travel to nature, it is not necessary to part with the benefits of civilization. Glamping is a new niche in the hospitality industry, designed for those who love an increased level of comfort.

If you are looking for small business meeting the trend for a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating, consider the idea of ​​a herbal bar. You can open a phytobar with a minimum investment and earn about 100 thousand rubles.

Capsule hotels are a new direction of the hotel business in Russia. Opening such an establishment is easier and cheaper than a full-fledged hotel, and you can earn up to 1 million rubles a month.

Making tandoor cakes is a simple business and a great opportunity to try your hand at entrepreneurship. The main advantages are small investments, simple technology, high demand at the drink ...

Earn monthly up to 148,000 rubles. Interactive vending mockup railroad with the function of giving out gifts. An interesting alternative to typical vending solutions.

A cafe for children is a niche in the catering industry, in which you will have few competitors and many additional ways to earn money: from conducting master classes to organizing family holidays.

Selling trdelniks is a street food niche where there is no serious competition yet. In your city, you can become the first who will make money on this unusual product originally from the Czech Republic.

Kono-pizza is a type of pizza in a glass adapted to the requirements of street trade, which is convenient to take with you and eat on the run. Let's take a look at what you need to make money on this type of street food. ...

Cheburechnaya is a great option for those new to the culinary business. Minimum investment, quick payback, simple technology and up-to-date format. In the article, we open a cheburechnaya with a profit of 100 thousand rubles.

We offer a game attraction "REALGAME". The attraction is of interest to representatives of any age category at all seasons. An excellent option for those who want to do business in the field of ...

If you love good tea and want to start your own business, starting a hobby club is a great idea. An art space that unites connoisseurs of a hot drink. The tea shop can ...

Interested in how to open a coffee shop? No wonder coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. That's why opening a coffee shop is profitable business idea. And for a beginner, this is a great chance to get ...

What realities do restaurateurs face when building cooperation with suppliers? Consider the key operating models and requirements for equipment, cutlery and food suppliers.

The success of a restaurant is made up of many factors. Everything is important to the smallest detail: from the smile of the waiter to the color of the plates. But there are 12 key factors that any restaurant should consider.

With the JELLY SHOTS franchise, there is no question of whether you will make a million or not. The question is, how many times will you do this in a year! JS - alcoholic desserts that have no analogues in Russia.

Despite the large number of rock music fans, there are not many establishments that would gather people with musical interests. What does it take to open your own rock club and make it successful?

Coffee to go is a business that is growing on the wave of coffee consumption in Russia. Consider how much it will cost to open a coffee shop, find out how to find a place to rent coffee and calculate the profit.

Noodle wok is one of the examples of catering in the format of a single-product cafe. Through simple business processes and small investment, even a novice entrepreneur can open such an institution.

Hospitality industry exhibitions are a comprehensive marketing tool for promoting HoReCa market participants. Through an extensive program, they attract a professional audience that strives to stay on top of what is happening in the industry. Exhibitions introduce the latest trends and equipment for the hotel and restaurant business, popular formats of establishments. This is also a professional get-together. Usually, the event brings together managers and owners of hotels, restaurants, cafes; purchasing directors and suppliers; specialized specialists.

Business program of exhibitions of the hospitality industry

Exhibitions of hotel and restaurant business are accompanied by an exciting program. HoReCa presentations, forums, conferences offer knowledge in the context of practical experience. Master classes, training seminars, culinary shows help to master new technologies. Contests, competitions and award ceremonies determine the best in their segment, and with this - the development of the entire industry.

HoReCa exhibitions in the world

Once every 2 years, the attention of the global hospitality industry is riveted on the Host exhibition in Milan. In 2015, its holding coincided with the World Expo, which was taking place here, which made it possible to increase the number of guests several times.

The German exhibition Intergastra (Germany) remains the main one in the country and is included in the list of the world's leading events. The HORECA exhibition of the same name in Greece is considered to be quite large-scale. HOFEX in Hong Kong is not inferior to many large international projects, as it demonstrates unexpected solutions with a regional emphasis. A series of exhibitions Hosfair (China) represent the industry twice a year (in Guangzhou and Shenzhen).

Russian business in the HoReCa sector is focused on the annual PIR Expo Hospitality Week. The PIR exhibition in Moscow consists of five stand-alone expositions: PIR. Restaurant equipment, PIR. Foodstuffs, Moscow Coffee and Tea Expo, Moscow Bar Show, Hotel. Design. Equipment. Control. As part of the event, the All-Russian Summit of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers will be organized.

Moscow restaurant and hotel exhibitions

In addition to the grandiose PIR Expo event, specialists willingly visit Sirha Moscow. It is called the main restaurant exhibition in Moscow and an excellent continuation of the success of the Sirha brand. In March Crocus Expo takes international exhibition products and services for equipping and supplying public catering establishments IFFF Moscow. In autumn, in parallel with the well-known meeting on the topic of food and drinks World Food Moscow, the site hosts an exhibition of equipment, accessories, tools and accessories for barbecue, grill, barbecue Expo.

Hospitality Exhibitions

The main directions of the exhibition of hotel business: construction and design of hotels, hostels and hotels, their reconstruction and renovation, interior design, finishing materials, furniture for hotel rooms, equipment for receptions, restaurants, bars, laundries, security systems. At exhibitions of the restaurant business, the selection and training of personnel always remain: chefs, cooks, bartenders, waiters, hostesses, etc.

The hotel and restaurant exhibitions Internorga in Germany and Igeho in Basel respond to the current needs of the European industry. Refined, modern, versatile - they gather cutting-edge innovations around them.

Exhibition project HDE (Shanghai) is dedicated to the construction, design and interior design of hotels. The Hotelex Shanghai Hotel Show is more specialized but popular with professionals in Asia.

Restaurant business exhibitions

Europe travels alternately to Lyon and Geneva to take part in Sirha. On odd years, a global review of the restaurant business is held in France, on even-numbered years - in Switzerland.

The NRA is hosting its own NRA Show in Chicago, which is well known outside the continent. Focus: cuisine, bar, menu, guest service, interior design and logistics.

Bar industry exhibitions

The first place rightfully belongs to the Moscow Bar Show as part of the HoReCa-exhibition group in Moscow PIR Expo. All Russian baristas are in a hurry to the Russian Barista Days.
Abroad, the calendar of top exhibitions in the bar industry includes: Nightclub & Bar Show (Las Vegas), Barcode Expo (Liverpool), Restaurant & Bar HK (Hong Kong).

The hotel business and tourism are very well developed today and continue to develop further. In this regard, organizations are interested in finding young professionals who know the basics of hotel service and tourism. This is a highly controversial profession, and this article will help you understand if studying for hospitality is worth it.

Description of the specialty

The Hospitality Specialist works primarily in the hospitality industry, but may be involved in restaurant or tourism activities. Most often, colleges and universities teach in the specialty “Tourism and hotel service”, and the graduate receives the qualification “Manager of tourism and hotel service”. He can independently choose the type of activity that he wants to do.

The specialist is engaged in organizational, managerial, production and technical activities. A graduate of the specialties "Hospitality", "Hotel Service" or "Tourism and Hotel Service" can work in hotels and inns, restaurants, resort complexes, travel agencies.

During their studies, future managers study the basics of service and etiquette, management, organization and management of the hotel business, business planning, hotel animation and other interesting disciplines necessary for further work.


  • Interesting disciplines. During their studies, students study useful and interesting humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines. This specialty should be chosen for those who are not very well versed in mathematics, physics and other technical sciences.
  • Ability to communicate. Ability to build a dialogue - important quality for any manager, including a hotel manager. The specialist must be able to correctly and, most importantly, talk politely with the guest and be able to solve his problems. In universities and colleges, future managers are taught correct communication, as well as psychology, so that they can immediately understand a person and adapt to his mood and character.
  • Important life qualities. The disciplines and sciences studied in the course of study, as well as the acquired qualities, will be useful in any area, not only in the hotel. Therefore, even if a graduate does not work in his specialty, he will always be able to find a job in another or a similar field, and even create his own business.
  • Ability to draw up business plans and open new hotels. Graduates of this specialty do not necessarily work as receptionists or other service personnel. They can also design their own hotel or hotel and create their own business.
  • Good wage. But even the service personnel in hotels, especially large ones with a category above 3 stars, earn good money. The average salary of a hotel administrator is 30,000 rubles.
  • There are prospects career growth. After several years of work, an ordinary administrator can become a manager of a hotel, whose salary is several times higher. In the hospitality industry, even maids and waiters can grow in their careers.


  • Nervous and stressful work. The hotel administrator does not always manage to stand calmly at the counter, smile and talk with the guests. Sometimes there are very nervous guests who are constantly not satisfied with something, and you have to solve their problems.
  • Irregular working hours. Usually hotel staff work in shifts: 2/2 (shift per day / shift at night and 2 weekends). Not everyone will be able to adapt to such a schedule, except for this - it is very exhausting. But there is always an opportunity to change.
  • You have to spend a lot of time on your feet. When communicating with a hotel guest, the administrator must stand, according to the rules of etiquette. All hotel workers: manager, administrator, maids, doormen, etc., spend a lot of time on their feet, as they constantly need to serve guests.
  • It is difficult to enter a university on a budget. In universities there are very few budget places in this specialty, and most often students study for a fee. To enter on a budgetary basis, you need to score above 250 USE points. But there is an alternative - in colleges there is much more free seats, and it is easier to enter there.
  • You can get a job without education. Today, many hotels, travel agencies and other similar organizations hire specialists without education - they are trained right on the spot. Therefore, you need to think - is it worth spending 4 years on training if you can get a job without it?

Still, professionals with a degree in Hotel Service are more likely to get a job than those who do not.

On the basis of 9 classes, you can only enter college, the term of study is 3 years... For admission to college, only a certificate is required, since the rating of applicants is formed by the average score of the certificate.

After grade 11, you can also go to college (according to the average grade of the certificate), but the term of study will not be 3, but 2 years. Also, applicants who have passed the USE in the required subjects can apply to 5 universities. For admission, the following items are required:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Basic mathematics.
  3. Profile mathematics.
  4. Social Studies.
  5. History.
  6. Geography.

Each educational institution has its own requirements and necessary subjects for admission. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements of each university you plan to enroll in. The term of study at the university is 4 years.

Everyone decides for himself whether to enter this specialty or not. On the one hand, it is interesting and not boring, while studying you can get a lot of useful knowledge that will be useful in life. On the other hand, if hotels accept people without work experience and education, why waste time studying? But if you want to open your own hotel in the future, education in this area will greatly help to do this.

Hotel manager- the top step in the career ladder of the hotel staff. He manages all departments of the hotel: booking services, receiving and accommodating guests, organizing a telephone and information service, service departments, a restaurant, beauty salons. The manager must provide the guests with a comfortable stay under the roof of the hotel and the desire to return again, the owner of the hotel - a high income, and the employees - the pleasure of working under his supervision. It is not so easy to coordinate all this at the proper level. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology, foreign languages ​​and labor and economy (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Hotel manager, hotel director, top hotel manager, hotelier are synonyms of the same profession. A good top manager in the hospitality business is a piece product , on which the quality of hotel management at all levels depends, and, consequently, the image and reputation of the hotel. The hotel manager has some discretion in making decisions, but within the standards set by the hotel owner. He concludes a special agreement with the owner of the hotel, which indicates the degree of his responsibility, job duties, the level of salaries and bonuses. Large chains of well-known and prestigious hotels prefer to see in this high post those who thoroughly know the specifics of the services of this hotel. That is, a hotel administrator or even a porter has a real opportunity to become a hotel manager. There are hundreds of similar examples in the history of the hotel business.

In large hotel chains, the hotel director works within the strict framework of accepted standards, as, for example, in the National Hotels Corporation free communication of staff with customers is considered permissible, in the Mariott hotel chain - a restrained and strict style of work.

The duties of the hotel manager include:

  • organization and maintenance of the effective operation of the hotel;
  • providing clients with information about possible services;
  • control over the quality of customer service in accordance with the class of the hotel, the correct use, accounting and distribution of rooms, as well as compliance with the passport regime;
  • directing the work of the hotel staff and services to ensure the safety and maintenance of premises and property in good condition, uninterrupted operation of equipment, external improvement, compliance with sanitary and technical and fire safety rules;
  • cost-effective hotel management, timely and high-quality provision of a range of services to hotel clients;
  • introduction of progressive forms of service organization;
  • preventive inspection of residential rooms, utility rooms of the hotel, organization of major and current repairs;
  • expansion of the hotel's material and technical base, increasing its comfort;
  • maintaining and timely submission of reports on the economic and financial activities of the hotel;
  • investment planning, control over turnover and costs;
  • providing the hotel with qualified personnel.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market;
  • high prestige and respectability of the profession;
  • high level of remuneration.


  • high level of responsibility;
  • work in the conditions of "no room for error";
  • irregular working hours;
  • great psychological stress;
  • the need to communicate with a large number of people;
  • the inevitability of various kinds of conflicts and discontent of guests, the need to be in their epicenter.

Place of work

Hotels, motels, guest villas and lodges

Important qualities

A hotel manager must be an excellent marketer and innovator, diplomat and psychologist, financier and personnel officer. A person who has not only a specialized diploma, but also a certain life experience can apply for this position, as well as:

  • outstanding organizational skills;
  • confidence;
  • the ability to persuade;
  • persistence;
  • qualities of a born leader;
  • attentiveness to the little things;
  • meticulousness, the ability to bring every task to the end;
  • talent for communicating with people;
  • the ability to effectively delegate authority;
  • ability to create a team of the best specialists in their field;
  • the ability to analyze a large amount of information, make a decision and take responsibility;
  • good memory;
  • high concentration of attention;
  • patience;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment;
  • the ability to effectively interact at any organizational level;
  • ability to listen and hear;
  • the ability to manage conflicts, exercise control over crisis situations in a team, neutralize and settle conflicts that have arisen;
  • the ability to think in terms of the scale of the entire hotel.

Hotel manager training

Interregional Academy of Industrial and construction complex(MASPK) invites to training specialists employed in the hospitality industry, to courses. Professional courses of the Academy allow you to undergo retraining and advanced training in a comfortable distance format and study a specialty at a convenient time.

On this course, you can get the profession of a hotel director remotely in 1-3 months. A diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Fully distance learning. The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students for a specialty in a distance learning program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to get distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!


Higher education

For the profession of a hotel manager, it is compulsory higher education... If higher education is non-core, it is necessary to complete special courses for directors who manage the hotel business. Large hotel chains require compulsory specialized higher education in the field of hotel business.

Hospitality training is provided by more than 30 educational institutions in Moscow, among which the most serious training can be obtained in the following universities:

  • Moscow Academy of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Government of Moscow
  • REA them. Plekhanov
  • Russian New University.

These schools have their own study bars, hotel rooms and canteens. Training, in addition to theoretical disciplines, includes business games and psychological trainings on which real situations of customer dissatisfaction are played out: “the client is furious”, “the client accuses of theft”, “the client is dissatisfied with the service attendant”. For internships, clients are sent abroad - to France, Turkey, Cyprus and Malta, where graduates master Western technologies of hotel business, a foreign language at the proper level. After that, students, quite professionally as economists, lawyers and managers, can independently develop a business plan for opening a private hotel.

Hospitality management courses can be taken at the MBA-CITY Business Academy. The best educational institution world-class for obtaining the profession of a hotel manager is the Hotel Institute in Montreux in Switzerland - Hotel Institute Montreux, HIM.


Salary for 03/12/2020

Russia 25,000-100,000 ₽

Moscow 35000—100000 ₽

The salary of a hotel manager depends on the country, the status and stardom of the hotel, belonging to the hotel chain, the number of rooms, and the experience of the director himself. So, for example, the difference in salary between the directors of 3 * and 5 * hotels can be large, or it can be practically the same if a 3 * hotel complex has more rooms than a 5 * small hotel due to additional bonuses from the number of potential customers.

In Russia, hotels that are part of the international hotel chains Radisson, Kempinski, Marriott, Marco Polo, Le Meridien, Sheraton, etc., employ qualified personnel with knowledge of languages, special education and a Western style of work for the position of directors.

Career Steps and Prospects

The hotel manager is the top executive in the hospitality career. The next stage of career development can be a manager of a hotel chain or a co-owner and then the owner of a hotel chain or a separate hotel.

Hotel guests' quirks:

A guest of the Greek hotel "Honeymoon Petra Villas" requested a room in which the rays at sunset would fall into the room at an angle of 45⁰ relative to the right side of the window.

Another unusual behavior was displayed by a hotel guest, who asked for rain in the heat of the day.

One of the guests of the Irish hotel asked the administration to provide him with a very unusual service: to organize a game of golf on a local glacier. However, after the man played enough (that is, went 3 holes), the unusual requests continued: he demanded to be taken back to the hotel by a private helicopter.

The hotel guest forgot the medicine in the room. Only on the plane remembering about him, the man called the administrator and asked to deliver him this medicine home. And that was done.

The man has booked all the rooms at the Hacienda Benazuza in Spain. The guest explained that he wanted to organize a party for 10 people. It should be noted that the number of rooms in the hotel is 44, and the cost of living in one room per day is at least $ 300.

It is not uncommon for concierges to make purchases for hotel visitors. And, as it turns out, there are times when they have to choose and buy a house. So, one of the hotel guests trusted the choice of the concierge that he did not even look at the building before making a purchase.

In one of the London hotels, a man asked to be served by girls with pronounced facial hair in the hotel restaurant. The hotel staff, in order to fulfill the stupid request, pasted a mustache and beard on the waitresses, the maid and the administrator.

One popular singer, while staying in a Portuguese hotel, requested that the sheets on her bed have three small holes. For what? The hotel administration still does not know the answer.

One of the guests of an elite hotel constantly ordered a “color menu” for himself. Once he asked the chef to cook him blue dishes, then pink, purple, black.

In Russian universities not so long ago, the specialty "Hotel business" appeared. What is the profession of "Hospitality Specialist", and in what industry can a graduate work?

Let's take a closer look at this specialization in order to understand all its positive and negative sides.

Who is a hotel service manager

This is a specialist in charge of organizing guest services in hotels and tourist complexes. He accepts, places, signs out guests, is responsible for the smooth operation of the facility.

Top 10 professions in the hotel and restaurant business

The hospitality and tourism industry in Russia is developing rapidly. It includes three main sectors: catering, hotel management and tourism. The first two are often combined with the same term "Hotel and restaurant (business)" or "Hotel and catering business».

It is possible to give the following definition of the concept of "hotel and tourism business" - this is the sphere of the economy, which is associated with the provision of services in the field of hotel industry and tourism.

Let's see which professions in this area are the most respectable, paid and interesting:

  • hotel manager;
  • PR manager;
  • hostess;
  • hotel manager;
  • event organizer;
  • food manager;
  • reception and accommodation service manager;
  • brand manager;
  • room fund supervisor;
  • Chef.

An applicant often faces the question - which is better "Tourism" or "Hotel business"? Everyone decides for himself. But the second direction is very promising.

Consumers want to see not only a traditional hotel or hotel, but today they are attracted by something new, non-standard. For example, floating hotels, boats, boat camps, etc.

You always have a chance to start your own business, for which you do not need to recruit a large staff (for example, hostels, etc.).

Where and for how many years to study in the specialty "Hotel service"

In Russia, higher education in this specialty (applied bachelor's degree) can be obtained in almost 100 universities of the country (97, to be precise). Be sure to read the university reviews from students and alumni before applying.

We list top 5 universities of the Russian Federation, where training is carried out:

  • Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU);
  • Southern Federal University (SFedU);
  • Ural Federal University B. N. Yeltsin (Ural Federal University named after B. N. Yeltsin);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN);
  • Far Eastern Federal University (DFU).

The term of study is 4 years (full-time). Study is complemented by practice in hotels, hotels with which the university has an agreement.

Today in Russia training in this specialty is offered not only by universities, but also by colleges, where you can enter after the 9th or 11th grade, as well as private companies and organizations that retrain specialists.

For example, at the University of Synergy (Moscow) there is a college (direction "Hotel service", faculty of hotel and restaurant business) with a training period of 1 year 10 months or 2 years 10 months. After graduation, there is an opportunity to enroll in the 2nd or 3rd course in the specialty "Management in the hotel and restaurant business" (first higher education).

At the same university, you can get a second higher education in a similar specialty with a training period of 4-4.5 years. Master's and postgraduate studies will be further stages of education.

What subjects can be in the curriculum of the direction "Hospitality":

  • organization of a reception and accommodation service;
  • hotel sales technology;
  • advertising in the hotel business;
  • technology and organization of catering services;
  • standardization and quality control of hotel services;
  • international hotel chains;
  • corporate culture in the hotel business, etc.

In addition, there are courses with different durations of study, which are offered by various private companies.

What subjects need to be taken

To enter the specialty "Hotel service", "Hotel business" you need to pass the Unified State Exam in three subjects.

To date, the list is as follows:

  • Russian language (basic level);
  • mathematics (basic level);
  • social studies (profile level).

Other exams are passed at St. Petersburg State University: Russian language, social studies, foreign language. At the Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin - social studies, history, Russian language. The Unified State Exam in these subjects will also be asked at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management "NINH" (NSUEU).

The exact list of subjects must be found out in advance on the website of the university of interest.

Who can a graduate with a diploma "Hotel Business" work for?

After receiving a diploma in the specialty "Hospitality", you can apply for a place in the middle management level, that is, hotel management is meant.

You have already stepped over the lower-level positions (cleaners, maids). The top management will be the top management.

What vacancies can be offered to a graduate:

  • manager;
  • administrator;
  • manager;
  • Human Resources Specialist.

How to become a hotel manager

First of all, you must have an education in the direction of "Hospitality". The second is also necessary - "Personnel management".

It is also desirable to have an economic or legal education. This complexity will give you an advantage, in particular:

  • in the management of marketing activities, which includes production and sales marketing, marketing communications;
  • in internal management (management), including strategic, current, operational, process management, project management, development;
  • in internal planning and forecasting, which includes strategic, current, operational planning, management control.

To become a manager, it is good to have not only diplomas from leading universities, but also certificates of internships in prestigious hotels, hotels, especially foreign ones.

What is the salary of a hotel manager in Moscow

A hotel manager in Moscow receives an average of about 70,000 rubles(according to the website This profession is one of the highly paid ones. In the regions, such work is paid, of course, lower.

Hospitality Career

You know foreign languages then you can count on career growth.

Experience and practice can allow in the future to take such a prestigious position as a "hotel business expert" who is engaged in forecasting in the hotel industry.

Hotel service specialist - the pros and cons of the profession

In general, this field of activity is very attractive.

Among the advantages is the demand for the profession. A graduate can find a job not only in Russia, but also abroad. In addition, the experience of communicating with people will always come in handy in life.

The disadvantages include a large amount of work, frequent stressful situations and problems. that need to be solved as professionally as possible. This means: an even tone of speech, benevolence, a desire to find a compromise. A hotel service specialist can work night shifts, on public holidays.