What does it mean to observe subordination. Subordination - what is it? Is subordination important at work? What is considered a violation and an error


pl. no, well. (from Latin sub-under and ordinatio-putting in order) (book). System of strict subordination of juniors to senior.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, well. (book). System of strict subordination of juniors to senior. Observe, break the chain of command.

adj. subordinate, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


f. The system of strict subordination of minors to senior in rank or position, based on the rules of service discipline.


Subordination(from lat. Subordinatio- subordination) - the position of the individual in the system of relations "subordinate-boss".

Subordination provides for a respectful relationship between the boss and the subordinate, a special procedure for giving orders, orders by the chief, as well as the procedure for reporting the results of their implementation to the subordinates. In addition, the rules of subordination regulate a special procedure for appealing against the actions of a superior to a superior superior. In the army, police, and other paramilitary institutions, the rules of subordination establish the order of observance of certain traditions (for example, the tradition of a military greeting - the implementation of a military greeting).

Examples of the use of the word subordination in literature.

This apparent pedagogical exaggeration upset the respectful subordination Petrovich, and, not looking at Masha huddled on the sofa, he sadly shook his head and began to peel for her a huge Antonov apple, which he took out of a newspaper bag prepared for him by his wife.

There could be no question of the Senator arriving there officially, other times, a different level subordination, and if he got there in the service, it would mean accompanied by people from the Namangan regional party committee, which excluded any risk.

Slane, if I raise my hand on you tomorrow, it will be a violation subordination, but I swear to the heavenly sweetheart of mother Pampusha, or you will swear to me that this minute you will propose to Jhansi McKenna, or I will skin you with this bronze buckle tonight.

I am convinced that over long distances, dogs are preferable to any other draft animal, if only the proper subordination.

In an era of sharp Trinitarian controversy, he took a very critical position in relation to the Neoplatonic triad, in which he denied any subordination and recognized all three hypostases as entirely equal and coordinated.

The spirit of party veneration and subordination still permeated Ogarev's atmosphere.

Wirman performed his duties impeccably subordination: he cheerfully saluted and even tried to give a report with observance of all the nuances, while he wanted to show the general that he had arrived here only by order, in order to finish an uninteresting business.

But there everything was subordinated to the requirements of individuation, whereas in the romanticism that followed Kant, these elements are liberated and asserted themselves, overthrowing subordination.

In the relations of all three, if we speak in the language of the military, there was approximately the following subordination: General Kuklovodov, Sergeant Gorokhov and Private Vovchik.

Peter understood that, despite the higher position he held in the hotel rankings, the kitchen has its own subordination and the maitre d 'acted according to her, referring first to the senior chef on duty.

And the wound inflicted on Madonna was so painful and bleeding in me, and the bright rings of the inlaid handle of the knife lying on the soiled carpet cut my eyes so subordination it was out of the question.

And he was especially outraged by the friendly, businesslike cooperation and democracy in relations between the members of the expedition, deprived of any semblance of flattering servility, honor and subordination, to which this typical Nikolaev campaigner is accustomed, according to Nevelskoy.

Channing himself would not be a literalist and formalist, but in public Sergeev tried to adhere to subordination, although many knew about their long-standing friendship.

Fahad didn’t want to hear about me lying down to rest near his tent, with the thoughtless indifference of a desert man to subordination dragged me inside and laid me in the most unfortunate place, to be eaten by bedbugs.

But, like the already emerging institutions of an equal family and network public organizations, these social structures will not be based on subordination, and at the merge.

Let's talk about what subordination is, why is it needed in business communication, what rules are regulated and what happens if it is not followed. The topic will be discussed below in full detail. At the same time, it should be understood that the role of communication in business and at work is simply enormous. You can be an excellent professional in your field, but due to the inability to communicate, give way to a person who is less capable, but more sociable. One of the most important rules of communication between business people is subordination. Communication rules relate to three planes: between the boss and the subordinate, between the subordinate and the boss, or between employees.


First, let's try to answer the question of what subordination is. From the Latin language, this word is literally translated as "submission". Subordination means a person's place in the system of relationships. Adhering to subordination means following the rules of communication that are established between people at different levels of the hierarchical ladder.

Chief and subordinate

The attitude of a subordinate to his boss depends on many factors, but the main ones are the credibility and maintenance of the work process. In order for employees to be able to maintain subordination, the manager must correctly state the rules of official discipline, pay attention to the ethics of communication and establish the framework of what is permitted. This is very important, because when there are no established rules, the team feels insecure and shows little initiative. Employees do not understand how to treat the words of the boss: as a request or an order. To avoid incidents, each employee must know the norms of communication in a given company.

Basic tips for a manager:

  • If the employee is not doing their job, remind you that you expect them to get results. Otherwise, he may think that you forgot about the assignment and did not complete it. In addition, such remarks remind the employee what could happen if you do not follow the instructions of the boss.
  • If you criticize an employee, the criticism should be about work issues only. It is unacceptable to use humiliation or insults;
  • You cannot give your subordinates any personal advice, because you will be responsible for the result.
  • Even in the most critical situations, a leader must demonstrate confidence. Employees should not see the boss's words and actions as insecure, fearful, or panic-stricken. This threatens the loss of credibility.
  • It's important to value your best employees. Their remuneration should correspond to the forces that they spent on its implementation.
  • Don't forget about praise. Praising others in front of other employees can motivate the employee.

We already know what subordination is, but the main advice in business relations between a boss and a subordinate is that assignments should be given based on the specific situation and character of the employee. You need to understand that some need constant monitoring, because without it they cannot work.

When communicating, it is very important to establish what the form of instructions will be - an order, a request, a recommendation. Most often, leaders use a request, which expresses their benevolent attitude. However, when dealing with unscrupulous employees, an order should be used. It differs from a request by its severity in voice and a special emotional presentation. Non-observance of subordination at work should be noted by the management. This fact cannot be ignored. It is necessary to tell the employee about the rules of communication. The reprimand for non-compliance with the chain of command should be in a strict form for the employee to learn the lesson.

Relations with the team

The leader must understand that non-compliance with the chain of command can be caused by his behavior. Familiar relations are unacceptable.

The boss must communicate with employees using recommendations. Advice should be given to help the employee find a solution to the problem. The relationship with the team should be based on mutually beneficial principles. Financial incentives, like moral incentives, play an important role in this matter.

Subordinate and boss

Worker not adhering to standards business communication, can obtain dismissal for non-compliance with the chain of command. A person who plans to stay late at work and move up the career ladder is simply obliged to adhere to subordination, because his future largely depends on his boss. At the same time, you should not rush to extremes and show coldness in a relationship, but you also should not curry favor with your superiors.

In order to build a good relationship with a leader, there are some rules to keep in mind:

  • the manager will like it if the employee brings the team together;
  • it is necessary to express your ideas about work in a tactful and polite manner, as impudent remarks towards the leader can turn into trouble;
  • you should not speak with the boss in a categorical tone or answer in monosyllables, most often employees who talk little and are constantly dissatisfied with everything fall under redundancies;
  • don't try to get promoted by jumping over the head of your immediate boss.

The last piece of advice is that even with the best relationships, you should not show disrespect: enter the boss's office without knocking, interrupt it once he is talking to someone.

Business communication of leaders

Relationships in the field of business relations can be built horizontally, that is, between two bosses. Failure to comply with the chain of command in this case can also lead to a number of negative consequences... To avoid them, remember the following rules:

  • You should talk to your partner clearly and to the point, without wasting time on showing interest. Many business people are annoyed by empty dialogues because they value their time.
  • In order to attract the attention of a colleague, offer him facts and figures.
  • If the other person is showing aggression, show calmness to calm them down. Never react with anger.
  • Offer premeditated solutions to show your initiative and competence in your business.

Telephone communication

Telephone communication is an integral part of business communication. Some successful people ruin their business by not knowing how to properly communicate on the phone with a business partner.

For starters, it is worth noting that when communicating with a business person, you should not answer phone calls. This is only permissible in very rare and important cases. When calling someone on business, you should first clarify whether it is convenient for the person to speak at the moment. In no case use abusive words, as this can alienate the business partner.


It is just as important for an employee to find a common language with his colleagues as it is with his boss. Communication must be done correctly from the very beginning so that common problems do not arise. Some, using a good attitude towards themselves, transfer to others professional duties... Others put their teammates in a negative light in front of the boss. To avoid this, you should follow some rules:

  • when the boss gives the task, the work should be equally divided among all team members so that there are no idlers in it;
  • it is necessary to avoid conflicts of interest and out-pulling clients: a couple of clients will not help to get a promotion, but will spoil the atmosphere in the team, because of which you will have to work in a tense atmosphere;
  • if you cannot help, do not promise it;
  • it is not worth starting intimate conversations at work, as this can lead to a deterioration in relations with the boss and colleague in the future.

The last tip concerns the fact that you should not self-actualize at the expense of your colleagues.

Non-observance of subordination

Can an employee be legally punished? For non-observance of subordination at work, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for three types of consequences: reprimand, reprimand and dismissal as a last resort. The note is used for a single violation of the rules. A reprimand for non-compliance with the chain of command, a sample of which is in the article, can be oral or entered into a personal file. It all depends on the degree of the violation. Usually the reason for reprimand is sporadic or persistent disciplinary offenses. Dismissal in case of non-observance of subordination is used in the event of a violation that falls under the article of the Administrative Code or the Criminal Code (beating).

In this case, the kind of communication we are talking about plays an important role. An employee, for example, only risks losing his job, while a manager can lose his reputation and respect in the business community. All successful companies build internal relationships based on the principles of subordination.

Subordination or subordination plays an important role in the relationship of people in any team: military, in various organizations and between family members. Subordination is based on respect for elders, higher-ranking colleagues, in the family - this is the recognition of the husband as the head.

Subordination - what is it?

Subordination is, translated from Latin, subordination. Subordination as a phenomenon was characteristic at the beginning of the military system, where strict adherence to discipline and submission to the commander was a matter of life and death. Today, subordination is also a set of rules, laws, corporate ethics in small and large organizations. Violation of subordination entails a collapse and, as a consequence, a violation of discipline in general.

Subordination rules

Strict adherence to the rules and regulations of relations helps to maintain subordination in organizations:

  1. The task is assigned by the head of the department in which the subordinate works.
  2. For mistakes in execution, both the employee and the immediate superior are punished.
  3. Responsibility for the task entrusted lies entirely with the person who carries out it.
  4. The possibility of contacting the top management is agreed with the head of the department.
  5. The superior manager, when interacting with the middle manager and his subordinates, discusses only the results of the work of the team as a whole, without criticizing the head of the department.
  6. A single form of appeal among employees of different status (for example, by name and patronymic).

Subordination at work

Observance of chain of command in the team promotes discipline and business relationships based on respect. What is subordination at work? Sociology identifies 2 types of subordination, with each characteristic of subordination:

  1. Vertical subordination. The manager is a subordinate. Hierarchy from top to bottom. Execution of orders from higher management.
  2. Horizontal subordination. Relationships between colleagues of the same rank. Here is partnership and equality. Assumes goodwill and even distribution of work among employees.

How to force a subordinate to comply with the chain of command?

Respect for people, their work and the contribution that employees make to the functioning of the organization evokes a reciprocal respect for managers, and then observance of subordination at work is a natural process. Any activity of the organization is regulated, the relationship between the boss and the subordinates is also based on the rules and specific traditions of the company. In order for the employee to comply with the chain of command, there are the following recommendations:

  1. When hiring, a new employee is introduced to the rules of corporate ethics and culture.
  2. A leader for whom authority is important among subordinates strives for flexible relationships, without authoritarianism and humiliation.
  3. Following the chain of command by the leaders themselves. All orders are issued in the following order: superior - direct head of the department - employee. Violation of subordination often occurs through the fault of the managers themselves, when the scheme is violated: the superior manager gives the order to the employee, bypassing the immediate manager, whose authority before subordinates after several such situations falls.

How to punish staff for not subordination?

What does non-observance of subordination in the work collective entail? Chaos, discord and confusion between the workers themselves, and undermining the authority of superiors. The reason for non-observance of subordination lies more often in poor upbringing and. People prone to intrigue and conflict put themselves above others. What if discipline has already been broken? Penalties for non-observance of subordination at the initial stages:

  1. A remark, and then a reprimand.
  2. Monetary collection. The system of monetary penalties.
  3. Dismissal. An extremely rare form of punishment (in some organizations, violation of command is equated with false information).

Subordination in the army

Military subordination is based on the centuries-old tradition of subordinating soldiers to their commander. Degrees, ranks are all reflected in military ammunition, the knowledge of which allows military of different ranks to greet each other in a certain way and salute or pay respect. Subordination in the army is a necessary and important element, without which chaos and lawlessness would reign. Subordination includes:

  • unquestioning submission of the junior in rank to the senior;
  • when performing a task or order, this is immediately reported to the management;
  • in case of failure to comply with the order - criminal liability;
  • adherence to the army regulations and established traditions;
  • clear execution of commands and greetings.

Family subordination

The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of "senior - junior". Traditionally, the husband is the head of the family. Since the time of patriarchy, the leadership of men has been strengthened, echoes of this can be seen in many families, where the principles of house building have been preserved and great importance is attached to Christian morality. Family subordination is based on the following principles:

  1. A clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping lies entirely with the woman, the man provides money and makes decisions regarding the upbringing of children.
  2. The wife recognizes the authority of the husband. This does not mean, as they used to say: "Let the wife of her husband be afraid!"

In a modern family, roles are often confused, a woman earns more than a man, works for two, so the concept of subordination is blurred. A man in such a family no longer feels like an authority; this is facilitated by the wife, who constantly emphasizes her superiority. In families where respect prevails, subordination is respected regardless of who earns how much.

Subordination at work is a kind of “rules of the game” that are mandatory for all employees. Their conscientious fulfillment ensures a clear and understandable delineation of responsibilities, which means well-coordinated work of the team, high efficiency and labor productivity for the benefit of the company. At the same time, non-observance of subordination can easily lead to conflicts, disrupt the working atmosphere, significantly reduce productivity and nullify all the efforts of the team.

Subordination what is it

Service relationships are built according to some kind of written or unwritten code, which includes the interaction between:

  • leaders and subordinates
  • by the subordinates themselves
  • by the leaders themselves

An important part of such a code is the rules of chain of command and business etiquette.

The proverb that the fish rots from the head reflects the importance of authority in the best possible way. Here it is appropriate to recall army discipline, where orders are given clearly, understandably and are not discussed. In addition to the high position that a leader occupies, he also bears high responsibility for his decisions and their consequences. A strict hierarchy in the team is necessary to maintain labor discipline.

The principle of subordination corresponds to the principle of a hierarchical ladder:

  • Younger employees must recognize the authority of their superiors, follow their instructions unquestioningly, take initiative within their competence, and report on results in a timely manner.
  • Superiors must respect their subordinates, adhere to ethical behavior and find the correct wording for extradition or criticism.

For subordination, you can pick up a very approximate definition, since this concept is more ethical than legal.

is a set of rules governing service relations at all levels and aimed at the conflict-free solution of common problems.

What is the regulation of subordination

Each work team must have appropriate documentation describing the procedure for maintaining the chain of command.

These documents include:

  1. company charter
  2. inner order rules
  3. job descriptions of employees
  4. labor agreements
  5. contract between employer and employee
  6. collective agreement

In many cases, the duties and rights of employees are asserted in the form verbal agreement... This applies to small firms, where the documentation is kept in a simplified form. But it is much easier to adhere to subordination in a small team - there is usually only one leader and his subordinates in it.

Compliance with official etiquette, tactfulness of behavior contribute to positive attitude and well-coordinated work of the team. Refusal of subordination at work can be regarded as a disciplinary violation and lead to severe punishment.

Varieties of subordination

There are two models of service relationships: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical service relationships

The vertical line of behavior concerns the relationship between the boss and the subordinate, not only from top to bottom, but also vice versa.

A person who occupies will reach great heights if he possesses basic knowledge of psychology and sociology in the business sphere. So an arrogant authoritarian style of management leads to limited subordinates, blind obedience, unwillingness to take initiative.

Partnerships with subordinates, devoid of familiarity, are more productive. Business meetings, joint decision-making, encouragement of initiative lead to coherence of work and creative output from each employee.

On the part of subordinates, the correct relationship with the leaders creates psychological comfort for all employees. A clear, understandable hierarchy excludes any envy of colleagues, clarification of relations, discussion of the boss behind his back and the struggle for the favorable attitude of the leader.

Horizontal relationship

A horizontal line of conduct in the workplace is built with colleagues at work. Usually these are people who occupy an equal position in the service hierarchy.

Between lower-level employees, equality, mutual assistance, mutual respect and at least partial interchangeability are encouraged. With other employees, you need to behave evenly, with dignity, clearly realizing the scope of personal responsibility and keeping your distance in everything related to working moments.

The line of horizontal relations between leaders of the same rank is a little more complicated. Here it is necessary to take into account the personal ambitions of colleagues, as well as their management style. To give orders to other people's subordinates means the likelihood with their immediate superior. On the other hand, if a colleague is a democratic person, then he can even thank you for your help and participation. All the subtleties of such a plan are decided between the leaders orally.

Observe chain of command: common mistakes

To maintain a productive work environment, the common mistakes that lead to non-compliance should not be allowed:

  • When giving an order to a subordinate, the boss must control the implementation himself. You cannot entrust control to another subordinate.
  • The subordinate must report for the completed task to the boss from whom it was received.
  • The manager should not give instructions to employees without the knowledge of their immediate supervisor. This will discredit the latter in front of his subordinates.
  • You can not punish a subordinate bypassing his immediate supervisor.
  • Avoid reprimanding or punishing an employee in front of colleagues.
  • If a subordinate makes mistakes, you should talk to him in the correct form, without showing aggression.
  • The priority of tasks should be clearly communicated to subordinates. They need to understand which work is more urgent and which can be postponed and for how long.
  • It is ugly to criticize colleagues behind their backs, especially in the presence of subordinates. Likewise, subordinates should not publicly discuss the leader, undermining his authority.
  • Compliance with business etiquette is always beneficial to the overall goals. Erasing the lines between the boss and subordinates, turning to "you", leads to a decrease in his authority, the laxity of employees, irresponsibility.

You can learn more about how to give orders to subordinates correctly.

Consequences of non-observance of subordination

If at least one employee does not respect the chain of command, he brings disorder and confusion to the team, breaks down the clear delineation of responsibilities, undermines labor discipline, discredits his boss in the eyes of his subordinates and senior management. The same goes for leaders who allow themselves or bully them in other ways.

At work, work should come first, not a showdown. Violation of chain of command can lead to punishment of negligent employees. The legislation provides for punitive measures to call offenders to order: oral remarks and reprimands. These types of punishments may be accompanied by a forfeiture of a bonus or a fine. And the most malicious violators, who have allowed themselves an administrative or even criminal violation in the form of rude actions, will be dismissed.

Compliance with the rules of subordination is mandatory at any enterprise. This is an effective way to create a healthy atmosphere and well-coordinated team action.

Eleanor Brick

Creating a work environment that is conducive to work is the main goal of a prudent leader who wants to increase the productivity of employees in the enterprise. and the method of illusory bonuses become inappropriate decisions of the boss, because subordinates can harbor resentment against him, having learned the true intentions of the boss. In this situation, the employee is disturbed, in whose consciousness negative thoughts appear and flourish. Such factors negatively affect the company's profitability, therefore it is important to hold an internal meeting on time, defining the rules of conduct for all team members.

Subordination at work

First, let's find out what subordination is at work? By definition, this means a business relationship between a boss and a subordinate, which is built on the principle of a hierarchical ladder. Observance of subordination - required condition for relations "subordinate - chief" or "senior - junior". Such a system helps maintain a working atmosphere in a production or office environment. Moreover, observance of subordination prevents the emergence and development of conflicts in the enterprise.

Compliance with subordination is a prerequisite for the relationship "subordinate - boss"

How is chain of command established?

Any enterprise must have documentation that is designed to determine the labor hierarchy, so we are talking about the following documents:

  • labor agreements, concluded between employers and employees at the time of hiring the latter for work;
  • job descriptions designed to regulate the behavior of an employee in a team in accordance with his position;
  • treaty, which is a team;
  • rules related to the definition of internal labor regulations.

It should be noted that the observance of the official chain of command at work is mandatory for all employees of any enterprise.

Distinguish two types of subordination: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical subordination

Vertical subordination is a model of the relationship between the boss and the subordinate, that is, according to the principle "top down"... The point is that, for example, the head of a department should not allow familiar relations with his employees. Employees should not allow themselves to make fun of people in higher positions, that is, with a vertical chain of command, a clear hierarchy is observed.

If we talk about the pros vertical subordination, then we are talking about:

  • about the lack of need, spends extra time on clarifying relations with the authorities;
  • about establishing a healthy working environment in the team, since all employees are satisfied with their position, without suffering from infringement of their rights, without comparing themselves with those who in another team could receive a more favorable attitude from their superiors, etc.

but vertical subordination also has some disadvantages:

  • the existence of real risks associated with the fact that the method of government in the company will very soon become totalitarian;
  • cessation of the manifestation of their potential by employees, since the authoritarianism of their bosses will simply frighten them.

In a word, in the discussed type of subordination, bosses often "go too far", and as a result, everyone loses: bosses, employees and the company as a whole, and therefore it is necessary to subordinate, as they say, wisely.

Vertical subordination is a model of the relationship between the boss and the subordinate

Horizontal subordination

They talk about horizontal subordination when they mean communication between people holding equal positions... These can be heads of different departments or employees of one structural unit enterprise or company.

With horizontal subordination, other rules of communication come to the fore, in which mutual respect, equality, and mutually beneficial partnership are welcomed. The advantages of such a model of relations in any team are obvious, since with the proper attitude to work, joint cooperation will be fruitful and long-term.

Only when employees have respect for each other's ideas are real prerequisites for the possibility of long-term joint work, the result of which can be the creation of something truly worthwhile.

However, horizontal subordination has its own minuses related to the need:

  • keeping distance even with employees holding positions of the same level;
  • the risk of employees using each other for selfish purposes, which often happens when their relationship becomes friendly.

Horizontal subordination involves communication between people holding equal positions

How to maintain chain of command at work?

Is it possible to punish an employee for violating the rules of chain of command at work? Perhaps, therefore, all members of the work collective must follow a set of rules that will help maintain subordination at work.

  1. Contribute in every way creating psychological comfort in contacts between management and employees that do not imply familiarity.
  2. Any orders must be given a link that is one rank lower... Stepping over the hierarchical levels, avoiding communication with the liaison department, is unacceptable.
  3. Establishing emotional neutrality, implying equal management of all employees. The management should not have favorites and foes - all subordinates should be in the same working conditions.
  4. The availability of communication between subordinates and the boss should be limited to certain time frames. or on a specific day of the week. This will help to minimize the number of meaningless conversations aimed at attracting the attention of superiors to their own person.

Features of subordination in the workplace

Subordination at work implies the presence of a certain sign language with which employees and company management should be familiar

Business communication becomes more detailed, and the hierarchical position of a person can be easily determined by a number of behavioral signs.

  1. An employee of the enterprise should be the first to say the welcoming words, and the boss gives his hand at the meeting, independently determining the appropriateness of such a gesture.
  2. You can sit in the manager's office without a special invitation when you are alone in a confined space. When other employees are in the boss's office, you can sit down on a chair after being invited by a boss or a higher-ranking boss.
  3. It is necessary to get up from the table when a manager passes by you in three common cases: at the beginning of the working day; to greet guests who are next to him; when meeting a delegation or other high-ranking guests.
  4. A knock on the "boss" door reflects the employee's suspicion or lack of confidence in himself. Nowadays, to visit the office of the manager, it is enough to agree on the opening hours with his secretary, and there is absolutely no need to knock on the door of the office.

Subordination at work requires a certain sign language

What to do if the subordinate does not respect the chain of command in the team?

Subordination must be respected, otherwise there will be no order at work. However, what if the subordinate does not respect the chain of command in the team? In general, such behavior of a subordinate employee indicates that the boss failed to build the right relationship in the team... Sometimes the disrespectful attitude of employees towards their boss is due to his incompetence.

In addition, it should be noted that the subordinate must respect the boss, however, the boss should not neglect the rules of good manners, since the "commanding position" does not give him the right to raise his voice to subordinates, let alone insult them. By and large, the boss simply has to be an example for subordinates to follow, including in the issue of observance of subordination and respect for employees.

What to do in case of a conflict with a colleague? Who should yield to whom? Who should listen to whom? It all depends on your human qualities. When people understand that they go to the office to work, and not to sort things out, then the work is glued much better. By the way, non-observance of subordination at work under Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Complex of penalties for violation of subordination at the workplace" involves the following types of punishments:

  • oral remark;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal.

The main components of subordination in working conditions are tact and respect, they must be adhered to by all employees of the enterprise, including the manager

On the principle of subordination in the family

Now let's talk about what the principle of subordination in the family is. The concept of subordination in family relationships is based on the criteria of "senior - junior". In traditional families, the husband is the head of the family. Strengthening the leadership of men took place back in the era of patriarchy, echoes of this can be seen in many families in which the principles of house building are respected and great importance is attached to Christian morality.

Subordination in the family is built on two main principles, this is how it goes:

  • on a clear division of responsibilities between spouses: housekeeping is entirely on the woman, and the man provides the family with money and makes decisions regarding the upbringing of children;
  • on the recognition by the wife and children of the authority of the husband in the sense that he is a protector and earner, and therefore worthy of respect and veneration.

However, it should be noted that in modern families the roles are often confused: a woman earns more than a man, works for two, etc. In this regard, the concept of family subordination is kind of blurred. Men in such families no longer feel like authority, which is largely facilitated by women who permanently emphasize their superiority. In families where respect prevails, subordination is respected regardless of who earns how much.

In traditional families, the husband is the head of the family.

Subordination at school

In general, subordination is adherence to the principle "the younger must respect the elders, and the subordinates must respect the bosses." In this regard, it is not at all surprising that the concept of subordination at school is very relevant, especially taking into account the fact that in our time the word “subordination” means not just direct subordination, but also behavior that demonstrates respect for senior officials. status or position. Compliance with subordination is a mandatory part of the relationship in the "senior - junior" format.

The teacher must build trust with all students, but at the same time keep an appropriate distance with them.

It is unacceptable for the teacher to become pets, just as there should not be rogue students. Generally observance of chain of command at school is extremely important, since the emergence of respect between teachers and students depends on this, the maintenance of discipline in the classroom, which directly affects the quality of teaching and the assimilation of knowledge by children.

In addition, the subordination in the school must be observed between teachers, so, for example, it is completely unacceptable for one teacher to address another using a diminutive name - something like "Verunchik or Valyushka". Teachers should not demonstrate romantic relationships in the presence of children, even if there are any, etc. Subordination at school is, first of all, respectful attitude of teachers and students to each other.

March 3, 2014, 15:05