Is it possible to update 1s 8.3 without IT. Checklist


Information technology support (ITS) means A complex approach to user service software products 1C.


First of all, it is the ability to download the latest updates from the official website of 1C, including new reporting forms, as well as all configuration changes, in accordance with the rules of tax and accounting.

Within the framework of the ITS agreement, it is possible to receive advice on your questions regarding the work in the program, including through remote access. Our experts can consider questions directly in your database.

In addition to receiving updates and consultations, users of the ITS agreement have the opportunity to use them to make working with 1C programs easier, more comfortable and save time on everyday tasks.

Also, if you have a need to leave a wish for the development of a software product or order a revision for your individual needs, please contact us.


The ITS agreement is mandatory for users of 1C PROF versions.

Users basic versions support of ITS programs is not required, but if desired, it can be issued.

After purchasing a software product, the client is entitled to preferential service for 3 months.

Upon completion of the preferential ITS, it is necessary to conclude contracts for further support of the purchased software product. The cost of the contract depends on the selected support option.


ITS PROF- the main support option that includes the maximum amount of information and services

ITS TECHNO- the minimum support option, including the scope of services and the possibility of legal updates

In addition, if you are interested in one of the services below, we can connect it to you on a paid basis, at your request:

  • 1C-Reporting - reporting via the Internet directly from 1C;
  • 1C: Counterparty - automatic completion details of counterparties in the database of the Federal Tax Service;
  • 1C: Cloud archive - safe storage and placement of a copy of your data;
  • 1C: Link - an easy way to organize secure remote access via the Internet to 1C programs installed on the user's computer;
  • 1C-Connect - online consultations by 1s.

ITS: Industry

1C:ITS Industry 1 category 1C: Accounting in the management companies of housing and communal services, HOA and ZhSK and 1C: Enterprise management of housing and communal services. Gives the right to receive updates, as well as the opportunity to receive advice from the developer of the solution.

Escort cost
1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
1 800 3 800 7 200 13 700

1C:ITS Industry Category 2 is an additional mandatory service for the following software products: 1C: Vodokanal Technical Settlement Center and 1C: Teploseti Technical Settlement Center. Gives the right to receive updates, as well as the opportunity to receive advice from the developer of the solution.
Escort cost
1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
3 600 7 600 14 400 27 400

1C:ITS Industry Basic is an additional service for the software product: 1C: Accounting in the management companies of housing and communal services, HOA and housing cooperatives. Basic version. Gives the right to receive advice from the developer of the solution, as well as the ability to upload data to the GIS housing and communal services.

Escort cost
1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
900 1 900 3 600 6 800

1C provides continuous development and updating of the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system in accordance with legal requirements, business practices, development information technologies and services, and also makes limited updates to outdated versions of its software products.

The Software Updates service allows you to:

  • Get information about the planned release schedule for new versions of application programs and technology platform; receive information about planned changes in the functionality that will be made in the new version of the program;
  • Find out which version of the software product is currently relevant, download distributions to update your version of the product to the current one;
  • Get information about the list of errors that have been registered and will be fixed in the next versions of the programs;
  • Download various additional files that are recommended by software developers for use.

For some software products, the service publishes preliminary test releases. They are intended mainly for 1C partners and serve for testing purposes, preliminary acquaintance with new configuration options, bug fixes, and for testing the work of new releases on real data. Partners who have received a pre-test release of a configuration may install this release to users if they deem it appropriate, be sure to warn the user of the test nature of this release and ensure the safety of user data.


  • Quickly get the most up-to-date versions of what you're using software taking into account the latest changes in legislation:
    • the possibility of self-updating through the section technical support,
    • the possibility of remote updating performed by specialists of 1C partners.
  • Obtaining new mechanisms and tools in the product, improvements to existing mechanisms made directly by the developer (reducing the cost of improvements on their own).
  • Reducing the tax risks of the enterprise due to the timely updating of mechanisms, formulas, templates for accounting and reporting in accordance with latest changes legislation.

Terms of receipt

To get access to updates, the program must be on official support.

reference Information

  • Information on the registration of programs and current contracts 1C: ITS is available in the "Personal Account" of this portal.
  • Check the possibility of obtaining the update service by registration number programs are possible.
  • If you do not have the right to receive updates, contact a certified partner of Firm 1C in your region.
  • You can choose a package of services and calculate the preliminary cost of support for your company.

How to get update files?

For programs on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8":

  • Download independently on the Portal 1C: ITS
  • Set up automatic updating of the 1C program via the Internet
  • Get files on the DVD release of IS "1C:ITS"

For programs based on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform:

  • Download independently in the Personal Account of IS "1C: ITS"
  • Get files on the DVD-issue of IS "1C: ITS"



Receiving official updates is included in the information technology support (1C: ITS). Users of basic versions of 1C:Enterprise 8 programs can get access to download updates from this portal outside of information technology support. Users renting programs from 1C partners pay for the update service as part of other services under a lease agreement. The contract price is determined by the partner.

You can familiarize yourself with the cost of the ITS Industry service.

Reference Information:

  • The recommended cost of 1C:ITS (the total cost of maintenance is formed by a partner of 1C based on its price lists and tariff plans).

Before I tell you how to get access to ITS legally and for free, let's figure out what ITS is, why we need it and what bonuses it gives.

What is 1C ITS

1C:ITS- this is information technology support for 1C Enterprise programs. In other words, this is the support provided by 1C together with partners to users of 1C Enterprise software products.

This support is provided on a paid basis (you need to conclude an agreement with a 1C partner), but it is possible to get temporary access to the ITS for free!
At its core, ITS is an information system posted on the website and containing updates to the 1C platform and configurations, as well as a huge amount of methodological and reference information. When concluding an agreement for 1C ITS, in addition to access to the specified information system updates are also sent monthly information materials on DVD discs.

Access to 1C ITS allows you to receive:

  • updates of software products of the 1C company (updates of the 1C platform and configurations);
  • articles and teaching materials in the field of accounting, taxation, personnel records and so on;
  • materials on effective work in 1C programs with the maximum use of the functionality incorporated by the developers into the 1C:Enterprise system;
  • information about changes in legislation and their reflection in 1C programs;
  • personal consultations with specialists and developers of 1C and its partners.

From the foregoing, it follows that 1C ITS is the only legal way to receive updates to both the 1C platform itself and various configurations.

How much does an ITS cost?

For the convenience of users, 1C has developed several types of ITS contracts. The most popular among users is the service under the ITS agreement of the PROF level.

The cheapest annual subscription to 1C ITS (ITS TECHNO) costs 10,440 rubles, while for ITS PROF its price is 24,720 rubles. There is a monthly subscription only for ITS PROF and ITS Budget PROF and is 3,346 rubles.

How to get free access to 1C:ITS?

And now the most important thing! Anyone can get free access for 7 days to all 1C ITS materials (except for updates to 1C software products).
To do this, you just need to fill out the form at

After registration, an email containing your login and password for test access will be sent to the email address you specified.
We will talk about what ITS materials are the most useful and necessary next time ...

According to statistics, almost a million enterprises throughout Russia use the 1C: Accounting program in 2018. Company owners have only one question: where to buy 1C and how to choose a reliable supplier.

Why is it important to choose the right 1C supplier?

Many enterprises try to save on installing licensed 1C and use unverified companies without thinking about the consequences. We want to give several arguments that may affect the work of the entire enterprise.

  1. One day, the 1C program flies at the enterprise. And then the management realizes that not only can not restore the reporting, but also that the company has lost the customer base, which has been gathering for years. You must be sure that the program provider will promptly respond to your request and restore the information.
  2. By installing the 1C version from an incompetent supplier, the accountant and employees are left with the one-on-one program. If there is slightest problem, there will be no one to turn to. Maybe the “specialist” who offered it will not refuse to help, but he will definitely not understand the intricacies of working with the program. His job is to convince him to buy a “product” once, and not to engage in maintenance.

Ready to talk about installation licensed version 1C?

Installing the 1C platform from the ITS disk.

We start the ITS disk, press start:

The program offers to install the driver necessary for the operation of the ITS disk. Click yes, wait until the driver is installed:

The main program window appears. Select the section “Technological support”:

Here we select "Reporting forms, releases of programs and configurations" for 1C: Enterprise 8:

Select section 1C: Enterprise 8.2:

Select the menu item 1C: Enterprise 8. Version

Here we select "Start installing platform for Windows (32-bit)". Regardless of what bitness your operating system is, you choose this item. The fact is that the bitness plays a role only when installing the platform for the client-server version of the 1C enterprise, and not for the file one, and even if you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you select the item for Windows (32-bit version).

After a short wait, the installer welcome screen appears. Click "Next"

Here we can select the platform components and installation folder. The composition of the components does not need to be changed, it is recommended to install 1C in the default folder. Click "Next":

Now you need to select the installation language, if you have Windows in Russian, leave it unchanged, if not, select Russian, or leave the System settings value, in this case 1C will be installed in the language of your operating system. Click "Next":

Now everything is ready to start the installation. Click "Install":

We are waiting for the installation to complete:

Next, we are offered to install the protection driver. It is only needed if you are using hardware protection, i.e. USB key. If you have a software license without a USB HASP security key, uncheck the box. Also, if you are using a USB dongle and you are updating the platform rather than installing for the first time, then installation of the protection driver is not required, as it is already installed with an older release of the platform. Click "Next":

The installer has completed. Uncheck "Open Readme file" if you don't want to read Additional information and click "Finish":

Installing the 1C 8.3 platform from the site

If for some reason you do not have an ITS disk and you need to install or update the platform, you can download it from the site So, we connect to the Internet, launch any of your browsers and go to the site

The 1C Enterprise user support page appears. Here you need to enter your username and password to enter the site. If you have not received your login and password yet, then you need to get them by clicking "Self-registration of users by pincode". Enter and click "Login":

We get to the section "Summary information":

Scroll below, find the section "Technological platform 8.2" and click on it:

Here we see the latest released releases. We are interested in the most latest version platforms. It is at the very top of the list:

In this case, press "":

Here we select the item "Technological platform 1C: Enterprise for Windows":

Click "Download distribution":

After downloading, we have a zipped file with the platform distribution kit (*.rar):

Unpack it with any archiver you have:

After unpacking the archive, go to the folder and run setup.exe:

The installation window appears. The installation process is similar to the installation process from the ITS disk described above.


1. What is the software?

2. What types of software installations can you name?

3. What is meant by running an application as an administrator?