Course work: Innovative activity of enterprises in the building complex. Hello student To increase the innovative activity of employees, it is necessary


The nature of the company's innovative activity is determined by the diversity, flexibility and dynamism of its economic behavior in a market economy, as well as the desire to secure competitive advantages for itself. The innovative activity of key employees ensures a high level of efficiency of the company's innovative activities. To increase the innovative activity of key employees, it is necessary to develop in them such qualities as the ability and readiness to perceive innovations, the readiness to transform and implement innovations, the readiness to mobilize own resources, update them and be ready for self-realization. At the same time, the innovative activity of key employees determines the ability and readiness of the company itself to form and effectively use the innovative potential of each key employee.

Keywords: innovative activity of key employees, innovative potential of the company, innovative behavior of key employees.

The innovative activity of personnel is a key factor in the innovative activity of an organization and the most important characteristic of the innovative potential of personnel. To activate the innovative activity of the company's employees, it is necessary to create the appropriate organizational prerequisites that contribute to the realization of the company's hidden capabilities through the deliberate initiative of employees.

The leading place in the organization is occupied by key employees who are identified taking into account the principle of the value of human resources for the organization. The value for the company may be the contribution of employees to the company's business in the current period, the level of its potential, uniqueness, etc. Usually, those whose contribution to the company's income exceeds the average statistical value are considered to be especially valuable employees. They also have a high level of professional performance that goes beyond the requirements for the position.

In the literature, there is an opinion according to which the main criteria for identifying key employees are productivity and quality of work. Within the framework of another approach, the main criterion for classifying an employee as key is the status of the position: the higher it is, the higher the value of the employee. Proponents of this approach often refer to the company's top managers as key employees. The importance of the role of top management in any company is beyond doubt, but at the same time, it should be noted that not every representative of top management can act as a key employee, for the reason that, according to practice, the activities of top managers, instead of development, can cause the collapse of the entire company.

According to the proponents of the third approach, key employees are those employees who have specific competencies necessary for the development of the core business of the company. These specialists significantly affect the relationship with customers, and their loss negatively affects the results of the company. Thus, researchers have determined the criteria for an employee's compliance with the “key” status: he must have value and uniqueness. Accordingly, valuable and unique knowledge and skills, if they are inherent in this or that employee, allow us to call them key for the company.

A key employee is not only the owner of valuable and unique knowledge and skills, he is able to turn this knowledge into key organizational competencies. The authors distinguish three groups of organizational competencies that may be influenced by key employees - technical ability, managerial ability, and customer focus.

Accordingly, giving different definitions of the status of a key employee, all authors share the same opinion that key employees are extremely important to the organization. For this reason, it is relevant to identify and investigate the factors contributing to the manifestation of high innovative activity of key employees of the organization.

The nature of the company's innovative activity is determined by the diversity, flexibility and dynamism of its economic behavior in a market economy, as well as the desire to secure competitive advantages for itself. I.V. Matuzov noted a number of signs of an innovatively active company:

- organization of purposeful activities aimed at the design, creation, development and production of qualitatively new objects, such as different kinds equipment, objects of labor, objects of intellectual property, technology, and capable of introducing more advanced forms of labor organization and production management;

- organization of creative activities designed to improve production performance and create competitive products that are in demand in the market;

- organization of proactive activities aimed at the implementation of the innovation process, determined by the available internal capabilities;

- organization of intensive activities aimed at acquiring commercial benefits and commercial advantages.

Specified characteristics innovative enterprises can manifest themselves only if the quality of the innovative potential of the key employees of the organization and their innovative activity is sufficiently high. Many researchers noted that the management of the innovative potential of key employees of a company is a purposeful, continuous, dynamic, constantly and consciously carried out by all participants in the system process of carrying out various procedures, events and operations designed to change the level of innovation of key employees. Researcher K.A.Lega characterizes the level of innovation by the receptivity, readiness and ability of employees to innovate, their ability to quickly assimilate and implement scientific and technological achievements, predict new directions in the development of science and technology and flexibly respond to changes in the external environment, the readiness of employees to effectively master scientific technical innovations, to develop the necessary objective socio-economic conditions for the introduction of innovations. Accordingly, we are talking here about the activity that allows you to perceive, be ready and capable of performing certain innovative actions. In practice, innovative activity can be reduced to the generation of new ideas, the self-development of professional competencies, inclusion in innovative activities and the implementation of innovations, to the construction of internal communications within which innovative ideas will be implemented, the existing hidden knowledge will be transferred, etc. To realize these properties, it is necessary to create an organizational environment that activates the internal potential of key employees and ensures the involvement of potential in an active process of activity.

The basis for innovative activity is internal motives and the readiness of the individual potential to be realized. According to I. V. Pakhno, the readiness of the innovative potential of the individual at the elementary level can be considered as mental state, which adjusts, actualizes while adapting a person's capabilities to perform successful actions. The ready state structure consists of a number of components:

a) cognitive (it is necessary to understand professional tasks, assess their significance, imagine possible changes in the working environment);

b) emotional (have a sense of professional honor and responsibility, be able to be confident in success and inspiration);

c) motivational (to have a need to successfully complete the first labor tasks, interest in the process of solving them, the desire to achieve success and show oneself from the best side);

d) strong-willed (to be able to mobilize forces, overcome doubts).

Innovative actions, according to I. V. Pakhno, predetermine the emergence of innovative behavior, the development of innovative thinking, which are then transformed into an innovative way of life.

Within the framework of this concept, it is necessary to consider the conditions that contribute to the support of the innovative activity of key employees and turn it into an ongoing process.

So, in a period when innovative actions and innovative behavior of key employees of the company are just being initiated, stimulation of innovative activity dominates, while at the stage of development of innovative thinking and the formation of an innovative lifestyle, external stimuli that can activate intrapersonal processes become important. In the process of self-development and self-improvement of employees, internal resources (knowledge, abilities, ambitions, values) are activated, for which a certain energy is required, due to internal motives that guide the employee's actions and encourage him to increase his competence, deepen knowledge, expand his professional community, master new roles, overcome difficulties, etc. Innovative behavior reinforces innovative thinking, and at the same time, at a new level of awareness, it is gradually transformed into an innovative way of life for an employee of the enterprise. Accordingly, the process of renewing the innovation activity of key employees is continuous and represents the main driving force of the company's innovation activity.

The innovative activity of key employees ensures a high level of efficiency of the company's innovative activities. According to Yu.V. Babanova and V.P. Gorshenin, the latter is influenced by three components:

- susceptibility to innovation;

- the intensity and timeliness of actions taken to transform innovations into innovations;

- the ability to mobilize potential in the required quantity and quality for the commercialization of innovations.

Let's consider the main groups of factors that guarantee the effectiveness of innovation activities of key employees.

The first group of factors that guarantee the effectiveness of innovation include the conditions that provide "receptivity to new ideas":

- the presence of an innovative orientation of the organization;

- the presence of a high level of susceptibility of the organization to innovation;

- implementation of the management style inherent in innovation-sensitive companies;

- innovation and development environment;

- the presence of the ability and readiness of personnel to perceive innovations.

The second group of factors that ensure the "intensity and timeliness of the transformation of innovation into innovation" include:

- flexible innovation-oriented organizational structure and mechanisms to stimulate innovation;

- the desire of the management to realize true innovations and their prompt implementation;

- willingness of staff to participate in the innovation process.

The third group includes factors aimed at mobilizing personnel:

- innovative culture in the organization;

- resources for innovation and their ability to mobilize;

- managers of innovative orientation;

- readiness of staff to mobilize their own resources.

Accordingly, the innovative activity of the personnel can be presented as an integral part of the innovative activity of the enterprise. It manifests itself to the extent that the enterprise itself is ready to prove itself in the innovation sphere, but in order to ensure high innovative activity of the personnel, all the indicated organizational prerequisites are needed. Thus, in order to increase the innovative activity of key employees, it is necessary to develop in them such qualities as the ability and readiness to perceive innovations, the readiness to transform and implement innovations, the readiness to mobilize their own resources, renew them and be ready for self-realization. At the same time, the innovative activity of key employees determines the ability and readiness of the company itself to form and effectively use the innovative potential of each key employee.


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Above, the main factors hindering the introduction of innovations were highlighted. In order to enhance innovation, it is necessary to develop and implement a set of measures to neutralize the impact of constraining factors. At the same time, the state faces the main task - harmonization of relations between the state, business and science in the interests of the development of high technologies; creation of mechanisms that, in turn, will ensure an increase in the competitiveness of the national economy.

The state should ensure a favorable investment climate in order to use internal and foreign investment for qualitative changes in innovative activities, to promote the implementation of enterprise restructuring programs, technological modernization production, have a program to stimulate innovation-oriented entrepreneurship, encourage the development of venture capital companies, develop a legal framework. This is the only way to achieve the accelerated advancement of innovations in production and a noticeable increase in its competitiveness.

Innovation in Russia must be made profitable. This was stated by the First Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg scientific center RAS, Academician Gennady Tereshchenko. He gave examples of attitudes towards innovation in different countries the world. For example, in Australia, an enterprise that implements scientific research is either completely tax-exempt for several years or pays a minimum percentage. The same situation is developing in modern Estonia. For example, in St. Petersburg, the structure of funding for academic science is such that funds federal budget can be used on innovative, often commercial, structures by only 25%. Above - already a financial violation with all the ensuing consequences.

For the implementation of innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of the enterprise, which is characterized as a set of various resources (intellectual, material, financial, personnel, infrastructure, etc.). The choice of a particular strategy depends on the state of the innovative potential, which can be defined as a "measure of readiness" to fulfill the set goals in the field of innovative development of the enterprise.

The enterprise must have a leader - an innovator, ready to allocate resources for the development of new products, and a staff constantly interested in innovations. It is known from the world experience that the drive for innovation of such famous managers as Bill Gates from Microsoft, Akio Morito from Sony, Jack Welch from General Electric, led their company to the world leadership.

Enterprises need to constantly monitor the development of science and technology to implement the latest advances in these areas in manufacturing process and timely abandonment of used outdated products and production technology.

Sources of information about the environment can be industry conferences, scientific information networks (such as STN International), professional meetings, and other channels. For example, the V Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments was held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center on February 15-18, 2005. The main goal of the Salon is to assist inventors, developers and manufacturers of high-tech products in the presentation of inventions and innovative projects in the interests of promoting promising technologies and products to domestic and foreign markets.

To adapt innovative solutions, it is necessary: marketing research to identify consumer preferences and changes in the product market, opinion polls of employees, develop an individual company's policy on the market, segmentation, positioning, determine the development potential of an enterprise and identify bottlenecks.

Reducing the level of risk of innovation is possible by collecting information and developing preliminary measures related to the consistent implementation of priority actions aimed at reducing the level of risk to a minimum.

When considering the generally recognized shortcomings in the presentation of innovations to the market, we can conclude that the success of the introduction of innovations largely depends on the management system used at the enterprise. Today, for successful business management, a leader needs to improve the management of innovation management and bring it to a level comparable to the international one. Improving innovation literacy is possible through consulting services, educational systems training managers, seminars and exhibitions.

The company's management should pay special attention to the creation of a system for collecting and analyzing information that allows you to determine or predict the result of the introduction of innovations. A properly organized system of internal and external communication will be a kind of compass that determines and shows the required direction. The creation of such a system is a component that affects the competitiveness of an enterprise, because it is possible to determine, develop, implement and obtain the expected result only with well-functioning decision-making mechanisms.

Under certain conditions, home builders and homebuyers will have to tune in to a new, innovative wave. The impetus for such a change may be the crisis in real estate sales, as well as the inevitable (in the context of an increase in construction volumes) growth in prices for the main group of building materials, raw materials for their manufacture, energy resources, as well as an increase in costs wages and other costs. "The builders forgot about the cost. And only today, when the market went down, they started counting money," says Mr. Markaryan from the Glavstroy corporation.

According to experts, in five to seven years the construction industry will be able to survive whoever offers real estate buyers the highest quality for a reasonable price. At the same time, it is almost impossible to achieve this dream without introducing global innovative solutions and transferring the industry to new rails due to its energy and capital intensity. The future belongs to materials that have minimal energy consumption during production and low consumption compared to expensive and scarce cement, lime, gypsum. Indeed, as calculations show, already in 2010, with the existing structure of housing construction and the pace of commissioning of houses, there will be an acute shortage of cement. The need for this material will be about 85-90 million tons at the current production level of 50-55 million tons and the planned 70-75 million. road construction.

Large construction corporations could become the driving force behind the implementation of innovations in the construction sector. They, as well as medium-sized businesses, need an effective navigation system in the housing sector. However, the market participants do not yet have an understanding of how the accents in urban planning will be set, what housing standards will be set for the coming decades. Meanwhile, without a clear understanding of them, it is impossible to form an innovation contour covering all areas of activity directly or indirectly related to the construction industry. To avoid a conflict between the old communication system and new convenient materials and technologies, a systemic innovation policy is needed, designed not only to save a penny, but also to remove existing restrictions for the widespread introduction of innovations.

First of all, economic incentives are needed to encourage the introduction of energy efficient technologies(tax breaks, grants, subsidies, etc.). Reasonable government intervention would help break down not only organizational, managerial and regulatory barriers, but also existing stereotypes and prejudices against innovative solutions in housing construction, and therefore increase consumer loyalty to them.


Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education


Institute of Management in Industry, Energy and Construction

Department of Business Management in Construction

Discipline abstract

"Strategic development of a construction organization"

On the topic : "Increasing the innovative activity of enterprises

investment and construction complex ".

Completed by: Malysheva A.O.

4th year student, group PM 4-1

Head: E.V. Genkin

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Moscow 2015

Annotation ……………………………………………………………… .. …… ..1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… .. …… .2

  1. Theoretical basis innovative activity …………………… ..… 3
  2. Factors influencing the innovative activity of enterprises ... ... ... 5
  3. Ways to increase the innovative activity of enterprises of the investment and construction complex ..................... 8
  4. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ... 13
  5. Bibliography ……………………………………………… ... 15


This essay examines the factors affecting the increase in the innovative activity of enterprises in the investment and construction complex. The work determines the following factors: the concept of "innovative activity" is disclosed, the value of the innovative activity of construction enterprises is determined, methods of increasing the innovative activity of enterprises of the specified complex are determined.

Particular attention in the abstract is paid to the effectiveness of innovations, as well as the factors that they (innovations) affect.

The methods of increasing innovative activity and the factors on which the increase depends, indicated in the work, will help to reduce the cost of production, avoid the risk of unsuccessful implementation of innovation and form a modern consumer's view of housing space, justified by the quality of construction.

The work consists of three parts: the introduction, the main part and the conclusion, consists of 15 pages, contains 3 figures-tables and refers to 4 sources.


The importance of innovation in today's economy has increased significantly. Innovations act as a means to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise in a market economy - they lead to a decrease in production costs, an influx of investors, an increase in the company's image and the capture of new markets.

The construction company develops such strategies for obtaining success and competitive advantages that would correspond to the conditions of a dynamically changing environment. Tools such as intensive and innovative development of all subsystems of the organization help to achieve these goals.

Innovation today is a condition for survival, increasing and maintaining competitiveness and increasing the efficiency of an enterprise.

Based on experience, economically developed countries we can say that the best results are achieved by the company, which strategically gives priority to an innovative approach to the creation of new products. The presence of innovative solutions at the enterprise is the main factor influencing the formation of a competitive promising strategy and expanding its position in the market.

The purpose of the abstract is to analyze the factors affecting the increase in the innovative activity of enterprises in the construction industry.

In accordance with the goal, tasks are set for consideration:

  • consider various aspects of the concept of "innovative activity"
  • understand what factors influence the innovative activity of construction companies;
  • determine the value of innovative activity in economic activity construction enterprises and identify methods of increasing the innovative activity of enterprises in the investment and construction sector.

1 Theoretical foundations of innovative activity

Innovation activity is an independent concept, with the help of which it is possible to assess the nature of innovation activity. Innovative activity is assessed by the actions taken, performed in a certain sequence, with a certain composition, etc.

Innovation activity, like all others, should be results-oriented, i.e. the goal of such activity is an effective result with any amount of resources expended.

The activity of the firm shows the relationship between the results achieved and the set objectives of the activity. The relationship shows the nature of the firm's activities during the process of achieving a set goal. With the same goals of achievement for different companies, the result may be different, which is explained by the different activity of the heads of firms. The difference in the achieved innovative results is explained by the different innovative activity.

Innovative activity as a concept related to a certain activity of a firm has assumed the following features of innovation activity, namely:

  1. Innovation should be manageable and strategically focused. It is the strategic nature that drives high-quality innovation.
  2. Actions within the framework of innovative activities must be rational and consistent, as well as timely, which must ensure dynamism and show the need to change actions, otherwise the activity will be ineffective.

From the strategic aspect, innovation is characterized by

  • the quality of the chosen strategy,
  • the quality of the chosen methods of carrying out innovative changes
  • level of attracted investments
  • the validity of the level of the implemented activity

The tactics that determine innovative activity depend on the following factors:

  • The firm's response should be consistent with the nature of competitors' strategies;
  • The speed of innovation

Innovative activity directly determines the internal state of the company, the state of which it can manage with the help of purposeful use of creative personnel. But the reflection of the external environment is the competitiveness of the enterprise, which the enterprise is able to influence by increasing the innovative activity.

Having considered many aspects of the concept of "innovative activity", a unified definition of the concept is drawn up: the innovative activity of a company is a complex characteristic of its innovative activity, including the degree of intensity of the actions taken and their timeliness, the ability to mobilize the necessary potential, including its hidden sides, the validity and progressiveness of the applied methods, the rationality of the technology of the innovation process in terms of the composition and sequence of operations.

  1. Factors influencing the innovative activity of enterprises

V modern world Building bussiness quite conservative and passive, world researchers argue that the construction industry is at the very bottom of the rating of innovatively active industries.

But, despite the "renunciation" of the construction industry, more and more technical innovations appear that not only do not change habitual way in the conduct of business, but also provide an improvement in the technological process, reduce the cost of construction, reduce the time, increase the level of comfort and the life of the finished object.

The introduction of innovations in the construction sector, or rather in housing construction, limits organizational and managerial barriers, which only the state can eliminate by creating certain standards and placing priority accents in urban planning. ...

Most market participants complain that SNIPs and GOSTs no longer match the capabilities modern production... All innovative movements are limited by regulations and administrative barriers. For example, a construction company can save structural reinforcement by using prestressed concrete, but according to the building codes in force in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to lay such an amount of reinforcement that in the end there is no savings.

Often, innovative progress in the construction sector is negatively affected by the corruption of officials, their bone thinking, as well as personal interest. For example, officials of the city administration - natives of Soviet construction factories, persistently think with an "outdated" view of the current situation with building, and support house-building factories, although the city no longer needs panel new buildings in such a volume.

Substandard Construction Materials reduce the dynamics of the introduction of innovations in construction production. The low quality of materials produced in obsolete factories of the middle of the twentieth century leads to high consumption rates per square meter of area. In addition to the safety factor of the structure, laid down according to SNIPs, the designer also adds a reinsured safety factor. ...

Low qualifications of contractors hinder the active introduction of innovations. Very often, customers complain that low-skilled contractors are creating frantic cheats for a new and unusual innovation that an investor wants to implement. ...

Today, according to experts, the main "enemy" of technology innovation is designers. It is they, together with the architects, who are the link between developers and manufacturers of construction Supplies since should lay in projects innovative technologies and modern materials... Disappointing conclusion recent years you can name the fact that the connection between the customer (consumer), designers and manufacturers is lost: the builders themselves become architects.

Innovation on construction market not implemented due to the outdated urban planning environment; so periodically arising, they drown, as in a swamp.

To some extent, such problems with innovative activity are caused by the market situation in the country, in particular in the construction market. The uncontrolled rise in housing prices was triggered by the economic recovery. Over the past decade, real estate prices have more than quadrupled, which has given freedom in terms of development to already sluggish developers. Until recently, many of them did not think about major innovative changes and were "content" with reality. ...

To determine the innovative activity of enterprises in the investment and construction complex, it is necessary to be based on the total volume of investments that the enterprise has invested in the innovation sphere. If there are no facts of innovation activity, then the investment and innovation activity can be assessed by the innovation potential of the enterprise of the investment and construction complex. The assessment is carried out for individual items indicated in Figure 1 ..

  1. Ways to increase the innovative activity of enterprises of the investment and construction complex

The main factor in the success of the introduction of innovation into the enterprise system can be called the management system at this enterprise. In order for the management of innovation management to be successful in the face of generally recognized shortcomings in the introduction of these innovations into the market, the management of the enterprise must develop such a business management system that would correspond to the international level. If the company does not have highly qualified personnel capable of increasing innovative activity, their literacy can be increased with the help of the services of consulting agencies, educational systems, etc.

Special attention from the management of the enterprise requires Information system to collect and analyze data that determine or predict the success of the introduction of innovations into the system. For an organization, a properly built communication system (external and internal) will be a guiding element, showing and determining the success of innovative changes. Such a system affects the competitiveness of the enterprise, because along with the introduction of the system, development, reproduction and striving for the intended goal, the result can be achieved only with an established decision-making mechanism. ...

The wave of innovation that may emerge very soon will force builders and property buyers to adapt to the new environment. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the real estate market, builders began to think about the cost, began to think about the financial component. A small disruption, a real estate crisis, a sales crisis, an increase in prices for consumable building materials, an increase in prices for raw materials, energy resources, an increase in salaries - these factors can be an impetus for a change in the mood of developers and buyers. ...

In the near future, the one who offers customers the highest quality product for a reasonable price will be able to survive in the construction industry. But due to energy intensity and high capital costs, survival in the market will be possible only when the industry is transferred to a new development path and the global implementation of innovative solutions.

In the current situation, when there is a huge shortage of the main building material - cement, you need to understand that the future of the construction industry depends on materials with a low percentage of energy consumption in production and low consumption in construction, if we compare the consumption and cost of basic materials such as gypsum, lime, cement. ...

Large construction organizations, which, like medium and small developing business, need navigation in the housing sector. At the moment, the competitors competing in the market have no understanding of the current standards being set: what will be the focus of attention in urban planning, the construction of which facilities will be a priority, what will be the new housing standards. The above factors form an investment contour, which extends to those areas of activity that are directly or indirectly related to the construction business.

For innovations in construction to become a reality, and not the ultimate dream of young qualified specialists, it is necessary to create such a systemic innovation policy that would not allow conflicts between new modern technologies and materials, and also remove restrictions for large-scale introduction of innovations in construction production without the main goal of “saving penny ". ...

The main incentives for the introduction of effective technologies should be economic factors, such as tax incentives, a system of subsidies and grants, etc. State intervention could break the stereotypes against innovative innovations in urban planning, as well as get rid of regulatory barriers in the organizational and management system. This would increase consumer loyalty to innovative solutions. ...

Rice. 2 Innovative impact

Figure 2 can be called an innovation influence triangle, which shows that the effectiveness of innovations in construction should be seen in reducing the cost of construction, shortening the construction time while improving quality.
The building environment is quite inert, which is why the introduction of innovations is considered a rather difficult process. The inertia is explained by the following facts:

1. To evaluate the effect of the implemented innovation, the required long operating time of the building, so that the pros and cons of the applied innovations are revealed.

2. Mistrust in innovative solutions is explained by a wave of distrust towards builders, who are fully responsible for the final result, and ineffective solutions or mistakes in design pose a threat to a large number of people.

3. It is difficult to convince consumers of the historically formed stereotypes that were formed during the development of the construction industry.

With the actual participation of components of the construction market, such as financial institutions(banks), the group "customer-investor-developer-contracting organizations", enterprises producing building materials, realtors, insurers, state committees, their interaction system is not debugged, therefore, in order to increase the level of innovative implementation, first it is necessary to optimize the interaction of participants.
The considered innovative activities are characterized by indicators that determine the level of innovativeness of construction (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Indicators that determine the level of innovativeness of construction

It can be said that innovation in construction production is a decisive, high-quality, socio-economic-utility-oriented factor in reducing the cost of construction.


Summing up, you can compose general definition: the innovative activity of the enterprise is understood as the innovative activity of the enterprise, which includes the ability to use hidden potential, the degree of timeliness and intensity of actions, the progressiveness of sound methods, as well as the rational composition of the process and the sequence of operations performed. In other words, it is an enterprise's innovation strategy throughout the entire life cycle innovation.

In order for the activity of innovative activity of enterprises to increase, such a mechanism for managing innovations is needed that would correspond to the requirements of the current situation on the market. One of the main problems in the development of innovation is the lack of such a mechanism, as well as the inaction of innovation policy at all levels: from the industry level to the level of investment and construction enterprises.

For the active development of the innovation process, a clear approved strategy for the development of innovative activities is also required at all levels: from the country to the enterprise.

Another factor in the slow development of innovative activity is the lack of incentives for enterprises; lack of both legal and economic factors. Due to the strict regulation of the tax system, lack of motivation on the part of the state, cuts in funds for depreciation to finance production development processes. Innovative problems cannot be solved without solving investment problems, because they require large financial investments.

It is difficult for modern enterprises in the construction sector to adapt to the new requirements of business management: the entrepreneurial risk is growing, and therefore the price of the products of construction companies is increasing.

If construction company bases its activities on innovation, then it needs to accumulate large assets for investment processes. Therefore, the construction business differs from other areas in a higher rate of return and is considered quite effective.


  1. Melnikov O.N., Shuvalov V.N. Innovative Activity as a Factor of Increasing the Competitiveness of an Enterprise // Russian Journal of Entrepreneurship. - 2005. - No. 9.
  2. A.A. Trifilova Assessment of innovative activity of enterprises // www.domino.
  3. Innovations in the construction cluster: barriers and prospects //
  4. Gorokhov D. Building innovations //

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    I. Ansoff's approaches to the use of the category “aggressiveness of the strategy”.

    Measuring innovation activity.

    Innovative activity as competitive advantage enterprises.

    The relationship of the indicator "innovative activity" with other innovative indicators.

1. The essence of the category "innovative activity"

Innovation, like any other theory, has its own conceptual apparatus, which includes both its own system of concepts and the concepts of fundamental branches of knowledge that are basic for innovation: the theory of scientific and technological progress, the organization of production functions (R&D, ideas, proposals, products, technologies) , strategic management (mission and values, goals and environment, potential, basic and preferred strategies), project management (mono-, multi- and megaprojects, programs, matrix structures), financial management (investments, financial flows, risks, discounting) , marketing (competitive environment, competitive advantage, competitive forces), etc. The system of categories of innovation includes, first of all, the following categories: innovation / innovation and innovator, innovation and innovator, innovation process, innovation activity, innovation risks and, of course, innovation activity (IA ).

Innovative activity- an independent category. Its significance lies in the fact that with the help of IA the nature of innovation activity is assessed. Innovative activity, like any other activity (marketing, formation and implementation of a strategy, etc.), is primarily characterized by the content, composition of specific actions performed according to a certain technology, procedure. On this basis, one type of activity differs from another. For example, the actions to perform marketing and production functions will be different.

Further, any activity of any subject is just a part of a more general process. For example, the actions of an innovator creating an innovation are just part of the overall innovation process (IP), which reflects the innovation life cycle (LIC). The generality of the process is due to the fact that, in addition to the innovator, the activity of other subjects of the innovation process is necessary, performing actions at other stages of the life cycle. Thus, the place of this innovation activity in the structure of the innovation process is uniquely determined. It is necessary to know it for the organization of both this activity and the entire individual entrepreneur. Therefore, to describe the ID, it is necessary to use such a feature as a place in the IP structure. All types of activity, including innovation, should be focused on some kind of result, that is, be characterized by a certain efficiency and effectiveness, since they require resources and lead to some result.

Activity of the company- this is its characteristic, which should show the connection between the intended content of the activity and its results. This relationship is explained by the behavior of the firm in the implementation of the planned actions. Indeed, on the one hand, a specific action plan has been developed to improve the competitive position. On the other hand, after performing these actions, you can get either a positive or negative result. With the same plans, strategies, goals, potential, managers of different firms achieve different results, which is associated with their unequal activity. It is the differences in innovative activity that explain the different innovative results given the same initial assumptions.

In this case, the sign "innovative activity" has the following features of the innovative activity of the firm. First, the ID should be strategic in nature and be controlled in real time (since the instability of the external environment has sharply increased). A strategic approach ensures high quality ID.

Secondly, the ID should in the current time be rational both in terms of the sequence of actions and their timeliness, which will ensure the dynamism of the ID required for the situation, a certain rate of carrying out the necessary actions and changes. Otherwise, ID will be simply unnecessary and will give negative consequences (reserves of time and resources are ineffectively exhausted). In fig. Figures 8.1 and 8.2 show a schematic diagram of this approach.

Rice. 1. Purpose of the category "innovative activity"

Subjects of the innovation environment participating in the innovation process (IP)

Innovation activity (ID) of subjects, including NTO: characteristics

2. The place of the ID in the IP structure

3. ID activity

4. The effectiveness of the ID

5. Efficiency of ID

Signs of innovative activity of the subject of ID

Signs reflecting

the firm's strategy and defining

quality side of ID

Signs reflecting

the firm's tactics and defining the dynamic side of the ID

A feature that determines

rationality of a given scale of activity

1. The quality of the firm's innovation strategy

2. Level of mobilization

innovation potential

3. Size of attracted


4. The quality of the methods used during the

strategic changes

5. Compliance of the reaction with the nature of the competitive strategic situation

6. The speed of strategic innovation


7 ". Conformity to the implemented level

Innovative activity state of the environment

Rice. 2. The role and content of the indicator "innovative activity"

Strategically, IA is characterized by the following particular indicators:

    the quality of the organization's innovation strategy;

    the level of mobilization or use of innovative potential;

    the amount of attracted capital investments - investments;

    the quality of the methods used to carry out innovative changes;

    the validity of the implemented level of innovative activity.

In tactical terms, AI is determined by two particular indicators:

    the conformity of the firm's reaction to the nature of the competitive strategic situation;

    the speed (pace) of actions and implementation of strategic innovative changes.

  • Glebezdina Olga Alexandrovna, student
  • Moscow University S.Yu. Witte

The article raises the problem of increasing the innovative activity of young specialists. A complex approach allowed the author to trace the relationship between the innovative thinking of young employees and the characteristics of the education system. The article discusses a number of methods that can make it easier for young professionals to participate in innovative activities, and also clarifies practical algorithms for managers aimed at developing the innovative potential of firms' personnel.

  • Research of problems and analysis of new possibilities of logistics of the Republic of Crimea
  • Innovative methods of intangible incentives: gamification

Characteristic feature modern technologies is that they are a derivative of the creative activity of man. Hence, it follows that the main resource involved in the process of creating innovations is the human resource. From the level of competence, innovative activity young specialist, its motivation and depends on the success of a business project in an innovative economy.

In the process of developing young specialists, education, above all higher education, plays an important role. Currently, the demands on the labor market have increased: the employee must be confident in himself, have the ability to communicate effectively, have flexibility and intuition, and be able to work in a team. In many respects, the problem of today's education is that teachers strive to give out a certain amount of knowledge, but, to an insufficient extent, teach how to create, generate new ideas.

The age range of qualified innovation professionals is between 40 and 65 years old. Nevertheless, experts believe that the labor market in the field of high technologies will fill up in the next 5-7 years, since the topic of innovation is already gaining popularity among young people, and therefore the average age of specialists will show a downward trend.

The knowledge-based economy needs new specialists - innovative managers who have the ability for far-sighted thinking, vision beyond their own competencies. They will have to make decisions in an uncertain environment saturated with risks. Thinking and creativity are the main traits inherent in such managers.

T. Ambail highlighted six key points in the practice of leaders that allow regulating the innovative activity of young specialists, namely: a clear definition of goals, resources, the composition of the working group, organizational support, encouragement from leaders, freedom of action. Let's take a quick look at each category.

  1. Clear definition of objectives - Clearly formulated requirements can expand the range of capabilities of specialists. "The task should be difficult enough so that the person does not feel bored, and at the same time not so difficult that it seems to him that he is not in control of the situation."
  2. Resources - workspace, time, and finances are the main resources that affect creativity and creativity. So, unrealistic and impossible deadlines kill creativity. As for finance, when allocating a certain amount of money for an investment project, everything must be carefully calculated.
  3. The composition of the working group is a very important point, because the psychological aspect is important exactly on who the innovator works with and the results will depend.
  4. Organizational support - an experienced leader knows how to stimulate innovation, combines different approaches in solving emerging problems.
  5. Encouragement - I mean rather internal motivation than external material incentives.
  6. Freedom of action - it is very important not to limit young professionals in choosing the means to achieve their goals. Freedom of choice increases intrinsic motivation, innovative activity, develops a sense of personal interest, expands the space for realizing creative potential.

But understanding the impact of key moments in managing young innovators is only a small part of what can increase innovation activity. The permanent improvement of the corporate culture also plays an important role here. Let's also look at a number of techniques that help young innovators develop innovative products.

Many of the methods that help in solving creative problems arose in the middle of the last century, but they are still relevant and in demand today. Let's highlight the most common:

  1. The focal object method (MFO) - was first mentioned in the 20s of the last century by the scientist F. Kunze, and in the 50s it was corrected by C. Weiting. The essence of MFO is that the object that we are trying to improve is as if it is set in the "focus" in which attention is concentrated, then the object is compared with others, randomly selected from the real world. Combining properties of two objects very often gives original ideas relative to the focal object. Advantages of this method: development of creative thinking, obtaining a new look at the problem. But, when practicing the MFO method, it often turns out that the path chosen by the researcher does not always lie in the plane in which he works. The influence of chance is also characteristic of this method.
  2. Brainstorming (BS) - was proposed in the 40s of the last century by naval officer Alex Osborne. Differences from the MFO method: analyzing the situation by a series control questions, two phases of work: generation of ideas and their criticism. In an innovative economy, this method is especially popular at small and medium-sized businesses, where the average age of employees is traditionally lower.
  3. Synectic (SYN) - mentioned by the scientist W. Gordon. Like the brainstorming method, it is more suitable for teamwork than for independent work.
  4. Method of morphological analysis (MMA) F. Zwicky. This method is often used to find and analyze possible solutions to the posed problems. The bottom line is that a morphological matrix is ​​drawn up, on which the possible values ​​of the variable parameters are marked horizontally, and the parameters themselves are marked vertically. For example, to search better design As parameters of the product, we consider its basic properties (material, shape, weight) and begin to combine different values ​​of the considered parameters. There are two "buts": this method is hardly relevant when the product becomes more complex and cannot solve the technical errors inherent in the problem.
  5. Lateral thinking (LT) of the scientist Edward de Bono considers a plan to develop a comprehensive personality development. The methodology for finding solutions in LT helps to develop a strategic flair, a vision of the solution as a whole, consider the correct tactical analysis of options, consider many aspects when solving problems. De Bono's work expands the awareness of the possibilities of intuitive search for ideas in comparison, for example, with the method of brainstorming.
  6. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - carries with it a deeper development of the innovative abilities of a specialist. With the help of trainings with an experienced psychologist-teacher, it allows the specialist to master the ways of entering a state of increased concentration of attention and memory (for example, learning to read speed and foreign languages), think more freely in an associative plan (Mind Mapping method), update personal experience solving problems, entering into the image of other people, for example, inventors and scientists.

During the formation of an economy dependent on innovation, knowledge became the most valuable resource. The number of specialists engaged exclusively in intellectual work is constantly growing. The application of the concept of intellectual capital in industry is traced, information support and communications are developing. Proven fact: the economy of the XXI century develops through modernization information technologies, who, in turn, are faithful companions of young professionals in their innovative activities. The essence of the strength and weakness of different countries lies in intellectual capital, the management of which enables the flow of innovation and the development of science.

Summing up, I would like to note that our country needs a wider dissemination of an innovative culture, thanks to which people will be ready to introduce innovations into their lives, because without this, the path of innovative development is impossible. Note that the issue of innovative potential is multifaceted: in management it is necessary to solve the issue of anti-bureaucratization, in the economy - to ensure O the greater prevalence of regional platforms for the development and implementation of inventions, in education - to help talented young researchers in the implementation of projects, to direct efforts to the development of creative potential. We believe that after these issues are resolved, the influx of young specialists into the field of innovation will increase and in the near long term, an effective innovation environment will be formed in the context of the entire socio-economic structure of the country.


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