ICT competition. All-Russian competition "IKT in kindergarten". Technical support for Contest Participants and Personal Data Processing

Elena Popova
The use of ICT in the educational process (from experience in the use of remote forms of participation in competitions)

At present, it is no longer possible to imagine the development of modern society and production without informational-communication technologies.

Back in 2001 information letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation"About informatization of preschool education in Russia" indicates the need informatization preschool institutions.

However, the letter noted that in general informatization process in preschool institutions develops slowly. It is constrained by an insufficiently equipped material base, the lack of multimedia materials corresponding to state educational preschool standards education.

According to research by leading experts in the field of computerization education(E. I. Mashbitsa, A. I. Yakovleva, S. V. Gurieva, etc.) to a set of significant advantages use computer in training before traditional classes must be attributed following:

1. Informational technologies significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. Applying color, graphics, sound allows you to recreate a real object or phenomenon.

2. Usage The computer can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn.

3. ICTs involve children in educational educational process, contributing to the widest disclosure of their abilities, the activation of mental activity.

4. Training with application computer promotes the formation of reflection in children. Training programs provide an opportunity to visualize the result of their actions, the opportunity to correct a mistake if it is made.

Today, ICTs are beginning to occupy their niche in educational educational space preschool educational institution. This is allows:

Present information on the monitor screen in the game form, what

is of great interest to children, as it corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - the game.

brightly, figuratively, accessible to preschoolers form present new material that corresponds visually to figurative thinking of preschool children;

Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation;

Encourage children to solve problems using opportunities

curriculum, which is an incentive for the development of their cognitive activity;

Develop exploratory behavior in preschoolers;

To expand the creative possibilities of the teacher himself.

One way use of information-communication technology in the preschool educational institution is participation pupils and their parents in international and all-Russian remote competitions.

Participation in remote contests carried out in MKDOU kindergarten 8 centrally:

At the first stage, the educator informational technologies acts as a curator. The curator analyzes the content of the provisions remote competitions placed on the Internet.

Second phase - Job curator with kindergarten teachers. The curator discusses with teachers the possibilities participation in a competition acquaints with the conditions competitions described in the provision.

Third stage - Job teachers with the parents of pupils (as usually participation in such events - paid). By forming a group of participants, the educator organizes work with pupils and their parents on the implementation competitive tasks. Depending on direction competition, are performed work.

Completed work(drawings, crafts, creative projects, etc.) are photographed and uploaded by the curator to the website of the organizers competition.

Results and award materials by the organizer competition uploaded to the site in electronic form. Where does the curator download them from and bring them to information to the DOW team.

In the period from 2011 to 2013 in MKDOU kindergarten 8 GO Krasnoufimsk 135 pupils, together with teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, accepted Participation in 22 competitions of various kinds:

All-Russian remote contests arts and crafts - 27 prize places:"Faster, higher, stronger!", This street is familiar to me..., "Ears, paws and tails", "My family", "Sounding spring drops", "Open Space", "Bright Easter Day", "Merry alphabet", "Children are the flowers of life".

Remote intellectual competitions - prizes - 11:international competition- Russian language game "Hedgehog"; I All-Russian Tournament of preschoolers; All-Russianentertaining quiz: "Hooray, cartoon!", "Favorite Walt Disney Characters", "My favorite poems"; All-Russian Distance Summer Camp Snail.

All-Russian remote family competition"Daddy's Day"– 52 participant, 1– Laureate competition.

In just two years the winners competitions were 32% of participants. In the future it is planned to continue work in this direction and take participation in new festivals and competitions.

Skills acquired by students process and preparation for participation in competitions, will allow you to show initiative and independence in various activities, feel confident in your abilities, be open to the outside world, have a positive attitude towards yourself and others, actively interact with peers and adults. Also, conditions are created for the development of fantasy in the child, imagination, creative abilities.

We consider the work done work significant and relevant, since all of the above guidelines are reflected in the Federal State educational preschool standard education.

Participation in the competition FOR FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days from the moment you apply!

Payment of premium materials after summarizing competition!

Participation rules

1. Teachers and parents can take part in the competition. (teachers, educators, teachers of additional education, methodologists, class teachers, etc.)

2. One creative work is accepted from each participant. Group work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of the submitted author's creative works (in electronic form).

4. Subjects of competitive works are free.


Teachers of educational institutions of all types and types, educators and specialists of preschool education institutions of various types, teachers of primary, secondary and higher professional education institutions, teachers of additional education institutions can take part in the Competition.

Goals and objectives of the Competition

1. The purpose of the Competition: the development of the creative activity of teachers, the growth of the professional skills of the participants in the competition, the dissemination of work experience, support for the use of information and communication technologies in professional activities, increasing the desire to achieve high results in teaching, identifying the best and original personalities and approving the priorities of education in society.

2. Tasks: to contribute to the formation of the information culture of pedagogical workers, to improve their professional level and pedagogical skills; actualize the need for the introduction of computer information technologies; contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process through a combination of traditional and computer-based teaching methods.

Online application for participation in the competition (Participation is FREE).

Rules for applying and issuing awards

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE): /zayavka

2. Within 1-3 days your data will be entered into the results form. RESULTS

3. After you have found your results in the form, fill out an application for award materials (Paid service).


on holding the All-Russian competition "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Kindergarten"

1. Goals and objectives of the Competition

1.1. Identification and support of preschool educational institutions using information and communication technologies.

1.2. Identification and support of talented teachers who use information and communication technologies in working with children.

1.3. Propaganda and popularization of modern computer technologies.

1.4. Development and publication of program and methodological manuals using the received materials. Development of methodological tools for the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions.

1.5. Creation of an innovative information space on the pages of the journal “Modern Preschool Education. Theory and Practice” and on the SDO website for the exchange of pedagogical experience, uniting teachers and specialists in preschool education.

2. Nominations of the Competition

The competition is held in the following categories:

  • ICT in work with children (by educational areas);
  • ICT in work with parents;
  • ICT in the work of preschool educational institutions.

3. Conditions of the Competition

3.1. Doe and specialists of doe (organization, group of authors or individual applicant) have the right to participate in the Competition.

3.2. The age of participants is not limited.

3.3. Each participant can submit no more than one work to the Competition./p>

3.4. The form of participation in the Competition is correspondence.

3.5. Participation in the Contest is free.

3.6. Competitive materials are submitted in electronic form in Russian in the Microsoft Word editor of any version. Photos of the author (authors), illustrations, tables and graphs should be submitted as separate files in .jpg, .tif, .xls formats.

3.7. A video recording of the lesson is welcome (in video formats .avi, .mpg, .mov, etc.).

3.8. Works submitted in violation of these requirements may be rejected. Will not be considered: handwritten materials, materials on diskettes, works without a signature and under pseudonyms.

4. Organization and holding of the Competition

4.1. The Organizing Committee is the executive body and is responsible for the organization and conduct of the Competition, its record keeping and archive.

4.2. Organizing Committee:

  1. Sets the dates for the Competition.
  2. Determines the stages of the conduct and categories of participants in the Competition.
  3. Accepts applications for participation in the Contest.
  4. Maintains a database of the competition, draws up winners' diplomas, etc.
  5. Prepares and edits competition materials for a website on the Internet.
  6. Provides participants with organizational and methodological materials.
  7. Creates a commission for the examination of materials (Competition Commission).
  8. Conducts the awarding of the winners of the Competition.

4.3. The competition commission consists of representatives of: the Russian Academy of Education, the psychological and philosophical faculties of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, members of the editorial board of the journal, World Bank specialists.

4.4. Submitted works will not be reviewed and will not be returned.

4.5. The organizing committee has the right to use the materials of the competitive works in the publication of printed and electronic products.

5. Terms and stages of the Competition

5.1. Stages of the competition:

1st stage. Submission of applications and works is possible from the date of publication of the Regulations on the Competition until June 30, 2011 to the e-mail address [email protected]

2nd stage. Jury work: July - September 2011

3rd stage. Summing up and awarding the winners: October 2011

6. Rewarding

6.1. The awarding of the winners and laureates of the Competition will be held at the First Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education and Education of Young Children" in Moscow.

6.2. The winners and laureates of the Competition will be awarded certificates, valuable prizes and a free annual subscription to the journal Modern Preschool Education. Theory and practice".

6.3. Participants of the Competition who are subscribers of the journal “Modern Preschool Education. Theory and Practice”, will receive electronic certificates of the participants of the competition. To obtain a certificate, you must send an application in free form and a copy of the coupon (receipt) for a subscription to the journal “Modern Preschool Education. Theory and practice".

6.5. The decision is taken collectively by the competition commission and is not subject to revision.

Application form

1. Title of work______________________________________________________________


3. Educational institution (full official name) _______________________



4. Head of preschool educational institution _____________________________________________________________


5. Address of the institution (in full) __________________________________________________


6. Website of the DOE _________________________________________________________________



8. Brief abstract of the work ______________________________________________________




10. What program does your kindergarten work on ____________________________________


11. Are you a subscriber of the magazine (indicate subscription date and receipt number)?


12. How did you find out about the Contest? __________________________________________





on the website of the Internet portal "Children - flowers of life"
media registration certificate in Roskomnadzor: EL No. FS 77 - 64892

Terms of the competition: CONSTANTLY
Competition results: THE NEXT DAY
The summary page is updated periodically

The purpose of the competition: To show the public that the teacher is familiar with the use
computer - as a pedagogical technical means. Able to develop
and apply elementary didactic and pedagogical software tools.
Knows how to present pedagogical information with the help of means

Competitors:Pedagogical workers of educational institutions of all types and all kinds.

Evaluation criteria:
Social significance: relevance, usefulness, compliance with the development trends of preschool education;
- compliance with the theme of the competition;
-good image quality.

Competition nominations:
1. "Electronic portfolio"
2. "Author's didactic game" - presentation in Power Point
3. "Talking dictionaries" - presentation in Power Point
4. "Multimedia photo albums" - slideshow
5. "Multimedia presentation"
6. "Video clip"
7. "Development of a didactic game" - educational games, simulators (for teaching reading, mathematics, familiarization with others, etc.) - presentation in Power Point
8. "Master class" - presentation in the Power Point program
9. "Thematic seminars" - presentation in the Power Point program
10. "Teacher's site" - send a link to your site
11. "Electronic page for parents"
12. "ICT in working with children" - a report from work experience; summary of GCD, etc. - Presentation in Power Point
13. "Lapbook" - presentation in the Power Point program
14. "Nomination of your choice" - presentation in the Power Point program

Conditions of the competition:
1. An unlimited number of works are accepted for the competition from one participant. You can take part in several categories. Each competitive work is paid separately;
2. One teacher is written in the application. For each co-author, 50 rubles are paid extra. You can pay with one check. The co-author receives a separate Diploma in his last name.
3. Each work must have a title and contain an accompanying inscription indicating the last name, first name, patronymic.
4. The work must be the author's (in case of sending someone else's work under his own name to the competition, the participant himself is responsible for copyright infringement).
5. About the presentation - the presentation is presented by no more than 2 teachers;
6. About the video - upload the video to: youtube.ru, ok.ru, vk.com and send the link.
7. There are no restrictions on the places of winners.

How to participate:
1. Choose a nomination and complete the work according to the topic of the nomination;
2. Pay the registration fee of 50 rubles.
3. Fill out an application for participation in the competition. APPLICATION
Fill out the application form on a computer and send in WORD format. One teacher is written in the application. For each co-author, 50 rubles are paid extra. You can pay with one check. The co-author receives a separate Diploma in his last name.

How to submit a job:
1. Attach the application to the letter in Word format. Fill out very carefully.
In case of an error made when filling out the application, corrections in diplomas will be made for an additional fee (50 rubles). We correct our mistakes for free, just tell us correctly what needs to be corrected and why.
Copy your email address in the application, because. The certificate will be sent to this address.
2. Competitive work (scan or jpg) - name the files with the name of the participant.
3. Receipt (scan or jpg). The main thing is that all numbers and all information are clear and easy to read. If you paid on the page of our website, then indicate the exact time, date, amount and last name on your bank card. Read more about the procedure and methods of payment on the "Payment" page.
Attach separate files to one letter: application for one participant in Word format, check, and competitive work in Jpeg format.
In the "Subject" of the letter indicate
Send an email to mail
[email protected]
Applications and competitive works that do not meet the requirements of this provision will not be accepted and will not be considered.
If after 2 days you do not receive a Diploma, send the letter again and write in the SUBJECT of the letter:

On this page, the registration fee must be paid on the day the application is sent.

Note: Pay attention to the correctness of the data you specified when paying through our "Pay" button, namely: last name, first name and MANDATORY email address. The specified mail address must match the mail address from which you plan to send the material. Confirm payment with a photo of the receipt. If you paid through a mobile phone, then inform the telecom operator. Payment of the registration fee is to be made on the day of sending the application.